• Published 15th Dec 2014
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Sweetie Belle's Spell - StormLuna

Sweetie Belle wonders what is running through Opal's mind when she attacks Rarity one morning. During Twilight Time she runs across a spell that allows animals to talk. She memorizes it and casts it on some of the pets.

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Sweetie Belle Exposed

Shortly after the pony/pet play date was over everypony showed up at the library. As they headed all in Rarity couldn't help but look at all the books, scanning them for a title that may be the book which contained the proper spell. Twilight said, "Ok everypony, let's start going through these books and see if there is any kind of spell that could have been used."

Applejack replied, "But Twilight, you said that nopony who would know how to cast those types of spells would have had access to your books so even if we do find a book, we still won't know who did it."

Twilight said, "Well still, if we can find a book with a spell in it like that perhaps I can write a counter spell to return them back to normal."

Owlowicious interrupted, "Twilight, why would you want to do that. It is much easier for us to communicate."

Pinkie added, "You know Twilight, Owlowicious makes a good point!"

Twilight rolled her eyes and everypony continued to go through the books. Twilight was quickly getting frustrated and was stomping around grunting and snorting. She finally screamed, "When I get my hooves on whoever did this, they'll wish they had left my books alone!"

Rainbow replied, "Calm down Twilight. Besides, you said nopony who could cast those kinds of spells had access to your books. Perhaps it was somepony who you don't even know that cast these spells."

Twilight sat down and realized that Rainbow was right. Twilight said, "I'm just frustrated Rainbow." Twilight sat there in thought and then something crossed her mind. She wondered when the animals first started talking. She looked at Rarity and asked, "Rarity, when did you first think that you thought you heard Opal speaking?"

Rarity replied, "It was last Thursday, it was the day after the girls spent time with you."

Applejack's ears perked up and she asked, "Ah know you have said that Sweetie Belle doesn't have the magical know how to cast spells like that but y'all don't think maybe she has more knowledge than you thought do you? Do y'all think she may have found a book with a spell, found it, learned it and then cast it?"

At first Twilight thought it was a stupid question but then she realized that Applejack might be right. She replied, "That is a good question Applejack, especially since the animals first started talking the day after our last Twilight Time."

Fluttershy asked, "But Twilight, wouldn't you have seen one of them grab a book and start reading through it?"

Twilight replied, "I would have unless they did it when I went to buy some more quills when my last one broke." She put her hoof over her face and asked, "Do any of you know where the girls are right now? I think we need to speak to them."

Applejack replied, "Ah think they are in their clubhouse. Come on everypony, let's go see if we can get some answers."

They all headed to the farm. It took them a while as the girls' clubhouse is on the most distant part of the farm. When they finally got there they heard the girls talking. It sounded like they were talking about the animals staying quiet but they couldn't be sure. Applejack headed up and said, "Come on out y'all, Ah need to talk to you."

Apple Bloom asked, "Why can't y'all just talk to us up here?"

Applejack replied, "Because it just isn't me who needs to talk to y'all."

The girls nodded and nervously headed out. There they were greeted by Applejack's friends. Twilight glared at the girls and asked, "Girls, do you know what this is about?"

Scootaloo replied, "No Twilight, I don't know what it is about."

Twilight ordered, "Follow us. Maybe going to the library will jog your memory."

They nervously followed them to the library and once they got in there Twilight asked, "So girls, what do you remember about the last time you were here?"

Scootaloo replied, "Well I remember putting together a scooter and it staying in good shape after I rode it like it was my own."

Apple Bloom added, "And I remember trying to make some fertilizer but it still not working quite the way I wanted it to."

Sweetie Belle sat there in silence, which caused everypony to be suspicious. Twilight asked, "And what about you Sweetie Belle? What do you remember about the last time you were here?"

Sweetie Belle was sitting there nervously when she saw Owlowicious sitting on his perch with his wings on his hips glaring at her and she finally realized that she had to tell the truth. She looked up, levitated the book she found the spell in and placed it in front of Twilight. Twilight looked down and saw that it was a book regarding spells for animals. She glared at Sweetie Belle and asked, "Spells for animals? How did you know where this book was and how did you so easily get it down?"

Sweetie Belle had a few tears in her eyes and she replied, "I can explain."

Twilight sighed, "I'm listening."

Sweetie Belle started, "Ok, I became curious as to what was running through Opal's mind when she would pounce on and bite Rarity every morning. I know she was unhappy with her but I wanted to know why so when you went to get some more quills I saw the book up on the top shelf and levitated it down. I found a spell involving animals talking so I memorized it and then cast it on Owlowicious to see if it worked."

Twilight snapped, "So you used my pet as a test subject?"

Owlowicious interrupted, "Yes she did but you know what? It makes life so much easier now that Spike and I can actually communicate. Just think of how much easier it would make things for all of us if you don't cast any kind of counter spell on me."

Twilight growled, "You do make a good point but Sweetie Belle, do you know how wrong it was for you to do that without my permission? Do you know how I feel right now? I feel like you took advantage of me."

Sweetie Belle began to cry, "I'm sorry Twilight. I was just curious and I couldn't help myself."

Twilight asked, "Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, did you two know about this or were you working on your skills when she did this?"

Scootaloo replied, "Well she distracted us when she took the book down. I tried telling her that it wouldn't be a good idea but she did it anyway."

Apple Bloom added, "Ah tried telling her the same thing but she wouldn't listen. She wanted to know what was going through Opal's mind so bad that she wasn't going to listen to us."

Things began to come back to Rarity more and she interrupted, "Girls, that morning I fainted in the kitchen when I heard Opal speak. How did you get me into my boutique? I know you can't carry me!"

Sweetie Belle replied, "Well sis, I levitated you just enough off the ground that we could get you into the boutique. We wanted you to just think you were dreaming it."

Twilight's ears perked up and she asked, "Really Sweetie Belle? You levitated your sister? How did you levitate something so much heavier than you?"

Sweetie Belle replied, "Well I just put as much power as I could into picking her up."

While Twilight was very angry over Sweetie Belle violating her trust the way she did, she couldn't help but smile when she heard about Sweetie Belle levitating Rarity. She said, "Wow Sweetie Belle, I know you've been levitating things better lately but I never imagined that you'd be able to levitate an adult pony." She paused for a minute but the scowl returned to her face and she continued, "But I still don't know if I can trust you anymore Sweetie Belle, and given that Apple Bloom and Scootaloo didn't do more to stop her, I don't really know if I can really trust any of you anymore."

Twilight began looking through the book to see if there was a counter spell while the girls had tears running down their faces. Applejack asked, "Twilight, is there a counter spell in there to reverse this?"

Twilight was frantically looking through the book but could not find one. In a loud voice she replied, "No, there is not one. Now I....I mean WE are going to have to write our own magic."

Applejack asked, "Twilight, since you wrote your own magic to become a princess, Ah thought you wouldn't have any problems writing a spell and what do you mean 'we' have to write our own magic?"

Twilight replied, "Applejack, I only rewrote Starswirl's failed spell and writing magic from scratch is not easy." She glared at Sweetie Belle and continued, "And you are going to help me with this Sweetie Belle. You cast this spell and I am not going to correct your mistake on my own."

Despite her unpleasant demeanor Sweetie Belle seemed excited that Twilight wanted her to help her with this. She also was wondering if her friends could help. She asked, "Twilight, I know they're not unicorns but could they help out as well?"

Twilight replied, "Sure why not. They may not be able to cast spells but they could help, since they were here when you did this." The girls got smiles on their faces but Twilight's frown deepened, "Now girls, remember, this isn't to help you with any skills, this is you helping me fix Sweetie Belle's mistake. I'm not sure if there will be anymore Twilight Time after this or not."

The girls' smiles quickly turned into looks of sadness. They knew that they had messed up royally and given that Twilight is a princess, they began to wonder if a fate much worse than the end of Twilight Time awaited them, such as banishment. Sweetie Belle asked, "So when do you want us to start helping you work on a counter spell."

Twilight replied, "As soon as everypony else leaves." She motioned for everypony else to leave so they could get started. While Twilight was very angry she realized that all of the CMC wanting to help her despite her foul mood that perhaps if they can get a counter spell wrote, that maybe she should give them yet another chance even after what happened when they took advantage of her to gain fame in their school.