• Published 25th Jun 2014
  • 2,695 Views, 93 Comments

Cutie Mark Cleansers - Duke of Canterlot

Apple Bloom thinks she knows the way to finally get her cutie mark - kill the undesirables.

  • ...

Jet Set & Upper Crust

Five days of school had passed.

Apple Bloom anxiously paid attention to the updates regarding her four victims. She needed to determine if there was any evidence against her, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle.

Snails' body was not found, but it was presumed that he was killed in Froggy Bog Pond - probably eaten by the giant hydra who lived in the swamp. The search team had all but given up on finding Snails.

Angel couldn't be found. The search team seems to have not given up on finding Angel's body. However, the creatures in the Everfree Forest likely made their own uses of Angel's body - making it unfindable. This was the best possible case for Apple Bloom. Her murder of Angel was perhaps the one that could be traced back to the CMC the easiest.. no reasonable alibi and would Angel run into the Everfree Forest on his own volition?

Opal was found at the bottom of the gorge. It was presumed that Opal went beserk after being pet by Sweetie Belle and ran out of Carousel Boutique in such a rage that she neglected to look out for the gorge.

Snips was found at Froggy Bog Pond, in what appeared to be a suicide.

Everything was working according to plan for Apple Bloom. A part of her was thinking maybe this was the time to stop.. she did her part... but no... the desire for justice and the lust for blood were too strong for the young filly. There were more ponies who deserved death. Wouldn't all of this have been for naught if Apple Bloom spared their lives? However, her luck could start running dry real soon...

There were also the nightmares. Most of them involved her locked in solitary confinement. At least twice, Apple Bloom was visited by Luna.. she didn't know if it was Luna actually visiting her dreams or if it that was a figment of Apple Bloom's imagination.
Apple Bloom wondered. Did Princess Luna know about her deeds? And if so, why hadn't Luna used her royal powers to have Apple Bloom sent to the dungeon?

School was finally over.
Apple Bloom walked with her friends to the CMC Clubhouse.

"So, what are we up to this weekend", asked Scootaloo.

"I was thinking that we could just have a nice tea party and nothing else", responded Apple Bloom with a chuckle.

"Ooh, I like tea parties", squeaked Sweetie Belle.

"Ugh", groaned Scootaloo, "Apple Bloom was being sarcastic- this weekend, there's gonna be blood, right?"

"Yes, the mission will still continue."

"Maybe we should quit while we're still ahead", suggested Sweetie Belle.

"Ah thought about quitting", said Apple Bloom, "but we haven't quite made the world a better place yet."

"I suppose we haven't killed Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon yet", said Sweetie Belle.

"Exactly", responded Apple Bloom, "we still have a lot of work to do. This weekend, though, I think we should take a field trip."

"A field trip", asked Scootaloo.

"Why", said Apple Bloom with a smile, "a field trip to Canterlot!"

"It's Canterlot", whined Sweetie Belle, "you can't bring murder there!"

"And you're okay with murder in Ponyville then?"

"Well.. uh.... uggghhhh... forget it!"

"So, how are we going to get to Canterlot", asked Scootaloo.

"Ah've been learning how to make potions", said Apple Bloom, "it may not be as wondrous as the unicorn magic, but it will be mighty helpful."

"What are these potions for", asked Sweetie Belle.

"We need to get to Canterlot without being traced, right", said Apple Bloom, "this potion I conjured will shrink us to the size of bugs. We can hide on the train without being seen by any pony. Then, we go in and destroy our victims. Ah also have these syringes which my family uses to put down farm animals who get too old and sick. It will be like a bee sting."

"Geez", said Scootaloo, "sometimes, I think you're too smart for your own good."

"Only thing I haven't figured out yet".

"And what's that?"

"This potion can only keep us tiny for two hours at most. The train ride is about an hour to Canterlot. We only have an hour to make our kill and avoid being seen."

"Who's the kill?"

"Sweetie Belle and I know these two horrid wastes of space."

"I never met them", protested Sweetie Belle.

"They hurt Rarity."

"You met them?"

"By "know", I meant have knowledge of, but I know what they look like.. we find them and kill them."
Apple Bloom figured it wouldn't be smart to reveal her real reasons for wanting to kill Jet Set and Upper Crust.

"Scootaloo, to clue you in", continued Apple Bloom, "Jet Set and Upper Crust are two upper-class unicorns from Canterlot. The crime they had committed was shutting out poor Rarity's fashion items from inclusion because she is from Ponyville, like us. It is ponies like them who bring about prejudice and hatred. Qualities which our society could do without."

"That's really stupid", argued Scootaloo, "that can't be the reason you want to kill them, you don't even like Rarity that much?"

"What", squeaked Sweetie Belle, "is this true?"

Apple Bloom blushed and then said, "How I feel about a pony doesn't matter, what matters is that pony's overall effect on society. Jet Set and Upper Crust are the prime examples of ponies who make society worse through their snobbish attitudes and disdain for anything that is not like them. They must be destroyed. Do you understand now, Scootaloo?"

Apple Bloom must have intimidated Scootaloo since she nodded her head quickly and nervously.

"Let's go!"

The three fillies arrived at the Ponyville train station and stood by a bag. It must have been owned by some pony going on the train. Perfect source of transportation!

"Good", said Apple Bloom, "now, let's drink up."

"Ummm", said Sweetie Belle, "if you don't mind, could you drink it first? Not that we don't trust you, but..."

"Sure", said Apple Bloom with a confident tone, "it's not a problem at all. I'll start."

Apple Bloom drank the potion and then began to shrink. She watched as the world grew much bigger until she was the size of a bee.

She looked up at the normal-sized Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle and motioned them to drink their potions. She had the deadly syringes held tightly inside her saddle bag. They would listen to her.

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle drank their potions and shrank as well.

"C'mon, Cutie Mark Cleansers", cheered Apple Bloom, "we are now gonna go to Canterlot!!"
The three tiny fillies wrapped their bodies around the handle of the bag.
Suddenly, they felt the bag being lifted up at unfathomable speeds by unicorn magic.

It was a pony they recognized: Lyra Heartstrings and her marefriend Bon-Bon. Hopefully, they wouldn't notice the tiny CMC.

"C'mon Bon-Bon", said Lyra enthusiastically, "my parents in Canterlot adore you."

"Just as much as I don't adore them", said Bon-Bon sarcastically.

Apple Bloom held on for dear life on Lyra's bag. She hoped that they wouldn't be the next ones to die.

"Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, are you two okay", whispered Apple Bloom softly.

"Just hanging around", responded Sweetie Belle.

Apple Bloom smiled at her friend's lame joke, but the Cutie Mark Cleansers were strong and formidable.
Apple Bloom also realized, at this point, her friends probably thought she was a sociopath - somepony who looked to kill whomever in sight. But Apple Bloom wasn't a sociopath. She was an idealist - looking to make the world a better place. She had big dreams.

On their way to Canterlot, they could see Lyra's enormous mint-green face watching them. She noticed them. Lyra smiled and watched the tiny CMC with glee. She seemed to be trying to figure out exactly what they were. As long as she didn't deduce that they were the Cutie Mark Crusaders, all should be fine.

"What are you looking at", asked Bon-Bon.

"Look at these cute little bugs on my bag."


Apple Bloom could see Bon-Bon's giant face also look at them, but rather looking at the tiny CMC with awe. Bon-Bon looked at them with disgust and said, "They're only stupid bugs." She took her hoof and swiped the tiny CMC off the bag.

Apple Bloom began to scream as did her two friends. Were they going to die?

But no, Sweetie Belle was able to conjure up a little spell which lightened the impact of the fall for the tiny fillies and they survived without any harm.

"Thanks Sweetie Belle", said Apple Bloom with relief, "I owe you one."

"How are we gonna.... oh right, these poisonous syringes."

Apple Bloom felt rage at Bon-Bon for doing that. She had to fight the urge to take her syringe and give Bon-Bon a deadly injection right now. However... no... that would cause too much chaos on the train, risking their lives. These were for Jet Set and Upper Crust: two ponies much more deserving of death. But hmmmmm... two strikes against Bon-Bon at this point, thought Apple Bloom. A while back, Bon-Bon acted like a bitch to Apple Bloom when the little filly was just trying to help her older sister sell some apples.. that was the first strike. As for the second strike, being swiped to the ground like little bugs seemed cause as a second strike. Maybe, she would be on the list too.

The three fillies hid under a seat with the hopes that no pony would try to crush them.

"This better be worth it", moaned Scootaloo.

"Don't worry", said Apple Bloom with a comforting and confident smile, "ah got it all figured out."

"Including Bon-Bon swiping us onto the ground like we were little bugs?"

"Well, I can't plan every single little second.. but we made it out okay thanks to Sweetie Belle. Let's stay put and we will be okay. Those two snob ponies will be on their death beds before they could even be made aware of our existence."

'Ummm", said Sweetie Belle nervously, "what if ummmm... Rarity was lying or... I don't know."

"How could any pony live in such wretched and rustic conditions", asked Upper Crust to her husband, Jet Set, while looking at the vast land which made up Sweet Apple Acres.

"It really is most unfortunate, my dear", responded Jet Set, "but some ponies are not quite as fortunate as us. The Apple family.. psshaw, such low-lives living a low-life."

Apple Bloom heard the conversation between the two of them and walked over, "What did you say about the Apple family now?".

"Nothing, sugarcube", cooed Upper Crust, "why don't you go play in the mud or whatever it is farm children do?"

Apple Bloom ran off, disgusted with their attitudes.

"You really think Rarity would lie to you", asked Apple Bloom, "about something like that?"

"C'mon, Sweetie", added Scootaloo, "what other reason would any pony have to prevent your sister's wonderful creations from entering the Canterlot Royal Collection?"

"You both are right", said Sweetie Belle softly, "I'm game."

The train finally arrived at Canterlot.

"Let's go, girls", shouted Apple Bloom, "we don't have much time!"

Canterlot was such a beautiful and elegant town, thought Apple Bloom, a place which would only grow in both its beauty and elegance with the undesirables gone. Princess Celestia would eventually be pleased with these murders.

The tiny fillies ran quickly and avoided anything large, particularly hooves.

"Hey, I think Rainbow Dash would have fun at this size", said Scootaloo kind of randomly.

"Yea, you're right", responded Apple Bloom, "she would be a lot faster than us too. Ugh... we're cutting it close, but follow my lead. I think I got a good idea of where Jet Set and Upper Crust are."

They made it to Le Chef, an expensive restaurant in Canterlot, where the rich would go on a regular basis.
The CMC could see a large crowd of gigantic wealthy ponies chatting. Upper Crust and Jet Set were part of that group.

Apple Bloom could hear their snobbish voices, "Now, this is true class - not like what is considered the norm of today.", "Yes, indeed. Not like that Rarity.. ugh, I can't believe that Ponyville hick thought she had a shot of having her Ponyville-made items part of the Canterlot Royal Collection."

Well, those fuckers were the judges.

"We only have five minutes", said Apple Bloom, "then we grow back to normal size."

"Wait what", shrieked Sweetie Belle, "but this means ponies will see that we were in Canterlot!!"

"We gotta make our kill quickly", said Apple Bloom, "we will then dash to that tall tree over there and then drink the potions to shrink again and go back to Ponyville without a problem. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, ah would like the two of you to make your first kills."
Apple Bloom handed the two fillies syringes.

"It's real easy", continued Apple Bloom, "you just walk over to each one and give a little injection. On the hoof is fine. This poison is designed to cause death no matter where you inject it."

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle gave Apple Bloom looks which said, "that's not the hard part."
Apple Bloom supposed this killing thing was easier for some ponies than others.

"If you two wanna do it, you have to do it now."

Scootaloo grabbed the syringe and stabbed it into Jet Set's leg.
She could heard coughing and a loud groan and Jet Set collapsed.

"C'mon, Sweetie", goaded Apple Bloom, "you have to kill Upper Crust. Or I'll do it!"

"No", said Sweetie Belle, "I'll do it."

Sweetie Belle closed her eyes and ran in a straight line.
Upper Crust was already screaming about her husband's collapse.

Sweetie Belle managed to get the syringe right into the heel of Upper Crust's hoof. She fell right down with Jet Set.
They were both dead, just like that. The whole group was in shock.

Apple Bloom motioned her friends to run away while the commotion was going on.

"Hurry, hold on to these potions. We are going to grow back to normal size any minute and we want them to grow right back with us", said Apple Bloom.
She smiled. Despite her motivations being for the greater good, Apple Bloom admitted that she enjoyed the power she had from killing others and getting others to kill for her. Perhaps, this was also part of her destiny. Apple Bloom was a genius and could outwit anypony she wished. Who could match her in wits? Apple Bloom did have one pony to fear in that regard, Twilight Sparkle. Twilight was a good pony and didn't deserve death, but... perhaps, Twilight's death would be necessary for the greater good if she tries to put an end to the killings. That would be for later.

They made it to the tree.
"Scootaloo, get on my back and Sweetie Belle, get on Scootaloo's back."
Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo obeyed.

The three of them grew back to normal size.
Apple Bloom was about to tell them to drink the potions again.. but another pony came to mind. Perhaps, they could get another kill in tonight. This could be done at normal size. The target's castle was in a secluded area and away from the town square. The three of them could get there and avoid detection.

"Hmmmm, you know what, girls", said Apple Bloom, "ah think we have another kill to make tonight. Let's go in the other direction. Don't worry about shrinking again for now. We will be able to make this kill just fine normal-sized."

Before either of them could protest, Apple Bloom ran off. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo followed from behind.

Author's Note:

I hope you all liked this chapter.
The next kill will also be at Canterlot.