• Published 7th Apr 2012
  • 4,554 Views, 138 Comments

X and Zero in Equestria - Acclamations

An typical day for X and Zero, before being teleported into the magical land of Equestria.

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Jailhouse Rock

Chapter 2: Jailhouse Rock

The royal army consisted of most females, since the Male to Female population of Equestria was about 30/70. Basically, for every 10 ponies, 3 would be stallions. When X and Zero saw a slew of Pegasi and Unicorns, and a few Earth ponies circle into their position, they were a bit startled by how many mare warriors there were in the fleet. One pegasi touched down.

“Halt, creatures, in the name of the Princesses.” The pegasus said. It’s stern face and Roman-esque armor gave it a look of seriousness, but at the same time looked a bit silly to X and Zero. “Because of the sight of the two creatures, you both will be put into a dungeon, until Princess Luna and Princess Celestia handles everything else.” The Mane 6, X and Zero looked in surprise at the pegasus’s words. Twilight stepped in, trying to reason with the pegasus, but to no avail. Zero and X whispered to themselves, as the royal army stood, awaiting their commander’s orders.

“Should we go peacefully?” Zero said. X glared at Zero, and said “Of course we should, we’re not killing machines.” Zero chuckled at himself, seeing how throughout X’s adventures, he destroyed every maverick he saw.

“Alright, alright. We’ll go in peacefully.” X and Zero turned around, seeing the Mane 6 looking worried.

“Don’t worry, Twilight. We’re only going to sort the problem so don’t be scared.” X smiled at Twilight, putting her at ease, but still a bit giddy. X and Zero got into a carriage and the guards tried to handcuff X and Zero, realizing that their “wrists” were too big. They went to old methods and plainly tied rope around their hands. Soon, the carriage took off, accompanied by the pegasi and went off into Canterlot.

Back on the ground, Rainbow Dash pouted as she saw the carriage fly off into the horizon.

“How can they just take them like that! They were so cool!” Rainbow Dash rolled around on the floor like a child, saddened that the two were gone.

“I hope they make it back ok...” Fluttershy said. She was disappointed that she couldn’t talk to them again.

“They were good critters, but don’ be sad girls. They’re gon’ be back soon afta’ everythin’ is sort’d out.” Applejack said. The mood brightened up thanks to Applejack and all started heading back to Ponyville.

“Aw, I didn’t even get to throw them a super, happy fantastic party with a ‘Welcome X and Zero!’ banner.” Pinkie Pie’s mane deflated but was suddenly puffy again. “I know! I’ll just break them out of the dungeon! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-” The farm pony’s hoof was quickly put into Pinkie’s mouth. After a minute or two, the pink pony calmed down and the hoof was retracted. The Mane 6 had reached the outskirts of Ponyville.

“Although I hope the fashionable X and Zero would be alright, I must attend to my Boutique. Who know what Sweetie Belle might do while I am away.” Rarity quickly trotted off to her boutique.

“Well, ah gotta buck some of ‘em trees back on th’ farm, can’t hav’ Big Macintosh do ‘em all by himself.” Applejack left also, going to Sweet Apple Acres. The rest of the Mane 6 also had to go back home, to take care of a problem. Rainbow Dash, a new trick, Fluttershy, her bunny Angel and Pinkie Pie, preparing to throw the promised party for X and Zero. As the ponies dispersed, Twilight went back to the library alone. When Twilight opened the door, she found Spike sleeping. Twilight smiled and gently poked Spike awake.

“Hey...Twilight...” The baby dragon said. Spike yawned and stretched, still a little sleepy. Twilight went to the kitchen and brought out some tea, and decided to tell Spike what happened in the forest.

“So, let me get this straight...” Spike said, scratching his head with one of his claws. “You’re telling me, 2 creatures, called ‘X and Zero’ , plopped out of the Everfree Forest, brutally destroyed packs of Timberwolves, got arrested, and is currently in Canterlot?” Spike looked at the smiling Twilight.

“Exactly!” She clopped her front hooves together in delight. “They were very interesting creatures. They looked so advanced, oh, how I can’t wait to study those two!” She brought out a 50-foot list and jotted it down on her To Do list. Spike just rubbed his eyes and sighed.

“Is it a good idea to have killing aliens in Canterlot?” Spike sighed.

“Oh, it’ll be fine. The Royal Guard has them under their control. I don’t trust those two yet, and I hope their friendly.” Twilight suddenly thought of various ways to extract information... even the dirty way. Twilight blushed at this, and Spike just went back to sleep. Twilight went over to various bookshelves and pulled out books. She needed to relax and relayed the events in her head. Soon, she eventually went to sleep, but after a good hour, she was violently woken up by a loud explosion.

“What happened, Twilight?” Spike said worryingly. His question was soon answered by a scroll from Princess Celestia.

Dearest Twilight. I need you to gather up the Elements of Harmony, quickly! We need your help. As soon as you gathered them, send me a letter and I will teleport you into my quarters. This is urgent!

Princess Celestia.

“Spike, wait here until I come back. Princess Celestia is in trouble!” Twilight shouted before running out the front door.

Onto X and Zero’s side of the story-

“We’re here.” Said the commander. The chariot landed in front of the landing grounds, high above Canterlot and came to a halt. X and Zero got out of the chariot, and looked in awe to the land of Canterlot. The vast view of trees, tall buildings, you can even see Ponyville from up here. X scanned Canterlot, and the data was stored.

“What are you doing, X?” Zero leaned in and whispered.
“I’m storing data. I’ve never seen anything like this before.” X whispered back. The commander barked at them, wanting them to move.

X sighed and continued to walk down into the docking bay. Zero on the other hand, was just looking at a certain pegasus, a grey one with a blonde mane down below. Her eyes were all over the place, and she kept bumping into various ponies and mailboxes. Zero pitied the poor pegasus. The group soon entered the docking bay. Chariots lined the wall, spears and armor were also there. As soon as X and Zero entered, there were a lot of chattering going on. Some were hushed, some ignored them and a few occasionally stared. The group continued to proceed, when Zero picked up a conversation. Using the mechanical parts in his ears, he enhanced his hearing.

“Those two creatures are what Celestia sent us for?” One said. Zero closed his eyes, to further enhance his hearing. “I heard Celestia was going to banish them...” Another said. Zero chuckled, and X looked at Zero.

“Zero, what are you chuckling at?” X said. Zero did a hand movement, telling him to be quiet. Zero picked up another pony speaking.

“Celestia reported to put the two creatures into the jail. From reports, they seem like a threat to Equestria, so they must be put hidden until further action.” Zero’s eyes opened, and he sighed.

“X. We gotta go.” Zero said hushly. X was confused.

“Why? We’re just going to fix the problem and go back to Ponyville.” X whispered back.

“X, I know you’re a big optimist and everything but this is bad. We’re going to be jailed. No ‘We’ll be let out soon’ or ‘I’m sure it’s temporary.’ No. None of that.” Zero deadpanned. X knew Zero wasn’t playing around. X sighed, and reluctantly agreed.

“So, what do we do then?” X said. X and Zero were pretty much at the end of the room, and into a plain looking corridor. The door closed behind them, and the lead pony turned around.

“You are to be sent to the dungeon until further action is to be taken. Don’t worry, it’ll all be alright.” The commander smiled a sly smile.

“You thinking what I’m thinking?” Zero asked. X assumed it was to ‘Peaceful Negotiation.’ But instead, Zero punched the commander into unconsciousness. X sighed. Always violent, isn’t he... X thought. Zero used his mouth to grip onto the handle of the Z-saber and cut the ropes off his hands. Zero took the sword and cut off X’s ropes.

“Alright, let’s move.” Zero started to walk, but was stopped when a group of guards came across another hallway. They looked at X and Zero, and the commander on the floor. Immediately, X and Zero started to run,

“Get them!” Two guards broke off from the group to aid the commander, while the rest went after the duo.

“Aw man, this is what I was afraid of...” X said. He ran and took a left, through a bigger hallway. Zero went to the right, and also came to a bigger hallway. X switched on his Comms and spoke through a miniature speaker.

“Zero, where do you think we should go?” X said. Zero’s ears ringed and switched on Communications as well.

“I don’t know, just run!” The guards were hot on both their trail. A row of ponies blocked the front of the hallway on X’s side. X jumped up onto a wall and air dashed over the ponies, and started his sprint down. Zero, also had the same problem. Instead he used his Hisuisho and easily passed through the guards, as if he was a ghost. The guards just stood there, trying to make sense of what just happened, but went back to chase Zero. The two continued to sprint, and saw that the hallway turned in, connecting the hallway X and Zero were in. X and Zero turned and slammed into each other.

“Ugh, watch it, X. This is no time for fooling around!” Zero said. X started to argue when the guards caught up with him, and so did X’s entourage of guards. The two quickly dismissed their argument and ran down the hallway. A mad chase of Pegasi and Earth ponies didn’t make it easy to avoid them. They caught up quickly, and X and Zero took a right into a room, and quickly slammed the door shut. X took a PVC pipe and shoved it into the handles, blocking entry. X and Zero sighed, and noticed a sign. ‘Canterlot Castle Incinerator’

Zero read the sign, and X turned around. He quickly froze up and tapped Zero.

“What is it, X?” Zero turned around and also froze up. There was a giant open pit in the room. Inside was a gigantic fire, and various chutes from the sides of the wall dispensed trash and junk alike. The door was on the other side of the monstrous pit of doom, and there was a wood bridge across the pit. Who in the right mind would build a wood bridge over a giant furnace? Zero thought. Suddenly, the pipe started to shake. It was shaking before, but this time it was violent. It rocked over and started to creak.

“Let’s hurry.” X said. Zero stepped onto the wood bridge, testing it. It held on, but it teetered slightly. Without any other way to reach the door, X and Zero crossed the bridge. About half way across, the pipe broke, and in came a slew of ponies. Zero picked up the pace and eventually made it to the end. X, on the other hand, was ¾ of the way across, when the bridge broke.

“X!” Zero shouted. She looked over the pit and saw X fall into his eventual demise. The bridge hit the fire and burned into ashes. X tried to dash but the gap was too far. X then disappeared into the fire.
Zero looked, stunned by what happened. His partner, gone, just like that.

“Damn you... Damn you all to hell!” Zero yelled. Suddenly, a bright light came from the pit. Zero looked over but the light was too much. The guards were also blinded, and ran away through the door they came from. Zero covered his eyes, but could see a little bit. A loud explosion shook up the room, and a huge chunk of the wall crumbled away. The light vanished, and the flames were extinguished. In the middle of it all, was X, unsinged. This time, he was in a different armor. A smooth black, shoulder guards and three yellow spikes from his head.

“X... you’re alive!” Zero exclaimed. X climbed the wall and reached the top of the pit.

“How in the name of Cyberspace did I survive? And why am I in Ultimate Armor!?” X said loudly. He couldn’t believe it. He relinquished those armors at Hunter Base, to ensure no one can access them.

“Forget that, we need to escape before any more guards come!” Zero bounded toward the door, and X followed after him. The duo went through and fro, dashing over or simply going through the guards that were in the way. Eventually, they reached a large set of doors. Huge, red doors with gold decor embedded into them. X and Zero could feel powerful energies coming from inside, and were hesitant to go inside.

“Could you feel that?” X said. Zero nodded and readied his saber. “Gotta be prepared for whatever’s in there.” Zero reached for the door, but it swung inside the room. Zero looked at this hand, then back to X. “Wasn’t me.”

“Welcome, honored guests.” A voice of regal authority stopped X and Zero. They looked up and saw a white unicorn with wings, and beside her was a blue unicorn with wings, only smaller.

“I am Princess Celestia, and this is Princess Luna, co ruler of Equestria.” Celestia had a motherly voice, but was still speaking sternly. Luna walked up a bit and sat next to Celestia.

“You have intruded upon royal grounds, escaped custody and scared most of the guards.” Celestia rubbed Luna’s back and looked at X.

“I’m sure you have heard from one of the guards what I had planned to do to you...” Celestia said.

“Oh I do. Jailing us for who knows how long, just because of our appearance.” Zero said cooly. He sheathe his saber away and Celestia sighed.

“Yes, we do. It is for the importance of ponies not to go into panic by the sight of a different species, so we must, unfortunately, put you into the dungeon.” Celestia straightened up to look intimidating, and Luna did the same.

“My question is, how long?” X said. He wasn’t fully understanding what was going on but now he knew he was going to be arrested. This is what Vile must’ve felt... X thought to himself. Vile, his arch enemy, destroyed by Sigma because of his greed. X sighed.

“I’m sorry, but we do not know. Until we can properly display you in the public, we do not know, maybe a long time...” Celestia said.

“You intend to keep us here until you see fit?” Zero said. He feared of “how long” it will take. A year? A decade? A century? Zero did not want to be locked up like some criminal.

“X, you distract them while I find a way to escape.” X was hesitant, but knew if he was going to be like Vile, he didn’t want to take the chance. He agreed and X pulled back his hand. The X-Buster replaced his hand, startling Luna.

“How can you do that with your uh... hoof?” Luna said. She tilted her head like some small filly.

“I am a cybernetic organism. An advanced species of robots called Reploids. We come from an entirely different place from yours.” X looked back at Zero, who was standing still but was furiously throwing ideas left and right.

I could freeze time with Dark Hold, and escape until time runs out... I can also use Raijinshou and suck up the stuff in this room... X turned around, seeing Celestia raise an eyebrow.

“A cybernetic organism? Reploid? What does that mean?” Luna said. X sighed.

“I’m a robot, basically.” Luna understood and nodded, as did Celestia. “I was created by a man, named Dr. Light. He created the very first of my kind...” X talked about his life story. How he was sealed away for 30 or so years, meeting Dr. Cain, fighting against Mavericks. As he went on, Princess Celestia and Luna were touched by how much hardships X and Zero went through. Sigma going Maverick, Zero being manipulated to Sigma’s advantage, and Zero disappearing for who knows how long. When X was finished, it was night time. Celestia and Luna were sitting on the ground, and a handful of the guards who were to protect the Princesses also sat around X. He attracted a crowd, and they wanted more from X.

“So, what happened after Sigma was just a giant head? How was he even alive?(Megaman X5 Ending).” Luna asked. The others nodded in agreement and speculated what happened, until X spoke.

“Sigma wasn’t done with us, and he was still stubborn to destroy us.” X said. “He was so stubborn, he managed to charge up a final attack. He shot out a beam, and Zero got in the way, having only his torso. Unfortunately, the beam pierced us both, and I was heavily damaged, one would say I died.” Every pony gasped, especially Princess Celestia.

“Then... how are you here?” A guard spoke. Every pony murmured, but X spoke again.

“I’m not sure. I was sure I was dead, but the next thing I knew, I awoke in a capsule in Hunter Base. They said someone fixed me up.”

“But you said yourself that you’re insides are complicated. No one could’ve gotten the parts to fix you, unless it was your creator.” Every pony nodded in agreement, and again, spoke to themselves.

“But he was dead for a long time, so I ruled that out.” The rest of the ponies talked and talked for a good 10 or so minutes, when Twilight and Co. came in.

“Princess! I read that you need us for-” Twilight stopped in her hooves. Celestia, Luna and a few guards were around X. Zero was somewhere, over the rainbow, who knows.

“What in tarnation is up wit’ this here gathering?” Applejack said. To be honest, no one knew what was going on. Zero popped out from a window.

“Princess Celestia here wanted to banish us.” Zero said.

“Straight to the moon!” A guard said.

“FOREVEEEERRRRRR.” Pinkie Pie exploded from the stained glass, and landed next to Rarity, who fainted by the sudden entrance. Fluttershy hid behind Applejack, uttering a soft “eep”.

“And thanks for being here.” Zero said. The Mane 6 were confused, and Zero turned his back.

Dark Hold

The whole room turned purple, and every pony froze, except for X, who also had the skill, Zero, Luna and Celestia.

“What did you do to my ponies?” Celestia said. She walked over to Twilight and nudged her. Twilight fell over Rarity, and the Mane 6 fell like dominos. Celestia turned around, only to be brought down by a giant beam. It came from space, supposedly, and hammered Celestia into the Marble floor, like a hammer and nail. Luna, watched the whole thing and was angry.

“What did you do to my sister!?” Luna shouted. Luna started to use her magic, when a giant blade of energy came at her. Luna dodged, only to meet several more blades of energy.


Wave after wave, it grew larger and quicker. Luna kept dodging each one, until she got hit by one. Zero unleashed a slew of Hadangeki, each one bringing her down. Luna kept tried to get up, but was overwhelmed by the sheer power. Each one left imprints onto her body, and eventually Luna was tired out. X and Zero broke out of castle via window, and dropped all the way down. From the top of the castle, to the bottom into the forest, it was like jumping down from the peak of Mount Everest. Zero and X continued to freefall down from the castle and landed onto the ground, unharmed.

“I gotta love these shoes.” Zero said. They were advanced landing gear, movable in any terrain and absorbed any fall, 100%. Meanwhile, back in the castle, Dark Hold finally wore out and time resumed. To the Mane 6 everything happened in an instant. X and Zero were gone, Celestia laid beaten into the ground, a gaping hole in the ceiling, and Luna had dark imprints in her body. The ground was also black, because of Hadangeki burning the ground. Streaks of fire lined the ceiling and curtains, and everything laid in ruins.

A/N: This was kinda rushed but I did it. New Chapter. Enjoy it, I'm gonna take a nap.