• Published 13th Aug 2014
  • 1,197 Views, 44 Comments

CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS FOREVER! YAY!: A TwiMacVerse Story - ThatBronyWithTheClipOns

Side story of the Cutie Mark Crusaders in the TwiMacVerse, as they attempt to earn their cutie marks and see just how strong their friendship really is.

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Chapter 17: Leap and Let Nature Take Its Course

It was safe to assume Rainbow Dash was in a panic.

"Holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit!" she yelled to herself as she flew around town looking for high clouds. She went flying to Sweet Apple Acres to see if Applejack had seen her.

"APPLEJACK!" she screamed as loud as possible.

"Oh, hey Dash," Applejack replied calmly but confused. "What brings ya to the farm?"


"Whoa now! Calm yerself, sugar cube! Sorry to tell ya but no Apple Bloom ain't here at the moment. What the hay has got ya so wound up?"

The rainbow maned mare took some time to properly calm herself down.

"Ok...ok...I think I'm ok now..." before she could finish, she threw up and passed out.

The orange farm poney facehoofed and rolled her eyes. She thought to herself that she should be used to all these emotional freak outs by now...but no.

"Big Mac!" she hollered for her big brother. "Need yer help gettin' Rainbow Dash into the house!

Rainbow Dash slowly opened her eyes, confused to find herself in the Apple residence. Applejack, Big Macintosh, Granny Smith, and Mal were all around her.

"Ok now, Rainbow Dash," began Applejack. "Ah understand that yer in some kind of emotional distress. But we'd all appreciate it if ya'd stay calm and please explain yerself."

The cerulean mare took a deep breath.

"Ok, ok," sighed Rainbow Dash. "Scootaloo left me a letter, and a passage from one of her books to read. She and her friends are helping her earn her cutie mark..."

"That's it?" interrupted Applejack. "That's an everyday occurrence fer those three."

"Let me finish!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash. "Scootaloo plans to learn the old fashioned way!"

There was a bit of a pause, Rainbow Dash was expecting a more dramatic reaction.

"What exactly is the old fashion way?" asked Applejack.

"Well, if ah'm thinkin the right thing," Granny Smith chimed in. "That would be pushin' the little filly out of a high cloud and lettin' nature take its course."

"WHAT!?" the Apple Siblings and Mal shouted in unison.

"That's exactly what I said!" shouted Rainbow Dash.

"Ya can't teach a filly that way!" exclaimed Applejack.

"Well, no shit you can't!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash. "I didn't even know pegasai did shit like that!"

"But, yer a pegasus," Mal pointed out. "Flight school doesn't teach ya'll that sorta thing?"

"I never paid attention in any class other than flight class!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash. "Wait, why the buck am I arguing this!? We gotta find those three now!"

"Why didn't ya look up in the skies?" asked Applejack. "First place ah'd look."

"Holy shit, you're right!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash. "I've been freaking out so hard that didn't even occur to me!"

The cerulean mare went flying out of the Apple house...through the roof.

"Door was right there!" shouted Applejack.

"She can't hear ya at this point, ya know?" Big Macintosh pointed out.

"Ah know!" she said. "It's just super annoyin!"

Rainbow Dash flew up as high she knew a cloud could go and began scanning the area.

"Of all days, why did the weather team not clear out the clouds!?"

Suddenly, she saw a hot air balloon floating through a cloud, in it were definitely the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

"What do you three think you're doing!?" shouted Rainbow Dash, making her way to their location. "You're in so much trouble I don't even know what it's gonna be!"

Rainbow Dash landed in the basket of the balloon, getting ready to confront Scootaloo and her friends.

"Do you have anything to say for yourselves!?" she yelled, though clearly distressed.

"Yeah..." began Scootaloo, with reluctance in her voice. "Now!"

The three friends closed their eyes. Sweetie Belle let out a bright flash of light, blinding Rainbow Dash long enough for the three fillies to gang up on the rainbow maned mare and tie her up.

"Hey! No! Stop!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash as they finished strapping her down securely.

Her vision finally returned to normal, she saw Scootaloo standing at the edge of the cloud.

"Scootaloo!" shouted Rainbow Dash. "What do you think you're doing!?"

"This is my only chance, Rainbow Dash," began Scootaloo. "I've tried everything else in those books Bookworm had me look at. I've tried all the techniques you taught me. None of them did anything. I've wanted this for as long as I can possibly remember."

"You're not the only pegasus to have trouble flying!" shouted Rainbow Dash. "But this is crazy! This will kill you! Why do you think they stopped teaching this way!? And how can you two just let her go through with this!?"

"Don't ya dare thing this was easy for us" said Apple Bloom, trying to hold back tears. "We think it's a crazy thing to do too."

"But we made a promise," said Sweetie Belle, beginning to tear up. "And Scoots has done all she can to help us earn our cutie marks."

"We're also really sorry fer tyin' ya up," said Apple Bloom. "But Scootaloo knew you'd try to stop her. There ain't nopony who knows we're up here. She's got no safety nets."

"Scootaloo! Please!" shouted Rainbow Dash, tearing up like crazy. "Don't do this! For the love of Celestia, don't do this! We'll find some other way! I can't lose you!"

"I'm sorry, Rainbow Dash," said Scootaloo, also tearing up. "But I've gotta do this."

The little orange pegasus walked backwards a couple steps, ran forward and leaped into the air.


Author's Note:

I hope people like this chapter and that I've built up enough tension.