• Published 7th Apr 2012
  • 4,554 Views, 138 Comments

X and Zero in Equestria - Acclamations

An typical day for X and Zero, before being teleported into the magical land of Equestria.

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Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Something or other

As the group fell down the Hell pit, they passed various demons and structures alike. Dante clasped his hands behind his head and leaned back on an imaginary chair as the group continued to fall.

“Been a long time since I had a nap.” Dante yawned and shut his eyes. Demons screeched and a few even through some rocks at them. “Sounds of the city!” Ruins of the city fell down also, as the Hell pit started to expand. Cars and lamp posts fell in also, with a few innocent people falling to their deaths. Meanwhile, X and Zero were panicking as they spun around mindlessly mid air, but remembered they’re long fall boots and calmed down a little. Vergil, on the other hand, had his face facing down, as if taking form of a torpedo, being propelled faster and faster into depths. The red and blue blurs continued to rocket into a small tunnel which then led to a big open room. Lava was oozing out of cracks in the walls, obsidian lined the tunnel, scattered about and stone poked out of the orange floor. X and Zero landed peacefully on a cliff, whilst Dante and Vergil landed on the other side. Dante had apparently woke up at some point and dusted off his pants.

“What a peaceful trip this was.” Dante stretched his arms and Vergil cracked his knuckles. X and Zero looked around and readied themselves for what was to come next. What they didn’t expect, was a small looking man. He had a bed head and ragged clothes. He was about 3 - 4 feet and ran close to the cliff. X and Zero looked puzzled as the small man stopped and took out a ring. The man stared intensely into it, as if it was speaking but shook his head, trying to dispel any hesitation it had. What came next struck even more curious to X and Zero.

A small, bald looking goblin thing slowly approached the small man, ignoring X and Zero. Then, he pounced on the small man. The two fought, wrestling dangerously over the ring before the creature bit the man’s finger, dropping the ring over the pit.
“My precious!” The creature shouted, and dove for the ring, when a gunshot rang out from across. The bullet splashed into the creature’s temple and went limp as it went into the lava, along with the ring.

“Access denied, please try again.” Dante said. He holstered his gun Ebony and Vergil smacked his head with Yamato’s hilt. X and Zero scratched their head as they saw the body disintegrate into the lava well.

“Well, that’s that then.” X said. The man suddenly turned around and noticed the two robots standing before him.

“W-w-who a-are you?” He said. He crab walked away from them and stood up.

“We’re war machines.” Zero said nonchalantly. X fidgeted uncomfortably as Zero said it. The man’s eyes widened and started to back away.

“You’re not working for Sauron, are you?” The man said. He relaxed a little, but still on his feet.

“Saru-what? Is that a type of candy Capcom makes now?” Zero said. The hobbit sighed a breath of relief, and looked back up.

“Thank goodness you’re not part of that lot, you would’ve been killed by my allies.” The man said. Upon closer inspection, it was actually a boy, who just looked like a man.

“You better get out of here. One does not simply walk into Mordor.” Dante shouted from across. The boy perked up and it seemed to get it’s attention, and ran out. “That’s one person down, I suppose.” Dante said. X and Zero decided not to inquire on how Dante knew what this place was and walked down a little alcove next to the cliff. Dante and Vergil went down a pathway and the two eventually met on a joining of the paths.

“What a rude welcoming to... Hell, if you ask me. We get rocks thrown at us, two people fighting over an accessory and the heat, oh my, the heat!” Zero whined. He turned to look at X, who was ice cold. “And you, you lucky Reploid. Jet Stingray’s ability actually did you well other than a fight.” Zero said. X summoned more pillars of ice as they went along, slowly cooling off the group. A few went into the lava and surprisingly, it caused the lava to freeze over. Soon, the lava turned into flowing ice and a nice, cool vapor drifted upwards, making it kind of freezing.

“Never thought the saying When Hell freezes over comes true...” Dante said. Dante continued to lead the group and they eventually came across a bar.

“A bar? In hell?” X asked. Dante nodded and pushed open the door. It was a casual bar, a TV in the corner of a room and a barkeep. Stools lined the table and sofas were also lined across the wall. It was modern, which was not an everyday thing in Hell. Dante plopped down onto a bar stool, as did Vergil, X and Zero. The barkeep had dark skin and wore an eyepatch over his right eye and wore a red jumpsuit. He had cylinders covered in black and wore a type of black winter cap.

“Aye, what can ah get fer ye customers?” The barkeep spoke. He sounded Scottish and a little intoxicated.

“Get me a Strawberry Sundae.” Dante said, turning to face the TV.

“Water.” Vergil said.

“E-Tank.” Zero said.

“Gin and tonic.” X said. This caught Zero’s attention as the scottish barkeep left to prepare the drinks.

“Gin and tonic?” Zero asked. “Won’t that fry your systems?”

“Nah, I got this thing in me that can convert any liquid into energy.” X said proudly. “I’m also a heavy weight, so I won’t get drunk.” Zero turned around and decided not to ask anymore questions, wondering why Dr.Light stuffed that into X’s system. After a little while, the barkeep returned with the drinks and put them down, returning to who-knows-where.

“So, a bar. Is that what we’re here for?” X said. He sipped the Gin and started to relax a bit.

“Not quite. We’re here to take something out. A giant, white, statue, to be exact.” Dante quietly ate his Sundae while watching the TV. It was college football, the Angels versus the Devils. 7 to none, the Angels were winning until a slow pass that one of the Devil players intercepted. A sudden bang on the door echoed throughout the bar, then a series of more bangs, until the door finally collapsed.

“I have come for your head, you Scottish Cyclops!” A giant pumpkin spoke, along with it’s strange battle axe and purple suit. The barkeep exploded out from wherever he was, suited up with a grenade launcher.

“As have aye, ya orange pumpkin skeleton.” The Scottish Cyclops ran towards the giant pumpkin and kicked the pumpkin out of the bar door. The pumpkin’s body slammed against a stony wall but quickly stood up. “Leeeeet’s do iiiiiiiit!” The Scotsman's war cry echoed and soon enough, explosions can be heard outside, with the various grunts of the fight.

“Let’s leave them at that, the barkeep can handle this.” Dante said. He strolled through the back door, as did Vergil and Zero. X looked back at the Cyclops, and soon went after Zero. The red and blue group walked down a beaten path, and eventually came across a shrine. It was Greco-Roman style architecture, tall white pillars, a shocking amount of steps, it was like the re-creation of the Parthenon.

“All these stairs, and the pure white, this guy has no style at all!” Dante feigned a pout.

“We better get going. We can’t keep the Prince of Darkness waiting, after 5 years since the incident, it’s amazing how quickly he recovered.” Vergil said cooly.

“Yep yep.” Dante replied. The two proceeded to climb towards the white building. X and Zero decided not to wait and followed suited.

“The Prince of Darkness? What’s that all about?” X pondered. He thought of Sigma, and how he acted like the villain against justice. X shook his head.

“This world is corrupted, as you can obviously see with the demons and such. The Prince of Darkness, or Mundus, is the leader of such. Dante has defeated him once, after our father, the Demon General Sparda, who was once Mundus’ loyal subordinate.” Vergil explained. He never stopped to look back, continuing his pursuit to Mundus.

“Vergil here got turned by Mundus, and I had to turn him back to good old big brother with Rebellion here.” Dante intervened. His sword’s eyes had glowed and seemed to pulsate as Dante continued to rush up the stairs. “Vergil wasn’t always as this open as he is now. The turning by Mundus seemingly changed him, as he was reverted back to what he is now.” Dante continued. Vergil didn’t respond, keeping quiet on how much his younger brother had let out. Soon enough, the group reached the top of the stairs. The entrance was sealed shut, markings engraved into it.

“So how are we going to break in?” Zero asked. The door was decorated with four statues, seemingly in a state of harmony. Zero walked up to the door and read a small inscription in the door.

Two alike, four in all, once together, evil shall fall

“Kinda ironic that this IS the gate towards the main evil of our dimension.” Vergil said.

“Well, no silly door is going to keep me from entering!” Dante reached towards the handle and suddenly the statues’ eyes glowed. An earthquake, seemingly from nowhere started to rumble across the building. Dante and Vergil’s weapons started to glow also, responding with the door. A voice called out from the door, making the weapons scream. Cheryl, the scythe X had gotten earlier, started to tremble by shaking on X’s back.

“Yamato, Rebellion, two pristine amulets of the Sons of Sparda, the items left behind by Sparda, come forth and fulfill your role in this place of mine.” A voice boomed. The walls shattered as the debris flew in all directions. The door slammed onto the hellish ground, seemingly just for show and a giant, white, imposing statue that stood over 30 meters came from the depths of the inside. Yamato, Rebellion and the two pendants crossed over each other, as if dancing and combined into one another, creating the Perfect Amulet, and the swords came into one, becoming the Legendary Swords of Sparda. The two items fell to the ground and the statue seemed to have a connection with them.

“So the Sons of Sparda have come to stop my resurrection, once again?” The statue bellowed. X and Zero were confused as to how a statue could talk, but as to all that had happened to them, it wasn’t exactly out of the ordinary. The statue laughed. “You cannot defeat me a second time, Dante. As for Vergil, how you failed so haphazardly against me, it’s a shame that the oldest was the weakest.” The statue laughed and that set Vergil off.

“Don’t lot me in with the past, you cocky abomination. I will defeat you, be it for my own gain or for the world’s.” Vergil lunged to grab the Perfected Yamato but was blasted back from an invisible wall.

“Don’t even try, you failed son. Only those who have never felt my wrath can reach those items, and it seems that there is no one.” Mundus cackled loudly and his shell started to break.

“Apparently, he can’t see us.” X said. Dante grabbed X and threw him into where the items were.

“Take the chance and grab them and give them to us, it’s the only way to defeat this white asshole.” Dante said. Mundus was starting to fall apart, turning into his perfect form. His back grew white wings, as bright as the sun. His body started to grow into bigger and bigger sizes. The weight of the floor couldn’t handle the growing Mundus and gave way, collapsing into an abyss of lava. X successfully retrieved the Perfect Amulet, Perfect Rebellion and Perfect Yamato and quickly ran back. X threw their weapons to their respective owners and the Amulet as well. Vergil grabbed it out of the air, as did Dante

“Brother, although we have came across a truce, we cannot be fighting right now.” Vergil deadpanned. Dante laughed.

“Never thought you and me would be on the same page, you lousy sack of shi-” The amulet glowed and resonated with the Yamato and Rebellion. The amulet then proceeded to speak, addressing the situation at hand.

“Dante, Vergil, quit messing around and end it already! Your mother gave birth to you, so as your father, I order you to fight!” The amulet rang out and shined even brighter.

“What in the world?” Vergil said. The amulet ripped out from the brothers grasp and enveloped the two in a purple ball.

“Carry out my legacy, you no good sons...” X and Zero were propelled out of the area but held fast onto a wall.

“What is going on?” X yelled. The wind pressure from the swirling light and Mundus’ transformation swept up tornadoes, wrecking the place.

“Who the hell knows! Quite literally!” Zero yelled also. The tornadoes picked up rocks and lava, sweeping up a lava storm. The rocks and lava blended, creating meteors that fell from close proximity. Soon, the storm calmed down and Mundus achieved his perfect form.

“What is this? A flashy display from the wonder twins?” Mundus mocked. The light from the amulet stopped, and the person standing before him shook him.

“Why are you here, SPARDA!?” Mundus shrieked. The place where the two brothers stood now was replaced by the Demon Sparda, in all of his glory.

“Now this, I can work with.” Sparda said. The voice of Vergil and Dante can be heard through it, hinting that it wasn’t really Sparda but his sons, combining to take on the Devil Form. “Get ready, you sack of shit, you’re going to pay!”

Meanwhile, in Ponyville, Twilight paced back and forth from the library. Princess Celestia had sent her two alien test subjects away to some unknown land, and it stirred up a lot of controversy. Twilight, unbeknownst to her, was clueless as to why Celestia did it. In other dimensions, one day was a whole week in the land of Equestria. X and Zero being gown for about 2 hours, about 7 actual hours had passed. The sun was already set and the moon glowed brilliantly from outside Twilight’s window.

After Celestia casted out the rude visitors, the hydras were completely defeated. Their bodies were moved by the royal guard and the Mane 6 came together.

“What happened, Twilight?” Rainbow Dash said. She sped into the small circle formed by the group.

“Y-yes. W-what had h-happened to those t-two robots?” A dainty voice spoke. Fluttershy hid behind Applejack, who then spoke.

“Ah b’lieve that tha Princess had jus’ took care of ‘em” Applejack said firmly. She noticed Fluttershy’s shaking and put her hoof in her mane, calming her down.

“But why? They were so super duper mysterious and super duper cool looking!” The pink earth pony bounced. Pinkie Pie dug her hooves into the dirt and gasped. “They’re probably planning a party!”

“No, Pinkie dear, they couldn’t be. That massive, black hole seemed to take away our honorable guests.” Rarity replied. She fixed her messy mane, after being ambushed by a hydra not to recently.

“I suppose so, girls. I’ll have to ask Celestia tomorrow as to what to do now that X and Zero are gone. Well, to be fair, we can't exactly trust them either. Zero has his mysterious personality and X... X is just too kind. He could be planning something under all that kindness.” Twilight said. The girls sighed. "We better get going home, we had a long day today, and an even longer one tomorrow." The group dispersed into their homes, and the battlefield of the aliens stood ruin.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I'm not dead! Hurray! Just poorly well, since surgery did a number on me.