• Published 13th Aug 2014
  • 1,038 Views, 45 Comments

Clusterbuck to City Hall - Caddy Finz

It's summer of 1987 and Mayor Mare decides not to run for a fifth term. With some drunken encouragement from Vinyl Scratch, Octavia stands up to challenge Filthy Rich to keep her new hometown from being sold out to corrupt big business.

  • ...

Chapter 7: Just Give it a Try

"Why the fuck didn't you tell me he was a cop?!" Vinyl yelled at Octavia as she drove towards their apartment. "You can never trust those guys!"

"Vinyl, I swear to Celestia if you've reached a new low, this is one of them!" Octavia replied from the passenger seat. "Why do you have such a problem with them anyway?"

"Uh hello? Brain cell? You're supposed to be the smart one here, Tavi! I hate cops with a burning passion because I like to have fun once in a while. Cops don't let me have fun. They just waltz on over like they own the damn town and shut down parties just because some old fart feels like being a narc. They wanna wave their di-"

"Oh bag your face! I'll have you know that Caramel is very nice! I think you'd get to like him too if you gave him a chance! He's full of compliments too. He even told me that he thinks I have what it takes to run for mayor so apparently you two are like minded pon-"


Before Octavia could finish her sentence, Vinyl whipped the sedan into a complete one hundred eighty degree turn and floored the pedal sending them careening back to the Ponyville Park. It only took a mere few seconds for the vehicle to reach ninety miles per hour as they neared where they left Caramel with nothing but his thoughts. With Octavia too frightened to speak, Vinyl sent the full sized coach screaming to a halt right in front of Caramel as he was thumping his head against a lamp post out of frustration.

"You two!" Vinyl shouted as she shoved Octavia out of the passenger seat onto the sidewalk. "Date! Now! And don't come back until you get to third base, Tavi!"

Before Caramel Or Octavia could say anything or even think of what to say, Vinyl laid rubber and disappeared down the street, a cloud of thick white smoke following her until the coach finally caught up with its own tires. The two awestruck ponies were now left with nothing to do but get to know each other and see where it went from there. After a few moments of awkward silence as they stared into the direction where the crazy DJ took off into, Caramel finally worked up the nerve to break the ice.

"What the hell is she on?!" The bewildered Caramel asked.

"Believe it or not, she hasn't taken anything today." Octavia replied.

"Wow. Okay, so what made her change her mind like that? You two weren't even gone for a minute."

"Ugh, me and my big mouth! I mentioned you saying you think I should run for mayor. She's been baggin' on me about it all week.

"Well, what's wrong with that? I think you have potential."

"Vinyl has been my best friend since foalhood and I love her to death but at this point I'd consider it just to get her to shut up. I just don't see it happening though. Hey look, why don't we talk more over a pizza or something? I don't know about you but I'm famished."

"Yeah, I could eat. How about that gnarly new place on Griffon Avenue? It's only a five minute trot from here and They have a sacman machine. I've been there a couple times and it's great if you're into gaming."

"Are you kidding? I love video games! Lets's go, bohunk."

"Booya! High score!" Octavia cheered as she beat Caramel's highest score tenfold. "What did I tell you? I've put a bit or two into one of these before!"

"That's mega dank, Octavia!" Caramel replied. "I never thought my score would beaten, let alone crushed that bad! I'm impressed!"

"Years of having an overly competitive roommate, Caramel. That's where it's at."

"Tubular. Oh hey, you know that Jega Boss System that came out last year?"

"Yeah! I heard that it's graphics are completely out of this world. I can't comprehend video games getting better than that."

"Heheheh. I actually happened to pick one of those up last week. I've gotta have you over sometime so we can play that. The Jega version of Ghost Breakers is actually kinda good unlike the MES crap heap."

"I think you and I are going to get along very we-"

"Last call, everypony!" The owner of the Manehatten Slice restaurant called out from behind the counter. "We're closing in ten minutes!"

"Wow, it's almost nine o'clock already?" Caramel said as he looked at his watch.

"Well, time does fly when you're having fun, right?"

"You're telling me. Alrighty then, let's bounce. Want me to walk you home?"

"I'd like that."

"I'm telling you though, I really think you should give it a try!" Caramel said as him and Octavia neared the apartment she shared with Vinyl. "You never know, you might be really good at it."

"Okay Caramel, I'll look into it. I guess it couldn't hurt to just see where it goes. It is hella whack that all of the ambulances in town are old as dirt and i don't remember Filthy saying anything about replacing them."

"Well the police department could stand to spare some of its surplus bits for that. I'm not gonna lie, we have more funds than we need. some of the roads could use some work too."

"I'll stop by the town office tomorrow and check it out then."

"Rad! I'd like to hear about it when you're done."

After another ten minutes or so of trotting, the pair finally reached the street that Octavia and Vinyl lived on and shortly after came up to the driveway being occupied by their large, boxy sedan. Caramel took a moment to admire Octavia's taste in vehicles before bidding his potential soon-to-be girlfriend good night.

"Well I had a hella good time with you Octavia. Let's do this again soon."

"Of course. You're really fun to spend time with."

"Thanks. Since we're both on vacation, how about we hang out tomorrow after you talk to the town secretary. I can't wait to hear how it goes. What do you think about eight o'clock?"

"It's a date."

"Tubular. I'll see you then. Good night, Octavia."

"Oh wait, before you go..."

Before Caramel could question her intentions, Octavia leaned in closer to the now nervous and blushing yellow stallion and gave a soft peck on the cheek.

"Good night, Caramel." Octavia said as before she entered her apartment for the night.

After a moment of mentally processing what had just happened, the love struck stallion began skipping home with an excited ear to ear grin on his face and even emitted several foal-like squeals of delight. Though he was indeed a very happy colt, he would not have wanted any of his colleagues at the station to see him squealing like a mare on a shopping spree so he calmed down slightly as he made his way home.

"Hey Tavi, how'd it go?" Vinyl greeted as her roommate returned from her date only to be given a slightly off topic answer.

"You mind telling me what the hell that was about?" Octavia replied.

"Okay yeah, I guess I did kinda kirk out back there and I'm sorry, Tavi. It's just that you're making such kick ass progress on getting out and having fun and I just wanted to see you keep at it."

"Not to mention how badly you want me to run for mayor."

"Alright, I'm not gonna lie, that is kinda why I shoved you out of the car at this guy. I'm sorry about that too."

"It's all kosher, Vinyl. Anyways, I really had a great time with him. We went out for pizza and played some arcade games. Then on the way home we talked a lot and really got to know each other and...then I...kinda...kissed him on the cheek."

"Aww, that's great, Tavi. See? Isn't it great to try new things?"

"Sure is. Oh and on that note, I've decided to go to the town hall tomorrow talk to the town secretary about running for mayor in the equemocrat par-"


Upon hearing the good news from Octavia, Vinyl violently spat out a mouth full of beer and had a coughing fit for a moment. After finally catching her breath, she ran up to her somewhat startled roommate and stared into her eyes with her own bloodshot and tired eyes before giving her own input on the matter.

"Tavi?" Vinyl Began.

"Y-yes Vinyl?" Octavia replied.

"I...Fucking...Love you..."