• Published 25th Jun 2014
  • 2,695 Views, 93 Comments

Cutie Mark Cleansers - Duke of Canterlot

Apple Bloom thinks she knows the way to finally get her cutie mark - kill the undesirables.

  • ...

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon

Apple Bloom was happy for her friend, Sweetie Belle, for getting her cutie mark.

"Ah bet it was the killing you did which got you your cutie mark", said Apple Bloom with a smile.
Sweetie Belle nervously laughed at the comment.

"You must have really killed in that concert", said Scootaloo.

"I must have", responded Sweetie Belle, "so, you two knocked off Flim and Flam?"

Apple Bloom nodded.

"This is never going to end, huh", asked Sweetie Belle nervously.

"Not until I successfully improve Equestrian through my cleansing", said Apple Bloom, "you two are gonna love my next targets."

"Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon?", asked Scootaloo.

"Eeyup, tomorrow shall be their death day."

"Umm", said Sweetie Belle, "this could turn out real bad, you know. They come from some mighty and influential families."

"No shit this could turn out real bad", snapped Apple Bloom at Sweetie Belle, "ah'm taking something that is called a risk. Ah will cover my tracks like usual. Don't you want to see those two brats dead?"

"I do..but..."
Sweetie Belle suddenly broke down in tears.

"I don't want to be a murderer anymore", cried Sweetie Belle, "it's awful."
Scootaloo went by Sweetie Belle's side to comfort her.

Some ponies aren't quite as cut out for this killing thing than others, thought Apple Bloom.

"They are Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon", said Apple Bloom, "the worst of the bunch. We are close to done with the killings."
That was a lie admittedly. Apple Bloom knew many more who would be better off dead.

"I'll have to think about it", said Sweetie Belle with a sniffle.
No use trying to pressure Sweetie Belle. That would only make things worse.

"No worries", said Apple Bloom, "I would love for you to join me, but if you don't want to, you don't have to. If you do, meet me at the CMC clubhouse at 9 am. Scootaloo, you'll be there, right?"

"Hell yea! Let's give those bitches what they deserve."

Sweetie Belle sighed.

"Hey, Sweetie", said Apple Bloom, "you should be so happy right now. You got your cutie mark."

"I know", said Sweetie Belle, "keep in mind I got it when I didn't join you in whatever mad scheme you had for Flim and Flam."

That was true. Apple Bloom learned something that moment. Sweetie Belle never supported the cause. She simply thought it would help her get her cutie mark. Sweetie Belle was one of the good ones, but Apple Bloom would have to take certain action if Sweetie Belle tried to betray her. However, Apple Bloom needed to be as kind as possible to Sweetie Belle. It would decrease the chances of betrayal.

"You sang plenty of times before", argued Apple Bloom, "maybe the killings helped."


"Alright girls", said Apple Bloom, "ah need to be up bright and early tomorrow for preparations. I hope to see you both at the clubhouse tomorrow."

"You can count on me", said Scootaloo.

"This is going to be so much fun", said Apple Bloom, "consider it redemption for all the times they would bully us for being blank flanks. One of us isn't even a blank flank anymore."

The three fillies went their separate ways.

Apple Bloom kept the guns Flim and Flam used at their show in her saddlebag. Apple Bloom just needed to find bullets.

The rooster crowed. Time to get up.
Apple Bloom was full of energy. Everything was all set, as long as Scootaloo showed up.
Apple Bloom wanted Sweetie Belle there too, but it wasn't necessary for this plan.

Apple Bloom got out of bed and noticed something interesting on herself.
Could it be?
Oh my, it was!!

Apple Bloom got her cutie mark!!
It was one black apple. It symbolized death.
When an apple got that color, it meant that it was poisoned and inedible.
This was a sign. A sign that killing the ponies who deserved death was Apple Bloom's destiny.
This was confirmation that Apple Bloom's mission was just.
How would her family interpret this though?
It didn't matter. It's not like a pony chooses his or her cutie mark anyway.

Apple Bloom managed to find real bullets at the barn.
The Apples had a rifle for protecting the family from any danger.
It was never used and it wouldn't be used for this murder. Apple Bloom was fortunate that the bullets were compatible with the pistols.
This day was already perfect. Apple Bloom got her cutie mark due to her mission. Now she needed to finish what she started.

Apple Bloom arrived at the clubhouse and was pleased to see that Scootaloo was already there. No Sweetie Belle.

Apple Bloom noticed that Scootaloo also got her cutie mark. It wasn't a dark apple. It was a scooter, just a scooter.

"Wow", cheered Apple Bloom, "you got your cutie mark, I see. Congrats! You're awfully good on that scooter. Ah saw it first hoof many times."

"Thanks, Bloom. Congrats on your cutie mark. It looks interesting."

"It is a dark apple. In Apple family folklore, the dark apple symbolizes death."

"Certainly worked for you then, huh."


"So, how are we killing them,"

"Have you ever used a gun before?"

"Oh yea, my deadbeat alcoholic dad taught me when he could stay sober for fifteen minutes."

"Good, you're probably a better shot than me."

"How are we gonna shoot them without getting caught?"

"It's a nice warm day out. Ah bet that Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon will be hanging out by the pool in Diamond Tiara's backyard. There's a nice tree we can climb and then aim...fire. Shoot them and they don't even know we were there."

"Err... These are pistols", said Scootaloo looking at the guns, "not exactly sniper guns."

"We gotta be careful."

"It's gonna be tough", said Scootaloo, "but maybe I could steal my dad's sniper rifle. He used to be in the Army before he became a loser."

"A couple problems with that plan", said Apple Bloom, "where would we store that gun afterwards? Your dad will know you stole it and we're in trouble. Sorry Scoots, I can't risk it."

"I got pretty good aim", said Scootaloo, "if we are close enough, I think I could do it with one of those pistols. Put bullets right in their heads."

"Good, cuz we're climbing that big tree right off Diamond Tiara's property", said Apple Bloom, "that should be good enough, right?"

"I think so."

"Ah guess Sweetie Belle isn't coming."

"Maybe she's running late."

"If she is, we can't wait for her much longer."

They waited another half hour for Sweetie Belle. She didn't show up. It was time to rid the world of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo climbed up the tree off of 14 Mansion Path (Diamond Tiara's address). She lived such a privileged lifestyle. Was that why Diamond Tiara was such a bitch? It didn't matter much. She and her friend would be dead soon enough.

They waited about an hour.
Apple Bloom was nervous. No pony was gonna catch them, right?
The worst thing that could happen was some pegasus catching them in the act.
Scootaloo would probably have been extra embarrassed if it was Rainbow Dash.

Apple Bloom gulped. There were Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

"I am actually kind of excited to go back to school on Monday", said Diamond Tiara, "picking on loser blank flanks make my day."

"Oh, Tiara", chuckled Silver Spoon, "you're such a dork. Liking school, heh."

"Maybe the killer will kill them by Monday."

"That's an awful thing to say", responded Silver Spoon with a surprising tone of indignation, "wishing other ponies dead is awful. Besides, Sweetie Belle is no longer a blank flank."

"Huh? Oh, right.. You two are singing nerds."

"I saw her get her cutie mark right after the concert. Poor filly. She was so nervous about getting on stage. I told her to believe in herself and that I believed in her. Sweetie Belle rocked it. Carried the whole concert by herself."

"I don't care", groaned Diamond Tiara, "she's still a fucking crybaby loser. I can find other ways to make her life miserable."

"You're so cruel sometimes."

Scootaloo looked over to Apple Bloom for some kind of cue when to shoot.

"When you think you have a good shot", whispered Apple Bloom to Scootaloo.

"Your attitude is going to get you in real trouble some day", said Silver Spoon.

"Me", exclaimed Diamond Tiara with a chilling laugh, "my daddy is a billionaire. He can get me out of any trouble.

"This killer... I think I know who it is. I..talked to Sweetie Belle yesterday and..."

"Huh, what does that wimp know?"

"I think the killer is...", began Silver Spoon.
However, she heard a bang.

"RUN", shouted Silver Spoon. Silver Spoon bolted out of the backyard but it was too late for Diamond Tiara. The bullet went right into Diamond Tiara's head. Oh my gosh... Sweetie Belle must have been telling the truth... Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom killed Diamond Tiara. Sweetie Belle saved Silver Spoon's life and tried to save Diamond Tiara's life.
Diamond Tiara was dead and Silver Spoon simply wanted to cry at her best friend's body, but that was too dangerous.

Silver Spoon would visit Sweetie Belle.

"Damn", grumbled Apple Bloom, "we missed Silver Spoon."

Scootaloo would never admit it to Apple Bloom, but after hearing about what Silver Spoon did to help Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo deliberately aimed the pistol to not shoot Silver Spoon. Scootaloo could have shot Silver Spoon easily. In fact, from where they were sitting, Silver Spoon was the easier target. However, Scootaloo could kill Diamond Tiara, but not Silver Spoon.
One pony who was in real trouble though was Sweetie Belle. She definitely gave Silver Spoon advance notice. Scootaloo sighed. Neither Sweetie Belle nor Silver Spoon would be able to outwit whatever the murder-loving genius filly had planned for them.

"Wasn't expecting Silver Spoon to notice so quickly", said Scootaloo. That part was true.

"Sweetie Belle", said Apple Bloom sadly, "she betrayed us. I don't know what to do. She has aided and abetted an undesirable."

"What do you plan to do?"

"I have to think about it, Scootaloo. This is really disappointing. I didn't realize how stupid Sweetie Belle was. She knows what I am capable of."

Scootaloo sighed and said, "maybe now is the time to stop the killings."

"Can I trust you", said Apple Bloom with an almost-frantic tone, "or are you gonna betray me like she did?"

"I knew nothing about this, I swear."

"Ah believe you. Those two plotted this at their little concert. Let's get out of here."

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo climbed down the tree and avoided detection.

Apple Bloom was terrified. Diamond Tiara was dead, but Apple Bloom was in danger. For all she knew, Sweetie Belle was talking to the police right now. Apple Bloom didn't want to tell Scootaloo, but Sweetie Belle and Silver Spoon would both have to die as soon as possible for Apple Bloom to keep up with her mission.

Apple Bloom needed to think of how... Hmmmmm... She did know of a good assassin. She visited Ponyville once. Maybe she would visit Ponyville again. Apple Bloom did take the money that Flim and Flam earned from their last show. That should be enough compensation to get the assassin into Ponyville sooner rather than later.

Apple Bloom found a pay phone and dialed a number.


"What do you want, dweeb,"

"Ah need your help. Meet me at Ponyville train station. I have 50,000 bits."

"You're shitting me, right?"

"I, Apple Bloom, would never do that."

"You better have the money. I'll be there right away, dweeb."

Yes, this would all work according to plan.

Author's Note:

Used the iPad again, got better at it this time :D
Yep, Apple Bloom has made her way fully to the dark side now.
To be continued.