• Published 10th Aug 2014
  • 13,201 Views, 953 Comments

Changeling Mine - Futile Task

One mistake leads to one pony holding the fate of an entire race within her hooves.

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Chapter Sixteen: Painful and Mysterious Revelations

It had been several days since Celestia’s announcement that she was stepping down for a while, and several days since Luna’s full and complete takeover of her duties, much to the younger princess’s delight. Since then, Celestia and her mate Anthra had been living in Twilight’s palace, happily enjoying her rest in her mates company.

However, while Twilight was extremely happy that Celestia was staying with her, it did come with one major down side, one she had not expected.

Celestia and her lover Anthra were fucking loud.

Twilight kind of got it; after all, they had not been able to just enjoy each other’s company for a long time. However, she had neither expected, nor did she approve of the volume that those two expressed themselves when they would make love.

“You have to admit though,” said a voice in Twilight’s head as she paced back and forth, “it is kinda funny considering the situation you now find yourself in.”

She grudgingly admitted her inner voice was right, looking over to see both Celestia and her mate Anthra sitting on her couch, awaiting a firm scolding.

The humor of the moment driven home by the mare sitting next to Celestia, who was easily taller than her by at least a head; if not more. She was covered in thick black fur, and her main and tail were the color of fine red silk, accentuated her blue eyes quite nicely, as well as the blue chitinous sections which covered her belly and wings.

“Ok,” said Twilight as she fell into lecture mode, “While I am happy you both are going to be staying with me, it seems we need to set some ground rules so that we have no more…incidents…during your stay. Now I can understand that you both might be needy after such a long separation, but that does not excuse the common curtesy of keeping it in the bedroom, let alone making sure said bedroom is soundproofed, for I have no doubt your last outburst reached all the way to Appleloosa, maybe even farther.”

Both mares blushed, which caused Twilight to smirk. “I get it, really I do, but you have to be more careful in the future. Spike is still a young dragon, and while he is much older then he used to be, I still have yet to give him the talk, though I will be doing that in the future considering the questions he has been asking. You also have to be careful because I am going to be having a baby sometime in the future, and I don’t want you traumatizing her with your…activities.”

Again they both blush, and again Twilight grinned, for she had to admit, this felt good. The reason for this feeling was that after she had gave the go ahead for Celestia to live with her, Luna had pulled her aside, telling her that she needed to use this instance as another step in her training as a princess. She said as an alicorn, you inevitably have to play host to a leader who is either outcast, taking a break, or retired, and sometimes you have to house them in your own palace.

That being said, sometimes said leader would still have habits they would fall back on, and it was the job of the ruler they were staying with to keep them from falling back on those habits, and in the case of Celestia…she had many habits as a ruler which needed to be curtailed. Thus, Twilight had to assert herself as the ruler of this castle, and thus she needed to set ground rules whenever Celestia started getting out of hoof.

“Never thought it be over something like this though,” thought Twilight wryly, only to shake her head as she looked at her former mentor. “So as punishment for disturbing my studies, you Celestia will be confined to your quarters for the remainder of the day, so that you can get some much needed rest. As for you Anthra, you will be staying with me to help me with my studies on your species, that way I can make sure all Celestia does for the day is rest.”

“But Twilight…”

“Furthermore,” said Twilight quickly, keeping her mentor from sending counter arguments. “I am go to be assigning one of my changeling guards to keeping an eye on you, to make sure you are not trying to return to your duties, as Anthra informed me you have been trying of late.”

Celestia glared at her mate, “Anthra, why did you tell her?”

“Because love, you do tend to get obsessed with the affairs of state, which is why I was being so…distracting and insisting, but I concede that maybe I was a bit too intense. So, I shall leave with Twilight, for I do think I can reveal to her many things about my race which simple texts could never reveal.”

They both left, leaving Celestia alone, who signed as she looked around her room before speaking. “Great, now what the hell am I going to do?”

“So Twilight, what do you wish to ask.”

Both Twilight and Anthra were sitting in Twilight’s personal study, a room filled with many books and other equipment necessary for Twilight’s pursuits. Currently, Twilight was making them both tea, which she found kinda odd, for Anthra took the same tea that Celestia always did.

“You know doubt noticed me and my mate share the same taste in tea?”

“And they apparently also share the ability to read minds,” thought Twilight, before moving back to the table and serving the tea. “Actually yes I was; it just struck me as odd that you would like the exact same tea as my old teacher.”

“It should not be so surprising,” said Anthra with a kind smile. “After all, it was I who got Celestia into tea, for she originally hated it.”

Twilight scoffed as she raised a skeptical eyebrow, “Now that I find hard to believe.”

“Often the greatest truths are the hardest to believe,” said Anthra with the air of age, “Or so my long life has taught me.”

Twilight nodded, “which leads me to my first question, how old are you?”

Anthra took time to sip at her tea, letting time sit for a while before speaking. “That is a question I had honestly hoped we could save for a much later date, for the answer to it…carries with it a kind of gravity which I did not wish to reveal at this time.”

Twilight made to speak, only to find Anthra’s hoof against her muzzle, the soft texture of her frog tickling Twilight’s nose as the changeling spoke instead. “That is not saying I will not answer, I just want you to be aware that this answer will be a heavy one.”

She removed her hoof, and then smiled sweetly before speaking once more. “To tell you the truth Twilight, I have no idea how old I am, for I was the first changeling ever to exist, and lost count of my around the same time ponies started building the first civilizations.”

Twilight could practically feel her jaw hit the floor at this revelation, “You…you’re the first changeling, how!?”

Anthra chuckled, getting a little more comfortable before continuing with her answer. “Well a lot of changeling legends may claim one creation myth or another, as you know doubt have found out during your studies, but they all agree on one thing. We can genetically trace our roots back to a creature which hailed from Tartarus, a creature you ponies dub a Succubus. There are many legends on how we…came to be created, but only one ever came close to the truth.”

That got Twilight’s attention, “and which legend was that?”

“Well,” started Anthra, “the legend goes that after the ponies drove the succubi back down into the depths of Tartarus, a young mare stumbled upon one of their eggs out in the woods. It had been abandoned by its mother, left to die unless it was found by another. But this mare was kind and caring toward all living things, and so she used her magic, and took the egg within herself. The legend then states that the egg changed within her, changing into the first changeling queen, aka me.”

Anthra took another sip of tea, and then set it down, smiling a bit as she let her mind drift down her memories. “That one almost got everything right, except for one crucial fact, the mare behind the legend.”

“Really, does that mean she was somepony more important than the legends say?”

“Indeed, for my mother was the one who created our entire world.”

She let the information sink in, then watched with amusement as the younger mares eyes widened in utter shock. “Wait, you’re saying your mother is…?”

“Faust,” stated Anthra matter of factly, “she indeed was, how very perceptive of you.”

“But why,” asked Twilight in exasperation, “I mean she had to have known what kind of egg she was taking into herself.”

“Of course she did,” said Anthra plainly, “but my mother was always carrying to a fault, and would not let me die so early in life despite what I may…have become.”

They both sat in silence for a long moment after that, the younger due to the many questions circling through her mind, and the older thinking back to the days of her youth. Eventually though the silence was broken, broken by Twilight clearing her throat as she looked at the much older mare, “Um, would it be ok if I asked more questions?”

“Of course my dear,” Said Anthra sweetly, “what would you like to know?”

Luna landed upon the balcony of her sister’s new room, finding her older sister lazing about the room, which brought a smile to her face. “Well sister, it’s good to see you are taking your vacation seriously.”

“Not for lack of trying,” said Celestia with a tired grin, pointing toward the doorway where Luna could see Spikes tail disappearing. “Twilight told Spike to make sure I don’t do any government work, and it is driving me fucking mad!”

“Oh, what exactly is he doing?”

Celestia snorted, “He conducted a thorough search of my room and sent all the government books I snuck out back to Canterlot, and he cut me off from all forms of magical communication, save for you, Twilight, and Cadance.”

Luna chuckled, “That is good, I was worried that Twilight would not be able to do as I asked.”

Celestia leveled a glare at her, “So you’re the one behind Twilight keeping me away from my work?”

“Of course,” said Luna simply, “after all you did tell me I had to teach her how to be a princess.”

“And how does my student keeping me from my duties factor into her learning how to be a princess?”

“Law three hundred and seven, sub section three, when housing banished, retired, or visiting dignitaries, you must do all to make sure they have a relaxing experience within your walls, and that includes making sure they do not engage in affairs of state under your care.”

Celestia thought about it a moment, then shook her head, “I knew that law would come back to bite me in the ass.”

Luna gave her a toothy grin, and then sat down, waiting a moment before speaking again. “So, what do you think Anthra is telling Twilight?”

“Oh she’s probably telling her about Faust, you know how she likes to get that fact out of the way once she’s asked how old she is, and Twilight has no doubt asked how old she is.”

Luna nodded, “Let’s just hope she doesn’t give her too much information, after all even I had my information limit when it came to your mate’s past.”

“Um…Anthra, can I ask you something um...more personal?”

The changeling turned to look at the young alicorn, sipping her tea a bit before speaking. “Of course, I have nothing to hide from you.”

“Well,” started Twilight, “I was wondering, whenever I…I mention the pony known as Clover the Clever you seem to…well you seem to cringe, and I was wondering why that was.”

For a long time, Anthra simply remained silent; the question Twilight had asked hanging in the air till she finally sighed in defeat. “That is complicated, but I guess you should know, as it is unlikely you have never heard of her. I took her into my confidence long ago, and even let her court my firstborn, who had fallen for her. But Clover…she ended up betraying me, for when I called upon my daughters to help me in my battle with Discord…my firstborn never answered my call.”

Twilight could see the pain etched in the older mares face, but she kept silent, knowing that Anthra wasn’t finished. “I discovered later, after I had settled in to my new life with Celestia; that Clover had absconded with my daughter into parts unknown on the eve of battle, preventing us from using our full power against Discord, and I have not seen either of them since that day.”

Twilight got up, patting her on the back and giving her a small wing hug. “I’m sorry, I had no idea…did you ever find out why?”

Anthra shook her head, “no, and I care not to, for they are most likely dead and gone.”

She sighed once more, and then turned away from the younger mare, looking out the window before speaking. “Twilight, what is your relationship with my granddaughter?”

Twilight spat out the tea she was drinking, staring toward the changeling as she spluttered out a response, “what do you mean by that?”

“I wanted to know how close you are to her, and if you have been having certain thoughts about her in recent times.”

Twilight simply stared at her, and then turned away, blushing a bit as she spoke. “Well…well yes, but I…”

“I see,” said Anthra with a knowing grin, “just as I thought, she has already imprinted on you.”

Twilight looked even more confused, but before she could speak Anthra stayed her, smiling sweetly before speaking. “It is nothing to worry about Twilight, it is something that happens to those who are granted the privilege of carrying one of the queens, though if you wouldn’t mind telling me, how far along have these thoughts about her progressed?”

Twilight blushed harder, keeping her face turned away till finally she squeaked out an answer, “pre…pretty far.”


Twilight nodded.


Twilight nodded again.


Twilight hesitated a bit, and then nodded once more.

“I see,” said Anthra, “…you should tell her you know.”

“I…I can’t,” said Twilight hesitantly.

“And why is that?”

“BECAUSE OF WHAT SHE DID TO ME!” yelled Twilight as she sprang to her hooves, beginning to pace around the room as she kept on speaking. “She turned everypony I loved, every single pony I cared about against me! I know it wasn’t really her fault, but now I got all these feelings burning inside of me for her, and I don’t know what I’m supposed to do!”

Anthra quickly got up, her large wings stretching forth and wrapping Twilight up, pulling her into a hug and nuzzling her gently. “I understand, Celestia and I had similar problems, but we overcame them. And as for Chrysalis, you should not worry, she is a beautiful mare, and deserves to be loved like any other.”

“But how can I love her,” Twilight choked out, “I…I have held this resentment for her for so long, how am I supposed to let that go and love her like a mare?”

“You will find away,” said Anthra simply, “just as love does.”

Anthra then got up, turning to leave before speaking, “I shall be going now, for you have a lot to think about, and it is best thought of in private. When you are ready once more, I will be available for more questions, but till then, think long on what I said, and if you are still in doubt, look to your friends for the answer.”

She then left the room, leaving Twilight to ponder, and to hopefully work out her new found feelings for the mare sharing her new responsibility.

Author's Note:

Few, that was a long chapter to write, and the next one will probably be even longer, what with Twilight confronting her feelings over the former changeling queen, as well as how her friends are going to react to this news when she goes asking for advice. Anyways, this chapter cover a lot, and before anybody gripes about it, both Faust being Anthra's mother and the incident with Clover the Clever were planned all the way back since chapter two, so this is not spur of the moment filler, and likely Faust will only ever get mentioned in this fic, for I have no plans of her ever showing up, ever.

As always, if you guys have any questions or comments, please feel free to drop them on by, you all know I love hearing from you guys