• Published 13th Aug 2014
  • 1,038 Views, 45 Comments

Clusterbuck to City Hall - Caddy Finz

It's summer of 1987 and Mayor Mare decides not to run for a fifth term. With some drunken encouragement from Vinyl Scratch, Octavia stands up to challenge Filthy Rich to keep her new hometown from being sold out to corrupt big business.

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Chapter 1: All the Cool Ponies are Doing This

"Vinyl, I honestly can not believe I let you talk me into coming here!" Octavia complained as she looked around the dance club that her best friends had dragged her to in attempt to show her a good time. "This place really isn't my cup of tea."

"Aw c'mon, Tavie!" The slightly buzzed party girl Vinyl Scratch replied. "You gotta lighten up and quit bein' a buzzkill. For once in your boring life, try to have some fun!"

"Okay Vinyl, answer me this. Did you really for one second think that I wouldn't take offense to tha-did that pony just eat a powdered donut or is that what I think it is under her nose?"

"Uhh yup, that chick is totally coked out. Looks like Pinkie knows how to have fun."

"Ugh, grody! Vinyl, please tell me you would never get into that!"

"As if! Tavie, chill out! If somepony wants to snort some yeyo, that's their deal. It's not for me, alright?"

"Can we please just go? This place is making me very uncomfortable."

"Ok sweetheart, tell ya what. let's try something out that will get us outta here faster but we'll both have some fun. See that door we came in?"

"Um yeah, what about it?"

"The next stallion who walks through that door, we'll take back to our place and f-"


"Okay okay, Jeez! If you don't wanna share, then I'll help you get one of your own!"

"That's not what I meant and you know it, Vinyl! I want my first time to mean more than jus-"

Octavia and Vinyl Scratch had been roommates for quite some time and best friends for even longer. The two friends thought they knew everything about each other but Octavia had just dropped a bombshell on the fun loving DJ that would prove very difficult to comprehend. Vinyl was in the process of inhaling a mixed drink most of which she had spat up at the surprising confession her quiet, mild mannered friend had just made.

"First time?!" Vinyl exasperated. "Did you really just say that?"

"Yes I did, Vinyl. What's the big deal?"

"The big deal is that you're twenty four years old and you've never gotten a stallion to bend yo-"

"Shut up, Vinyl! Just Shut up! Before you embarrass the both of us any more than you already have, I'm leaving! I'll see you back at the apartment when you're sober and hopefully without some guy you'll probably never see again!"

With that said, Octavia left a hurt and saddened Vinyl Scratch alone at the club and made her way out to the parking lot where she would return home from for the remainder of the night. As she cranked the ignition on the 1985 Bovilet Curvature sedan that the two roommates shared, she was struck by a slight feeling of guilt. She wondered if perhaps she was too harsh on Vinyl. After all, despite their polar opposites, the two ponies had looked past their differences and have been best friends for half of their lives. Octavia knew that her DJ friend had good intentions but also that the lifestyle that she was trying to introduce her to was just not for her.

"I'll apologize to her in the morning." Octavia sighed as she shifted the late model land yacht into drive.

Ponyville was a small town with a population of 5,943 current residents so Octavia's trip home was less than ten minutes. The village being the size it was also helped Octavia feel better about leaving Vinyl at the club without the carriage as the trot back home would not be very long. Upon her arrival to their modest apartment, Octavia shut the engine down and as she searched through her keys to open the door she noticed a package sitting on the doorstep.

"Tubular! The book I ordered is here!" Octavia exclaimed as she tore through the paper like an excited little filly on Hearths Warming morning. ""Mobster Meets Equestria"! Oh Caddy Finz, you never disappoint! I know what I'll be doing tonight!"

Octavia then proceeded to relax on the living room sofa and began reading her favorite author's latest work. This was more her pace. Rather than going out to the clubs to get inebriated like most ponies were doing nowadays, Octavia was more than content with living life on the quiet side and simply relaxing with a good book. If she was waiting for a new book order to arrive, she would often find herself occupied with her and Vinyl's newest video game console, the Marezendo Entertaining System. Whenever she felt like taking a stroll down memory lane, she would even occasionally break out their old Coltari.

After a half hour of laughter and even a little bit of crying over the masterpiece of literature that her face was glued to, Octavia could hear the front door open ever so slowly. She shifted her attention over to see Vinyl enter, her face drenched with her eye makeup indicating that she had been crying a good deal on her way home. Octavia was quite surprised that Vinyl had come home so soon and even more surprising, she was sober and without a lucky stallion in tow. Although she did say that she would rather Vinyl return that way, It did nothing but confirm her worries about having hurt her friend.

"Vinyl..." Octavia began. "I'm sor-"

"I'm sorry, Octie." Vinyl cut in.

"I uh...you are?"


"What for? I'm the one who flew off the handle. What are you sorry for?"

"For putting you on the spot like that. I guess I got a little carried away with trying to shove partying down your throat."

"It's ok, Vinyl. I know your heart was in the right place but I'm just not into that. I'm sorry I hurt your feelings."

"We're cool, Tavie. But really though, you yelling and...well pretty much implying that I'm a slut is the least of what bothers me."

"Really? I already feel terrible about the whole thing. What did I do to bother you more than that?"

"Octavia you just...*sigh* life is so short. It really hurts seeing you getting up, going to work, coming back home and sitting down to just read all night. Hey I mean don't get me wrong, I'll open a book up once in a while but dammit Tavie, you only live once! We've been friends since we were fillies. That time has gone by so fast and before you know it, we're both a hundred and on our deathbeds. With the way I'm living my life, I think I could say that it was life well lived when that time comes. I just want so badly for you to be able to say that too."

"Vinyl I-I never thought of it that way before. That was...wow that was pretty deep. I didn't know you felt that way about it."

"Octie, I really am sorry I tried to force it on you. I won't do that anymore but I really hope you at least try to find some fun on your own time. Hell, even Celestia herself parties like it's 1999!"

"Celestia?! As in the Princess?!"

"Um yeah, she's the only one named Celestia that I know exists."

Octavia had a new found respect for her friend. For the longest time, she though Vinyl lived the way she did just because she simply didn't care about anything. Upon hearing how Vinyl's ways meant something deeper than she had ever realized, Octavia actually seriously considered taking her advice.

"Well" Octavia began. "Nopony says we can't have a...fun night in. Do you still have that liquor stash?"

"Tavie, I swear you will not regret this!" Vinyl replied as she galloped upstairs to retrieve the booze, her face lit up with joy. "Hey While I'm looking through this stuff, turn the TV on to the news channel will ya?"

"Which channel is tha-wait, you watch the news?"

"Sure and it's the only news channel around, Tavie. Then again, it does get confusing with all these seven channels we get so it's easy to lose track. Ooh, I found the perfect stuff for you!"

Vinyl Scratch rejoined Octavia in the living room and began preparing two shot glasses with the weakest most beginner friendly drink she could find. Before they could talk any further, Octavia found herself pleasantly surprised on how closely Vinyl was paying attention to the news on TV.

"Oh sorry Tavie, there's just this one quick little thing I wanna figure out here before we start. Word is that the mayor isn't going to run again this coming election. She bagged herself a Stallion and the two plan on getting hitched and starting a family or something."

"Aww, good for her...but since when do you care about politics?"

"Tavie, she's only like the best friggin' Mayor this town's ever had! She legalized same sex marriages and decriminalized Everfree Happy Grass! They might even legalize it because of her!"

"Hahahahahaha! Vinyl, don't get me wrong, I believe in any couple's right to be happy but why do you care about same sex marriages so much? Do you have something to tell me?"

"I go both ways and you know it. Still though, I'm thrilled by all the progress you're making already. You agreed to drink for once, you got a sense of humor all of a sudden and even managed to laugh. There's hope for you after all!"

"Alright Vinyl, what am I about to poison myself with?"

"Cool it, I know you're a rookie so I'm going easy on you. It's Dr.Macgallacoltie's. It's not too strong and doesn't taste like you're gargling thumbtacks."

"Okay, that does make me feel a little better. Why do they call those thumbtacks anyway? I mean really though, what's a thumb?"

"Beats the shit outta me. Hey maybe we could ask that Lyra chick next time she takes ecstasy. She said she saw some pretty funky shit before."

"Baby steps, Vinyl. Let's see how I handle this first."

"Alright Octie baby, 'cause I'm a more *ahem* seasoned drinker, I'll be doing two shots for every one you do just so neither of us feel left out."

"I can't believe I'm about to do this but I do want to see what all the hype is about."

"It's okay if you're nervous, Tavie. Here, let's both just down these shots at the same time. Ready?"
