• Published 31st Oct 2011
  • 10,778 Views, 170 Comments

PinkieShy - PatRoison

PinkieShy or FlutterPie whichever you prefer. Started cute and light, but then it all went wrong.

  • ...

Start Spreading the News

Fluttershy was sleeping soundly unaware that she was being watched. It had only been a week since her accident that resulted in her accidentally confessing her feelings to Pinkie while she stood outside Fluttershy's bedroom door. As the first rays of sunlight shone through her window waking her, she stretched and smiled warmly as, for the last seven days, her first sight was the same as when those bandages were removed. On her nightstand was a picture frame, and inside it was the note Pinkie Pie had written telling her that she loved her as well. With a smile on her still sleepy face, "I love you, Pinkie." A small squeak escaped her with what she heard next.

"I love you too, Fluttershy." Pinkie smiled as the yellow pegasus spun around, became tangled within the blanket, and tumbled over the side.

Fluttershy was on her back with her hind legs on the bed and looking up to the ceiling. She smiled softly when Pinkie's head looked over the edge.

"Wow Fluttershy, are you testing new ways to get up in the morning? I like it, but it looks a bit uncomfortable." She crossed her forelegs and looked around smiling as her gaze caught sight of her note. "You still have this?"

Fluttershy managed to wriggle herself out of her blanket prison and stood up. After a quick stretch said, "of course Pinkie. That's the sweetest thing anypony has ever given me." She got closer to Pinkie and gave her a nuzzle and a kiss on the cheek. Smiling as Pinkie became slightly flustered, "would you like some breakfast?"

Quickly regaining her composure, or as close as composure is for Pinkie Pie, Pinkie laughed, "oh I already ate, but I could always do with some more."

Smiling, Fluttershy made her way to the kitchen with Pinkie right behind her. Pinkie sat at the table and watched Fluttershy begin to make breakfast. Fluttershy was humming a tune as she cooked up some grasses and made certain to sweeten them somewhat. 'I hope I don't over sweeten this.' She looked back to her marefriend and noticed Pinkie was getting bored. "Pinkie are you alri- Ow!" Some boiling water splashed onto her hoof and after she turned down the heat on the stove she ran to the sink and began to run cold water on her hoof.

Pinkie was next to her, "are you ok Fluttershy? That looked painful." She gently grabbed Fluttershy's hoof and looked it over.

"Oh it's fine Pinkie. I'm sorry for worrying you." Fluttershy's voice became sad as she said that, "I just noticed you were becoming bored." After Fluttershy dried her hoof she set their breakfast, some grass sweetened with some honey and topped with oranges.

"Ooh, oranges," Pinkie beamed, "I didn't know you could get any around here."

"Shh," Fluttershy said softly with a smile, "my parents have them delivered from Cloudsdale. Don't tell Applejack that they're my favorite fruit."

"Well, yeah! I can only imagine how mad she'll be." Pinkie stood up and said with an exaggeration of Applejack's accent, "Ah can' buhleev this! One a mah own friends would buhtray me! Ah'll keel you!"

"Pinkie stop," Fluttershy said crying and holding her side from laughter, "Ow." She finally managed to get Pinkie seated again and both began to eat. The meal was enjoyed by both ponies, much to Fluttershy's relief, "I'm glad you enjoyed it, Pinkie. I know it's not as sweet as you're used to."

"It was really good Fluttershy. I liked it. Let's get these dishes cleaned up." Pinkie gathered the dished, but Fluttershy stopped her when they were in the sink.

"It's ok Pinkie, I'll take care of the dishes." She smiled and hummed a tune as she washed the dishes. Once they were finished, she entered the living room where Pinkie was sitting on her couch. "Um, Pinkie? Did you have any plans for today?"

Pinkie shook her head, "Nope. Dashie wanted to go pranking, but I told her that I wanted to spend time with you. We have all day!" She bounced around the room before landing right in front of the yellow pegasus, "so what do you wanna do Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy thought for a moment, "I don't know. Maybe we can go for a walk?"

"Hm, or we could have a party!" Pinkie started bouncing around, "yeah that way we can let everypony we're together."

The thought of anyponyelse knowing about them stunned Fluttershy, "Um, Pinkie. I don't know."

Pinkie stopped bouncing, "aww, I really want to throw a party."

"I know, and I love your parties, but what if ponies stop liking us. What if our friends stop liking us?" Fluttershy began to tear up and smiled when Pinkie hugged her.

"Fluttershy, I know our friends will still love us, and besides Dashie is happy that we're together." Pinkie lifted Fluttershy's chin with a hoof, "and if we lose all of our friends then we have each other. Will that be enough?"

Fluttershy began to cry, "I'm sorry Pinkie. I'm just being selfish. We should have a party." She gave Pinkie a big smile, "a big party, but um, not too big, please."

Pinkie laughed, "You got it Fluttershy! It'll be the biggest small party ever."

"But Pinkie?"


"If it's ok with you, can we tell our friends first? I mean one at a time?" Fluttershy looked into Pinkie's eyes, "I'm sorry but I don't think I could handle telling them all at once and them hating us."

Pinkie held Fluttershy, "Okie dokie, we can tell them one by one. Who should we tell first?"

Fluttershy looked down, 'who should we tell first? I think Rarity would be happy for us, but she keeps telling me about eligible colts that she wants to introduce me to. Oh my, what if she becomes disgusted with me?' She began to shake as tears fell from her eyes again.

"Hey," Pinkie said wiping Fluttershy's tears, "we'll just talk to Applejack first."

"Applejack? Why?"

"Well, if we put them in order, Applejack is first. Then it's Rarity and then Twilight. Easy!"

"Oh ok," Fluttershy wiped her eyes, "Let's talk to Applejack."

"That's the spirit, Fluttershy!"

Both ponies left the cottage and made their way to Sweet Apple Acres. The walk was quick and Fluttershy was able to keep up with Pinkie's bouncing speed. About halfway to the farm, Rainbow Dash spotted them. "Hey, how're the two lovebirds doing?" She landed in front of the pair and smiled.

"Oh hello Rainbow," Fluttershy smiled, "we're doing alright." She stepped closer to Pinkie.

"Yup we're doing great," Pinkie hugged Fluttershy, "we're on our way to tell Applejack that we're together now."

"Really? Cool. Want some backup?"

"Um, do you think she'll be upset with the news," Fluttershy asked beginning to panic again.

"Dashie is just joking, right?" Pinkie glared at Rainbow.

"Well, yeah I'm joking. Seriously Fluttershy you have nothing to worry about. AJ will treat you guys right."

Fluttershy nodded, "you're right. Thank you Rainbow, but I think we should do this on our own."

Pinkie nodded, "It really means a lot to Fluttershy."

Rainbow smiled, "ok. I'll see you two later." In an instant she was off leaving a rainbow streak behind.

"I hope she's right."

"I know she is. Don't worry Fluttershy."

With a small nod, Fluttershy and Pinkie continued to the Apple Family farm and began to look for the hardworking earth pony. It did not take long as they simply followed the trail of empty apple trees and the faint sound of trees being bucked.

They quickened their pace and saw the orange mare collecting some stray apples that missed the buckets.

"Hey Applejack!" Pinkie bounced up to their friend and started looking through a bucket, "can I get an apple? I'm a little hungry."

"Pinkie, we just ate breakfast," Fluttershy said with a smile. She knew that Pinkie's constant energy required her to eat much more than she ever could. "Um, Applejack, if it's a problem I can pay for some apples."

"Nah, don't ya'll worry none. Pinkie always stops by and helps herself to a couple of apples. Don't bother me none. Especially, considerin' that she's always throwin' the best parties."

"Oh right," Pinkie beamed, "speaking of parties..."

"Oh yes," Fluttershy interrupted, "I'm sorry Pinkie." She smiled and looked at Applejack, "can we talk to you, um in private? Please."

"Uh, sure ah guess," Applejack said, "but only if it don' take too long. Lots more apples to buck."

"Oh I promise it won't take any time at all. It's just, um personal."

"Ok sure. We can talk in the barn."

The three ponies entered the barn and Fluttershy tried to begin, but her panic was returning and was on the verge of tears when Pinkie hugged her.

"It's ok Fluttershy. I'm here to help. We can do this."

Applejack became very concerned. She had seen Fluttershy become nervous on many occasions, but never had she seen her act this way toward her. "Fluttershy just take it slow like. Whatever it is I promise to be here for you."

Fluttershy took a deep breath, "remember my accident last week?"

"Yeah," Applejack looked to Pinkie, "Ya'll really need to be more careful with your pranks. What if Fluttershy were blinded permanently?"

Pinkie looked down, "I know. I still feel awful for it." She looked to Fluttershy when she felt a hoof on her cheek.

"It was an accident Pinkie. I forgave you for it already, and besides you took great care of me." She smiled as Pinkie blushed and Fluttershy turned back to Applejack, "well, we found out something very important."

"And what's that," Applejack asked, "Sorry to rush ya but I am in a hurry."

"It's ok." Fluttershy turned to Pinkie and when the pink pony nodded she said, "Pinkie and I are together now. We're a couple." She leaned and nuzzled Pinkie gently to accent her point and calm her nerves.

Seconds, which felt like minutes, passed before Applejack said anything. "Ah see. Uh, well, that's great. Glad to see a happy new couple."

"Applejack, what's wrong?" Fluttershy was feeling panic beginning to set in again, "I understand if you don't approve, but I hope you will still be our friend." She felt as though she were about to cry and leaned into Pinkie's shoulder.

"It ain't that," Applejack said, "it's just a bit of a shock. I'm not saying that I'm jumpin' for joy here, but ya'll are two of my best friends and ah owe it to you to be here for you."

"So are you ok with us dating," Pinkie asked.

"Yeah, I'm ok with it. I think." Applejack looked confused, "sorry ya'll I'm gonna need to think on this. Ah promise you this, ya'll are still mah friends and I ain' about to risk losing that. Just give me some time."

"Sure. Besides we still need to tell Rarity and Twilight," Pinkie said with a large smile.

"So, Rainbow already knows?"

"Um, well, she was there when Pinkie told me that she loved me," Fluttershy recalled the memory and blushed.

"Ah see. Well, ah best be gettin' back to work." Applejack stood up and before she left the barn she turned back, "ya'll do make a pretty cute couple though." She smiled and ran back to her cart.

"That went well." Pinkie smiled at Fluttershy. "I told you she wouldn't hate us."

"That's true. Thank you Pinkie." Fluttershy leaned into Pinkie's shoulder, "I was so worried that Applejack would hate us. I'm glad that you were there."

"I'll always be here, silly." Pinkie gave Fluttershy a kiss in the top of her head, "Ok. One down two to go! We're off to Rarity's. This'll be easy."

"Yes, if anypony will be happy for us she will." 'At least, I hope she'll be happy for us.' Fluttershy smiled and trotted beside Pinkie, "Do you ever get tired of bouncing everywhere?"

"Nope. I love bouncing." Pinkie noticed Fluttershy getting a little winded, "want me to slow down?"

"Oh no it's fine," Fluttershy flapped her wings and glided next to Pinkie and both made good time to Carousel Boutique. When they arrived Pinkie immediately pounded on the door, with her face.

Fluttershy cringed, "Pinkie doesn't that hurt?"

"Nope," Pinkie said absentmindedly rubbing her forehead.

Fluttershy was still hovering just above Pinkie and she leaned down and kissed the pink pony where she was rubbing, "better?"

Pinkie nodded.

"Uh hi guys," a small voice said.

"Oh," Fluttershy squeaked, "hello Sweetie Belle. Is your sister home?"

"Yeah," the white filly said, "did you hurt yourself Pinkie?"

"Oh no I just knocked on the door."

"Ok. C'mon in." Sweetie Belle ran inside and went back to her coloring. She was singing something under her breath, but it was impossible to tell what it was as she kept changing the song. Soon, Rarity entered the main room.

"Oh hello girls, what brings you by today?"

"We got something to tell you," Pinkie shouted.

"Oh really," Rarity asked, "Well, then business is slow as of late, so I have all day."

"Well, if it's alright, can we talk in private?" Fluttershy was feeling very nervous again.

"It must be very important for you to be so uncomfortable. Let's talk in my sewing room." Rarity led Pinkie and Fluttershy into her sewing room and pulled up a chair for each of them. "Now you simply must tell me what the big news is. By the way Fluttershy, you look well. I suppose your little 'accident' left no permanent damage?"

"I'm fine, and it really was an accident." Fluttershy put her hoof on Pinkie's shoulder and smiled.

"Well, that isn't surprising. You would forgive just about anypony." Rarity looked off as she tried to remember something, "Oh yes, I nearly forgot. Do you remember the colt I told you about last week at the spa?"

Fluttershy looked down, "Um, no. Rarity I really need to tell you something."

"Doesn't matter that you don't remember, since we're going to have lunch with him this afternoon. Really Fluttershy, you need a pony in your life." Rarity gave Fluttershy a concerned smile.

"That's what I need to tell you. I have a pony in my life. It's..."

Rarity turned to Pinkie, "of course you're welcome to come along Pinkie. I wouldn't dream of not inviting you though it may be a bit awkward."

Pinkie sighed, "Well, yeah. Seeing as how you're trying to set somepony up with my marefriend."

"Eep," Fluttershy squeaked and her face flushed crimson.

"Excuse me," Rarity looked at Pinkie, "I'm sorry Pinkie but I don't understand the joke."

"What joke," Pinkie asked, "Fluttershy and me are dating now." She grabbed Fluttershy's hoof and held it gently, "see? We are a couple."

Rarity shook her head in disbelief, "no that's not possible. Fluttershy isn't like that."

"Rarity it's true," Fluttershy said softly, "Pinkie and I are dating now." She looked down, "I know you want me to be with a colt, but I love Pinkie. I can't change that and even if I could, I wouldn't." She looked Pinkie in the eye and smiled.

"I see," Rarity said softly, "are you certain about this Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy nodded and smiled, "of course I am. Pinkie makes me happy and she's very sweet."

Rarity smiled at the sight of Pinkie beginning to blush and squealed, "well that's just wonderful. Oh, I hope you two are very happy together." She turned her attention to Pinkie, "of course Pinkie, you do know that I am rather protective of Fluttershy."

Pinkie laughed, "Yeah, you and Dashie." She hugged Fluttershy, "who wouldn't want to take care of Fluttershy?"

"Pinkie," Fluttershy said blushing, "thank you."

"You two are simply adorable. Now you have to tell me how this happened. I imagine it was while Pinkie was taking care of you." Rarity was beaming with anticipation.

Fluttershy nodded and was about to speak when Pinkie stopped her.

"No, Fluttershy! You can't tell her. We should wait for the party!"

Rarity laughed, "of course. Pinkie would never pass up an opportunity to have a party. Very well, when is it?"

Pinkie smiled, "tonight at Fluttershy's cottage." She turned to Fluttershy, "It'll be great Fluttershy."

Fluttershy smiled, "I'm sure it will be wonderful." Smiling to Rarity, "Excuse us Rarity, but we have to see Twilight and tell her the news."

"Certainly, I look forward to the party and hearing the story." Rarity stood and went back to her sewing machine. Before the couple could leave she was back working on her designs.

As Fluttershy and Pinkie were leaving they passed Sweetie Belle and the filly was smiling at them. "So you two are a couple now?"

"Yup." Pinkie was beaming with a large smile on her face. "We just started dating a week ago."

Fluttershy was smiling, "that's right. I'm sorry that we can't stay and talk Sweetie Belle, but we must speak to Twilight."

The filly just smiled, "that's ok." She ran back to her coloring book still singing under her breath.

Once outside Fluttershy hugged Pinkie, "that went so much better than I thought. Were you nervous at all?"

Pinkie nodded, "of course I was. I would be so sad if we lost any of our friends, but we're ok. Twilight will be happy for us."

Fluttershy smiled and playfully nudged Pinkie, "then let's get going."

"Okie dokie."

The library was not far and both ponies were there quickly, "Fluttershy if we want to have the party tonight we should make this really quick."

"Oh, ok Pinkie. We'll tell Twilight that we're together and that we'll see her tonight at the party."

Pinkie nodded and was about to knock on the library door, but she stopped and raised her hoof. After a moment, she smiled and pounded on the door with her head. She turned to Fluttershy and smiled as she rubbed her head with a hoof.

Fluttershy giggled and kissed Pinkie on the head, "don't make a habit of that. I don't want you to get hurt."

Pinkie laughed, "I won't."

Spike answered the door, "hey guys. Need to see Twilight?"

"Um, yes. If she's not too busy." Fluttershy began to feel very nervous. Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash had reacted positively to the news of their relationship, and Twilight was the last one on the list. 'What if she doesn't like us anymore? What if she turns us in to the Princess?'

Spike noticed Fluttershy' growing distress, "Fluttershy are you alright?"

Fluttershy snapped out of her train of thought, "oh yes, Spike I'm, um fine."

"Ok," Spike said, "well, c'mon in."

Both ponies entered the library and saw Twilight Sparkle reading some tome. Pinkie bounced up next to her.

"Hey Twilight, read any good books lately?"

Twilight looked at Pinkie, "hey Pinkie. Oh, I'm just reading up on some magic formulas." She turned and saw Fluttershy stand near the door. "Hey Fluttershy, what brings you here?"

"Oh, well, Pinkie and I have something to tell you, and it's very important." Fluttershy's gaze slowly dropped until she was almost looking at her hooves.

"Ok," Twilight said closing her book, "What's up?"

Pinkie bounced next to Fluttershy and nudged her gently.

Fluttershy smiled at Pinkie and took a deep breath, "well, Pinkie and I wanted to tell you that we, um well, we're dating now."

Twilight looked at Fluttershy and then at Pinkie, "Uh, ok. I don't get it."

"What's to get? Fluttershy and me are a couple now." Pinkie put her leg around Fluttershy's shoulder to calm her down.

"Ok," Twilight said, "but why?"

Fluttershy was beginning to shake like a leaf, so Pinkie took over, "well, I've always liked Fluttershy. She's super nice and sweet." She looked down, "my head gets all crazy sometimes and I can't think straight, but when I'm near Fluttershy it's different. I want to make everypony feel happy, but Fluttershy really wants me to be happy." She turned to Fluttershy and nuzzled her gently.

Twilight smiled, "aww that's so cute. Have you told the others yet?"

"You were our last stop, and you're invited to our party tonight. It'll be at Fluttershy's cottage." Pinkie smiled, "are you ok with us dating?"

"Of course, and even if I had a problem with it, you two are my friends. I have to support you." Twilight smiled as she levitated the book she was reading and placed back on the shelf, "I'll see you two tonight."

"Thank you Twilight. It really means a lot to Pinkie and me." Fluttershy and Pinkie left the library and Fluttershy hugged Pinkie, "that went much better than I expected." She looked at Pinkie and blushed, "um, Pinkie, did you mean what you said?"

Pinkie laughed, "of course I meant it. You're the sweetest thing ever." She bounced ahead, "we really need to get everything ready for the party." Pinkie kept bouncing until she suddenly found herself on the ground.

Fluttershy was now on top of Pinkie and giggling. She lowered herself and kissed Pinkie on the cheek, "Let's play. I mean if you want to." Fluttershy blushed and gently rested her head on Pinkie's chest.

"Sure, I'd love to play." Pinkie considered moving Fluttershy and she had the strength to do it, but she just lay there smiling into Fluttershy's eyes.

"Yay," Fluttershy cheered, "um, ok. Catch me!" She took off towards her home.

Pinkie smiled and ran after her. She did not know why Fluttershy was in such a playful mood, and she was not about to question it. Pinkie chased Fluttershy and even though she was faster, she made certain to only slowly catch up. When she was about reach Fluttershy, the yellow pegasus took to the air. "Hey, no fair!"

Fluttershy landed next to Pinkie, "I'm sorry. Are you mad at me?" She nudged Pinkie gently and let out a squeak when Pinkie tackled her.


"Um, that wasn't very fair. I thought you were mad at me."

Pinkie smiled at the pony she had pinned down, "I could never be mad at you." She stood up and helped Fluttershy to her hooves, "we better get your cottage ready for the party."

"Yes, um I'll get started. Can you invite Applejack and Rainbow Dash, please? I'm sure you'll be able to tell them faster than I will."

Pinkie nodded, "will do. I'll stop by as soon as I can to help out." She gave Fluttershy a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek and sped off to find Rainbow Dash.

Fluttershy flew back to her home as quickly as she could in hopes that she will be able to get most of the decorating done before Pinkie arrived. Of course, by the time she got home Pinkie was inside hanging up streamers and balloons. 'How does she do that,' Fluttershy wondered as she saw the pink pony expertly decorate the living room. Knowing that she would only slow her down, Fluttershy decided to at least feed her marefriend, "Um, Pinkie, would you like some lunch?"

At the sound of both the offer of food and Fluttershy's voice, Pinkie's ear perked up, "I'd love some food." She ran into the kitchen and sat Fluttershy down, "you took care of breakfast. I'll get lunch." She turned to the kitchen cabinets and began to make a simple lunch.

Fluttershy watched as Pinkie made them a daisy sandwich and some tea, "um, Pinkie? Isn't that what you made when you were taking care of me?"

"Yup," Pinkie said proudly, "daisy sandwiches are the only thing I know how to make that doesn't require baking."

Both ponies ate the lunch and soon the house was ready for the party. Fluttershy was feeling both excited and nervous. Pinkie had left to Sugarcube Corner to pick up a cake and various treats while Fluttershy remained to take care of the refreshments. The hours ticked by slowly and after Pinkie returned they put the finishing touches on the living room.

Rainbow Dash arrived first, and she had a present with her.

"Rainbow Dash, you didn't have to bring a present," Fluttershy said as she hugged her friend.

Rainbow set the box down, "of course I had to bring a present. It's not every day that two of my best friends start dating." She laughed as Fluttershy blushed and placed the box next to the punch bowl.

The other girls arrived and the party was soon underway. Fluttershy's nerves were calmed quickly as she saw her friends having such a good time. She noticed that something was bothering Applejack. Fluttershy nudged her gently and asked, "Applejack is something wrong?"

Applejack looked into Fluttershy's eyes and tried to smile, "ah'm ok. It's just ah'm still not used to the idea of you two datin' is all."

Fluttershy thought for a moment, "Let's talk outside. Um, if you want to."

"Yeah, ah think ah would."

Both ponies stepped outside and Applejack looked up to the sky, "Fluttershy, when did you notice you had feelin's for Pinkie?"

The question took Fluttershy by surprise as she was expecting to have to defend her new relationship. "Um, well, I don't know. It feels as though I've always felt this way, but I know when I realized how important Pinkie is to me."

Applejack nodded, "When was that?"

"When we were helping you deliver Bloomberg to your family. When Pinkie took off to follow Rainbow Dash into the desert, I was so worried and scared that I would never see her again."

Applejack laughed, "Yeah I never seen anypony tackle somepony like that before. She must really mean a lot to you."

Fluttershy nodded, "She really does." She looked at Applejack, "are you alright?"

"Ah'm fine. Really. Ah'm just glad that ya'll are happy." Applejack sighed, "Thanks sugarcube. Now let's get back to the party."

Fluttershy nodded and both ponies joined the party. Pinkie bounced up to them, "hey you two. You're missing out on all the fun!"

"I'm sorry," Fluttershy said softly, "Applejack just needed to talk."

"Okie dokie! C'mon Fluttershy, Rarity wants to hear the story."

"Oh ok," Fluttershy said becoming nervous.

Applejack nudged her gently, "it'll be ok. I'm interested in hearing this."

Fluttershy smiled and entered the house. The girls were sitting in a semi-circle and Pinkie was in the center waiting for Fluttershy. She walked to Pinkie and took a deep breath, "you all remember that my eyes were hurt in an accident last week?" The ponies nodded and Rainbow looked guilty. "Rainbow and Pinkie know that it was an accident. I am not angry with either of them. In fact, if it wasn't for that accident," she nuzzled Pinkie gently, "Pinkie and I would probably not be together."

Pinkie cleared her throat, "yeah, I was feeling so bad about hurting Fluttershy that I thought she would hate me forever, but Dashie had an idea. She asked the doctor if I could help wash her eyes and take care of her. Fluttershy agreed and I carried her home."

"Yes, I remember telling Pinkie that she didn't have to, but she insisted." Fluttershy blushed, "I really wanted to tell her how I felt, but all I could do was give her a hug. Once I was in bed, Pinkie had to wash out my eyes. It hurt, but I knew Pinkie was being very careful." She hugged Pinkie and whispered, "You were the best nurse I could ask for."

Pinkie blushed and continued the story, "well, after that I knew that it was still six hours before the next washing, so I was going to leave to take a nap. Fluttershy seemed to be nervous about being left alone and invited me to sleep with her to keep her company. When I woke up, I found myself hugging Fluttershy and I quickly ran outside to get the medicine ready. That wash went much better and Fluttershy's tummy started growling." Pinkie starting making growling sounds and caused Fluttershy to blush and cover her face with her hooves to stifle her laugh.

"Yes, um after Pinkie left to make something to eat, I got upset at myself. I really wanted to tell Pinkie how I felt, but I couldn't. She was so close, and I was scared that I would never have a chance to tell her how I felt again."

"It was a good thing that I was still outside her room. I heard that she loved me too, and I was so happy." Pinkie gently stroked Fluttershy's cheek, "I was sad that you felt you weren't good enough for me. You're a wonderful pony." She smiled, "I went back into the room and really wanted to tell her that I felt the same, but it didn't feel right. Instead, I asked what she wanted to eat. After that, we took another little nap and then I washed her eyes for the last time. I told her to get some sleep and I would be back to take her to lunch."

"Yeah, I remember you waking me up," Rainbow said slightly annoyed, "jeez Pinkie, I was worried about Fluttershy. I thought that she was hurt, but I'm glad that you learned how she felt about you."

"Yeah Dashie," Pinkie said happily, "I told you that I wanted to tell her how I felt but I couldn't." She turned to the rest of the ponies, "she gave me the idea."

"Yes, and it was wonderful," Fluttershy began to blush, "Rainbow removed the bandages from my eyes, and I saw Pinkie on my bed with a note in her mouth and a bouquet of roses." Fluttershy ran upstairs and brought down the picture frame. She proudly held it up, "This is the note that she had."

There was a collective 'aww' from the girls, and soon the party was once again in full swing. They all danced the night away. Eventually, Fluttershy began to get sleepy along with the others. Once the others had gone home, Pinkie and Fluttershy got to work cleaning up. It was simple and it gave them time to be alone.

"That was a wonderful party, Pinkie."

"Thanks. I'm super happy that you liked it."

Fluttershy hugged Pinkie and yawned, "Oh, I'm sorry. I better get to bed." She kissed Pinkie on the cheek, "Good night Pinkie."

"Good night, Fluttershy." Pinkie happily walked outside and turned around when Fluttershy called to her.



"I love you." Fluttershy smiled as she said those words. They never felt truer.

Pinkie smiled and blushed, "I love you too." She gave Fluttershy a kiss on the cheek and began walking home.

Fluttershy made her way up the stairs and, just as she did for the past week, she smiled at the note. The same thought passed through her mind as she fell asleep, 'I'm the luckiest pony in Equestria.'