• Published 16th Aug 2014
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And Then There Were 10...Er...67 - Grey Ghost

A man winds up in Equestria with a working Omnitrix. Hilarity and craziness follow.

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“What exactly are you testing me for, Twilight?” Dash asked, currently hooked up to a device in Twilight’s basement.

“Rainbow Dash, you tore a hole in reality, this requires study!” Twilight retorted, shaking her head. “Now just hold still,” she commanded, flipping some machines on. They whirred to life, quickly taking a sample of Dash’s magic. About a second later, the machines overloaded, the sheer amount of power frying them.

“Uh... sorry about that Twi,” Dash said with a wince, looking at the destroyed, most likely homemade, machines.

Twilight sighed, hanging her head. “This is insane, the only other pony I can think of that could overload a magic analyzer like that is me. And, well, you...”

“Oh um... that’s cool, I guess...” Dash said with a pout, ruffling her feathers a little.

“I’m not interrupting am I?” Jason asked, walking down into the basement.

“No,” Twilight shook her head. “I’m just trying to study Dash’s new abilities.”

“I see that’s going well,” Jason commented, looking around at the busted machines. “Hey Dash, you want to skip the clinical trials and go straight to field testing?”

“Hay yeah!” Dash shouted, pulling away from all the wires, a smirk on her face.

“You can’t just-!” Twilight started, only for Jason to cut her off, waving a scroll around.

“Hey, I got approval from the crown!” Jason said with a smirk. Twilight glared. Grabbing the letter in her magic, she levitated it up to her face for a closer look. Quickly scanning down the page, her eyes went wide.

“They signed off on this!?” Twilight shouted, poking the page with a hoof when she saw both Luna and Celestia’s seals at the bottom.

“Hell yeah they did. I’m going to officially lead an expedition to Midgard!” Jason called rather smugly, already out the door with Dash.

Twilight snorted, teleporting outside. Waiting for her were Dash, Jason, Applejack, Rarity, Lightning Dust and Chrysalis.

“So glad you could join us Twilight,” Jason teased. He already had the map out, and was looking it over.

“You're not going to leave without me!” Twilight seethed, looking pissed.

“We weren’t planning on it, dear,” Rarity said, giving Twilight a smile.

“You weren’t?” Twilight asked, much of her anger deflating.

“‘Course not Twi, we need you to perform the spell,” Jason said, looking up from the map.

“What spell?” she asked, raising her eyebrow.

“We can’t exactly go to Midgard with you guys the way you are now,” Jason said, “So... you need to turn all ponies present into humans. Except Chrysalis, she can change herself. And Dash, we need her to open the portal.”

“What makes you think I can do that?” she asked, giving him a nasty look.

“You turned us all into Breezies, I’m pretty sure you can make us human,” Dash said with a roll of her eyes.

“Ugh, fine,” Twilight said with a huff. She charged her horn up, and cast the spell. They quickly morphed into humans, though thankfully they all gained clothes, each resembling the colors of their coats. Chrysalis did the same, taking her human disguise.

“Well, beyond the weird hair colors, which we can pass off as hair dye, you all look perfect!” Jason said with a clap of his hands.

“This better not be permanent,” Dust hissed, patting her back, trying to find her wings.

“Don’t worry, I can change us all back,” Twilight said, crossing her arms. “I hope you have a plan to get us there Jason, otherwise Dash could just rip a hole to nowhere.”

“I got us covered,” Jason said, holding up the map. “Show me where the wall between Asgard and Midgard is weakest,” he ordered, the map obeying. “This way,” he said, leading the group out near the Everfree. He stopped a moment, looking around, “Huh... this is where I first showed up in Equestria.”

“Really?” Applejack asked surprised, “How can ya tell?”

“I’ll never forget that moment. I was scared out of my mind,” Jason said with a laugh. “Do your stuff, Dash.”

She gave him a cocky smile, her body starting to glow. She bolted into the sky, quickly opening a portal. “Last pony in is a rotten egg!” she called out as she looped around and flew through it.

“Ok, how the hay are we supposed to get up there?” Twilight asked with a frown.

“Elementary, my dear Watson,” Jason said, putting his hands on the ground. His eyes flashed red and a crude ice staircase formed, leading up to the portal, “Watch your step,” Jason said as he and Chrysalis climbed up to the portal hand in hand, jumping in. Lightning Dust went next, followed by Rarity.

“Confound that man, he drives me to insanity,” Twilight grumbled to herself as she reached the top of the stairs. “Well... here goes nothing. For science!” she cried, diving head first into the portal, which sealed up behind her.

“See! There it is again!” Hel cried, sitting up on her throne, her copy of Holes tumbling to the floor. “I told you it was Bifrost!”

“Seems like your advice stuck, Fenrir,” Sleipnir spoke up, looking away from his sudoku book.

“Of course it did, kid’s smart,” Fenrir said, currently licking his paws, “All he needed was the right push.”

“I should like to meet this Corypheus in person,” Loki started, strolling into the room, “At least he seems worthy of my legacy.”

“Oh here we go again,” Sleipnir said with a groan, rolling his eyes. “It’s not all about you, mother.”

“Do not call me that,” Loki growled, causing his other children to snicker at his expense. “Hel,” Loki said, moving up to take his seat, “Conjure up that seeing water of yours,”

“If you guys are spying on my son I want to be a part of it too,” Toya said, looking up from his game of solitaire.

“Mind your business, stabman,” Loki said with barely restrained contempt.

“Quiet yourself father,” Hel scowled, glaring at Loki, “This is my domain. Toya is Corypheus’ father, if he wishes to join us as we scry him than he may.” Loki crossed his arms, looking away rather petulantly. Hel just sighed, summoning up the viewing water. “Gather around and we shall see what our kin is up to,” she commanded as images started to appear in the water.

“Well girls, welcome to Midgard, or as it’s currently known, planet Earth,” Jason said, getting to his feet. Thankfully, the portal had dumped them all into an empty room.

“It looks dull,” Dash commented, looking around the room, a rather unimpressed look on her face.

“Of course it’s dull genius, we’re in an empty room,” Dust pointed out, making Dash growl in response.

“Actually, having spent more than a few months in Equestria, I have to say, the colors are brighter there than they are here,” Jason said, moving over to the door.

“The magic here don’t feel right,” Applejack said with a frown, poking at the floor with a boot, “Like it’s all... faded and stuff.”

“I noticed it too... it’s like the magic here hasn’t been used in a very long time,” Chrysalis said, feeling the magic around them.

“Shh...” Jason said holding his hand up, silencing them. He put his ear up to the door, listening through the wood. The din of a large crowd made it to his ear, making him frown, “I should have figured we’d end up at the same place I left Earth,” Jason said, pulling away from the door. “Stay close to me and don’t talk to any weirdos,” Jason commanded, opening the door, allowing all the noise to enter the room. He looked back and forth quickly before closing the door again, looking rather disturbed.

“What is it?” Rarity asked, wearing a look of concern.

Jason said nothing, opening the door again to take another look. “Ok... this is going to be as weird for me as it is for you, just... stay close,” he said, walking out with a sigh. They followed him out, letting out a collective gasp. Hundreds of humans were all walking around a very large hall, filled with various booths... with countless pony images everywhere.

“Jason...” Twilight watched with wide eyes as a young man walked by wearing a shirt with her and the rest of the Elements on it. “Please tell me you know whats going on.”

“Only thing I can guess at is that the show Nemesis told me about started up here while I was gone...” Jason muttered, looking around. “Follow me. Dash keep your wings folded, we don’t want to attract attention... even though a pony with metallic limbs is going to bring attention...”

They all nodded, sticking close to their guide. They made it at least halfway through the hall before someone stopped them.

“Hey,” a woman in her twenties asked, looking at Dash, who froze up quickly. “Is that a costume? ‘Cause if it is, that’s really cool.”

“No uh... it’s animatronic. Yeah, that’s it, animatronic,” Jason said with a quick nod.

“What's up with the legs?” the woman asked, poking one of Dash’s talons. Dash stayed perfectly still, trying not to freak out.

“Please don’t do that,” Jason asked, lifting Dash up, “I wasn’t able to finish the legs before the con.”

“Oh,” she said, before getting a good look at his face, “Hey wait a minute, you're that guy who vanished a few months back!”

“Nah... you got the wrong guy,” he said, shaking his head, already backing away.

“Yeah you are, you were all over the news,” she insisted, moving closer.

“Fuck it, run!” Jason shouted, running off toward the exit, Dash in his arms and the girls in tow.

“Did you feel that?” the woman asked, turning to her husband, looking away from their patient.

“I think we all felt it,” he answered, looking out the window, “The power of Bifrost has returned.”

“Perhaps this one came from Asgard?” she asked, gesturing to the creature on the bed. Blueblood lay there quietly shaking with fever, a damp rag on her forehead.

“It is possible, she appears to be something Loki would sire,” he said with a snort. “How is she doing?”

“Better since the last of that foul darkness has been removed. Hopefully her fever will break now,” she said, adjusting the blankets.

“Good, then maybe we can get some answers from her,” he nodded, moving toward the door. “I’m going to speak with the others about this,” Without waiting for her reply, he strode out of the house, leaving them alone.

“Ahn...” Blueblood moaned, coughing a little. She opened her eyes, looking around in a feverish haze. “W-where...?”

“Relax young one, you are safe here,” the woman cooed softly, catching the unicorn’s attention, “As for where you are, you are in Alfheim, home of my people, the Ljosalfar.”


“Yes, that’s right,” she nodded, letting her magic dance across her fingers. “It is good that you are awake but you must rest. Sleep now, we may speak once your fever has broken.”

Blueblood found herself slipping back into sleep, her eyelids drooping quickly. “Thank... you...” she whispered just as peaceful sleep overtook her.

“So this is where you grew up?” Rarity asked, looking up at the house in front of them. It wasn’t much, a small two story house with a white picket fence. It was painted a rather dull brown color, with a plain black roof.

“Ain’t much, but it was home,” Jason said, reaching into his pocket to pull out his keys. “Glad I managed to hold onto these. Lets hope they didn’t change the locks.” He led them up to the door and slid the key in. With a satisfied smirk he turned the key and opened the now unlocked door. “Ladies, welcome to my home.” he stepped back, gesturing for them to enter.

“What is all this stuff?” Twilight asked, looking around, her eyes sparkling with wonder.

“Human technology, that’s what,” Jason said with a smirk as he replaced his keys in his pocket and shut the door behind. “In all honesty Twilight, it’s about as normal for humans as magic is for ponies.”

The sound of a shotgun being cocked interrupted their conversation. “The hell are you doing in my house?” a very familiar voice called out.

“Ok everyone... just put your hands up,” Jason said, already doing it. He slowly turned around to face their aggressor. Standing on the stairs, aiming his shotgun at them was Mr. Hughes. “Hey dad... um... surprise?”

“Jason?” Mr. Hughes asked, lowering his gun. “Where on God’s green Earth have you been, boy?”

“Yeah... about that,” he started with a nervous chuckle before another voice cut in.

“Jason?” A middle-aged woman came down the stairs rather quickly, “You’re home! You’re finally home!” she cried. Rushing past her husband, she pulled Jason into a tight hug. “I thought I lost you forever!” He just smiled, hugging her back.

“Can’t get rid of me that easy,” Jason replied with a rather cocky smirk on his face.

“Where did you go? They looked for... days...” she said as her gaze shifted to Rainbow Dash. She stared for a moment, wide eyed.

“Um Jay?” Dash asked asked as Mrs. Hughes dropped to her knees. She pulled Dash close, sobbing heavily.

“It was real... it was all real...” she sobbed, making Dash rather uncomfortable.

“Ok, what the hell is going on?” Chrysalis asked, looking at the sobbing woman.

“I should have known... you were in Ponyland the whole time. It’s all real... I’m not crazy,” Mrs. Hughes smiled, despite her sobbing.

“Ponyland?” Twilight asked, looking rather shocked, “That’s one of the ancient names for Equestria!”

“Ok, this is just getting crazy,” Jason said, putting a hand to his head.

“What have you brought into my home?!” Mr. Hughes shouted, aiming the shotgun at Rainbow Dash. Jason darted forward, grabbed the barrel, and frosted it over. He easily shattered the barrel, causing Mr. Hughes to stumble back in fear.

“Watch him,” he told Chrysalis, stepping past his father. “I’m going to collect my things,” Jason said with a sigh as he headed up to his room. He took out his hypercube and tossed it up in the air a few times. “Welp... lets just see how much you can hold.” He moved around the room, packing his stuff into the cube until only four bare walls and a bed remained.

“Jason.” He turned, finding his mother standing in the doorway.

“Mom... look, I’m sorry, this isn’t how I wanted to say goodbye-”

“I want to go with you,” she said, looking into his eyes.

“You what?” Jason asked, taking completely off guard.

“Please, I’m sorry for everything I put you through.” she paused, sitting on his bed. “When I was a little girl, I had pony friends in Ponyland, which was across a rainbow bridge. The last time I went to where that bridge was, it was gone, and I cried for days. Nobody would believe me about the ponies or the bridge or the other world, and they even almost had me convinced that it was all just a child's imagination.”

“Mom, you know if you go with me, it won’t be the same,” Jason said, sitting down next to her. He looked up at her with a smile, “Though, I would love to have you there.”

Smiling, she leaned over and placed a kiss on his head.

“Here,” Jason said, passing her the cube. “That thing’s got infinite storage so go pack up whatever you want to take, we’ll wait for you downstairs.” He kissed her cheek before heading back downstairs. “I guess the old saying is true... you can never go home again,”

Eclipse tapped her fingers against her throne, her mind wandering to the ripple she had felt before. Her people had informed her that it belonged to something called Bifrost, a bridge that allowed travel between the realms. “You!” she snapped, glaring at the minion that stood there, staring off into space with a stupid grin. “Connect me to your master!” she commanded, slamming her fist into her arm rest.

The minion jumped at the sound before hitting himself upside the head a few times. “Uh... master not here now. Leave message after beep?” he said sheepishly. Eclipse was about ready to slam the creature against the wall before his demeanor suddenly changed, his back straightening as his eyes began to glow brighter. His tone of voice took on a dark undertone as well. “Yes?”

“Good, I was ready to strangle the stupid creature,” she said with a sigh, getting off her throne. “I believe Jason is tampering with the barriers between worlds.”

“You are afraid he is going to find you with an army, is that it?” The minion put his claws behind his back. “Or do you think he is planning to find me after my little show with the wolf?”

“Neither,” she said, shaking her head. “This world is divided into nine. I control this one and he rules in another. But that leaves seven more, each giving him the opportunity to gain allies.”

The minion hummed in thought. “Do you know what lies in these other realms? If so, I’d like you to take care of them. Either make them our allies or cripple them so they are useless to him, I’ll leave it to your discretion.”

“I know of what was in those realms. Vanaheim is beyond us however, none save for those who lived there knew where it was. Midgard is out of the question as well, I doubt we could take Earth before they started to nuke us.”

The minion rolled his eyes. “Thanks for the history lesson and all, but I do have the assassination of two princesses to plan. Is there anything else?”

“Just one more thing,” she leaned up against a blank wall, looking back at him, “Do you happen to have anything that could capture some of Bifrost’s power?”

“What, you mean something to contain it? Child’s play.” The minion held its claws out in front of it and a black gem formed in between them. “Here, this will hold any magic short of the Elements of Harmony blasting it head on.” It floated over to Eclipse and fell into her outstretched hand.

“This shall do nicely,” she said with a smirk. “I shall see which realms fall to our conquest.” The minion nodded before returning to its previous behavior, ogling the gem it suddenly noticed in Eclipse’s hand. “Shiny!”

“Prepare yourselves! When Bifrost is used again, we march!” she shouted, her voice echoing through the tunnels of her kingdom. It was only silenced by the cheers of the dark elves, their war cries calling for blood.

“So... what are we doing here?” Megan asked, looking around their new environment. After they had left the house, Jason had changed into a strange multi-species creature by the name of Hodgepodge and the next thing she knew, they were all sitting on a yacht in the middle of the ocean.

“Oh I just have to get some scales from my Uncle, be back soon!” he called before diving headfirst into the water and sinking like a rock.

“Don’t worry, you get used to his weirdness,” Twilight said, offering a smile.

“Oh tell me about it, I had to put up with it for nineteen years,” she said with a laugh, sitting down with them under an umbrella.

“So what was Jason like as a col– er, when he was younger?” Rarity asked, fixing her hair.

“You don’t have to pretend anymore, I figured out you girls were ponies a while ago,” Megan said with a giggle.

“Wait, what?” Dust asked, taken aback

“I could tell by your hair colors, only ponies would have hair in as vivid of colors and the distinctive styles you girls have.” She cleared her throat. “Though, as a child, Jason was rather quiet. When he first started school he had some anger issues and he threw more than his share of tantrums.”

“If I may ask, Mrs. Hughes,” Twilight started, “Could you tell me how you met the ancient ponies?”

“Please, girls, just call me Megan,” she said waving it off, “But of course Twilight. I was only thirteen at the time and I lived on my family's ranch.The first pony I ever met was a pink pegasus named Firefly. She was looking for someone to help her save her friends from Tirek’s evil.”


“Yeah I think he was some kind of centaur, real nasty guy. I managed to beat him with the Rainbow Light that the Moochick gave me,” she said, holding up a red heart-shaped locket, “It used to be inside this locket but it vanished the same day that the bridge did...”

“Well, now you get to come home with us!” Dash said, hoping to cheer her up, “You get to see the awesome modern day ponies!”

“You remind me a lot of Firefly, even your marks are similar,” Megan said with a small smile.


“Yup, her mark was two blue lightning bolts.”

“That is interesting, maybe she was Rainbow Dash’s ancestor,” Twilight said, rubbing her chin.

“You know, I don’t think I got any of your names,” Megan said, interrupting Twilights thoughts.

“Oh sorry,” Twilight said with a sheepish smile, “I’m Twilight Sparkle, this is Applejack, Rarity, Lightning Dust, and Chrysalis,”

“I knew a pony named Applejack.”

“There have been a few Applejacks in the Apple family tree,” Applejack added with a nod.

“Though... I don’t think Chrysalis sounds like a pony name...” Megan said, eyeballing the empress.

“That is true, I’m not a pony,” Chrysalis said, dropping her disguise. “I am empress of the changelings... and Jason’s fiancée...”

“His what?!” Megan exclaimed, her eyes wide.

“Yeah...” Hodgepodge said, flopping back onto the boat like a wet noodle, several large scales in his hand, “I was gonna tell you about that soon...”

“That wasn’t the first thing you planned to tell me?!”

“Well umm... let’s get home!” he shouted, snapping his fingers and teleporting them to the roof of the convention center. “Let me go get something real quick first,” he added, teleporting away and quickly coming back with a box in his hands.

“What’s that ya got there?” Applejack asked, tilting her head.

“My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic season 1 DVDs. I want to see how close to real life it is.” He turned to Dash, “Now take us home!”

“What, you can’t?” she asked, raising her eyebrow.

“Its hard for me! So... just do your Boom and lets go,”

Dash just smirked, quickly recreating the portal. Hodgepodge wrapped the rest of them up with his serpentine body and flew through the portal, which closed behind them.

The wind howled mercilessly in the frigid forests of Jotunheim, its bitter teeth raking even the most heavily coated animals that made these lands home. A powerful ripple moved through the realm, stirring up that which had since laid dormant. The howling wind only became stronger, starting to take shape. Dozens of what appeared to be ghostly horses appeared in the blizzard, each of them looking in the direction of Asgard.

“Bifrost is awake once more,” a voice drifted across the winds, “Perhaps we were too hasty in our judgement of the equines.” It paused for thought. “We shall let them come to us, then we shall test their mettle.” The spirits nodded in agreement before fading away once more, though this time, instead of merely falling asleep, they waited.

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