• Published 25th Jun 2014
  • 2,691 Views, 93 Comments

Cutie Mark Cleansers - Duke of Canterlot

Apple Bloom thinks she knows the way to finally get her cutie mark - kill the undesirables.

  • ...


Apple Bloom was the kind of filly who was always thinking.
This led her to have somewhat of an obsessive personality.
At this point of time, she wanted her cutie mark more than anything else in the world.

Why didn't she have one yet?
What did it say about her?

If two semi-retarded colts, two snobby bitches, and a filly with an annoying lisp could get their cutie marks, why not her?
The world would be so much better without such horrific beings in the world.
Apple Bloom thought about the jealous feelings she held towards ponies which were in many ways her inferiors, all because they got their damn cutie marks. It wasn't fair.
She was smarter than any of them.

The world wasn't fair at all. The other fillies in her class who didn't have their cutie marks were her two best friends: Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. They were much more deserving of bright futures than the likes of Snips or Diamond Tiara.

Apple Bloom wished she could get rid of the undesirable ponies.
But maybe, she could. Perhaps, it was her destiny to cleanse Ponyville, and perhaps all of Equestria, of the awful ponies who make everyone's life worse. Maybe that was why she didn't get her cutie mark yet... maybe.. nah... not only the ponies, there were other beings who made the world an awful place.. she thought of Rarity's pet cat.. yes, not only ponies.

The idea brightened the young earth pony's day. She would do it. She could do it. The question though was should she do it. Murder was against the law. The law didn't differentiate between the good ponies and the bad ponies. Was the potential punishment worth it? On her crusade to make the world a better place, she could wipe herself out in the process. However, Apple Bloom was confident in her abilities. She could outwit any pony who dared to challenge her, even the good ones who weren't on her list.

What would such a cutie mark look like anyway? Something pure. Something beautiful. Yes, it was worth it. She promised to herself that she would only kill beings that most of the world would not miss. That made the list admittedly small.. but sometimes, less is more.

Apple Bloom looked in the mirror and grinned.
She heard her older sister, Applejack, say, "Looking good, sugarcube!"

"That's sweet of you to say, Applejack", responded Apple Bloom.

"Anything special today?"

"I don't know, every day is full of surprises for me! What about you?"

"Nah, just working on the farm like usual."

"More fun than school, I bet."

"Ah wouldn't say that."

"Don't lie to me, sis."

"Ah never do that, you know that. Have a good day at school, sugarcube."

Apple Bloom trotted happily to school, keeping her head up high. Maybe today would be her first day. Maybe it wouldn't. The first kill would be the toughest. After the first one, there would be no turning back. Certainly not.

It was a beautiful day outside. The sun was shining. The birds were chirping. Would today be the day Apple Bloom finally got her cutie mark? Maybe yes. Maybe no. It seemed more likely that Apple Bloom would have to take action to speed up the process.

"I was going to give y'all a nice curve on that exam", said Cheerilee, "but one of you got a 100."

"Can we not count the blank flanks", whined Diamond Tiara.

"How would it be a blank flank", asked Snips, "doesn't that mean you don't have a brain?"

"It makes a lot of sense now", snarled Diamond Tiara, "your brain is your ass.. you fucktard."

"Diamond Tiara", scolded Cheerilee, "I won't have that kind of language in my classroom. Now, I'll pass the exams back."

Without Cheerilee having to say anything, Apple Bloom knew she was the one who got the 100 on the test. It was a far too easy exam.

Like most foals, Apple Bloom never studied for anything.. that worked to her advantage.

Cheerliee started to hand back the exams. Apple Bloom looked to her left and right: Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle.

"I wonder who busted the curve", said Scootaloo sarcastically.

"I hope it was me", beamed Sweetie Belle, "I worked really hard."

"It's just a test", said Apple Bloom, "it doesn't mean anything."

"You always say that", pined Sweetie Belle, "because you always do so well."

"My brother is a math whiz", responded Apple Bloom, "I'm sure that helped me out somehow."

"Eeyup", said Scootaloo in a masculine voice.

The three fillies giggled.

Cheerliee gave the CMC their exams back.

"Sweet, I got an 85", cheered Scootaloo.

"What happened? I only got an 86", whined Sweetie Belle.

"Thanks for being such a great help to my self esteem", mumbled Scootaloo.

"How much did you study", asked Sweetie Belle.

"I studied for like two minutes, I guess..", responded Scootaloo.

Apple Bloom looked at the 100 on her own test and quietly put the graded exam into her saddlebag.

Apple Bloom then heard Cheerliee say sternly, "I'm worried about you.. you're failing the fourth grade." Apple Bloom quickly turned around and saw Cheerliee talking to Snails, the semi-retarded unicorn colt. Snails.. a lanky waste of space... the only colt who was even more of a waste was his friend Snips. Apple Bloom noticed the graded 5 on Snails' exam. Cheerilee gave every pony five points for being able to spell their name on an exam.. at least Snails could do that. But why did he have his cutie mark and she didn't? It was disgusting. Apple Bloom was years ahead of Snails in every aspect, except physically. Perhaps, she could put that retard out of his misery. He would barely notice, right?

"I feel bad for Snails", whispered Apple Bloom to her friends.

"Snails doesn't try at all", responded Sweetie Belle.

"He's a lanky waste of space", added Scootaloo.

Yes, he is, thought Apple Bloom. What pony would miss him? Except his retarded friend.. who was also on the list by the way.

"I think Snails has potential", said Apple Bloom, "maybe if I can help him understand mathematics, he could do really well."

"I doubt it", responded Scootaloo with a shrug.

"You're dreaming", added Sweeite Belle.

"Good thing happen to those who dream big", said Apple Bloom, "look at Snails. Why, ah bet I can turn him into a professor?"

"You're nuts", said Scoootaloo with a chuckle.

"I'll offer to tutor him. Watch me."

Apple Bloom walked to the back of the classroom where Snails was staring blankly into space.

"Hi Snails", cheered Apple Bloom in a chipper tone.

"Hi.. Appl Blum", mumbled Snails.

What a stupid dumbass.

"Ah overheard that math ain't so easy for you."

"Yes, math isn't so easy for me."

Ugh. Snails was a jackass too... he wouldn't survive a day on the farm.

"Maybe I could help you understand those numbers.. it's not so bad at all."

"Really? You would do that for me?"

"Of course. What's a friend for? Meet me at Froggy Bog Pond after school."

"Duh duh.. that's good for me.. duh."

"Great. Ah'll see you then."

Apple Bloom returned to her desk beaming. Snails was an easy target. She smiled at her two friends.

"Snails doesn't have a brain in his head", said Scootaloo, "I wouldn't get too cocky."

"Oh", said Apple Bloom quietly, "I think I will seize the day."

Apple Bloom arrived at Froggy Bog Pond. It was a dirty swamp with all kinds of dangerous monsters: including a giant four-headed hydra. Plenty of opportunity for disaster. It was foggy outside..one could barely see anything, that would work to the devious earth pony's advantage.

Any other pony, except possibly Snips, would have thought things through and suggested a different place to meet.. but Snails was a good ol' boy and did what he was told without any sort of thought or deductive reasoning. Apple Bloom hated him. Her hatred for the lanky dummy wasn't unique to her thought.

Five minutes passed.

Ugh, groaned Apple Bloom, was Snails a no-show? Was this all for nothing?

"Duhhhhh, Apple Bloom, where is you?"


"Ah'm over here.. follow my voice. Hmmm.. wait, don't move yet."

Apple Bloom quickly did some estimating in her head.. based on the volume of Snails' voice, she was able to determine that he was ten steps away from the edge of the swamp. Apple Bloom had an idea.

"Hey", cheered Apple Bloom, "why don't we count to ten together?"

"Uhhhhh... okie."

"For every number we count, you take a step. No turning. Just walk straight."

"Duhhh, one."

"Uhhhhhghh, two."


"Nyaaaaahhh, four?"




"Duhhh... eight."

"*nigel Thornberry sound*.. nigel."


Yes, Snails walked far enough that he was at the very edge of the swamp.. a little push and he would go in.

"Now, ah want you to think of the rabbits."

"The rabbits? What does that have to do with..."
Apple Bloom pushed Snails into the dirty water and kept him down.
At first, Snails was motionless and content. But as time went on, Snails must have realized what was happening and he started moving a little bit. But the filly held him down with a powerful sense of determination.
After another minute or two, Snails stopped moving.. he was dead.

She watched as his body floated away. Hopefully, some monster would eat him up. Would any pony suspect Apple Bloom of her crime? It didn't matter.. there was one thing Apple Bloom felt.. and that was good.

How wonderful it was to get rid of such a waste of life! Like she suspected, once she killed one, she would have to kill the others... Apple Bloom thought about her friends, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. They were some of the best ponies around. But would they take on the cause as eagerly as she did? Or would they turn on her? Apple Bloom thought through the pros and cons and decided it would be best to tell her friends about what she did and see how they react... neither one would turn her in, but she wanted them to join her. This is something that would be more fun with friends!

Apple Bloom skipped happily out of Froggy Bog Pond. Snails was gone. Apple Bloom wasn't powerless.

Author's Note:

This story will have a mixture of dark and silly elements.
I hope y'all like it so far!