• Published 3rd Aug 2014
  • 12,263 Views, 623 Comments

Calming Sigh-- with a Breath of Fire - Laze Around

[Breath of Fire 3 x MLP] Human becomes his favorite game character and was thrown into Equestria. After escaping Celestia and Luna, he finds out how hard it is to live for so long beyond a human's lifespan.

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The Wheel of Fate Turns

Not long after leaving my Equestria, I found one of my Tokens close by. I could feel it reacting to my desire, and it led me to its location.

I swam through the darkness, ignoring some of the things that I thought I saw moving around me. There were no shadow windows for me to look into, my only light source in this realm, thus leaving me to rely on my bond with my Token to guide me. It wasn’t long before I saw an exit in the darkness.

I quickly rushed forward and threw myself to the other side. My eyes were met with the bright rays of the sun, and it helped me fight down the fear that rose inside me when I was in the outer dimension.

It made me wish that there was some other way for me to travel between worlds.

I was in a forest. In a clearing where the sun was able to penetrate the dark shades provided by the leaves. From the looks of the wildlife I was somewhere within the Everfree.

I don’t see my Token anywhere nearby, but it was probably close. I could feel it resonate with myself.

A loud rustle of the leaves caught my attention. A shadow jumped out of the foliage, too fast for any animal I’ve seen in the Everfree. I quickly jumped back and dodged as soon as I saw it coming at me.

A long blade came down right onto the ground where I stood before. A blast of wind soon came after the impact and blew me farther back than I had intended. The forest shook from the strength of the blow and I heard every animal in the area flee from the noise.

“Displaced.” said the figure through a synthesized voice.

My eyes widened as he raised himself into full height. Standing taller than I was, was a man clad in white armor. His faceless mask stared right at me and his blunted tip nodachi rested closely beside him.

I knew of this character.

“I did not call for you.”

A wave of bloodlust washed over me, and I took a step back. My body tensed and readied for combat even as we both stared at one another.

“Sorry for the intrusion, then.” I said.

“Leave.” he raised his blade and pointed at me. “Your kind has no place here. This world is mine.”

“Well, at least I can tell that you’re in character. I just don’t know if you’re like me, or actually the original.” My hands began to glow as I snorted in dismissal. “If I remember correctly… the Boundary in your series is like a hole towards the void if put into Displaced terms.”

The white knight scoffed, lowering his sword back to his side. “I suppose that you can put it like that. And I shouldn’t be surprised that you know who I am, considering that Blazblue was quite popular.”

“Hakumen.” I addressed to my fellow Displaced. “One of the Six Heroes, destroyer of the Black Beast, wielder of the Nox Nyctores: Ookami.”

He hummed thoughtfully, but the tension in the air was slowly dying down. “You know of me, but unfortunately I don’t recognize you.”

The glow in my hands died down and I lowered them back to my sides. “I’m Ryu from the third of the Breath of Fire series.”

“I don’t know it.”

I scowled at the rather blunt reply before shrugging my shoulders helplessly. “I’m not surprised. The Breath of Fire was an old and almost forgotten series. Few people even remember it back when I became a Displaced.” My scowl deepened as I thought back. “It was actually one of the first games that I played.”

“Tragic.” he grunted without a hint of sympathy. “And? Why have you come here? I did not know that others could intrude on different worlds on a whim.”

“I don’t think anyone could.” I shrugged. “I just thought that if I could feel someone from outside of the dimension, then I could probably do the same for something that’s tied to my very being.”

“The Tokens…”

I nodded. “That’s right, and it looks like my hunch was correct. I’m actually on a level grinding quest, you could say. I’m looking for people whose skills and abilities I could replicate using the ones I have currently.” I looked over to the side and frowned thoughtfully. “For some reason my memory isn’t as sharp as it should be. I should already know how you perform your skills, but for the life of me I just can’t remember them.”

“And what?” he asked. “Did you expect me to just show them to you?”

I scowled. “I had hoped that asking nicely would work.”

He threw his head back and barked out a harsh laugh. “Then you are a lot more naive than I had thought.” Sheathing his sword back into the scabbard on his back, he turned around and started walking away. “Begone. I have no time for you.”

I stood back and watched as how he slowly disappeared into the forest. Watching his powerful back, I couldn’t stop the feeling of a wasted opportunity if I just leave.

Hakumen stopped in place as a sword stabbed into his path. He raised his hand to the handle of his weapon and partially turned to face me. The numerous red eyes on his body all focused their sight to my raised arm, glowing from my magic.

“Hoh…?” he drawled. “So if asking nicely doesn't work, you would resort to force?”

I shrugged. My hands started glowing again. Since [Mind Sword] wasn’t as strong as it used to be, I couldn’t use it as my primary weapon anymore. But then again, crossing swords with Hakumen, even if he was just a Displaced, was a really stupid idea.

“I’m pretty desperate.” I said.

[Might] - The output of my muscles increased.

“I can’t really dally as much as I want to.” My hands opened and closed, flexing the joints.

[Protect] - Overall physical resistance increased.

“I’ve got strong enemies to prepare for and a family to protect.” I rolled my neck and stared at him.

[Speed] - Nerves were heightened, increasing my reflexes.

“So I apologize in advance for stealing your techniques.” I lowered my center and raised my fists.

[Wisdom] - Magic circulation increased, and so did its potency.

I watched with a mixed sense of trepidation and excitement as he slowly pulled out Ookami from his back. "I will make you regret this decision." He placed his sword forward, his free hand hovering over the blade.

The Everfree became unnaturally silent. Not a chirp could be heard from any bird. The insects on the ground didn’t crawl or scuttle. The leaves were still, like everything was frozen in time. All of them because of the man before me.

“I Am The White Void…”

A wave of bloodlust washed over me. I stood in place and watched, my heart pounding heavily inside my chest.

“I Am The Cold Steel… I Am The Just Sword…”

The air vibrated as he held his sword before him. The ground shook and rumbled, and Hakumen’s presence seem only to grow as the seconds pass.

“With Blade in Hand Shall I Reap The Sins Of This World… And Cleanse It In The Fires Of Destruction!”

His long, silver hair rose high on his head. The ponytail segregated into nine different parts and danced as if they were alive.

“I Am Hakumen”

Everything ceased. His hair fell and there was only silence once again.

I made my stance and stood firm. My heart was pounding in my ears and my blood sang for the opportunity of violence; of conflict. My mouth opened and both of us cried out.


Author's Note:

My story's still ready for a cross over. If you guys want to see the fight, then feel free to tell me otherwise I'll skip it since no one's interested.

Anyway! Comment, Review, give your constructive criticism and whatnot. You're all my fuel, and I'm running out of gas.