• Published 13th Aug 2014
  • 1,038 Views, 45 Comments

Clusterbuck to City Hall - Caddy Finz

It's summer of 1987 and Mayor Mare decides not to run for a fifth term. With some drunken encouragement from Vinyl Scratch, Octavia stands up to challenge Filthy Rich to keep her new hometown from being sold out to corrupt big business.

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Chapter 11: There's a First Time for Everything

"Octavia, this'll be great!" Exclaimed Caramel as he drove his J-car with Octavia in the passenger seat and Vinyl in the back. "I can't think of a more gnarly way to get your hoof in the door!"

"I'll bet." Octavia replied. "Thanks for coming with us, Caramel. I'll be honest, I'm a bit nervous."

"Don't be, Tavi." Vinyl reassured. "You'll have this licked. Just keep your eyes on the prize and you're gonna do just fine."

The three ponies soon entered the parking lot of the village office where the festivities mentioned in a letter to Octavia would be taking place. Like a miniature version of the grand galloping gala, there were ponies sporting formal attire everywhere. Citizens from all areas of the town, the incumbent Mayor Mare and even members of the press showed up, the latter's presence not being particularly helpful in calming Octavia's nerves.

Soon, a parking spot was found and Caramel shut the engine down, quickly got out, slid over the hood on his rump to the other side like the Derps of Hazy and opened the door for his marefriend. Just like everypony in town, the trio was looking their best. Caramel was wearing a white pressed shirt with the collar unfolded as per the current trend, and his favorite purple tie to compliment it. Vinyl was sporting a stunning dark blue backless dress that matched her mane quite well while Octavia exited the vehicle with a similar light pink one that matched her eyes.

After shaking hooves with some news reporters and shooting the breeze with the soon to be former mayor, Octavia followed the latter into the town hall with her longtime best friend and coltfriend in tow. They were soon seated on one side of a rectangular table nearest to the podiums with the mayor and none other than Filthy Rich and his daughter on the other.

"Miss Octavia!" Filthy greeted, as fake as ever. "So glad you could make it here, dear."

"I'm sure you are, Mr. Rich." Octavia replied with a similar tone, the phony smile not leaving either of their faces.

"I trust you have a small speech prepared and perhaps plan on sharing some ideas with the town?"

"Of course."

"As do I. Care to share them with me in advance?"

"Stuff it."

"Suck my-"

"Dad!" Diamond Tiara yelled. "Can't we just have a moment to talk to each other for once? I even got my report card today. It's all aces!"

"Not now, Emerald Hat!" Filthy replied, once again forgetting his daughter's name. "The grown-ups are talking!"

Without another word and with an idea of what kind of dirt she could shovel on Filthy if needed, Octavia, Vinyl and Caramel went around to mingle with ponies from the town. Caramel stood by Octavia's side the whole time While Vinyl went to search for Twilight in the crowd. There was also a large buffet table with things ranging from daisy sandwiches to anything and everything that is apple related as the local orchard owner Applejack was in charge of the catering.

The first hour of the banquet went by with nothing for Octavia to do but introduce herself to as many Ponyville citizens as she could before herself and her opponent would be asked to take the podium at the front of the large room. Octavia was shaking hooves with local paramedic Fluttershy while Vinyl was being formally introduced to the rest of Twilight's friends until the mayor announced that it was time for the town to meet the candidates.

"Fillys and gentlecolts!" Mare said over a microphone at the front of the room. "At this time, I would like to call to the stage our two new mayoral candidates, one of which will be replacing me in a couple months. Please stomp your hooves for Miss Ovtavia Melody and Mr. Filthy Rich!"

There was no going back. Octavia and her rival each trotted up to one of the two podiums on stage to prepare to give their speeches. Octavia knew that she had to make her first impression count as Filthy had the advantage by already having done so himself. As the nervous young mare placed on the podium a small note pad containing thoughts and ideas, her preparation was interrupted and she needed to act now.

"Hey everypony, since you've already met me, why don't we let Miss Octavia here go first?" Filthy said, attempting to appear modest.

"Ah, why thank you, Mr. Rich." Octavia replied. "Well, let me start out by saying how honored I am to be here, right now. Ponyville has been my home for quite some time now and It really is a humbling experience to get the chance to give back to a community that has given me so much. This truly is a great town but no town can ever be too great. There are always improvements that can be made and in this case, it's safety."

Octavia paused for a moment to allow the citizens to mull that over. As she observed the crowd before her, she noticed that she was getting a great many looks of intrigue from them. Now that she had their undivided attention, she decided that now was the time to continue with her statement.

"How many of you know any other towns in Equestria that still use ambulances converted out of station wagons?" Octavia asked, not a single hoof rising in the air. "The fact that Ponyville still uses emergency response vehicles this out of date is a major problem, folks. It's a problem that can cost lives if not taken care of promptly and nearly did last week when a local resident suffered a heart attack."

"It's true!" Fluttershy shouted from the crowd. "Those vehicles need to be replaced and put to pasture before it's too late!"

"And that's why I plan on doing just that! Replace these outdated clunkers with reliable new vans that are much faster, safer and can carry more medical supplies!"

The crowd was getting excited as a lot of whispers could be heard among them along with much head nodding. Seeing this, something happened to Octavia that she had never experienced in her life. Her nervousness was suddenly replaced by a massive burst of confidence as she continued her speech with so mush passion, it could almost be seen radiating from her.

"And I'm not done there! My dear friend Vinyl Scratch recently shared with me an idea that could revolutionize the process of emergency response! How many of you ever needed help but had to waste so much precious time finding the right phone number and even had to have your call transferred once you got through? Those days will come to an end, everypony! I give you what myself and my friend have dubbed the 'four-one-one system'! Just think, one call to one easy to remember number! One dispatch from one call center to any emergency service you need! All the while creating jobs and filling a vacant buil-"

"Sounds like a hella big tax increase to me." Filthy interrupted. "I'm not saying it's not a brilliant idea but is it a realistic one? I say that'll bankrupt the town budget!"

The mood of the crowd quickly soured at the thought of higher taxes and was apparent by the talk among them sounding more uncertain and nodding being replaced by dissatisfied head shaking. Just when it seemed like Filthy had swayed the opinions of the ponies in his favor, Octavia revealed one of the benefits of dating a local police stallion; Important information getting into the right hooves.

"And that's where the police department's surplus comes in." Octavia began. "Crime is on the downtrend, everypony. The local PD has just hired several new recruits and have just replaced most of the older cars in their fleet. A source of mine, and a very reliable source I may add, has informed me that the substantial surplus is more than enough for the rest of the town. All that needs to be done is to level off the uneven distribution of tax revenue! The ambulances can be replaced and this call center can be opened without any tax increase at all!"

Once again, the attitude of the crowd took a one-eighty and several ponies even showed their enthusiasm by cheering. After a good ten minutes of explaining more of her plans and even more of Filthy's attempts to throw in his own two bits getting drowned out by the cheering getting louder and more passionate, the latter was finally given the floor.

"Just remember, Ponyville, I plan on turning this town into something great beyond your wildest dreams!" Filthy began. "I'll do the same thing she claims she'll do and then some! Not only that but I have the experience to back that up! I have been running corporations since Miss Octavia here learned two plus two! Some may say experience doesn't matter but think of it this way. Suppose I just up and decided I wanted to be a brain surgeon? If experience makes no difference, then who'd like to be my first patient?"

Once again, cheer erupted from the crowd of ponies this time for Octavia's opponent. Not nearly as loud and passionate as they did for the young mare but just enough for Filthy to still have some ponies on his side. The campaign had just begun and already it had shown that it would not be easy for either candidate. Whether either of them liked it or not, they had just crossed the point of no return. It was on.

"Octavia baby, that was so totally radical!" Caramel said as all the ponies began filing out at the end of the banquet.

"Thanks, sweetie!" Octavia replied. "I think I made a pretty good start! We have got to celebrate! Where's Vinyl?"

"Right here, Tavi!" Vinyl answered as she approached with Twilight and five other ponies in tow. "I'm gonna have to sit this one out, guys. Twilight and here friends here have volunteered to help us out. Even Rarity here says if she looks in the right places, she might even be able to dig up any dirt on Filthy we might need later."

"Oh so she's not going to be helping Filthy then?"

"Um...I-It was his charm." Rarity nervously stuttered as her face turned scarlet. "I really couldn't help myself. He's a hunk but I don't trust him as far as I could throw him."

"That...could be useful. Okay Rarity you're hired. Politics can be a filthy job but somepony's gotta do it."

"Gnarly!" Vinyl said." Okay Tavi, I'm gonna chill with these gals tonight. See you two love-birds around!"

With that, The two friends parted ways for the night. Vinyl went with Twilight's group to assign campaign rolls while Octavia and Caramel departed en route to his apartment to spend some time together and celebrate what they considered a first victory.

Shortly after leaving the town office building, Octavia and Caramel soon reached the complex where he resided. Having never seen her coltfriend's apartment before the two trotted up the flights of stairs and entered his bachelor pad to be greeted with a completely spotless interior. Octavia was always one for cleanliness and finding that her coltfriend shared that same value with her just reinforced her respect for him even further.

"Nice place, darling." Octavia said.

"Thanks, babe." Caramel replied. So what do you wanna do? Wanna try that new game I got?"

"Actually hon, I'm more than content with just sitting down and talking. I just like...I-I like just hearing your voice and...seeing your face."

"Th-that sounds great, baby. Oh! I almost forgot! I got something I've been saving for a time like this! Just make yourself at home and I'll go get it."

The nervous young stallion then went to the kitchen and soon returned with a very fancy bottle of wine, two glasses and a pack of Manehattan Gold Cigarettes, both items on the more expensive side. The two young lovers then talked over a couple glasses and a few cigarettes for nearly an hour. Having taken their time with the drink, neither of them felt very tipsy and were still completely and fully aware of their surroundings.

At last the bottle was finished and the ashtray full of butts as Octavia and Caramel found themselves with nothing to do but stare into each other's eyes. Soon, the blushing ponies could no longer contain themselves as they both lunged at each other firmly pressing their lips together for another make-out session much like before. After a few minutes of this however, Caramel finally gathered the courage to make the move that changed everything.

As the two lovers continued to kiss, Caramel gently placed his hoof on Octavia's shoulder and very slowly pushed off one of the straps that held on her dress. Despite the heated passion of their current activity, Octavia noticed but made no attempt to resist. She was with a stallion that she was comfortable with. A stallion that she trusted, respected and was growing to love and she knew the feeling was mutual. Finally the two broke the kiss, their breathing becoming more and more heavy by the second.

"Octavia?" Caramel said.

"Yes, Caramel?" Octavia replied.

"Do you think you'd wanna...uh, t-t-take this s-somewhere more comfortable? Like, say...m-my b-bedroom?"

"Lead the way, you big, strong, sexy beast."