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Sir Hat

Comments ( 332 )

That chapter name is so sexual. :rainbowkiss:

Yesssss, this pleases us...

I hate seeing people reject something wrong. Misery here... I want to hug her...

And half the ending of The Choice is spoiled: Able lives. ...Damn.

About time....I haven't seen a well written Feels-Fic with more than two chapters in months. Let alone one with humans and changelings playing a vital role...

Gskar #6 · Aug 22nd, 2014 · · 1 · Tired ·

Not really my cup of tea:unsuresweetie:


You're gonna make me cry...:fluttercry:

isjor1 #8 · Aug 22nd, 2014 · · 2 · Tired ·

I am wondering how anyone could dislike this.

sayters I can take, humans... not so much.:facehoof: sorry.


What's so wrong with Humans?

4888549 Too sexy.:eeyup:
Ponies have varying degrees of sexy, and when mixed with human it hits the perfect amount of sexy and cute.

4887741 It's Sir Hat. He establishes a universe...then never explains what it is. It's the 'suddenly a [insert here]universe[/insert here]' to 'and now for something completely different' transition.

It doesn't matter if it's interesting material and/or if it's an interesting world if you don't explain both/it. Sir Hat does neither and lets his worlds wither away. It's one of the things he's never even attempted to get at.

I personally understand that most of this stuff is just meant to be 'slice of life', but his work gets tiring from a critical standpoint. It's neither in one category or the other because he doesn't work out which is which. Some call that style...most critics call that a failure.

It's pretty simple, it's Humans + ponies in coexistence. And satyrs.

Sneaky edit there. And I trust most of my readers to pick up on what's going on. Exposition isn't really needed if you can drop hints as to what's happening, and let the reader interpret that themselves.:eeyup:

Interesting, very interesting h

4888565 Simple isn't history. Even that basic math doesn't explain everything. One day you'll have to eventually put together a story to connect all the related tales. It's entirely obvious that most of the stories I've read of yours are connected. That being said, I have to get started initiating you...

4888585 Nay, exposition is very important...but it still doesn't stop me from loving your characters, if not your storytelling.

You know...I'm sorely tempted to start a 'Sir Hat' column in my group...

....Vicious animal tells how it all started, ben and the bats expands the bat pony side, all the other little ones are just taking place in the world. Make sure you've read the stories before you tell me I didn't expand the world.

4888609 My apologies. I hadn't read 'Vicious Animals' yet.

That's fine, but don't insult me without just cause.:eeyup:

4888618 I'm not insulting you. If it appears that way, I'm just being blunt...and probably a bit cudgel-headed. When I spoke that way, I was speaking from a (not-sure-what-the-right-word-here-is) empirical standpoint.

Most critics do view a lack of exposition as a failure for individual stories. Exp. Stories not in series format. If a person read 'Unwanted' first, foremost, and only, they'd get no reason for all these characters and species to come together...they just are. And unless they are already familiar with these ...species... the lack of immediate description is only going to confuse them.

I don't view this story as a failure because I'm not looking at it in that way. I'm taking a personal view, and I see good things with the story...I'm just not going to immediately add it to my favorites because I'm incredibly picky that way. For slice-of-life stories, most of your works are gems... if you can get past the above. There are good and bad points in all things...and I've told you mostly about the bad because I'm sure you already know everything I could say about the good.

If you look back at the comments previous, you'll notice that I'm even contemplating setting up a tag specifically for your stories. If that doesn't show you what I think about your work, your world, I don't know what will.

4888621 ...Yeah, I don't run with fangroups. ...It's nothing personal, but it's just not something I do...

Thing about jumping in from any point. Its all there, it's there, you just have to look at what I give you. You can find out what's going on, I guarantee you.

4888556 you my good sir have it a bit mixed up where I'm concerned, I believe the ponies are too sexy whereas the saters are a perfect mix of the two, wheras the humans by themselves make me want to gag.:pinkiesick:

4888718 I only just found 'Vicious Animal' and I'll be sure to try it on the morrow. For now, I should probably do best by tender sleep. It is dawn's rising by now, and I haven't dreamt about dreaming for sans an hour du, full day.

Luna let out a soft sigh. "I suppose...it hasn't done any violent or subversive behaviors yet.... I don't like it, but it's your choice, sister."

I would say 'shown' would work better here than 'done'.

I think you are nitpicking a bit there. This isn't a meant to be a documentary telling the entire history of the world, it's meant to be a story about one aspect of the world and how that aspect interacts with it. It focuses on Misery, so showing what happened some odd years ago isn't important to her. Her thoughts and observations are what is conveyed.

As for the "style" you mentioned. It's called first person. A first person omniscient would be able to world build and tell the exact history, but either Misery doesn't care, doesn't know, or even if she was taught 'history' it would have been the changeling's perspective of events.

If you dislike a story because it doesn't immediately hand everything you want to know to you on a silver platter. You're just too lazy to figure things out for yourself. Because everything you need to know is in there.

Bring it in bro, :rainbowkiss: bring it in and hug me you bitch.:trollestia:

I'm quite liking it so far, and damn that cover art is cute! :3
I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes!

Is this an accurate representation of you when you get insulted.

Minus the beard.:rainbowkiss:


I dunno, I kinda like having a whole world at large be gradually explained through details, conversations and so on...it's something I've noticed a lot in the best videogames (half-life comes to mind-there isn't a speck of exposition in it, but if you go looking around you can find a coherent narrative) and it's something I've seen the Game of Thrones book series do as well...
Then again, it can be pretty irritating.


Actually, I think one can already gleam a lot of the backstory from what we've already seen in the text; Able was the original HiE; the princesses trusted him, and he opened the borders to the human world.
There is a sizable population of human immigrants in Equestria, for some reason (?), and humans and ponies can interbreed producing satyrs.
If I had to guess, I'd say this is 16+ years after the show (given you need that much time to have adult satyrs around at court-might be different if ponies and satyrs mature differently), making Able middle-aged, and it's entirely possible that there was a second Changeling war (given how "unforgivable" and horribly changelings are treated, plus the line where Luna explicitly says that Celestia dropped the ball on them) and said war is probably before Able appeared in Equestria


Did I get things right?

everything but the years. 18 after satyr.:rainbowkiss:

And the human immigrants are just immigrants. Nothing all too interesting, it's just a new land (like coming to America, but with ponies.)


Awesometastic :-)


The mature, sex and human tag attract downvotes like there's no tomorrow.

Point of fact, I'm 40% certain that there's people out there who downvotes fics based on that alone.

Oh, and some people are grossed out by satyrs themselves and others are grossed out by their implications.


I'm only doing that wirh anthro fics... Seriously there is no excuse turning ponies in humans and anthros >:-3

How long until Celestia is deepthroating the new girl?


So, you are of the opinion that if a story has anthro ponies, then that necessarily means it is bad, right?
No matter how well it's written, or whether Tolkien, Pascoite, Dostoevsky or Bad Horse were its author?
Because that seems kinda...rash.
Now, I'll fully admit the vast majority of anthro stories are crap, but I think that's because the kind of people who write them aren't very good writers, not because the concept itself is inherently bad :-\
If we go down that path, what can we say to people who go: mlp is stupid because it's a children's cartoon?

4889517 I'm currently editing an anthro story, I love it. It's a pretty good concept, and I agree with your statement.

4889281 People need to just realize we're all mammals and need to do it like they do on the discovery channel.

Sadly never.

...... :D

4889517 Anthro sucks, bro.

It's in the bible.


The bible says God's chosen army stuck swords in women's bellies as an early form of abortion :-P


Ooohhh, wait, sorry, I completely misread what you wrote.
Yes, anthro does, indeed, suck.

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