• Published 3rd Aug 2014
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Calming Sigh-- with a Breath of Fire - Laze Around

[Breath of Fire 3 x MLP] Human becomes his favorite game character and was thrown into Equestria. After escaping Celestia and Luna, he finds out how hard it is to live for so long beyond a human's lifespan.

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Interlude: Behind the Curtain Part 1

Two months back before the fight with the two Displaced and before Ryu awakened to his potential, a greater threat skulked the void outside the world’s dimension. There, a large fortress existed in the empty space. Inside were vast amounts of advanced technology, broken and shattered.

Its name was Obelisk, the flying fortress that housed the goddess of Desire and Destruction; Myria. This was her temple, the place where she was at her most powerful.

Inside, Balio and Sunder appeared out of a distorted vortex and landed on their hooves. They both shuddered at the complete wrongness of their transportation before shrugging it off and walking deeper into the structure.

They entered a large chamber full of broken machines. Jumping over the debris that littered the spacious area, they came up to its center where a raised platform was located. They stopped and stood side by side, their postures rigid.

“We found him.” Balio began. “Just like you said, he was in this world.”

Sunder nodded, before quickly adding. “He looked like a clone of that dragon kid. There were some differences, but the resemblance was just too close.”

Up on the platform, a woman stood. Her back was turned to them, and her attention was more on the cracks that stretched all over the chamber’s ceiling.

Long, flowing blonde hair fell from her head and past her hips, moving like flowing silk from the calm but powerful aura that expelled through her skin. A beautiful purple dress hung upon her body snugly, showing off her generously proportioned figure to all. However, it was the two gigantic wings on her back that really caught the attention of others.

The two wings were covered in feathers, shining almost ethereally even in the dim light of the room, switching through the colors of the aurora and were almost hypnotic to the eyes. What made them all the more eye-catching, however, were the way that they were positioned: both wings were inverted. It made for an odd sight, but it did little to lessen the beauty of them, or the woman who carried them.

This woman was Myria, the sworn enemy of the Brood, the goddess that left the world in ruin, and a creature of the Endless.

Her back was still turned, with closed eyes still regarding the ceiling. “I see. I did find it curious to feel two almost completely similar powers clashing in the void. But for it to be confirmed to be almost a twin…” her head shifted to the side, making the stallions stand even straighter when they saw the smooth skin of her face turn to them partially. “What else can you tell me?”

Balio swallowed in slight fear, hesitating to answer. “He’s powerful. Someone that really shouldn’t be underestimated.”

Sunder nodded. “Very powerful. He didn’t even let us combine. He was on us as soon as the fight started.”

Myria’s head turned further, her body shifting slightly to regard the two of them better. Malicious red light started to slip under her closed eyes, making the siblings tremble at the sight. “There was a fight?” she asked with a hint of edge in her tone.

Balio and Sunder glanced at each other nervously, both of them starting to sweat even under her blind glare.

“Yeah…” Balio said hesitantly. “We kinda tried to test him; to see what was so special about him.”

“Also, with how much he looked like the other kid, we wanted to know what else was the same.” Sunder added. “It’s just a little unbelievable to see someone look so much someone you know.

The light in Myria’s eyes began to intensify as her eyelids slid upwards. Her skin also started to adopt a purple tint as her anger rose. ”So you taunted him?”

Balio and Sunder openly trembled as the very air vibrated around them. An invisible weight kept pushing on them, but fear froze them on their hooves.

“… Yes.” Balio admitted, silently praying his last pleas in his head.

“We kinda regretted it given how things went.” Sunder added, hands clenching and teeth clattering together.

They closed their eyes, waiting for their inevitable deaths. It was a pretty short lived second chance, but being nothing but Samples from a near extinct clan, it wasn’t like they were expecting a glorious death, or a long life for that matter.

They waited and waited, but nothing came. Cracking one eye open, both of them saw the goddess openly examining them.

“Hmm... I don’t see any injuries.” She muttered, her skin slowly starting to return to their tan color, and her eyes closing to hide the eerie glow in them. “But I can tell that it wasn’t you two that were victorious.”

Balio held his abdomen, wincing slightly at the memory of his injury. “Like I said: Powerful.” He could still smell his own cooked flesh, making his face twist in revulsion.

Sunder grabbed his right arm, rubbing it slightly as he also recalled his own injury. “His magic was thick. Like, molasses thick. We know what healing spells are like, but his were probably ten times stronger than the ones we know. That’s not normal.”

There was hardly anything to read on Myria’s face, but still she was curious all the same. ”What else?”

Balio and Sunder glanced at each other and gulped discreetly. This was the part that they were dreading to report. Who know how the goddess would react to the news.

“Something happened,” Sunder began. “but we’re not sure what.”

“There were some things that came out of his body. We don’t know what they were, but it almost killed him.” Balio said.

Myria’s breath hitched. “What happened?” when no one answered her eyes snapped open. “What happened?!”

A blast of force pushed Balio and Sunder off their hooves, shoving them all the way to the walls of the chamber. The fortress shook under the temper of the goddess, and the two stallions trembled along with it.

The two stallions have never been so afraid in their entire lives, they could do nothing but fear and panic under Myria’s blazing gaze. “WE DON’T KNOW! WE DON’T KNOW!” both of them held each other as they cried their pleas. This was the worst possible thing that could happen in their entire lives.

Myria’s pristine white teeth became jagged saws, showing them all entirely as she sneered at them. “Leave!”

She swung her arm and blew a massive gust of wind at the stallions. They were pressed to the walls for a few seconds before they fell, and they scrambled out of the room as soon as they got on their hooves.

Myria panted and shuddered as she turned away from their exit. Her skin was once again painted in purple, and the place where her eyes should have been were nothing but a bright red glow. She struggled to control herself, and after some time she did manage it.

She exhaled a shaky breath before looking at her palm. It was back to its tan color, and her eyes were closed once again. Her gaze lingered on it for a while, thinking about what she had heard about the Brood in the other world.

“Magic so potent that it almost erases all injuries…” she muttered to herself. “What could that mean? My Ryu was never that strong.”

“Are you really that interested?”

Myria turned head to the darker part of the chamber, her brows furrowed as she frowned in disdain. “Deis.”

A woman with long blue hair surfaced from the shadows. She was dressed rather scantily, with a simple bra to cover up her modest chest and an intricately designed cloth that was wrapped around her biceps serving as sleeves. On her lower half, was a skirt hiding her waist but left the rest of her lower body uncovered. She did not have legs, however, as everything below her was composed of nothing but a snake’s body with green scales.

Deis, as Myria had called her, was the elder sister of the goddess. She was also an Endless.

Myria sneered at the woman, no longer keeping her face emotionless as she did for the stallions. “Don’t pretend that you’re not.”

“Maybe.” Deis muttered with a shrug.

“Don’t lie to me, sister.” the goddess spat. “I know that you’re interested in this one, just like the ones before him.”

“Who wouldn’t be,” said Deis, moving closer to her sister even as the blonde goddess slowly leaned back from her. “given their circumstance.”

“Stay away from me, Deis.” Myria hissed, her eyes slowly opening again and her skin turning purple. “One act of kindness does not erase your slight against me. You, who aided in my sealing and an accomplice to the one who almost slayed me, can never understand how I feel.”

As the the goddess turned and disappeared, Deis couldn’t help but feel a pang of hurt at Myria’s words. She looked down sadly before sighing.

“For all the powers of the Endless, why can’t we ever defy fate?”

Turning around, she slowing slithered away back into the shadows.

“And more than that, why did you have to accept yours?”

Her body shimmered, and the Endless disappeared.

The Endless; beings of great power and ones who could change worlds with their very presence.

The Brood; once known as the Dragon Clan, are people with the power to destroy worlds.

Two races, completely different from each other, yet so similar in some aspects. The Dragon Clan are mortals, feared and revered by the people who knew of what they are capable of. The Endless are immortal beings, they bring forth salvation or destruction depending on those who call to them.

This story was something long forgotten, barely any creature remembers. It was a time before the War between the two factions, the Goddess and the Dragon Clan. It was a time where both did not exist, and a time where conflict and strife was common.

It was an era where the world was at war, and one God observed from the heavens.

Ladon, the Dragon God of the Dragon Clan.

But no. Perhaps it would be better to refer to him to a name long ago forgotten.

Endless Dragon YORAE, the God of Destruction

Back in Equestria, a certain Brood slowly drove his wheelchair in Canterlot’s restored gardens. He stopped before the statue of his petrified double and examined its reptilian features.

Looking down at himself, he gazed at his palm and clenched his fist. His skin briefly shifted into scales before quickly returning to its original texture.

He knew nothing of this new gene, and he had yet to give it a name. Unlike the original eighteen, there was no game mechanics that would display its capabilities to him. He wasn’t sure if he could fight the the six dragons that manifested from the original eighteen as he was now.

He needed help, and he knew just the people to do it. The only problem would be the time it would take to train himself.

Perhaps many are confused by this, outraged even, by Ladon’s identity. If one were to connect the dots, tracing the line from the present to the past, then maybe it would all become clear.

Ladon was the Dragon Clan’s god.

The Endless are Gods.

Ladon was worshipped by the Dragons.

The Endless are worshipped by those who know of them.

Ladon awakened the power of the [Infinity] inside the First Ryu.

To kill a God, an Endless, they needed a power similar or greater than the deity.

Endless… Infinity...

Did this clear the picture? Or did it only bring more confusion? Then perhaps more clues are required to paint it in better quality.

The Dragon Clan are powerful. So powerful that even a Goddess feared them.

The Endless can change the world by their mere presence; they could warp reality itself.

The Dragon Clan have the uncanny ability to attract friends and allies to themselves, creating bonds that have lasted lifetimes.

The Endless have a powerful life force; something called a Life Stream. These streams are large and strong, pulling the smaller Life Streams of other creatures to them and intertwining their fates with the Endless.

Is it clear now?

Ladon was an Endless. Myria was an Endless. Deis was an Endless.

Ryu of the Dragon Clan is an Endless.

…Partly, at least.

In the shadows of the Obelisk, Deis laid down on the nothingness of the pocket dimension. She raised her hand above herself and summoned her baton; a golden foci made to look like a twisted serpent holding an orb in its mouth.

She looked at the item for a long while, thinking back of the past, as well as the two who she shared adventures with. It was funny that they carried the same name.

Then she remembered the third one.

The First who was given the potential.

The Second who awakened an aspect of its power.

And the Third who could passively tap into it.

All of them sharing a single name, all of them gathering allies for their cause, and all of them somehow managing to change the fate of the world three separate times.

The Life Streams of the Endless pull along the smaller Streams of others, sharing their destinies with them. It transcended space and time.

Deis wondered if it also transcended Life and Death.

Ladon was the first Endless to come to their world, not Equestria but the world Deis and Myria left behind. He was summoned by the despair and hopelessness of those who suffered from the unending wars. He came to their world to bring them peace.

Peace through the Annihilation of Everything.

He cleansed the world and left so little of it. Those who saw his visage did not live long, and those who didn’t had survived. He came down like lightning and disappeared just as quick. He fulfilled his purpose, their wish, and stopped their suffering.

Conflicts were no more, and wars were stopped. No one saw him and lived to tell the tale, and the survivors could only call out to a god that they never saw. Thus they called him by a name.

God Of Destruction

Funny how the Displaced Brood seem to emulate this in his early years.

We of the Endless are summoned to this world by mortals. They that summon us have the power o'er us. 'Tis they who determine how our power shalt be used. 'Tis their desires that shape us. The Endless be not good, nor be they evil. The Endless are. They become gods or devils according to the desires of those who summon them.

Years and years went by after Ladon had served his purpose. He gave the people their peace, and he was left with nothing to do but watch over them. Had he been mortal, he would have certainly gone mad by how long it took for the world to restore itself.

Still, even as he watched, he was curious of the mortal beings that inhabit the world.

They were different from the Endless, and he knew nothing of them. He was intrigued by how they lived; by how different they were from each other, yet somehow seem so similar in certain ways.

Mortals were truly interesting creatures. If only he could converse with one of them, then maybe he would learn more?


Once we hath served our purpose, once our time as gods hath passed, we become as you see us now--dragons. And thus do we watch over the world.

Many times had Ladon pondered and hesitated, taking years of mortal time for him to finally decide his course of action. A millennia had passed, and he made his choice.

He came down to the world and mingled with its people. He came not as an Endless, for it would mean that his task has yet to be done. No, he came to them in a form similar to them.

He came to them as Ladon, a wanderer from a distant land who came to learn more of the world. He met many of the different races on the planet, of the different clans scattered in each continent. Truly, he did not regret his choice.

Then, of course, because he had stayed in their presence for so long, the people he met slowly began to change him, and he them. He slowly forgot the ways of his kind, of the Endless, and began to learn how to live like a mortal.

And as any mortal, he learned about the beauty of love. Thus had been the beginning of the Dragon Clan.

Back in the Obelisk, Myria walked into one of the darkened rooms of the fortress. There, many tanks of different specimens lay dormant, completely dead to the world.

She looked at all of them, each one being one of her creations. They served as her vassals, to spread her will across the world. They carried a piece of her power, and each one were like her very own children.

Her knees buckled suddenly as a wave of fatigue washed over her. She braced her hands on the ground to stop her body from meeting the floor. Her wings stopped their shifts in color and settled on the pure color of white.

She had not fully recovered, not after facing the power bestowed upon the Dragon Clan by Ladon personally. It was just like with the First Ryu, she needed time to regain her strength. It didn’t help that time flowed differently when they weren’t anchored to a world.

For Myria and the people on board the Obelisk, only three years have passed since she fought against the Third Ryu and his allies. It was not enough time for her to heal and regain her lost powers. The aspect of [Destruction] was truly thick in the blood of the Dragon Clan.

She looked at herself and the white wings on her back. Why couldn’t she have inherited the same?

She loved her wings dearly, it reminded her of her own mother. It was better than the leather wings that most Dragon Clan females carry on their back. The blood of the Wing Clan was thick in her veins, matching the quality of the other aspect of her lineage.


Why did he leave? Where did he disappear to?

After Deis had awakened her true power as an Endless, their father simply vanished. It wasn’t long before she, too, ascended like her half sister into an Endless.

Deis used her ascended powers for herself, openly displaying its destructive properties to everyone. She was vain and sought the attention of others. It sickened Myria that she wasn’t using it to help instead.

The blonde Endless used her gifts to help her family. She discovered that with her powers, she could change the world and grant them their wishes. As long as it’s the desire of someone, she could use the energy of that wish to warp reality and grant it for them.

She was happy to be helpful, and she thought that if she did well her father would return to them. So she granted as many wish that she could, uncaring even as some of them started to become malicious in nature.

She didn’t know that she was channeling the ways of the Endless through herself, but was too young and foolish to take notice of it. She had only been in her early teens, after all.

That had been the start of it. The catalyst of the war between her kin, and the slaughter that portrayed her to be the demon in the stories that they told. It was at that time that her clan had almost destroyed the world.

The Endless are shaped by those who summon them. But what if one was merely ascended to be one? The Endless were not mortals, and they originally did not look human. Deis and Myria were an exception because they were only half of a True Endless.

At the height if the killings, one of her brothers stood before her. Behind him was Deis and a few others who became his friends and trusted allies.

He had been one to follow their father’s footsteps. He travelled the world and learned of its ways. Along his journey, he met other people who were drawn to him because of his Life Stream.

When different Life Streams come together and combine, they become bigger and may become powerful enough to change the course of the world’s fate. Deis had been caught along within the combined Life Steam and made it strong enough to even challenge Myria at the height of her power.

They sealed her away for a thousand years and twisted the tale of the Dragon Clan’s shame. It was because of them and their Greed that nearly destroyed the world. They wanted her power, something that every single one of them had the potential to access had they pursued ascendance.

But no. They wanted what was already there and ignored the consequences of their actions.

While in the seal, the Dragon Clan continued to twist their tales, portraying her as a monster so hideous for mortal ken. They didn’t know that, as an Endless, how they saw her also affected her powers and form.

Myria would never forget the horror of watching the multiple transformation that her body entered when she was in the seal. She cried for her mother, her father, and her family, but none, not even her god of a father, heard her despair.

Back in the Obelisk, Myria slowly wrapped her wings around herself as she stood up from the ground. She held them close and caressed their feathers. Thinking about the past made her think about her mother. She didn’t know what had become of her, but she had been mortal. She would not have be alive after one thousand years.

Then there was the First Ryu, the Clan’s legacy and the Fated Child. When she first saw his face, her heart had been struck with fear. He looked so much like the brother that had sealed her, it was terrifying. But she discovered that he was merely a descendant, a member of the Light Dragons from the fractured family of the Dragon Clan.

This one seemed to have also followed his ancestor’s footsteps; travelling around the world, meeting friends, creating allies, making bonds that lasted… more than a lifetime. She thought that he was a reincarnation of her brother.

She thought that perhaps it was because of the Life Streams. Their resemblances were all so frightening. The First Ryu had a member of the Wing Clan, so did her brother and her Father before him.

Then came another surprise. Ryu had gained access to one of her father’s great temples. [Infinity] had been awakened in him, partially giving him access to his Endless lineage.

He used it to tap into the power of the great Life Stream that he created along his friends; A power strong enough to even kill a god. Deis had also been there, adding more fuel to its inferno.

She thought that it was the end for her. After suffering for so long, she would die at the hands of her family at last.

But she didn’t.

He had used it only when she was weakened. It did not break the illusion that she created, masking the hideous form that she bore because of the lies of his clan. What they killed had been the illusion, the [Aura] of her powers.

When they left, Myria had shifted the Obelisk outside of the dimension, hiding the transfer by making it look like the fortress had self-destructed. There, she began to recuperate, while also keeping an eye on the progress of the world.

She saw that her aura seemed to have had an effect on one of the creatures nearby.

The Endless are summoned to this sphere... This changeth the very balance of Nature herself, flooding the world with energies both powerful and dangerous, and doth cause those beings easily influenced by it to think themselves gods.

When the power of the Endless increases in the world, it begins to affect creatures sensitive to their aura. They absorb some of that power, and think themselves gods.

She saw the effects of the death of her [Aura] double. It created a creature who thought himself a God, spreading his influence by creating a religion to offset the followers of Ladon.

This thing was called Deathevan.

She had seen its effects and noticed its growth in power. She saw how it slowly began to spread all over the world, how they slowly made the people forget about her Father.

The Light Dragons and Dark Dragons at the time had reconciled after her supposed death. Both halves became one again, and the rift in the Clan was mended. They had noticed of the dark presence that lingered in the underworld and moved all of their clansmen into the depths of it.

The Dragon Clan created a village between the dark presence and the world on the surface, waiting for it to form a body for them to vanquish.

A member of the Clan was tasked to return to the surface and search for signs that the so called Dark God was spreading its influence. This clan member’s name was Valerie, and she was the mother of the Second Ryu, the next Fated Child.

It was ironic that she married a priest of St. Eva, the very religion that worshipped Deathevan itself.

In the next coming years, the member of the Dragon Clan would be once again struck by misfortune. Valerie would transform into a dragon and serve as the seal to the gates of the underworld; Ryu’s father would then be taken by a demon and he would never know the fate of his sister.

As for the Fated Child, he would also follow the steps of his ancestors. Along with his travels would be yet another member of the Wing Clan, a girl also named Nina.

Two for two. It was starting to look less and less like a coincidence and more like a machinations of fate.

Ryu, Nina, and their companions would travel the world and commit great deeds of heroism, changing the destinies of others and fulfilling their goal. This one, this Second Ryu, did not need the aid of Myria’s father to unlock his potential. He would awaken his own powers himself, but not enough for him to ascend into an Endless.

It was close, though.

He managed to tap the powers of the Endless through [Infinity], restoring his friends’ from their demise and fighting together against Deathevan. They had won, and the world was safe again for a while.

However, Deathevan had still been alive, merely scattered in the depths of the underworld. It continued to consume the life force of everything around it, killing the land on the surface and creating the Desert of Death.

Those on the continent fled across the sea, saving themselves from the spreading terrain. Myria used this opportunity to shift the Obelisk back into the world, and settled the flying fortress on top of Deathevan’s location.

The Dragon Clan had fled along with the people, helping them reach the continents beyond. Myria then used her powers to create great turbulence in the ocean, preventing most from returning to the dying continent.

She went to the underworld personally and destroyed whatever was left of the Dark God. Such an abomination was not needed in the world. From there, all she had to do was wait.

Many years later, Myria founded her own religion from the remnants of the St. Eva sect. Their worship helped her in recovering her lost powers, while also altering her hideous form into something less.... unsightly.

But the Dragon Clan still lived. She knew that with them still existing, she would never fully recover her original form. Their lies countered the worship of her followers, preventing her body from shedding its monstrous transformation.

Her anger and resentment fueled her desire to destroy them, and with her powers recovered, she created her Guardian; her shield and sword against those who oppose her.

Guardian Gaw, Guardian Gatz, Guardian Gaist and Guardian Garr.

With all four of them together, she tasked them to hunt down the Dragon Clan. She began to call them the Brood, the evil dragons who once almost destroyed the world because of their greed.

Her Guardians followed her command and slaughtered many of her former kin. Though she felt a tiny stab of remorse for what she had done, it was still nothing compared to what the Clan did to her. They made her out to be a monster, yet hid the fact that it was also the fault of their kind that made them slay their kin.

An Eye for an Eye, as they say. They turned her into a monster, and she in turn made them out to be demons.

Her sister, Deis, had come to her Guardians and tried to reason with them. Myria ordered Gaist to seal the fellow Endless, using a magic that used the life of her Guardian as the key to unlock it.

She knew it was cruel for her creation, but Deis’ words managed to reach his heart. Myria did not appreciate sympathizers to those who have wronged her.

In the end, though, she had won. Barely any of the Dragon Clan were left, and those that managed to escape either died in their hibernation or have sealed their powers completely.

She had spared those who could no longer transform, seeing that they no longer have the means to fight back. Though she may have been turned into a monster, Myria was not one without mercy.

Still, it was within her power to completely destroy the Dragon Clan, but… for every one of them slain, the guilt in her heart increased. She had been recovering her form faster because of those that worshipped her, and every time she changed, so did her heart.

The Dragon Clan was the only race who completely thought that she was a monster. Her worshippers believed her to be a benevolent saint, coming to the world to save it from evil.

Because of their faith, Myria had entered another change. As an Endless, the thoughts of others mattered greatly to her powers, form, and perception. If she were to be portrayed as a devil, then she would be. If she were to be portrayed as a saint, then she would be.

When her change was done, she only knew grief. She had come to regret what she had committed to her Clan and thought of what her father would think of her. She began to remember her original desire, why she used her powers like she did.

She had never been able to find Ladon. She knew of his temples, and sometimes she prayed to them to hear his voice. But nothing would come. He was silent to her prayers and she knew then how disappointed he was with her.

Ever since that day, she tried to live up to her worshippers’ faith. She became kinder, more motherly. She did not scorn Garr when the Guardian began to question her teachings. She allowed him to live, free of her influence, and gave him her blessing.

A few more years have passed, and she felt another Brood awaken.

In the continent across the sea, a young whelp had awoken from its hibernation. It was nothing more than a baby dragon, alone and wrapped in the fossilized remains of its parent. This one clearly had the potential of the Endless as well, but it was not Ryu.

It was Teepo.

Before the Third Ryu awoke from his own slumber, she had been watching over Teepo as he grew. He found his way out of the mines and travelled all the way into the Cedar Woods, collapsing near the house of a stray Woren Clan member named Rei.

Rei found the unconscious Teepo and took care of him since then. Myria watched happily as the two of them became a family. It was a scene that made her long for those days with her mother. But not long after that, Ryu broke out of his own Chrysm prison.

The goddess had been… confused. She knew that the whelp that came from the mines was another Ryu, and that he also had the potential to become an Endless, but… it was lesser than his predecessors.

Why? How did he lose his potential? Myria did not understand. She wanted to know what happened, why he was so weak unlike the first two.

And so she began to manipulate the world. Using the powers of the Endless, she began to change their fates, weaving the threads of destiny and make them come to her. The Endless had the power to change the world, but it took a considerable amount of energy to do it.

She wanted to know more about this Ryu, learn more about him, find out why he was so weak.

Then she found it. After she had Balio and Sunder separate him from Rei and Teepo, she felt him awaken to his lineage. She was baffled, intrigued, and almost ecstatic with what she learned.

His affinity to the Endless was not weak.

The First and Second were never able to become an Endless, their connections to the world had been too solid that they were inflexible in adapting to the energies that would make them ascend. The Third, however, was not.

He was a blank slate, a newborn dragon with no earthly ties to the world. He woke up alone, with no purpose. Unlike Teepo, this Ryu did not have a driving force within him, merely reacting to everything that he has encountered.

He was the best candidate of the three to truly ascend.

That was not all, however. This Ryu could use the leftover essence of the dead Brood, and make their powers his. He could assimilate them, be influenced by them. It was like watching an Endless fulfill the wishes of the dead and using his own body to channel their powers.

The shamans of that world could do something similar, but never to this extent. Ryu was not so limited, especially after obtaining the power of the [Fusion]. He could take the aspects of his friends from the Life Stream and become a Hybrid of their influence.

Then there was his battle against her Guardian, Garr. Underneath the Angel Tower, her creation fought against the child Ryu with the intent of slaying him. She had been worried for the young dragon, having grown fond of him as she watched his travels.

Her worry had turned into elation as his internal turmoil awakened the strongest dragon within him: [Kaiser].

Like the Second Ryu, the Third was able to manifest his power without the aid of her father. His incomplete awakening was not a surprise. After all, he was still just a child who looked as if he was barely out of ten.

Then a thought came to her. What if this Ryu became greedy like his ancestors before him, the ones that did not share his name. Being more in tuned with the Endless in his blood, he could be influenced easily by those around him. She hoped that it would not come to that.

As Ryu’s journey progressed, Myria felt a sudden sense of nervousness within herself. Their fates were already changed so that they would come to her, yet she could not begin to think of what she would do once they made it to her Station.

That nervousness only grew after they met with the remnants of the Dragon Clan, the ones who have fled back into the continent where Obelisk hovered. They told him the lies of their clan and poison his mind of her.

She knew that they did not have high opinions of her after hearing Garr’s original mission, of his crusade with the other Guardians. It only became worse after Ryu and his friends stayed in the rotting village of Dragnier.

Her nervousness then gave way to fear. Somehow, Ryu had obtained [Infinity] without her knowing. She did not foresee this coming. She saw him use it for the first time, where he rampaged in the Desert of Death and almost killed his friends.

[Infinity] increased Ryu’s link to the Endless, granting him access to his powerful Life Stream. He could already use a trickle of its energy within his body, but acquiring [Infinity] was like opening the floodgates to the Life Stream.

He could not take it all, and the result was him drowning in its power.

Ryu had turned a portion of the desert into glass, raining down death on every monster that was living there. It seemed that he also carried in him the aspect of [Destruction] inherited from his bloodline.

It took half a day for him to stop, exhausting his magic and reverting him back to his human form.

Myria did not know what to do. They were coming to her, and she knew that, more than likely, they would be after her life. She did not want to die, nor did she want to hurt Ryu and his friends. Her worshippers had changed her too much for her to wish for their demise.

But Ryu carried in him the power to destroy the world.

She needed to find a way to pacify them, to stop Ryu from ever using [Infinity] until he was ready. And she knew the right person for the job.

Author's Note:

World building is fun! Making it work, though, is a bitch and a half.

Myria (Child):

Myria (adult)
