• Published 13th Sep 2014
  • 644 Views, 25 Comments

Middle ground - DarkShadow95

I was a british soldier. Now Im here, an equestrain soldier with a much better life thanks to a very sketchy job offer.

  • ...

Chapter. 3 Take me to your leader

Adam woke suddenly from his peaceful slumber. He was now alert from the rude awakening, he sat up bolt upright to hear the sound of a siren going off all around him. The first thought that came into Adams head was to grab his gasmask and NBC gear thinking the siren was a nuclear siren, it was the same after all. Then his rational mind started to wake and take over and wonder how he could hear though all the armour on the Husky. He looked over to the passenger side to see it empty. He must of overslept due to all the caffeine he had last night. But his main concern was his friend was gone, and the door was left open. He looked down to the empty space and felt sad, his friend had gone and never said bye, then again he might see her again.

Adam finally started to get to work as to why the Siren was going off. He took off the fleece that was still covering him and proceeded to get out of the Husky. Once out he felt tired still and did a few stretches as he walked out of the C17, he felt the morning cold hit him. He checked his watch to see it was around 9am, least he got a bit of a lye in. He looked up to see what all the commotion was about.

Before him he saw ground crew running around like a disturbed ant hill. All of them doing final checks on the plane or checking the loads were secure. All of the crew running around was quite comical to him, little men in high visibility gear working like oompa loompas from Charlie and the chocolate factory. One of them ran by him, if not for Adam grabbing him on the arm.

"What's going on?" Adam asked.

"Portal is open now," The Crewman replied, trying to free himself from Adams grip but Adam was not finished.

"We are leaving now!" He shouted, just as he shrugged off his grip. As he let go he saw 3 men in flightgear start to board the plane, Adam did not have time for more questions. So he simply hopped back on the craft and hoped for the best. He closed the doors of the Husky and made sure all was strapped down, also yanking on the straps holding the Husky. It would be a disaster if one of those cases came flying towards him mid take off. Once her was satisfied with safety, he decided strap himself in. He saw one of the foldaway chairs on the side of the holding area and started to strap himself in. He was thankful he had no breakfast or this would start to make him sick.

Then again he did feel sick with excitement, nerves, and curiosity. It was like going on a first date with someone, that feeling though was new to Adam since the last date he went on was a few years ago.

He saw 6 crewman also strap themselves in, the rest all bailed out of the pane and the exit began to shut slowly. It was probably the last time he would see Earth again, so he implanted that image in his head.
As the grey door finally clamped shut he started to daydream. I wonder what it will be like? I hope they have good food at least with being vegetarians. What will the other ponies be like towards me? Kind like Lyra, or mean as Dr Olof? Then a reality though finally hit him. I haven't changed any of my currency. At that his followed reaction involved him putting his head in his hands and letting out a loud groan, muffled by his hands.
One of the crewmembers sat next to him noticed his groan however. She saw him in his stressed state and decided to inquire.

"Hey, what's up with you?" She asked.

"Nothing" Adam quickly replied, trying to keep his thoughts to himself. How could he fuck up already?

"So putting you head in your hands and making a noise that rivals a whale is nothing?" The crewman shot back.

"I just forgot to change my currency that's all"

"Hey, don't sweat it," She called placing a hand on his shoulder "I'm sure you can work something out there."

"I hope so."

They returned to what they were doing originally. Adam feeling sick and staring into space and her doing the same but smiling at Adams misfortune. A minute later they felt a small jolt that went through the aircraft, Adam recognised it, it was the aircraft now being taxied across the airfield. He knew in a short time the engines would heat up and they would be taking off.
"Good morning everyone, and welcome to the fifth Bermuda logistics exchange," A voice was heard over the intercom. Must be the pilot Adam thought. "I hope we can break our record of 38 hours and 45 minutes to drop and load this time, so good luck."

Adam felt his heart rate go up a few beats as he heard the four jets come to life. He could not see outside, but he could roughly guess what was going on. He started to breath deeply trying to control his anxiety. All of his training, all of his years of experience was now going to be real. He would have to protect those under him and also exchange those around him, if he screwed up it would be real no safety net. He could now feel the engines increase their thrust, moving them forward along the runway increasing speed. Just near the end the craft started to lift. there was definitely no turning back now, not unless you wanted to jump, which Adam figured.

They were now levelling off, they had now climbed to the target altitude and where on course to the new portal that was hovering somewhere over the Atlantic. Adam did not know where it was but the pilots did set a bearing for it. All Adam could imagine was a squadron of huge planes all information and disappearing. He could now compare the moment to that of being of a huge rollercoaster. You waited in a queue for a while with your stomach churning, you know roughly what you got yourself into but still had no idea what it actually was going to be like.

Adam was now sweating with nerves, he had no actual idea what he was getting himself into. He knew even with all the intelligence you are given its never like being there live. Just as he was considering throwing up the intercom bellowed out. "Okay ladies and gents we are 30 seconds form the portal, for those of you who are new to flying with us. You may feel a tingling sensation as we pass through, don't worry this is perfectly harmless and normal. As soon as we cross we will be landing in 15 minutes, thank you."

Adam felt a little reassured from the pilots smooth voice. He always wondered how they could sooth anyone just by talking. As his mind drifted away with curiosity from the mild question, his anxiety started to fade with him being distracted from the main event. A few seconds later Adam felt what the pilot warned him about he could feel what felt like static electricity jumping all over his skin. The hairs on his skin stood on end, if he had longer hair it would be standing up like a mad scientist. Sadly The crew member he was talking to had long hair.

Once through he brought himself back to reality, after feeling the side effects of travelling through the portal. It was a weird sensation, he felt no different however. He looked towards the crew members to check on them. Only he saw the girl he was just talking to had her hair all fluffed up. She noticed him staring at her, sniggering. She also heard the other crewman sniggering at her new hairstyle.

"What?" She demanded.

"Nothing" Adam tried to say without bursting into laughter.

All the other crewmembers all nodded towards Adam I acknowledgment of their small prank. This made him completely relaxed now. All the fear was replaced with humour. He could imagine her reaction later once they have landed. So they all decided to leave it just to see that very reaction.

"Ladies and gentleman we are now making our final approach, please ensure you are sat down and secure," The pilot said again through the intercom. "ETA till landing 5 minutes, so standby"

Finally we were landing. All my nerves had gone now. If it weren't for the pilot and crazy hair next to me I would of probably threw up by now. I was now in Equestria, the feeling hadn't really sunk in yet. It probably will soon as I step out those doors. I was trying to picture what it was like outside from what Lyra told me last night. But I suppose I was going to find out soon.
All of this flight was making me think a lot, now I was wondering what happened to Lyra. She must of got on the plane with her team, I hope she is okay. I might see her once we land, if not I will have to visit her in Ponyville when I have free time. I still had the issue of currency though. I just hope crazy hair, yes I now call her crazy hair it suits her, I just hope she is right.
Maybe I could talk to someone really high up in the pony hierarchy, make some deal or an IOU. Don't see how it would work but it was better than being broke. I dare not talk to the Royal sisters about it, worst part was I would probably have to meet them at some point. I still had no idea how to behave around them. For that matter what they would be like, I had seen pictures of them on the news but you can't judge a book by its cover. If I was going to be working in the palace I am bound to run into them so might as well brace myself. I just hope they don't mind me carrying a small arsenal with me to their peaceful nation.
I was still deep in thought when I felt the shift in force, we must be landing now. "We are now going in for approach, please prepare for landing" Called it.

"Soon as we land, I need you to unclip the Husky for me," I said the the crewman, they all put their attention towards me. "Soon as you're done, I'll drive off and you can unload. I have to go on over watch for all this" all of them nodded in agreement. I still couldn't help but snigger at crazy hair.

Soon after we felt the slight rumble of us coming down to land. I could hear the hydraulics of the wheels erect and lock into position. I just switched off my mind, only letting my mind concentrate on what to do next. Soon as that door opens I get in and drive out. I tried to block out my anticipation but I was failing, badly. My palms were sweating, hands shaking and butterfly's in my stomach, I was clenching my fists to try and let my nerves evaporate. Finally the wheels made contact with the runway. My heart jumped rhythm, increasing its speed. The plane started to slow down, eventually to its taxi speed. Soon as we stopped the crewman started to get up as did I, 2 went to open the door while the others began to unclip my armoured vehicle. I got in just as the ramp started to lower, I started up the Husky and let the engine warm up as the ramp lowered. I could not see out of the plane yet. I was still facing in the plane, but I could see through the side mirrors the blinding light that poured through. Lighting up the entire hold, It was bright, I wasn't sure if it was just bright or my eyes had been in the dark for a while.

Once The ramp was lowered I shifted into reverse and began moving backwards towards the light. At least it was day here so I could get a good look of the land. The wheels were now all on the concrete, I could now see around me, only just due to my eyes still adjusting. To say it all in one word, lets say it was beautiful.

The sky was blue, and I mean crystal blue, a few pure white clouds scattered the sky but not enough to put a dampener on it all.
The land was covered mostly in green, I was expecting a city. But most of it was green, all natural. I could see other C17's already landed already unloading. Ponies and people running around working together to get tasks done. It was a sight to see, Some of the humans concentrated on getting the unloading done, while others just stood there gawking at the new land. Me on the other hand was trying to do both. My mind was overblown with senses, while I was trying to perform the menial task of driving from A to B. Wherever B was.

I could see more in the distance the fuelling plane filling up the tanks well away from the Green forests and Amicus. For safety reasons of course, it was kept well away in case of a fire or an explosion. On the other Side was Amicus.

It was like something out of the future. It looked like a whole team of architects built it, by themselves. It was concrete with metal, all clean and crisp. I could make out all of the Solar panels the lined all the roofs of each building. That would explain how we had electricity. It was also had huge windows that I could spot from where I was. I could already tell it was high tech just from sitting here. Each building had a orange stripe somewhere on it the colour of the Bermuda project. 2 towers stood out from the landscape one which had a few aerials sticking out, I presume that is either the communications tower or the control tower for the airfield. The other was just a lone very tall tower and at the top glass that was shining. It looked like a giant sceptre with a diamond dome on top. I don't know what is was but I am going to find out soon. Just to the left of it all was a mountain. Tall and standing proudly watching over Amicus, it was covered in forest all the way to the peaks. I could just make out and observatory on top of the mountain, placed to block out all the light below to get clearer pictures.

All of it was just amazing. If I was a scientist I would think I had died and gone to heaven. All this unexplored land for us and all the toys you need to do so. It is a paradise of knowledge and exchange.

I returned my wonder to ground level. Seeing Pickups and small trucks of orange, picking up the heavier cargo from the planes. Some Scientists watching as their precious cargo was being unloaded. Ponies all taking their stuff to Amicus, I tried to spot Lyra but I could not see her. I decided to make my destination the giant tower in the middle to get a better look at the land. All of this was just overwhelming to me. Her I was driving on a new world. I could feel the kid inside me wanting to climb the trees to see more and run around exploring. Plus I was sure I was not the only one with this feeling. I felt a huge grin spread across my face at that idea.
I was still driving towards Amicus, the town had roads able for trucks to move around in. So I could easily just drive to the tower. I decided before I do that to get some air and stretch my legs from the flight, that and to also see if any help was needed. I would stop just outside Amicus. I pulled up just next to one of the roads leading in. Watching all the traffic make their way in and out. I hopped out and could smell the clean air through my nose. I felt the rush of clean air course through my blood It all felt new and magical. Here I was the one to protect all of this. Although the questions still remains; what from? Also why?
I watched from a distance all the people and ponies go about unloading. Getting themselves acquainted with Equestria, so was I for that matter. I stood there leaning on my Husky, still taking in all the details of the land. I knew I would get a better view from that tower, but right now this was just fine. Here I could see the Bermuda project in action, ponies and humans working side by side in the pursuit of knowledge.

I decided to get a can of coke from my Husky. Just as I was turning around, I could see a large group of ponies walking up towards me. All of them seemed to be wearing some sort of armour. A flashback from the book I tried to read, made me remember these must be the royal guards. All of them wore golden armour, which baffled me as gold is stupid to have as armour. They got closer and I could work out around 20 of them, all of them seemed to be armed with swords, spears even bows. The more concerning issue was the fact they had them all ready. They were not aiming at me as such, but just had them drawn and ready. I don't know why, but I was taking no chances so I let my right hand hover over my pistol on my leg. I did not want to cause an incident here, but If they tried anything I will defend myself.
They all stopped a few feet away from me, we both stared at each other giving away no hint of emotion. Just waiting for the first person to make the first move. Which was a Pegasus, he walked out of his group and put down his sword from his mouth, I suppose for those who can't use magic they have to use their mouths. He placed the sword in it sheath just below his wing. He was white with the same golden armour as the others. The armour style was similar to ancient Greek armour and medieval display armour. I learnt all that from a trip to the Leeds royal armouries when I was young. He had a white coat with blue eyes and a blue tail to match. He did look impressive but I still doubted gold armour, I just hope its for display purposes like our royal guard back home.

He took a few more steps forward and stopped in the middle ground between his team and me. I decided to take a step forward, still letting my hand linger over my Glock. We stood there looking at one another, from top to bottom. It was a weird encounter to say, but it seemed normal if you were there. When suddenly he decided to speak "You must be the soldier from earth?" He asked in a deep tone, I was not sure if he was putting it on so I tried to match it, to seem tough.

"Yes, I am Sergeant Jones of the United Kingdom, Liaison and security for Amicus" I started trying to seem impressive.

"I am sergeant metal hoof, of the Equestrian Royal Guard. We have been expecting you, and are here to escort you to the palace in Canterlot. These orders are from the Royal sisters so I do advise you follow them."

"Whoa, hold up their, orders?" I was shocked and a little insulted, I'm not part of their army, I am a human soldier not a royal guard. "They don't own me for a start. I'm not blaming you, but this is a load of crap. They don't order me around."

"But Sergeant, they have requested your presence in Canterlot." He protested.

"Yes but it is still a little too soon, I still have not done a security assessment of Amicus yet. Which is my primary mission here, to protect Amicus personnel and the local population. So I am afraid they are going to have to wait" I said, he looked a little shocked now his ears placed backwards.

"Sergeant Jones if you do not comply with these orders, I will have no choice but to arrest you." He now spoke up with a hint of anger in his voice. I did not want to cause a scene here, it would just be bad press. Although this was a bad idea. I still had not done an assessment of the area but I suppose I have no choice but to comply, the assessment can wait. I did not see any immediate threat yet so I think its okay for a while.

"Okay Ill go," I sighed. He then eased up and so did the ponies behind him. "But the car has to come with us" I said tapping the bonnet of the Husky. He looked at it for a second, returned his face to me and smiled.

"Don't worry Sergeant we have something that will take that to Canterlot" He smiled very suspiciously. I had a feeling I was going to find out soon and I was right.

The whole group now put away all of their weapons, as I did relax my trigger finger. I was lead around the side of Amicus right to the edge of the runway. There I could see a hangar full of vehicles ranging from 4 by 4's to trucks, 2 of which caught my eye. Chinooks, I knew they used them in civilian use especially in barren landscapes like the arctic. But this made me smile, I now had another resource at my disposal. I did suspect This pony was leading me to them to load up the Husky, was I wrong.

I looked outside the Hangar to see a pirate ship?

Nope it was no pirate ship it was an airship, it had a huge balloon hanging above shaped like a blimp but with a wooden ship attached to the bottom by a network of ropes. It looked like something out of a movie, this world was full of surprises. The ship had a huge propeller protruding from the back. and 2 smaller propeller engines at the side, which I presume aid in steering. At the side of the hull was a large ramp leading inside. It looked big enough for the Husky to fit in. I think this is how we were going to get to Canterlot.

The sergeant turned his head to look at me as we walked smiling in content at my shocked reaction. I had to give it to him, this was impressive. "I'm sure this can take your 'car' to Canterlot sergeant." He mused.

"Well then, I'll go get the husky then" I turned around to jog back to where we were. When a small curiosity emerged "Where is Canterlot roughly?" I shouted back.
The Pony guard then lifted a hoof in the air aid pointed it off in the distance behind me. I turned around to see the direction of what he was pointed at, in the distance I saw a mountain, what was on the side of the mountain was a different matter entirely. It was a city, I could tell even from a few miles away. It was freaking huge! It was hanging there on part platform and settled on part cliff. The distance was vast but to see it, on a clear day like this it must be huge. Looks like these royals don't like to disappoint with flare. Now I see the need for the airship, thing. Driving up that mountain onto that cliff side would be hell.

I let my jaw drop at the sight, the whole lot of pony guards behind me started laughing at my state of shock. I looked back to see all except the sergeant laughing, he was just smirking, looks like I will have to get them back, hopefully they haven't seen what a 5.56mm round can do. Or seen a human jump from 20,000ft for that matter. That will have to wait, for now drive, fly and land that was the bridge we had to cross.

I eventually got the Husky and reversed it up the loading ramp of the flying machine. I was worried it would not take its weight, this thing must weigh around 8 tonnes, even with all my gear. Luckily though it did take it and now it was sat in the cargo hold facing out so I could easily drive off once we arrive. I still did not like the idea of leaving Amicus so soon, but if I was ever going to gain the trust of the ponies, I would have to play their game for now.
I was now stood on the ramp after all of the guard ponies started to pack up and get themselves on board I must of counted around 50 on board. All varying in kind, but mainly there were a few more pegasi, seemed logical. I still got some weird looks from the ponies. They ranged from some level of fear to curiosity. None of them came up to me to talk though, I did feel alienated so I went off to find that pony sergeant that was willing to talk to me. I went up the wooden stairs as the side of the ship started to close. Little lanterns full of glow flies lit up the area like candles. It was a weird spectacle instead of seeing light bulbs they used biological light, clever.

I emerged on the top deck of the ship, I looked around to see if I could see the guard pony. But I could not see him, walking along the deck I looked out for him, admitting it was hard because some of them seemed to have the exact came armour and colour scheme. However I did remember his 'cutie mark' of a grey hoof on impact. So staring at ponies behinds was a little, weird to say the least. I almost gave up on searching when I heard a loud voice come from the top deck.

"All crew aboard, remove ground anchors!"

I looked up to see the sergeant on what appeared to be a old style ship wheel. He was stood up on his hind legs with his front hooves gripping the wheel. I saw some stairs leading up to the top deck at the rear of the ship. I made my way up them when I heard the lines being dragged up and flames above me bursting into life to give the balloon ship lift to fly. It was a weird thing to be using a craft like this. I just hope the ropes holding the balloon to the actual ship are strong.
I emerged on the top, looking around to see various ponies doing jobs. Although one stood out, he was wearing a very weird type of armour. One that was completely different armour to the others. I assumed that he was someone important, maybe an officer. His armour was basically lined purple and looked a lot bulkier than the others. He had his hooves trimmed and exposed showing blue that matched his tail. He was also quite well built, yes I know I haven't seen many ponies but compared to this crew he did seemed toned. He turned around from a table covered in charts.

He looked at me and I did the same. Him smiling while I just looked at him still a little confused as to why purple armour. I mean seriously who chooses purple? Its not logical and looks crap. I also noticed he was a unicorn, with light blue eyes. He said something but I was still in though over purple armour.

"Sorry, what did you say?" I asked coming out of my daydream.

"I said, welcome to Equestria sergeant," He repeated. He walked up and extended his hoof up to my hand, I was not sure of the gesture so I took it in hand and shook it. I think I got that right as he smiled at me. "I'm sorry we had to leave on such short notice but I have been ordered by princess Celestia and Luna to bring you to Canterlot as soon as possible".

"Its fine," I replied holding up my hand in dismissal. "We all have orders to follow, just I have no real choice in mine at this moment. You said Princess Celestia and Luna? Is that the royal family names?"

"Yes there are four in total Luna and Celestia, My sister Twilight sparkle and my wife Princess Mi amore Cadenza"

"Wait, Your wife and sister?"

"So you're part of the royal family?"


My brain then it it all together. This guy was part of them! He was married and blood related to the royal family! My brain kicked in making my body jerk to attention and salute the pony. He winced at the action and stood staring at me. "Apologies sir, I did not know you where royal family."

"Its cool, honestly," He returned the salute "You can stand at ease sergeant, you have no commitments to the royal guard."

"Again I apologise if I have shown any lack of respect."

"Sergeant... urm"

"Jones, sir"

"Sergeant Jones, I may be a prince but I do not enjoy being treated like one. I am a husband, brother and Captain of the guard before I am a prince. So please call me captain. Also relax, I hate people who look at us different to anypony"

"Sorry captain, Its just we have our own royal family and well you sort of have to treat them with the most respect." I explained making myself stand at ease. My heart was still racing from the encounter, but I felt a lot more relaxed with this guy being well normal. I was expecting something else than this.

"Really? Where do you come from, on your world I mean" He asked. He seemed curios at my mention of the Royal family back in the UK.

"Well I come from a island call Great Britain, there we have a monarchy, head of which is Queen Elizabeth the second."

"Oh right, so they rule?"

"No we have a government, they make the laws and decisions"

"Your world is weird"

"Hey, your world is too. You have a pirate ship attached to a balloon. We have planes and helicopters," I protested. He laughed at my small outburst as did I. "So why are we heading to Canterlot so soon? I know I am meant to be posted there, but now was not the best of times. I still don't know what state Amicus is in."

"Well Amicus will be safe for now, its not like that town has ever been attacked plus there are some guards there. So you can stop worrying over some security issues sergeant. As to why so soon, well the princesses wish to meet you, now."

I froze at that last part. I was going to meet their leaders so soon. My hands started to sweat and I could feel my whole body start to react to the adrenalin starting to build in my blood. It must of been obvious to the captain because what he said next did help "You don't have to worry about meeting them, just act natural. Even they dislike being treated differently to everypony else. They are very nice once you know them. If you act all regal around them it will just irritate them, trust me. Eight years in the guard and you learn a lot about the royal sisters. Just be careful of Blueblood if you see him though, ignore him if he causes you bother."

"Who is he?" I queried.
"Lets just say you know when you meet him, even describing him makes my blood boil" He looked down as he said the last part, I also noted a fair amount of anger in his voice.
"So I guess he is a bit of a pain in, oh what do you say? Flank?" I said sarcastically.
This seemed to bring him back to a cheerful mood and he even let out a small laugh at my humour. I liked this guy, he seemed cool, as a pony anyway. I have no Idea how he is as an officer, that I will have to see once we are in Canterlot. If what he said was true, maybe meeting the royals won't be so bad, as long as I keep calm. Although I was wondering, why meet me?

"Well judging by the weather we should be in Canterlot in the hour. The wind is on our side, so we should make it there in time for lunch" Yep he is definitely an officer, never misses lunch. It was weird how the ponies where similar to humans personality wise anyway. Me and the captain got on quite well, we carried on talking for a while. Mainly me asking about the royal sisters, I was probably annoying him after the fifth question. I then just shut up after that. I Looked back into the distance, we were a lot closer now and it had been around 40 minutes. I looked to the other side of the ships admiring the view, it was one thing to look out a plane and see the view but actually see it real and feel the air on your skin, is just magical really. I could see the captain also admiring the view, all was going well no orders had to be issued, all the crew knew what they were doing. I was impressed, their army was well trained like a well oiled weapon, efficient and get results. Seeing them in combat will be interesting to see though.

Adam and shining kept their view on the landscape, although shining had seen all of it before he could still admire the beauty in Equestria. Adam was looking at the mountains, he wondered if he could try to climb them in his spare time. It was something he did in his army career, rock climbing. He loved it, he also loved parachuting he just loved the wind on his skin and the feeling of doing something so few do. Here he could show off those skills and maybe even teach a pony about skydiving.

But it was not teaching he would be doing, it would be learning too. He was curious on how magic worked it seemed odd to him. The whole lot of Equestria seemed odd to him. The only thing to stop him from going insane with all this was his rule of 'logic be damned'. Which meant he would just have to learn everything as it came and just accept it, maybe he could apply it to earth logic. Some of it seemed similar to earth like the airship and some of the land, but magic, that is something he would have to delve into deeper to understand. Another thing keeping his mind in check was what he was taught in college, everything can be disproved. He learnt that in science 101 that even the most founded knowledge can be disproved over time. No one knows everything, there is always something to be discovered that could change all that we believe in. Here all that could be tested. It was all rather exciting really. He still had a job to do though.
Right now he just had to make his way to Canterlot, meet the royal sisters and head back to Amicus to check on security. What could possibly go wrong?