• Published 7th Apr 2012
  • 4,554 Views, 138 Comments

X and Zero in Equestria - Acclamations

An typical day for X and Zero, before being teleported into the magical land of Equestria.

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Love and Destruction, a magical mixture

Chapter 4: Love and Destruction, a magical mixture

Twilight’s mouth laid agape, as did the rest of the Mane 6. Everything happened in a flash, and it was intangible as to how X and Zero were there for one second, and everything went to hell the next. Twilight galloped furiously towards her mentor, tears in her eyes.

“Princess! What happened?” Twilight muzzled her mentor and she started to stir. Celestia started to flare her wings and fidgeted a bit, before opening her eyes.

“Help...Luna...” Celestia mumbled. Her eyes started to drop but Twilight help lift her up. She signaled the others to accompany Luna and wake her up. Twilight snapped back at Celestia who looked wrecked. She was bruised and bloodied, her horn chipped and her wings bent at a angle. Her hooves were a deep purple and her mane, tattered like a rug. Twilight used a healing spell on Celestia, in an attempt to fix her up. It was slow, but after a good half hour, Celestia looked fine. Even though she looked fine, her internals were messed up. Celestia looked at Luna, and was glad enough to see her moving. Celestia closed her eyes, and everything faded to black...


“Well, we just basically said screw you to the sun and moon. Never thought I lived the day to do that.” X said. X was still in Ultimate Armor, and Zero was in front, navigating the way. Zero stopped and turned around, catching X’s attention.

“What?” X said quizzically.

“How are you in Ultimate Armor?” Zero asked. He was curious how he still maintained that form after relinquishing all the past armors. X thought for a moment and shrugged.

“I’m not too sure myself. After I fell into the incinerator, I felt a sudden tugging in my chest.” X placed his hand over his “heart” and looked up into the night sky. “I heard a voice in my head. The voice said “Awake! Your time shall not end here, dear X...” and after that, my body felt like it was being torn apart. It was like having a headache, and a flush of white came over me. All of a sudden, I opened my eyes and there I was.” X looked back at Zero and nodded slowly. Zero was just as confused as X but a explanation could suffice. Zero turned back around and started to walk again, only to be stopped by X.

“Where are we going?” X said.

“Away.” Zero said. He didn’t look back, and continued to go through the forest, into the direction of a mountain.

The moon seemed to trudge along the vast night sky, the stars dimmed after the incident with X and Zero. The moon slowly went down, and the Sun slowly came up. Back in Canterlot, Celestia was sleeping soundly as the day came to be. Dawn’s fingertips rose through the land, and Celestia was in her bedroom. She quietly stirred and let out a soft squeak, earning a soft squeal from nearby. Celestia, not knowing that somepony was there, continued to shift around in her bed, squeaking again. This time, a louder squeal from the same pony. Celestia’s eyes shot up, and turned to the source of the sound. A green mare was sitting next to Celestia. She was smiling, a big smile and she had a harp cutie mark. Celestia looked at the smiling mare, impassive. Suddenly, a loud crash came from the room.

“WHAT THE BUCK ARE YOU DOING IN MY CHAMBERS!?” Celestia yelled. Her Royal Canterlot Voice blasted open the door and shot Lyra out of the building, shouting “It was worth it!....” Before a soft thud came from outside. Celestia suddenly felt a crushing pain and clamped her head, trying to soothe the headache. After a while, it stopped and Celestia sighed. She reminisced about what had happened. She then touched her body, and winced at the pain. Although she looked normal on the outside, she was pained on the inside, like a thousand hammers from the heavens rained down in a furious rage. She looked at her wings, and they were bent at a weird angle, almost inward. Celestia then realized that Luna was somewhere, and she galloped toward Luna’s quarters. As soon as she took her first step, she fell to the floor and let out a scream. The royal guards bursted through the door and attended Celestia. Celestia was put onto a wheelchair, and wheeled off to the hospital.

“Halt, I must attend to my sister. She is in great need of medic-” Celestia was cut short when she reached the entrance to the Canterlot hospital. Luna was sitting in a chair, reading a magazine, Equestria Daily. Celestia was wheeled next to Luna, and a white mare with a pink mane gave Celestia a clipboard to fill out.

“After you finish, bring it up to the desk.” Nurse Redheart trotted back to her desk, and pulled out a book. Luna looked up from her magazine and gave Celestia a knowing look. Celestia looked down at her hooves, when she saw Luna’s “stripes”.

“Luna, what in Equestria happened? You look like a blue zebra!” Celestia exclaimed. A scoff of annoyance came from an actual zebra as she left the hospital, with a bandaged leg.

“Such words I have not expected, from the ruler of this land that I have quite respected.” The zebra marched off and left without another word. Celestia looked stunned for a minute, then returned her attention back at Luna. Luna sighed, and decided to speak.

“Well, that RED thing, Zero, shot waves from his sword. How can someone shoot waves? From a sword, nonetheless?” Luna started to go on a tangent on how the Red Reploid angered her greatly.

“Such uncouthness, disrespect to royalty, and such a rebellious nature!” Luna finally concluded. Celestia absorbed the information, a smirked a bit.

“You like him, don’t you?” Celestia said. Luna blushed a deep red, and hid behind the magazine.

“I-I do n-not like him! W-why would you even s-say such a thing, dear sister!?” Luna squeaked. Celestia’s smirk turned into a grin, and teased her sister some more. It got up to the point when Luna started to retaliate against Celestia.

“Well, I bet you like that blue guy!” Luna shouted. Luckily, no one in the waiting room heard and their conversation continued. Celestia gasped and also blushed. Luna, seeing this as a chance, continued to unleash a barrage. “You do like him! I bet you think about him everyday.” Celestia twiddled her hooves, dying from embarrassment. “But, he is well-mannered and cultured. He also has an interesting past. I can see why you like him.” Luna nudged Celestia causing her to fall down to the ground. Nurse Redheart looked up from the book, sighed, and went over. She collected the clipboard and propped Celestia back up on the wheelchair. The doctor came eventually and called Celestia in. Soon, they reached the hospital room and ran an X-ray on Celestia.

“Well, that’s very interesting. Your bones are all mangled up but you’re still standing.” Celestia was shocked. How could she be standing when her bones were broken? The doctor went over to a table and took out a small hammer and started to hit it against Celestia hoof. She winced in pain, and the doctor stopped.

“That’s not good. Looks like you need surgery.”

“Can’t I just use magic to re-arrange my bones?” Celestia asked. The doctor thought about it for a second.

“If you like the feeling of having your insides wretched out, good luck. And good luck again trying to re-organize your bone structure. It’s a hard task, and those wings aren’t going to make it easier.” The doctor stood there, waiting for a reply. Celestia thought, and decided to have her bones fixed via magic. The doctor left, but came back with three unicorns tasked to help Celestia if she was in need.

Three hours later, Celestia came back to the waiting room, connected to a sedative. She was in a motorized wheelchair this time, and met Luna outside.

“You waited for me? For this long?” Celestia checked the clock. It was 12:00 in the afternoon.

“There were some good magazines, especially Equestria Daily. Very interesting stuff there and comics were good too.” Luna helped Celestia by pushing the wheelchair with her magic and went back to Canterlot.

Back to our destructive duo, X and Zero made it to the mountain side. They scaled the mountain and found a cave. It was south of Ponyville, and seemed like a speck on the horizon.

“Nice cave.” X said bluntly. It was huge, and lined with various rocks. The ceiling seemed to stretch so far and the cave was deep. There were drips of water that echoed and a small pond in the back of the cave. Zero stepped inside and X followed suited, their footsteps echoing with a mechanical step. “What are we doing her, Zero?”

“We wait until everything mulls over.” Zero sat on a rock, and pulled out his saber. X was at the cave’s entrance, observing the nature of Equestria. He could see Ponyville, Canterlot and the Everfree forest. A bird perched on X’s shoulder and chirped happily. X sighed, and suddenly his body began to glow. His body turned a deep white, and X turned back to regular armor. Something dropped from X’s chest and landed on the floor. X picked it up and noticed that it looked like a miniature version of the Ultimate Armor head piece. It looked exactly as the helmet, and X held it up. Zero noticed and looked at X, wondering what would happen next. The small piece started to glow and so did X’s red gem. Suddenly, it disappeared.

“That was interesting.” X said. Zero pointed to X’s gem.

“It changed color.” X raised an eyebrow.

“Really?” X went over to the pond and looked at his reflection. His gem was yellow. “This is something. I never knew a Reploid’s “brain” could change color.” X started to walk back, touching his newly colored gem. X sat down onto a rock across from Zero, who was taking things out from his body. His chest piece popped open, like a claw would open and was cleaning the insides. A Reploid needs to be generally clean for them to run at optimal performance, or else it’ll clog up the insides and render him useless. Zero was happily cleaning away at his internal system and X was looking out the cave, when a large, thundering sound seemed to erupt from inside the cave. X quickly snapped his back and Zero closed his chest piece, grabbing the Z-Saber. Another giant sound came from the cave, this time closer than before. A giant, red foot came from the shadows of the cave, and it was huge. X and Zero slowly backed out of the cave, giving them more space to fight. Soon, it was evident that a dragon was inhabiting the cave. It was a red dragon, with shining scales. It’s talons and claws, a deep purple. The spikes on it’s back ran down to it’s tail and stood on two legs. It’s eyes, a dangerous red showed that it did not take visitors. Zero thought quickly, and rushed to it’s side. X started to charge his X-Buster, aiming it at the dragon’s head.
The dragon swiped at Zero, but missed. Zero was too fast and performed an Ensuizan in the air, near the dragon’s arm. It hit and caused a massive gash. The dragon howled in pain and used it’s foot to kick at Zero, only to hit the cave wall. X finished charging his buster and shot it at the dragon’s face. It bounced off, but caught the dragon’s attention. The dragon used his tail in an attempt to trip X but hit only air.

“What a stupid dragon.” Zero said. He leaped off the wall and used the Rakukoujin on the dragon’s back. The sword pierced the back, and Zero, using his Z Variable Data implanted in him, made the sword solidify, having various matter clump together to shape the sword.It remain in the dragon’s back and Zero’s Saber was returned to him. X dashed on the underbelly of the beast, slid under him and used his X-Saber to cut open the beast. The dragon howled louder, making the cave collapse. It’s guts were spilled, it’s back was mutilated, basically showing it’s spinal cord and almost had it’s arm cut off. The rocks started to come down and X and Zero had to escape. Rocks dropped, ranging from small pebbles into massive boulders. The dragon started to trudge along the cave, ignoring the rocks being smashed into it, it’s scales made of tough material. X and Zero dashed around the place, as if doing parkour. Zero hacked his way at rocks and X blasted a few using his buster. Eventually, they reached the cave’s entrance and at a last resort, the dragon breathed a massive length of fire. It went far and wide, almost scorching the tip of the trees of the Everfree Forest. From a distance, one would say it looked like the cave was breathing fire. The distance it covered was immense, almost swallowing the space between the cave and Ponyville. The rocks, now imbued with fire aspect, dropped like fireballs upon the dragon. X and Zero made it out of the cave, but the same couldn’t be said about the dragon. A boulder came down upon it’s neck, piercing it like a harpoon in a fish. The dragon tried to break free, but was soon covered by the collapsing cave.

X and Zero looked back as the cave collapsed and now looked like a broken volcano. A pile of rubble can be seen from atop and black marks lined the floor. Everything was silent, and nothing made a sound.

“Looks like we need a new hiding place.” Zero said. He sighed, and started to descend into the woods. X looked around, taking a deep breath, and followed Zero.

During the battle, Ponyville felt a massive earthquake. The ground rumbled and the buildings shook like twigs in the wind. The Mane 6 held on to dear life, expecting their houses to be toppled but stood strong. Every house but Rainbow Dash’s had its fair share of destruction, Rainbow’s cloud house turned from a white to a ash grey.

Author's Note: Upload schedule would be different. Once a week, maybe. The chapter seemed rushed, so the chapters would be taking more breaks for fresh eyes to look it over. As for the side story, The NonCanon Cannon stories, I have deleted the chapter and will now be canon because I don't want to confuse the readers. So, I have decided to integrate them in a way that will make it part of the main story line, so don't worry. It's not going anywhere. Happy reading.