• Published 13th Sep 2014
  • 644 Views, 25 Comments

Middle ground - DarkShadow95

I was a british soldier. Now Im here, an equestrain soldier with a much better life thanks to a very sketchy job offer.

  • ...

Chapter.2 Close encounter


Sorry give me a moment here...Okay rant over.

That SOB tricked me! 'It will be a paradise' they said 'It will be easy' they said, but nope. Here I am on a private jet heading to god damn mother fucking Bermuda. With smug bugger sitting across me, at least they let me drink whisky. Which was the only thing holding me back from leaping over the table and strangling the prick.

I was sat I the most comfiest chair I have ever been on, being served whatever I want and surrounded by cream leather. Yet I could not take my eyes off the guy across me. They were wise in making all cutlery plastic on planes now or a fork would be placed 'where the sun don't shine' for this guy.

The past 3 days had been interesting to say the least. Once the incident in the office was sorted I immediately went to the gym to take my anger out on the punch bag 2 days I was in there. It helped, a little because as soon as Mr Kodak was back and I was packed we were off to the airport. Not much was said all the way through the drive, customs and the plain. In fact I don't think a word was said at all, only the atmosphere of murder and smugness exchanged between us.

"I know you are not happy with what I did Mr Jones," He said breaking the silence between us. "I am sorry for what I had to do for you see we were running out of time to find a suitable candidate."

"Run out of time?" I asked "out of time for what?"

"The portal to open. As you know the portal only opens once every 6 months and it only stays open for a minimum of 3 days. So I had to deceive you as I was unsure if you would take the offer or not. You do realise the portal is opening tomorrow don't you?"

"No I didn't" I lied, taking another sip of my whisky "This is good you want some?"

"No but thank you Mr Jones."

"Good because its the only thing stopping me from killing you right now. So you better hope that decanter lasts until we land or I will kick your ass out of this plane" I warned him.
He chuckled at my small joke "Well maybe I delay my sentence further by explaining your job in more detail".

"Go on..."
"Well the urgency of your role is high due to reports of scientists running into some trouble, hostile trouble that is. Researchers have came under attack by...wild creatures. The local military have aided us in protection. But the UN would feel a lot better if they sent at least some military personnel over there. However the local power AKA the royal sisters are unsure on sending human military to their world, as they understand our history with war and also the fact we have some very dangerous tools."

"Okay that sounds a lot more reasonable," I butted in. Now my interest was peaked at Mr Kodak's honestly "But I still want to know why you kept the truth from me"

"Mr Jones if you let me finish, all will be revealed. Now as I was saying the sisters are unsure of our military getting involved so a deal was made; between Earth and Equestria that we would send one of our own as security. But also to exchange military knowledge to learn from each other. Now this is where you come into all of this. We chose you because we needed the best, and at very specific requirements someone with no personal ties, trained in security, has numerous skills and open minded to anyone. Finding that kind of person was hard and most of the candidates that did qualify said no, even when we mentioned the income. So time was running out then your file comes across my desk and you seemed to fit the criteria perfectly. I was worried that you would refuse the offer, so I kept certain parts confidential with time running out I had no choice. If I hadn't I would loose my job and the researchers would still be at risk," He leaned back and relaxed in his chair, I think he was happy he got that off his chest "Does that answer your question Mr Jones?"

I looked at him trying to look for any more signs of deception. I took a moment to process what he said. It all seemed to fit and was all logical. Protecting civilians and trying to show we are not all war tyrants. Hell, protecting citizens sounded like a good job actually and I can understand the desperation. So with my concourse much more clear, I could relax and really enjoy this whisky.

"Well that clears up a lot. But Mr Kodak?"


"From now on, A be honest with me from now on and B, I still owe you punch" I smirked to which he also laughed. I could now understand all of this and once you do get over all of the deception it seems like a pretty good job, especially the money.

"Well I suppose I do agree with that statement Mr Jones. But let me give you the information on what will happen in the next few days from now. So I do suggest that you stop drinking the whole bar dry before we land," I had to agree with him on that, turning up drunk on a new job not so good, funny but not good. "Sadly due to time limits you have not received proper training like the scientists did for any of this. So you are going in blind on this, so it may be a bit of a culture shock to you, you will have to adapt on the go I believe that you can. But just in case we do give everyone a guide to Equestria here..." He got up from his chair and opened his briefcase on the side producing a very thick book. Handing it to me I realise what it is.

"'A dummies guide to Equestria' are you trying to say something to me Mr Kodak?" I mocked.

"No" He chuckles "Its standard issue to all personnel, I suggest you read it while you are there. As of tomorrow you will be leaving for the portal with all your equipment. I have already paid 100 thousand into your bank account, it is just the start up payment on the contract the rest will be paid quarterly," as he was saying this I took out my phone to check my account, low and behold 100K...nice. "As for your equipment most of it has already been taken care of, although you can add anymore to the list, within reason of course."

I nodded in agreement, no point in taking a LASM to a CQB range. Especially if these 'princesses' were concerned with our weapon capabilities.

"Anything else I need to know about?" I asked him, I was looking at him straight in the eye to make sure there was no more deception. But I found none so far.

"Well most of the other things like the place you will be staying will be told to you by your new 'boss' a Dr Alexander Olof a German scientist. He is head of the Bermuda project on the Equestrian base, so you will answer to him although your power is similar to his. He will brief you once we land once you have been briefed and prepared you will be loaded onto a plane and well... rest is obvious. Oh and you will need these," He reaches into his suit and pulls out 2 rank slides and throws them to me. I catch them in my hand and look at them 3 chevrons.
"Welcome to the Bermuda project sergeant."

Landing in Bermuda, Adam staggered out of the jet eager to stretch his legs, he never understood how he had got dead leg in a luxury jet. Once he was done working blood around his legs he looked around to take in his surroundings. He was in a hangar with the main door open. A cloudy day but it was still bright and warm. He was at an airport but he knew he was in a land he did not know. Mr Kodak on the other hand calmly walked off the plane briefcase in hand. Not a problem with him whatsoever, he walked up to Adam standing by his side while they watched a orange land rover start to drive towards them in the distance.

"That will be Dr Olof coming to brief you sergeant, time is of the essence from now to prepare you for tomorrow. I wish you luck and I will be contacting you in the future" Kodak stated, he extended his hand to shake Adams hand, to which he returned it.

"Ill try to do my best and thank you. We may of got off on the wrong foot but that's in the past, I'm glad you gave me this job I won't let you down" He replied getting Mr Kodak to smile.
"I hope you won't sergeant" The suited man then made his way towards another orange land rover parked up behind the jet. being ushered in by another large suited guy in sunglasses, Adam gave him a small nod of appreciation as they drove off. At the same time the other orange land rover pulled up and a tall elderly man hopped out.

"Sergeant Jones I assume?" He asked while he walked up to him. He had a heavy German accent. He may of looked old with his slightly grey hair and glasses, but the way he walked seemed as if he could run a marathon. Even his clothes in cargo pants and an orange t shirt gave him a youthful look.

"Dr Olof?" Adam replied, offering his hand to shake.

"Ja," The German scientist took hold of his hand a bone crushing grip and smiled "It is good that you are here sergeant, I am sorry for the rudeness but we must make our way. I shall brief you on the way, do you have any bags?"

"Yes, I understand the circumstances, let me just grab my gear" Adam then went back into the jet to grab his Bergan and two holdalls, he was going to be there for a year anyway. With them in hand he threw them into the back of the Land rover and the 2 of them got in. Adam, now in the passenger seat could now get a better look a Dr Olof. He had wrinkle lines on his face and his expression was stern yet reassuring he did have a smile on him but the feeling he gave off was one of a strong leader, to which Adam felt a lot more comfortable. Him being a leader himself, knew this man was suited to his job.

"So Sergeant straight to business, you are the military security liaison for 12 months. Your roles include protecting the staff of the Bermuda project along with the ponies and to oversee the military exchange between local forces and earth. Do you understand?" He turned to look at Adam, expecting an answer.

"Yes, I understand"

"Good, let us be on our way," He started the car and started to drive out of the hangar. Adam could now see that he was just on a small section of the airfield with a lone compound. Now they were heading to the main body of the airfield, He could just about make out movement in the distance but no detail. "As you know I am Dr Olof head of the Bermuda project, also your boss. Your position is one below me so people will have to follow your orders. However you will not be working on site on the Equestrian base 'Amicus' you will be stationed in the Equestrian capital city of Canterlot."

Adam was confused now, why would he be on a security role when he was being placed not near the thing he was protecting? "Why won't I be stationed with the researchers?" he questioned.
"Well that is out of our hand sergeant, you see when the agreement was made to send military as security. The Royal sisters were concerned about soldiers wandering around Equestria so in the agreement it was said that you would be stationed in their capital city of Canterlot, where they royal sisters live."

"Wait don't you mean Camelot?"

"No, Canterlot most of the places there are some how stable related. We still are not sure why, and don't try to make any stable jokes we already went through that phase" The old man started rolling his eyes.

"But what if I am required as first response?" Adam argued.

"Well we do have the local Equestrian royal guard stationed at Amicus, so we have some protection, but having you around means that the guard can have a some human aid as well. Plus the Royal guard headquarters is based in Canterlot, so you need to go there in order to perform your other role as a liaison."

Adam was silent after that. He did not like the idea of being away from what he was protecting, it was tactically flawed but he could not argue with what the agreement said. After all it was the only thing that was allowing a person like him to stay there. He would have to ask the royal sisters about that. Then the reality of what he considered hit him, Royal sisters, ROYAL sisters these 'ponies' are royalty and I am going to be working at where they live he realised. This reality check now made him nervous he never thought about meeting a monarchy. He knew sod all who they were, how to behave around them or even how to actually talk to them. Sure the UK had a monarchy of its own with Queen Elizabeth II but he had not been around them, now he was being placed right next to royalty. Dread and anxiety started to build in him, twisting his stomach he felt like he would throw up at any moment. He unwound the window instinctively just in case and looked out, what he saw outside took away his nausea and replaced it with shock and curiosity.

Ponies, a few hundred of them at least. All running around preparing for tomorrow. Adam had never seen a pony in real life, only on the TV. He watched in amazement as the ponies worked just like humans. Securing crates, checking equipment even talking. It was a rare sight to see, if it where humans in this scene it would look normal. But this left Adam in awe, One Pony in particular caught his eye, a light blue green unicorn. It seemed to be 'holding' a clipboard in mid air. He then realised this was a unicorn that he had heard about, with their ability to telekinetically move objects using their horns. It was something that he would remember for the rest of his life. His first glimpse at the creatures he would be working with.
Before Adam could get more looks at them, the land rover turned towards some other hangars obstructing his view to the hangar full of ponies. They drove inside a hangar with a large C17 Globe master inside. Adam could also see 3 more hangers with the same aircraft in them, all of them C17's but with orange and white paint jobs, he climbed out of the Land rover once it came to a stop admiring the scene he could see before him. He could see the giant aircraft being loaded with crates, to which the contents varied from scientific equipment to food. He could see ground crew running around with checklists trying to secure the loads for tomorrow. Followed by some of the scientists he presumed, he could tell as they were wearing the same orange t shirt as Dr Olof.

"So how does the logistics work?" Adam called to the doctor.

"Well sergeant Jones we have 5 C17 transport aircraft for the entire project. We load 2 of them with human personnel and equipment and another 2 with pony scientists and their scientific equipment. The fifth is just to take fuel over to Amicus. So all 5 aircraft leave here returning ponies and taking new fresh human personnel to Amicus. once they land there all the aircraft unload, then the ponies that want to go to earth load up as well as the human personnel who have been there for 6 months load up the 4 empty aircraft, while the fuel craft is filling the storage tanks. Once all done the exchange is done the aircraft head back to earth. All in 24 hours." The doctor ended his small speech in pride smiling to himself. Adam knew that was a small feat to do all that in under a day was a impressive logistics operation.

"Now is there any other questions you wish to ask before you get your equipment?" The doctor asked staring right at Adam who still had his attention to what was going on. He then realised that he was being talked to by the doctor and responded.

"Sorry what?"

"I asked do you have any more questions before we move onto your personal equipment, Mr Jones" He said it in such a way that you would telling off a naughty child, which made Adam angry at being treated like a kid. It was at that moment he took a small dislike to the doctor for treating him in that way. He was completely new to all this he should of expected this.

"Yes I do actually," Adam through back in a much more stern voice "Question A; Is there any personnel going to amicus that are not scientists, and B Why is everything Orange and white?" Adam folded his arms and gave the message 'go on try me'. They may of been talking logic but behind all the talk they were challenging each other.

"For your information Mr Jones, yes there are other staff than scientists going to amicus. Engineers, explorers, medical doctors and others are going. Only about half of the entire amicus is scientists. As to your second question, It is the colour for the Bermuda project. It seems neutral enough to all nations and helps in search and rescue. Like in the Antarctic projects, they are mostly orange." The doctor now stepped closer to Adam also arms folded both of the eyeing each other up.

It was at that point Adams conscious broke through his building urge to head butt the arrogant doctor in front of him.
'Calm Adam, calm' Adam's conscious spoke 'Hitting your boss on your first day of work is no good impression is it? You do this and you will end up at phase one all over. No plan and no way of proving yourself '

Adams arms slowly relaxed as he let his rage dissipate, unfolding his arms eventually. The atmosphere turned to normal. If there was one thing Adam absolutely hated, it was being treated like a idiot. Everyone is smart in some way he had learnt that in the army.

Dr Olof noticed his ease and smiled as if he had won the standoff. He then proceeded to walk around the back of the C17, gesturing for Adam to follow which he did. He manage to dodge all the forklifts and the crates being transported onto the plane. When he emerged from the quick game of dodgems, he saw the doctor staring in front of him. Adam looked to see what he was looking at. What he saw with his eyes just made him laugh.

Right in front of him was a Husky TSV, a patrol support vehicle. It was loaded already with gear and looked like the American hummers that the US used but these were smaller and more suited for support roles. Adam had used them in the past when he had to set up listening posts during training. Armoured compartment in the middle to protect troops, a turret on top to mount a gun and a compartment at the back to load equipment on. It was an ideal vehicle for any job really.

But Adam was only laughing at the Husky.

The German doctor was also laughing, but only because he did not know what was going on. Eventually the laughter died down and Adam had finally composed himself and began to speak. "Well then they weren't joking on the company car bit where they?" Adam said sarcastically.

Both of them started to inspect the vehicle. Doctor Olof never saw the vehicle before and was just as Keen as Adam was to get a look at it, he was mainly concentrating on the car itself while Adam was inspecting the number of military gorilla crates on the back. The Doctor noticed what he was doing and turned his attention to the crates as well. Adam gestured to him for help in lifting the crates off. As they did so Adam asked "So who authorised this you or Mr Kodak?".

"It was not me sergeant, it must of been Mr Kodak. I had no information that you would get all of this," he nodded towards the Husky. "And I have no idea what is in these crates". Once they had put the crate down, Adam opened it. Inside was various things ropes, harnesses ,grapples all climbing equipment. He dove deeper and brought out a parachute he went in again and took out another. Each were different one was a static line chute that opens for you as soon as you jump, whereas the other was a free fall type, one that you would have to pull the cord yourself. Adam smiled at all the adventure kit he was given it was both for tactical reasons and leisure. Nice to know Kodak is thinking of me he mused in his mind.
Adam then put all of it back and went to grab another crate. It was then he noticed 2 crates that stood out. They both looked like huge black metal tool chests, but one had draws in front and the other had a lid. He then tried to take those out next himself. But to no avail, he tried to lift them but they were too big and heavy. Even pulling didn't work, he tried different methods till he heard numerous laughing behind him.

He turned around to see the doctor had gathered the loading crew all of them laughing at the struggling special forces soldier. Adam help his rage come back, how dare the doctor humiliate him! He jumped off and grabbed a member of the ground crew by the jacket and threw him on the husky. "Maybe if you helped instead of laughing, you would all know how heavy this thing is!" He shouted at all the crowd including the terrified man on the husky.
The man then got up and tried to move the crate in fear of what Adam may do to him next, he tried to lift the crate but even he could not move it. When the group saw this they all went silent. Adam smiled at his display and then tried to help the crewman. Eventually they had managed to get the crate with draws down with a little struggle. All of the other group now scared at Adams small outburst then where getting off the other crates and laying them in a orderly fashion, including the other black chest.

Once all was unloaded the crew went into the same positions they once were, behind the German doctor. Adam knelt to the crate before him and looked around at the other crates, 7 in total. But only 2 of them had padlocks on them, and the one in front of him had a keypad. He thought to himself for a second, he would have to find the key and the number for the keypad to open the 2 larger heavier crates. He did have a rough idea what was inside but he needed to open them to confirm his theory.

He then got up and walked towards the Husky, he paused for a second and drew his attention to his audience. "No one has touched this thing since it got here right?" He asked.
A murmuring of "No" and shaking of heads followed from the still terrified ground crew, but only the doctor just stood there blank expression. Adam took this knowledge and attempted to open the door of the drivers side. It opened, with a hissing of the door hydraulics he hopped in, looked round and saw a white envelope on the passenger side. 'Called it' He thought, He then took it and opened it the first thing he saw was a letter, he began to read;

Dear Mr Jones

By the time you are reading this we have split ways. I hope that you like the company car. I know it was not what you were expecting, but I think that you will find it useful in your role. I did try to get your equipment you have been trained and used in the past. You have also probably noticed the 2 gun cases on the back of this vehicle. One of them does have a keypad and padlock on; this one houses the weapons that you may require. The other has the appropriate ammunition each weapon needs. Please take note:


The weapons are in a case that is heavy to deter thieves and anyone interested. Also the keypad is linked to thermite housed in the inside lining. Enter the pin wrong 5 times the thermite will burn all the contents. We could not allow weapons like this end up missing in Equestria. Although you may need them in defending the scientists and the ponies. I also may add the weapons a have been radio tagged so they can be traced using a radio. Each weapon has a unique frequency you can track if any of them 'go missing'.

Added note you are not aloud any explosives, however I did manage to convince the council to give you a grenade launcher with limited explosives and other ammunition types. I do think they would be a 'tactical advantage'.

Aside from weapons, you have been given various equipment from body armour and tactical aids to climbing ropes and trauma kits. I hope these are useful to you. I also added the liberty of adding some parachutes to the list, I thought you may like some adventures and to show off from time to time.

On a final note I must warn you. The Doctor who heads this project Dr Olof is a little bit of a control freak to say. To the point of obsessive. He has been known to try and create a barrier between the humans and ponies. My personal opinion is to keep and eye on him. He is suspicious, which is why I need you to keep track of what he does. Please log all that you can, in any form you wish be it video or written. Log it, it may be used in future reference.

I wish you luck and hope you enjoy your time.
Thank you
Mr Kodak

Adam smiled at the letter. It was hand computer written but he could tell Mr Kodak was looking out for him. He had gone out of his way to get him a new set of toys and to warn him of his new boss. Adam looked in the side mirror to see the reflection of the doctor himself, still standing there. In the exact same spot not even moved facially which creped Adam out. Adam then remembered what he was in here for. The pin to the weapons case. He scanned the letter again but no pin?

He flipped it around and saw a 6 digit number on the back, with the words 'Burn once read' to which Adam agreed to, but he would do it later. He also looked in the envelope again, he found a manifest of what was in the cases which would save him looking but also found a set of keys. One to the Husky and the other 2 to the crates. Adam got out of the vehicle and walked back to the black crate. He enter the one of the corresponding keys, as soon as he turned it the keypad lit up. He then punched in the number from the letter and a pleasurable sound of parts moving inside pleased Adam.
Adam felt Like he was kid at Christmas, he loved weapons but still paid them a lot of respect as he knew all too well, they were designed to kill.

The first draw he opened made him smile. Laying there in the foam inserts was a C8 carbine, standard issue of the pathfinders. It was basically a clone of the M4 but was shorter, lighter and more accurate although it did sacrifice range. So primarily it was used for more mobile of troops. The one he held had a ACOG x4 on top and a underslung grenade launcher under the barrel. He picked it up gave it a function test before placing it back in.

Next to the C8 was a Glock 17 sidearm, it was the standard of the British army. It was lighter more accurate and held more ammo per clip than its predecessor. He kept that out as he wanted to keep that on him at all times if he was going into unknown territory. He removed some of the magazines that were next to the weapons. When he did so he noticed something extra. A Taser pistol, why he needed that he would never know, although it might be fun to use.

He closed the draw and moved one down, eager to find his next present. He slid the draw open and his already huge smile now was bearing full teeth. Laying there was a L129A1 sharpshooter rifle. This was deadly, but effective. Like the C8 it looked like a M4 but had a longer barrel and fired 7.62mm rounds enough to take down a target up to 800m. its AGOG was 8x magnification and on top was a small reflex sight for more close encounters.

Adam could not wait to open the next draw down but as he did so in his giddy state. What he saw he considered overkill.
A L7A2 General purpose machine gun, or 'gimpy' as its nickname was. It was a deadly MG paratroopers preferred it to the MINIMI because of its stopping power. 7.62mm rounds, a muzzle velocity of 830 meters per second and up to 800m just in its light role, it would easily rip any enemy to shreds.

He wasn't happy with this weapon, instead he was confused. This weapon as overkill, he took a second to figure out when an idea hit him. He closed the draw and locked up the crate and hopped up onto the back of the Husky. He looked closer at the turret on top, specifically the mount for the Gimpy. Now he understood why, it was there to be mounted on the Husky for vehicle protection.

With that doubt put to rest, he walked over to the ammo crate and unlocked it, finding the 9mm ammo box and started to fill up the magazines for the Glock. He filled up 3 of them and started to put the remaining ammunition all back, he would use his own pistol holster from his Bergan. Once closed and locked, he started to put away all of the crates as he already had the manifest to read through, instead of checking everything piece by piece. Although he did have a huge amount of struggle getting the weapon crates in so much that he was now drenched in sweat. By the time he had finished all of the cargo was loaded the only thing left was the husky to load. He drove it up and let the loading crew latch it down. He was still however able to get inside, there he sat there looking over the manifest.

I started to read figure out what was in the envelope that was left here. Manifest, vehicle passport, frequencies for the weapons soon as I found that sheet I removed it from the others and pocketed it. I took the Glock and put it inside my jacket. Soon as I did so, I noticed my really bad stench. I had been in these clothes for past few hours and in a plane for a few hours. So with that bad note I think its time for a shower and to change into my uniform.
I looked behind me, expecting to see my gear there, but nope I had left it in the Land rover. So I got out the husky documents still in hand, locked up the husky and went to get my gear.

Soon as I walked out the C17 I looked around for that Doctor I had been warned about But he had disappeared, must of got bored or had better things to do. I was just glad that prick was gone. Looks like my enemy is not from the outside but within. I will have to keep and eye on him, he just seems... Off if you get what I mean. A few of the ground crew had also left, mind you they were now finished loading.

I looked at my watch, only 9pm over there. so here it would be around 4pm taking into account the time zones. I think I have time to do some exploring once I'm changed. Maybe I will get to meet one of these ponies. I had never seen one in real life so it would be an experience and a lesson on what to expect.

So with my mind set I set off to find a place to shower surely they must have some somewhere. I asked one of the crewman where I could get one. He directed me to the communal showers for the scientists. That ticked off I walked over to the Land rover still parked in the same position. I pulled out my gear, took out what I needed dumping the rest in the husky and headed over to where the crewman pointed me to. I walked through the buildings to find the one I was looking for. It looked like a block of flats, which in essence it was if it had to hold a few hundred scientists. Looking around I could see a people sitting on the grass enjoying the day, talking about how excited they were for tomorrow. A few noticed me but took no more interest, I was still in civvies after all.

I went inside and found the signs easy to read to reach the male washrooms. I got undressed, showered and put on my MTP uniform. Tying the pistol holster to my leg I holstered the pistol. I also put on my paratrooper beret and the rank slides, It felt weird now being a sergeant. As I was doing so one of the guys I saw outside walked in with a wash bag. He noticed me and stared for a moment. I decided to explain what a soldier was doing at the Bermuda project.

"Don't worry mate, I'm the security liaison" I smiled.

He took a moment to think about what I just said, eventually the light bulb lit. "Oh! Sorry mate, completely forgot that we now had security. Names Jack," He held out a hand for me to shake, he had a Australian accent. He had blonde hair with ice blue eyes, he looked more like he belonged in a magazine than he was here. "I'm one of the engineers" he said with a smile.

"Sergeant Adam Jones, Nice to meet ya. Only just got here, now I finally meet one of the guys I'm protecting" I said jokingly.

"Hey I don't need no protection mate," He knelt down and lifted his trouser leg to reveal a knife, he took it out to show me spinning it in his hand "This is my protection. My father gave it to me, when you live near the outback, its good to have protection."

I was stunned, yet in a sense I should of known he is Australian after all. "Are you even aloud that on site here?" I asked.

"Are you aloud that?" He Gestured the knife to my pistol on my leg, he had a point.

"I am security, so I do have rights to be armed. Plus I could take that off your hands if you like" I stated, pointing towards his knife.

"Ha! Ide like to see ya try mate" He mocked still waving the knife in his hands. I was impressed at how he held it, he actions where fluid yet powerful. At that moment I tried to see if he could use it in reality, so I lunged at him.

He instantly made a defensive stance. Then in one quick motion he took one of my hands, twisted it leaving me exposed and brought the knife right to my heart. He smiled knowing he had won, maybe he could handle it.

"Okay maybe you can keep it, you did just pass my little test," I said still under the Australians control. He eased up and let go returning his knife to his leg. "Looks like you can keep it. I did hear that scientists can come under attack by wild animals time to time. But don't go waving it about, You're going to someone else's country, so respect their laws".

The man gave a shrug "whatever you say sergeant" I knew he knew I was right. I just didn't want a stupid incident on my hands if we went over, then again from sounds of it, I may not be in amicus in the first place to protect the people. So I hope I can trust this guy.

I glimpsed at my watch now around 5pm, I really wanted to get going to a shop to buy a few last minute things. Like a camera for the trip, I did have 100K now who cares?

"Well I gotta go. Good to meet ya Jack, just don't go getting into trouble with that knife or I will be using it for your castration" I smiled at him, he just laughed.
"Well I trust you will, just make sure you pick up one of these," he held up his writ showing me some sort of gold bracelet. I didn't really look as I was already walking out the door. "Cyas around sergeant pom!" I heard behind me, I just chuckled. Looks like this will be a good job after all.

Now to hit the town.

By the time I had got back from the local town it was getting dark, my hands were full. I went ballistic in the stores, if I was going away for 12 months I was going to be entertained. From a games console and TV to a camera. I even bought myself a tablet that doubles as a computer, nice. I did spend over 3 grand though, but hey still 97 thousand left in the account.

Its at that point it suddenly dawned on me. Do I need to exchange my money? I may have human money but how would I spend it over there? I may need to buy some essentials over time like shower gel and clothes. I decided to look that up in the 'dummy guide' I was given by Mr Kodak.

Before I knew it I was back at the C17 with the husky still standing, but something was out of place. The hangar was now empty, which was no surprise due to the time. But the Huskies passenger side door was open.

At the sight of that, my training took over suspicions raised. I put down the boxes and bags slowly and pulled out the pistol, I now kept in my jacket pocket (Ya like I was going to walk around town with a visible weapon). I took off the safety and started to stealthily walk towards the open door, weapon raised ready. My first day here and I already have a security threat, great.

As I made my way closer, I could hear movement in the vehicle. Just as I reached the back end of the husky, I took a quick glance at the crates none of them were touched, not even the weapons to my relief. I walked a little closer, now at the door I could hear someone searching for something. The sound of objects being flung around gives it away, but I could only make out one person in there. So with knowing that I went in with the shock and awe approach to things.

I rested up my back to the rear door passenger side, ducking to avoid the window and went in. I reached out with my right hand, holding the Glock with my other. My hand went around into the passenger side, It made contact with something warm so I grabbed it. In a split second I pulled with all my might, as fast as I could. Next thing, a green blur fly's out of the door being dragged by my hand. I let go making the blur hit the side of the plane and finally come to rest. Now I could see my little spy.
What I saw was not what I was expecting, it was a pony. Not only that it was the one I saw earlier, from when I was arriving. But now I could see her up close, she was indeed green but a sort of bluish type, viridian I think. She was had a mane that was mainly light blue with a white streak that followed. I could tell she was female as the scream from her sudden withdrawal from my Husky. She was slouched rubbing the back of her head, eyes closed, hissing at the pain.

I just took the moment and took up a firing stance a safe distance from her, but not too far that I would miss. She maybe a pony, but she is still a possible threat.

She started to open her eyes. She glanced round to see me, she froze, even stopped rubbing the back of her head. She took one look at me, it was then I noticed her big, golden eyes they were a shade of gold that I had never seen before. Then came the shouting, "What in Luna's moon was that for!" She screamed, pointing one of her han... I mean hooves at me.
"That pony, was for breaking into a military vehicle and theft" I sternly stated, I wasn't going to budge here, even if she looked cute.

"I wasn't stealing!" The green pony defended. " I was just exploring, not my fault you humans have non magically enforced locks" She was now looking up, waving her hooves, as if to mock me. I could feel my blood start to boil.

"Sorry for not using 'magically enforced locks', but last time I checked humans could not use magic, plus you are on earth. So there is no magic. You should know that."

"Hey, not my fault the plane was left open and this interesting thing was left here, I had to take a look. C'mon you must of been so curious about something new, right?" She was trying to appeal to me but it would take a lot more than that to turn me.

"Did you take anything?" I asked.


"Is that the honest truth?" she paused for a moment, trying to decide whether or not to come clean.

"Okay, I was just curious at first then I saw these," She levitated a pair of gloves from behind her. It was weird seeing this 'magic', but what my main concern was she just attempted to steal my pair of combat gloves. "They look so cool and different, I was going to put them back honest!"

I walked up to her and grabbed the gloves from her magical grip, cheeky bugger. I lowered my handgun deciding she was no major threat, just a overly curious pony. I decided to check if she stole anything else though so I checked the back of the Husky. Inside was now a mess, all my bags had been opened all their contents flung everywhere, luckily no major mess. She didn't touch the radio in the back either thank god. I decided her punishment should be to tidy all of the mess she had caused, I tuned back to the little pony, to find her trying to sneak off.

"Nice try," I stated, she froze in place muttering something "Now since you caused all this, you can clean it up".

"And what if I don't and just run away?" She fired back at me, I was already prepared for this though.

"Well if you run away Ill just shoot you," I raised the weapon back to her, I wouldn't really shoot her but a weapon aimed at you are you going to risk it? "And if you don't do as you are told I will lock you up, and I'm sure you don't want to miss your flight home tomorrow right?"

She thought about it for a second before groaning and making her way back to the Husky. Then with her horn glowing, she levitated all the objects and one by one they all moved back to where they were. I was left mouth open. She did all that in under a minute.

"Wait...what? How?" I was lost, I knew they had magic but this, this is something else.

"What? Never seen magic before tough guy?" She said in a mock seductive way. "Now can I go?".

"Erm... Ya sure I guess" I was still looking at what she did all of the things just seemed to go backward.

With her cue she started to walk away, swinging her hips in victory. Also making sure I could see, including her weird tattoo, weird. I then went back to what I was originally doing. I went back out picked up all the boxes and now sat drivers side unboxing all the gadgets. I needed to set everything up before tomorrow, in fact there was so much to do before tomorrow. I had to download all the media I wanted because I doubt internet exists there. I also had to read that giant book I was given. Lastly I had to some how sort out funds before take off tomorrow.
So all in all, I am not getting any sleep tonight.

A few hours later, I was just in the middle of downloading half of ITunes to my laptop, when a large bang I heard from the hangar. I Peered round, sticking my head out the door. All I could see was the lights of the plane laminating the hangar, nothing. Must of been a animal or something. I turned back around, returning my gaze to the screen. I saw that all of my downloads had finished, finally I had all the movies, games and music I could want. Now I can start to read that book.

I grabbed the book from behind my seat and opened it. I looked at the contents, seeing what seemed important. Finally I had found something important; The Royal guard. Tuning to the corresponding pages, I started to read.

Now I'm not sure if it was tiredness, my eyes straining or the fact the text was crap. But this textbook was pretty much gibberish to me, and I had read the manual on weapons safety back home. So the guide was pretty much useless, now I had no knowledge of what or who I was going to be working with. I let out a sigh of defeat.

"What's up big boy?"

I Jumped in my seat, turning to the source of the voice. It was green pony, back again. Somehow in the passengers seat. She was smiling at me, quite happy with how I reacted to her little joke.

I composed myself from my near heart attack, "How the hell did you get in here! Why are you in here for that matter!?" I demanded.

"Simple I opened the door and saw you playing with this.. thing," She pointed her hoof at the tablet I was using. "Also I am aloud to talk to humans, can't I?" She started to bat her eyelashes at me, which was more creepy than seductive.

I let out a moan of frustration, not only did I have no information from the book. I also had to deal with this Equestrian nuisance.

In that moment a light bulb lit in my head. She was from Equestria, I could ask her what I wanted to know. I then decided to let her stay to help me in understanding this new world.

"Look, you can stay but I'll make you a deal you answer my questions about your world, and you can ask me whatever you want. deal?"

She took a moment to think about it, resting one of her hooves to her chin. "Okay, Ill do it," I was now pleased finally some information. "But, I want to ask you some questions in return. Whatever, I, Like" She leaned in as she said the last part, which was a little disturbing. I don't know what she is up to, but she seems sporadic and weird. Although I will have to play her game if I want her to play mine.

"Okay sounds like a plan, you go first" I answered. I made myself comfortable because this could go all night, I also reached into one of the bags and pulled out a can of Coca-Cola, going to need the caffeine.

"Okay, let me think," she said looking up thinking, while I was drinking the sweet beverage.

"Okay I suppose I should know your name?"

"My name is Adam Jones, Sergeant Jones is my title," I responded. "And what is your name?"

"My name is Lyra, Lyra Heartstrings," she replied chirpily. "So why are you here?"

"Well," I offered her one of the cans in my bag to her. She took it in her magical grip, need to ask on that. "Like said on our first encounter, I am the security for the Bermuda project. Also I act as a military liaison between earth and Equestria. Please don't ask any more questions on it, I've only started the job for Christ sake." I chuckled. "So how are you talking English Lyra? I thought your people had your own language." I had been wondering for a while now how she knew full English or it was something else.

"Its all down to this," she held up a hoof to show me a gold bracelet. One that looked remarkably similar to the one the Australian had. "It allows me to talk English and also hear it. In my mind it seems all Equestrian, but I am speaking English through my mouth."

"So its a translator for your mind?"

"That counts as too questions to me, but yes it does. So where are you from and do you want my translator bracelet? I don't need it anymore you see, since we are going to Equestria tomorrow."

"Erm, okay, thanks. As to your other answer I'm from England." As I said this she took off the jewellery which I suppose used magic. I took it out of her magic grip and slipped it on. I felt nothing though.

"I don't feel anything." I exclaimed.

"You do seem to be talking Equestrian to me you know." She said mouthing in English.

"Well you do seem to be talking English, but you even look like you're speaking it with your mouth."

"Oh that's just your mind, the humans said that your mind compensates for what your senses are taking in. Its weird huh?"

"Ya it sure is," I mused "Not as weird as you though."

"Hey! I'm not weird, I'm unique." She responded, folding her hooves in disgust. I just laughed at the reaction, eventually so did she.

"So what about you where are you from?"
"I'm from a place called Ponyville, just outside of Canterlot."

"Canterlot, that's the capital right?"


I was now getting somewhere. For the next hour or so we kept asking and answering each others questions. For a Pony I had just caught stealing she seemed pretty nice. She explained to me the types of ponies Earth, Unicorn and Pegasus. Also their roles and abilities. Which to admit sounded pretty cool yet defied physics, which was still cool. She also answered all my concerns on their land, including the royal guard which I would need. She did touch on the Royal Princesses, but she admitted she didn't know much.

In return I answered all her questions. Minus the one on my past,that was a little too personal. Although she did ask a lot on humans mainly. I mentioned what I used to do and what I did day to day, also what other non military people did. She was fascinated by it all. I asked her on why she was so clung to humans. She explained to me she always believed that humans were real. When she was a kid (or in her case filly) her mother always told her stories of humankind. As she grew up that fascination never died, and when the portal opened she was dying to come here and study us. Eventually she got on board with one of the pony discovery expeditions. Although her trip was interesting, people were still unsure on meeting ponies. It also did not help that they were still limited to visiting a few nations. So all she did learn was from books or a few people willing to talk to a pony.

It made me slightly hurt and upset that some humans were still afraid or unsure of our new friends. They seemed perfectly harmless, no incidents were recorded earthbound. Lyra seems perfectly harmless, so why should she be a threat? I just hope this is not the case at Amicus.
"I have to ask what's with that tattoo on your backside?" I asked finishing my fifth can that night, It was getting to midnight now.

"What this?" She responded by lifting off her seat exposing the tattoo. "this is my cutie mark."

"Cutie mark?" I asked tilting my head, weird name for a tattoo I admit.

"Ya everypony has one. We get them once we have found our special talent. Mine for example is playing the lyre, so I got this when I started to play."

"So you got yours put on?"

"No they just appear through magic. Every pony has to find their special talent, it also links in with their name a bit too which is freaky. I don't know much on it your better asking my friend Twilight."
"Ah right okay" I decided to end there. All this information was a lot to take in. What she is saying seems to be true, but I think experiencing myself is probably the best approach. This is surely going be a trip to remember. Plus it was all going to happen tomorrow. I have to admit I was pretty excited.

Lyra then suddenly let out a huge yawn. I took a quick glance at my watch it was now past midnight, even doped up on caffeine and sugar even I could feel sleep creeping up. "I think its best we both get some sleep, lot to do tomorrow" I said.

"Yeah, I suppose you're right," she said in a slightly disappointed tone. She started to open the door with her magic "Goodnight Adam, if you're ever in Ponyville will you visit?"

"I'll try" I said with a smile. In truth I would try, she seemed nice and my first alien friend for that matter. She looked sad as she got out, head down ears flat. "What's up?" I asked her.
She let out a sigh before turning around "I don't really get on with ponies from my group or Humans for that matter. So a lot of ponies will be grumpy if I wake them up. Plus you're the only Human that has been nice to me, thank you." Okay now I know why she was bloody called heartstrings. She was pulling mine with that sad face, I had a urge to just hug her but I had to stay professional.

"Lyra, I'm sorry you don't get along with people. Sometimes I don't either, but every now and then we have to suck it in a bare through it. If you're going through hell you have to keep going till you break through," she turned around to walk off again at that point my kindness gave in. "But since it is your last night you can sleep in here, with me."

She stopped in her tracks and looked at me, a smile on her face. She climbed back in her seat and got comfortable, once she was she mouthed thank you to me. I just smiled and grabbed my combat jacket to put over her, she gladly accepted and pulled it over her. I returned to my seat to get comfortable as well, grabbing my fleece as a blanket.

I sat there as she fell asleep quite quickly, she seemed peaceful. I just stayed awake a little longer, I was too excited to see this world tomorrow. If Lyra's words were true, Equestria did sound like a paradise. I sat there thinking about all the possibilities, all the wonders I would see. It was finally hitting me that I would be one of few of my kind to see this land. I was an explorer, like out of the stories and I would be protecting those of the land and my own. I felt a great deal of pride grow in me, maybe I can prove myself after all.

I began to let sleep take over, letting my eyes grow heavy and shut now. I could feel my mind start to drift off to dream land. Today Earth, tomorrow Equestria.

That was all disturbed by loud snoring, great, Lyra snores, just what I need.