• Published 15th Oct 2015
  • 13,679 Views, 1,462 Comments

Back To The Past - Onomonopia

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Birds sang merrily as they tweeted by overhead; little bunnies hopped along the roads with flowers, carrots and other items held in their teeth; and ponies conversed with each other all the while smiling. Yet even as peaceful as the day was, the ponies of Ponyville could not help but turn to look at the strange pony who walked through their streets next to Applejack...or rather, stare at his blade.

Jack's eyes narrowed with just a hint as he heard the conversations slowly turn into whispers, all of which he knew were about him. He resisted the urge to grab hold of his blade and instead chose to let his anxiety go with a simple exhale, before facing forward and shutting out the whispers.

"Don't worry none, ponies here love to gossip about whatever new thing ends up in our town," Applejack enlightened Jack as she waved to the townsponies, all of whom waved back to her. "Ya should have seen it when we were all getting to know Zecora for the first time. Ah think nearly all of us were scared stiff just because of a few rumors."

"I have found it is best to not judge one based on your eyes or ears, but instead what you learn about them," Jack wisely answered as he glanced around and took in the strange buildings. His eyes were immediately drawn to the massive, crystal like castle that towered over the rest of the small buildings, but some of the other ones caught his eye as well.

One looked like it was made entirely of sweets, and the scent of treats that wafted through the air further supported his theory. Another--but much fancier--building entered his gaze as they walked near it, causing him to tilt his head when the pair got close enough to hear crying echoing from within.

"What is the matter? Is the pony there in danger?" Jack asked with concern while his hoof went to his blade, but AJ placed a hoof to Jack's chest with a roll of her eyes.

"Trust me, the only thing that pony is in danger of, is missing her couch when she has one of her "episodes". Gosh darn it Rarity, ah'm back in town for barely five minutes and already yer bawling yer eyes out!" Applejack hollered at the building. The moment she called out, the crying stopped and the door was practically ripped from its hinges as a white mare with mascara running down her face emerged, tears still in her eyes while she raced to her friend.

"Oh, Applejack!" the pony that Jack assumed was Rarity sobbed as she tried to hug the mare, but AJ sidestepped her and the mare grabbed at thin air. "It's just terrible!"

"What's the matter this time? Lose an eyelash?" AJ asked with a bored expression on her face, but if the mare caught onto the sarcasm, she didn't show it.

"It's just terrible! One of my clients, quite possibly one of the riches stallions I've ever met, came by during his visit to Ponyville to sample my clothing line. But when he looked at them, he called them...he called them...decent!" Tears practically filled Rarity's eyes before she let out another wail and threw herself at AJ, who sighed while Rarity began to sob into her shoulder while Jack looked on in confusion.

"Um, is she always like this?" Jack asked.

"Eeyup. Jack, this is Rarity. Rarity, this is-" Rarity spun on a dime and stuck her face practically into Jack, while her eyes that had been filled with tears a moment ago now hungrily looked at his features. Jack was frozen by the mare's eyes as she began to examine the rest of his body, raising an eyebrow at his garb before both eyebrows raised at the muscle beneath his kimono.

"Very muscular, air of royalty about him...cute face," Rarity murmured to herself before she batted her eyelashes at Jack while bowing slightly. "How very nice to meet you, Mr. Jack. I am Rarity, the fashionista of this town."

"Er, it is nice to meet you?" Jack slowly replied as he bowed as well, but when both raised their heads, once again Jack found that Rarity was looking deep into his eyes.

"My, what a very chiseled jaw you have," Rarity murmured as she started to get closer, but before she could say anymore an orange hoof wrapped itself around her face and pushed her back.

"Forgive mah friend here, she can be invasive at times," AJ apologized for Rarity, who slipped past the mare and quickly began to examine Jack's kimono.

"What a most interesting attire, darling. I dare say that it's woven in a way that I have never seen before," Rarity guessed with an expert's opinion. "May I ask who your tailor is and where they are located?"

"My mother taught me how to make my kimono, but I am the one who made this one." Rarity smiled over at AJ with impressed eyes while Applejack tried to motion for Rarity to give Jack some space.

"I must say for a pony that does not use any tools, this is remarkably well done," Rarity nodded before glancing at Jack's forelegs, amazed once again by the lean muscles she could see in the sleeves. "But I can see that sewing is not your only talent. You must do some serious labor to get muscles as lean and fit as those..."

"Well yes, I have journeyed for a long time, so I suppose that it...is only..." Jack drifted off as Rarity moved closer to him, batting her eyelashes once again as she giggled slightly at the confused look on his face. "Er, is there something that is the matter?"

"Oh, nothing is the matter, darling. I was just wondering if you would like to get some tea with me," Rarity asked with a flirtatious grin while whipping her mane back, posing slightly with a smile. "I would simply love to hear all about your adventures and how-GAH!" Rarity yelped as Applejack began to push Rarity away with a broom, a less than amused expression on the orange pony's face as she pushed her friend back.

"Leave him alone, Rarity, he's here to see Twilight, not you," Applejack informed Rarity, who turned her head away from AJ before waving at Jack again.

"Well don't be a stranger, Jack. I would love to get to know you--okay, I'm going!" Rarity finished as Applejack started to chase her with the broom again.

"Ah'm sorry that was yer first experience in Ponyville," Applejack apologized while she returned the broom to the shopkeep from whom she had borrowed it, shaking her head as both she and Jack caught Rarity blowing a kiss towards Jack from her front porch. "Rarity has a good heart, but once she sets her mind on something...ugh."

"Are...all of your friends as...interesting as her?" Jack asked with some trepidation in his voice.

"Relax Jack, yer here to see Princess Twilight. Ah'll introduce ya to my other friends if we meet them along the way, but mah number one concern is getting ya to her and seeing if she can help ya get back to the past," Applejack said with unbreakable determination in her voice, but then a smile broke out across her face as she glanced off far into the distance. "Of course, ah'm gonna show ya mah farm before ya go. No way ah'm letting ya miss that."

"From all the stories you have told me, I would disappointed if I did not visit it and your family," Jack politely laughed before turning forward once more...to look right into two bright blue eyes that were mere inches away from him. Jack let out a cry of shock as his blade slashed at the pony before him, but all the blade cut was air as the pony simply...appeared at Jack's side.

"That's a strange way to greet a new pony. Is that how you greet ponies in your land? Will I have to slash at you with a sword?" Jack's breathing slowly returned to normal as he sheathed his blade, narrowed eyes glued to the pink pony that was humming to herself while she bounced around him.

"Pinkie, sit still fer a minute and ah'll introduce the two of ya," Applejack ordered, but the pink pony continued to bounce around while humming. "Ugh, Pinkie Pie, this is Jack, a friend of mine. Jack, this is Pinkie Pie. She might be my cousin. We're not entirely sure."

"Well, a friend of Applejack's is a friend of mine! Howdy there, friend!" Pinkie smiled with pure delight as she extended a hoof to Jack. Jack raised an eyebrow at her actions, but he read no malice in her eyes so with a smile of his own he shook her hoof.

"I am honored to meet you. And if Applejack is your friend, er, family, then I am certain that we shall get along as well," Jack politely responded, only to find that Pinkie had already circled around Jack three times and seemed to be far more intrusive than Rarity.

"Ooohh! This is a cool dress! Where did you get it?" Jack opened his mouth to answer, but Pinkie had already moved onto the next question. "What about your flank? How come you don't have a cutie mark?"

"How do you-?"

"What kind of sword is that? It looks sharp! Can you cut through my sister's rock cake with that?"

"Alright, that's enough of twenty questions," Applejack decided as she placed a hoof over her friend's mouth, yet the pony refused to stop talking despite her mouth being blocked. "Again ah'm so sorry about this, she just loves to make friends with new ponies."

"Well, there is nothing wrong with being friendly. It is quite a nice change of pace from where I am from," Jack smiled with an understanding nod to Applejack, who smiled gratefully in return before she let go of Pinkie's mouth.

"Ah'd love to stay longer and talk Pinkie, but Jack and I are heading to Twilight to see if she can help us with a problem," Applejack explained to Pinkie, whose attention was grabbed by a butterfly that she began to chase around. "So...ah'll see ya later, ah guess?" AJ waved slightly as she and Jack began to take off.

"Okay. I've got to plan Jack's welcome to Ponyville party anyway! I just hope that it doesn't interfere with the party I have planned for Shining Armor." Applejack stopped dead in her tracks before turning to look back at Pinkie, who was giggling at the insect on her nose.

"Shining Armor's here? What fer?"

"Oh didn't ya hear? Shining and Cadence were both sent here when word got out that Tirek had escaped!" Pinkie informed the both of them, who shared concerned glances before AJ asked her cousin to elaborate. "Yep, the moment he got out, Celestia and Luna brought the two of them here for when Tirek tried to make his move to take Canterlot. Twilight told me they figured that they'd need all the magic they could get since nopony could find you."

Once again, Applejack flashed Jack a grateful smile and Jack simply nodded politely in response. "But then a new rumor reached us, one that a pony had managed to defeat Tirek once and for all. You should have seen Twilight's face when she discovered this, her jaw went straight to the floor! Ever since then she's dedicated all of her time to finding this pony and the magic he used to beat Tirek. She said that she would not rest until she had the source of that pony's power in her hooves."

"Does...does Twilight know who this pony is?" Applejack asked Pinkie for Jack.

"Nope. Nopony seems to know his name. But when asking around numerous stories popped up about him and one thing they all had in common was that he helped ponies out while carrying a blade with him. Just like the one...Jack has." Pinkie narrowed her eyes as she slowly moved her head to look at Jack, whose face remained emotionless despite the nervousness that was building in his chest. Then a smile crossed Pinkie's face and she giggled once again. "Funny huh? Welp, see the two of you later!"

Both Jacks wore the same look of concern on their faces as the pink pony danced away, and Applejack cast a worried glance towards the crystal castle, which was much closer to the two of them than they originally had noticed.

"Perhaps it would be best if ah go in first, try to tell Twilight about ya before she comes at ya with guns a blazing," Applejack offered for Jack with a nervous chuckle. "Ah mean, Twilight means well, but she's done some crazy things in her efforts to better understand magic."

"Thank you for the offer, but I will meet with her personally," Jack decided with concrete resolution. "If I do not meet her in person, er, pony, then she may be less inclined to believe in my words and that my goals are just. After all, even you admitted that you did not trust me at first, due to my weapon and strange way of...acting."

"And ah know now ah was wrong," Applejack said with a sigh before tipping her hat up. "Alright Jack, ah'll take ya to Twilight. Let's just hope ya don't have to demonstrate that blade's power against her. That would be an awkward first meeting."

"I have had stranger." The two then began their march towards the castle, with Jack holding his head high while Applejack tried to think of what she would tell Twilight before the mare tried to do anything to Jack. But every once in awhile Jack would catch AJ glancing at him out of the corner of her eye, telling him that something is the matter. "If you have something to say to me Applejack, please do not hesitate to ask me. I will not lie."

"Well, it's that...Pinkie said that ya didn't have a cutie mark. Was she telling the truth?" Jack nodded as he reached back and lifted the rear of his kimono, not noticing Applejack avert her eyes while her face turned slightly red. But when she did dare a glance she found that her family's words were true and there was no mark upon Jack.

"The mage that sent me here failed to add that to my body, if that was something he could add," Jack explained as he lowered his garb once again. "But when I met a changeling here, she explained that a cutie mark was a symbol of a pony's talent in a visible form. A mark they get when they discover who they are."

"That's pretty much right. See mine?" AJ asked as Jack glanced at the apples on Applejack's flank. "Those appeared when ah returned to mah farm and discovered that ah was meant to work with apples. It showed me who I am."

"So it revealed your destiny," Jack muttered to himself before both AJ and Jack walked into a large shadow, getting the both of them to look up to find that they had arrived at the castle. Applejack gulped lightly before she cast a glance at Jack, who nodded firmly with conviction in his eyes. Applejack nodded as well before she walked up to the twin massive doors before taking in one last breath.

Then she knocked.