• Published 15th Dec 2014
  • 1,995 Views, 59 Comments

Sweetie Belle's Spell - StormLuna

Sweetie Belle wonders what is running through Opal's mind when she attacks Rarity one morning. During Twilight Time she runs across a spell that allows animals to talk. She memorizes it and casts it on some of the pets.

  • ...

Rarity's Surprise

The following morning Sweetie Belle was up much earlier than normal, even earlier than Opal. A few minutes after waking she heard a knock on the door. She quickly rushed to the door to see that it was her friends. She said, "Thank you girls, I knew you'd be here."

Apple Bloom replied, "Well y'all know we wouldn't let you down."

Scootaloo added, "Besides, seeing how Rarity will react to this is something I wouldn't want to miss."

Sweetie Belle led her friends into the kitchen where Opal was waiting. Unlike other mornings, she did not go pounce on Rarity, she simply waited for her to get up. Sweetie Belle saw this and asked, "Opal, aren't you going to go wake Rarity up?"

Opal replied, "No. I will just let her rest this morning. Besides, seeing her reaction when she goes to get that canned food will be priceless!"

Sweetie Belle raised her voice and said, "No! Opal, you can't talk to her! You have no idea how mad she will be."

Opal glared at the girls and growled. She was bound and determined to let Rarity know what she really wanted. Sweetie Belle realized this and knew there was nothing she could do to stop her so she just decided to hope for the best.

Thirty minutes later Rarity was woke up by the sun. She wiped her eyes and thought to herself, "It is so nice to be woke up by the sun, not claws and teeth." She then sat up quickly and wondered if something was wrong with Opal. She started shouting, "Opal, are you ok? Why didn't you wake mama up this morning."

Rarity thought that perhaps Opal was down in the kitchen with Sweetie Belle so she headed downstairs. When she got to the kitchen she saw Opal, Sweetie Belle and her friends. She glared at her younger sister and asked, "Sweetie Belle, what are your friends doing over here so early? I don't remember telling you they could come over at this time of the morning."

Scootaloo interrupted, "Well we have a lot of crusading to do today so we thought maybe you would fix us some breakfast!"

Rarity yelled, "Look, cooking for Sweetie Belle is enough of a pain but cooking for THREE fillies is something I will not do!"

Opal was not thrilled with the way Rarity was talking to the girls. She jumped up on Rarity's back and sank her claws into her. Rarity shouted, "Naughty Opal, naughty. You do not do that to mama!"

Opal continued to sit on Rarity's back as she headed to the cupboard to get a can of food for her. Opal hissed and said, "I AM SICK OF THAT SWILL, I WANT FISH!"

Rarity's growled, "Opal, I am not getting you........" She then realized what she had heard. She asked, "Opal, did, did you just talk?"

Opal growled, "I want fish!"

Rarity thought she was hallucinating. She sighed and quickly fainted. Rarity was laying there on the floor but was still breathing. Sweetie Belle tapped her face a couple of times and asked, "Rarity, are you ok?"

When they got no response they began to drag her to the boutique. This was difficult as she was quite heavy compared to the three fillies. Apple Bloom was getting frustrated and asked, "Sweetie Belle, could you try to at least levitate her a little?"

Sweetie Belle was unsure as to whether she could even lift her sister a tiny bit but decided she would try. Sweetie Belle's horn began to glow and she managed to lift her sister just barely above the ground. After a minute the girls had Rarity in her shop. Scootaloo said, "Wow Sweetie Belle, Twilight would be amazed by your levitating her!"

Sweetie Belle replied, "Shhh......we can't have Rarity waking up this quickly."

Fifteen minutes passed and finally Rarity was coming to. Her eyes opened and she looked around. "Ugh, what happened. Where am I?" asked Rarity

She saw the girls around her and continued, "Sweetie Belle, girls, why am I in my shop?"

Apple Bloom replied, "Well you just arrived here and you fainted. We heard a thump in here so we came to check on you."

Rarity got up on all fours and said, "Well thank you for checking on me." She paused and continued, "I had the weirdest dream. I dreamed that Opal could talk and she demanded that I get her fish."

Sweetie Belle giggled a bit and replied, "Well maybe it was a sign that you need to get her some fish."

Rarity glared and replied, "I doubt it and besides, where am I supposed to get this fish for her anyway? They don't sell fish in the market here."

Before the girls could say anything the door opened but it was not a customer coming in, it was Opal. Opal heard her say this and hissed "I don't care how you get it, get me fish or else."

Rarity looked stunned. She stuttered, "Opal, y-you can talk? H-how is that possible?"

Opal growled, "It doesn't matter, get me fish!"

Rarity glared at Sweetie Belle and asked, "Sweetie Belle, did you and your friends have something to do with this? Did you cast a spell on her?"

Apple Bloom replied, "No Rarity, we didn't have anything to do with this and you know that Sweetie Belle is just now learning how to levitate things. She doesn't know any spells to make animals talk!"

Rarity rolled her eyes and said, "Hmm...well that is true. Perhaps Fluttershy will know what is causing her to talk. She knows everything about animals."

Sweetie Belle asked, "But what about Opal's fish. Don't you think you should go to the river and catch one for her?"

Rarity replied, "Sweetie Belle, a lady does not go fishing. If you want her to have a fish, YOU go catch it for her!"

Sweetie Belle said, "Come on crusaders, come on Opal, let's go get you a fish."

Scootaloo added, "Cutie Mark Crusaders fishers! YAY!"

While the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Opal headed to the river to catch a fish Rarity closed her shop and headed over to Fluttershy's cottage. She knocked on the door and was greeted by a tired Fluttershy. Fluttershy asked, "Oh hi Rarity. Shouldn't you be in your shop by now?"

Rarity replied, "I should be but something strange happened this morning. Opal literally told me she wanted fish!"

Fluttershy laughed a bit and asked, "Did she just claw you more than normal and her hiss sounded like she said fish?"

Rarity glared at her friend and replied "No. SHE SPOKE! She literally told me she wants fish!" Rarity paused for a few seconds and asked, "Fluttershy, have you ever heard of animals actually speaking like we do?"

Fluttershy replied, "Uhm, well no I haven't. Are you sure you weren't just imagining things?"

This angered Rarity but she decided to hold her temper. She rolled her eyes and growled, "Well thanks anyway." Rarity headed back to her shop and was equally unhappy when she got back. When she got back in her shop she discovered that the girls were giggling while Opal was eating a fresh fish in the middle of the floor.


Opal looked up at her and growled, "This fish isn't going anywhere until I finish eating it!"

Rarity used her magic to pick up Opal and the fish and put them outside. She then headed over to Sweetie Belle and her friends and growled, "Sweetie Belle, you know better than to bring a dead fish into my boutique!" She then stared over at the stain and continued, "You three are going to clean up this mess!"

After finishing cleaning up the fish stain the girls headed outside to find that Opal had finished her fish. She ran over and rubbed up against Sweetie Belle's legs and said, "Thank you so much for the fish. I really appreciate it."

While the girls and Opal continued their conversation, in her shop Rarity was not herself. She was angry over the fish stain but was still confused as to how Opal could actually talk. She still thought she was imagining things but decided that she would ask Twilight later on if she had ever heard of animals talking.