• Published 13th Sep 2014
  • 644 Views, 25 Comments

Middle ground - DarkShadow95

I was a british soldier. Now Im here, an equestrain soldier with a much better life thanks to a very sketchy job offer.

  • ...

Chapter.4 Tea with titans

Finally, we were there! Canterlot, the capital of Equestria.

By god how much did they spend on white paint!? It was that bright my eyes were squinting from the reflection of the buildings! Plus at the speed we were going I would end up blind by the time we land. Although it was beautiful and I was looking forward to being able to walk through its streets to see their wonders. Plus it will be a good insight into pony culture. I could of kept staring all day but now it was time to touch down. Captain Shining was already issuing the orders to land. There was a lot to do to land a giant wooden thing, this was a ship, not a airplane. Pegasi guards took some ropes in their hands and started to fly alongside the ship towing the mammoth machine in. It was quite impressive sight to see. Earth ponies rotating wheels that extended the landing gear and unicorns pulling levers with magic to lock things into place.

We were edging closer, I could now see the castle up close. It reminded me of Disneyland for some reason, just on a much grander scale. If Queen Liz saw this she would eat her own hair for being out roiled. Towers sprouted out from the main part of the palace towering the skyline, each one golden and white, beaming purity everywhere. It was not all show and no go either. It had huge thick walls following the outside and I could make out guards on sentry duty. They all looked organised like the royal guards of Buckingham Palace, all of them armed and perfect drill movement. I could also see the large gardens beneath us, vast amounts of green and some colours mixed in just make it look a perfect paradise. In one garden there was a huge sun made out of orange flowers and in another blue flowers making up a crescent moon. Who ever is the landscape artist is, they better be getting a decent wage.

We were now being pulled into land by the pegasi guards with ropes. We passed over the palace gardens and over the outer wall. As we went over I could now see some kind of port. Other Airships were all lined up around 10 of them all tied up. I could see guards all marching around and what I suppose are civilian ponies all doing day to day trades. It was quite a sight, like seeing a stock market with less shouting, and suits. Now being pulled down, everyone who wasn't helping in landing started to gather their stuff and prepare to dock. The pegasi landed and tied down the ropes. Then the Unicorns and earth ponies pulled and twisted more levers to lock the landing gear. Finally the flaps on the balloon opened to let some of the air out, making the ship lower gradually. With a slight thud the wooden craft touched down, now the ramp to the cargo hold was being lowered.

"Hello Canterlot" I mused. Captain shining walked along side me down the steps leading to the Husky. He paused for a moment when he did see it up close. "Don't worry, she doesn't bite" I chuckled, he however did not laugh, merely frowned. "It was a joke, Jesus. C'mon I'll take you for a ride."

"Erm, I'm not sure. I've never been in one of these 'cars' before" Shining admitted looking down in shame.

"Hey, it's cool. First time for everything, anyway I need a navigator to find a way into the palace." I gave him a reassuring smile as he looked up to me.

"That won't be needed, we have to escort you inside, it says in the orders."

"Ah, right, okay. Well lets get going, lots to do!" I marched off towards the Husky prepping for the first human military appearance in all of Equestrian history. I got in started the engine and fixed my paratrooper beret in the reflection of the window, as I did so formations of guards formed around me. I saw the sergeant Metal hoof in formation as well as the captain next to him. I popped open the turret hatch to shout out "When you're ready Captain. He turned and nodded at me, I put up my hand in and 'ok' gesture.

He returned to attention and pushed out his chest ready to shout "Royal guard! Quick, march!" Immediately we started moving forward. I put the Husky in first gear and started to crawl forward, keeping position in this large formation. All we needed now was a band playing. I wonder if they have one?

We emerged from the cargo hold of the ship into the light of day. It was midday according to my watch, so the sun was still high in the sky. I then wondered if days last longer here, if so that will take weeks to get used to. I drove through the city, civilians splitting for us to fit through. I felt kind of a nuisance to the public, then again it was only once I would have to do this I hope anyway.

All the buildings where a mix between solid brick and wooden thatched buildings. I kind of liked that reminded me of home a little, we still had buildings like that in Britain. There were a variety of shops from grocers to antiques, it was quite a diverse state in all cases. Although you did spot the odd posh guy wearing a suit of some sort. Putting a upper lip to everything, somehow navigating the streets with their eyes closed. Seriously, how can you do that? Was this another pony ability I need to know about?

We took a few more turns, the guards kept in step which was a good sign of discipline in the army. We came to the outer wall of the castle or palace I might say now, looked too grand to be a castle. Royal guards stood either side of the gate and on top of the wall. Keeping watch for any fool who wishes' to take on the palace guard. We went through with ease once the sentries saw the captain, but their was a slight reaction from them when they saw me. I just leaned forward and waved at them with a huge grin on me, trying to taunt them. They did not look happy about me, ah well deal with it.

We emerged from the gate into a small garden which had a full pony squad marching around the perimeter. The garden was just a lush as the gardens I saw before, all perfected and vibrant with colour. At the other end was some stairs that lead up to some huge cathedral like doors into the palace. We came to a halt in the middle of a courtyard and I put on the brakes. I guess this was it, finally meeting the leaders of their world, queue the nerves.

Adam felt the same rush as before through his body. He ran through his training to calm himself and also the words of Captain armour to ease his mind a little. He was still stiff, tired and hungry from his travel all the way to here. Yet his day would not be done, even with meeting the princesses. He would still have to get back to Amicus to do his job. So today would be a very long day indeed.

He picked up a MTP daysack from behind his seat and quickly stuffed it with his tablet, camera and papers. He might need them through the day. He also put in his black water bottle if the sun was going to be like this he would need to stay hydrated. He switched off the engine and stepped out of the husky, he could leave it parked here for now, he was not going to be there long after all. He felt the cool crisp air around him but could feel the warmth of the sun rays hit his skin, it was a good balance in temperature. He walked up to the captain, while he was dismissing his troops.

"So captain where to now?" Adam asked keen to get this over with.

"Follow me sergeant" the royal officer trotted towards the huge doors top of the stairs. Adam started to climb with him, it was then he realised just how big this place was from where he was it must of took well over a full square mile the whole palace. That was including the gardens though as well, mind you.

They approached the doors and the 2 earth pony guards either side saw the captain and opened the door for him. Adam gasped slightly when they entered. Like outside it was white, but it was not just stone as the material now it was pure white marble. On the floor was a pristine red carpet and marble pillars lining the side of the corridor. The room itself was tall and in the middle was a gold staircase that rose in the middle then split left and right to other parts of the castle. They walked normally towards the next set of stairs. Shining armour was used to all this, he did basically work here after all. He looked behind him to see Adam looking around, amazed at the sights. So this is what he looked like when he was first posted at the palace. He smiled at the sight of the stunned human, he knew he would see this face a lot, he hoped it would not get old.

Adam and Shining climbed the stairs in the middle and took the set to the right. Adam noticed all the stain glass along the corridor. Each depicting some sort of story. Many included the same ponies 6 of them all doing something. He wondered if these where just stories or part of their history, he would have to ask later.
Adam then decided to put up the courage to ask "So, what do you do when you greet the princesses?"

Captain looked round to reply "Well, you either bow or salute"

"So what do I do?"

"Erm.. I don't know. Bow I guess? Maybe salute? I don't know."

"Ah right, okay" Adam was now debating what to do. He hoped he would not send the wrong message if he did the wrong gesture. Maybe play it simple with a handshake? No he is military salute your officers, since the Princesses were also his boss in a way best to salute. They came to another set of doors, much grander than the ones from before. The 2 guards opened the doors revealing a gigantic throne room. Adam was about to walk in when he quickly took off his daysack and threw it at one of the door guards, pretty much knocking him out. Adam quickly mouthed sorry and began to march forward as normal.

There was a pony just behind the door who stated their appearance "Presenting Captain Armour and the..." The clerk announcer pony then paused looking up from his schedule, realising he had no name for the soldier. "The...Human?" The clerk smiled at Adam as he marched past, the soldier just glared at him, disappointed.

As the two got closer he spotted the golden throne in front of him. On top was a white pony, but it was not the usual type. Adam presumed this was one of the princesses. She was a lot bigger than the usual and had a pure white coat , she also had a horn and wings. But what he noticed most was her mane, it was moving? It was flowing as if it was alive, also it was not like all the other styles he had seen, it was a combination of blue and pink that some how just worked.

Adam and his new friend came to a stop Adam though slammed in his right boot into the ground letting a loud bang echo through the hall. Both of them saluted in unison to the Princess and she nodded in gratitude. Adam kept his eyes forward with a stern expression on his face, waiting for her to talk first.

The Princess paused for a moment, expecting him to talk but he didn't. She stood up from her throne and walked down to Adam's eye level.

"Welcome to Equestria human guard, may I ask your name?" She asked in a kind tone.

"Thank you mam, I am Sergeant Adam Jones UK special forces." He replied without a hint of expression, just straight information.

"UK? that is one of the nations of earth is it?"

"Yes it is mam. May I ask your name mam?"

"Ah yes, I apologise for my rudeness, I am Princess Celestia raiser of the sun and co-ruler of Equestria. We have never seen a Human guard before. You do seem different to your scientists," Princess Celestia the proceeded to walk around him, looking at all his details. She then asked a question completely out of the blue "Can you promise me not to harm any of my little ponies?"

It was a direct question that caught Adam off guard slightly, this was seen in the slight reaction of the eyes. The eyes were always a good indicator of reaction. Celestia picked up on his subtle gesture and paused right in front of him, looking right into his eyes. Adam took a moment to think of a response, clearly this was a make or break moment. He took in a long breath and opened his mouth to reply "Princess, my mission here is not just to act as a liaison for our militaries, but also to protect Amicus and your people. That was made clear from the start. I may not be part of your army so I do not follow your orders. But I will to the best of my ability protect your ponies and my people from any threat, to the end. I will work alongside your army to accomplish this and will take in your advice when needed. I have no intention to harm any creature, but if any of those creatures intend harm to any of my or your people, I will take the necessary action to defend the innocent."

The princess smiled at his answer to the one question she itched to be answered from the start. Shining also relaxed a bit from the sudden rise in tension. The sun princess stepped back and smiled at Adam, the soldier just stood still exactly as before. Only for his stomach to ruin the moment. A loud grumble came from his torso drawing the attention of the ponies around him. Adam blushed at his autonomous action while the Princess just laughed lightly, Adam felt embarrassed but good the laugh from the royal pony was joyous and felt warming.

"My apologies ma'am, it has been a while since I have eaten." Adam explained.

"It seems so human guard. Well perhaps you would like to join me for lunch?" She asked kindly.

"Mam I wou-" Adam was cut off from his response by the princess.

"Sergeant, I insist, your stomach made it very clear you have not eaten for a while," she chuckled again at the memory "Please join me, I enjoy the company. Maybe I can learn more about you as you can of me. Captain you can join us too"

Adam was forced into lunch with the ponies, although he was not complaining. He was starving and felt tired, so maybe some food will get his blood sugars back up to level. Then he can get back to Amicus and do a threat assessment. They walked through a door at the side of the throne, Adam kept looking round noting the increased presence of guards around the palace. This must be where the Princesses live, it was quite grand for him but what do you expect being royalty?

He then realised mid walk he had left his bag behind. "Mam sorry to interrupt but I left my daysack back in the throne room. I'll just run back and get it, I will rejoin you in just a second"
"No need Sergeant Jones, we shall have it delivered to us on the balcony dining area."

"Thank you mam"

"Please, Sergeant call me princess. Mam makes me sound older than I actually am." She smiled at Adam and he smiled back, unsure of what she meant. The Princess seemed nice to him. He was happy that nothing major happened, but he was dreading and both looking forward to lunch. At least he knew it was around midday here. So he had a fair amount of time before sunset to get work done. They walked through the halls climbing stairs each time. Adam didn't mind all the stairs he climbed mountains for a living so it did not phase him in anyway. Adam kept seeing stain glass depicting some kind of story, he decided to ask about them at lunch. It would be a good conversation starter.

Eventually they came to a dining area, quite a regal one with red drapes hanging from the ceiling and round tables dotted in a formation. They walked past all of the tables to some glass doors which 2 unicorn servant out of no where opened them to reveal the white balcony. In the middle was a small but beautifully crafted garden table. It was white like the marble palace but had carvings of foliage and fruit carved within the metal. The four chairs where larger than usual to accompany a pony. As they all sat down Adam had loads of room to relax. Surprisingly it was quite comfortable considering it had little cushioning.

Once they were all comfortable, the princess decided to start up the conversation "So Sergeant tell me about yourself, you said that you were 'special forces' you said?"
"Yes princess," Adam was pleased she took the first words as he had no way of actually starting up talking. "I am part of the British army a branch of that is special forces. They are teams of elite soldiers that can carry out particular tasks. Mine, which was pathfinders, specialised in reconnaissance and sabotage. We were sent first in to recon and set up areas for assaults or just to gather information."

"I see," She replied, Adam noticed the way she was sitting was like a dog, not like Lyra who sat like a human. "So there are more of these special forces?"

"Yes, there is SAS and SBS. SAS or 'special air service' are elite paratroopers who specialise in multiple areas from counter terrorism to hostage rescue. SBS, Special boat service are marine troops they tend to stay on the water who also specialise in the same areas as the SAS but are also trained in naval tactics."

The princess now had her hooves on her chin interested in what Adam was saying but also thinking. Adam was not sure what was going through her head but he would just play it more to see if he could work it out. "You have an impressive force princess, very good guards. You should be proud of Captain Armour with his men especially," Adam gestured a hand in the Captains direction, Shining smiled at Adam happy with his compliment. "I must ask though how your military is structured. If I am going to provide security we need to both know how each other works."

"I am glad you asked that Sergeant," Celestia smiled, glad that Adam was concerned over protection of everybody. "I do believe if you wish to learn of our forces, the best method would be for you and the captain to work together. We will provide any resources you require, as long as you keep to your mission."

Adam was content, lunch was going well. They had not even eaten and he already had more assets to play with. This should make his job easier. "Although," Adam came out of his daydream to see the princess talking still. "I am still unsure of having a human soldier in Equestria. Your capability to violence is quite disturbing, I know humans are a varied as my little ponies. But I am still worried, so in light of that I have devised some tests. You have already passed one, which was the question I asked earlier. But the next will test you may not like."

Adam was shocked, all was going so well till now. He understood earlier was a test but now this could be a little trouble to him. He did get where she was coming from. Humans do have great capability in violence, we still have enough nukes to destroy the world more than 3 times over. But wars had died down since then, not everyone was a killer on earth. But these tests to prove that he is no threat to them, might get in the way. "May I ask what tests, princess?" Adam asked with a heavy amount of concern.

The sun princess took in a deep breath trying to figure out what to say to the human soldier in a way that may not upset him. "Well the next test is to observe you and your actions in the castle for the next week," Adam's eyes opened wide at that point, a whole week!? "I understand that this may not please you but it is for me to put my trust in you. As I said earlier, I am not fully comfortable with having a soldier in Equestria. But your leaders where persistent, so I aloud one of them through to see how it would play out. Hence you being here"
Adam stared on at her, not sure what to say. He needed to get back to Amicus, without a security plan it would be vulnerable from multiple threats. Most worrying of all was if wild animals caused a fatality with a science team which would end up on his head.

"Princess, I am sorry but I must protest to this," the princess recoiled back into her chair listening to the human. "Princess, I still have to protect Amicus and right now I have not assessed the current situation there. Every day I stay here Amicus is still at risk. We have had reports of science teams being under attack from wildlife and have had accidents! It is only a matter of time before someone or somepony is dead. And Its my job to prevent that! So keeping me from my job is not the wisest of decisions."

Princess Celestia sat still for a moment while she thought about Adams concerned mind. On one hoof she was not sure what Adam may do, on the other he was right someone could get hurt badly or even die. It may only be a week but a lot can happen in that time. She really wanted everyone to be safe, so she was faced with dilemma; let Adam roam free and keep Amicus safe unknown what he may do or, keep him here under observation but leave Amicus defenceless. It was then a light bulb idea hit her. "Sergeant, I understand your concerns. I know you wish to defend your people, I admire that. But you must understand my own concerns. So in response to your own concerns, I am willing to post a platoon of my own guards to Amicus while you are here for the week. I assure you they will be safe in your temporary absence."

Adam thought about her offer for a second. He still did not like the idea of him not being there, but like he knew if he wanted her resources and trust. He would have to play along for now. Anyway if there was going to be a platoon on guard there like on the airship they would be safe, plus they knew the area better than him. "Fine," He sighed "Ill stay but as soon as 7 days is up I have to go."

Celestia smiled "Good, I am glad we got all that out of the way so soon," she was then cut off by pony servants in formal dress coming through carrying food either in a magical aura or on their backs. "Ah good the food has arrived."

Adam only heard the word food and his mouth started to water, finally his stomach could be silenced. As the food was set he looked around at all the food varying from odd looking salads to small savoury snacks. Sadly to Adam there was no meat, like he suspected. He would just have to live the rabbit lifestyle for now.

He decided to go for the fruit salad to try and get some sugar in him, he was interrupted by Celestia "would you like some tea sergeant?" Holding up a pot of tea in her magic. He had considered it for a moment and decided the caffeine would help "Thank you princess." It was then he realised what he just said, he was basically having a weird tea party, saying 'princess' and with ponies. It was as if he was in a 5 year old girls doll party and he was the GI Joe that the kid had robbed off her brother. It was very surreal to him.

As he was daydreaming, again. The air was shook by a sudden and loud powerful voice bellowing from the dining room inside "Sister! Thou asked to be informed of our guests arrival!

Adam reacted like a cat, jumping out of his seat and spitting out his food. He landed and rolled to the side drawing his weapon from his leg. Eventually he stopped and had his weapon raised at the doorway, expecting something to jump at him. He was now switched on from the rush. He eventually calmed down to see what it was, a blue pony stood still in the doorway looking back at him.

She like Celestia was an Alicorn, but was slightly smaller, but bigger than a normal pony. She had a dark blue coat that shimmered along with the blue mane. It also was moving flowing freely, except hers seemed to sparkle like the night stars. The dark pony had light blue eyes that stood out and dark jewellery to compliment her appearance. Her mark was a crescent moon like he saw in the garden. Adam was crouched unsure what to do, he had just had a near heart attack but stood before him was a pony. He lowered his weapon and looked towards the white princess for guidance. She sat shocked at the incident while Shining just had his head buried deep in his hooves from embarrassment.

"Sergeant, I would appreciate it if you did not attempt to kill my sister" Celestia moaned. Adam got up and holstered his Glock, while trying to think. He finally put one and one together and realised what he had just done.

"Princess, I am so sorry! I got startled and I just reacted. I apologise for scaring you!" Adam tried to explain but to no avail.

"Sergeant, this is Princess Luna my sister and the other ruler of Equestria," The sun princess moaned from behind a hoof, while using the other to gesture to each other. She was both embarrassed and also fed up, not of Adam but of Luna and her habit of using the royal voice.
"Luna this is Sergeant Adam Jones of earth."

Luna with no real idea of how close she got from being shot skipped happily to the table, while Adam also walked back to his seat. "Sister," Luna moaned "I am sorry, I am trying to get used to using modern language, but it just...slips out. Plus why did you not wake me when the human had arrived?"

"You were practically hibernating on your bed!" Celestia shot back at her. "Do you realise how deeply you sleep?"

"You could of at least tried to do it yourself then send a servant just to gently whisper to me in my 'hibernation'!"

"Well I am sorry, but I do have to run the nation as much as you do and you know how busy that can be. Oh no, wait you don't do you? Because you are always up to doing things for yourself!"

Princess Celestia let out a moan in frustration "Luna have some coffee"


"Because you turn into a right queen when your tired," Celestia then took another pot and poured some black coffee into a mug and levitated it to her sister. She took it in her own blue aura and took a sip. "Better?"

"Better" Luna replied bit more cheery in her voice.
The captain and sergeant both glanced at each other awkwardly. Both wondering what to do now in the middle of the sibling argument that just transpired in front of them. If Adam had a parachute right now, he would happily base jump off the balcony.

Luckily to all the beings present, a 3rd party interrupted, in the form of Adam's daysack arriving.

A guard walked onto the balcony holding the bag in his mouth. However his eyes were locked onto Adam, it was the exact pony that he had just KO'd in the throne room. Adam looked up from the argument hearing the hooves on the floor. His eyes shot open with shock recognising the pony, he knew exactly what was going to happen. In one fluid motion the guard pony swung the bag back gaining momentum and tossed it forward making it fly towards Adam at great speed. The impact hit him with so much force he was knocked off his chair backwards, disappearing behind the table. Everypony now looked towards his disappearing trick, noticing what just randomly happened. The guard pony now walking back into the tower, still angry and muttering curses under his breath.

A hand finally appeared trying to grab the table to bring the soldiers body back up. Adams head the emerged from below the table "I deserved that" He instantly said.
All the ponies around him just looked at him trying to figure out why that just happened. Until Luna decided to break the confused silence "Human guard, why did that guard just assault you with a bag?" she asked. Everypony was now interested in what his response would be, even the servants were intrigued. Adam righted himself and began to explain "Well when I was marching into the throne room I had to dump my bag. As you can't really march with bag on. So I threw it at the pony guards so he could keep hold of it, that guard was the one I threw it at. Except I may of thrown it so hard it basically... knocked him out." He let out a grin trying to act innocent. Celestia looked horrified, but Luna and Shining tried there best to hold back their laughter.

Eventually they gave in and laughed whole heartedly. Celestia was just stunned not just by his story but her family's humour towards it all. "Look I am sorry," Adam said "Look I knocked him over and well he did the same. There was no intention to knock him out. Anyway he seems to have got me back."

"Maybe so sergeant, but please don't do that again."

"Wasn't planning on it princess"

Eventually the humour died in the atmosphere and questions where being exchanged, each party trying to learn of each other. Luna in particular had a list of questions, literally a list in her magic hold. "So what does a human guard do?" she asked.

"Well, for a start we are not guards we are called soldiers," he pointed out before answering, it was annoying him the term 'human guard'. "Basically we protect our nation, and its interests. We protect from threats to our nation and protect the public. Although we can also help in aid such as supply deliveries and medical care. Can I ask what your guards do?"
Shining then decided to answer that, it was his area now anyway "Well we do the same roles as you. But we also help in rescue and also enforcing the law."

"I see, sounds like a military police system you have"

"Military police?" Luna asked in response.

"Basically police are the ones who enforce the laws where I come from. Although they don't fight wars like soldiers do. Military police can do both." Adam quickly answered trying to keep things moving. He was learning a lot, there was just so much to take in it was almost overwhelming.

All was going well, minus the part about staying here for a week and the bag incident. Also the shouting from Princess Luna and the sibling argument. Okay it was bad but now its all good. The food was not bad either, I had tried going vegetarian for a while on earth which was not so bad. Shame about no bacon.

The Princesses were nice and generous to me. I could see how they work Celestia the reasonable kind type and Luna the wild experimental type. I could tell Luna was like this from the way she basically interrogated me.

"So how many 'soldiers' does the UK have?" Was her next question.

"Well, its around 150 thousand"

"That is roughly how many guards we have" the captain interrupted.

"That's just our tiny island, China has over 15 million" I stated.

Everyone around the table now had their jaws open, that put a silence in the room. "15 million!?" Captain repeated.

"Yes, and they are not even the best army in the world the US has the best, plenty of troops loads of tech and well funded. Ours is only the fifth best only because we have a reasonable fund and loads of technology. Although we do have the best training apparently" I shrugged at that last bit, I don't like talking about who is best, it has lead to a bar fight in the past. And I was in the middle of it all with a huge black eye.
"Why do you need forces so big?" Celestia now asked taking me back to reality.

"Honestly, I am not 100% sure on that answer. Not my area of expertise, I am a soldier not a high ranked officer or a member of parliament so I can't really say" I decided to not answer that. No one actually knows why we have such large forces ours is a reasonable size but others, that is their doing.

I looked to Luna who seemed to be a little bit agitated, I don't know why but she seems to shuffle in her seat and play with her hooves. "Princess Luna, are you okay?" I ask.

Everyone then stops eating and looks to the blue pony, who by the looks of it does not like the attention. Celestia looked worried at her sisters sate "Sister you do seem a little off, what is wrong Luna?"

Luna looked at her sister and sighed, now even I felt worried. For a leader to be in state like this could cause problems. "I was going to do what the humans call a 'job interview' on the sergeant. But it seems you have already devised your own tests."

"Is that it?" I ask, all this over some silly job interview?

Celestia then decided to answer my question "I am sorry sergeant for my sister, she has been fascinated by humans ever since the portal incident. She has been looking forward to this moment for a long time"

"Its okay, I was quite excited myself coming here, its surprising how much our worlds have in common. If the princess wishes' to interview me so be it. I have my job anyway"

"Hussar!" Luna shouts clapping her hooves, clearly pleased with my response. If it makes her happy then so be it. She magically makes a load of papers appear out of no where. and becomes all serious with a slight look of Sir Alan Sugar about here, oh dear. "May we begin?"

"Go ahead" I say sitting up to seem more presentable. This might be fun anyway.

"First question, what makes you think you suit the job in hand?" Good question to start off on.

"Well I understand that this is a defence position but also a liaison one too. I have been trained by the British army for a number of years, previous to my current position I was an intelligence operative. So security, combat and communication is vital in this role, I have all those skills."

"Question 2; which would rather fight? A pony sized duck, or a flock of duck sized ponies?"

"What kind of question is that!?" I reply, that was just weird.

"Please answer the question"

"Okay...erm, pony sized duck. I doubt Celestia would like me attacking ponies." Celestia looks at me pointing at me with her hoof then at her eyes saying 'I'm watching you' she can be a scary pony.

"Interesting, anyway next question; How big are you?" She raises an eyebrow at me and gives me a look, as if to be suggestive. I think she's trying to imply something sexual, so I just come up with a great reply.

"I am big enough for the task at hand" I wink at her, she blushes through her blue coat which is a victory for me. Shining is just smiling liking my response, while Celestia is just giving both me and Luna the evil look.

"Impressive. Question 4; Who is the better princess me or Celestia?" Okay now time for awkward.


"Luna!" Celestia shouts at Luna.

"Well considering you are both co rulers-" I began before I was cut off.

"You can only pick one." Luna tells me, both of them now look towards me with an eyebrow raised. I look around, I can feel beads of sweat coming from my face. I look to the captain for answers but he is trying to avoid my plea for help, trying to avoid getting involved. God dam you captain, thought we could be brothers in arms!

"Well..." they both lean in closer to listen and I can hear Shining take a deep breath. "I think Luna may be the best-" I was cut off by that point "Yes! Ha! I told you I was the best princess!" Princess Luna jumped from her seat and started doing a victory dance in front of her sister, who for one looked unamused. She pulled out a small bag that jingled and threw it at Luna. I then realised exactly what had just happened, I was part of a bet.

"Hey, was this a bet!?" I exclaim. Both ponies now stop what they are doing and look directly at me with a look of guilt.

"We just wanted to see who you would pick," Luna tried to explain "Me and my sister pull pranks and place bets. When you are over 1000 years old, its the little things that help" Celestia carried on.

"You are both over 1000 years old?" I respond gobsmacked, who are they time lords!? "What kind of anti aging cream are you using!? I want some!" They both laugh at my response, what is it with that white alicorn laugh that is addictive?

"Being an alicorn has its benefits, but you can get bored or lonely rather easily. It is both a gift and a blessing." Luna tried to explain. I got the point now that it was good and bad at the same time. From what I was seeing in front of me. They were just like any other person/pony, no different to me or you.

"Well that aside, I feel cut out of this 'bet' so," I reach over and grab the bag out of her magic. " I think it is fair that since I was involved I get a cut". Luna opens her mouth to talk but I raise a hand to shush her, Celestia is now giggling away at her sister's demise. I take out 10 bits out of the 30, I think that is fair. Plus I really need the money. I throw the bag back over to her and she growls at me, which is quite funny.

"Anyway, your royal highnesses. I need to ask is there anyway I can exchange money? I forgot before I arrived, it was short notice."
Celestia begins to answer "Well, I am sure we can provide you some funds from our reserves. How much do you wish to exchange?"

"I don't have the money on me but I do have 100 thousand in my bank back on earth," She goes wide eyed at the amount I just said, and looks worried. So I come up with a solution "But I only will need around 40 thousand exchanged until I can contact my superiors in 6 months. I will give you the earth money once it has been arranged, I'll even sign a contact. does that sound okay?"

"That sounds... sufficient" I felt a large weight being lifted from my mind. "I shall draft a contract up for tomorrow," At that point one of the servants came up to her and whispered something in her ear. "Excuse me for being rude, but I am afraid I will have to cut this short. Me and my sister have been requested, I apologise"

"Princess there is no need, you have a nation to run. Don't hold up on me" They both smiled and nodded when me and shining got up and saluted.

"Captain would you please give the sergeant a tour of the palace, and show him to his room." Luna ordered the officer and he nodded in response. Then the two royal sisters left leaving me and the captain on the balcony.

"Well that was weird" I admitted from the silence.

"That wasn't even half of it," Shining explained "Well better give you a tour of the barracks, maybe I can teach you something"

"Ha! I think it will be the other way around" And with that we set off into the giant palace.

Author's Note:

I do apologise for this chapter. It is not my best work I can tell but its the best I can do for now. there will be 3 more chapters before something major happens so stay tuned!