• Published 15th Dec 2014
  • 1,995 Views, 59 Comments

Sweetie Belle's Spell - StormLuna

Sweetie Belle wonders what is running through Opal's mind when she attacks Rarity one morning. During Twilight Time she runs across a spell that allows animals to talk. She memorizes it and casts it on some of the pets.

  • ...

Correction and Forgiveness

After everypony else left Twilight and the girls started to go through the book that Sweetie Belle found the spell in, to see if maybe there was a counter spell in there and that maybe she just missed it. Twilight said, "Alright girls, read over the spell Sweetie Belle cast. Perhaps there is something about it that can guide us in the right direction to write a counter spell while I look through my other books regarding animals."

They began reading over the spell over and over. Apple Bloom asked, "Do you think that if we simply change a few words and recite it to where we know what they are saying but that we don't want to that that might work?"

Scootaloo was looking over this closely and she replied, "I don't think so Apple Bloom. We might be able to alter parts of it but other parts we will probably have to start from scratch."

Sweetie Belle added, "I'm with Scootaloo on this one. I think we are going to have to put our minds to it and simply write a majority of this without simply saying the opposite of the speaking spell."

While Twilight was going through the books looking for a counter spell she couldn't help but smile a bit as the girls were discussing this. She knew that Sweetie Belle had the right idea and that if she could come up with it on her own, that she would be the one who could most effectively reverse the talking spell.

The girls continued to talk among themselves about what would be the best way to try this all while Twilight was standing on the far side of the room watching attentively. Finally some words came to Sweetie Belle. She asked, "I wonder if this would work? "The animals can talk which makes communicating with them a breeze but in some it causes them to in a panic and freeze. For this is not natural so back to normal is what they must be as this I now can see."

Scootaloo replied, "Well there is only one way to find out."

Owlowicious knew what was going on. He said, "No girls, please no. I don't want things to go back to how they used to be. I want communicating with Spike and Twilight to be easy."

Twilight interrupted, "Owlowicious, I know you like being able to talk, but it just isn't natural. Besides, Sweetie Belle needs to see if her spell really works."

Sweetie Belle's horn began to glow and she recited, "The animals can talk which makes communicating with them a breeze but in some it causes them to in a panic and freeze. For this is not natural so back to normal is what they must be as this I now can see."

The energy released from her horn headed towards Owlowicious and was absorbed into his body. Now would come the time to see if it worked. Sweetie Belle asked, "Owlowicious, did that energy feel weird going into your body?"

"Hoot." replied Owlowicious

Twilight wanted to make sure that it really did work and that he wasn't merely saying hoot to placate her. She stared deep into the owl's eyes and asked, "Owlowicious, what is your name?"


Twilight could tell by the way that he said it that he could no longer speak like ponies do. She smiled at Sweetie Belle and said, "Wow Sweetie Belle, it worked! You have a lot more magical talent than I thought. You have more right now than I did at your age."

Sweetie Belle replied, "Thanks."

Twilight asked, "Well girls, shall we go and fix the other animals so everything will be back to normal."

In unison the girls replied, "Yes Twilight."

They first headed over to Sweet Apple Acres to remove the speaking spell from Winona, as it seemed to bother Applejack more than Opal talking does Rarity. They are greeted by Applejack when they get at the farm. She asked, "So, did y'all come up with a spell to fix Winona?"

Twilight replied, "Well Sweetie Belle wrote it on her own and it worked on Owlowicious. Hopefully it will work on Winona as well."

Applejack lead them to the barn where Winona was resting. Sweetie Belle said, "Winona, come here!"

Winona ran straight up to her and sat at attention. Again Sweetie Belle's horn began to glow as she recited, "The animals can talk which makes communicating with them a breeze but in some it causes them to in a panic and freeze. For this is not natural so back to normal is what they must be as this I now can see."

Like with Owlowicious, the energy entered her body and she began to bark, albeit a bit sadly. Twilight looked deep into Winona's eyes and asked her if she knew who she was. Winona started barking, jumped on her and was licking her face. Applejack saw this and said, "Thank you Twilight, Ah'm so glad to see my Winona is back to normal."

Twilight replied, "Well like I said, Sweetie Belle is the one who wrote the spell so if you are going to thank anypony, thank her."

Applejack hugged her and said, "Thank you Sweetie Belle. Y'all don't know how much this means to me."

She nodded at Applejack as they followed Twilight over to Rarity's house. Twilight was thinking that dealing with Opal would probably be the most difficult but since being able to speak, she has been very affectionate towards everypony except Rarity. When they entered Opal ran up to them and jumped up on Sweetie Belle's back, rubbing her face against the filly's and was purring. Twilight saw this and said, "Wow, she really does like you doesn't she?"

Sweetie Belle sadly replied, "Yeah she will until I cast the spell on her. Then she will hate everypony except Fluttershy."

Twilight said, "Oh it won't be that bad. She might still like you." Opal had hopped off her back and pointed her hoof down towards the cat. She continued, "Alright Sweetie Belle, let's finish this."

Opal was looking straight into her eyes. Her horn began to glow as she recited, ""The animals can talk which makes communicating with them a breeze but in some it causes them to in a panic and freeze. For this is not natural so back to normal is what they must be as this I now can see."

Her energy shot towards Opal and was absorbed into her body. Opal tried to talk but all she could get out was meowing, growling and hissing. She gave Sweetie Belle a look that could kill and swatted at her mane, causing part of it to fall out. Twilight could tell the spell worked. She said, "Well Sweetie Belle, congratulations, your spell worked." She ran over to her, hugged her and continued, "I'm so proud of you Sweetie Belle."

Sweetie Belle replied, "Thanks."

Twilight then gave them a stern look and said, "Now what to do about Twilight Time. One part of me wants to simply end it entirely, another part thinks I should cut it off for a couple months but another part of me wants to just forgive you and keep doing it as normal."

Sweetie Belle replied, "I'm sorry for looking in your books and casting that spell."

Scootaloo added, "I'm sorry for not stopping her."

Apple Bloom added, "I'm sorry for not stopping her too. I hope you can forgive us."

Twilight put her hoof up to her chin, acted like she was deep in thought but she already knew what she wanted to do. With a scowl on her face she replied, "Well girls, I have decided that........." Her scowl turned into a smile and she continued, "I have decided that Twilight Time will continue as normal. I forgive you."

The three said, "Thank you Twilight!" Sweetie Belle continued, "I know now that I should not have let my curiosity cause me to do something that I did not have permission to do. From now on I will ask permission before I do anything that may upset somepony."

Twilight replied, "Wow Sweetie Belle! That sounded like something I used to write in my letters to Princess Celestia." She headed towards the door and continued, "Same time as usual on Thursday?"

The girls replied in unison, "That sound wonderful Twilight, see you then!"

Twilight closed the door and headed home with a smile on her face. She was happy that everything had returned to normal but she felt even happier knowing that the girls had learned an important lesson in friendship. She believed that this could be a major step towards them discovering their special talent and said to herself, "One day it will happen, one day."

Comments ( 26 )

"PSSST Hay Spike? " Opal hissed" You want to find out how Rarity feels about you?"

:moustache: Sure thing!"

Get me a fish and I'll spill the beans":raritystarry:

Opal got the fish and said to Spike Meow meow Hissssss


It's kind of sad that the pets are back to normal I mean most of the animals can talk.

5487846 I know some would have liked to have seen the animals continue to be able to talk but I wanted the CMC, especially Sweetie Belle to learn a valuable lesson in this story. Unlike a lot of my other stories, I wanted this one to be more like what you would see in an episode. I'm glad you liked it.

This gets 3 mustaches :moustache::moustache::moustache:

This feels a lot like an episode, if I'd been writing it I wouldn't have been able to resist having them enchant the other animals too instead of writing a counter spell. Or better yet, have Twilight secretly cast the spell on Owlicious for Spike at the end. :trollestia:

5792962 I intended for this one to be more like an episode. I have written many stories that would never be episode material but this time I decided to mix things up. At first I was thinking of having Owliscious be allowed to continue speaking but that would take away from the CMC learning their lesson entirely. Too bad I couldn't submit this to Hasbro for an episode idea.

Why couldn't you copyright and submit?

5793162 How would I go about copyrighting the story and how much would it cost?

Sorry, I don't know, I forgot something important though. These are hasbros characters, so they could stop you from useibg a copyright and take the story if they wanted. You should do some more research before contacting them I think. I hope that this will become an episode though.

5864847 Yeah with those being their characters, the chances of me being able to copyright it would probably be slim. The main thing I would worry about would be that if Hasbro did take it would be that they would have one of their writers alter it a tiny bit and give me no credit. I just wish I could get this one to have more exposure on Fimfiction.

Stormluna, i spoke to my brother, it isn't possible to copyright this, but I have an alternative. You could copyright it with different names, present it to hasbro, and they would have to do so much editing to make stealing your story legal that it would be easier to just pay you, besides, if they treat you well maybe you'll come back with something new. If you don't want to change the names, you MIGHT be able to sue them on the grounds that this story has been here for x amount of time and that they stole it. Not sure about that last one though. Hope this helps. :)

5883972 Thanks for letting me know. I really appreciate the information.

Since I liked your story so much Luna, I have a suggestion for you. You should look at Yours Truly I think you might like it.

5492276 he/she never said that they liked it!:ajbemused:
and i dont like it at all!

Well it's sad the animals don't have a say, but would been great to see Angel, Gummy and Tank talk.

6721795 I have had other people comment that they wish I would have had all of them talk but I only had three of them talk to make the pets' owners wonder why only three could talk. I had also planned on having the spell not work on Opal but then I decided against it. Why I honestly don't know. Had I written the story now I would have had everypony think it worked but let her continue to talk but the main end I wanted was for the girls, especially Sweetie Belle, to learn an important lesson in friendship. I think this is probably the only story I have wrote that mirrored what might happen in a real episode.

What valuable lesson? :rainbowhuh: That animals don't have a right to be able to speak? What kind of message does that send?

7196382 The lesson it teaches is that the CMC, just like in Twilight Time, should not take advantage of Princess Twilight. Sweetie Belle used a spell from one of Twilight's books to cause three of the animals to speak and the other two did not try to stop her. In the end Twilight made them fix the problem they created and learned an important friendship lesson. Had nopony had any problems with the animals speaking, no lesson would have been learned and the girls likely would have thought they could abuse their relationship with Twilight in other ways and get away with it. Besides, had I decided the animals have a "right" to speak, Sweetie Belle would have cast it on all six of them, not just the three.

Still, you couldn't have picked a spell that didn't carry such moral implications? :applejackunsure: I mean, the situation sort of portrays Twilight and the others rash and unreasonable just because the animals could talk.

I'm surprised Owloiscious (however you spell it) and Winona weren't more sad than they were. I'm surprised Sweetie got off with only losing a piece of her mane.

7211014 I honestly didn't even think about Owlowicious and Winona being more sad than they were and of course anger was Opal's natural reaction. I would have had her do more but I wanted to keep this one rated E so that it would be the one story I wrote that would resemble what would happen in an episode.

Maybe a way to please some of the disappointed readers is to have a teaser ending? Like:

One Pet/Pony Play Date:
Opal: Think they bought it?
Winona: I hope so.
Owlowiscious: Shh! They might hear us!


At least that way the Crusaders learned their lesson, but the animals can still talk! :pinkiehappy:

I'd have hoped a pony as intelligent as Twilight could come up with a better reason than to appeal to the naturalistic fallacy.

5883972 While technically correct due to the outcome of a couple court cases, the idea that a work's uncopyrighted elements aren't protected because it contains copyrighted elements from another source (ie: the case where a fanfiction writer was ripped off by someone else who stripped out the "fanfic elements" and passed it off as their own "original" work) is sleazy and dishonest at best. No serious business will do that just due to the public opinion backlash they'd face should the story get out.

I personally think that particular fanfic author needed a better lawyer who could argue what needed protecting better. If anyone has the right to strip out "fanfic elements" and publish the original parts as their original work, it's the fanfic author, not some Johnny-come-lately plagiarizing hack.

If StormLuna (or anypony else on this site) wants to do that with her stories, more power to her, and I hope she meets with success. Hopefully she never has to deal with someone else doing it to her like that other girl.

Didn't like the ending, it's just wrong.

Finally some words came to Sweetie Belle. She asked, "I wonder if this would work? "The animals can talk which makes communicating with them a breeze but in some it causes them to in a panic and freeze. For this is not natural so back to normal is what they must be as this I now can see."

"Hoot." replied Owlowicious.(——

the speaking spell from Winona, as it seemed to bother Applejack more than Opal talking does to Rarity.

The girls replied in unison, "That sounds wonderful Twilight, see you then!"

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