• Published 7th Apr 2012
  • 4,554 Views, 138 Comments

X and Zero in Equestria - Acclamations

An typical day for X and Zero, before being teleported into the magical land of Equestria.

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The Prologue

A/N: I do not own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic by Hasbro or Megaman X, Zero and other characters by Capcom.

It was nightfall, and the stars gleamed above in the sky over a city. It's lights, illuminated through the blackness and shone brightly. Sounds of distant metal against the cobblestone floor of the road produced a steady thump of footsteps.

2 robots went into an abandoned building not far from the city, a red and a blue one. It was a mission. These robots were called Reploids, an advanced species of robots, bound to the 3 basic robotics rules. The 2 Reploids scouted the inner sections of the building, until one of them received a transmission.
The red robot had overflowing blonde hair coming out from the back of it's head. It had a Z on one of it's shoulder plates.

“Zero, come in. Do you read, over.” The voice said.

“Roger, Alia. What's the status of the mission?” Zero replied.

“There are a vast number of Mavericks in this warehouse. Maybe about 50 or so, but the pressing issue is that there is 2 trash Mechaniloids. Take them out and return to Hunter Base.”

“Over and out.”Zero said. A hand came from behind Zero, this time a blue Reploid, with a red gem on it's head.

“Zero, should we go now?” Zero turned around to faced the blue Reploid.

“Of course, X. Let's finish this!” Zero said, before rushing into the metallic abyss, X bounding after him.

10 minutes later.

X and Zero were done with the mavericks, leaving the 2 Mechaniloids left to deal with. They both approached the shutter door when Alia buzzed in.

“X, Zero, the 2 Mechaniloids, a Junker and Draco, are just behind the door. Finish the job and report back to HQ, we got something serious here.” Alia had a hint of worry, making X and Zero needing to do the job quickly.

“Roger. We'll be done soon, Alia.” X said. The red and blue duo went after the door, encountering the giant Mechanilods.

One of them was a Junk Mechaniloid. It towered 7 stories high, with giant green claw and an eye, transmitting a orange beam to it's head, bringing it to life. The other was a giant green dragon, ready to take out whatever it laid it's eyes on.

READY? A man's came out of nowhere, but in the position X and Zero were in, they ignored it. Soon enough, the dragon charged, heading for Zero.

'Piece of cake.' Zero rolled out of the way and dashed under the dragon, making it change direction to prepare another charge. Meanwhile, the Junker tried to level itself with X, to ensure a direct hit would happen. When it charged, X dashed over it and slashed the eye controlling it with the X-Saber. The Junker quickly fell, but quickly rebooted as the eye came back, slightly damaged.

The dragon came back and landed on the ground, opening it's mouth and shooting out orbs of blue energy. Zero dodged with ease and quickly did a diagonal slash from it's back, making the dragon howl in pain. X and Zero continued to dodge and hit their respective enemies, and decided they have to finish this quick; or be stuck here forever.

“X! We gotta hurry this up.” Zero yelled. X nodded in silent agreement and the two stood back to back. The dragon looked beaten up to scraps and the Junker the same, but were also preparing a final attack. X charged up his Mega Buster to the peak, while Zero readied his hand for a Rekoha. The Mechaniloids charged, not knowing their immediate demise. Zero and X waited until they reached a distance and quickly released their ultimate weapon.

X shot his Charged Shot, hitting the Junker dead on, and Zero slammed his hand onto the ground, multiple beams coming out of the sky and hit the dragon. It was finished. The Mechaniloids exploded into a brilliant shower of metal and circuitry and were reduced to scrap. Having successfully completed the mission, X and Zero teleported back to Hunter HQ.

X and Zero walked down the corridor into the Central Control part of Hunter Base. Signas was there giving out orders to other Maverick Hunters having them scramble about. Alia, busy with communications, greeted X and Zero.

“Nice job, guys. The Junker and the Draco have been eliminated from the mission catalog. That takes care of your daily mission.” X relaxed a bit while Zero yawned.

“Does that mean we get to sleep now?” Zero stretched his arms, only to tense up.

“Not quite. We found a portal near Hunter Base, surprisingly, about 2 kilometers north in a desolate forest.. We believe the cause of the portal is Sigma, trying to escape.” Zero deadpanned at the mention of Sigma. He slightly shuddered, because of what Sigma did to Zero.

“So what do you want us to do Alia?” X said quizzically. He was prepared for another all out war because of Sigma's dimension exploring.

“We want you two to go into the portal. Find what you can and report back to us.”

“But, how will the Hunter Base handle without us?” The two wondered a bit until Signas broke into the conversation.

“We'll do just fine. We've been getting good results from around the clock. No worries.” Signas said reassuringly. Zero and X just nodded. “Don't just stand there, get moving!” X and Zero rushed out of Hunter Base and onto their Ride Chaser and sped off. Alia sighed.

“There they go again. How do they not get tired of fighting all the time?” Alia said to no one in paticular.

“They do.” A sudden voice surprised her. It was Axl. “They all long for the peace of the humans and Reploids, to co-exist with each other.” Axl's sudden burst of maturity shocked Alia for a bit, but took to account the words he said.

“I hope they come back soon.” The red and blue duo can be seen in the horizon, and after a few minutes, disappeared.

READY? A male's voice echoed throughout the forest.

“Who's voice is that? I always hear that when starting a mission...” Zero said.

“Same with me too. I wonder if that's one of the communications officer.” X replied. He thought for a second of a male communication officer, and quickly dismissed it. “But they're all female, so who knows.” X and Zero stopped and thought about who it could be until a sudden sound of the trees being torn out of the Earth caught their eye.

“Quick, we gotta get to the portal.” Zero said. His expression was serious and X nodded. The two quickly dashed off to find the portal, not knowing the adventures the two will have. 15 minutes later, X found the portal. It was in a tree, with a purple hue.

“Well, let's go in, shall we?” X looked over to his teammate. Zero nodded, and the two dashed off into the portal. But once that happened, the area surrounding the portal started to get sucked in, turning it into a black hole. Trees and dirt went in like a knife through butter, and suddenly exploded into nothingness. The portal had ceased to exist.