• Published 13th Aug 2014
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CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS FOREVER! YAY!: A TwiMacVerse Story - ThatBronyWithTheClipOns

Side story of the Cutie Mark Crusaders in the TwiMacVerse, as they attempt to earn their cutie marks and see just how strong their friendship really is.

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Chapter 13: Double Celebration

Once word got to Pinkie Pie about Apple Bloom getting her cutie mark, the party pony took no time setting up a cute-ceañera for the little sister of one of her bestest friends in the whole wide world. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo helped design the banner.


Everyone in Apple Bloom’s class was invited to her special event, including the always antagonistic Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Applejack even managed to get Apple Bloom’s favorite cousin, Babs Seed, to pay a visit from Manehattan.

“Babs! It’s so great to see ya!” exclaimed Apple Bloom, as she embraced her cousin.

“Great ta see ya too, cuz!” exclaimed Babs, returning the embrace. “So excited ta hear ya got yer cutie mark! Here’s hopin the rest of us get ours soon.”

“Ah’m sure it’ll happen!” said Apple Bloom. “Anypony in your Cutie Mark Crusaders branch have their cutie marks yet?”

“Nah, but not for lack of tryin,” sighed Babs.

“She’s an apprentice to a construction pony!” exclaimed Sweetie Belle.

“Although, that means she won’t be able to help us out as much with our own crusading,” frowned Scootaloo.

“Oh yeah,” thought Sweetie Belle.

“Hey now, no thinkin like that girls,” said Apple Bloom. “Ah’ll do mah very best to help ya’ll out in yer crusading. Ah won’t be workin every single day. Ah still got school after all, we can crusade during lunch!”

These words brought a lot of comfort to her two closest friends, and they once again shared a friendship embrace.

“How come you all haven’t gotten anymore members?” asked Babs. “There are other blank flanks in yer class, aren’t there?”

“Well, not as many as you’d think,” said Scootaloo. “We seem to be among the last ones who haven’t gotten a cutie mark.”

“Then look for other ponies in grades below ya,” suggested Babs.

“Ah spose we could do that,” said Apple Bloom.

“Sounds good to me!” exclaimed Sweetie Belle.

“Right on!” exclaimed Scootaloo.

“CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS NEW RECRUITERS!” they all shouted together. “YAY!”

Just then, they were approached by Apple Bloom’s old friend, Twist. The bespectacled earth filly had earned her cutie mark not long before Apple Bloom first made friends with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. The two hadn’t had a falling out or anything, it’s just that Apple Bloom became very busy crusading that she and Twist never really got talk as much anymore.

“Hey, Apple Bloom,” greeted Twist.

“Hey there, Twist,” replied Apple Bloom. “This here’s mah cousin, Babs Seed, from Manehattan. And ya already know Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, right?”

“Oh thure,” said Twist, still talking with a lisp. “I’ve theen them around thcool lots of times.”

“How’ve ya been?” asked Apple Bloom.

“Doing great,” said Twist. “I wanted to come and congratulate you on earning your cutie mark. I remember you were really eager to get one.”

“Yeah,” chuckled Apple Bloom, now blushing. “Ah spose ah was. Sorry ah haven’t really hung out with ya since formin the Cutie Mark Crusaders.”

“Oh, don’t be thorry about that,” said Twist. “I’ve made more friends thince then.”

“That’s great ta hear,” said Apple Bloom.

They were then approached by their worst enemies, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

“Well well well, I had to see it for myself!” exclaimed the spoiled filly. “The little blank flank finally got her cutie mark!”

“What’s it to ya, Diamond Tiara?” asked Apple Bloom defensively.

“Just wondering what you’re still doing hanging around these still blank flanks,” she scoffed.

“And what the hay do ya care who she hangs out with!?” barked Babs. “Aint none of yer all’s business!”

“Whatever,” Diamond Tiara said rolling her eyes. “It’s not like she has an attractive cutie mark anyway.”

“And what exactly does yours even mean?” Babs retorted. “That you can wear some silly piece of head jewelry? At least Apple Bloom’s means she can build things from nothin.”

“And Twist is able ta make candies and other confections,” Apple Bloom pointed out.

“So, what exactly can you and Silver Spoon do?” asked Scootaloo defensively.

The two snobby ponies were at a loss for words, and rather than answering the Cutie Mark Crusaders just walked away with their heads up in the air.

“Ha, showed them,” said Babs.

“Thome things never change,” said Twist.

“Ya sure said it,” Apple Bloom agreed.

“That was amazing!” exclaimed a filly.

“Huh? Who said that?” asked Apple Bloom.

The all turned around and saw two unicorn fillies. One had a light, grayish violet coat and light goldish gray mane. The other had a pale rose coat and moderate rose mane.

“Hi there,” greeted the violet filly. “I’m Dinky Hooves, and this is Berry Pinch.”

“We’re a grade below,” said Berry Pinch. “And we were wondering…if um…we could…”

“Become Cutie Mark Crusaders?” Dinky finished.

“But, we’ve seen ya’ll around town with cutie marks,” said Apple Bloom.

“I recall one of you having a pillow cutie mark,” thought Sweetie Belle. “Or was it a couple dolphins?”

“I thought one of them had jewels?” thought Scootaloo. “Or was it a horse shoe?”

“We were…actually faking,” blushed Dinky.

“We painted those cutie marks ourselves,” finished Berry Pinch, also blushing. “Mostly using stencils.”

“How come we never thought to do that?” asked Scootaloo.

“Not sure,” said Apple Bloom. “Ah didn’t know there were kids below us gettin cutie marks in the first place.”

“It’s not too uncommon,” said Dinky. “There are more blank flanks for sure in our class.”

“But, we see you guys around town all the time, doing some really cool things!” exclaimed Berry Pinch. “And wondered if we could be part of that?”

The Cutie Mark Crusaders huddled with each other to have a private discussion.

“We did just say we were needin new members,” thought Apple Bloom.

“And they seem ta have real spunk,” Babs pointed out.

“Maybe they can even use some unicorn magic to help us out,” said Scootaloo.

“I really like their manes,” said Sweetie Belle.

The rest of the Crusaders gave the white unicorn a confused look.

“What?” she asked defensively.

They brought their attention back to the potential new Crusaders.

“Welcome aboard!” exclaimed Apple Bloom.

“You mean it?!” Dinky and Berry said in unison.

“Course we do,” said Apple Bloom. “The Cutie Mark Crusaders are always willin to have new members.”

“We just don’t get asked too often,” said Scootaloo.

“Probably because most of the kids in our class have their cutie marks now,” said Sweetie Belle.

“Soon as we’re able, we’ll get ya both fitted with an official Cutie Mark Crusaders cape!” exclaimed Apple Bloom.

“And we’ll have a ceremony for you too!” said Sweetie Belle.

“WOW!” Dinky and Berry joyfully exclaimed.

Later at the Cutie Mark Crusaders Clubhouse, the current Crusaders held a ceremony for their new inductees. Apple Bloom, being the first to gain her cutie mark, read the induction speech.

“We, the Cutie Mark Crusaders,” she began. “Elect Dinky Hooves and Berry Pinch as a sister, friend, confidaynte, alley, boss-om buddy, gal pal, compadre, chum of chums, home girl, amgia…Ah thought we were gonna revise this thing?”

“Scootaloo originally wrote it,” Sweetie Belle pointed out.

“I haven’t exactly had the time, what with all of the crusading,” retorted Scootaloo.

“How bout we just forget about the speech,” suggested Babs.

“Good idea,” agreed Apple Bloom. “Long story short, ya’ll are now official members of the Cutie Mark Crusaders! As such, ya’ll do yer best to help other fellow Crusaders earn their cutie marks, along with yer own. And senior members, such as mahself, will continue to help out the members that are still tryin to get their cutie marks. That all make sense to ya?”

Dinky and Berry looked at each other with their eyebrows arched, then back at the fellow Crusaders.

“Sure!” exclaimed Dinky.

“We get it!” finished Berry Pinch.

“Then me and mah fellow sisters, compadres, and all that other stuff,” continued Apple Bloom. “Hereby welcome you into the Cutie Mark Crusaders with these official Cutie Mark Crusader capes!”

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo then draped their new members with newly made Cutie Mark Crusaders capes. Dinky and Berry were grinning ear to ear, while the others were brimming with pride as their club had expanded. They all then gave each other a group high hoof.

“NEW CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!” they all shouted. “YAY!”

Author's Note:

Once again, I had to link some things together, but after this it's all new material.