• Published 13th Aug 2014
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Clusterbuck to City Hall - Caddy Finz

It's summer of 1987 and Mayor Mare decides not to run for a fifth term. With some drunken encouragement from Vinyl Scratch, Octavia stands up to challenge Filthy Rich to keep her new hometown from being sold out to corrupt big business.

  • ...

Chapter 15: Tavi on the Telle

"So it's come to this..." Octavia said as she, Vinyl, Twilight and the rest of her friends sat at a table in the library.

Rarity had successfully completed her task of finding proof of immoral behavior on Filthy Rich's part the previous day. The findings were now transferred to a video cassette tape and several photographs and were all being carefully studied by the group. The only piece of information that was really worth using was the footage of Filthy rudely dismissing his daughter from the room and a few photographs of the filly shedding several tears outside of the house while Rarity took her leave.

"I never thought I would be dragging somepony's reputation through the mud like this..." Octavia said wistfully. "I almost feel like I've lost my soul but...that poor little filly..."

"And that's exactly why we need to broadcast this for the entire town to see." Vinyl reassured. "It's a dirty job but somepony's gotta do it."

"I feel even dirtier than I did before." Rarity said with a clear feeling of guilt. "But if it sheds light on these things, then I dare say some good has come from it."

"A'int no goin' back now." Applejack replied. "Twi and Vinyl already got a crew fer the picture show set up and ready ta shoot this here thing."

"Oh! Applejack, I almost forgot! I've a mechanical question for you."

"Sure thing, sugarcube. Somethin' up with yer car?"

"Well, is it normal for the phrase 'mission complete' to appear on the dash board and my radio turn on out of the blue for about three seconds? It happened as soon as I pulled out of Filthy's driveway."

"Nothin' ah've ever known a ride ta do but somepony oughtta make a video game like that."

"That's weird." Pinkie said. "My Geode Rural did the same thing last week! Except it happened when I ran into a cop car...and it said 'mission failed, you attracted police attention' on the dash board."

"Pinkie, what's wrong with you?" Octavia asked. "The town knows you work with me."

"Yeah, like your own coltfriend would rat on you."

"Well, we're lucky it was him that you hit then...Celestia, I miss him. We've all been so busy lately that him and I haven't been able to spend much time together."

Later That Day...

"How about that script, Tavi?" Vinyl inquired as the lot prepared for filming their own campaign commercial. "Think you've got it down?"

"I think so, Vinyl." Octavia replied. "So how do I look?"

"Like a real Joe pro! Okay camera guy, let's do it to it! Take your places everypony! Here we go in three, two, one, action!"

"Good morning, my fellow Ponyvillians." Octavia's commercial was now finished and publicly televised as her and Caramel had finally made time for each other and watch her latest success together. "I understand that Some of you, including Mr. Filthy Rich are concerned about my abilities to run this town and steer it in the right direction. Well my friends, I'm here to assure you that as a mare who cares so deeply for this community, I am up for the challenge. Yes, I admit that I am a mere twenty-four years old but I would also like to remind you that Miss Mare who happens to be a good friend of mine began her career at age twenty-one. As for Mr. Rich...I believe there is something else he should be spending his time doing."

"Ooh Caramel, it's getting to the good part!" Octavia squeed out of excitement.

"'No butts. Now go out and play in the garden or something.' The recording of Filthy neglecting his daughter, along with the footage and photographs of her crying tears of loneliness was now plastered on every television screen in town for everypony to see. "Ponyville, if Filthy won't so much as spend a minute of quality time with his own foal..." Octavia continued on her commercial. "...then he obviously doesn't have the time to spend countless hours on this town. Mr. Rich, for your daughter's sake, please get your priorities straight. I'm Octavia and I approve this message."

"Octavia, that was so totally gnarly!" Caramel exclaimed. "Way to show that chump!"

"Thanks, bohunk." Octavia replied. "So how about that new attitude, huh?"

"Your new attitude? You really wanna know how I feel about it?"

"But of course."

Without any forewarning, Caramel firmly pressed his lips against those of his marefriend, showing how he liked her new behavior as of late. The two lovers had been doing their own separate things for far too long and could not bear to not be in each other's hooves for a moment longer. Finally, after several minutes, they broke the kiss and parted as they gasped for breath in the heat of the moment.

"Octavia, baby?" Caramel said as he stared longingly into his marefriend's eyes.

"Yes, my big, strong hunk of a stallion?" Octavia replied with a sultry look in her eyes.

"Shall I take you to bed, milady?"

"Caramel, we have got to start doing this more often!" Octavia said as the two lovers each lay next to each other, both enjoying a cigarette.

"Whew! I'll say!" Caramel agreed as he wiped a bead of sweat from his brow.

"Now I know why Vinyl liked doing this so much."

"Oh hey, about her. She's been acting a bit...well...different lately. Like she seems a bit stressed out and edgy. Usually, she's all chill and laid back. What gives?"

"Oh, well now that you mention it, she has been working very hard with my campaign and she still works full time at the record store. So between the two I'd say she's...wait...that's not even...why, dear Celestia, she's been working over one hundred hours per week!"

"Yikes. Octavia, I think she needs to take some time off. she could burn herself right out if she isn't careful."

"Yes, I'll be sure to tell her that. She's been especially edgy since she gave up sex. It's been over a month now."

"She gave it up? Wow, that's actually very...admirable. That certainly commands respect. But really though, what she needs more than anything is a day to relax. Maybe she should go to the spa or something."

"That's a great idea! Rarity is always raving about the one on Spark Avenue. Alright then, I'll talk to her about that first thing in the morning. Good night, dear."

"'Night, babe."

"Wow Vinyl, you're up quite early." Octavia said as she returned to the apartment after spending the night with her coltfriend.

"I'm up still, Tavi." Vinyl replied. "I've been doing some digging and making some calls too. I even had Pinkie and Rainbow Dash do some snooping and we think Filthy might be up to something real big."

Octavia was already slightly concerned for Vinyl as of late and the fact that she had stayed up the entire night, smoked Celestia knows how many cigarettes and drank enough coffee to wire up an entire hoofball team made her all the more worried. The table in the living room was littered with papers, notebooks, pens, empty coffee mugs and an ashtray filled to the top with butts.

"Well Vinyl, there is actually something I wanted to talk to you about." Octavia said.

"What's the four-one-one, Tavi?" Vinyl replied.

"I'm not going to sugar coat this. You're over working yourself, you're sleep deprived, you've gone up to nearly two packs a day and the amount of coffee you've been drinking lately just isn't healthy. I'm worried about you, Vi-"

"And since when is that any of your Celestia damn business, anyway?!"

"What the fu- See?! That's exactly what I'm talking about! If you had gotten some sleep last night, you wouldn't be in a mood like that!"

"Hey! I'm doing all of this for you, Octavia!" Vinyl then rose from her chair and began aggressively poking Octavia in the chest, the look in her tired, bloodshot eyes showing that the ticking time bomb she was would soon go off. "Here you are just going on tv and getting in on all these gigs that I'm doing all the work finding for you! And to top that all off, I'm working fifty fucking hours at the record store and I haven't been laid in a month! So you can just shut the fuck up and get off my Celestia damn case already! You ungrateful fucking...bitch!"

"Vinyl...Please...this isn't you. You're scaring me. I know you don't mean that but I'm begging you Vinyl, please calm yourself before you end up keeling ov-"

"Calm Myself?! Fucking calm myself?! And just how in the fuck do you expect me to...*pant*...you know what, why don't you just...*gasp*...hnngg! Ahh, my chest! Gahhh!"

"Vinyl! Oh Sweet Luna's flank, No!"

"Nearby units, come in." Said a stallion on the cb radio in Fluttershy's Ambulance. "Medical evacuation needed at 269 East Breezie Drive...victim is a twenty four year old unicorn female...complaints of severe chest pains and labored breathing...uhh, possible heart attack. Units attending to code three, identify."

Knowing that it was Octavia and Vinyl's address, Fluttershy immediately picked up the microphone and began the race against time. "Engine thirty-four responding!" Fluttershy said as she switched on the siren.

"Roger that, thirty-four. Update on that heart attack call...be advised, victim is unconscious! Repeat! The victim is now unconscious!"

"Hang in there, Vinyl! I'm on my way!"