• Published 31st Oct 2011
  • 10,778 Views, 170 Comments

PinkieShy - PatRoison

PinkieShy or FlutterPie whichever you prefer. Started cute and light, but then it all went wrong.

  • ...

A Deep Dark Secret Part 1

“Are you sure it was a good idea that we leave the ruins to set up camp,” Aqua Rain asked.

Twilight followed the path Rainbow Dash and Applejack forged when they first arrived and said, “It would have been easier to set up camp there, but I don’t want to risk anything happening.”

She shook her head, “No, we have to move through the night. If we reach the clearing where we camped, we can rest there.”

Aqua Rain began to nod but lost her balance, stumbling into Rainbow Dash.

“Hey,” Rainbow said, “Watch it.”

“Easy there, RD,” Applejack said, “She’s probably dehydrated.”

She passed Aqua Rain a flask and said, “You’ll need your strength, so drink up.”

Aqua Rain nodded and took a drink from the flask. The water tasted sweeter than any juice she had drunk before.

Before she realized it, she had finished the flask.

“Sorry,” she said as she returned the flask to Applejack.

“Don’t you worry none,” Applejack said, “I got some more water in my pack. Always good to be prepared.”

The group continued to walk, and it was easier than before. Much of the path remained, and Twilight found she could use her magic more quickly the further they traveled from the temple.

Hours passed, and they eventually arrived at the clearing, and Pinkie ran ahead and sat down near the ashes of their previous campfire.

“Looks like we made good time,” Applejack said, “What do we say, we grab some shuteye? I’ll whip up a quick breakfast in the morning.”

The ponies agreed and began to set up a camp.

Aqua Rain tried to help while trying not to be a nuisance, but she didn’t know what to do.

“You just sit tight,” Applejack said, “We got this.”

“Okay,” Aqua Rain said, “I’ll just-“

She turned toward the direction of the temple and gasped, “She’s back.”

The group turned around and saw nothing but the darkness of the forest.

“I don’t see anything,” Fluttershy said, “But this happened twice before. Maybe something is there.”

Twilight followed Aqua Rain’s eye line and stood between her and this unknown threat.

“If there is something out there,” Twilight said, “Then it must have some magical energy keeping it hidden.”

She closed her eyes and focused her magic. A tiny spark flew above the group and burst into a shower of sparkles.

“Pretty,” Pinkie Pie said, “But what’s it do?”

Twilight smiled, “Think of them as an alarm system. Should anything magical enter the perimeter, I’ll know.”

She turned to Aqua Rain and asked, “Is it still there? Can you describe it to me?”

Before Aqua Rain could speak, Fluttershy said, “Don’t stare into her eyes for too long. I think that’s how she gets you.”

Aqua Rain nodded, “She’s at the edge of the clearing.”

“Is she making headed this way,” Twilight asked.

“No,” Aqua Rain said, “She’s just standing there.”

Applejack said, “Well, let’s not worry about that then. Twilight’s alarm will let us know if that thing gets close.”

Though the thought didn’t provide much comfort, the group settled down for dinner.

They all ate in silence, only to look up when Pinkie Pie began to giggle.

“What is it,” Fluttershy asked.

“Oh, nothing,” Pinkie said, “I was just thinking that this is not how I thought things would go with you.”

She stretched her forelegs and gave Fluttershy a quick nuzzle.

“I thought it would be nothing but picnics and cute moments together, but nope. We’re on an adventure, first to help some trapped ghosties, and now we’re on our way to help some trapped ponies.”

Fluttershy nuzzled Pinkie again and said, “Well, it was much easier for me with you here to help me.”

Pinkie smiled, “Yup, we’ll still have our cute moments.”

"And I can’t wait for you two to get even mushier,” Rainbow Dash said sarcastically.

“Oh, leave them alone,” Rarity said, smiling, “It’ll be wonderful to see the two of them in love. I hope that it will be in less stressful times.”

Applejack finished setting up the bedrolls and tents.

“Hate to break it to you,” she told Aqua Rain, “But we ain’t got a spare.”

Aqua Rain turned to Applejack, pointing a hoof to the clearing’s edge, and said, “That’s okay. We slept on the other side of the clearing.”

“What were you doing,” Applejack asked, “Waiting for us to sleep?”

“That was Sapphire’s plan,” Aqua Rain said, “But Cobalt wouldn’t hear of it. We wanted to know why she insisted on chasing all of you.”

Aqua Rain sat down and said, “Even that night, we knew what we were doing was wrong, but she was so certain. We’ve been friends for so many years. It wasn’t until we were this far into the forest that we knew that we had to ask her.”

Applejack laughed, causing the ponies to look at her.

“Well,” she said, “Now I ain’t forgiving what y’all did, but I can see things from your side.”

“What do you mean,” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Well, Sugarcube,” Applejack said, “Sure, none of us would do what they did, but we would take each other at their word in a heartbeat.”

“That’s true,” Fluttershy said, “I don’t think I would ever doubt any of you girls.”

“And that,” Rarity said to Aqua Rain, “Is because none of us would do something as awful as what you four did.”

Aqua Rain shook her head, “And I will face my due punishment for my part. You have my word that I will help you as best I can.”

She pawed at the ground and added, “Though you have no reason to believe me.”

Twilight got to her hooves and stretched, “Try not to think about that. I believe whatever is following us might be using your connection with your husband. I know this is nearly impossible, but try to keep him out of your mind.”

Aqua Rain scoffed and said, “I’ll try.”

She lay down near the fire and tried to get some sleep. The sound of the fire comforted her, but she heard the sound of somepony approaching.

She opened her eyes and saw the apparition at the camp's border. Ignoring Twilight’s instructions, she got a better look at the creature.

“Hon,” the apparition said in Cobalt’s voice, “Why are you here? I need you.”

“I know you’re not him,” she said, “I don’t know what’s going on, but I will save him.”

Suddenly, she found herself suddenly pulled back.

“Careful there,” Applejack said as she grabbed Aqua Rain’s hoof, “You nearly drove your hoof into the fire.”

Aqua Rain noticed that her hoof was hot and near the flames.

She pulled her leg back and asked, “What happened?”

“Well,” Applejack said, “I came over to tell you we got a spare bedroll for you.”

She motioned to the other side of the camp, where Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were sharing a bedroll. The yellow pegasus’ face buried into the pink earth pony’s mane.

“Sweeter and a golden delicious they are,” Applejack said, “Anyway, Fluttershy insisted that you not sleep on the grass, so she and Pinkie Pie are doubling up.”

Aqua rain nodded, “Thank you, but what was I doing?”

Applejack adjusted her hat and said, “Well, you were mumbling something. I guess that thing is trying to get to you. I was gonna nudge you, but you started getting close to the fire. That’s when I pulled you away.”

“I saw it,” she said, “It wasn’t a pony. At least not quite.”

Aqua Rain was going to say more, but Applejack stopped her.

“Save that for the morning,” Applejack said, “Twilight would be the better one to hear it.”

Aqua Rain nodded and saw the results of her and her friends’ actions a few nights ago.

“I know it doesn’t mean anything,” she said, “But I am truly sorry for what we did to you two.”

Applejack nodded, “You’re right. Your sorries don’t mean nothing to me, but I know that you mean it.”

She lowered herself to Aqua Rain’s level and added, “You’ll get what’s coming to you, but I ain’t about to abuse you for it. Get some sleep. It’ll be a while yet before we get to Canterlot.”

“I thought I was to stay in Ponyville until you all returned from Canterlot,” Aqua Rain asked.

Applejack laughed, “Nope. As Pinkie said, you’re a part of this, and the princesses need to know your part.”

Shame and fear shone on Aqua Rain’s face as the thought of facing the princesses entered her mind.

“Well,” Applejack said, “Best get used to that feeling. You deserve it. Now, try and get some shut-eye.”

Aqua Rain got to her hooves, set up the bedroll, and decided to sleep further from the fire and lay down.

She opened her eyes and saw the apparition. With a groan, she rolled over and saw it on the other side.

“You’re not going to leave me alone, are you,” she asked.

The apparition grinned and shook its head.

Aqua Rain covered her head and tried to get some sleep. In her mind, she heard the vile laugh and then silence. Before long, sleep took her for a few hours at least.

Day broke, and the ponies began to stir. Applejack rose before the sun and had already started cooking breakfast.

“No need to pretend that you’re sleeping,” she said, “Might as well get up and help.”

Aqua Rain got up and staggered to Applejack.

“You don’t look good,” Applejack said, “Didn’t get much sleep?”

“No,” Aqua Rain said, “Every time I fell asleep, I would see Cobalt, and when I would wake up, I’d hear that thing at the edge of camp.”

Applejack nodded, “That’d be mighty stressful, and I do feel for you.”

“Why don’t I believe you,” Aqua Rain asked.

Applejack laughed, “I can’t lie to save my life. I said my piece last night. Now we got work to do.”

Aqua Rain nodded and began to help Applejack get breakfast ready.

Before long, the other ponies woke up.

“Pinkie,” Fluttershy said, “We need to help with breakfast.”

“No,” Pinkie Pie said, “Too early for that. It’s snuggle time.”

Fluttershy turned to face her friends and offered an apologetic smile.

“Don’t you fret,” Rarity said, “We shall attend to the meal.”

Fluttershy smiled and said, “Thank you.”

She buried her face into Pinkie’s mane and found it so comfortable that she fell back asleep.

Twilight smiled at her friends and said, “Let them sleep, and we can pack them something to eat.”

Applejack nodded and continued preparing breakfast. All ponies sat to the meal and ate in relative silence.

“So,” Rainbow Dash asked Aqua Rain, “What’s the deal with your friend?”

Aqua Rain stopped eating and asked, “Sapphire?”

Rainbow Dash nodded.

“She,” Aqua Rain began, “She’s a bit high-strung.”

“Yeah, I figured that much,” Rainbow Dash said, “Just why did she freak out so badly?”

“I don’t know,” Aqua Rain said, “She’s never shown any interest in anypony before, but when you mentioned a race, that reminded me of something.”

She took a deep breath and said, “I didn’t think anything of it at the time, but she was distant for a while. We thought she was upset about something and would tell us eventually.”

“And she didn’t,” Twilight asked.

Aqua Rain shook her head, “After a week or so, we asked, and she said that she was fine. Everything went back to normal for a while.”

Applejack nodded and said, “Until you came to Ponyville.”

“Yeah,” Aqua Rain said, “We were passing through. You know, taking a break from school to see Equestria, but Sapphire came running to us one night.”

“And was this before or after the double date,” Applejack asked.

“It wasn’t a date,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Oh hush,” Applejack said, “That friend of hers clearly thought it was.”

Aqua Rain took a breath and said, “It was the day before. She didn’t say anything, but we could tell she wanted to.”

She nervously glanced at the group and said, “The thing is, the way we normally deal with Sapphire is to wait it out. She would always let us know what was bothering her, but she didn’t say a word this time. She just kept looking back to some farm with a really angry look on her face.”

"And how long did she wait until she talked to you,” Rarity asked.

“Emerald Lilly was the one that made her talk. She tends to get nervous when Sapphire gets in one of her moods, so she’s usually the one that snaps her out of them.”

Aqua Rain sighed, “We should have asked more questions. It’s just. She was so upset and sure, we just believed her.”

She looked at the group, though her gaze didn’t linger on Applejack or Rainbow Dash, and said, “I’ll say it again. Once everything is done, I will gladly turn myself in.”

“Let’s worry about that once we reach Canterlot,” Twilight said, “For now, let’s get going.”

Rarity gently nudged the sleeping ponies, and the two left the comfort of the bedroll.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Fluttershy said, “I didn’t mean to fall asleep again.”

“It’s okay,” Rainbow Dash said, “We packed some food so you two can still eat.”

“Yay,” Pinkie Pie shouted, “Food on the go!”

Fluttershy rolled up the bedroll and handed it to Aqua Rain.

“Thank you,” Aqua Rain said, “I greatly appreciate you letting me use your bedroll.”

“It was no trouble,” Fluttershy said, “I couldn’t bear the thought of you sleeping on the grass.”

Pinkie bounced to them and said, “And I got to spend the night with my Flutters, so it’s win-win.”

Aqua Rain giggled at Fluttershy’s sudden blush and returned the bedroll with the others.

“Still,” she said, “I do appreciate it.”

The group left the clearing and continued the long walk back toward Fluttershy’s cottage. When they arrived, Rainbow Dash pointed to where Aqua Rain and her friends were tied up.

“How’d you guys get away,” she asked.

“Emerald Lilly,” Aqua Rain said, “Once that thing-“

“Ghostie,” Pinkie Pie corrected.

“Um, ghostie,” Aqua Rain continued, “When it attacked us, she ran off. She waited until you were all gone and cut the ropes.”

She shook her head, “We should have just stayed still.”

“You shouldn’t have done anything at all,” Rainbow Dash said, “But at least I know. It won’t be long before we get to Ponyville.”

When they arrived, Fluttershy glanced at her cottage to check the damaged window frame. She would have to ask Applejack to help her fix it later, and from what she could see, nothing else was damaged.

The group entered Ponyville, and Aqua Rain could feel the gaze of every pony they passed.

They knew. Aqua Rain didn’t know how they knew, but they all knew it was her.

“Would you relax,” Applejack said, “You’re wound up tighter than Fluttershy on Nightmare Night.”

“They know,” Aqua Rain said, “They all do.”

Rarity trotted to her and said, “That is nothing more than your guilt. They know what transpired, but nopony knows the players involved. So, as Applejack said, please relax.”

Aqua Rain nodded, and the group soon arrived at the library.

“We should take the balloon,” Twilight said, “We can’t risk waiting for the train.”

The ponies nodded and piled into the balloon basket.

“It’s a bit snug,” Applejack said, “But we are in a hurry.”

“Fluttershy,” Rainbow said, “Let’s fly. That’ll free up some space.”

Fluttershy nodded and said, “Okay, but I want to stay close to Pinkie Pie, um-“

“If you say ‘if that’s okay with me,’ so help me,” Rainbow Dash said as she took to the sky.

Fluttershy giggled and nuzzled Pinkie Pie. Once the rest of the ponies were settled, she gently floated along with the hot air balloon.

The trip to Canterlot took a few hours, and Aqua Rain managed to get some sleep.

“She looks exhausted,” Twilight said.

Applejack nodded, “Seems like whatever took her friends was causing her trouble.”

“Well,” Rarity said, “It certainly is a relief to be out of that forest.”

The ponies nodded in agreement and continued onward in silence.

They eventually arrived at the palace, and Pinkie nudged Aqua Rain.

“Wakey wakey,” she said.

Aqua Rain got to her hooves and stretched.

“Rest well,” Rarity asked.

“Yes,” Aqua Rain said, blushing, “I didn’t get much sleep last night.”

Twilight placed a hoof on her shoulder and asked, “Did you see anything?”

Aqua Rain nodded, “I saw it.”

“As much as I would like to hear it,” Twilight said, “We should wait to tell the princesses.”

They disembarked and headed toward the throne room.

Applejack stopped and said, “I think we’re short a pony.”

They turned around and saw Aqua Rain still standing by the balloon.

When Applejack began to walk to get her, Aqua Rain shouted, “I can’t do it. I can’t face them. Please, go and tell the princesses and I’ll wait here. I won’t run. I promise.”

She felt somepony push her and turned to see Rainbow Dash glare at her.

“No way,” she said, “You are going in there, and you’re going to face the music.”

Aqua Rain sighed, defeated, and joined the group, and they soon found themselves before two large ornate doors.

“Ms. Sparkle,” one of the royal guards asked, “What brings you and your friends to the palace?”

Twilight stepped forward and said, “We’re here on official business and need to report to Princess Celestia and Luna.”

The guard nodded, “Of course. They are currently enjoying a meal. Perhaps you might wish to wash up first?”

Before anypony could respond, a delighted squeal pierced the air.

“Oh,” Rarity whispered, “I do apologize, but a bath does sound divine right now. It would do us all good to get the forest out of our manes.”

The ponies agreed and headed to the royal bath.

Aqua Rain entered the royal bath and gasped.

The large room was walled and floored with marble. In the center, a large pool was filled with steaming water. All around tables and lounge chairs lined the room.

Silver and gold accented the floor and furniture. It was all beautiful.

She saw herself in the floor’s reflection and cringed at how dirty she’d become. Aqua Rain knew a simple fact. She did not belong here.

“Cannonball,” Pinkie shouted and jumped in.

“Pinkie,” Fluttershy scolded, “You’re not supposed to do that.”

Pinkie Pie swam to the edge of the bath and asked, “Do what?”

“Jump in like that,” Fluttershy said, “This isn’t a swimming pool.”

“Oh, come on, Flutters,” Pinkie said, “Give it a try. It’s fun.”

Fluttershy turned to her friends, enjoying a relaxing soak, and saw that Aqua Rain had decided to sit on a bench near the entrance.

“Well,” she said, “I guess it wouldn’t hurt.”

She took a few steps back and began to trot.

“No running,” a voice boomed.

A terrified squeak escaped Fluttershy’s lips as she slipped on the marble floor. She crashed and slid over the lip of the bath and fell into the bath.

She swam to the surface and saw an annoyed guard.

“And that’s why there’s no running,” she said.

“Well,” Pinkie shouted, “If somepony didn’t scare her like that, she wouldn’t have fallen.”

“I’m sorry,” Fluttershy said, “I won’t do it again.”

The guard shook her head and walked off.

“Meany pants,” Pinkie Pie said.

“Pinkie,” Fluttershy gasped, “Don’t say things like that. She was doing her job, and it was silly of me to run on a wet floor.”

Pinkie nuzzled Fluttershy, and the two enjoyed a playful bath.

Fluttershy lowered herself into the water, only the top of her head above the surface.

“Doing your Gummy impression,” Pinkie asked.

Fluttershy shook her head and began to blush.

Pinkie gasped, “Flutters! If you have to go, then use the bathroom.”

Fluttershy quickly rose out of the water, “No. I wasn’t doing that. I promise.”

Pinkie nuzzled Fluttershy and asked, “Then, what’s up? Hold on.”

She grabbed her soaked mane and pushed it back behind her ears.

“That’s better,” Pinkie said, “So, what’s eating you?”

Fluttershy smiled and said, “I just. I think you look really pretty when your mane is like that.”

Her blush intensified, and she quickly dove underwater.

Pinkie smiled and dove after Fluttershy. She was a good swimmer, but the shy pegasus surprised her.

Eventually, Fluttershy turned back to see if Pinkie was behind her, and the pink torpedo caught her in an underwater hug.

The two got back to the surface and gave each other a quick kiss on the cheek.

“This is fun,” Fluttershy said.

“Sure is,” Pinkie said, “How’d you learn to swim so fast?”

“Oh, I learned while helping Mr. Beaver. I have a lot of animal friends who live in the water, so I have a lot of practice swimming.”

Pinkie splashed the water happily and said, “Well, that’s another fun thing we can do after all this spooky business is done.”

Fluttershy nodded and turned her attention to Pinkie’s mane.

“Flutters,” Pinkie said, “I know you said you like my mane like this, but...”

“I know,” Fluttershy said, “I never want you to be sad. I think it’s beautiful. Just like you always are.”

She sighed and said, “You really are special. When your mane is fluffy, it’s beautiful, and when it’s wet, it’s just as beautiful.”

Fluttershy leaned against Pinkie’s chest and said, “I envy you sometimes. You’re always so energetic, and you work so hard to make ponies happy. I wish I could be like that too.”

Pinkie hugged Fluttershy and said, “But you are. You work even harder than I do to make ponies happy. We just have different methods.”

“Mine’s not as fun, though,” Fluttershy said.

“There are all kinds of flavors of fun, Flutters,” Pinkie said, “Your kind of fun is more relaxing and giving ponies time and space to get themselves all sorted out.”

She kissed the top of Fluttershy’s head and said, “That’s why I love you. You’re special too, and I’m gonna make sure that you keep smiling.”

Fluttershy took a deep breath and sighed contentedly, and the pair swam to the edge and enjoyed the water.

Applejack smiled at the two, but she returned her gaze to Aqua Rain. She groaned with increasing annoyance at the blue unicorn.

“And just what are you doing over there,” she asked, “Get your hide in here and get cleaned up.”

Aqua Rain stood and took a few hesitant steps toward the bath. She didn’t like the look of the water, but she had no idea why. None of the ponies were bothered by it except her.

She eventually reached the water’s edge and looked into the water. Then, after taking a deep breath to calm herself, she began to lower herself into the water.

“You should be careful,” a voice whispered.

Aqua Rain opened her eyes and saw the apparition over her shoulder, she spun around and fell into the water.

Everything went dark.

She tried to swim up to the surface but was so disoriented that she didn’t know what way to go. Every direction felt wrong, so she just swam forward.

Her lungs burned as fear took her, and she remembered her friends that she was trying to save.

And she remembered Cobalt. She wanted to cry out at the thought of failing him, that he would be trapped. The pony she loved would be lost forever.

A bright light appeared. It was little more than a pin, but Aqua Rain swam toward it as quickly as she could. The world began to darken, and she didn’t know if that was the water or if she was drowning.

She suddenly found herself jerked to the surface and blinded by the brightness of daylight.

“What the hay just happened,” Rainbow Dash shouted, “One second you were about to get in, and the next you freak out and disappear.”

Aqua Rain tried to speak but instead began to cough up brackish water. Exhausted, she fell to her side.

As her sight dimmed, she saw the apparition at the far side of the bath within the marble wall.

“Let’s get her some air,” Twilight said as she levitated a first aid kit. She dropped it when the bath doors flew open, and the princesses flew into the room.

“Princess,” Twilight shouted, “I thought you were eating?”

“We were,” Luna said, “But we felt something here. Something wrong.”

Luna walked over to Aqua Rain and asked, “And who is this? A new friend?”

Twilight shook her head, “No. It’s complicated, which is why we returned to get some information.”

“I see,” Luna said.

She then noticed the water that Aqua Rain coughed up and asked, “And what is this?”

“She fell into the bath,” Rarity said, “She nearly drowned.”

Luna shook her head, “This water did not come from this bath.”

She looked at Twilight Sparkle and asked, “Who is this pony?”

Aqua Rain wheezed slightly and rose to a seated position. She shook her head and looked around at the eight ponies around her.

Eight? There were only six before. She studied the two new ponies and gasped.

“Princess,” she said, “I’m. I’m sorry.”

She got to hooves as quickly as she could. The result was slipping on the wet floor, but eventually, she bowed to the princesses.

“Enough of that,” Celestia said, “May we have your name?”

“I’m,” Aqua Rain began, “My name is Aqua Rain.”

“And how do you know Twilight and her friends,” Luna asked.

Aqua Rain closed her eyes tightly and told the truth.

“Because I was among the ponies that attacked Applejack and Rainbow Dash.”

“You what,” Luna shouted.

Luna immediately lifted Aqua Rain into the air and brought her closer.

“You will tell me this is nothing more than a misguided jest, or I will deliver you to Tartarus personally.”

Aqua Rain struggled to breathe but gasped, “It’s true. My friends attacked them because of a lie.”

“Is this true,” Luna asked Twilight.

Twilight nodded, “Yes, but as I said, it’s-“

She gasped as Luna threw Aqua Rain to the floor.

“Princess,” Twilight shouted, “Please, stop.”

Luna glared at Twilight, “I will not. This filth harmed your friends, and you wish to share the royal baths with her?”

Aqua Rain winced in pain and tried to get to her hooves.

“It might be best for you to stay down,” Celestia said.

The Sun Princess didn’t bear the same outrage as Luna, but she was clearly angry.

Aqua Rain listened and stayed down. She kept feeling a slight tug at her rear legs and tail. When she turned around, she saw it again on the reflective surface of the wall.

“Gotcha,” the voice whispered, and Aqua Rain was dragged back to the water.

“Twilight,” she shouted, “Help me!”

The ponies turned and gasped at the sight.

The water where Aqua Rain was being dragged had turned to the same brackish water that she had coughed up. It churned and grew more violent as Aqua Rain got closer.

Twilight immediately tried to levitate Aqua Rain away, but she recoiled as a powerful force struck her.

“The feedback,” she said.

Twilight turned to the princesses and shouted, “It’s the same feedback as from the temple. Please. I can’t use my magic. Save her.”

Luna scoffed but saw the concern on Twilight’s face. She focused her magic, wincing slightly, and pulled Aqua Rain away from the water.

“You are quite skilled, Twilight,” Luna said, “That was quite powerful.”

Aqua Rain managed to catch her breath and tried to run out of the room.

“And where do you think you’re going,” Luna shouted.

Aqua Rain skidded to a halt and said, “I can’t stay in this room. It’s not safe for me.”

Luna shook her head, “You poor fool, nowhere is safe for you.”

She walked to Aqua Rain and said, smiling, “Don’t you understand? You’ve been marked. This. Is but a fraction of what waits for you, and for what you did, I can’t think of a better punishment.”

“Luna,” Celestia said, “Let’s not be cruel. If Twilight was willing to bring her here, there must be a reason.”

“Then let her plead her case,” Luna said, “And then I’ll throw her in the dungeons.”

Twilight stepped forward and said, “Actually, we’ll need her help.”

Princess Celestia stepped forward and said, “Before things get any more heated, let us proceed to the throne room.”

The ponies quickly dried off. Fluttershy smiled as Pinkie’s mane regained its normal fluffiness.

“You miss it,” Pinkie asked.

Fluttershy shook her head, “It doesn’t matter how your mane is. It’ll always be beautiful to me.”

“Aww,” Pinkie said, “Let’s get going.”

Soon, the group joined the princesses at a large round table. Aqua Rain was hesitant to sit at the table, but a frustrated glare from Applejack spurred onward to sit down.

“You have our attention,” Luna said, “Now, explain yourself.”

Aqua Rain took a deep breath and said, “A friend of mine. Her name is Sapphire Flower. She lied to us and said Applejack and Rainbow Dash were hurting ponies. That we had to do something. We didn’t find out until after we did what we did that it was because Sapphire felt rejected by Rainbow Dash.”

She glanced at the princesses and quickly brought her gaze to the table.

“And after you escaped your capture,” Celestia asked.

“Another friend, Emerald Lilly, freed us. Sapphire wanted to follow them, but we managed to talk her out of it.”

“Why did you follow us into the forest,” Twilight asked.

Aqua Rain nodded, “We almost had Sapphire convinced to leave Ponyville, but she saw you and your friends return. She became obsessed and insisted on going after you.”

Rainbow Dash leaned forward and asked, “Why did you go with her?”

“She was adamant on going after you. Emerald said she wouldn’t go, but Cobalt said we should go with her. He heard stories about that forest and didn’t want to leave her alone.”

Twilight nodded, “The Everfree Forest is known for being dangerous. It was good that you tried to keep her safe.”

She smiled and said, “But we have good news, Princess Luna.”

“Oh,” Luna said, “Were you able to help the spirits?”

Twilight nodded, “Yes, they are finally free. It took some convincing, but they all moved on.”

Luna smiled, “That is good. You said that you needed information. What happened?”

She turned to Aqua Rain, “And how does it involve her?”

Twilight cleared her throat, “Well, one of the ghosts asked that we purify the temple. I created an energy flow to guide any lost spirits out, but I felt something while forming the energy flow. It felt old. Much older than the temple.”

Celestia and Luna shared a glance but said nothing.

“I asked the ghost, and she said it might be best if I didn’t pursue the matter.”

Celestia nodded, “That sounds like good advice.”

Twilight turned to Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie and said, “There’s more. Fluttershy and Pinkie discovered a curious structure beneath the temple tunnels. The ponies tried to escape during the attack, and part of the tunnels collapsed. Pinkie and Fluttershy can tell you more.”

Pinkie nudged Fluttershy and said, “We were looking for the ghostie, but it was super dark. Eventually, we fell down a hole and got lost. I couldn’t see, but I felt the floor. It felt like marble, but I knew it was super unlucky when I gave it a test tap.”

“How could marble be unlucky,” Luna asked.

“Because it was obsidian,” Pinkie said, shuddering, “The whole place was covered with it. Everywhere we went, there was obsidian.”

“I understand the old superstition,” Celestia said, “But obsidian isn’t unlucky. It can be hazardous, but I was unaware of that much being in a single place.”

The group nodded, but Applejack stared at Celestia. Something bothered the earth pony.

“Uh,” Applejack said, “I don’t mean to call nopony a liar, but why do I get the feeling that wasn’t true?”

She looked around and added, “Look. If you say that you never heard this before, I believe you.”

Princess Celestia smiled, “That’s quite all right. It comes with your unique talents.”

“Talents that should not be exposed to criminals,” Luna said, “As long as she’s here, do not speak of it.”

Twilight shook her head, “I don’t like leaving information out, but is Applejack right? Do you know more about the structure?”

Celestia closed her eyes and turned to Aqua Rain. She still bore anger in her eyes but had softened.

“This is a matter of security,” Celestia said, “Please wait outside, and a guard will watch over you.”

A guard approached the table, and Aqua Rain got to her hooves.

Before the guard led her away, Celestia said, “She is not to be mistreated in any way, understood?”

The guard nodded, and the two left the room.

“Now,” Celestia said, “We can proceed. Your assumption was correct, Applejack.”

She smiled and said, “Consider it a benefit of bearing the Element of Honesty.”

“Is that why you had her leave,” Twilight asked, “Because of the Elements of Harmony?”

Celestia nodded, “As much as I dislike the dishonesty, it is needed. Now, to tell you the truth.”

“We were aware of the structure,” Luna said, “It was buried before the temple was constructed. I chose the location because of the powerful magical energy located there. This energy had a well-defined pattern even in the wild Everfree Forest.”

Twilight nodded, “If the structure was already buried, how did you discover it?”

“I had surveyors confirm the stability of the area. Not only physically but magically as well. One of them began to dig into the ground with his bare hooves. He was a pony possessed.”

Luna shook her head, “It wasn’t until later we learned the truth.”

“What’s down there,” Twilight asked, “Some unseen force took control of two ponies and abducted another.”

“Friends of hers,” Luna asked.

Twilight nodded, “Yes, two were friends, the one that was abducted is her husband.”

Celestia tilted her head, “Husband? That is interesting. We don’t have much information on the structure, but everypony that came in contact with it became possessed.”

“But,” Fluttershy said, “Pinkie and I weren’t possessed, and neither was the candidate of the Element of Kindness.”

“She was a ghostie already,” Pinkie said, “Think that might be why?”

Celestia nodded, “Her being deceased might have prevented her from being affected, but I don’t know why the two of you were spared.”

Twilight tapped at the table, deep in thought. After a moment, she asked, “What were the symptoms of those affected?”

Luna leaned back and said, “Simple obsession with the structure. They would constantly be calling for-“

“A blackened emerald in a courtyard,” Twilight asked.

The princesses turned to Twilight, their mouths agape.

“Yes,” Luna said, “They claimed that this emerald needed them, and they needed to find it.”

Rainbow slumped in her chair, “That’s what Sapphire said.”

She turned to Luna and said, “The other pony, Emerald something, said that everypony would be going there.”

“What do you mean,” Luna asked.

“To quote her exactly,” Twilight said, “She said, ‘This is where everypony shall return’ though I don’t know what she meant.”

“This is certainly ill news,” Luna said, “I say leave it alone. Cast your attacker in the dungeons and move on with your lives.”

“Now hold on a second,” Rainbow Dash shouted, “I don’t like her either, but she surrendered because we promised to help her friends and husband. We can’t just leave them there.”

Luna slammed a hoof on the table and shouted, “You will do as your princess commands.”

Rainbow Dash began to look away but stood her ground.

“And I promised I would help her, so that’s what I’m going to do. You don’t like it. Toss me in that cell with her.”

“Please,” Celestia said, “Let’s not lose our heads. Rainbow Dash, the situation is much more complicated than you realize. There is a reason we would rather not have you return to the temple.”

Applejack placed a hoof on Rainbow’s shoulder and helped her calm down.

“I think I get your meaning,” she said, “But don’t you think it’s just wrong that we leave those ponies trapped in there? I agree that they belong in jail, but I want them in jail not in that temple.”

“Princess,” Fluttershy said, “I understand you’re angry, but please, help us save them. Aqua Rain and her husband, Cobalt, promised to surrender to the police.”

Princess Luna stared at the ponies present and then turned her attention to the closed door. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

“Guard,” she said, “Bring her back in. There’s much we need to discuss.”

“Of course,” he said and headed to the door.

After a minute, Aqua Rain was sitting at the table. She didn’t look the princesses in the eyes but did give them a slight nod when she sat down.

“How long have you known your husband,” Luna asked.

Aqua Rain turned and said, “For most of my life. We met shortly after I earned my cutie mark. He hadn’t earned his yet, so I helped him. We grew closer over the years, and last year he proposed.”

“I see,” Luna said, “Don’t mistake this leniency for forgiveness. You and your friends will serve for your crimes, and I am charging you with their immediate capture.”

Celestia shook her head, “In a sense, you have just been deputized. You are to assist Twilight and her friends in the release of your friends. At which point, you will all turn yourselves in to the Ponyville police. Is that clear?”

Aqua Rain nodded.

“Good,” Luna said, “Now, you said that you saw something emerge from the temple. Something nopony else saw. Can you describe it?”

“Yes, your highness,” Aqua Rain said, “It looked like a pony, also different. She was much more slender, and her features were sharper. I remember her eyes the most. They were black pools. They appeared to be shadows from a distance, but when she got close, they seemed to open into an endless abyss.”

She shuddered and added, “When I saw her that closely, I feared that I would fall in.”

Celestia and Luna shook their heads.

“In a sense,” Celestia said, “You already have. That water you were being dragged into was not water from the baths. It was part of their home.”

“Whose home,” Twilight asked, “I’ve never heard of this before.”

“And for good reason,” Celestia said, “There was no reason for you to study such ancient and terrible things, but now is the time that you learn.”

She took a sip of water and said, “After more of the surveyors were affected by the temple, Luna and I decided to examine it ourselves. We saw the path the surveyors were digging and proceeded to dig. It took a while, but we eventually hit a solid block of obsidian.”

Celestia shook her head, “We honestly thought that it was nothing more than a large deposit of obsidian, but Luna mentioned that it was far too smooth for it to be a deposit.”

“Did you manage to get inside,” Rainbow Dash asked.

Luna nodded, “Yes, though the spell known as Teleportation hadn’t been created, we innately had the ability. We tried to sense if there was anything beneath the obsidian, but it was difficult.”

“Because it was absorbing the magic you were using,” Twilight said.

“Exactly,” Celestia said, “In the end, we decided with simple brute force to break through. We entered and found a massive labyrinth composed entirely of obsidian. We began to explore and noticed that structure was quite odd. The halls were all straight, and each room was a perfect square.”

“Were there any doors,” Fluttershy asked.”

She ducked slightly and said, “I’m sorry. When we were down there, we noticed that there were doors that would close when we got close.”

Luna shook her head, “No. Everything was plain. No doors. Nothing more than endless halls lined with obsidian. We returned to the surface and were about to seal the hole we made.”

Celestia sighed, “And that’s when we saw her. She was, as you described, a slender, sharp-featured pony. She didn’t give off energy as living creatures do. She felt like a vacuum. She got close and asked me to attack Luna.”

“Really,” Luna said, “Because I recall that she spoke to me and asked that I try and harm you.”

“That seemed to be her game,” Twilight said, “I take it neither of you were affected.”

Celestia smiled, “That is correct. This creature knew that whatever power she wielded didn’t work on us. She became upset and disappeared.”

She took a sip of water and said, “When she vanished, we caught a glimpse of something. It was a cave, and we suspected this was where this creature came from.”

Fluttershy shivered and moved closer to Pinkie.

“Do you think there are more like her,” she asked.

“That we don’t know,” Luna said, “But if there is one, there should be more.”

Celestia nodded, “Afterward, Luna and I sealed the hole and stopped all surveying on the site.”

“But you still built the temple,” Rarity asked, “Doesn’t that seem reckless?”

“Not necessarily,” Twilight said, “They might have built the temple to keep an eye on the structure, to study the unique magic located there, and to keep the magical energy from escaping.”

Luna smiled, “Well, it seems my sister’s pupil is quite sharp. You make our decision seem nobler than it was, but you are correct.”

“Did the candidate for...,” Twilight began but stopped herself when she remembered that Aqua Rain was there.

“I mean, would the pony in charge be aware of the structure?”

Luna nodded, “Yes, whenever a pony took over, they would be apprised of the structure. Part of their duties were to monitor any activity of the students showing signs of corruption.”

“That was the true purpose of the security system,” Twilight said, “If any pony showed signs of possession, they would know.”

“Exactly,” Celestia said, “We had to keep this information secret. We hope you understand why we can’t ask any of you to return. The risk is simply too great.”

“But we weren’t affected,” Rainbow said, “Only her friends were.”

“Or,” Twilight said, “Perhaps the excess magical energy was acting like an insulator and prevented us from being affected.”

“Okay,” Applejack said, “But why weren’t Pinkie or Fluttershy affected? They were down in those tunnels.”

“And disappeared,” Pinkie said.

“What,” Luna asked, “She disappeared?”

Pinkie nodded, “When we got lost, I felt on the floor to feel anything. I felt something, and I knew it was my Flutters. I ran after it, but it suddenly vanished.”

Fluttershy rested her head on Pinkie’s shoulder and said, “Yes, I stumbled into a room and found myself inside a courtyard with a fountain in the center.”

“A courtyard,” Celestia asked.

Fluttershy nodded, “Yes, but I don’t remember seeing anything that looked like a blackened emerald.”

Luna got to her hooves and began to pace. She stopped and asked, “So, you were able to enter one of these rooms and were transported to another place?”

Fluttershy nodded, “I thought it was just an illusion that the ghost created to hide, but I’m not sure anymore.”

Luna shook her head, “This does not make sense. Both of you should have been overcome by the forces down there. What kept you sane?”

Fluttershy shivered and nuzzled against Pinkie’s mane.

After a moment, she said, “I don’t know, but all I could think was that I needed to find Pinkie. I needed to get back to her.”

The princesses shared a look, and Celestia got to her hooves.

“Please excuse us,” she said, “We have something to discuss. You may return to the hall, and we will call for you shortly.”

The ponies rose and left, and Aqua Rain walked behind Applejack and tried to keep her eyes away from any reflective surfaces.

“You’re no fun,” the voice whispered, “You won’t see me, but I can still see you.”

Aqua Rain closed her eyes and kept walking.

Once the ponies were in the hall, Rainbow Dash asked, “Okay, so what’s going on? We don’t know how to fight this thing.”

“I don’t know,” Twilight said, “There’s something about Pinkie and Fluttershy that protected them.”

Rarity giggled and said, “Darling, it’s actually quite obvious.”

Twilight stared and asked, “Well, if it is, I don’t see it.”

“Well, the reason they weren’t affected is the same reason that Aqua Rain’s husband was abducted.”

Aqua Rain stared at Rarity and asked, “Do you know why he was taken?”

Rarity shook her head, “That I don’t know, but I suspect there is a reason that he didn’t succumb like your friends.”

Smiling, she walked to a bench and sat down.

“And are you planning on telling us anytime today,” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Of course,” Rarity said, “The answer is quite simple.”

She pointed a hoof at Aqua Rain and then to Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie.

“Because of their love, the love that Cobalt and Aqua Rain have for one another protected him, and the love our dear friends share protected them.”

“But that thing is still chasing me,” Aqua Rain said.

Rarity nodded, “That might be because it senses you are losing hope, perhaps?”

Aqua Rain looked away, “I. You might be right. I mean, how can I go up against something like that?”

“Well,” Applejack said, “You’re not going alone.”

They all to a seat, and Fluttershy lay down on Pinkie’s lap.

Pinkie stroked Fluttershy’s mane as they all waited for the princesses to call them back.

“Whatever they’re talking about must be super serious,” Pinkie said.

Twilight leaned back and said, “Yeah, they might be trying to decide what to do.”

Rainbow hopped off the bench and said, “Well, I hope they don’t plan on telling us to leave it alone.”

“No,” Rarity said, “As you told Princess Luna, we gave our word, and we will abide by it.”

Rainbow Dash smiled and sat down, “I just hope they decide soon.”

“Um,” Fluttershy said, “Aqua Rain, may I ask you a question?”

“Sure,” Aqua Rain said.

“What do you do? If you don’t mind me asking.”

Aqua Rain smiled, “I work with the weather service. I help organize the weather for the week.”

“Really,” Pinkie said, “I thought only pegasi could do that.”

“Well,” Aqua Rain said, “As far as weather manipulation goes, yes, only pegasi can do that. In smaller towns, it’s fine with pegasus-only teams, but in larger cities, you need more ponies.”

“Where you from,” Applejack asked.

“Manehatten. We’re all from there, and we were traveling to see the world outside of the city.”

“Well, ain’t that something,” Applejack said, “I got family in Manehatten.”

Aqua Rain smiled, “Small world, I guess.”

Again, the ponies fell silent and waited for the princesses’ summons.

Fluttershy snored softly as she slept soundly in Pinkie’s lap, and the pink earth pony smiled at the sight.

“I can’t wait to plan your next proper date,” Rarity whispered, “It will be so romantic.”

Pinkie shook her head, “No thanks. I think our next date should be nice and simple.”

Rarity giggled, “Pinkie Pie, romantic does not have to be complicated. In fact, I was thinking of something quite simple for the two of you to enjoy, but I understand how you feel. I don’t mean to pry.”

Pinkie shook her head, “Pry away. That’s what friends are for. I just want to show her a good time on my own.”

“You got any ideas,” Applejack asked, “Ideas that don’t involve parties?”

“Hey,” Pinkie said, “I’m not a one-trick pony, you know. I can think of stuff. I’ll need some time.”

Rainbow grinned at Pinkie, “Okay, then let’s get to a serious question. When are you taking her to meet your family?”

Pinkie blushed and said, “I. I don’t know. They’ll love Flutters, but...”

Rarity giggled, “It’s a bit too soon for that conversation. For now, let us focus on the task at hand.”

The ponies nodded, and soon, the doors to the throne room opened.

“Ms. Sparkle,” a guard said, “The princesses require your presence.”

The group stood, and the guard said, “Only Ms. Sparkle.”

“This must be serious,” Twilight said, “I’ll be right back.”

“You gonna tell us everything, right,” Rainbow Dash asked.

Twilight glanced at the guard and said, “I will be right in.”

He nodded and closed the door.

“I don’t want to make any promises that I can’t keep,” Twilight said, “But I won’t keep any of you in the dark.”

Rainbow Dash nodded, “Cool. Now get in there, and hurry it up. We got ponies to save.”

Aqua Rain smiled and whispered, “Thank you.”

Twilight entered the throne room and walked to the princesses, where they sat on their respective thrones, and neither appeared to be happy.

“Thank you,” Celestia said, “I know this will be difficult not to have your friends with you.”

Twilight bowed and said, “I understand. You wouldn’t have summoned only me if it wasn’t important.”

Luna said, “That’s true. We weighed out options, and though we take no pleasure in our decision...”

“You mean to abandon the trapped ponies,” Twilight said.

“We mean to protect a greater population,” Luna said.

Twilight pawed at the floor and said, “Call it what you want, but you are still abandoning four ponies.”

“Only three are within the temple,” Luna said.

Twilight nodded, “Yes, and one is marked. I don’t wish to be disrespectful, but you understand that if you order me to leave them there, I will have no choice but to disobey?”

Celestia got to her hooves, “We suspected you would disagree with our decision, so we will leave it to you to decide.”

“Remember,” Luna said, “If any of you become corrupted, there is no cure. You will be lost, and should a new threat rise, one that requires the Elements of Harmony...”

Twilight turned her gaze to the floor and took a deep breath.

“I understand your concern,” she said, “And I respect the gravity of your responsibility. You have to worry about everypony in Equestria, and if this force manages to escape the Everfree Forest, it could be disastrous.”

She returned her gaze to the princesses and said, “I believe we should try. If we cannot free them, we will have no doubts in our minds.”

“We were quite worried that you would say that,” Luna said.

“What’s wrong,” Twilight asked.

Celestia nodded, “There may be a way, but it would require using your friends.”

“You mean Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie,” Twilight asked.

The princesses nodded.

Twilight took a few steps closer and stopped at the bottom of the stairs leading to the thrones.

“Rarity suspected as such,” she said, “She said that their love protected them.”

Luna got to her hooves and said, “And we believe she is correct. Curiously, the effect of possession is similar to love. A great obsession with this ‘blackened emerald’ drives ponies insane.”

“But wouldn’t love be different,” Twilight asked.

Celestia smiled, “Yes, but depending on your point of view, love is also an obsession. They said as such. When they were lost, they only thought of each other. That kept the forces away.”

Twilight took a step back and asked, “Are you suggesting we send Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie down there again?”

The princesses nodded.

“We would also ask that you send this, Aqua Rain, as well. Since her husband is also trapped, she may be of use.”

Celestia placed a hoof on Luna’s shoulder and said, “There is another way.”

Luna quickly shook her head, “No, we can’t risk anypony knowing of their existence.”

Twilight tilted her head in confusion. She brought her attention to the stained glass window and could only think of the Elements of Harmony. Then she realized.

The necklaces.

“We can manifest part of the power of the Elements of Harmony on our own,” Twilight said, “But the necklaces would...”

“Allow you to be protected by the forces within,” Luna said, “Do you think it’s worth the risk?”

Twilight nodded, “I do. I appreciate the possible risk of exposing the Elements of Harmony to the public, but I think this will be the best bet. And, should we succeed, the ponies that know would be in prison anyway.”

Luna sighed, “That doesn’t provide much comfort, but you have our support to proceed as you need.”

“I believe this is the best course of action,” Twilight said, bowing, “And now, if you’ll excuse me, we must return to the temple.”

She turned and began to walk to the door when she heard Celestia call for her.

“Just a moment, Twilight,” Celestia said, “I believe I can assist you.”

Twilight stopped and said, “Any help will be appreciated.”

Celestia nodded, “I understand that it was a full day’s travel to reach the temple, but you should be able to transport to it easily now.”

“How,” Twilight asked.

Celestia smiled, “Focus on the energy flow you created.”

Twilight tapped her chin with a hoof and smiled, “Yes, if I can sense the energy flow, I can use it as a marker and transport all of us directly there. I can create a smaller marker in Ponyville so that we can return.”

She hopped on her hooves and said, “I think that’s the key for my teleportation spell.”

Celestia laughed, “One issue at a time.”

Twilight nodded, “Of course. Thank you. Both of you.”

She bowed and ran out of the throne room.

“I hope we did the right thing,” Luna said, “If they get trapped...”

Celestia shook her head, “They are stronger than they realize. And the love they share will see them through. Have faith, sister.”

Luna smiled, “Yes, they freed me. They freed my trapped students. I was wrong to doubt and despair. They will succeed.”

The princesses nodded and returned to their duties.


Twilight found her friends and said, “Okay, we’re going back in.”

“To the throne room,” Rainbow Dash asked.

Twilight shook her head, “No, we’re going back to the temple.”

She turned to Aqua Rain and said, “We keep our promises, and we will save your husband.”

Aqua Rain nodded as tears formed in her eyes.

“Thank you,” she said.

Pinkie Pie nudged Fluttershy awake.

“Looks like we’re on the go again,” she said.

Fluttershy nodded and got to her hooves.

“What did the princesses decide,” she asked.

Twilight nodded, “We’re going back, but first, we must get ready. So let’s get back to the balloon.”

The group returned the balloon, and Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash flew alongside as they returned to Ponyville.

The flight felt shorter, and they soon arrived at the library.

Spike met them and asked, “How’d everything go?”

“We learned quite a bit,” Rarity said, “There are some curious mysteries that still need unraveling.”

He smiled at the white unicorn and said, “Well, it’s good that you’re back.”

Twilight disembarked and said, “Spike, please get some food prepared. We’re leaving at once.”

Spike saluted and ran back inside the library, and the group followed.

Once inside, Twilight said, “Okay, everypony, take a seat.”

“Now,” she said, “The princesses didn’t tell me anything about how to disable the runes on the door, but we won’t need to.”

Rainbow leaned forward and asked, “So, what’s the plan?”

Twilight focused her magic and produced six ornate boxes.

“Wait,” Rarity said, glancing at Aqua Rain, “Does this mean...”

Twilight nodded, “Yes, we’re using the Elements of Harmony.”

“The what,” Aqua Rain asked, “Is this what Princess Luna didn’t want me to hear?”

“Yes,” Twilight said, “We won’t tell you everything, but these will be vital if we want to save your friends.”

Each pony took their respective necklace and put it on.

“They’re certainly beautiful,” Aqua Rain said, “But what do they do?”

Twilight smiled, “It’s complicated, but these will protect us from the temple.”

“But,” Fluttershy asked, “What about her?”

Twilight sat down and said, “Rarity’s theory seemed correct. The love shared between Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, and the love shared between Aqua Rain and Cobalt seem to protect them from the influences of the structure.”

“The princesses didn’t wish for us to use the Elements,” Twilight added, “They would rather we send Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Aqua Rain down, but I disagreed.”

Applejack nodded, “Well, that’s good. We’ve sat on the side for too long. Now let’s get going.”

Rarity groaned, “And we must trek through the forest again?”

“No,” Twilight said as she focused her magic.

The room darkened slightly as energy flowed to her horn, and she then directed the energy to the floor and spawned a small spout of energy.

“Ooh,” Pinkie said, “Pretty!”

Twilight smiled and said, “Princess Celestia taught me a new spell.”

She motioned to the spout and said, “If I were to focus on the energy flow I created in the temple, I could transport us there immediately. So I created this smaller spout so that we can return.”

Applejack whistled, “That’s mighty impressive. Then we can get ready and head out.”

Spike entered the room with a pack of food, “Here you go. How long do you think you’ll be gone?”

Twilight shook her head, “I don’t know. Hopefully, no more than a day.”

Spike smiled, “Okay, well, be careful.”

Twilight smiled, and she parceled out the supplies among the ponies.

“Are we ready,” she asked.

All the ponies nodded, and Twilight focused on the energy flow she created. She felt out for the temple and smiled when she found it. It took more focus than expected, but she managed to cast the spell.

The group immediately found themselves at the steps of the temple.

Twilight turned to Aqua Rain and asked, “See anything?”

Aqua Rain shook her head.

“Okay,” Twilight said, “Once we go in, you keep us informed if you hear or see anything.”

“Okay,” Aqua Rain said.

Rainbow Dash took a few steps closer to the temple steps and asked, “What’s the plan for the doors?”

Twilight smiled, “The time for playing it safe is over. We’re busting in.”

Author's Note:

A new chapter, and again, it's dialogue heavy. The next chapter will have much more action as the ponies enter the temple and make their way into the temple/ruins/structure below.

This chapter was fun to write, as I wanted to show sympathy for Aqua Rain while at the same time not forgetting what she took part in. There has been a considerable lack of actual PinkieShy, though I am happy that I included some cute moments between the two.

A quick note on some headcanon. I have always thought that the Elements of Harmony were kept secret from the population at large. This wouldn't be difficult as they're not often used. This is why the princesses didn't wish to discuss it while Aqua Rain was present.

Another is the being that Aqua Rain and her friends saw. You may be able to recognize that I described a deer. Not sure where they fall in the official canon, but I have a plan for them.