• Published 25th Jun 2014
  • 2,695 Views, 93 Comments

Cutie Mark Cleansers - Duke of Canterlot

Apple Bloom thinks she knows the way to finally get her cutie mark - kill the undesirables.

  • ...


It was a beautiful day!

Apple Bloom was filled with giddy optimism. She didn't have her cutie mark yet, but she was on the road to obtaining it - for what was her true special talent. Snails might have been the first, but he certainly wouldn't be the last.

Apple Bloom skipped happily to school and said "Good morning" to every pony she passed.

"Good morning Pinkie Pie", chirped Apple Bloom.

"Hiya", cheered Pinkie Pie, "you look extra happy today!"

"Everything is simply beautiful, Pinkie", responded Apple Bloom, "that's why!"

"That's a good attitude to have, even the ugly can be beautiful."

The ugly be beautiful? More like, the ugly be dead.

"You're right, every pony has something special to offer. I better get to school!"

"Okie dokie lokie, hasta luego!"

Apple Bloom made it to the school. She could see Snips sitting outside looking sad. Snails wasn't there with him.
Did any pony figure out about Snails' demise yet? Apple Bloom decided to not talk to Snips and go to class.

Apple Bloom said hello to Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.

"You seem awfully chipper", said Scootaloo to Apple Bloom.

"What's there to not be happy about?"

"Oh, you must have not heard", said Sweetie Belle.

"Woah, are you two trying to ruin my day", asked Apple Bloom jokingly.

"Yea, totally", responded Scootaloo, "that was the plan all along."

"Class, may I please have your attention. Something quite troubling has happened."

"Most of you have probably heard by now, but Snails has gone missing. No pony has heard from him since school ended yesterday."

Good, they didn't find Snails' body yet. Like it mattered... who would suspect murder? Snails was such a dumb shit that the most likely method of death would be "careless accident". Apple Bloom groaned. In retrospect, she should have done more to stage the death as being a "careless accident", but floating away in the swamp should be enough.

"I told you the news was going to be bad", said Sweetie Belle.

"Poor Snails", said Apple Bloom quietly, "that must be why ah didn't see him yesterday for our tutoring session."

"The tutoring session, huh", said Scootaloo with a skeptical tone.

"Yea", responded Apple Bloom, "that tutoring session. I was gonna turn Snails into a professor. He's only missing. My dream can still be true."

"Oh, Apple Bloom", said Scootaloo, "you're always the one with the ridiculous dreams."

"I understand if any pony is too sad to be in school", said Cheerilee, "I allowed Snips to take the week off."

"Ohhhhhhh ohhhhhhhhhhhh", whined Diamond Tiara, "Iiiiiiiiiiii miiiiiiiiiiiiisssssss Snails already!!! WAAH WAAH WAAH!!!! I hope he's okay, what a gentlecolt he is!!!! WAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! WAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! WAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!"

"Geez, she's faking it", whispered Apple Bloom to her friends, "how disrespectful."

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo nodded.

"Diamond Tiara", said Cheerliee softly, "I never knew how much Snails meant to you. You can take off as much time as you want."

"Thank you, Cheerilee", said Diamond Tiara with a sniffle.

Diamond Tiara's friend, Silver Spoon [another snobby rich bitch], began to cry hysterically.
"I hope Snails is okay", moaned Silver Spoon, "he has made such a powerful impact on my life.. oh, Cheerliee, I am torn."

Silver Spoon was obviously faking it like Diamond Tiara, thought Apple Bloom, but was the better actress of the two.

"Is everypony else okay?"

No other pony cried or moaned.

"Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon", said Cheerilee, "you both are excused."

"Oh, Cheerilee", said Silver Spoon softly, "you don't have to do that for me... poor little me."

"It is clear Snails meant a lot to you", said Cheerilee.

"Means a lot to me", said Silver Spoon, "you said he may not be dead, right?"

"I did, my mistake", said Cheerilee.

Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara left the classroom with their fake cries.

"I hope Snails is okay", said Cheerilee to the class.

Apple Bloom had to stop herself from grinning. They will soon see that their world was better without Snails.

The rest of the day was very awkward for Apple Bloom.
She wanted to tell Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle about what she did so badly. She had to let it out, but she couldn't tell it in front of the other classmates. One of them would probably call for her arrest.. or even Cheerilee, the dutiful teacher feeling an obligation to do something about Snails' murder. Cheerilee wouldn't have done it because she cared about Snails.. simply because it was what society dictated her to do. Every pony learned that every pony is special in one way or another.. but, what they didn't know was that some of those ponies could also be horrible.

School finally ended, saved by the bell.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders went to their clubhouse. The clubhouse was built in a tree on Sweet Apple Acres. It was their private place, but sometimes Applejack liked to snoop around anyway.... Apple Bloom needed to be discreet. She trusted that her friends wouldn't turn her in.. over time, they might even help Apple Bloom with her cause.

"You've been unusually quiet, Bloom", said Scootaloo, "what's going on?"

"Is it Snails", added Sweetie Belle, "do you have a crush on him?"

Ugh.. Sweetie Belle.. you can be so damn naïve at times... ugh... just the thought made Apple Bloom want to throw up.

"There's something ah been wanting to tell you both", said Apple Bloom, "but first, I would like to set this under the conditions of a Pinkie Promise."

"What's the promise", asked Scootaloo.

"That you won't tell any pony else what I'm gonna tell you."

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle nodded and recited the Pinkie Promise, "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!"

"Good. Okay.. so here it goes...", Apple Bloom cleared her throat. She felt the anxiety run through her veins. This could turn out real bad or it could turn out wonderfully.

"I know what happened to Snails."

Apple Bloom could see that both of her friends looked concerned.

"I know what happened to Snails", Apple Bloom continued, "because I was responsible for his disappearance. Ah killed him. He's dead."

Sweetie Belle shrieked. Scootaloo was quiet.

"Why, Apple Bloom, why would you do such a thing", moaned Sweetie Belle.

Apple Bloom didn't know how to answer, but Scootaloo spoke.

"I think I understand."

"You do?", asked Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle at the same time.

"You wanted to put the retard out of his misery", said Scootaloo, "you don't think he deserved to be one of the living."

Yes.. Scootaloo was getting it.

"That's not me personally", said Scootaloo, "but I get why you did it."

"Snails didn't choose to be retarded", said Sweetie Belle.

"Yes, he didn't", responded Apple Bloom, "but he's one of the ponies we know who has made a lot of ponies' lives worse one way or another. Remember when he and his friend Snips led that Ursa Minor into town square?"

"I think I get it", said Sweetie Belle with a surprisingly calm tone, "you think that killing some ponies will make the world a better place."

"And think about it, even though Snails' death is shocking to both of you, would either of you say that you will truly miss him, would either of you say that you truly care about him?"

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo both needed about a minute to think about it and shook their heads.

Apple Bloom smiled, this was going better than she expected.

"I made a list", chirped Apple Bloom, "I didn't write it down or anything.. but I know the ones I plan to kill."

"Holy shit", said Scootaloo, "you know... if you get caught, you're gonna be in serious trouble.. the end result won't matter to a judge and jury."

"That's a risk I'm willing to take, Scoots", responded Apple Bloom, "for now, I am judge, jury, and executioner.. and we're keeping the promise we made, right?"

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle nodded.

"If you want", added Apple Bloom, "you can help me with the murders."

"I couldn't", responded Sweetie Belle nervously, "I won't tell any pony... but.... I could never do what you're doing..."

"What about you, Scootaloo?"

"Are Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon on this list?"

"Of course", cheered Apple Bloom, "but I'm saving the worst for last... of the ones on my list, Snails is the least unworthy."

"You really thought this through, huh", asked Sweetie Belle.

"No shit", responded Apple Bloom, "it's how I'm not gonna caught for any of this."

"Well.. if this leads to a dead Diamond Tiara, I'm in", cheered Scootaloo, "but... Rainbow Dash isn't on the list, right?"

"She isn't", responded Apple Bloom.

"What about Rarity", asked Sweetie Belle nervously.

"Rarity is definitely not on the list", responded Apple Bloom.

Sweetie Belle sighed with relief and seemed to calm down. Why would any of these good and worthy ponies be on her hit list, but Apple Bloom was glad she had the opportunity to assuage their worries.

"So who's next", asked Scootaloo.

Apple Bloom whispered the name in Scootaloo's ear and then whispered it in Sweetie Belle's ear.

"Oh", squeaked Sweetie Belle, "Fluttershy won't be too happy about that."

"She'll learn to appreciate not having that little shit bossing her around."

"That's true."

"Let's do it", cheered Scootaloo, "let's kill Angel Bunny!"

The Cutie Mark Crusaders walked across Town Square, well Scootaloo was on her scooter. The CMC were on their quest.. it could be the one that would lead to their cutie marks.
Apple Bloom was feeling a little paranoid. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle seemed trustworthy, but would one of them chicken out and put the whole mission at risk?

They saw Fluttershy and Angel walking towards the spa... Fluttershy was too kind to that shitty bunny. He didn't appreciate anything Fluttershy did for him.. Angel even once kicked Fluttershy out of the house when she was unable to get Angel a cherry he wanted.

"Oh, Angel", said Fluttershy in her soft and sweet voice, "I have to meet Rarity in the spa now. You can either come in with me or wait for me."

Angel shook his head, stamped his foot, and began pulling on Fluttershy's tail.

"Oh, owwie.. that's my tail, sweetie."

Of course, the little crap knew.

"It won't be long, I promise", added Fluttershy.

Angel began to cry.

"Ohhh.. I promise to bake you an extra special carrot cake."

Angel grinned at Fluttershy.

"Good, will you be going in with me?"

Angel shook his head.

"Alright, sweetie.. I'll be going in now."

Angel slapped Fluttershy on the ass and giggled...

"Oh.. that hurt.. oh, Angel, I hope you're okay without me."
Fluttershy went inside the spa.

"Now's our chance", whispered Apple Bloom, "this bunny is a little smarter than Snails, but he's a lot smaller.. easier to kill when we catch him."

"He's fast", said Sweetie Belle, "how are we gonna catch him?"

"Easy", responded Apple Bloom, "we have a scooter."

Scootaloo gulped and said, "You want me to use my scooter for..."

"What happened", interrupted Apple Bloom, "before we left, you were all excited.. now what's happening?"

"It's just... my scooter is innocent, even if we're not."

"We are innocent. We are simply getting rid of the guilty, since neither nature nor law seem to be doing that. It has become our job."

"I wonder what kind of cutie marks we will get", mused Sweetie Belle.

"Something pure", responded Apple Bloom, "something clean.. we are now the Cutie Mark Cleansers."

Scootaloo and Sweetie both shuddered... yes, the name was dark.. but it was well-fitting.

"Okay, girls", said Apple Bloom, "let's think this through. Scootaloo, you're the one who's gonna catch Angel Bunny. Sweetie Belle, you know how to stun living things, right?"
Sweetie Belle nodded.
"I'll be the one who kills him", said Apple Bloom, "maybe one of you will kill something someday, but ah figure the plan works best if I do the killing. You're ready? There's no turning back now."

Scootaloo nodded. Sweetie Belle stared down at the ground for a couple seconds but then said, "I'm ready."


Angel Bunny approached the Cutie Mark Crusaders with fake wings on his back. He pointed at Scootaloo and began jumping up and down while grunting... that little shit, he was making fun of Scootaloo's disability.. he sure as hell put in a lot of effort, but it offered the great intro for a great end to Angel.

"Oh", snarled Scootaloo, "I'm gonna get you!!"

Angel giggled and began hopping away.

"Sweetie", shouted Scootaloo, "get behind me!"

The two fillies drove off on the scooter while Apple Bloom waited patiently. This would be a way to see if she could trust her two friends. At this moment, if Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo really wanted to, they could run off the police instead and demand her arrest. That's what they could do. Apple Bloom hoped they wouldn't.

A few minutes passed and she was glad to see that Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle returned with a paralyzed Angel. His body was frozen, but his head wasn't.

Sweetie Belle handed Angel to Apple Bloom.

"Angel Bunny, oh Angel Bunny", said Apple Bloom, "we're gonna go to the Everfree Forest."

Angel couldn't run away... he tried to shriek but Apple Bloom put one of her front hooves on Angel's mouth.. that should shut him up.

The CMC took Angel to the forest. Apple Bloom threw Angel onto the ground.

"Oh Angel", said Apple Bloom, "you ungrateful little brat. You have caused harm to so many ponies with your selfish pranks."

Angel laughed at Apple Bloom.. oh my, he didn't think that she would harm him. Oh, Angel was very much wrong.

"There is only place for you, Angel", said Apple Bloom, "and that is hell." In only a few seconds, Apple Bloom picked Angel's head up and snapped his neck. He was dead instantly.

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle stood there with their mouths wide open.. this would certainly take away any doubt they had about Apple Bloom.

"Very well, let's throw the little bugger deep into the forest." Apple Bloom stood up on her legs and swung Angel around, throwing him deep into the Everfree Forest where monstrous creatures would likely devour his body.

"Let's go, girls", said Apple Bloom, "I think this has been a good day, you both have been a real big help."

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle nodded and followed Apple Bloom out of the forest.
They seemed a little scared of Apple Bloom, but perhaps a little fear would work in the young earth pony's favor when dealing with her friends. For the love of Celestia, Apple Bloom hoped that those two didn't attract any witnesses when chasing Angel down.