• Published 16th Aug 2014
  • 27,603 Views, 1,870 Comments

And Then There Were 10...Er...67 - Grey Ghost

A man winds up in Equestria with a working Omnitrix. Hilarity and craziness follow.

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Of Might And Courage part 3

“Ugh… I can’t believe you made me sleep out here in this forest,” Jason grumbled as he tried to crack his back into place.

“Hey, I told you to sleep on the ground and not in a tree. Keeps your back straight,” Gilgamesh replied as they both walked back to Ponyville.

“Yeah, yeah. Loki’s breath I hate camping.”

“Is that actually a saying?”

“No, no it’s not. When one's religion is practically dead one tends to just make up sayings on the fly.”

“Huh. I myself was raised Catholic, which is why I still swear to God. But that’s more out of habit than an actual belief in the faith. Which reminds me, why do you worship the Norse gods? By the sound of things it isn’t just because you’re trying to be ‘cool’ or ‘hipster’ or something like that, you actually seem to believe it.”

“Not at first. I had really religious parents and I just got sick of it. Out of spite I told them I was going to start worshipping Odin and well... despite the bad rep the vikings get, their gods were pretty cool, if rather brutal.”

“I’ll be honest, I never did too much study about the Norse gods, but from what I learned they at least sounded better than the Greek gods. At the very least they seemed less likely to throw hissy-fits and act like children.”

“Dude, Poseidon straight up raped Medusa and they decided to punish her for it,” he said, shaking his head. “There is a singular reason why I really started to believe.”

“Actually, if I remember correctly, she was punished because they did it in one of Athena’s temples. And since Athena couldn’t punish Poseidon, she punished Medusa instead. Anyway, what happened to make you believe?”

“Promise you won’t think I’m crazy?”

“Dude, we’re both humans that got warped to two alternate versions of magical pony lands due to items given to us from an eldritch abomination who was hanging out at a convention, I don’t think anything you could tell me could make me think you were crazy.”

“You got me there. Anyway, we were coming back from visiting family in Norway we we hit some turbulence. It seemed normal until I happened to glance out the window and saw an eight legged horse running up past the plane. I didn’t tell anyone for a long while, but no one really believed me.”

“... Ok, normally I would’ve called you crazy, but considering what I said before… did you really see… Sleipnir?”

“Honestly? I have no idea but it felt real. I don’t think I’ll ever really know either way.”

“Hm, I guess there are some things that we’ll always never… Wait…”

“What’s wrong?”

“How much of our fight do you remember? Do you remember the part when you started using your alien powers without transforming?”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“I thought so. After I told you I was going to go kill all the ponies to see how you’d react you somehow started doing a bunch of different alien powers while still human. You also just seemed to be in some berserk like trance, your eyes were all glazed over and everything. But before that… By Odin’s Ravens! Literally!

“Where was the Omnitrix?”

“On your chest.”

“Holy crap! I went ultimate!” he said, his eyes wide in shock.

“‘Ultimate’? Something else from the later series?”

“No, a future Ben did it. See, theres a version of the Omnitrix can evolve the aliens in it. One Ben figured out how to do it with just his base human form. Made him hyper intelligent and let his use the powers of his aliens without turning into them,”

“Whoa. Not bad. But, you had no idea how to do that, did you?”

“If I did, you think I’d be here, and not building cool stuff?”

“Point taken. Kid… I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I think you had a little divine intervention. Before you went all ‘Ultimate’, there were two ravens sitting on your shoulders.”

Jason went quiet, before starting to laugh. “Ha! Call me a heathen now mom! Who just got validation!?” He put his hands on his knees, having a full out laughing fit.

“Well, let’s not jump to conclusions. All we can so for sure is that those two ravens probably did something to you. But if they really were sent by the Allfather, then that means you really do have an old bearded man’s eye on you. Specifically since he only has one eye. And if Asgard exists, then that might mean it might not be the only afterlife out there… Oh boy, now I’m afraid Zeus is going to hit me with a thunderbolt because he slept on the wrong side of the bed.”

“Nah according to Ben, gods only exist in certain universes. I think the Greek gods live in his.” Jason explained waving off his companions worry with a hand gesture.

“Remind me to avoid it,” Gilgamesh said with a shiver. “I’ve fought and beaten the Princesses before, but I’m not so sure I want to try fighting an actual god... Actually, I maybe I do. I wonder what kinda guy Ares is?” he finished with a chuckle.

“Well there is this Faust the ponies keep talking about,” he said looking up at him. “Think she’s real?”

“Faust, huh? Well, none of the other versions of Equestria I’ve been to have mentioned anything about her, so maybe. I just hope that the ponies won’t go all ‘blasphemer’ on us just because we don’t worship her. Oh and speaking of ponies, where do you want to go? We could stop at Fluttershy’s on the way into town. Or maybe we should check in with Twilight? I’m sure the Apples would be thrilled to see you.”

“Lets stop with Fluttershy first, she’s my main source of meat so I make it a point to help her out.”

“Meat? What’s she give you?”

“Fish. I wouldn’t ask her to go beyond that.”

“... You know, I could get something a little more than that if you’re interested. Still probably nothing you’ve had before, though. Not with cows being able to talk and all. I don’t suppose you’ve ever had cragodile before?”

“No... cows can talk here?” he asked, looking at Gilgamesh blankly.

“And sheep. I do know that pigs and chickens are still animals. Not food though, and honestly I wouldn’t try to push that on the ponies. Natural fear of meat eaters and all. So tell me kid, want something a little more red? I promise I only eat things that try to eat me back, but it’s your call.”

“Lets do it, I hate fish,” he said, licking his lips. “You know I have no idea how to hunt right?”

“I’ll teach you if you want, but I’ll be honest, not everyone can stomach removing organs and all. I’ll also needs some supplies, a saucepan and some fishing wire. By the end of today we’ll be having a little reptilian jerky,” he replied rubbing his hands together, drool leaking from behind his faceguard.

“I can do that,” he said grinning. “Omnitrix, Fastrack,” he commanded. Instead of that, he turned into a draconequus. “Oh... I feel so... tingly,” he spoke with Christopher Walken’s voice.

“What the hell, you scanned Discord? Oh man, this this opens so many possibilities! Hell, you could probably just summon food!”

“You mean I can has cheezburger?”

“Pfft! Yeah, you can haz cheezburger alright! Though you’ll probably want to avoid eating it in front of the ponies. Anyway, thought of a name?”


“You know, for this form? I think it’s in the spirit of the show.”

“Oh! I think I’ll go with Hodgepodge,” he said, popping like a balloon and reappearing behind Gilgamesh. He leaned close, looking around. “Hail Hydra.”

“Ah, it’s great to hang out with someone who I can make references with. So, still want to check in with Fluttershy, or want to do something a little more fun?”

“Like what?”

“You’ve taken the form of this world’s version of Loki, what do you think?”

Jason cracked a wide smile, putting his fingers together. “Smithers, release the hounds.”

Spike yawned as he walked downstairs, rubbing at his eyes. He headed into the kitchen, preparing to make breakfast. He pulled on his apron and chef hat, climbing onto his stool. “Hmm... how about pancakes?” he asked himself.

“That sounds good,” Twilight called out as she opened up a book. The page she opened to had a picture of Celestia on it. The image of Celestia turned her head to Twilight, glaring.

“Close the damn door!”

Twilight shrieked, tossing the book away, her eyes wide. After taking a minute to recover, she moved gingerly toward the book and lifted it up. She opened it back up, sighing in relief when she saw the picture was normal again. “Note to self, don’t read so early in the morning.”

The alicorn heard a burp coming from the kitchen.

“Twilight, you got a letter from Celestia!”

“Coming!” she called, trotting down the stairs. “What does it say?”

“‘Dear Twilight Sparkle,’ … huh?”

“What is it, Spike?” she asked, seeing him turn the scroll in several different ways as if that would somehow help.

“I… I don’t know. I can’t read any of this. It looks like it was written by a two year old.”

“Spike! Don’t say that! Let me see!” she chided him while taking the scroll in her magical grasp, only to see what he meant. “...What is this?”

“Like I said, it looks like it was written by a two year old.”

“Well, let’s try and sound it out. Ahem. ‘Yew… awr... sofa king... we... tar... dad’. ‘Yew awr sofa king we tar dad… Oh, it sounds like it means ‘You are so fu-’ wait, what!?”

“Hey!” a loud voice cut in.

“Ugh now what?” Twilight asked with a groan. She looked around, not immediately seeing the source of the voice.


“Rainbow Dash! I know it’s you! just come out!”

“HEY! LISTEN! LISTEN! HEY!” the voice taunted, making Twilight grind her teeth.

“What!?!?!?” she demanded, to which the voice went quiet.

“Do a barrel roll!”

The alicorn let out a scream so loud it shook the entire library for several minutes.

“T-Twilight it’s Sombra!” Spike shouted, pointing at the stallion who had just appeared. Suddenly, a human came up from behind it.

“Nope, just Chuck Testa,” the human said before picking up the stuffed tyrant and vanishing into the kitchen.

“Twilight! Whats going on!?” Spike asked, honestly more than a little terrified.

“Somepony is just pranking us Spike, just ignore it.” Twilight said, grabbing her book again. She opened it up, only to stare dumbly as music started to play, while the image of a pink fluff ball of a pony ran along a rainbow.

“Oh Twilight!” the voice of Celestia sang out as she sauntered in, swaying her hips a bit.

“P-Princess Celestia!? W-When did you get here!?” Twilight practically screeched.

“Oh my, just look at this place. Twilight, I was expecting you to have the place ready for me,” the Princess said with a disappointed pout.

“I-I’m sorry! I was sure that I didn’t get any notice of-!”

“Oh don’t panic, Twilight, you can still make this up to me.”

Twilight sighed in relief. “Of course, Princess, whatever you need.”

“Suck my horn.”

“Of course, Prin- WHAT!?” she shouted, her face flushing pink.

“Come on Twilight, Big Sexy demands it!”

Spike just blushed, watching them, a whole lot of weird feelings going through him.

“Twilight.” Celestia said, shaking her head groaning. “I have a sickness and theres only one prescription,”


“More cowbell!” and with that, Celestia fell into a fit of giggles rolling around the floor.

“Umm...I’ll be in my room!” Spike shouted, covering up his front as he waddled upstairs.

“Oh I can’t take it!” Jason said falling from the ceiling, laughing his ass off as the Omnitrix started to time out. “Oh man, I think we messed Twilight’s head up so badly!”

“Aye! Twas very humorous!” ‘Celestia’ said, her disguise falling away to reveal Luna.

“OH GOD, I CAN HARDLY BREATHE!” came a deep voice from outside. Twilight turned to the window to see Gilgamesh laughing his head off. “Luna, I had no idea you were such a trickster!”

“Of course Sir Gilgamesh! I honed my skills pranking my sister in our younger days,” the lunar princess said, getting to her hooves.

“Heh, I wonder if my version of Luna is as much a trickster as well?”

“I a quite curious about this other version of me.”

“Have you all gone nuts!?” Twilight shouted, glaring at the three of them.

“Geez Twi, lighten up, it was just some pranks, though... you might want to go have a talk with Spike.” Jason said, picking himself off the floor.

“What? Why would I… oh,” she realized her face flushing pink. “No! This is your fault! He’s too young to know about this!”

“Isn’t he almost in his teens?” Gilgamesh asked.

“I have have noticed Spike’s dreams of Rarity have been getting... risque as of late.” Luna piped in.

“I’m getting the vibe that you’ve been putting off the ‘talk,’ Twilight,” Jason accused, poking her in the chest.

“I-I have not.”

“If you say so. Anyway, lets get going Gil, I’m starving,” Jason said, heading to the door.

“Yeah, and I’ll bet the Apples want to see you after you spent the night out in Everfree. I wouldn’t mind some famous Apple family cooking either. Oh, and Twi, tell Slash that I want to talk to him.”

“Um, ok. What for?”

“I want him to help coordinate Jason’s training.” He then turned to Luna. “Princess, always a pleasure,” he bowed before giving a wink.

“You flatter me as always, Gilgamesh.” she said with a smile. “Farewell everypony.” she said walking out of the library and flying off.

“Well, seeya later Twi!” Jason called, leaving the alicorn to deal with a very confused Spike.


“So...what do you want to do now?” Jason asked, watching as the train departed the station. The girls, and most of the pegasi in Ponyville, were headed off to some place called Rainbow Falls to try out for the Equestria Games.

“I say we get some training in. I can’t think of a spot to do it though, aside from all the way out in the Everfree where we fought before,” Gilgamesh said. “Slash, do you have any suggestions?”

“I thought I told you not to call me that in public!” the disguised changeling hissed back.

“Yeah Gil, he’s Air Razor now,” Jason reminded him. He blinked, spotting a strange creature flying around. “What is that?”

“That would be a griffon,” Air Razor explained. “We occasionally get visits from them from across the sea. I would’ve thought Princess Twilight would’ve told you about them.”

“Well excuse me for never actually having seen one,” Jason said, crossing his arms. “I’m gonna go scan it.”

“Jason, we’re supposed to be training you, not following whatever distraction that catches your eye.” Air Razor scolded.

“Oh, c’mon! When am I gonna get another chance like this?” he complained.

“Fine, go on ahead,” Gilgamesh said.


“Don’t worry, we’ll work him extra hard as punishment for not staying focused,” he whispered.

“What?” Jason asked.


Jason rolled his eyes, moving toward the griffon, who was circling Rainbow Dash’s house. “Yo! Flying cat! Come down here!” he shouted up, watching the griffon.

The griffon screeched and dove at him, landing with its wings spread out. “Who are you calling a flying cat?” she, judging by her voice, asked, glaring daggers at him.

“Woah, just calm down. I was going to tell you that if you’re looking for Dash, you just missed her. She went to go try out for the Equestria Games.”

The griffon seemed to deflate, sighing a bit. “Just my luck.”

“Hey theres no need to be like that. Name’s Jason, Ponyville’s resident alien and honorary member of the Apple Clan,” he introduced himself, holding his hand out to her.

“I’m Gilda,” the griffon said, staring at his hand for a moment before shaking it.

“Uncatalogued DNA detected,” the Omnitrix chirped, scanning the griffon. She squeaked, tackling him to the ground.

“What did you just do dweeb!?”

“Um... I scanned your DNA and I can transform into a griffon now?” Jason replied hesitantly.

She just stared at him, getting off him. “Great another crazy... whatever you are.”

“I’m not crazy,” he said, frowning as he got to his feet. “Here,” he popped up the dial of the Omnitrix. “Go a head and push this down.” She looked at it hesitantly before pushing the dial down.

“Cannonbolt!” Jason shouted, now in the form of a large white creature, it;s arms and back covered in yellow armor plating.

Gilda just stared briefly before recovering. “Thats pretty cool for a dweeb.”

“I am not a dweeb,” Jason argued, crossing his arms, glaring at her.

“Ok break it up. Now that you’ve got your griffon scan, it’s time for some training,” Air Razor said, cutting in.

“Yeah yeah, lets go,”

“Wait!” Gilda said, jumping in front of Jason. “I um... can you take a message to Dash from me?”

“Depends. What is it?”

“Well I um...” the griffon started, stumbling over her words.

“We don’t have time for this, just spit it out!” Air Razor shouted.

Gilda took in a breath, sighing. “Just tell Dash I’m sorry,” she said, then took off into the sky.

“I will!” Jason shouted after her. “Well, lets get going,” he said and curled up into an armored sphere.

“What? Thats all that one can do?” Air Razor asked, sounding disappointed.

“What do you mean?” Gilgamesh asked.

“It just curls into a ball.” Air Razor pointed out.” Thats not very impressive.”

“Heh. Sometimes the simplest powers can be unexpectedly effective,” he replied with a smirk. “Isn’t that right kid?”

Jason started to spin in response, shooting forward, racing into the forest.

“I guess you were right.” Air Razor conceded before flying after Jason.

“I believe this calls for some appropriate music,” Gilgamesh said, blaring a song before sprinting off after the two.

Jason weaved through the trees, only knocking over two. He slowed down, uncurling at a rope bridge. “What do you guys think?”

“This is the old castle of the Two Sisters, we shouldn’t be bothered here,” Slash said, reverting to his true form.

“I guess, though I’m afraid of breaking it. It looks like the girls have been cleaning it recently,” Gilgamesh noted, seeing the bright and vibrant curtains and rugs.

“We could always just use the forest, no one is going to miss some trees.”

“Don’t say that around Fluttershy if you want to avoid the Stare.”


“Yeah you don’t want that, trust me,” Jason said with a shiver. “I saw her use it on a bear once. It was crying like a baby,” he tapped the Omnitrix, returning to normal. “So how do we start?”

“Well, the main difficulty here is that your normal form isn’t much for fighting and skills and strategies that work with one form won’t work for another. It’ll be best to focus on things that’ll work for pretty much anything and let you choose your own methods from there,” Gilgamesh said “What do you think, Slash?”

“Hmm... I’m thinking you can work on his courage and what not and I’ll get him in shape. I can match whatever he turns into, after all,” Slash said, looking between the two.

“Good point. If we build up the physical prowess of his human form, it should also transfer over to his other forms. Now,” he began turning to Jason. “There are a few lessons I’ll give you that I think translate to all combat situations. Think of them as rules, or even a checklist to go over for every battle. First, and by far what may be the most important, is to never, ever, ever, ever underestimate your opponent.”

“Well, duh,” Jason replied, rolling his eyes.

“Listen kid, there’s a big difference between knowing how to act and actually following through with it. For example, do you think you could beat me?”

“Well, probably not.”

“Do you think that you’d at least be sure you could do some major damage before I took you down?”

“Well, yeah! That’s what happened last-”

Before he could even finish Gilgamesh was right in front of him, the blade on his spear inches away from his eye.

“W-When-? H-How-?”

“I was toying with you before, kid, like I do with pretty much all my opponents. I like long, drawn out fights, but if I went full throttle I could take your head off before you could even blink,” the warrior explained, a terrifying coldness in his voice. “Never underestimate your opponent.”

“Gotcha,” he said with a nod. “I’ll remember to burn that into my skull later.”

“Of course, there’s a difference between being cautious and being paranoid,” he continued as he clipped his weapon onto his back, his tone returning to what it sounded like normally. “If you’re simply guessing what your opponent can do to the point you don’t move and are just waiting, well that’s an easy way to get killed. Which leads me to my next lesson: be observant. Now, stand right there for a moment.”

Gilgamesh turned and started to walk away from Jason, stopping and turning back to him after moving several yards away.

“Now, I’m going to attack you. It’s your job to figure out how and dodge it.”

“W-Wait a minute-!”

“Don’t worry, it won’t be fatal,” he explained, taking out his weapon and assuming a battle stance.

Jason steeled himself, taking a deep breath. “Ok, lets do this.” He watched Gilgamesh, his eyes taking in as much as possible. The two stared at each other for what felt like hours, sweat beginning to form on the young boy’s brow. Then he saw Gilgamesh’s eyes flash red. Instinctively he jumped to the side, a laser hitting the ground where he stood.

“Good! Nice reflexes! I figured you were a gamer,” the warrior complimented.

“Yeah well... ya gotta Fred Durst it...” Jason said, looking at the spot where he used to be standing before, looking back at Gilgamesh.

“You’re actually better than I thought. I thought pulling out my weapon would be enough misdirection to draw your attention away from my face, but it seems you have good instincts. If all you wanted to do was run away you’d be practically untouchable.”

Slash chuckled at that remark.

“Ha... what do I look like, Scooby Doo?” Jason asked, getting to his feet.

“Hm. Maybe you’ve got a pair on you after all. Anyway, continuing on. ‘Observe’ means more than just ‘watching your opponent’, you’ve also got to focus on your surroundings, yourself, and your allies if any are present. For example-”

Gilgamesh dashed forwards. Before Jason could even react he was struck on the nose with a light but still painful flick. He instinctually stumbled back, only to suddenly trip and fall, hitting the back of his head.

“Ow! What happened?” he looked up and saw the culprit, the newly installed rug which he happened to trip over.

“All it takes is one wrong move and the fight can be over. Even a simple stumble can be fatal.”

“I’m going to get my ass kicked a lot before we’re done aren’t I?” he asked, getting to his feet.

“Most likely, but it’s the only way you’ll learn,” Slash said, smirking.

“Well, you’ll probably like this one,” Gilgamesh said, stepping back and casing both Protect and Shell on himself. “Being aware of your environment doesn’t just mean being aware of how it can be used against you, it also relates to how you can use it your advantage. Now, I want you to pick a form and attack me, but it can’t be head on. Think of a way to use the environment to your advantage. Do something unexpected.”

He smirked, going through all his form in his head. “Omnitrix, Wildvine.” With a flash, he was replaced by a green, one eyed plant. He kept Gilgamesh’s gaze, using one of his roots to connect to the vines growing through a wall. With a little push, the vines tunneled through the wall, weakening it until it collapsed, the debris raining down on Gilgamesh. Moments later the taller human pulled himself out of the rubble, hardly looking any worse for wear.

“Not bad. Personally I was thinking of using the castle acoustics to so that you could make Blitzwolfer’s sonic scream attack from multiple angles, but the ‘making the building fall on your enemy’ is always classic.”

“I like to be obscure,” Jason said, a toothy grin on his face. “Well, shall we go again?”

“Nah, let’s move on. We’re burning daylight.”

“‘Burning daylight?’ It’s barely afternoon! I bet you just don’t want to get hit again!” Jason taunted.

“That’s what you think,” Slash said under his breath, a knowing smirk on his face.

“Next we’ll work on allies. Slash here is going to attack me. I want you pick your moment to strike without communicating with him.”

“Oh, I haven’t had a good fight in ages,” Slash said with a grin, unfurling his tail.

“Hey, put that thing away! Or at least cover it with a towel!” Gilgamesh joked, covering his eyes.

Slash darted forward, stabbing at him with his stinger. Mid-strike, he thrust his head forward, attempting to impale Gilgamesh on one of his tusks. Gilgamesh simultaneously backflipped and kicked the changeling upwards, who quickly recovered and covered himself in magic before diving at him like a meteor. The warrior hopped to the side as the king struck the ground, creating a small crater before attempting to hit him with an overhead punch, which Slash rolled to the side to avoid.

“Not bad, you old bug.”

“Who you calling old?!” Slash asked, bucking his hind legs out at Gilgamesh, spikes erupting from his hooves. There was a flash of green and a pair of legs slammed into Gilgamesh’s back, sending him toward the spiked hooves.

“Gah! Oh, that hurts, even through armor!”

The warrior turned back to see Jason had taken on the form of a bipedal insect that looked vaguely like a grasshopper. Jason just waved, pointing behind him.

“Oh crap.”

Gilgamesh turned to see Slash spit in his gaze, covering his head in changeling goop. Slash then kicked him back toward Jason, who returned in kind, the two just kicking him back and forth, like some bizarre game of tennis. Gilgamesh unleashed a shout and a blast of wind, knocking both his opponents away from him.

“Ok, ok, you pass!” he shouted, trying to pry the hardened goop from his face and helmet. Slash chuckled, walking over, hovering up to Gilgamesh’s face. He zapped him, the goop crumbling away.

“Goddamn, stuff is nasty. Very effective though,” he admitted before turning to Jason. “And just what form is that?”

“Crashhopper. The jumping is really fun,” he admitted.

“Heh. Having the equivalent of trampolines on your feet at all times does sound good. Ok, one last part of observation, and maybe the most important: yourself. This is more than just about noticing wounds and whether or not your enemy managed to take something from you without noticing. Seeing as how you’re just a weak human with no powers if the Omnitrix times out, I’m going to try something that I usually reserve for later. I want you to pick a transformation with good survival instincts. Something animalistic might work.”

“Something animalistic huh?” Jason asked, tapping his chin. “Thats easy. Omnitrix, Wildmutt.” In a flash, his insectoid form was replaced by that of the Vulpimancer. He let out a growl, his gill slits opening up.

“Hm... It might work, although his heightened sense could get in the way. However, let’s try it.”

The two just stood there for a moment, Jason grunting in confusion, before he suddenly felt an intense feeling of dread coming from the armored warrior. He whined before jumping back in fear, getting low to the ground and ready to pounce.

“Ah, so you did notice. Ok, do you think you have a good grip on that feeling?”

The dog-like creature hesitantly nodded.

“Good. Now go human again.”

With a flash of green, Jason returned to his human form. “W-What was that?” he asked, his hands still shaking as his heart pounded in his chest.

“What you felt was what we in the martial arts world call ‘killing intent.’ Basically it’s the feeling that a creature gives off when they mean to inflict death upon another, or at least display as a threat of killing. Beings with higher thought functions, especially humans, don’t have a very good sense for it as we’ve grown more accustomed to using our minds and our physical senses, especially our eyes, but it’s there. Ever had that feeling you were being watched or followed? Sometimes it’s your instincts playing tricks on you, but other times it’s very real. Since animals are more instinct based, they rely on it to survive.”

“O-Ok. So, uh, what do you want me to do?”

“Learn how to sense it in your human form. If you can you should have a better chance of staying alive while you’re at your weakest, which will help you last long enough to for the Omnitrix to recharge. However, that’s for another day. For now, I think it’s time you and Slash got some quality time together.”


“I want you to think about everything you’ve learned while you work. I think we should start with you fixing up the castle, otherwise the girls will get pissed. After that you should do... oh I don’t know. Slash, how many laps between Ponyville and Sweet Apple Acres should he do before dinner?”

“Oh I say about seven. He appears to be on the chubby side.”

“I am not fat!”

“Are you sure? It might be too much for a roly poly like him,” Gilgamesh chuckled back.

“Nonsense!” Slash replied, looking to Jason with a grin. “I have every confidence in him.”

“I hate you both...”

“Right then. Well, better get to work. I’m going out to run an errand.” Before either of them could ask he cut open a hole in the air with his spear and walked through.


Jason panted as he ran down the path leading to Ponyville, Air Razor fluttering behind him. “I really really hate you both,” Jason muttered, flipping the bird at the changeling.

“Quit wasting your breath and focus on running!” Air Razor snapped, hitting him in the back of the head with a rock.

“I’m going to kill you both!” he shouted, glaring at the ponies who laughed at his situation. These idiots where going to kill him.

“C’mon kid, no one said getting strong was easy,” Gilgamesh chided.

“How am I supposed to be getting strong!? All I’m doing is running! I’m trying to help protect Equestria, not practicing for a marathon!”

“... Stop.”


“Stop. Stop running.”

Jason obeyed the command as the warrior approached him. “What is it?”

“... You’re a smart kid Jason, so I think you’ll be able to figure this out. It was a story my old master on earth told me and my class.”

Jason stared for a moment, not sure where he was going with this, but decided to take a seat.

“Once upon a time, there was a man who wanted to learn kung fu. But he didn’t just want to learn any kung fu, he wanted to learn it straight from the shaolin monks themselves. Unfortunately, they weren’t willing to teach anyone who didn’t grow up in the monks’ lifestyle. Nevertheless, the man was determined and he kept insisting. For two whole years he wait and pleaded from outside the temple.

“Finally, they decided to train him. They told him to carry two buckets of water up a large hill to a waterfall a few miles away. Then they told him to slap the falling water with a circular motion until night fell, which he was then ordered to carry the buckets of water back. They had him do this for two years until finally the man left, frustrated he hadn’t been taught anything.

“When he got home his family was eager to hear about what he’d learned his four years away. He told them the truth, that he didn’t learn anything, but they didn’t believe him and they kept asking. Finally, after being pestered for too long, he shouted in frustration and slammed his palm on the table… and all four legs instantly and simultaneously gave out, causing it to collapse.”

“So the gist is... ‘wax on, wax off?’”

The warrior chuckled. “More or less. The idea is sometimes the things that you don’t think are important can be the most essential. Building up your body is just as important, if not more so, than learning techniques. Achieving real power takes determination and commitment, something you’ll need to grow strong, and I don’t just mean in battle.” He then turned to the ponies who were laughing at Jason just moments before. “And if you let others get to you, if you stop trying to get strong just because others think it makes you look stupid, then you really need to adjust your priorities.”

“Well there’s no reason to worry Master, I’m not gonna give up so easily,” Jason said, a determined look on his face as he got up.

“Heh. First ‘Sensei’, now ‘Master’. It still feels funny getting a term of respect,” Gilgamesh said with a chuckle. “Now come on and get finished. I had the Apples prepare some extra special home cooking for you.” He turned around before adding, “And don’t worry, I made sure Apple Bloom didn’t work on any of it.”

“You got it!” he said with a nod before starting to run again, his new found confidence evident in his steps.

Author's Note:

Ok so... the three parter got turned into a four parter. What can I say? We work really well together.

Cannonbolt: http://ben10.wikia.com/wiki/Cannonbolt

Wildvine: http://ben10.wikia.com/wiki/Wildvine

Crashhopper: http://ben10.wikia.com/wiki/Crashhopper

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