• Published 10th Aug 2014
  • 13,189 Views, 953 Comments

Changeling Mine - Futile Task

One mistake leads to one pony holding the fate of an entire race within her hooves.

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Chapter Twenty Six: Moves Within Moves

Clover rested upon a silk covered bed, her magic having made it so after she had kindly accepted the changeling’s assurances that this was one of the best guest rooms in the castle. It wasn’t anything against what the castle had to offer, but nothing really compared to the kind of comfort and opulence she had grown accustomed to over the years, though hopefully that would be remedied in the near future.

Her head turned toward the sound of the door opening, and the moment she saw who was standing in the doorway, she turned back to the window she was looking out of, sipping her blood whine a bit before speaking. “I know you would show up sooner or later Anthra, what do you want?”

“Just one thing,” said Anthra with a cold hiss, “where is my Nashandra?”

Clover giggled as she turned to look at the former changeling ruler, smirking gloatingly before speaking. “You really think I would tell you that, you would just take her away from me.”

“It would be for her own good,” said Anthra coldly, “I don’t know how it is possible Clover, but you are just…you twisted her, you made her into something she was not.”

“No,” said Clover just as coldly, “I simply gave her the ability to reach her fullest potential, it’s not my fault the fruit of knowledge is sometimes poisonous.”

“Some knowledge is forbidden and should remain so,” said Anthra, “you had no right to awaken her mind to such…possibilities within herself.”

“All knowledge should be shared and learned, regardless of the dangers it may present.”

Anthra stared at her for a moment, and then sighed, “very well, but answer me this…is she doing ok?”

“Very well actually,” said Clover, “but she has been moping about a bit lately, she’s still sad that she can’t make any more little ones, you remember how she loved them so.”

That got a hurt look from Anthra, “I see…that is a shame, I was hoping that maybe we could begin growing our numbers again.”

“Well sadly that won’t be happening any time soon,” said Clover, before taking another sip of her whine, “anything else?”

“If you harm so much as a hair on that ponies head, I swear I will kill you.”

Clover smirked, “dully noted,” she said, before sighing in relief as the changeling left the room. Moments later, the sound of teleportation filled the room, and Clover turned to see Starlight standing in the room looking a bit shaken.

“Ah good you’re here,” said Clover, “and just in time to if I am right, if you leave the hall you should intercept your parents on their way to their rooms, which should prove a nice distraction for them.”

“Are…are you sure I am ready,” asked Starlight, looking nervous as she looked toward the door.

“You are as ready as you can be,” said Clover with a smile, “now go…be with your real family.”

Starlight nodded, and then left out the door, but not before Clover cast a quick spell insuring that she would be able to see how events unfolded through her student’s eyes.


Starlight Glimmer ran into Nightlight and Velvet in the middle of the hall, all three staring at each other in shock till, much to Starlight’s surprise, Velvet surged forward and pulled her into a fierce hug.

“It’s you…it’s really you!”

Starlight hesitated, and then hugged her back, beginning to cry as Nightlight joined in the hug, crying long and hard till finally they all calmed down, Starlight whipping her eyes before speaking to them. “Do…do you mind if I walk with you, so we can talk?”

They both nodded, and began walking, Starlight keeping pace with them as Velvet spoke up next.

“So…how long have you been duchess of the Shetland Island’s?”

“For ten years now,” said Starlight, “I…I was groomed for the position by my lady since I was five years of age, for she said my destiny lay in the Isles.”

“And was it your destiny to be taken from us?” asked Nightlight with a bite to his voice.

Starlight flinched, but tried to calm her father. “Please father, try not to think ill of my lady, it’s not her fault, she just…she saw no other way, she didn’t know you had had me when she…when she went to leave you with her daughter.”

“She didn’t know,” said Velvet, sounding surprised.

“No she didn’t,” said Starlight, “from what she said, she was horrified when she saw me laying in a crib, for she had just planned on leaving her in your bed with you…she didn’t expect to find a crib next to your bed.”

“But she had to have known, we had been trying for years to have another child, and when she was born we announced it to the world, how could she not have known?”

“She...she kept herself cut off from most of what she called sensles dribble and rumors, all she knew about you that she trusted was that you both were trying for another child, but had so far been unsuccessful. When she saw me their, she...she panicked, and not knowing what else to do, she took me out of the crib, and placed Twilight there instead.”

“But why,” asked Nightlight, “she could have just left her there, why did she feel the need to take you?”

“...Cause I was useful to her...”

That got both parents looking worried, but before they could speak up, they reached the door to their room, Nightlight opening it up and letting them inside before closing it behind them.


“Grandmother, do you really have to...”

“Hush child, I need to concentrate.”

Chrysalis growled as she watched her grandmother work, recognizing each spell and its purpose, which made her worry.

Finally Anthra finished, and then turned to Chrysalis before speaking, “Nashandra is alive and she is producing infiltrators again.”

Chrysalis's eyes widened in shock, “She...she is, but...but that mean...”

“That the infiltrators that Starlight said were yours are actually hers, which means we are being spied upon.”

Chrysalis was inclined to agree, and she also figured she knew who it was, “But why would Clover want to spy on Twilight's castle.”

“If what Clover said is true, then she may want to keep an eye on those who are near her daughter, but that isn't the only thing we have to worry about. Those reports of changelings are most likely hers as well, which means you need to be careful. Clover is planning something, something big, so we need to be ready.”

“What do you want me to do?”

“Let your changelings know of this, that way they can keep a better eye on Twilight and the Infiltrators, meanwhile you must continue following those leads.”

“But Grandmother I cant just...”

“You must,” said d Anthra, startling her with her urgency. “We can't let Clover know we are on to her, not if we want to properly prepare.”

“Then what will you be doing?”

“...I will stay here and continue to help my mate, but as soon as your mother is done healing Shining Armor, I will have her come to watch over Twilight for you, you know how good she is at protecting others. As for Twilight...we will keep her in the dark about what we know, though hopefully if things play out well, she may be able to give us vital information on Clover's dealings.”

“We can only hope,” said Chrysalis, “just...just be careful grandmother, I don't want to lose you again.”

“I will my child, just be sure to be careful as well.”

She then watched Chrysalis leave, sighing a bit before looking out her window, wondering if things would play out good for them in the end.

Author's Note:

Finally, this is done, now onto the next chapter!