• Published 16th Aug 2014
  • 27,605 Views, 1,870 Comments

And Then There Were 10...Er...67 - Grey Ghost

A man winds up in Equestria with a working Omnitrix. Hilarity and craziness follow.

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“So... you yelled at Diamond Tiara and Filthy Rich?” Twilight asked, raising her eyebrow, turning her attention away from the book she was reading.

“No, Rath did,” Jason explained, crossing his arms. He had arrived at the library in a huff, and only now was he calming down enough that she could get anything out of him.

“I was under the impression that you were in control of your transformations...?” she asked, a frown growing on her muzzle.

“Well, normally but... Rath’s species, the Appoplexians, aren’t very smart and they think any problem can be solved by hitting it... or hitting it a lot. When I become Rath I kinda lose a bit of control,” he admitted, laying down on the couch.

“Well, just try not to turn back into him, please?” she asked. Twilight cleared her throat, getting down to business. “Now, let’s start with today’s lesson!”

“Fine by me,” Jason said, sitting up. “How about I turn into something first this time?”

“Oh! That’s even better!” she practically squeed, levitating a notepad and quill over from her desk.

Jason snickered at her reaction, flipping through the alien catalogue. “Here, you’ll love this one,” he commented, bringing his hand down on the dial. Twilight looked around after the flash, as it seemed that Jason had vanished.

“Down here Twilight!” a tiny voiced called out. She looked down, her eyes widening in surprise at the tiny life form that had taken Jason’s place.

“Jason? That’s you?” she asked, gently levitating him up in front of her muzzle.

“Yup, it’s me alright. I just turned into Grey Matter,” he said, waving at her.

“Grey Matter? As in the brain?” she asked gulping, several ideas going through her head on how this creature got its name, none of them good.

“Well yeah, Grey Matter is a Galvan. They’re like one the smartest species out there.”

“Really?” Twilight asked, her eyes sparkling a bit.

“Yup! A Galvan even made the Omnitrix! His name’s Azmuth and he’s the smartest being in three galaxies, arguably five.”

Twilight opened her mouth to say something when Spike burst in, panting heavily, a scroll held tightly in his claws. “Twilight... you got a... letter...”

“Thank you Spike,” she said, setting Jason down and unfurling the letter. She scanned through it, her eyes widening. “Spike go get the girls! Tell them the princesses need us in Canterlot,” she informed him, to which the dragon saluted, running back outside.

“What's up Twilight?” Jason asked, returning himself to normal.

“Something has happened in Canterlot and the princesses need us, you included.”

“Me? Why me?” Jason asked, rubbing the back of his head.

“I don’t know she didn’t say, now help me get ready,” Twilight instructed, starting to pack her things up.


The Arishok frowned as he entered the ruins of his millenia-abandoned former stronghold. The walls stood strong, cracked and worn from time. Everything else had rotted away, leaving their remains on the floor. He sat down on the stone throne, putting his head in his hands.

“Oh how the mighty have fallen,” a familiar voice rang out, causing The Arishok to snarl.

“Begone with you, twisted serpent! I have no time for you!”

“Oh Ari how you wound me! I’ll have you know I’ve been reformed!” Discord said, appearing in front of the throne, the back of his talon draped over his head dramatically.

“What do you want?” The Arishok demanded, glaring at the Chaos Lord.

“Oh fine, you're even less fun than Sunbutt, you know that?” Discord asked, with an exaggerated frown. “You want to know what I want? I want you to leave and never come back.”

“You wish for me to leave?” The Arishok asked, leaning back on his throne.

“Yes, I do. The ponies have changed, they don’t know how to fight something like you.”

“Something like me?” The Arishok asked, an amused look on his face.

“Yes, something like you. You’re a genocidal zealot, one of the worst things to happen to Equestria,” Discord said, narrowing his eyes and taking on a threatening appearance.

“I only do as the Qun demands,” The Arishok retorted, gazing into Discord’s eyes, unflinching.

“You’ll get yours Arishok, mark my words,” Discord warned before bursting into confetti.

The Arishok just rested his head on his hands, his brow arched in thought.


“Ok so, naming ideas?” Jason asked, looking at the others. They were currently on a train to Canterlot, and Jason had decided to pass the time by coming up with names for his newly acquired forms. He was currently in his earth pony form, posing a bit for the girls.

“Hmm...how about Overhaul?” Twilight suggested, tapping her chin in thought.

“Oooh! Oooh! How ‘bout Green Apple!” Pinkie suggested, bouncing up and down.

“Actually, I was thinking of going with Sleipnir,” Jason said, sitting down.

“Sleipnir?” Rarity questioned, raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah. Sleipnir is an old legend back home,” Jason explained, observing the curious look in Twilight’s eyes. “He was the son of the god Loki and a stallion. He had eight legs and was able to run on air and water. He was the steed of the god Odin.”

“It does have a certain ring to it,” Rarity said, giving him a scrutinizing eye.

“Can I call you Slippy then?” asked Pinkie.

“We’ll have to talk about this later, we’re here,” Twilight said as the train whistle blew. Jason followed them off the train and through Canterlot, looking around at the sights. He stayed close to the group, not being one for crowds.

“Somethin’ wrong sugarcube?” AJ asked, noting his behavior.

“I uh... don’t like crowds...” he said in a low voice, his ears splayed back.

“It’ll be fine dear, just stay close to us,” Rarity said, giving him a reassuring smile.

They made it to the marketplace before the Omnitrix timed out, returning Jason to human form. The murmuring in the market went dead quiet, and every pony stared at them. Jason gulped, starting to tremble a bit.

“Twilight dear, we should get out of here... the nobles are going to swarm and Jason looks like he’s about to have a panic attack.” Rarity said, gazing around the area.

Twilight nodded, igniting her horn and teleporting them the rest of the way to the castle before anypony could get closer. Jason stumbled a bit, hand over his mouth, looking rather ill.

“Oh my goodness, are you alright?” Fluttershy asked, at his side in an instant with a worried look on her muzzle.

“Yeah... yeah I’m fine,” he said waving her off. He heaved a bit but fortunately managed to keep breakfast in his stomach. He looked around, noting that they had teleported into what looked like a throne room. Celestia sat upon one of the thrones with a grim look on her face.

“Twilight,” Celestia said, approaching them. “Thank you all for coming so quickly.”

“It’s no problem, Celestia,” Twilight beamed, happy to be of service to her former mentor.

“I wish this meeting were more pleasant, but the matter is grave. Three prisoners have escaped and each could bring ruin to Equestria.”

“But we’ve beaten Sombra, Discord, and Nightmare Moon, who else is there?” Rainbow Dash asked, crossing her arms.

“Three of the most dangerous beings on the planet. One simply goes by his title, The Arishok. The other two are twins, Ansem and Xemnas,” Luna replied as she walked into the throne room, once again clad in her war armor.

“Wait wait wait.” Jason cut in, waving his arms around. “Did you just say Xemnas and Ansem?”

“Yes, I did. Do you have something to tell us?” Luna asked, giving him a suspicious look.

“You can’t be freaking serious,” he said with a groan, running his hand down his face. “Yeah I know them.”

“How?” Celestia asked, giving him a hardened look.

“Don’t misunderstand, I don’t know them personally. They’re all just fictional characters in my world,” Jason explained, holding his head in his hands. “I probably know more about them than you do.”

“Then tell us everything you know,” Luna commanded, her tone causing Jason to flinch.

“Ok, you don’t need to shout,” he said, giving Luna a glare. “Xemnas and Ansem are two halves of the same being. Originally, they were a man named Xehanort. He was obsessed with darkness and through manipulation, managed to steal the body of a young man named Terra. From there, he split into two, Ansem the Heartless and Xemnas the Nobody.”

“Those are rather odd titles.” Twilight spoke up, having been scribbling away at a scroll.

“Those aren’t their titles, thats what they are. Ansem is a heartless and Xemnas is a nobody,” Jason corrected, sitting down against a wall. “A heartless is a heart that has been consumed by darkness. Most of them are feral beasts but if one is willing give into the darkness, they can keep their sense of self. Nobodies are the leftover mind, body and soul, continuing to live on. They are incomplete as they lack hearts and feel no emotions.” Jason surmised, leaning his head back.

“What of The Arishok?” Celestia asked, keeping her face neutral.

“He’s the military leader of the Qunari, a group of people the follow a philosophy called the Qun. Honestly, I don’t see him being much of a threat without an army.”

“Be that as it may, he is still a war criminal and I do not intend to allow him to remain free,” Celestia said with a determined look.

“Oh I think I can help with that.” Jason jumped as a new voice sounded from seemingly nowhere. A strange mismatched creature appeared in the room with a pop, a grin on his face.

“What the hell?” Jason asked, tilting his head in confusion, trying to figure out the creature.

“Oh, I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Discord, spirit of chaos,” the chimera said, shaking Jason’s hand.

“Uncatalogued DNA detected,” the Omnitrix chirped, a yellow beam going over Discord.

“How rude. You could at least buy me dinner first,” Discord said, crossing his arms.

“Discord this is serious, we do not have time for your games!” Luna snorted, getting agitated.

“Oh I know Lulu, I want that beast gone as much as you do,” Discord said, getting serious. “Thats why I’m going to help you.”

“Help how?” Celestia raised an eyebrow, clearly wary of Discord’s ‘help.’

“By taking you right to him of course,” Discord announced with a grin before snapping his talons. With a flash, everyone present except Celestia and Luna found themselves in a new location, this one highly decayed.

“Greetings, welcome to my fortress,” The Arishok called from his throne, catching their attention. He rose from the throne to his impressive height of eight feet tall, lifting his sword and axe as he stood.

“So you're The Arishok? By my authority as Princess of Equestria, I command you to lay down your weapons!” Twilight shouted, spreading her wings aggressively.

“No,” he replied simply, glaring at them.

“What do you mean no?” Dash asked, getting in his face.

“I must follow the demands of the Qun,” The Arishok responded, casually backhanding the pegasus into a wall. “A human? I did not expect that. You will find no kinship with me!” he shouted, darting forward and stabbing Jason in the shoulder.

Jason screamed out in pain, his voice drowning out the Omnitrix as it scanned The Arishok. The Arishok kicked him away, turning his attention to the others. “Come at me then!” he demanded, swinging his axe at Rarity, who barely managed to dodge out of the way.

Jason felt his heart pounding, his hands trembling. Eyes wide with fear, he managed to scramble to his feet. Backing up, he froze hitting something. He went to dash forward, only to stop when a pair of black hands stopped him.

“Can’t have you playing hero now, can we?” Ansem asked, stepping out from the shadows. He gave Jason a predatory smile before snapping his fingers. At his beckoning, a portal of darkness opened like a gaping black maw. “Get rid of him.”

Following its master’s orders, the dark guardian threw Jason into the portal. The young man managed to get a scream out before the darkness engulfed him and the portal winked out of existence.

Author's Note:

The next chapter is going to be a crossover so, get hype!

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