• Published 10th Aug 2014
  • 13,203 Views, 953 Comments

Changeling Mine - Futile Task

One mistake leads to one pony holding the fate of an entire race within her hooves.

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Chapter Seventeen: A Dose of Needed Resolution

Twilight glided slowly through the air toward Fluttershy’s cottage, her mind abuzz with what Anthra had forced her to accept. She was falling for Chrysalis, and she had no idea what to do about it, for how was she supposed to be able to love a mare she had despised for so long.

Now yes, it could be said that her opinion of the mare had changed over the time she had been spending with her, but there had always been that lingering doubt, that tiny bit of her that screamed that this was all some sort of very, very elaborate ploy by the changeling queen to hurt her once more.

She gritted her teethe angrily, wondering why such things always had to happen to her. First becoming Celestia’s student, then battle Nightmare Moon, then Discord, then Chrysalis, then Sombra, and finally fucking Tirek. And of course things couldn’t just settle down after that, no no she had to find out she was pregnant with a changeling queen, given to her by her worst enemy!

She landed on the little bridge which led to Fluttershy’s house, looking up just in time to see Chrysalis walking out of the door, and then one of her own chameleon guards peeked her head out the door, smiling at the queen before bidding her good day and heading back into the house.

She began walking again, her teeth grinding a bit more as she approached the changeling queen, who had spotted her and was now walking toward her with a warm smile. “Why Twilight, it’s lovely to see you…”

“What are you doing here?” asked Twilight angrily, her voice dripping with cold as she glared at the queen.

“Um…” said Chrysalis uncertainly, “I was here talking to Fluttershy. She had some questions regarding…well regarding something important, but she asked me not to tell.”

“I see,” said Twilight, “and you’re sure that’s all you were doing, you weren’t like, planting certain emotions within her head were you.”

That got a glare from Chrysalis, “I would never do that to somepony.”

“Oh really, then I suppose what you did to me was just a happy accident hm?”

Chrysalis looked confused for a moment, and then it suddenly hit her, “She told you?”

“Yeah she did,” said Twilight venomously, “which begs the question of why you decided to withhold that information.”

“I was afraid to tell you.”

“And why was that?” said Twilight venomously, “could it be that you were worried I would find out you were trying to brain wash me!”

“I wasn’t trying to brain wash you!” said Chrysalis, “it was an accident.”

“Oh sure, and what you did to my brother was also an accident yes?”

“You know it was,” said Chrysalis, “unless you think this entire thing was some overly elaborate ploy to get behind enemy lines?”

“Well I wouldn’t put it past you,” spat Twilight.

“Oh that is rich,” said Chrysalis snidely, “and I suppose you think I managed to round up two other queens out of the blue, kill off the majority of my own children, and somehow brainwash Princess Celestia and Luna into thinking I was related to them.”

“It’s possible.”

Chrysalis laughed, actually laughed, “well now, I can finally see why you pardoned your brother after finding out he was murdering my children, for only a raving fool could come up with something so…”

She was interrupted by a burst of Twilight’s magic hitting her in the face, causing her to growl as she glared at the young alicorn, “Try that again.”

Twilight did, but Chrysalis acted fast, dispelling her blast and then disappearing, reappearing next to her and grabbing her by the back of the neck, before lifting her up and throwing her into the trees beyond.

Twilight picked herself up, only to find Chrysalis had appeared right in front of her, causing her to leap out of the way just in time to avoid a vicious backhoof.

Chrysalis didn’t wait for Twilight to land back on her hooves, instead opting to cast a rune, which went off right when Twilight touched ground, flinging Twilight back into the air. Twilight managed to write herself, watching as Chrysalis flung herself at her before blasting her with a ray of magic, which Chrysalis dispelled before her eyes glowed, causing the trees around them to begin attacking Twilight.

Twilight cast a dispel enchantment of her own, causing the trees to become still again, but didn’t attack again, instead looking at Chrysalis before speaking. “Why?”

Chrysalis looked confused, so Twilight continued. “None of those attacks were aimed to harm me, just keep me off my hooves and distracted, and I want to know why?”

“Because I wanted you to calm down and think for a moment, because I was pretty sure you weren’t thinking at all earlier.”

“Of course I wasn’t, I was angry at you because I found out you were fucking brainwashing me to love you!”


Twilight stared at her in shock, “what, but then why do I keep feeling these urges for you, it’s like I’m being driven to love you.”

Chrysalis shook her head, “but you are not, otherwise you would not be feeling this rage toward me, that’s not how love magic works.”

“And how would you know anything about love magic?”

Chrysalis smirked, “I feed on it every day, and thus take in the understanding of it.”

Twilight hesitated a moment, then sighed in defeat, sitting down as she stared at the changeling queen. “Ok, but if this isn’t love I am feeling, then what is it?”

“Quite simply,” said Chrysalis with another smirk, “you are lusting for me.”

Twilight looked confused, so Chrysalis went to explain. “Imprinting, as we changelings call it, is something we believe is a leftover ability the first changeling retained when she was changed from succubus into a changeling. It as an instinctual ability, one which we suspect was used by them to make their prey more susceptible to their power.”

Twilight looked even more confused, “Ok I get that, but that still doesn't explain why didn’t you tell me, for you must have noticed how I was beginning to feel towards you.”

“I did indeed,” said Chrysalis, “but the reason why I didn’t tell you was…well…it was because I was embarrassed.”

Twilight lifted a skeptical eyebrow, which prompted Chrysalis to speak. “You must understand, every changeling from birth is taught to repress this ability, to keep in check to make sure we don’t cause those around us to begin lusting for us willy-nilly. It takes a lot of self-control to keep it this power in check, and for a changeling, especially a queen, to let it slip for even a moment, is considered and looked upon by others as a mark of shame, and I am sorry it had to be you who was the target of my first slip up.”

Chrysalis then moved forward, her horn lighting up and encompassing Twilight’s head before she could react, the changeling closing her eyes for a moment before ending the spell. “There, the imprint should be removed now, and once more I am sorry.”

Chrysalis then turned and began to leave, leaving a very confused and less lusting Twilight. And as the mare watched her go, she couldn’t help but smiled a bit, before bursting out into giggles which caused the changeling to turn back in confusion. “And what may I ask is so funny?”

“Its…” started Twilight, “it’s nothing, you just remind me of me when I would think I disappointed the princess.”

Chrysalis looked surprised, but then that surprise turned to shock when Twilight moved up and planted a kiss on her cheek, before pulling back and smirking a bit. “Don’t get me wrong, you still have a long way to go before you can gain my trust, but I am willing to give you a chance for our daughter’s sake.”

Chrysalis stared for a moment, and then nodded, watching as Twilight teleported away before turning to head back to the castle, only to stop as she heard something rustle in the bushes nearby.

She turned toward it, only to freeze in dread as it began to emerge from the foliage. First to show was a paw the size of a pony’s body, its large claws digging into the ground as the rest of the creature emerged. It was built like a dragon, and was easily three times her size, but it was covered from head to foot in thick chitin armor, and from its horse like head, eight eyes stared down at Chrysalis as it opened its mouth and spoke.


Author's Note:

Not much to say, as always hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, and stay tuned for the next one its likely to be a duzzy.