• Published 13th Aug 2014
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CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS FOREVER! YAY!: A TwiMacVerse Story - ThatBronyWithTheClipOns

Side story of the Cutie Mark Crusaders in the TwiMacVerse, as they attempt to earn their cutie marks and see just how strong their friendship really is.

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Chapter 15: The Big Show

The day of the talent show finally arrived. Needless to say, Sweetie Belle was freaking out.

"Oh sweet Celestia! I can't do this!" exclaimed the little white unicorn. "I'm going to completely humiliate myself! Everypony is going to laugh at me! Spike will break up with me! I'll never get my cutie mark!"

"Snap out of it, Sweets!" exclaimed Scootaloo, smacking her friend across the face.


"That's what ponies do all the time in stories when someponie's freaking out."

"Yeah, well this isn't some bucking story, Scoot!"

"Ya'll knock it off!" shouted Apple Bloom, setting up the lighting fixtures. "And watch yer mouths! Ya wanna get disqualified fer your fowl mouth? Ah thought only Scootaloo was influenced by Rainbow Dash's mouth."

"Well, I hear Scootaloo curse enough that it kind of rubs off," explained Sweetie Belle.

"You're gonna blame me!?

"Rarity sure as hay doesn't talk that way!"

"Enough already!" exclaimed Apple Bloom. "We gotta get ourselves ready. If this don't get you yer cutie mark, ah reckon nothin will."

"Thanks for making me feel more relaxed," Sweetie Belle sarcastically replied.

"Ah ain't serious, Sweets. Ah know fer sure this'll get you yer cutie mark. Nopony in class can sing like you can."

Meanwhile, out on the stage, the other students were performing their acts while Miss Cheerilee announced.

"Let's give a hoof for Snips and Snails!" she exclaimed.

Snips and Snails, the resident class bumblers, attempting an escape trick, but things didn't exactly go as planned. Snips strapped Snails into a straight jacket and chained him into a water tank. Unfortunately, neither were able to get the glass to break on the first attempt and everypony just figured it was part of the show. That is until Snips started moving all together, ponies in the audience began to panic when finally Snails managed to crack the glass and Snips came pouring out with the water. He spat out what looked to be a gallon of water, but despite the complete failure the two shouted "TA DA!" and took a bow. Everypony took pity on them and applauded, just glad that they were both ok. Miss Cheerilee came back to the stage, a bit dumbfounded by what she just saw.

"Well..." she began with some pause. "That was certainly...unique...and daring. Up next, give a round of applause for Twist!"

Next came Twist, who within a mere couple minutes coated various chocolate balls with various frosting, juggled them about, and flung them into the mouths of the audience. The crowd went crazy with this act.

"That was certainly a treat for all!" exclaimed Miss Cheerilee. "We've got some great acts this year!"

Backstage, Sweetie Belle was still nervous.

"This was a mistake! I can't do this!"

"Would you please just relax," grumbled Scootaloo. "It's too late to get out of this."

"I could break a leg," exclaimed Sweetie Belle. "That'll get me out of this!"

"You are not breaking your leg, Sweets."

Sweetie Belle levitated a nearby hammer and aimed it at her leg.

"Try and stop me!"

Scootaloo darted right at her and the two began to scuffle.

"Are ya'll nuts!?" exclaimed Apple Bloom, breaking her two friends apart. "Yer gonna ruin her costume!"

"That's what you're worried about!?" exclaimed Scootaloo. "She's trying to break her own leg!"

"Trying nothing!" shouted Sweetie Belle. "I'm gonna do it!"

"Need any help?" asked Spike, appearing back stage.

"Yeah, get them two to stop fighting" exclaimed Apple Bloom.

"Ok, you guys, what's the problem?" asked Spike.

"Sweetie Belle's lost her bucking mind! She's trying to break her own leg with a hammer!"

"Aw come on now, Scoot, Sweetie Belle wouldn't do that. Would you, Sweets?"

Spike's special somepony dropped her head and twirled a hoof.

"Jeez, I'm never gonna escape crazy," sighed Spike also face palming. If he had a bit for every time Twilight or her friends went nuts, he'd be richer than Princess Celestia. Still, he kept his composure and let out a relaxed sigh. "Scootaloo, give me a moment alone with Sweetie Belle."

"Ok, but I'm taking the hammer with me!"

Spike and Sweetie Belle took a seat, the purple dragon began stroking his special someponie's mane.

"Come on now," said Spike. "What's the problem?"

"You know what the problem is," said Sweetie Belle. "I've never sung in front of a large crowd! I'll barely sing in front of little crowds! What if I Mess up!? What if I choke!? What if I fall on my own hooves and smash face first into the stage or the audience!? What if..."

Before Sweetie Belle could finish her rant, Spike planted a kiss on her, this managed to calm her down some.

"Listen, Sweetie," said Spike. "You're an amazing singer. Nopony in town can sing like you. I bet nopony period can sing like you! But, if you don't want to do this, that's your choice."

"You won't be disappointed in me?" Sweetie Belle asked timidly.

"I could never be disappointed in you!" exclaimed Spike, giving her a big hug. You're my special somepony, and that will never change!"

"I guess I'll go out there then," chuckled Sweetie Belle.

"I'll be in the front row watching," Spike replied with a proud smile.

"So are we ready to get this show going!?" exclaimed Scootaloo, interrupting the touching moment.

"You bet!" exclaimed Sweetie Belle. "Let's do this!"

Out on the stage, Miss Cheerilee announced the next act.

"Alright everypony," she began. "Our final act for the evening will be Sweetie Belle performing a song! With backing vocals from her classmates Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. You may know them all collectively as the Cutie Mark Crusaders!"

The ponies in the audience were not quite so enthusiastic about the announcement. Past shows had proven to be...interesting when those three decided to perform. The only audience members really showing any enthusiasm were the Apple Family, Rarity and her parents, Rainbow Dash and Bookworm, and of course Spike.

The lights on the stage went out, then a single spotlight shown on stage with Sweetie Belle standing there. Two more lights shown, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo appearing in each one. All were wearing sparkling red dresses, made by Rarity naturally. The music began to play.

Think (think) think (think) think (think)
Think (think) think (think) think (think)

You better think (think) think about what you're trying to do to me
Yeah, think (think, think), let your mind go, let yourself be free

Let's go back, let's go back, let's go way on way back when
I didn't even know you, you couldn't have been too much more than ten. (just a child)
I ain't no psychiatrist, I ain't no doctor with degrees
It don't take too much high IQ's to see what you're doing to me

You better think (think) think about what you're trying to do to me
Yeah, think (think, think), let your mind go, let yourself be free

Oh freedom (freedom), freedom (freedom), freedom, yeah freedom
Freedom (freedom), freedom (freedom), freedom, ooh freedom

There ain't nothing you could ask I could answer you but I won't (I won't)
I was gonna change, but I'm not, if you keep doing things I don't

You better think (think) think about what you're trying to do to me
Yeah, think (think, think), let your mind go, let yourself be free

People walking around everyday, playing games, taking scores
Trying to make other people lose their minds.
Well be careful, you're gonna lose yours.

Yeah, think (think) think about what you're trying to do to me
Yeah, think (think, think), let your mind go, let yourself be free

You need me (need me) and I need you (don't you know)
Without each other there ain't nothing we can do

Oh freedom (freedom), freedom (freedom), freedom, yeah freedom
Freedom (freedom), freedom (freedom), freedom, ooh freedom

There ain't nothing you could ask I could answer you but I won't (I won't)
I was gonna change, but I'm not, if you're doing things I don't

You better think (think) think about what you're trying to do to me
Yeah, think (think, think), let your mind go, let yourself be free

You need me (need me) and I need you (don't you know)
Without each other there ain't nothing we can do

(Think about - ah me, think about - ah me,
Think about - ah me, think about it)
(Think about - ah me, think about - ah me,
Think about - ah me, think about it)
(Think about - ah me, think about - ah me,
Think about - ah me, think about it)
(Think about - ah me, think about - ah me,
Think about - ah me, think about it)
You had better stop and think before you think, think!

The three friends stood there for a moment, panting from the number they'd just performed. Everypony was completely silent for what felt like forever; you could hear a pin drop.

"Shit," Scootaloo said under her breath, scared they'd messed up yet again.

The audience finally started to cheer loudly, whooping and hollering at the performance they'd just seen. The Cutie Mark Crusaders stood there in shock, not expecting such a positive reaction. Spike ran onto the stage and embraced Sweetie Belle affectionately.


"Well...I have been practicing," replied Sweetie belle, blushing brightly.

"LOOK!" shouted Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, pointing to Sweetie Belle's flank.

The little white unicorn looked, to her surprise was a pink heart with a musical note in the center. She began jumping around the stage in great excitement, her friends joining behind her.

"MY CUTIE MARK!" Sweetie Belle shouted in joy. "I FINALLY GOT MY CUTIE MARK!"

"YOU FINALLY GOT YOUR CUTIE MARK!" her friends joined in on the shouts of joy.

Once the cries of joy were done, the three headed backstage.

"Now it's my turn," said Scootaloo. "And you two aren't gonna back out of helping me, right?"

"We've helped each other out on everything else," said Apple Bloom. "Ah certainly ain't backing out. Even if ah think it's completely insane."

"No thinking to it," said Sweetie Belle. "It is completely insane. But, we made a promise that we'd help each other out no matter what."

The three put a front hoof in proclaiming their mission. "FINAL CUTIE MARK CRUSADER ADVENTURE! YAY!"

Author's Note:

Yes, Sweetie Belle's cutie mark doesn't match what's on the show, but this is an alternate timeline so I get to decide what it is. I felt it would help to have a link to an actual Michelle Creber performance to get the idea of what Sweetie Belle sounded like.