• Published 10th Aug 2014
  • 13,201 Views, 953 Comments

Changeling Mine - Futile Task

One mistake leads to one pony holding the fate of an entire race within her hooves.

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Chapter Five: The First Step Is Taken

Twilight walked toward the door which lead to Celestia’s balcony, moving to open the door before stopping, hearing an odd whispering coming from the room. She hesitated for a moment, then opened the door a crack, peaking inside to get a look.

She was met by the sight of…she couldn’t really describe it, for it looked like the area around Chrysalis was…shimmering, and the whispering had gotten louder, though she could still not make out what was being said.

“I know this is important, but I am not stupid enough to try and force her into this, even with our existence at stake.”

The whispering started again, getting more pointed as the shimmering seemed to…react to her reply, looking more static and, if anything, angry.

“Will you stop holding that over my head mother,” said Chrysalis angrily, “I was starving, and I didn’t know that Grandma Tia would help me, nor that she was preparing for the crystal empire’s return. If I had known, I would have…”

She suddenly stopped, and whipped her head around, spotting Twilight as her eyes widened, before composing herself as the shimmering disappeared from the balcony. “Sorry Twilight, I was have a discussion with my mother, for she feared that I might try and force you into this, if you were not to accept.”

“And would you,” asked Twilight, walking onto the balcony as the changeling queen frowned.

“No, I would not,” said Chrysalis coldly. “If you say no, I will leave here and return to the wastes, to die in peace with the rest of my kind, it’s the least I can do for them…and for you.”

Twilight stood there a long moment, then sat down beside the changeling, keeping her gaze in front of her as she spoke. “Well you won’t have to go to such extremes, for I have decided to keep the child.”


Twilight nodded, “but if we are to do this, I have some conditions that will need to be met.”

Chrysalis nodded, “of course, I expected no less.”

“One, this child is mine, no matter who gave it to me, and I will raise it as mine. Two, this child will be raised as both a pony and as a changeling, to help unite both our races more closely. Three, I will require all knowledge that you have, including any books or scrolls you might have. And finally, you will present yourself before the court of Canterlot, to answer for the crimes you have committed against our kind.”

Chrysalis nodded again, “those are reasonable terms, and I was already planning on presenting myself before your courts, for while my actions were not entirely my own, I still caused a lot of damage to your ponies, and I am sorry for that. So…when do you want to get this started, after all I assume we will need to go over where my changelings are going to stay.”

“I actually have a suggestion for that,” said Twilight, much to the queen’s surprise.

“Go on.”

“I know you will want to be close to me so that you can protect the child, and I also know from what Celestia has told me that you prefer to live underground, saying you love being surrounded by the earth. What I would suggest is that you create your new hive underneath my palace in Ponyville, that way you can be close to me, and your changelings can begin mingling peacefully with ponies again.”

Chrysalis pondered it a moment, then smile, leaning over to nuzzle Twilight before being pushed away, looking a bit hurt but knowing the reason. “I’m sorry, I know that was probably too forward, I just wanted to show you that I thought it was a good idea.”

“You could have just told me,” said Twilight, before her demeanor softened as she looked up at the changeling queen. “Look, I know you want to get…close to me and all, but I still have reservations about you after what you did to my brother and foal sitter, and it is going to take me a long time to get over that, though I do hope we can be friends.”

Chrysalis looked mildly hurt by this, but nodded all the same, before turning to leave as the sun began to set, only to stop when Twilight called her back.

“One more thing Chrysalis, you said you were talking to your mother earlier, but all I saw was this…well, shimmer effect surrounding you, that wasn’t her was it.”

“It was,” said Chrysalis simply, “but I am afraid the what and the how will have to be left in mystery for a while. Till then, I have already sent a message to my changelings that they are to meet you outside Ponyville, and I have two of my most trusted waiting outside your palace with all the information on my species you requested, so I think it is best you go and meet them as soon as possible.”

“What about you?”

“Me,” said Chrysalis with a chuckle, “I will be fulfilling the last part of our agreement, so till next we meet, I bid thee goodbye.”

With that Chrysalis bowed, before turning back around and leaving the room, leaving Twilight standing on the balcony alone before she to left, spreading her wings and taking off in the direction of Ponyville, ready and willing to meet its soon to be citizens with open forelegs.

Author's Note:

I know this chapter was kinda small, and didn't add that much accept for Twilight deciding to keep the child, but the next chapter will be pretty big, and will be split into two parts. The first part will begin Twilight's crazy study into the nature of the changelings and how they work in this world as well as her meeting with and helping the last of the changelings to settle in, and the second part will be focusing on Chrysalis and her up coming trial. As always guys, if you guys have any questions or comments, pleas feel free to drop them on by, I love hearing from you guys.