• Published 3rd Aug 2014
  • 12,259 Views, 623 Comments

Calming Sigh-- with a Breath of Fire - Laze Around

[Breath of Fire 3 x MLP] Human becomes his favorite game character and was thrown into Equestria. After escaping Celestia and Luna, he finds out how hard it is to live for so long beyond a human's lifespan.

  • ...

The Calling and my urge to shoot the Caller

Dreams. They're a curious thing here in Equestria. Back in my own world they were nothing but thoughts, images, sensations, and mostly old memories that were mixed together to create a sort of artificial world in the mind while the body slumbers. That's not to say that it's different here in Equestria. The difference between here and back there was that dreams in a magical land are far more vivid than in a place that's not, and sometimes nightmares are sentient.

"We art confused." muttered the alicorn pony as she watched reenactment of the Minotaur Tribe coming to Equestria decades after No Harvest Season. A small group of Minotaurs were making their way through the dirt roads heading for the mountain of Canterlot. "Why would a tribe of Nomads come and settle in an unclaimed land close to Equestria after many generations of wandering?"

At the moment, I was showing the princess a first hand experience of how the tribe entered the lands and on their way to present their proposition to Celestia. I leaned back into my wooden chair as I played the images that were dug from old memories left forgotten. Since Dreams were greatly connected to a creature's subconscious, its easy enough to pull out memories that you could barely recall while awake.

Luna, at first when she arrived all those weeks ago, was surprised to find out that I could mold my dreams into anything I wanted. That was hardly an impressive feat to creatures who have lived for so long. The Elder Dragons who were more in-tuned with their nature have been doing this practice during their hibernations, to keep their slumber pleasant and peaceful. It was also a good defense against nightmares. Luna, as far as I know, was the only creature who could invade the dreams of others.

"The routes that the Minotaurs used were affected by the Swarm." I told the mare, as I closed my eyes and drifted into a meditative state to pull out more memories from my past. "Food supply would run out if they continued with tradition and they would all starve themselves to death. It wasn't an easy decision, but they had no choice. It would take years until their travel routes would bear the sufficient amount of food for the whole tribe. In the end, though, only few of the Minotaurs returned to their Nomadic ways as most of them became content on settling down and raising their little ones in a stable home."

The princess rubbed her chin in thought as I changed the landscape and fast forwarded into the completion of the Minotaur home a few years later. "We-... I see." she muttered, her speech pattern momentarily slipping before correcting herself. "Over time, the living creatures of the land are forced to relinquish old traditions to make way for better and easier lifestyle."

"We all adapt and progress along with time." I commented. "Falling behind will only lead to future complications and social misunderstandings."

"Like the Chimeras?" she inquired dryly.

"Like the Chimeras." I agreed. "Secluded tribes and clans continue with traditions of old, unaware of the changes, thus whenever they meet creatures from the outside of their homes, it would almost always lead into conflict. Then there would be groups who would be called in order to rid the place of the 'Savages' that lurk in the area."

The alicorn stood up from where she had been lying on the ground and began to stretch. "It would seem that no matter how things change-"

"-they always stay the same." I finished, opening my eyes to look at the surroundings and noticing the horizon farther away were beginning to fade into white. "Barbaric tendencies are now spoken out in a different, and more polite manner, than they were back a thousand years ago; though they still call killing the old tribes as a 'Just' cause for the sake of the citizens." I stood up from my seat and looked at the mare. "It seems that's all we have for today, Luna. My body is waking, and I have to start my morning chores in a few minutes."

I waited for a few moments for Luna to step out of my dream, like she did whenever my body's starting to wake up, but for some reason she was staying longer. Me waking up wouldn't really do anything to Luna other than getting something equal to a boot to the rump and getting kicked out of my mind, but it was still odd that she's staying longer than normal.

"Something the matter?" I asked the pony, consciously stopping my real body from waking up by locking myself in a meditative state through my [Meditation] skill. The remaining surroundings became blurry, as well as Luna, but that was it. I was between conscious and unconscious.

"Our-- My sister told me of an event in a few coming nights." she said with a pondering expression. "She has suggested that I try and participate this year to... accommodate myself with my subjects."

I blinked at her for a moment before a big red book appeared in front of me and hovered in place. I ignored her look of confusion and settled my attention on the book as its pages flipped towards a certain page. It was all simple theatrics, really, since the pages of the book was mostly blank. Everything I write inside would simply vanish after closing it, but they would be [Saved] inside by its magical properties. It's how I never ran out of pages to write in even after so many centuries of writing down the events of my life.

"You speak of Nightmare Night, yes?" I asked, snapping the book shut and banishing it back to where it usually resided near my source of magic.

She nodded her head while sitting up straight with a proud smile. "To have a night especially dedicated to us is a most joyous occasion." I gave her a look on her slip back to her old speech patterns. "I mean: Dedicated to me?"

"So long as the sentences coming out of your mouth can still be understood, I suppose you're still free to use the 'Royal We'." I conceded. Besides, it would make her more royal- ish to those who hear it. "Is that all you wanted to say, Luna? Because, truthfully, I don't see why you want to tell me that."

Now she looked a bit more hesitant before saying, "We actually wish to consult thine counsel."

"Please don't use thy, thine, or thou. We don't use that anymore." I said as I raised a brow in interest. "But other than that; what's this about wanting my advice?"

"About this Nightmare Night." she said trying to look as confident about the subject, but the fidgeting of her shoulders were giving her away. "We wish to know thy- your thoughts of it."

"You do realize that I still dislike you and your sister yes?" I asked with a raised brow.

"We realize this after you did not stop playing the Griffon War to us." she deadpanned. All those death and gore were such a delightful way to pass our time. Luna even went so far as to cry her eyes out at the carnage, along with what was in her spiritual stomach. She was simply touched by their passion.

"Then why ask?"

"You merely dislike us." she said, giving an even look. "But like our sister, we sense nothing else behind that dislike. There is no intensity of hate; just apathy. But given the chance, we know that you will find amusement in our misery; you don't seek to bring us pain, merely wait until something else does."

"Hmm..." I tilted my head and pondered her words. She wasn't wrong, but she wasn't right, either. Oh, there was still hate in me. A great amount of it. But holding a grudge for over a millenia without doing anything to rekindle it will leave the flames to die. Like a blade, anger tends to dull when not properly tended. After a while, I realized how pointless it was to hold grudges, but I simply could not let it go. Until the time I get some form of revenge, I leave it buried somewhere in the back of my mind.

Now though, after so long, it's still there; only not as intense. Just like Luna said, I won't seek to torment the sister siblings, but I won't hesitate to announce my amusement during their times of woe.

"I see no benefit in this." I told her. "I can only see myself laughing at you at the end."

The mare slumped and her expression sagged after the words left my mouth.

Like she said, I wait for opportunities. And this was one of them.

With a mental nudge, I canceled my [Meditation] and kicked the alicorn out of my mind by opening my eyes in the real world. I smirked to myself as I imagined the mare screaming her lungs out as she sailed all the way back to her body, but dropped that bit of amusement when I noticed that something wasn't right in the barn that I slept in.

The door was opened slightly. But Applejack and Big Mac should still be in the main house either getting ready for the morning or making breakfast. I certainly don't remember leaving it open last night before going to sleep.

"See, girls. He's awake!"

With that, mystery solved.

I looked down from the mound of hay that I used as a bed and saw something that triggered a memory in my head.

"Cutie Mark Crusaders."

Apple Bloom beamed my way but the other two fillies with her just stared.

I was running- Well not really, actually it was just a bit of jogging. Not usually my choice of travel, but I needed to keep my senses open for my targets: Three very energetic and adventurous targets.

Prey and Predator. That's what I mentally called the game in my head. One group would chase, and the other would flee. And I, the dragon, the meat eater, the creature whose teeth could cut through diamonds, was fleeing for my sanity, away from the three devilishly adorable predators.

"Get 'im!"

And that was my queue to look up to the trees and grab one of its branches. I grunted a bit to pull up my legs as high as I could, just in time for a filly riding a scooter to pass by, hauling a cart with two other fillies were riding.

I chuckled when I heard three sets of frustrated whines from where the girls went. I let go of the branch and dropped softly on my feet.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders. Three little ponies on a crusade to find their Cutie Marks, the little stamp on their rumps that points out what their special talents are, or is. They're more like slave marks in my eyes, though.

Cutie Marks are the closest things to a religion in Equestria. Once you find out what you're destined to do, then you devote yourself to that particular talent for the rest of your life. It's not really a bad thing, I suppose, since most of the ponies enjoy what they do. Only a handful out of the populace dislike their talents.

Like if a pony gets a talent for killing or making the lives of others miserable.

Yeah. There are Cutie Marks out there that aren't all sunshine and rainbows. None of them asked for it, but they were just so good at one particular bad thing that they got a magical tattoo for such an achievement. Most that got these type of Cutie Marks despise it, but there are also those who make use of such talents.

Cutie Marks also have a pretty abstract concept. If they don't portray the pony's talent through the picture on their flanks, then they do it through the characteristic associated to the picture. Take Miss Rarity, for example. She has three diamonds as her Cutie Mark, but she's a tailor, not a jeweler. Her talent lies in finding jewels from the ground (an invaluable talent to dragons like me). But that's not all, one characteristic associated with diamonds are their glamour, how they attract the eyes of others to appreciate their beauty. Miss Rarity portrays this through her work, and the designs that she creates.

There are also those whose Cutie Marks confuse you and makes absolutely no sense at all. Take Fluttershy for an example. She has three pink butterflies as a Cutie Mark, but she's an animal caretaker, not an entomologist. It could be that its being associated with her delicate personality. But that wouldn't make sense. That was not a talent. One of the characteristics of a butterfly is being visually pleasing. So is Fluttershy's talent being just to look pretty?

I gave up on figuring it out a long time ago, it just gives me a headache whenever I ponder about it. I might be missing some information, but then again, my vocabulary was never that broad to begin with.

"Cutie Mark Crusaders: Dragon Hunters! Yay!"

And the chase was on again.

I passed by Applejack as I made my jog through the orchard, grabbing one of the falling apples that she just bucked down. She gave me an indignant "Hey!", but I just waved back.

I swerved left and right, dodging the lined rows of apple trees, but not fast enough to lose the three pursuing fillies while taking little bites from the apple I pilfered. The chase came to a stop once I made it to one part of the farm, a place where a little house was built one the tree's branches. I squeezed myself inside the little pony sized door and allowed myself to be cornered.

I heard the fillies just outside, giving out excited mutterings. While they were stalking the ramp towards the entrance, I busied myself by observing my surroundings.

The inside was pretty bare, but for a tree house that was supposed to be a decade old, it looked pretty good. Last time I saw this place it was an asymmetrical wreck; the boards weren't measured properly, the windows didn't fit in right, the wood used to build it was poor, and I don't know what I was thinking when I gave it to Applejack. This place was where I should have been sleeping in whenever I visit the Apple family, but because of my lack of talent with the nail and hammer, it didn't turn out well for someone of my size.

There was a little podium in the back of the room, scattered pieces of paper were on the floor, there was also a circle by the window in one side of the room, lamp hung right over the circle, and the last thing in the room was that little table. It was short enough that it looked like it was meant for ponies the size of a young filly or colt.

I heard the fillies just outside the door.

"Shh." I heard Apple Bloom. "He's in there."

I heard the wooden boards creak at the collective weight of the three. I chuckled at the rather loud whispering that they made as they planned for my capture.

Children. How I love them.

After spending most of my new dragon life striving for control of my powers and learning my limits, to watching the flow of time pass by and witness that the land of rainbows and fantasy were not without darkness, the little bundles of trouble were the only things worth looking out for once I had nothing left to do after mastering my magic.

I chuckled to myself as a plan popped inside my head. Wisps of magic started to rise from my body as I slowly sank into my shadow. In the place where I stood was another me, my [Aura] spell... skill? Whatever. I made my replica sit in the middle of the room, with his legs crossed and his back towards the door, never severing my magical connection to it. I would have been unnerved of the soulless gaze that it pointed towards the wall if I already wasn't used to it. The absent pupils were something I never knew how to fix, so I made it close its eyes instead.

"Get ready, girls"

Just outside the door, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo huddled together, with a large hoof-made net clenched between their teeth.

How unsanitary.

But I've learned long ago that pony immune systems were a lot better than humans.

I watched in amusement from the darkest corner of the room as the fillies approached my duplicate slowly. I made the clone creak its neck to the side, similar to how someone would stretch that certain body part. The girls froze in mid-stride, all at once, it was like pausing a video. When the clone straightened its neck again the girls made their move moved.


With a synchronized battle cry, the girls threw their net on the clone and began to pile on it.

The compressed [Aura] skill was definitely one of my favorite skills to use, along with [Shadowwalk] and [Mind Sword].

[Shadowwalk] was a skill best used for quick escapes or ambush attacks. Your enemy will never know what hit them until you jump out of their own shadow; a 90% guaranteed successful assassination blow.

With [Mind Sword] I could create constructs similar to [Aura], but as inanimate objects instead. Sure, I'm limited to items that I could only hold in my hands like medieval weapons and other small items that only requires a cylinder shape (like my fishing pole) and a flat edge, but the effect granted by each clean hits make up for it. [Mind Sword] is not only magic, but also psychic. Each hit has a second psionic blow behind it. Every pain it inflicts, every contact it makes to send a signal to the brain adds a bit of migraine to the victim. The closer the hit was to the head, the stronger the migraine. This was thanks to my other skill, [Mind Flay], that I cast every hit.

[Aura] may not have the same effect as [Mind Sword] or the swiftness of [Shadowwalk], but it makes up with its jaw-dropping concussive force and Holy property. I've also found other ways in making use of its likeness to myself. It's my partner, my tag team, my human-sized atomic bomb, but most of all, it's my double.

It may not sound impressive, but it's very deadly if used properly. I used the skill from a character in my gaming days and ripped off his signature move. I've already displayed it back when Celestia and Luna tried to use the Elements of Harmony on me.


A skill where I leave behind a clone, and force everyone's attention on that instead of my real self. Like a snake shedding its skin. I do something similar in a split second and drop into my shadow. From there, I keep my connection to my [Aura] and keep it from dissipating. As soon as it takes a blow, I'd then detonate my clone and devastate everything in the vicinity while I would be hidden and safe within the shadows to either flee or finish off my foes.

And like Zer0, the guy who I ripped the move from, I also liked to make haiku when I felt like it.

With skills of a snake/ I will hide and stay hidden/ My strike will come swift.

But, alas, it's not perfect, I'm afraid. There are glaring differences between my [Aura] and me. It's eyes, for instance, has no pupils. A dead giveaway that it's not me. Then there's also its weight. It's only a concentrated magical construct, thus it's barely even a fourth of my overall weight. If I gave Applejack permission, she'd probably be able to buck my [Aura] from the farm to halfway in the path to Ponyville.

So, with that fact said, it's no wonder that when the Cutie Mark Crusaders piled on my clone, they had no problems in flattening it to the floor.

"We did it!"

Scootaloo cheered, with Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom following her lead. They stood over my unresponsive clone and danced around it in circles. I was laughing in the shadows over what they've done, and the way that they're celebrating.

I loved children. No matter how much I hate them during my teenage years, I really, really love children now. They are a bundle of trouble, with equal amounts of fun and amusement. They give you joy with their smiling faces, and make you cringe in awe at the most random things. It almost makes me want to--

I shook my head and quickly killed that line of thought.

I looked out into the other world, outside the blurry darkness of the shadows. The girls were laughing, cheering and enjoying themselves. I made my clone sit up, its eyes closed so that it wouldn't scare them. It smiled at them, a kind and perfectly molded one, the best I've ever made my clone express.

It smiled and ruffled their manes through the net. Each girl gave a squee of delight when it reached out for them.

I should really give up one that dream. Being the only one of my kind here, I'll never have a chance to make my own family.

As my [Aura] was about to poke and tickle the little fillies again, something came in through the window. A dark purple-ish smoke slipped through, gaining the attention of the girls. It swam through the air, hissing like a snake every time it moved. It went to the corner of the room, right in front of the shadow where I was hiding in. It stopped in the air and abruptly crashed into the floor.

The girls screamed when the mist exploded into a purple blaze, scorching the scattered pieces of paper that had pictures of children drawing on them. The girls hid behind my clone as the fires expanded outwards. The clone didn't move from where it knelt, eyes still closed in the spot where the Crusaders were on before.

The fires scorched the air, but the ground they touched never even singed. It stopped after a certain distance was reached. Three feet in diameter. Then the words came.

After the little show of flames, the ring that it made quickly closed and imploded. There was a pop and sizzle soon after, and in the circle of fire before, there was a message branded on the wooden floor.


Drama. You is big fat lizard with flamethrower installed in throat.

The Crusaders popped their heads out from behind the clone, looking startled from the light show. When they deemed that the message wasn't going bite them, they slowly made their way over to read what was written. They gave each other questioning glances before looking back to the floor and tried to figure out what the message meant and for who.

I, on the other hand, was looking at the message in the shadow, my mouth quirked down a bit in irritation. That was dragon fire. Not like my destructive dragon fire, but a fire from a dragon here, in this world. The Brood could never do anything like that. They lean more on Power and Destruction.

Dragons, who are in-tuned with the magic of this world or were old enough that they acquired the affinity, are able manipulate what their fire can do. There were those like Spike, Twilight Sparkles' assistant, who were hatched by overexposure to magic and there were those who lived long enough to slowly absorb the magic from the air itself. Right now, one of those that lived long enough sent me a message using something similar to what Spike has been doing for Twilight Sparkle and Celestia.

I climbed out from my clone's shadow and allowed it to safely dissipate. I walked over to where the fillies were huddled together and reached out Apple Bloom's head.

"Looks like I'm being called." I said.

The girls turned to me, with Apple Bloom reaching up to my hand. "This was fer you?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "This is how dragons send messages. This is how they call. A little over-dramatic, but that's how the prideful lizards are."

"Wait." Scootaloo spoke up. "What do they mean by 'The time is nigh'?"

"It means that the important dragons of every clan and tribe are being called." I told her.

"But why call you?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"I'm the only one of my kind present and known, a single species different from theirs. But I still qualify as a dragon." I took away my hand from Apple Bloom's head and stood up. "That technically makes me an elder, even though I'm only over a thousand years old."

"How old do you have to be, to be an elder?" Scootaloo asked.

"Five thousand." I sighed in resignation. "It's enough time for the dragons to mellow out of their prideful streak, and enough time to gain some wisdom."

"Dragons live that long?" Sweetie Belle whispered in awe. Her two friends shared her expression.

"Quite." I said with an uncertain smile.

I'm not really sure if that should also apply to me, though. In the original game, the Elder of the Brood that Ryu met was only over five hundred years old, yet he looked like an old prune when he fought Ryu and his friends. It made me wonder why, even after a thousand years, I look barely out of my twenties. But then I remembered that the Elder had hidden himself away inside a barrier that temporarily sealed his Brood powers to keep Myria's Guardians from sensing him. Maybe he could only access the bare minimum of his Brood blood, that's why he looked so old after only five hundred years. But it could also be because of the self-preservation ability that the Brood have that kept him alive if he only had the lifespan of a normal human.

When in times of great peril, or when a Brood in danger of dying, their blood awakens and transforms them into a dragon to allow them to survive. Ryu, in the game, managed to survive Balio and Sunder's first attack when he was just a child because of this. (Balio and Sunder were two anthropomorphic unicorn stallions that were sent to kill Ryu and his two friends when he was just a kid) He even survived being stabbed from behind with a sword, and survived a tumble down a mountain while protecting someone else by using his own body like a sled for her. In each of those events, he unconsciously transformed to keep himself alive.

I shudder to think how powerful the original Ryu would be, post-game. He was between sixteen to eighteen years old when he finished his quest, and that was barely even old enough for other dragons to stop calling him a hatch-ling.

Turning my attention back to the three fillies, I stood up as I addressed them. "You three continue playing. I need to tell Applejack and the rest that I'll be leaving again."

"Aww..." Apple Bloom whined. "D'ya really hafta ta go, Uncle?"

"I need to." To act as a deterrent and keep the dragons from turning back to their old ways. "I'm sorry I couldn't get to know your friends better, Apple Bloom."

"It's alright." Scootaloo said. "It was still fun to meet you, Uncle Rahy."

"Me, too!" Sweetie Belle said happily.

I barely managed to stop myself from scooping the two up my arms and give them a tight hug. But I did it anyway, and added Apple Bloom with them.




They're so adorable.

"And that's why I need to leave again." I concluded to Applejack and the rest of the family in the main house.

"Yer leavin' cause ya almost squeezed the life outta Apple Bloom and her friends?" Applejack asked. "Ah thought it was cause the dragons are callin?"

"I suppose that's important, too." I conceded. "Even though the girls forgave me, I still forgot to mind my size and strength. I'm going to see if I can find some 'I'm sorry' presents for them." I ignored that said fillies were just outside the window, looking as healthy as can be. I waved back when they waved at me.

"Uh-huh." Applejack said, unconvinced. "So, when can we expect ya ta come back?"

"Not really sure." I shrugged. "It depends on what they want. I might also visit the other families as well."

"Months, then?"

"Weeks, if I have anything to say about it." I corrected. "Besides, magic is mostly concentrated here in Equestria. You remember what I told you and the others about those who are after me? The only way they'll get here is through someplace where there's enough energy to use to penetrate the dimensional barrier between this world and the one outside." It's easier to make a hole in something if someone else from the other side helps you hammer through.

Applejack sighed a moment before looking back to me. "It can't be helped, ah suppose."

"No. No it can't." I said. I knelt down in front of her and opened up my arms in invitation. She moved in quickly to give me a hug. "I won't be gone long."

"Ah'm sure."

I released Applejack from my hug and went over to Granny Smith's rocking-chair. She'd been listening to our conversation, but didn't really say a thing. It was normal for her to see me leave after a while, already used to it throughout her childhood. I gave her a hug and a kiss on the head before saying goodbye as well. Then I moved towards Big Mac near the oven and patted him on the head.

"Keep an eye on your sister and don't let her do something that's way over her head."


I ignored the mare and focused on Big Mac nodding to me. "Eeyup."

With that done, I turned back and started towards the door. "I'm going to say goodbye to Miss Rarity and Fluttershy next. Seeya, everyone."

"How about Twilight, Pinkie and Rainbow?" Applejack asked. She moved over close to me and walked me out the door. "Aren't ya gonna say goodbye to them?"


I threw a ball of concentrated magic, [Magic Ball], into the air and discharged it over head. It created a bright flash of light strong enough to darken the shadows of everything within distance. Applejack immediately closed her eyes on the discharge, and when everything cleared, I was gone.

Goodbyes with the other two ponies weren't all that eventful, being that we haven't even known each other for that long and there was no magical artifact that made us instant BFF's.

Fluttershy was walking beside me as I stepped into her backyard. The place had enough space for my lift-off.

"Have a safe trip." she said.

I gave her a friendly pat on the head and smiled at her.

With my tasks done, I asked her to step aside for a moment as I gathered my magic.

[Accession], the term used to describe when a Brood awakens their blood. The powers of my kind were usually dormant, and were mostly passive. But with magic, we can awaken that sleeping power, which is why it's hard use other spells when in dragon form. I need to keep the flow of magic constant to keep my transformation or else I revert back to my human self. If there was a way to permanently keep my form transformed, I haven't found it. But if I had to guess, it had something to do with nearly dying.

I suspect that this was a curse given to us by the Yorae Dragon. But that's just the theory that the Breath of Fire 4 was actually the origin of the entire series.

As I continued to focus, my body started to glow slightly from the build up of energy. Heat began to concentrate inside my chest as gathered more and more. I breathed in deeply, my face calm even from the effort of concentration. I imagined my magic as the rays of the sun, and my sleeping dragon blood as seeds slowly waking inside every vein in my body. With one big effort of will, I released the pent up energy in one burst and drowned the seeds with light.


A dragon's magic should never be underestimated. Dragons are creatures of power, beings with great destructive force found in any world. Stories, Myths, and Tales speak of their ferocity, of their great sizes, and the destruction in their wake. So it shouldn't be a surprise that when I released my concentrated magic, it came out with something strong enough to warp the dimensional area around me in the shape of a sphere; something strong enough that you couldn't see the inside as it turned into a black void.

Energy cracked like electricity on the surface of the sphere as I felt my body change. I probably should be grateful that I can't see how I transform completely. It feels so weird, unnatural.

I felt my muscles move under my skin, something growing over my flesh, hard and scaly. I heard my bones creak and felt new ones forcefully poking out my back in between my shoulder blades, and an extension of my spine into a tail. Then more things grew; over the bones of my newly emerged wings and tail, new horns on my skull, teeth lengthening into fangs, and everything below my biceps and thighs changed into something more draconian.

As my transformation completed, the energy that I released began to stabilize. The warped space that was the result of my release began to fix itself, which probably have sent another signal to those after me in the multi-verse of my location. When everything was done, I stood in Fluttershy's backyard in my [Warrior] form. The rest of my clothes were gone, except for my pants, being turned to magic particles that permanently orbited around body. I could probably do away with the pants, with my lower half being covered by some kind of fur and all, but growing up with human culture and being uncomfortable in showing my body to others when I was still only human made me say no to nudist tendencies.

The butter colored pegasus looked shocked and startled at my transformation, having seen it for the first time. I ignored the feedback energy that I received from those who were after me outside the dimension, coming back to me in the form of something similar to a sonar.

Bending down my knees, I braced myself. My wings opened wide into their full wingspan (gaining the eyes of the pegasus mare. Yes, they're really that big, and they look bigger and more intimidating up close) in preparation to my lift-off. With a grunt of effort I launched myself to the sky, flapping my wings at the same time for extra force, with speeds equal to a shot cannonball. I gained the height of my jump several hundred feet above the ground and over the clouds.

If I remember correctly, dragon lands were south east of Equestria. Since Ponyville was south of Canterlot, it was easy enough to find the right direction. I'm really not looking forward to this gathering.

Author's Note:

Great, waaaaay late for posting this. I'm not gonna make excuses on this one guys, I'm just gonna apologize for being late. Let's just say that my Pen Name wasn't really that complicated to choose from.

Also, Ariin and Eridos, thanks for the comments, best motivations I've had since banging my head on my table doesn't seem to work anymore. I would have posted this a few days ago, but I finished it just when a storm came to the Philippines. Power and internet just came back a few hours ago.