• Published 16th Aug 2014
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And Then There Were 10...Er...67 - Grey Ghost

A man winds up in Equestria with a working Omnitrix. Hilarity and craziness follow.

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Darkness May Fall...

“I’ve been planning this for months, you know,” Ansem-Trixie said with a smirk, the Crystal Heart hovering in their black magic. “Now I can finally plunge this world into everlasting darkness!”

“Drake?” Xemnas asked, looking at his brother in shock. “What are you talking about? We never talked about this.”

“Why would we, you’re just an empty shell,” they hissed, the Alicorn amulet glowing as they drew upon its power. The cracking of bones could be heard as they took on a bipedal stance. Darkness wrapped around their body as it changed, turning into a body suit. “Now this is a form I can utilize,” they declared. Now very humanoid, their front appendages had become hands.

“That’s just creepy,” Jason said, shaking his head.

“We have to do something,” Dash said, taking to the air.

“We can’t!” Twilight shouted, grabbing Dash before she could do anything rash.

“Fools, that is why I chose this form,” Ansem-Trixie said, grabbing the heart and pouring darkness into it. It started to turn black, darkness starting to grow on the walls. Soon, it began to consume the palace.

“We should get out of here!” Chrysalis shouted, backing away from the ever-growing wave of blackness.

“Say no more,” Discord said, taking them to a location not too far away with a snap of his fingers.

“Oh shit...” Jason said as they all looked on in horror. The palace was quickly engulfed in darkness, its crystals becoming pitch black. Soon however, the darkness surged up to the top. A torso soon formed over the palace, fusing with the crystals. It roared, as if to challenge them.

“The hay is that thing?” Applejack asked as the shadows spread to other buildings, infecting them as well. Heartless started to form from the darkness, attacking anypony they saw.

“Something we can’t handle alone,” Jason said, pulling out the Genji gauntlets. “Hey Gilgamesh, I hope you’re not busy, we uh... well you better just see this yourself.”

Just then a portal opened up in space. Rather surprisingly, two figures jumped out, one the armored warrior he was expected, the other a green furred canine the size of a manticore.

“Hey, Jason, good to see ya pal, I was just about to-what,” he cut himself off, looking at the imposing figure connected to the crystal palace.

“Yeah, so as you can see we’ve got a bit–”

“Hold up a sec, kid, processing this,” Gilgamesh interrupted. “It’s like, equal parts awesome, terrifying, and stupid.” He stood there for a moment. “Ok, I’m good now, what’s going on here?”

“Ansem decided to strike just after the games and devoured the Crystal Heart, now he’s a giant heartless, fused with the palace,” As Jason explained, he vanished and reappeared behind Gilgamesh, slicing a Shadow in half. “This ah... may be a bit much for just the two of us.”

“Possibly. As amazing as I am I still had help when I killed an interdimensional universe destroying sorcerer. Oh yeah, the war’s over, by the way. We won,” Gilgamesh explained, still staring at the monstrosity in shock as he casually grabbed a Neoshadow before tearing it in half.

“Okay...” Jason said, looking at the assembled ponies. “You guys go evacuate the citizens, we’ll held these idiots off until we can come up with a plan.

“I’m staying with Jason,” Dash said, flexing her talons, her eyes glowing with power.

“Do stay safe, I’d rather not lose my husband-to-be.” Chrysalis hugged Jason before moving off with the others.

“I’m not leaving either,” Shining Armor said, taking position next to Jason.

“A Jotun, a whatever, and two ponies... good odds right?” Jason asked, before several Darkside heartless rose out of the ground. “Ah hell.” Reaching into his cube, he pulled out Nemesis’s Token. “Hey Nem you free?” he asked, “Could use some help here.”

No sooner had Jason spoken the words than a portal opened up behind him. Rather than Nemesis spilling out though, several rockets streaked past Jason and flew towards the Darksides, who were sent reeling. Nemesis stepped out of the portal afterwards, looking much different than the last time Jason had seen him. Half of his body was covered in some sort of form fitting metal, and he was holding a weapon almost as half as big as he was, which was smoking. You called?

“Yeah, that,” Jason said, pointing to the palace.

Ah that... yeah, that looks like a problem.


A bright flash came from behind them. They all turned to see Gilgamesh, now twelve feet tall, dressed in armor with some parts glowing green, the top part of his body bore a red cloak, horns stuck out from the sides of his head, and he had six arms, four holding machine guns, two holding rocket launchers.

“What? I figured I’d need to go all out here. Oh, and by the way, this is Enkidu, my new loyal companion given to me by Faust herself. Say hi, boy,” he said as he motioned to the canine, who barked in response. “Oh, and Nemmy, long time no see. Like the new duds.”

Nemesis chuckled. Indeed it has, and speak for yourself! You really go all-out when it comes to battle fashion don’t you?

“Hey, I’ve always been able to do this, this is my third and final transformation,” he replied before firing off two of his machine guns and making swiss cheese out of an Invisible and a Darkball, not even bothering to look at them. “Oh, and I’ve thought of the perfect song to set this to!” he exclaimed before blaring his choice.

“Here.” Reaching into his pocket, Jason pulled out a very large sword and tossed it to Nemesis. It was almost as long as he was tall, with screaming faces carved into its blade.

Nemesis admired the new weapon before a robotic voice spoke from his suit. “New weapon detected, integrating.” The metallic armor crawled down his arm and latched itself onto the handle.

Well, this should be fun. Nemesis grinned as he rushed forward and vanquished a crowd of Invisibles with a swipe of his sword. Swords aren’t usually my style, but I’ll be damned if it doesn’t look flashy.

“It’s called Chaos Eater, it’s from DarkSiders,” Jason said. Pulling out Ben’s Token, he tapped it three times.

A portal appeared a little ways away, above a house, out of which fell Ben. “What the–Ow!” he said as he landed face first on the roof before beginning to tumble and fall. “Ow, ow, ow, oh gods, ow!” He finally landed, face-first again, right in front of the house. “Oh gods, what the in Poseidon’s name just happened?”

“Huh. Well, I guess one of us has to have the embarrassing entrance,” Gilgamesh quipped as he fired a rocket into a group of Shadows, annihilating all of them.

“I can’t believe there’s four of you here now,” Shining Armor said as he blasted a Neoshadow away from him. It didn’t kill the monster, but it did stun it long enough for Enkidu to jump forwards and tear its throat out.

You think four is bad? You should have seen the war. Nemesis slid backwards after a blizzard attack from a Sorcerer, retaliating with a long chain that shot out of his armor and ripped it in two.

“Oh gods,” Ben said as he staggered to his feet. “What just happened?”

“I summoned you to help,” Jason said, pulling out one last Token. This one looked like a Meowth’s head coin with a bright red R on it.

“So help already!” Dash said, slamming into a Soldier, sending it flying into a building.

“You shall have my aid as well,” Xemnas spoke, stepping out from a portal with determination in his eyes.

Xemnas? From Kingdom Hearts? Well color me surprised, next you’ll be telling me that Ansem is running the giant rampaging palace.

“Got it in one,” Jason said with a nod.

...God, I hate being right.

“So, finally decided to embrace the ‘love and friendship’ philosophy like I told you, Mansex?” Gilgamesh taunted as he shot a group of Wyverns out of the air.

“This has gone too far, I made a mistake and I shall rectify it,” Xemnas said, narrowing his eyes a little.

“Uh... okay, what is going on?” asked Ben as a shadow tried to jump him. He ducked as it passed overhead, landing on a spear. “I am so confused.”

“Ok, I know you don’t play video games, but here’s the lowdown: these creatures are pure darkness, they feed on people’s hearts, the metaphorical kind, and are being summoned by the big guy attached to the palace. If I had to guess, the crystals around here are allowing him to project his will through everything, so time is of the essence,” Gilgamesh said quickly as he began firing his guns in several directions at once, taking out waves of Heartless as he did. “Hey Jay, you think if we can garner enough hope from the populace we can activate the Crystal Heart and take care of all of this at once?”

“I have no idea, this is a sorta new thing Gilg,” Jay said, cutting through a Neoshadow.

“Well, this is a fine mess we’ve stepped in,” Terra said from behind the group.

The sound of windows shattering could be heard overhead and a literal wave of heartless began to bear down upon them. Nemesis raised the weapon that was almost half his size, and fired. Several rockets left the barrel, streaking to meet the wave with a massive explosion that gave them reprieve. Whatever it is you need to do, I recommend we do it now. And fast.

Ben rubbed his head, still trying to process everything going on. “I still don’t get it, but...things do look bad. What am I supposed to do? ...also, who’s the chick?”

“I’m Corypheus's mother, Terra. Nice to meet you all,” Terra said, giving a curtsy.

"Who's Corypheus?" Ben asked as he sidestepped another shadow.

“That would be me,” Jason said, giving his mother a smile.

Ben looked at Jason with a face reminiscent of disgust. “That has to be one of the stupidest names I’ve ever heard.” He then looked over to see another heartless rushing at him, so Ben jumped up into the air, letting it run past and slam into a nearby wall as he cringed. “Ooh, that’s gotta hurt.”

“I’ll have you know it’s a great name. It means conductor, or leader,” Terra said while sending a torrent of flame at some more heartless.

“You should stick with ‘Jason’.” He dodged another. “Suits ya better than that lame one,” And another. “And I thought the Greeks had terrible names.” He punted a little fireball heartless that came near him, chuckling. “Stupid little thing.”

“His father named him,” Terra hissed, glaring at Ben.

“And that matters to me because...” he motioned for her to continue, moving aside as another heartless slammed into the wall behind him.

“My father died saving our lives, have some respect,” Jason said, glaring at Ben as well.

“I’ve met the dead,” Ben said as he jumped up on the roof as a horde tried rush him. “Truth be told, I don’t respect them anymore. Try again.”

“Wow, you’re a jackass,” Dash said, flying near him.

“And? What’s your point? What reason do I have to not be?” Ben asked with a sour face. “I just got dragged here, well more like fell, and got my butt kicked by a house, right after dealing with a child possessed by a spirit that is supposed to be a construct of my inner psyche which is now on the loose and trying to kill me. So tell me, great and awesome Rainbow Dash, what reason do I have to be in a chipper mood right now?”

“Jay, I’m going to hurt your idiot friend,” Dash snorted, kicking a Soldier onto the roof near Ben.

“Good luck with that,” Ben said as he slowly pushed the shadow off with the stick, nodding as it fell on a bunch of its fellows.

“Just ignore him,” Jason urged, “he’s an idiot.”

“I may not be educated, Jay, but I’m still smarter than you.” Ben then scoffed. “Corypheus, such a lame name.”

“How are you smarter than me?”

“It’s not about the amount of knowledge, Jason,” Ben said as he jumped down from the house when a flock of winged heartless flew by. He kicked up a rock into his hand and then threw it at a barrel. The barrel toppled over and began to roll down a nearby hill, launching off the back of a overturned carriage. It soared overhead before crashing down on a horde of heartless that were attacking nearby ponies, destroying all of the monsters. “It’s how ya use it.”

“Yeah, whatever you say,” Jason said, while slicing through a few more heartless.

“YOU ARE TEARING US APART, BENNY!” Gilgamesh cried in a horribly acted voice, falling to his knees in faux drama before casually eliminating more Heartless. “Seriously though, dude, you’re kinda being a dick. I understand being upset at being summoned out of nowhere, but if you don’t have anything nice to say to say than fight for justice quietly.” Ben only responded with a disinterested shrug.

“My grandson seems to have met some rather colorful characters,” Hel said as she rose out of the ground, her height rivaling Gilgamesh’s.

“Oh, so you’re Hel? Nice to meet ya! You’ll be the second God I’ve met,” Gilgamesh quipped as he fired both his machine guns and rocket launchers at an approaching group of Defenders, overpowering their defenses and blowing them to smithereens.

“Faust damn, this is getting crazy!” Rainbow Dash shouted as she bucked a Wizard in the face before cutting into it with her talons.

“Hey! Don’t use her name in vain!” Gilgamesh shouted back, firing his guns and taking out a literal wave of Shadows.

“You believe in Faust?”

“‘Believe?’ Weren’t you listening? I met her!”

The ground seemed to shake as Fenrir rose out of the ground. “Heh,” his voice rumbled. “My first real visit to the mortal realms and it’s the middle of a battle, just my luck.”

Friend of yours, Jay? Nemesis shouted as he sidestepped a sword swipe from a bandit, grabbed it with a chain, and threw it into a larger group which was obliterated on contact. He turned to face an even larger group of large bodies approaching behind them. Reaching into his armor, he pulled out a massive sniper rifle. He aimed it at the enemies stumbling towards them and fired, obliterating them all with a single shot of almost deafening gunfire.

“Yeah, my great uncle Fenrir,” Jason said, sending a blast of Flare into a Darkside.

“Loki and Sleipnir should arrive soon,” Hel said, swatting away a Shadow that had decided to bother her.

“Well thats good to know,” Jason said, panting a little. “We seriously need a plan...”

Despite all the heartless they had killed, it seemed an army still stood between them and the palace. Nemesis growled. Make a plan then, I’ll do what I can to hold these things back. Nemesis walked towards the heartless, his form steadily growing bigger and taller as he did. It always feels good to let loooosssseeeAAAAAAHHHHH! Nemesis’ chest burst open and he hunched over as he morphed rapidly, leaning onto all fours as he grew even more in size. Before long, a massive monster of mutated flesh stood before them, standing taller than any in the area except for Fenrir.

GROOOOOAR!” it challenged before charging into the fray, obliterating anything it saw.

“Ok... that was disgusting,” Jason said shaking, his head.

“Allow me to even the odds,” Xemnas said, raising his arms up. All around them Nobodies spawned in. “Attack,” he simply ordered, sending them all into the fray, with several Twilight Thorns engaging the Darksides.

Gilgamesh actually squeed. “Fighting alongside Nobodies and even a mutated Nemesis, dear Faust thank you for letting my most feverish fanboy dreams become reality!” Gilgamesh said jovially. “I think it’s time I have a bit of fun with this!” he shouted before dispersing his firearms and summoning six katanas. “FLY, ENKIDU!” he shouted as he dashed forward and tore through the oncoming waves of dark beings, his faithful companion leaping up from behind him and attacking alongside him in perfect sync.

A Kurt Zisa rose out of the tide of darkness, spinning his blades around and challenging Gilgamesh.

“Ha! Think you can best me? It’s not how many arms you have, it’s how you use them!” he shouted before leaping at the opponent, who spun rapidly at him. Gilgamesh responded with the same, the two spinning buzz saws colliding, sparks flying everywhere. “NOT GOOD ENOUGH!” he shouted and stopped the attack long enough to get above it and kick it into the ground before diving after it, laughing like a maniac as he did.

Not far off, a Behemoth manifested from the darkness. It glared at Nemesis’ mutated form across the battlefield, then threw its head back and gave a tremendous roar that shook the area. Nemesis responded in kind, stamping his front feet and causing the ground to shake as he roared back. The Behemoth charged, and Nemesis rushed to meet him. The two titans smashed head first into one another, both struggling to overpower the other. Nemesis brought one of his arms back and smashed it across the Behemoth’s face, sending it tumbling. He jumped atop it quickly to rip its throat out, but the Behemoth kicked him off and rose into the air to crush him with its front hooves. Nemesis rolled away and the two titans smashed heads once again, growling.

A Groundshaker rose up, taking its place beside its brethren. “That one is mine,” Fenrir said, then threw his head back with a howl. He bounded forward and slammed into the Groundshaker, the two tumbling away.

“Ok... shit is getting serious.”Jason said, looking at the last Token he had thought to pull out. He held it up, closing his eyes. “Hey Tomas, Sarah, it’s me Jason, I could use your help, if you don’t mind giving it.”

Suddenly a bright light appeared, and out of it came out three figures - Tomas, Sarah, and a Meowth.

Meowth began to look around, “Hey, what’s going on here!?”

“Giant heartless... a few other Displaced,” Jason said, torching a shadow that jumped at Meowth.

“Team Rocket? Seriously? One of the biggest jokes in anime history? A group that’s so legendarily bad at what they do that they’ve set the standard for annoying villain of the week? You guys better exceed my expectations,” Gilgamesh complained before being struck with a barrage of energy balls from Kurt Zisa. “GAH! BITCH, I WILL SHOVE THOSE ARMS UP YOUR ASS!” he cried before kicking the Heartless in the head and sending it tumbling.

Meowth jumped up in annoyance, “Hey! You take that back! We are not a joke!”

“Like I said, I hope you can back that up,” he replied as he and fired missiles from his hands, shattering Kurt Zisa’s energy barrier. As it fell to the ground stunned he cut off its head before kicking it away from the rest of it’s body. Both dispersed a moment later! “HA! THERE IS ONLY ONE MULTI-ARMED COMBAT MASTER HERE!”

Tomas took out a pokeball and threw it, summoning out a Carnivine, “Anything we need to know about these guys?”

“They steal hearts, um... fighting types may work on them... not sure if pokemon logic carries over here...”

Sarah grinned and summoned out Yanmega, “Well if they're anything like dark type Pokemon then I’m sure Yanmega will do just fine.”

“You know, that’s not a bad idea,” Jason said with a chuckle. “Lets get some introductions out of the way. That crazy twelve foot guy with all the weapons is Gilgamesh, the hideous giant monster is Nemesis,”

I heard that! Just because I’m a gigantic virus monster mutated past the point of recognition doesn’t mean I don’t have feelings! Nemesis interjected as the Behemoth smashed into his side and the two went tumbling.

“That jerk in green is Ben... and uh... the really tall lady is my grandmother Hel and the woman with the witch outfit is my mom.”

“Charmed,” Terra said as she crushed a soldier with a rock arm.

Tomas looked back at Jason with raised eyebrow, “Your mom got sent to Equestria too?”

“Tomas, we make it out of this, I’ll tell you the whole story, Norse weirdness and all.” Jason said with a chuckle. “You know, I was going to call you guys up for the wedding anyway.”

Sarah looked over with a grin, “Aw, who’s getting married?”

“That would be me,” Jason said grinning back. “This has nothing on that in terms of nervousness.”

After looking around his surroundings more closely, Tomas took out another pokeball, and handed it to Meowth, “Meowth, see if you can build something to help us.”

Meowth did a small salute and took out a small yellow gem, “Roger that, be back in a few.”

“Well, well, well,” Ansem-Trixie spoke as they stepped out from the shadows. “Your little group would give the Avengers a run for their money in ragtagness,” they chuckled, glaring at the other Displaced.

Sarah took out another pokeball, this time summoning a Seviper. “I take it he’s in charge?”

“Please try not to hurt Trixie,” Jason said, looking Ansem-Trixie with a glare, “Bastard possessed her body.”

“And what a wonderful body it is,” Ansem-Trixie said with a laugh, “Though I had to make some improvements.” They gestured to their now humanoid body, smirking.

“Sexy, yes, but I do not approve of morphing other bodies without their consent,” Gilgamesh butted in, pointing one of his many blades at the possessed mare. “Now release her, because I’m not unwilling to do her a little harm to get rid of you. And she’ll be the second possessed mare I’ve saved from this fate, so don’t think I don’t have experience.”

“Just try me, wanderer,” they said, summoning up a double ended Soul Eater. “Come, Guardian!” they commanded, their shadow morphing into Ansem’s Guardian.

“Hm. Always did hate that cheap-ass thing,” he said before dispersing his weapons and cracking his neck, clenching his fists. He lunged forwards and punched with all three of his left hands.

“Guardian!” they said, the Heartless disappearing before reappearing in front of them. Though they took no damage the attack did force them back several yards.

“Jay, you guys figure something out to stem the tide, I’ll keep him-uh, her-uh, them busy.”

“Drake is my brother,” Xemnas said, stepping up next to Gilgamesh. “Its my responsibility to stop him.” He summoned his keyblade and struck a fighting stance.

“Probably got a point. How are you with non-lethal combat?”

“I took fencing,” he replied, taking a classic fencer’s stance.

“It’ll have to do,” Gilgamesh said taking a crouching stance. “FLY, ENKIDU!” he shouted. The green canine unexpectedly appeared, leaping off his master’s shoulders, fangs bared at his enemy. Though Ansem-Trixie’s Guardian smacked it aside it gave the other two an opening to rush forward and begin their assault. Gilgamesh assaulted the possessed mare with rapid punches, which they countered with the Guardian, while Xemnas attempted to strike their limbs only to be countered with Soul Eater.

“Carnivine, help them out with a bullet seed!” The large plant jumped up, and began to fire a barrage of yellow beams at the heartless.

“Yanmega, quick attack!” The large bug flew over Carnivine and shot towards the guardian at lightning speed.

“Begone!” Ansem-Trixie shouted, throwing purple energy disks at them.

“Everypony, fall back to the city library! Orders of Princess Cadance!” Flash Sentry shouted as he approached the group by air.

“Got it!” Gilgamesh shouted, grabbing six of the disks out of the air and hurling them back towards their caster, absorbing the others into himself. With a pull of his scarf the cloth transformed into red bat wings and he flew off towards the palace, summoning his katanas and cutting down any Heartless in his way.

On the battlefield, Nemesis smashed the pinned Behemoth into the ground, grabbed its head in his jaws and yanked. The entire beast’s head came off with a spurt of darkness. Mutated Nemesis messily consumed its head, then roared one last time before he began to shrink back down to his regular size and reassumed his normal form. He whipped out a chain again that lit itself on fire, and began to spin through the heartless that had amassed around the battle as he made his way for the library.

Sarah took out Seviper’s pokeball and recalled him, “Meowth, time to go!” Sarah whistled, instantly calling the large bug back towards her.

From a distance Meowth came back running, carrying a small machine in his arms, “Hey! I didn’t even finish the mech yet!”

Tomas grabbed Meowth, “You can finish it when we get inside!” Tomas took out another pokeball and released a Yamask, “Go gather whatever negative energy you can and come find me.” Yamask grinned before teleporting away.

“Well, this is interesting,” Hel said with a laugh, riding atop Fenrir’s back. “I really should get out more.”

“Yeah, interesting,” Jason scuffed, hauling ass after them.

“Faust, Shining, you’re heavy,” Dash swore as she grabbed the prince up in her talons, trying to save time.

“It’s the armor,” Shining grumbled, not liking what she was implying.

Yanmega, upon seeing Dash having trouble with Shining, flew towards the two and tried to use her legs to grab him. “[Here, why don’t you let me try?],” although all anyone could hear was a “Yan-Yan.”

“Hey if you want to help, then by all means,” she said, carefully passing Shining off to Yanmega.

Yanmega moved Shining Armour around until finally settling into a comfortable position, using her six legs to hold him.

“So...” all eyes turned to Ben, who was sitting atop one of the rafters. “Was there a point to summoning me? ‘Cause I have honestly no idea why I’m here.”

“Do you not see the giant shadow monsters?” Jason asked, his eye twitching in annoyance.

“And? Not my world, not my problem,” he said crossing his arms behind his head.

“Dude, not cool,” Gilgamesh replied, landing and turning his wings back into a scarf, Enkidu walking up next to him.

Sarah glared at him, “Are you always like this to people who need help?”

“I don’t help people,” Ben spat the word. “Plus, I only help when asked, not forced. The gods had to learn that the hard way when Rath punched in Zeus’ nose when they thought they could boss me around.”

Jason sighed. “Okay, will you please help us Ben?” Jason asked, looking over as Cadance placed a shield over the unaffected portion of the city, sealing them in.

Ben shrugged. “I don’t know. Doesn’t really look like you need my help. I’m not exactly a fighter, ya know.”

“Says the guy that managed to get an energy sword to my neck in a sparring match,” Gilgamesh quipped.

“That thing is consuming the damn world, what the hell are you talking about?” Jason asked, the twitch getting worse.

“No different than when Discord was in power.”

“Tell me, was he trying to eat the fucking world, or was he just being a dick to everyone?”

“Never bothered to ask, come to think of it,” Ben said with a thoughtful expression. “Was too busy trying to either beat him to a pulp or run away from him. It varied on the situation.”

“I remember those days,” Hel said, sliding off Fenrir, “Rather entertaining to watch really.”

Ben still looked very disinterested. “So, what is going on exactly anyway? And who are all these people?”

Meowth jumped up and grinned, “I’m the wisest of the wise, Meowth!” Meowth then pointed at Sarah and Tomas, “and these two are the rest of this lovely trio, The fiery Destroyer Sarah and The Passionate Tomas, and we’re Team Rocket!” Meowth struck a pose before he started to tap his foot, “Probably should’ve said the motto.”

Ben looked at the three of them, then at everybody else before looking at Jason. “Gotta say, he’s the only one I like so far,” pointing at Meowth alone.

“That’s actually a big compliment, Meowth,” Jason said, walking toward the library.

“Jason,” Chrysalis said, rushing over to him. “Are you alright?”

“Yeah, I’m okay,” he said, pulling her into a hug and locking lips with her. “How are things here?” he asked as he pulled away.

“A lot of panic. I’ve been talking with the queens over if we can lend aid. Our species isn’t really geared for war,” she said, nuzzling him. She and Jason both looked up at the sound of humming, seeing Ben just laying on the rafter humming ‘I’ve Been Workin’ on the Railroad’ while absentmindedly blowing a leaf above his face.

“I hate that guy...” Jason said, rubbing his head.

“Hey, you brought me here, dude,” Ben said while still looking at the leaf. “This is your fault, not mine.”

“Do ya want me to just send you home?” Jason asked, glaring at him.

“That would be preferable,” Ben replied with a slight nod. “At least then I wouldn’t be around disgusting humans anymore.”

“I’m not human, you idiot.”

That got Ben’s attention as he sat straight up. “Wait, what?!”

“I’m a Jotun,” Jason said, rolling his eyes.

He still looked confused. “You’re a what?”

“The Jotun were a race of giants. My daughter, Corypheus, Ib and myself are the last of our kind,” Hel said, a wistful look on her face.

“Oh,” Ben replied with a thoughtful look. “So then Jason’s a shrimp.”

“He’s only twenty, he’ll grow,” Hel said, looking out toward the palace. “He’ll be the best of us.”

“Uh huh.” And again, Ben was losing interest. “Well, he ain’t human, fine by me. Still, I’m not the best choice for this, dude. I’m not exactly a fighter. I’m a diplomat.”

“You were the one who said if I needed help to give you a call.”

“Yeah, I’d try to help ya by calming down both parties. I negotiate with words to win my fights, not with my fists. That’s only when I’m mad, but I don’t get mad.”

“Yeah, you're not calming down Ansem.” Jason sat down against a building and let out a sigh.

Tomas turned towards Meowth, “Meowth, how long will it take to finish up your mech?”

Meowth sighed, “I don’t know Timmy, at such short notice who knows how long it will take,” Meowth pulled out a small yellow gem, “Luckily with the chaos gem, I should be able to finish in about ten or twenty minutes? Maybe more.” The gem glowed, and Meowth summoned a red toolbox, and a couple of machine parts. “I’ll probably be able to finish a bit faster with Zero’s help.”

Tomas let out a sigh, “You know he can’t, he’s still with Twilight helping out with her experiments.”

“I could help,” Jason said, getting to his feet. “That is if you don’t mind a crazed red gremlin messing with your stuff.”

Meowth looked a bit unsure, “Ehh, fine as long as you don’t break anything.”

“I make no promises,” Jason said, cracking his neck. “Omnitrix, Jury Rigg.” He shifted into a small red creature, about the size of Meowth, wearing a green aviator’s outfit. “Jury Rigg, fix fix fix!!” he chanted, jumping up and down. He rushed over to Meowth’s machine, already starting to mess with it.

“HEY! CAREFUL WITH THAT!!” Meowth yelled, a bit annoyed.

“Jury Rigg fiiiiix!” he shouted, tossing bits of machinery away as he tinkered with some other stuff.

Sarah laughed at Meowth’s worried expression, “Wow, he’s more energetic than Zero when it comes to machinery.”

Meowth continued to look at the scene, worried and unsure, “At least that damn Porygon is careful.”

In no time at all Jury Rigg had somehow constructed a very large mech that resembled a Regigigas. “Make lots of light, make shadows go boom!” he shouted, laughing like a mad man.

The trio looked at the large machine in awe, “Whoa, and all of that without the help of a chaos gem.”

A loud popping sound echoed throughout the room, and suddenly a large blue blob appeared, “Wobbuffet.”

The Omnitrix timed out, returning him to normal. “Ok... that was weird. Just was a warning, Jury Rigg’s stuff doesn’t last long so you should be careful using that thing.”

Meowth started to grin, “Don’t worry about it, when Yamask returns with enough negative energy, this thing will be just like a ghost, able to pull itself apart, and reconstruct itself in no time!”

“Unless Yamask faints...”

Meowth glared at Tomas, “Yes... unless Yamask faints.”

“Zoinks!” they all turned to see Ben pushing himself up against a nearby wall, looking completely scared out of his mind.

“Ruh-roh raggy,” a very teenage looking Discord said, suddenly next to Ben, a blue collar around his neck.

Ben looked next to him for a second before shrugging. “It’s Discord, don’t question it,” he muttered to himself. Then he returned to being scared, staring directly at the mech. “Get it away from me!”

“How about no.” Discord said, floating over to Jason and the others. “Sup guys? Capture Pikachu yet? Or did Butch and Cassidy beat you to it?”

Sarah looked at Discord a bit confused, “How do you know about the Pokemon anime?”

“I get bored and peek into other worlds now and then, I still haven’t figured out what was in the GS ball... or why Ash doesn’t age. Mysteries that shall never be solved I’m afraid.”

“The GS ball was actually meant for Celebi to be captured in,” Tomas replied, looking a bit smug at his knowledge.

“Knowing that is nothing to be proud about.”

Tomas glared at his sister, “Shut up, and let me have my victory.”

“Bored now,” Ben said from Jason’s shoulder. He looked over, shocked to see Nanomech laying there. “So bored.”

“Gee Ben, nice addition to the conversation you are,” Jason said, rolling his eyes. Before he could add anything else a young filly’s scream filled the air. They all looked out see a filly, trapped outside the shield, being dragged into the darkness by a Shadow.

There was a sudden ‘whooshing’ sound from Jason’s shoulder and he looked to see Ben was gone. Outside of the shield, all of them saw the Shadow suddenly disperse into nothingness, Ben’s fist right where it once stood.

“I had no idea he could do that,” Jason said, a bit taken aback.

Ben picked up the filly, holding it close as it cuddled into his chest. He looked back into the shield, his eyes cold and devoid of emotion. “Jason, this just became my fight.” He transformed into Ghostfreak so he could phase through the shield, but returned to normal immediately. He set down the filly, “Go find your parents, little one.” She nodded tearfully and rushed off after giving him a quick hug.

“Now there’s a bit of the Ben I remember,” Gilgamesh said. “I don’t know what happened since the last time we met but it was starting to look like you’d gone from loveable snarker to cynical douchebag.”

“You didn’t think that was going to happen when I said Ansem was eating the world? I wasn’t kidding when I said that, he’s going to consume the planet.”

Tomas snorted, “This Ansem sounds a bit similar to the Dusclops’ Cult of Shadows I’ve been dealing with.”

“Listen and listen good, Jason,” Ben said as he got in his face. “There used to be just one rule back in the olden days of my Equestria. And that rule was: don’t make me mad. Well, the only way I get mad is when you threaten children. I’ve just seen a child almost taken away by one of those... ‘things’, so now I’m in the fight. But you’d better send me home right after, or you’ll be dealing with Rath.”

“I was uh... actually hoping you’d stick around for the wedding...” Jason said looking away, rubbing his neck.

Ben glared at him. “We’ll talk after this is over,” he said simply.

“Yup...” he said, nodding.

Ben huffed and backed away, before slamming down the Omnitrix. In a flash, Diamondhead was standing there. “Omnitrix, engage form lock, code 1010.”

“Form lock engaged,” it replied as the watch sealed itself.

“Jason, you brought us together, so that means it’s up to you to lead us. Don’t mess it up.”

“Heh, I can do that,” he said with a smirk, “Though... wouldn’t Atomix be better?”

Ben smirked. “You wanted a hero, this is my preferred hero. You’ll see why when we get to wrecking Ansem.”

“Wait until we can separate him from Trixie,” Jason said, shaking his head.

Tomas soon gained a thoughtful expression, “Hey, Ansem is possessing Trixie right? Well what if I have Yamask fight for control of the body? With all the negative energy he’s gathering, he might even have enough energy left over to evolve.”

“That’s insane enough to work,” Jason said with nod.

“Would he be able to handle it?” Xemnas asked, having appeared behind Tomas.

“Probably,” he shrugged. “Before I caught Yamask, he was a body stealer for the Phantom Army.”

“If you can get him out, I’ll take care of Ansem,” Xemnas said, his voice colder than normal. “This has to end.”

Tomas smirked, “I’m confident that my Yamask will be able to get him out.” His expression quickly turned serious, “And I agree, this has to end.”

“You realize you're probably getting sent to Tartarus, right?” Jason asked him, getting serious.

“I know, I deserve it,” Xemnas said. He solemnly looked out toward the palace.

“Hey, don’t worry Mansex, I’ll vouch for you,” Gilgamesh said reassuringly, with a pat on the back. “Hell, I wasn’t exactly an epitome of righteousness either 1600 years ago, and now I’ve got a whole world more than happy to be around me. Though you probably will be on parole for a while.” He then turned to Tomas. “Hey, you said there was the chance of Yamask fainting and ruining this plan, right? Maybe I could serve as a distraction? If there’s anything I know how to do well, it’s attract attention.”

Meowth started to climb into the machine, “Yeah, we’ll probably need a distraction for Yami, he may a phantom, but he ain’t a strong one.”

“Gotcha. Now give me a moment while I think of all the ways I can troll people,” he replied before touching his chin in a classic thinker’s pose. After a moment he smiled. “Oh yeah, that’ll work. By your command, Jason.”

Count me in. Nemesis dropped from the top of a nearby bookcase, glancing between the two. I’ll be damned if that asshole thinks he can take an innocent down with him, his mistakes are his own.

“Oh no, you don’t,” Cadance said trotting over. “If you think you’re all just going to go out there you’re out of your minds.”

“And why is that, my dear Princess?” Gilgamesh asked coyly, a confident smirk on his face.

With all due respect, I don’t think most of us have ever been in our minds. Nemesis cracked a grin.

“This is our home, and we’re going to defend it,” she said, gesturing to the window.

“Of course. Feel more than free to join in, your majesty. The Princess Cadance of my dimension proved herself quite the respectable commander and warrior. I’m sure you’re no slouch yourself,” Gilgamesh replied with a chuckle.

“Of course, I shall aid you as well,” Hel said, standing where the ceiling was tallest. “I haven’t been in a battle since Ragnarok.”

“Oh good, they’ve arrived,” Chrysalis said with a smirk. The sound of buzzing filled the air, getting louder and louder. “Shall we?” she asked, walking to the door.

“Well, you heard the lady,” Jason said with a smirk, following after Chrysalis.

This should be fun, been needing to vent for a while. Nemesis cracked his knuckles and his neck, loosening up his body as he made his way for the door.

Outside they found quite the sight. The crystal guard was in full form, standing at attention and armed to the teeth. Approaching the city at lightning speed was a massive swarm of changelings.

“Looks like you have yourselves an army.” Fenrir commented, currently licking some wounds inflicted by the Groundshaker.

Nemesis let out a low whistle. Gotta say, I’m usually pretty underwhelmed by Pony forces in my universe, but this is pretty damn impressive.

“Ha! You should’ve seen my army. Ponies, changelings, dragons, griffins, diamond dogs, reindeer, mules, zebras, minotaurs, buffalo, and horses all lined up right behind me. You better believe they were an intimidating bunch,” Gilgamesh boasted, folding his arms.

Nemesis looked at him, eye wide. You’ve been busy since I visited you last haven’t you? He turned his attention back to the army arranged before them. Still, let it not be said that ponies can’t put up one hell of a fight when they put their minds to it. Had to imprison most of us somehow. He grinned.

“Well, how about this?” Jason asked putting his hands toward the sky. His eyes glowed red, a snowstorm starting to form.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Dash asked, looking rather concerned.

“Yes, I’m sure Dash, we need the help,” Jason said before focusing on his task. There was a flash and out of the snowstorm came several windigos, screeching as they circled the city, eager to fight.

“You command the windigos?!” Gilgamesh asked, completely flabberghasted.

“‘Course I do, they made me Lord of Winter, Master of Jotunheim, after all.” Jason said with a proud smirk.

Well color me damn impressed, Jason. In my universe, their only master was a gigantic frost dragon who turned the north into ice. Never thought I’d see the day they’d be helping us. Nemesis looked at the circling creatures with apprehension on his face. I still don’t trust them, their leader tried to turn me into an ice cube. But I’ll live with it, for now.

“So let me get this straight: you are descended from a Norse goddess, you’re an Equestrian Prince, you’re a changeling King soon to be Emperor after this wedding finally gets back on track, and you’re Lord of the Windigos?” Gilgamesh asked, still completely shocked. “Suddenly my title of ‘Supreme Commander of the Global Equus Army’ seems lacking.”

“Heh, it’s not all that impressive, Jotunheim is kinda... empty... plus I’m one of the last of the Jotun... so yeah...” Jason said, moving over to Fenrir. Jason looked to Fenrir, who nodded, letting the young man climb onto his back.

“Huh. We actually fought the windigos in the war. Maybe I should try and get some peace treaties going when I finally get back.”

“Actually, they’re the restless spirits of dead Jotun here.” Jason said before having Fenrir howl to get everyone’s attention. He surveyed all those gathered, nodding his head. “We came here for the Games, an event dedicated to our harmony and unity. Now we face a foe who will consume all we know to satisfy his hunger. We are many and we are vast but now we stand together as one! With swords in the wind we shall cleave through the darkness and strike into the heart of evil itself!”

Loud cheering could be heard from those assembled, as well as a noticeably loud “STAAAAAARS!”

“Please allow me to arrange the music,” Hel said, snapping her fingers. The sound of drums and heavy guitar riffs filled the air. “Oh Manowar, truly you are the music of the gods.”

Jason slid off Fenrir’s back, whistling. Zed bounded over, growling happily, “We all know our roles, lets get this done,” he said, nodding. Cadance nodded in response, dropping the shield.

“Oh my, please be safe,” Fluttershy said as she fluttered over, her stomach noticeably swollen.

“Don’t worry, my dear thestral, we’ll do all we can,” Gilgamesh proudly proclaimed. He then stopped for a moment, observing her more closely. “Um, not to be rude, but did you gain weight?”

“I’m not a thestral, I’m a vampire bat pony. And, um, no. I’m actually, um, pregnant.”


“Um, Discord.”


“For another time!” Jason shouted.

“Of course, I’ll be staying behind to keep an eye on Flutters, Moony, and Megan,” Discord said as he scooped Fluttershy up, nuzzling her happily.

“...She’s kinky as fuck, isn’t she?” Gilgamesh asked.

It’s always the quiet ones… Nemesis nodded in agreement.

“MOVING ON, PLEASE!” Jason shouted again.

Fluttershy blushed furiously, hiding her muzzle in Discord’s fur, while he comforted her.

Ben rolled his eyes, his arms crossed. “Can we get this moving? I’ve got things I need to do, ya know? Back home!”

Many growled at that, including Nemesis and Gilgamesh, but kept quiet all the same.

“If I may?” Hel asked, clearing her throat. “Charge!!!” she screamed, sending their combined forces into the fray.

Author's Note:

So here we are, that HUGE crossover I promised you guys. We got Tomas and Sarah from "Prepare For Trouble and Make it Double", written by Darkstar709, Nemesis from "I Will Hunt You Down," Written by -TGM-, Ben from "Ten Against One," written by Djskywalker and Gilgamesh, as written by Shinigamisparda.

Ansem-Trixie by Jsyrin :

Jury Rigg: http://ben10.wikia.com/wiki/Jury_Rigg

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