• Published 3rd Aug 2014
  • 12,259 Views, 623 Comments

Calming Sigh-- with a Breath of Fire - Laze Around

[Breath of Fire 3 x MLP] Human becomes his favorite game character and was thrown into Equestria. After escaping Celestia and Luna, he finds out how hard it is to live for so long beyond a human's lifespan.

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Introvert: Keep Away, But Family Can Stay

As a guy who traveled around while trying to hide from almost everyone, I can't help but appreciate a good home with a roof over my head as time passes on. After setting out in my journey for a way to return home, I never realized how true those words were.

Camping out in an open space made me realize how vulnerable I felt without something to turn my back on. I was very paranoid even with my draconic resistance and barely slept on my first nights.

In forests, I couldn't help but feel the hungry gazes of the predators that hunt during the night. I wouldn't be able to sleep soundly without making sure that there was nothing out in the darkness that would take the opportunity to end me as I slept.

I couldn't forget my first rainy night. While pegasi in Equestria handled the weather, and other nations use their own local practice to tame theirs, places where there were no civilization nearby were left for nature to take her natural course. I was cold and wet, without cover and very miserable. It took me a few months to figure out that splicing my [Frost] dragon gene with my natural form would make me resilient to the cold. Unfortunately, even after I learned of that method, I was still left to endure the uncomfortable feeling of sleeping in wet clothes.

And then there was my first experience sleeping outside under a huge storm. That was… well. Let’s just say that the howling winds and cracks of thunder did nothing good on my nerves.

You never really appreciate a home until the time you have to look for one for yourself.

"Rise and shine, ya lazy drake! The apples need'a buckin'!"

I grunted sleepily inside my mound of hay as I tried my best to return to my peaceful sleep. I've only just begun to feel relaxed inside the four-walled structure, and still have not felt at peace even after the few long hours that have passed since settling in.

"C'mon Uncle Rahy, didn't'cha promise ta help me an' Big Mac on the farm today?"

I gave out a pitiful groan as I realized that family was up and was trying to take me away from my slumber. "Ugh…Who?”

"It's Applejack, Uncle."

"Ah, right." I huffed as the name triggered a set of memories that was mixed in with a few others that were Apple-pony related. "Give me a moment."

I pulled myself out of the hay stack where I slept in for the night, brushing off the straws that managed to come out with me by sticking to my clothes. While I started stretching out the kinks left by my sleep, the little farm pony beside me was giving me the biggest smile I've seen on her for a while.

“Are ya ready to help out again, Uncle?”

I graced her with a smile of amusement before pushing her hat down on her head playfully. "It’s been merely a year and a handful of months, Little Apple. I’m sure my skills haven't dwindled in the slightest."

As I stepped out of the homey barn, met the cool morning breeze of the Sweet Apple Acres. The scent in the air was clean and fresh, and there was a hint of apple that lingered in my nose. It's good to be back on the soil of the family that I've come to love over the years.

A few steps behind me was Applejack, one hoof on her hat as she pushed it back in place. She gave me another smile before we started making our way to the main house, where everyone else was gathered.

"By the way, Uncle, Lil’ Apple's mah cousin."

"Oh." Pony names confuse me even after so many years.

It’s been a day since I revealed to the Pony Sisters about my relationship with Applejack and her family. It was one of the many things that made the Artifacts of the Harmony pretty much useless against me. I don’t believe that Applejack will ever allow herself to cause harm to her family, even if only considered as an honorary one such as myself.

It was a surprising event, just over two hundred years ago in fact, that I met her great-great-great grandfather over her mother's side of the family while he and a few of his clansmen were looking for a place to settle down. At first I thought nothing at the time since my memories about the events that were supposed to transpire were ravaged by the passing of time, and I have not taken my time to review the magical [Diary] that was bound to me and where I listed down what I knew of the My Little Pony world.

It was a couple of years since that meeting that I decided to pay his descendants a visit. It was just my luck that they were having quite a hectic week and were in dire need of assistance with their foal. Having nothing to do at the time and was bored out of my mind, I volunteered to look after none other than Little Smith when she was still a foal. It really wasn't clear to me at the time, but it came to me after a few years later when I found out that she was with a foal. I realized that one day she won't Little Smith anymore but Momma Smith instead, and then Granny Smith a few years later.

The name struck a chord in my mind, a nearly forgotten memory buried under centuries worth of training and traveling. I used the [Diary], the magic book bound and was a part of my very being, and the reason why I was in this world in the first place. I searched its’ contents of the name Granny Smith. It was easy enough to find. I only had to think of what I was looking for and the book would magically conjure up the words that I have written about it. Everything I took down in the book was stored and sealed into its’ pages, allowing me to write down everything in my travels, training, and everyday life in general without fearing of running out of paper to write in.

The words that came when I searched for Granny Smith made me remember of the other notes that I took down so many years ago. Then I realized that I was close to the events where the Elements of Harmony would be revived. Just in time as well. I had been feeling a tiny connection pulling at my being every time I would transform into my [Myrmidon] or [Warrior] form. I felt it from outside my perception, somewhere beyond my reach. I’ve been using my transformation sparingly ever since then.

A few decades later and Applejack was born. Ever since the founding of Ponyville, I spent a little more time in the Everfree than I did my traveling. The forest was still a dangerous spot filled with wild and vicious beasts, so I made it my duty to spend a couple of years clearing out the dangerous animals near the outskirts and pushed the rest deeper still, which, after some time repeating, became a habit. I found myself spending more and more time inside the Everfree, and started to reminisce about my original world as time flew by. Then I recalled the lack of internet, which made me bitter for a good while.

"Are ya ready to meet Apple Bloom, then, Uncle Rahy?" Applejack asked me as we made our way to the main house.

"That depends.” I said. “She won't freeze and scream in terror, will she?" I remember the first time the rest of the Apple relatives met me two centuries ago. It was the most awkward and chaotic family reunion I have ever experienced.

"Nah." she said, walking inside the house as I held the door for her. "That little filly might just make sumthin' up to get her Cutie Mark based on you, ah reckon'."

I chuckled at the thought. From what I reviewed in my [Diary], Apple Bloom was part of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, along with Scootaloo and Rarity's sister, Sweetie Belle. The Apple filly goes on adventures and misadventures with her little group to find the special talent each of them should have. Though often times they get themselves and others in trouble because of their crusades.

"A Cutie Mark made to look like me?" I shook my head in amusement. "I'd love to see any Pony that would ever get a mark like that."

We moved over to the dining area where I found Big Macintosh setting the table and Granny Smith by the oven.

"Morning, Big Mac." I greeted the stallion.

"Uncle Rahyu." He nodded back.

Ah, the Rahyu thing. Ponies seem to have a hard time pronouncing my name, and find it confusing. One little filly working on syllables way back then was having trouble saying it, so I had to pronounce it slowly for her. What was supposed to be pronounced as 'Rih-yu' became 'Rah-yu' because the little filly kept repeating my name wrong while I was out traveling like usual. No one wanted to correct her as it had been one of the first few words that she was able to say. Filly foals are just so darn adorable that saying cute words made you want to coo them forever. That was when the name stuck. For the rest of the generation and to this day.

From her spot near the oven, Granny Smith started making her way towards me in her slow, aged steps. I met her halfway before sharing a hug with the old mare.

"Good morning, Little Smith."

"Mornin' Uncle Rahyu."

We broke the embrace so that she could get back to cooking and where it was my queue to wash myself before breakfast. I was looking forward to experiencing indoor plumbing again. Especially the showers.

"Where's the last member of the house?" I asked the red stallion as I made my way to the bathroom, passing him by as I go.

In return, he pointed over to the top of the stairs, where I saw the end of Applejack's tail rounding the corner.

"Still in bed?" I asked.


"Doesn't she have school today?" I pointed out.


"Should I be worried when she sees me?"


It’s funny to know someone who spoke so little, and speak only words with so much depth in them. Well, even if it was merely another way to answer instead of using the usual ‘Yes’ and ‘No’.

Shutting the bathroom door, I willed my clothes away and put the little pouch that had been hanging on my belt over to the sink. Untying the string that kept it closed, I dipped my hand in and pulled out a bar of soap, a bottle of shampoo, toothpaste and a few more items that were far too many to fit inside the pouch that was no larger than both my palms cupped together.

It was something sort of an [Inventory] pouch, similar to the ones seen in most RPG games. It has a nigh unlimited space capacity, and is linked to my magic and will so that I could pull out anything I want that I placed inside before. Though I usually make sure that it comes with a list inside my [Diary] or else I lose the things I forgot I put in there.

It's the product of Star Swirl's notes on dimensions and my mastery over my [Shadowwalk] skill. It made traveling simpler once I found a way to make it work. Carrying a backpack bulging with necessities and trinkets was too much of a bother to haul all across Equestria, and I'm usually one to travel light, so I took a page from my old lazy gaming life and made something that was pretty much every RPG world's most common necessity. Why make it harder for yourself when you can use magic to find a shortcut? It also helped me carry the gems that I used as rations a lot easier.

Stepping under the shower head, I turned it on and let the spray of water rain down on my dirt-covered body.

I gave out a satisfied sigh as I closed my eyes. "Sweet bliss."

Muffled voices slipped through the cracks of the door as I began to scrub my body clean. I heard hoofsteps coming down the stairs, but the lack of another set made me wonder why only one pony was coming down.

"C'mon Apple Bloom, ya've got school today! Freshen up an' come down, Ah want ya ta come an' meet somepony!"

Ah, so that's why. There was another bathroom upstairs and another one downstairs that I'm using currently. Apple Bloom must be using the one closer to her room rather than this one.

"Where's Uncle?" I heard Applejack from the the other side of the door. "Ahh." I heard afterwards, probably after Mac silently pointed at the bathroom door. "Ah thought he ran away or went ta hide somewhere. Again."

Again, she says. How rude. She wasn't lying or wrong, either, but saying it out loud was still rude.

"Ah'm ready!" A new voice entered my hearing range after a few minutes later as the last set of hoofsteps came down the stairs. "Well? Who's this somepony that ya wanted me ta meet?" came her excited voice.

Applejack gave a hearty chuckle at the young voice who I guessed was probably Apple Bloom. "Hold yer horses. He's still in the bathroom." she knocked on my door just as I stepped out of the showers and pulling out a towel to dry myself with. "Hurry up, Princess! Ya don't want to keep family waiting, would ya?"

"Why don't you hold your horses, Applejack?" I drawled out from the bathroom. "Let me savor this. It's been months since I last enjoyed indoor plumbing. Swimming in forest rivers loses its appeal once you need to pull out the tenth leech that stuck to you while bathing."

"Don't be such a drama queen." she said with mirth.

"I’d like to see how you’d like it when them varmints start sucking your blood." I willed my clothes back again, primed and pristine. Breaking it down into magic and willing it back together removes all the stains and stench that stuck to it while I still had it on. It made keeping it clean a breeze, that much was certain. Though I kept some of the articles of clothing away since armor wasn't appropriate in a casual or family setting.

I stepped out of the bathroom wearing only my brown, sleeveless shirt, olive green pants and brown boots. I didn't see the need for my long, white vest and breastplate with the puffy shoulders. I also didn't bother with the red scarf since it was too hot for the season.

As I dried my hair with a towel, my eyes zoned in on the pony filly that was staring at me with her eyes wide open in surprise. My lips quirked in amusement as I looked at her, which was mirrored by the other ponies in the room who already knew me. I went over to one of the chairs around the dining table and sat down, continuing with hair.

"Applejack..?" the young filly called her older sister's attention, her eyes still locked on me ever since I came out of the bathroom. "What is it?" she asked, referring to the tall being that was me.

"Ah see ya don't remember im." Trotting over to where I sat, Applejack nudged my side and gestured to the traumatized(?) filly. "C'mon Uncle. Say hello to Apple Bloom."

The filly's head snapped over to her sister, finally taking her attention away from me. "Say what now?"

"Hello Apple Bloom." I said, smiling with amusement when the filly jumped as I called her name. "You might not remember me since I was mostly out in the orchard whenever I'm around, and Little Smith mostly spent time with you indoors during your foal years, but my name is Ryu, a longtime friend of the family and an honorary Apple. You can call me by my name, which you ponies seem to find weird and confusing, or you can use the name that the family uses to address me-"

"-Uncle Rahyu." the three older ponies all said at the same time.

"-Right. That." I nodded to the three. "So, how about it, Apple Bloom?"

I saw her eyes shift to the others in the room, all who were pretty much relaxed and were at ease with my presence. Big Mac and Granny Smith were already sitting on their side of the table, with Applejack moving over to hers. None of them were digging in for the moment and were just sitting still and waiting for the filly's reaction.

I could see the uncertainty in her eyes, finding out about a weird creature and saying that he was part of the family was pretty uncommon. I've been doing this for a while now, and even encountered a meeting where the filly or colt would suddenly start screaming bloody murder and run around like a headless chicken until their parents calmed them down. The first time that happened it traumatized me somewhat and made me dread the following meetings after that. I even went so far as to skip some of the reunions, not just of the Apple family's, but also of my other friends. But they all talked me out of it after a while and made me bite the bullet, as it were, and just get it over with.

It helped that the kids would mellow out after a few years and learn to accept me, but then it was their kids’ turn to meet me and... well. Some of them were like their parents when they first saw me: Rinse and Repeat.

But after a few years it turned into something of a game which the adults also anticipated for their children. If the kids scream in terror we'd laugh, but if they don't then we'd be proud of their willingness to reach out to other creatures that weren't their own species exclusively. And now it was Apple Bloom's turn. The rest of us wanted to know how she'd react to me. From the way she locked her eyes with mine, I could already tell that she's made her decision.

"Are ya really mah uncle?"

I smiled at that. Yeah. This apple really didn't fall far from the tree.

Apples fell into the empty baskets that I've placed under the apple tree just as I pulled my leg away from its bark. I looked up into its branches to see if I missed anything before nodding in satisfaction. I took a moment to wipe away the drop of sweat that trailed down my chin before picking up the baskets and pouring its contents into an empty cart close by. Just a few steps away from my tree was Applejack, setting down a few empty baskets of her own under another tree.

"Are ya sure it's okay fer Apple Bloom to tell her friends about'cha?" she asked, just before she bucked the tree with her powerful hind legs.

"I'm sure." I said, moving over to another tree and setting down the empty baskets around it. "I'm just getting tired of all the hiding, and it would be nice to visit everyone in the open instead of sneaking into their houses like a thief."

"It makes me wonder how that worked out fer ya all these years." she muttered with more than a hint of mirth. I snapped my finger in response and tipped her hat over her eyes with a burst of wind.

"Not good, I assure you." I confessed, ignoring the chuckles that she sent my way. "They tried to attack me more than once because they didn't realize it was me. It's only thanks to my dragonhide that I didn't end up with any wounds during those visits."

Applejack gave a contemplative hum before bucking another tree and watching as the apples came raining down into the empty baskets. "Still, ah'm not sure about not making Apple Bloom promise to keep ya a secret like ya did fer me and Big Mac."

Somewhere in the distance, in the part where Big Mac was left to plow the field, I heard him call out with a loud "Eeyup!".

"Baby steps." I told the farm pony, and said it loud enough for the red stallion over yonder to hear it as well. "Since I'm already moving to reveal myself, why not start here? With my family's close friends?"

"But they're still jus' kids." Applejack insisted, coming back from pouring her apples into the cart. "Ain't'cha worried they might talk about'cha with their other friends?"

"Like I said." I assured her. "Baby steps. Though in this case, 'Filly Steps'. I'll just let word of my existence circulate around town before going to that party that Pinkie Pie promised to throw for me. Their descriptions might help the town's folk of what to expect when they see me." Though I'd just slip into the shadows without anyone noticing and stay there until the party was over. I'd come out when someone starts looking, but other that that? No. Just no.

Before any more conversation continued, Applejack and I both heard the air parting. The sound coming from the sky. We both looked up just in time to see a rainbow colored trail flying over the trees, and then turning back a few distance away, heading straight towards us.

Coming to a stop was the pegasus Rainbow Dash, flapping her wings in the air to hover in place. "Hey AJ." the pegasus mare greeted before turning to me, her good nature suddenly turning sour. "And you." she finished with an accusatory leer.

I rolled my eyes away from her and turned back to the apple tree where I gave it a good, hard kick. The fruits fell and filled the baskets quickly.

"Hey there, Rainbow." Applejack greeted the pegasus with a pursed lip, noticing easily the look the flying mare was giving me. "Ah'd appreciate it if ya'd stop glarin' at ma Uncle."

"C'mon, Applejack!" Rainbow Dash flew over beside the farm pony, where she then started pointing her hoof over my direction. "You can't possibly trust this guy. You know what the Princesses said-"

"Ah know what the Princesses said." Applejack interrupted with a scowl. "Ah already heard it when ah was a filly. It's what he used ta make misbehavin' cousins behave. He never made it a secret. Ah also know that he's family, an' ah'm sure he'd go out on a limb ta make sure none o' us would get hurt."

"Actually, no." I piped up near the cart, pausing from pouring the full basket in my hands. "If any of you, and by 'You' I meant you and your family, were hurt by something and I find out about it, I'd swear vengeance upon its very existence and seek it out to tear it limb from limb while smiling as I do it." I declared before tipping the basket over.

Both ponies actually went silent after I gave out that statement, long enough that I was loading up another full basket before they spoke up again.

"See!" Rainbow Dash insisted. "He's dangerous!"

"Calm down, Rainbow." huffed Applejack. "He's probably messin' with ya."

"No, I'm not." Again, I piped in, setting up another set of baskets under a tree. "Time did a number on my sanity. The bonds that I have with your family and the rest of my friends are the only things keeping my mind from unraveling. So, really, she has the right to be worried." stepping back from the tree and preparing for a kick, I took my time to look at the Rainbow pegasus in the eyes. "If you have any plan to break my bond with Applejack here, I hope you're prepared to lose something important in return, because I assure you I am very spiteful."

"Stop threatenin' ma friend, Uncle." Applejack said sternly, giving me a disapproving glare. I raised both hands in surrender and shifted away. I saw from the corner of my eye Applejack turn to her friend. "He's not dangerous." she said with finality.

"Are you sure he's not using some kind of mind control thing on you and your family?" Rainbow Dash grumbled as she crossed her forelegs over her chest. "'Cause I'm not convinced."

"Ah'm sure, Rainbow." Applejack said soothingly. "Why don't'cha try ta get ta know him. I'm sure he wouldn't mind."

"Yes I would." I piped in from under a tree, taking a bite from one of the apples that I took from one of the baskets. I continued as I chewed. "I don't like her very much." I pointed out.

Then in a blink of an eye my sight was met with a pair of magenta colored orbs glaring right at me. I felt one of Rainbow Dash's hoof poking hard on my chest as I continued to chew on my apple and scrunched up my nose when she snorted so close to my face.

"Well, at least we both agree on one thing." she said, giving my chest another hard poke. "I don't like you either."

From behind the pegasus I heard Applejack heave an exasperated sigh. "I swear it's like ah'm talkin' to foals."

"Hey, I heard that!" Rainbow Dash yelled over her shoulder. I took the moment to step to the side and away from the mare's poking hoof to enjoy the rest of my sweet apple treat. I can see now why the game version of Ryu liked these things so much when he was younger.

"Uncle, why don't'cha give her a chance." Applejack urged, making her way beside me to poke me on my calf. "Ya said that ya didn't want ta hide anymore. Well, this is yer chance. Be nice to Rainbow and make friends."

I paused in mid-bite over my apple treat to give Applejack a long, searching look. I turned back to the pegasus mare who had her forelegs crossed over her chest before turning back to Applejack.

"Why in the world would I do that?" I asked Applejack in complete bafflement. I knew the pegasus was her friend, but that doesn't mean that I wanted her to be mine as well. "I only wanted my existence to be known for convenience sake. Why the heck do I have to make friends? I already have you and everyone else."

I took another bite from my apple and saw how the farm pony's hoof met her face with a loud smack. I saw that even Rainbow Dash had some kind of reaction. Her face turned angry red but didn't really say or do anything other than grind her teeth together. I wonder if the rainbow mare found my lack of interest in befriending her to be insulting. Maybe she did.

Like I care, for that matter. I think she was still following Celestia's rule about antagonizing me too much. I can tell that she's struggling just to keep her promise to the royal sun-butt.

I finished my apple and disposed of the core via magic fire and went over to one of the full baskets. I was about to take another one, but a hoof came up to stop me before I did.

"Make friends with Rainbow." Applejack looked me in the eye with complete and utter seriousness. "It's fer yer own good."

"Make friends with the most brash and boastful pony in all of Ponyville?" I asked with an incredulous look on my face. "The one whose ego eclipses Celestia's sun and clouds even Luna's moon?"


"Why should I?" I asked Applejack, ignoring the outburst of the other mare.

"It'll be good fer ya." she said. "She might rub off some of that outgoing attitude of hers to ya."

I shuddered at the thought. "And if I say no?" I asked.

"You can't say no." she said stubbornly.

My brow instantly raised and I waited for her to continue, only for her to counter my action by raising her own brow in return. It didn't look like she was going to say anything else. I stared at her long and hard, something she returned without any hesitation. I looked at her and felt a flash of sentimentality rise inside me. It's been months since I've seen her up so close, and I couldn't help but compare her to the little filly that I had in my memory now that I took the time to observe her.

I saw her as the little filly that I've known and seen grow over the years; The cute little foal that ate three full plates of apple fritters in one sitting; the little filly who went out on her own to find her own destiny and come back home to embrace it; the little filly that became very competitive after seeing two family members doing more work in the farm than she did; and finally the sad little filly who cried when she lost her parents too soon in her short lifetime.

My eyes unconsciously went over to the side. I heaved out a sigh and swiped another apple from the basket, using my other hand to push Applejack's hat down on her head and ruffled it for good measure.

"For family, I suppose I have no choice." I uttered helplessly before taking at bite from the fruit.

Applejack lifted her hat and gave me a cheerful grin, something that made me smile when I saw it. "Thanks Uncle." She said.

"Right." I huffed dejectedly, turning over to face the rainbow menace. I grimaced immediately when I suddenly felt awkward instead of antagonistic like I had been earlier. "Ugh. How do you make friends again?" I asked the little Apple pony.

"Well ya'll can start by reintroducin' yerselves." she answered.

Both me and the pegasus faced each other and shared a grimace at the thought. I looked at her and gave her a once over, with her doing the same, apparently. She had a lithe body, slightly muscular, but completely flexible. She was probably an tiny bit smaller than an average pegasus, but that merely made up for her speed. She had an athletic build, that was without a doubt, but that was more because of a training regimen instead of the result from years of farm work like Applejack.

Well, if anything, I could at least appreciate her loyalty, even though it really didn't go as far as mine did. I don't think she'll resort to killing like I would if something happened to her friends. Or maybe mine wasn't really loyalty? It could just be some possessive/obsessive kind of mentality thing?

Meh. It could also be a dragon thing that I got from spending a few times with the local drakes of this world.

"Well, I don't like you now, but that doesn't mean that I can't try to change that." I started. "I'm Ryu, the Apple clan's reclusive uncle that just comes and goes every blue moon, as well as the guardian of the family. I'm also the guardian of other families from all around the continent, not just Equestria. Anyone or anything hurts the people under my protection gets hurt back, and I make sure that they remember it."

I reached out to her with one hand to shake with and waited for her to return it. It took a few good seconds before she reluctantly and begrudgingly reach out for it, grumbling for a bit before introducing herself as well.

"Rainbow Dash." she grumbled before suddenly returning to her normal attitude and shaking my hand more firmly. "Fastest flyer in all of Equestria, Future Wonderbolt star, Element of Loyalty, Head of the local Weather team, Applejack's best friend, and the pony that can kick your flank anywhere in ten seconds flat."

I gave her a look so dry it could probably shrivel even Celestia's own sun. I turned my attention back to the exasperated Applejack and I pointed at the pegasus with the hand that wasn't shaking her hoof.

"Huh?" I grunted with an expression incredulity. She wanted me to make friends with this?

"Rainbow." Applejack sighed. "Ya just did that because ya wanted ta one up mah Uncle about being our family's guardian, didn't'cha?"

"No." the pegasus drawled. "I was just letting him know who's cooler."

I kept my mouth shut as we pulled out of the hand/hoof shake. If Applejack hadn't wanted me to befriend the pegasus, I would have told her, for the sake of spiting, that the Dragons in every tribe also referred to me as their ruler, similar to Celestia's reign to her ponies, alongside the Elder Dragons on each tribe. Also, I wasn't really idle during the centuries before the present time. I went to places where it was best suited for the type of magic that I was mastering, and in some of those areas I've met with the locals who I shared some training with, giving me titles after mastering the magic we worked hard on side-by-side.

Oh, and before all that, there was a tribe that witnessed me eradicating some of those cannibalizing settlements outside of Equestria. I didn't know when it was founded, but after venturing outside again, I found some altars made in the likeness of my [Warrior]/[Myrmidon] form. There wasn't anything malicious about it or anything. There wasn't even any sacrificial tables anywhere near them. I left them alone, mostly, since I really didn't care at the time.

"Well, that is that." I said, walking over to the cart already full of apple produce and hooking it up to the long line of carts that were also filled with apples. "I'll just put these away and let you two play, or something." I quickly used my [Shadowwalk] skill to appear in front of the lined carts, using the heavy shade that the apple trees provided for me. To others it just looked like a teleportation spell, only without the flash.

I'll go help Mac after taking these away.

A few hours later, I found the two mares hanging out behind the barn, the place where we usually gather the reunions for the Apple family. Now though, it was pretty empty except for a few equipment that Applejack uses to practice her rodeo skills. Rainbow Dash was busy flying in the air and doing a few impressive tricks, while Applejack was by the white fence around the barn and looking at the performance with a smile.

The farm pony noticed my approach and started waving me over.

"Done fer today?" she asked. "Sorry fer not helpin' out more. RD was just a bit more pushy today."

"Yeah, don't worry about it." I answered, moving beside her and leaning back on the fence. "It's a good feeling to be back in the farm. I've been spending more of my time here than I do traveling. It's almost like I've already settled my home here, now."

Applejack's smile suddenly dwindled for a moment and became a bit more subdued. She lost interest in the next trick that Rainbow Dash performed and turned her head to me. "Ah'm sorry fer that, Uncle."

"Hey..." I knelt down to her level and wrapped an arm around her in a hug. "None of that, now. I chose to stay for a couple of years because I also felt something similar so long ago. I didn't want you, Big Mac or Lil' Smith to go through that alone, and the rest of the Apples couldn't always spare a helping hoof with the farm. You were all still hurting, and based from my own experience, it takes years to get over the death of loved ones, especially if it's for the first time." I whispered sympathetically. "Besides, if it helps any, I had nothing better to do than continue my Hermit ways."

Her depression immediately broke and she chuckled a bit before digging her elbow to my side. "Thanks, Uncle."

"Hey, what gives!" We both looked up and found Rainbow Dash giving us a look of frustration. "I was just about to do my newest trick!" the pegasus raged.

"Settle down, Rainbow." Applejack said, moving away from my arm to placate her friend. "We were just havin' a family moment. We're ready ta pay attention, so why don't'cha show this new trick of yers."

"I lost momentum." she grumbled, crossing her forelegs and turning away. "Now I don't feel like it."

"She's grumpy because no one was paying attention to her." I whispered to Applejack, prompting her to snort out a bit of laughter. A few foal-sitting memories began to overlap over Rainbow Dash's image, and I couldn't help but smile at the sudden thought.

"I heard that!" the pegasus snapped her hoof over my direction with glaring eyes. She zoomed her way towards me and, yet again, invaded my personal space. She sounded a bit eager as she spoke. "Alright, hot-stuff, how about a race, then. You've got wings, right?"

I pursed my lips as I gave her a dry look, stepping back to get some of my space back. "No." came my answer.

"Why? Afraid you'll lose?" the haughty pegasus taunted with a smirk. I remembered how she compared her wings to mine when we were in the Throne Room in Canterlot, and based on her personality she's probably eager to see how mine, given their size, would compare to hers when it came to speed.

"No. Because I already know I'm going to lose." I said without hesitation.

It took a few seconds for the mare to process what I told her, and when she finally did her only response was a short "Huh?".

"Um." Applejack spoke up. "Aren't'cha givin' up a little too early there, Uncle?"

I shook my head before making a gesture towards the mare in the air. "Unlike Rainbow Dash, or other flyers in Equestria in general actually, I don't use magic to help me fly." I explained. "It doesn't help me lift myself into the air or even negates my body-weight like what pegasi do. I use pure muscle and wingspan to fly, and can only go fast in short bursts before maintaining that speed."

"That shouldn't be a problem in racing." Rainbow Dash said after snapping herself from stupor.

"True." I agreed. "Other than not really being in the mood or even being a competitive type, there's still my issue on acceleration. Anything closer than Ponyville to Canterlot distance, I'm pretty sure I would lose."

"Huh?" her expression suddenly turned into confusion. "I really don't see the problem. We can just make it so that whoever reaches Canterlot and flies back here in the farm first wins."

The problem is I don't wanna.

"You can go from zero to mach one in ten seconds flat." I deadpanned, using her own favorite choice of words to stroke a bit of ego. "If I pushed myself hard enough I would only be able to get half of that in the same amount of time. And that's pushing it."

"Yeah. Well..." she conceded looking slightly flustered, but that didn't stop her from puffing up her chest at the compliment. "Not everyone can be as cool as me."

"And that's not accounting the Sonic Rainboom." I added. "I can never generate enough speed to achieve something similar, or even break mach 2 for that matter. Pegasi use magic with their flight, I don't. That's a big difference, and it gives you ponies the upper hand against me."

"Well, why don't you do the same too?" Applejack pointed out.

"I could," I conceded. "but my type of magic is just so different that it's impossible for me to recreate the way the pegasi ponies use their magic." I could probably just use my buffs to increase me physical aspects and become faster, but not by much. "So you can't really challenge me into something that you clearly have the advantage on. That just ain't fair."

"How about some other competition, then?" the Rainbow pegasus insisted.

"I can't even think of one where the odds are even." I said with a shake of my head. "In a test of strength, unless you can lift over five hundred pounds and hit twice as strong than that, then it wouldn't be fair; and that's without me transforming. Natural physiology grants me an advantage even when most of my dragon blood is dormant. Oh and you can't use your wings on ground based competitions, cause that would be cheating."

"Wish we had that rule a few months back." I heard Applejack grumble.

"So did I." I agreed looking at her with flat look. "But before that. How did you lose in the hoof-wrestling during that Iron Pony thing?"

Surprise came upon Applejack and Rainbow Dash's face, with the farm pony voicing her thoughts. "How'd ya know bout that?"

"I was in the Everfree, there was a commotion coming from town when there shouldn't have, and I was close by." I deadpanned before looking at her curiously. "How did you even lose that? You're an Earth Pony, for goodness sake. You should be the stronger mare in a test of strength." I looked at Rainbow Dash. "Or do you clop too much."

A heavy blush rose on the pegasi's face. "What!?" she squeaked.

"Don't answer that." I quickly added, but Applejack laughed at her friend's expense. But she stopped when I shot her a look. "A toned flank is nice and all--" I ignored her embarrassed blush. "but you should also work on you forelegs, AJ."

"Ah don't really see the point in doin' that." she admitted. "Ah use mah other set o' legs to buck apples."

"Well... I suppose." I conceded. Her body's already in great shape, but her hind legs were far superior than her forelegs by a large margin. I speak mostly on a combat perspective since I found it more comfortable to fight in a fully balanced musculature than an unbalanced one. Years of combat does that to you. Then I looked at Rainbow Dash. "I'd also like to say that most of my dislike to you came from cheating against my family during a friendly competition."

"CHEATING?!" the pegasus cried out, a clear look of offense on her face. "I didn't cheat!"

"You flew." I deadpanned. "You used your wings to lighten yourself during those push-ups, you used your wings to fly during the long jump, and blatantly used your wings to hold AJ over the mud-pit by flying. Your dumb friends didn't even call foul against that last one for some reason."

"There wasn't any rules about not using my wings!" she defended.

"There shouldn't have been because it was supposed to be common sense." I sighed in exasperation. "But then again, the common sense that I use is different than your kinds'." I've learned long ago that even though this world shared a lot of similarities to my own, even with horse puns scattered in the region, there are some things that are just so different from my world. "But still, it wasn't fair. You even went and rubbed it in when everyone was cheering on your win."

"Hey! I won that Iron Pony competition fair and square!" she insisted.

"By using your wings against a pony that doesn't have them." I retorted.

"Stop!" Applejack yelled, jumping in between us just before our tempers got the better of us. She went ahead and faced me with a rather fierce look on her face. "Can'tcha be nice ta her, Uncle? I know ya said that ya didn't like her, but starting fights just ain't gonna make things better. Besides, we already settled our differences back in the Falling of the Leaves."

"Good for you then, AJ." I grunted before backing away from the pegasus mare. It was good that Applejack already forgave her friend, but that didn't mean the same for me. "But I still don't like her. I'll be cordial if need be, I'll be polite if I have to, and so long as she stays away from me then I won't start a fight." I turned my back on them and started walking my way back to the barn. But before I got too far, I told them in a volume that I'm sure that they could be heard. "She's a bad influence to you, and I don't approve of her being a friend. Elements of Harmony be damned."

"Jerk!" I heard the pegasus.

"Let it go, Rainbow."

I snorted in mild contempt as I reach the barn and found the stack of hay that I used as my bed. As I made myself comfortable, my mind went back to the friends that Applejack found herself with.

The Element of Generosity, Rarity, was a mare that I could approve of. She works hard, and dedicates herself to her craft with an almost religious zeal.

The Element of Kindness, Fluttershy, was also someone I approve of. Even though she was probably a mare who had a traumatic experience growing up that resulted in her being the doormat that she was now, --poor child,-- her willingness to still reach out to others was a trait I found very much refreshing. I'm looking forward in befriending that one.

Then there's Laughter, Pinkie Pie. She's... entertaining, I suppose is a word I could describe her. But there are times where that girl would say hurtful things to others. No tact, I suppose. Either she doesn't realize it or she doesn't care, I cannot decide. Still, she can be tolerated, and her smiling disposition usually brightens the day for others.

The Element of Magic... Twilight Sparkle. She's... a girl with incredible magic potential, but her upbringing left her common sense with much to be desired. I'll have to watch her closely and make sure that she doesn't point that horn of hers on anyone of my family. For someone so wise, Celestia really messed up how that girl was supposed to grow up. Or was that all part of the plan?

Then there's Loyalty, Rainbow Dash...

I really don't like her. She's very lazy and irresponsible. She procrastinates and doesn't even warn the colts and fillies that watch her stunts that what she does was a result of training and years of practice. That little pegasus filly that Apple Bloom befriended really looks up to the Rainbow mare. It's good that she still hasn't learn how to fly or else she might have started practicing those tricks she saw without supervision.

My brows furrowed and my scowl deepened. Rainbow Dash really was a bad influence. If that girl even passes those traits to Applejack we will have words. Preferably in blood. Though whose blood is up to debate.

Till then, it's time to start Luna's lesson in dreamland. I wonder if I can traumatize the alicorn enough so that I can stop these lessons indefinitely, my history certainly has enough gore for it.

And so that night, I dreamed of blue ponies turning green with the air filled with the smell of vomit and salty tears.

Author's Note:

Another Ryu image.