• Published 13th Aug 2014
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CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS FOREVER! YAY!: A TwiMacVerse Story - ThatBronyWithTheClipOns

Side story of the Cutie Mark Crusaders in the TwiMacVerse, as they attempt to earn their cutie marks and see just how strong their friendship really is.

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Chapter 1: It All Started at a Cute-ceañera

Every pony has a cutie mark. It's the mark on both sides the flank that represents what a pony is best at; their special talent if you will. But no pony starts out with a cutie mark, first they have to know what they're best at. Soon as a pony knows their special talent, the cutie mark magically appears. No cutie mark is the same, they may represent a similar talent or ability, but no two look the same and it perfectly represents the one who bares it. Those that don't have one yet are often known as "blank flanks." And while every pony gets their cutie mark, they don't get them at the same time. This can often lead to some ponies feeling self conscious; and some other ponies make take advantage of this and pick on them for it.

Such was the case of a young filly named Ambrosia Bloom Apple; though she was better known as Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom was born and raised in the small town of Ponyville, in the magical land of Equestria. She lived on the farm Sweet Apple Acres, with his older brother, Macintosh Chelmsford Apple (AKA Big Macintosh), her older sister (and middle child) Janaluska Apple (AKA Applejack; and don't you dare ever call her by her given name if you know what's good for you) and her grandmother, Granny Smith. Like all fillies in Ponyville, Apple Bloom attended Ponyville Elementary, taught by Miss Cheeralee, the best teacher in the whole wide world! (According to her students that is). Apple Bloom was a decent student and had a likable personality. But unfortunately, due to her lack of cutie mark, she was the target of bullying from wealthy brat Diamond Tiara and her best friend/lackey Silver Spoon. The two loved nothing more than reminding Apple Bloom that she was a blank flank. Diamond Tiara even invited Apple Bloom to her Cute Senyera (a party to celebrate getting your cutie mark) in hopes she'd be humiliated.

Days before the party, the youngest Apple sibling did all she could to earn her cutie mark. She tried hang gliding, martial arts, dancing, roller derby, baking, and a whole mess of other things, but nothing seemed to work. She even tried to get Twilight Sparkle (top student of Princess Celestia, ruler of Canterlot) to use magic on her. But a cutie mark can't be forced. So out of desperation, the little yellow filly tried pretending that she had earned her cutie mark; wearing a skirt to cover her flank. Of course she got discovered, and Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon thought they'd gotten the upper hoof in humiliating the sweet filly.

But then two other fillies, also blank flanks, came to her defense! One a cute white filly unicorn with a purple and pink mane called Sweetie Belle (younger sister of local fashionista, Rarity, owner of the Carousel Boutique). The other was a cute and spunky orange pegasus with a purple mane called Scootaloo (she was also the biggest fan of resident best flier Rainbow Dash). The two said that Apple Bloom was full of potential by not having discovered her special talent; and that she could be anything, maybe even mayor of Ponyville some day. Even Twilight Sparkle gave them encouragement of having their futures ahead of them. Once the commotion had died down, the three fillies sat together and decided to make their own special club to help each other discover their special talents. On that day, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were born!

The three were inseparable, hanging out nearly every day and trying everything they could to earn their cutie marks. Some plans were simple enough, dancing, playing sports, and such. But others got a bit out of hoof, such as rock climbing, stunt performing, animal wrangling, or mixing chemicals together that shouldn't be (some of the stains in the science lab still won't come off). But despite all the failures, they stuck by each other and were there to lift the other's spirits if they ever started to doubt themselves. But it's still not always easy when you've tried so many ways to earn a cutie mark.

Author's Note:

While this is information we all know, it seemed appropriate to start off with what a cutie mark was and how the CMC met each other. So in a ways it's more a prologue, but whatever. I'm going to go with this story takes place during The Apple of My Bulls Eye and a little bit after that. OC characters from those stories will be referenced, so I highly recommend reading those stories before this one.