• Published 31st Oct 2011
  • 10,778 Views, 170 Comments

PinkieShy - PatRoison

PinkieShy or FlutterPie whichever you prefer. Started cute and light, but then it all went wrong.

  • ...

Interview With a Fillyfooler Part 1

“Um, can I take the blindfold off now?” Fluttershy was being led down a hall and had no idea where it would lead.

“Not yet,” a cheerful voice said stifling laughter. Pinkie’s voice did comfort the shy pony even if she sounded slightly off.

It was not long before Fluttershy heard a door open, and she was led inside. She heard giggling and asked, “Who’s there?”

“Shh,” Pinkie said, “We’re almost there.”

Fluttershy was stopped and the blindfold was removed.

A collective voice shouted, “Surprise!”

Fluttershy opened her eyes and her joy was quickly replaced with confusion. The room was sloppily decorated. In fact, the room was her home, and it was trashed. There was a large banner that read, “Happy Loser Day, FlutterCry!” She looked around and saw a table that had a stack of pies with flies swarming around them. All of her friends were laughing at the sight of the yellow pegasus, and she soon began to cry.

“It’s alright Fluttershy,” Pinkie said happily as she walked to the table. She carefully balanced a pie on a hoof before she threw if full force at Fluttershy’s face.

Fluttershy staggered and continued to cry, “Pinkie?” She tried to shake the pie from her face and Pinkie grabbed her.


“I thought you loved me?” Fluttershy began to cry harder.

Pinkie simply laughed harder, “That was the whole point, silly.” She turned to Rainbow, “You were right, Dashie. I didn’t know she would fall for it this easily.”

Rainbow joined in the laughter, “I told you. She’s always staring at you and sighing. What a loser!”

Fluttershy was now cowering in a ball and soon she felt as though she were falling through the floor. She kept falling and not once did she think of using her wings. All she could hear was her friends laughing at her and a strange ringing sound.

Fluttershy was safely back in her bed. There was no party and nopony was around to laugh at her. She rubbed her face and noticed that she was crying. Suddenly the dream came rushing back to her. Fluttershy shuddered and felt tears begin to run down her face again, ‘She wouldn’t do that to me.’ It took a moment, but she began to feel confident that Pinkie would never be mean to her.

Giving her wings a quick stretch; she made her way downstairs to get her breakfast ready. Her living room was still a bit messy from the party the night before. ‘It was great that the girls were happy for us.’ Her eyes looked over the room, and she saw Rainbow’s present. Fluttershy opened the small box and smiled at what she saw.

Inside the blue box were two gold pendants. One in the shape of a balloon and the other a butterfly. Also, there was a note tucked inside. Fluttershy carried the box to her kitchen and set some water to boil. She opened the note and read it.


You know I’m not good at these kinds of things, but this is important. When you read this come straight to my house. It’s about Pinkie.


Fluttershy looked the note over again and poured herself some tea. ‘Breakfast can wait,’ she thought. After she drank her tea and closed the box back up, she lifted the box with her mouth and opened the door. She took a step forward and staggered backward when she was struck on the head.


“Oh, Fluttershy! Are ya’ll ok,” Applejack asked, “Guess ya opened the door just as I was about to knock.”

“Good morning, Applejack,” Fluttershy said rubbing her head with a hoof. “I’m sorry, but I can’t invite you in. I’m headed to talk to Rainbow about Pinkie.”

Applejack sighed, “Yeah. I kinda want to talk about Pinkie too. I guess we can talk while you walk over to Rainbow’s.”

Fluttershy nodded and both ponies began to walk to the blue pegasus’s home. ‘She’s angry that we’re together,’ Fluttershy thought. ‘Should I ask or wait for her to say something?’ She was becoming visibly nervous, so she decided to lighten the mood, “It’s a lovely morning isn’t it?”

“Yup, it sure is,” Applejack replied. She stopped and sighed, “Listen sugarcube, I don’ know how to say this, but I weren’t entirely honest with Pinkie and you.”

Fluttershy turned to Applejack, her fears becoming more pronounced, “You’re not happy that we’re together.”

Applejack nodded slowly. “It’s not that I’m against ya’ll being, well, a fillyfooler and all. To be honest, I’m mighty impressed that you’re brave enough to admit it. It’s just that, I’m not so sure if Pinkie would be a good marefriend for you.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, listen. I don’ mean to judge, but Pinkie can be kinda...” Applejack trialed off as she tried to find the proper words. After a moment, she asked, “When was the last time you saw Pinkie take something seriously?”

Fluttershy tilted her head and looked at her friend, “Applejack, Pinkie can be silly and, um odd, but I don’t think she’ll take my feelings lightly.” She looked away as her dream came back to her mind, “At least I hope she won’t.”

“See? That’s what I’m talkin’ about. How do ya know she won’t just get bored with ya?”

Fluttershy lowered her head and began to cry, “I don’t. Please Applejack, it’s hard enough being scared that I’ll mess something up, but thinking that she may stop liking me isn’t helping.”

Applejack sighed, “Ah’m sorry sugarcube. I never meant to make ya cry.” She hugged the yellow pegasus softly, “Now ah know your heart is in the right place, but there’s just something ah can’t shake. Listen, I know that you’ll be the perfect marefriend for Pinkie. Just remember, if you need anypony to talk to, you can come talk to me. Ah’ll be there for you.” Applejack smiled and headed back to her farm.

Fluttershy arrived at Rainbow’s home; her thoughts still on the conversation she just finished with Applejack. ‘I hope she’s wrong,’ she thought to herself as she gently knocked on the door. She did not hear anything, so she let herself in. Inside was Rainbow Dash, and she was standing in front of her dresser. She was holding a letter and staring at charred piece of metal.

Fluttershy walked up to her friend, “Rainbow Dash is everything alright?”

The blue pegasus shoved both the letter and the object into a drawer and turned to Fluttershy with a big smile said, “Everything is great. I’m glad that you’re here.”

Fluttershy nodded, “Ok Rainbow, but if something is wrong, please tell me about it.”

Rainbow shook her head, “It’s not important, really. What is important right now is you and Pinkie.” She motioned to her cloud couch, “Take a seat.”

Fluttershy obliged and set the box down next to her, “Oh, thank you very much for the pendants. They’re lovely.”

Rainbow smiled, “Don’t sweat it, and they’re not pendants. They’re lockets.”

Fluttershy opened the box and looked the balloon shaped locket over and sure enough there was a small latch. She opened it and there was a picture of Pinkie. “Oh Rainbow. It’s beautiful. Thank you.”

“No problem. That one is yours. The other one is Pinkie’s.” Rainbow sat down next to Fluttershy. “Now, what I have to talk to you about is really important. Do you remember when we gave Pinkie that surprise party?”

Fluttershy nodded, “Yes. I still feel bad that she thought we stopped liking her.”

“Well, that wasn’t the only time that’s happened.”

Fluttershy looked at her friend, “What do you mean?”

Rainbow looked around the room, “Well, all that energy has to end sometime. I remember the second time I saw her like that. I went to her house so we could go pranking, and she wouldn’t answer her door. I flew up to her window and saw her curled up on the floor just crying.” Rainbow looked back at Fluttershy, “She wouldn’t tell me what was wrong, but she seemed to be really happy that I was there. There wasn’t much I could do but hold her as she cried.”

“Um, Rainbow? How many times has this happened?”

“It doesn’t happen a lot, and I doubt she’ll get sad anytime soon.” Rainbow smiled, “After all, she has a marefriend now. You need to talk to her about it because this really should be something between the two of you.” She put a hoof to Fluttershy’s cheek, “I’m still going to be there to help however I can, but you need to pony up and be there for her.”

Fluttershy looked away, “I. I don’t know if I can...”


Fluttershy turned back to see Rainbow becoming angry.

“This isn’t about you, Fluttershy. Pinkie will need you to be there for her. This is the one time when you can’t be shy.” Rainbow calmed down a bit, “I know you’re worried that you’ll mess up, but you have a good heart. You’ll never leave one of us hanging when you know we need help.” She laughed and added, “Unless of course there’s a dragon involved.”

Fluttershy smiled, “You’re right, Rainbow. I don’t want to see Pinkie sad, but I promise to be there for her.”

“Awesome!” Rainbow got up from the couch and was about to let Fluttershy out when Fluttershy stopped her.

“Um, thank you again for the lockets. I’ll go to Pinkie and give her hers right away.” She smiled, “Where did you get the idea for it? You never were very sentimental.”

Rainbow sighed, “Well, yeah I’m not. I got the idea from Gilda.”


“Hey, she was my best friend once.” Rainbow looked down, “I just don’t know what happened. She really changed.”

“Um, Rainbow, she didn’t change.”


“I’m sorry. I know you two were very close, but she was always mean, and well, you were kind of mean too.” Fluttershy shifted uncomfortably as she told Rainbow.

Rainbow sat down on the cloud floor, “What do you mean Fluttershy? I wasn’t that mean to you, was I?”

“You were never as mean as Gilda, but you did do some mean things.”

“To you?”

Fluttershy nodded slowly.

Rainbow shook her head, “No way. I would never be mean to my friends. That’s not cool, and if I’m anything, it’s cool.”

“Well,” Fluttershy shifted again, “We weren’t exactly friends back then.”

“What do you mean? We’ve been best friends since we were fillies.”

Fluttershy sat back down on the couch, “We’ve been friends for years, but we were never close until we moved here to Ponyville.”

Rainbow joined her on the couch, “No, I remember us being close when we were younger.”

Fluttershy smiled, “That’s very sweet of you Rainbow, but think about it. Can you name a single time we spent any real time together before we moved here?”

Rainbow tapped her chin with a hoof, “Well, no but that doesn’t mean anything. I know we hung out together.”

“Rainbow, we have completely different interests. You spent all of your time at the track and at the speedster school that we rarely got the time to see each other.” Fluttershy nodded, “You always greeted me warmly when we did run into each other. Unless of course you were in a mood for pranks.”

Rainbow cringed, “How bad were they?”

Fluttershy laughed, “They weren’t too bad. You would scare me a lot and laugh as I cried, but now that I’m older, I can see the humor in it.”

“Sorry bout that.”

“Oh it’s alright. It’s all in the past, and I think of you as one of my best friends now. That’s what I meant. We grew closer while you and Gilda drifted apart. It happens, Rainbow.”

Rainbow sighed, “I guess so.” She walked over to the dresser and took out the letter and the charred piece of metal. She sat back down and said, “I got this letter a few days ago. It was from Gilda, and she said that since we were no longer friends that I should have this back in the shape I deserve.” The blue pegasus had tears in her eyes as she handed the piece of metal to Fluttershy. Now that she could get a better look at it, she could see that it was shaped like a cloud.

“We wanted something to remind us that we were friends. Gilda would have to go home, so she came up with the idea of the lockets. She tried to play it off as being super cool, but I knew that it meant a lot to her.” Rainbow flapped her wings and flew to her nightstand, and she took a locket out from the drawer. This one was in the shape of a lightning bolt, “Since griffins don’t get cutie marks, we decided to split mine. She got the cloud and I got the lightning bolt.” She looked at the lightning bolt locket and laughed, “It’s a good thing I’m telling you. If it were anypony else, I’d have to say that we were just friends.”

Fluttershy hugged Rainbow, “I’m so sorry that Gilda doesn’t want to be your friend anymore, but you have friends here.”

“It’s not the same, Fluttershy. We pushed each other to be the best. I know that AJ and I compete a lot, but it’s just for fun. With Gilda, we had a goal and we never stopped until we passed it.” Rainbow sighed, “Well, there’s nothing I can do about it. She doesn’t want to be my friend.”

“Um, Rainbow, why don’t you just write to her and apologize?”

Rainbow looked at Fluttershy, “You sure? Remember how she treated you?”

Fluttershy nodded, “I remember, but my feelings are not as important as your friendship. She’s clearly hurt by this, and maybe there’s a chance that you two can be friends again.”

Rainbow smiled, “Do you think there’s a chance?”

Fluttershy nodded, “There’s always a chance.”

“Cool. Well, you better get off to Pinkie’s so you give her locket to her.”

Fluttershy hugged Rainbow, “Thank you so much for the lockets. I love them.”

“Yeah, you always were a softy.”

Fluttershy turned to leave and remembered her dream, “Um, Rainbow, can I ask you something?”

“Sure, what’s up?”

“Well, do you think Pinkie is with me as a prank?”

Rainbow tilted her head, “What do you mean?”

Fluttershy sighed, “Well, I had a dream last night where Pinkie threw a surprise party for me and everypony was there. There was a big banner that said, “Happy Loser Day, Fluttercry”, and Pinkie hit me with a rotten pie. She then told me that she was with me as a prank that you two came up with.” Though she tried to stay calm, tears were streaming down her face.

Rainbow hugged her until she stopped crying, “I have something to show you.” She walked to her dresser and pulled out a small book. She tossed it to Fluttershy.

“What’s this?” Fluttershy looked at the cover and it read, “No Prank List”.

“Read it.”

Fluttershy opened the book, “Fluttershy?” She looked at Rainbow who just smiled and motioned for her to keep reading. Fluttershy flipped the pages but they were all blank She closed the book, “It’s just my name?”

Rainbow nodded, “Yup, anypony in that book is off limits to any and all pranks, and you’re it. Pinkie will never prank you because she knows how sensitive you are.”

Fluttershy smiled, “Thank you Rainbow. I feel so silly now for thinking she would do something like that.”

“Don’t sweat it. Now, I gotta go. I’m gonna help AJ out with some project she’s been putting off.”

“Oh ok. I’ll see you later.”


Both ponies left the cloud house and flew off in different directions. Fluttershy’s thoughts were still on what Rainbow told her, ‘I hope they’re able to patch things up.’ She took off towards Sugarcube Corner to find Pinkie Pie.


“I’m super sorry Mrs. Cake. I didn’t mean to mess up the recipe.” Pinkie was covered with cake batter just like the walls of the kitchen.

Mrs. Cake laughed, “It’s alright Pinkie. You’re mind hasn’t been on your baking lately.” She nudged Pinkie playfully, “It’s wonderful that you finally told that sweet pony how you feel.”

Pinkie blushed, “I’m sorry, but I’ve been thinking about her a lot. She’s so sweet and nice.”

“Yes well, why don’t you take care of the front counter, and I’ll clean up this mess.”

“Really? You’re not mad?”

“Of course not dear. Now run along.”

Pinkie went to the front counter and saw the shop was empty, so she grabbed a rag and began to clean the counters. She was at it for a few minutes when Twilight walked in.

“Good morning, Pinkie. Are you busy?”

Pinkie smiled at the purple unicorn, “Of course not silly. What’s up?”

Twilight smiled and pulled out a parchment and quill, “Well, I was thinking about you and Fluttershy, I thought how great it would be to study your relationship.” She wrote down some notes and looked up, “With your permission of course, and Fluttershy’s as well. I promise I won’t be intrusive.”

Pinkie became uncomfortable, “You’re not going to hook Fluttershy up to anything are you?”

“Oh nothing like that. This isn’t like the time I tried to figure out your Pinkie Sense. I just want to ask you and Fluttershy some questions. I don’t want to sound mean, but it does seem a little, well unnatural.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m sorry. I said that wrong.” Twilight became flustered as she tried to come up with a nicer way to say what she wanted, “I meant that it’s not really all that normal.” She waved a hoof in front of her, “No. Wait! That’s not what I meant. I’m sorry. I’m just really curious why you were interested in her in the first place.” She lowered her head, “You must think I’m awful.”

Pinkie laughed, “No silly. I don’t think that. I’ll answer anything just promise that you won’t hook Fluttershy up to any machines.”

Twilight relaxed, “I promise.”

“Pinkie Pie promise.”


“Please. It’s for Fluttershy.”

Twilight sighed, “Ok. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my... ow!” Once again, she jammed her hoof right into her eye.

“You know Twilight, you need to close your eye before you do that part, but that’ll do. What would you like to know?”

Twilight laughed as she rubbed her eye and took another parchment from her saddlebag and opened it, “Ok well, let’s start with how you two met.”

Pinkie lit up, “Oh that’s a gem!”

“Wait a second. This isn’t going to end with ‘and that’s how Equestria was made’ is it?”

“Nope. Well, I met Fluttershy and Dashie at the same time. They just moved to Ponyville from Cloudsdale, and I saw them walking down a road. I waited behind a bush and when they got close enough I pounced on Fluttershy.”

Twilight stopped taking notes, “You pounced on Fluttershy?”

Pinkie nodded, “I didn’t know how sensitive she was. She fainted, and after the fight we all became friends. Well, after that...”

“Hold on a second. There was a fight?”

“Sure. You know how protective Dashie is of Fluttershy. She thought I was a bully or something cause she socked me but good.” Pinkie laughed, “Well, sometime during the fight, Fluttershy woke up and tried to break us up. We didn’t notice and we both accidentally hit Fluttershy at the same time.”

“Wow, I bet she was out cold,” Twilight said having a hard time figuring out if Pinkie was being honest.

Pinkie shook her head, “Nope. She was hurt, but I don’t think she cried. Dashie hugged her and apologized for hitting her. I apologized too, and that was when Dashie told me that she thought I was a bully picking on Fluttershy. I made sure that they knew I was no bully.”

Twilight tapped her chin with a hoof, “Well, that’s very interesting, but can you tell me when you learned you liked, um fillies?”

Pinkie shrugged and continued to wipe the counter, “I dunno. When did you learn that you loved reading?”

“I don’t know. I’ve always loved to read.”

“Exactly. I don’t when it happened, it just did.” Pinkie looked at Twilight, “Are you sure that you’re not mad at us?”

“Oh absolutely. I’m happy that my friends are happy together. I just want to know more about this.”

“More about what dear?”

Pinkie smiled at Rarity who had just walked into the shop, “Hey Rarity! Twilight was just wondering why Fluttershy and me are so weird and unnatural.”

Rarity turned to Twilight, “Twilight Sparkle, I am ashamed of you! Just because it may not be the status quo does not change the fact that they are our friends.”

Twilight became even more flustered, “I didn’t mean that. Well, I said it, but I didn’t mean it like that. I didn’t mean anything by it, honest.”

“There aren’t many ways to interpret ‘weird and unnatural’.” Rarity walked up to the counter and smiled warmly to Pinkie, “I, of course, encourage your love to flourish, but like I told you yesterday, I am rather protective of Fluttershy.”

Pinkie nodded, “Of course, I wouldn’t dream of hurting such a sensitive pony.”

Rarity smiled, “Wonderful. Now do you two have any plans for tonight?”

Pinkie shook her head, “Nope.”

Twilight, “So you two haven’t gone out yet?”

Rarity sighed, “Twilight you really must learn to be more tactful. I’m certain that their busy schedules prevent them from going on a proper date.” Rarity looked lost in thought and then squealed, “Oh Twilight, I just had the most marvelous idea! Please come with me to my boutique. I don’t want Fluttershy to hear what I have planned.”

“Oh ok, I’ll just go home.” Fluttershy turned to leave when she was tackled by Pinkie.

“Fluttershy! I missed you.” The pinkie pony noticed the box Fluttershy set down on the floor and the locket she was wearing, “Ooh, is that the present Dashie gave us?”

Fluttershy nodded and turned to their unicorn friends, “Rainbow felt she needed to give us something, but she really didn’t have to.” She smiled and then frowned, “Not that I want you to get us something. I mean, if you want to that would be wonderful, but you don’t have to. Oh. My.” She shielded her face with her mane and blushed when she heard Pinkie’s high pitched laugh.

“Fluttershy, you are too cute!” She hugged the yellow pony and the two of them made their way to the counter.

“How are you Fluttershy” Twilight asked.

“I’m fine. I just wanted to visit Pinkie,” Fluttershy squeaked quietly.

Rarity smiled at her timid friend, “Of course dear, I’ll just pick up Sweetie Belle’s cake and be on my way. Do come and visit later.”

Fluttershy smiled, “Certainly, Rarity.”

“Oh Fluttershy if you have some time, I’d like to ask you some questions about you and Pinkie.” Twilight wrote down notes on her parchment, “I would really love to learn more about this.”

“More about what,” Fluttershy asked.

“About how you fell in love with Pinkie and your relationship,” Twilight laughed as she was becoming more excited about learning something new that she lost all sense of tact, “I mean it’s just so bizarre that I have to know why anypony would do this...” She immediately shut her mouth with her hooves and after a moment said, “I am so sorry. I didn’t mean that. I just, well, don’t understand this.”

Fluttershy asked softly, “You think I’m bizarre?”

“And weird and unnatural,” Pinkie added happily, “But she doesn’t mean anything mean by it.”

Fluttershy tilted her head, “So Twilight thinks we are bizarre, weird, and unnatural in the nicest possible way?”


After a few tense moments, Fluttershy began to giggle softly. Soon the other ponies joined in and Fluttershy said, “I’ll be happy to answer any questions you have, Twilight.”

“Great! Can you two stop by the library today around lunchtime?”

Fluttershy nodded, “Certainly. I will be there after breakfast.” She turned to Pinkie, “Would you like to eat here?”

“Sure. We can eat and then head over to the library.” Pinkie went back to the counter and began to wipe it down and smiled when Fluttershy walked up to her.

Twilight smiled at the two ponies, “Ok I’ll see you two later. I might be a little late since Rarity wants to see me about, um something.”

“Twilight, I heard Rarity. She wants to plan something for Pinkie and me.”

Twilight smiled awkwardly, “Right. Well, I better get going. Bye everypony.”

Fluttershy looked at her marefriend nervously, “Um Pinkie, can I talk to you in private please?”

“Oh ok. We can talk in my room.” She set the rag down and both made their way upstairs. Once inside, Pinkie motioned for Fluttershy to sit on the bed. When they both sat down Pinkie smiled at Fluttershy and opened the present. Her face lit up when she saw the locket, “Oh wow, Fluttershy this is so pretty.”

Fluttershy helped put the butterfly locket on Pinkie and smiled when she opened it, “That one is yours and this one is mine.”

Pinkie began to shift a little bit, “Fluttershy, can you close your eyes?”

“Um, why?”

“Do you trust me,” Pinkie asked with a slightly hurt tone.

“Oh, of course I trust you. I’m sorry.” Fluttershy closed her eyes.

Pinkie inched closer to Fluttershy, ‘I can do this.’ She slowly leaned over and gently kissed Fluttershy on the lips. She slowly closed her eyes when Fluttershy kissed her in return. The kiss only lasted a moment, but both ponies were blushing and breathing heavier.

“That was wonderful,” Fluttershy said. She leaned over and hugged Pinkie.

“It really was,” Pinkie beamed happily, “What did you want to talk about?”

Fluttershy looked down, “Well, I went to visit Rainbow this morning, and we talked about you. She told me that you get sad sometimes.”

Pinkie immediately frowned, “She promised!” She jumped off the bed and was about to storm out of the room when she felt Fluttershy grab her.

“I’m sorry Pinkie. She told me that you get sad because you get tired, and since I’m your marefriend now, I need to help you. Please don’t be mad at her.”

Pinkie turned around and saw how sorry Fluttershy was, “What did she tell you?”

“Well, all she told me was that the second time she saw you sad; you were in your room crying.”

Pinkie looked around nervously, “Did she tell you how she made me feel better?”

Fluttershy nodded.

“And you don’t mind?”

Fluttershy laughed, “Of course not. If it helps you feel better, then I’m glad she helped you.”

“Well, she was a little mad. I was just so happy that I had a friend here.”

“What do you mean?”

“I kissed her.”

Fluttershy stared at Pinkie with her mouth open. She tried to say something but no words came out. After a few moments, she was able to find her voice, “Y-you kissed her? She told me that she held you until you felt better.”

“Oh Fluttershy, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do it. It just happened, and she didn’t kiss me back.” Pinkie hugged Fluttershy, “You hate me now.”

Fluttershy shook away from Pinkie’s hug and saw her lower her head. Fluttershy lifted Pinkie’s chin with a hoof and smiled warmly at her, “You did nothing wrong, Pinkie. Um, maybe this will make you feel a little better.” She leaned forward and kissed Pinkie gently. The pink pony eagerly returned the kiss and this one lasted a bit longer. When they broke away, Fluttershy smiled and asked, “Was that better?”

Pinkie hugged Fluttershy again, “That was the bestest kiss I ever got!” She led Fluttershy back to the bed and sat down, “Sometimes I get sad, and I feel all alone. I don’t know why, but I also feel really tired when I get sad.”

Fluttershy interrupted her, “Then I will be here to cheer you up, spend time with you, and make sure you get plenty of rest.”

Pinkie rested her head on Fluttershy’s shoulder, “Thank you Fluttershy. I mean it.” She saw that something was still bothering Fluttershy, “Is something wrong?”

Fluttershy tried to smile but was unable to, “I’m sorry, but I was thinking about a dream that I had. You played a mean prank on me. I spoke to Rainbow about it, and she told me that you would never prank me. I’m just scared.”

“Scared of what?”

Fluttershy sniffed, trying not to cry, “I’m scared that I won’t be good enough. I’m not brave. I’m weak and helpless. I’m afraid that I’ll only bore you.”

Pinkie hugged Fluttershy, “I’m scared too. I’m scared that I’ll scare you away, and move too fast.” She looked Fluttershy in the eye, “I love you for who you are. You’re such a sweet and sensitive pony that I would love to be with you.”

Fluttershy smiled and wiped her eyes, “Thank you, Pinkie. Let’s get some lunch before we go talk to Twilight.”

“Okie dokie lokie!”

Both ponies went back downstairs and enjoyed a simple lunch. While they enjoyed their sandwiches, Fluttershy asked Pinkie, “Did Twilight ask you anything?”

“Not much. She was curious about how we met, and when I noticed I liked fillies.”

“I hope she doesn’t get mad at my answers.”

Pinkie suddenly smiled, “Oh, don’t tell me anything. I want this to be a surprise!”

Fluttershy laughed, “Ok Pinkie. I won’t tell you anything.”

Once they finished they headed out to Twilight’s house. Along the way they passed the post office and saw Rainbow Dash leaving.

Fluttershy walked up to Rainbow, “Hello Rainbow Dash. What brings you to the post office?”

Rainbow smiled at her friends, “Hey you two. I just mailed off a letter.”

Fluttershy hugged Rainbow and whispered, “Are you try to make up with Gilda?”

Rainbow glanced to Pinkie, “Yeah, I invited her to stay at my place. I hope she’ll respond soon.”

“That’s wonderful. Oh, I hope you two will be friends again.”

Rainbow shifted uncomfortably, “Well, I’m not holding my breath, but it would be awesome if she visits.” She turned to Pinkie, “See ya, Pinkie.”

“Bye, Dashie,” Pinkie replied just as Rainbow took off. She looked at Fluttershy, “What was that all about?”

“Oh, she sent a letter to Gilda. I hope they can be friends again.”

“Gilda? That mean bully that made you cry? Why would Dashie want to see that meanie again?”

“Pinkie, they were best friends once, and it would mean a lot to Rainbow if she accepts the invitation.”

Pinkie shook her head, “But what if she’s mean to you again?”

Fluttershy smiled, “I have you.”

Pinkie blushed and Fluttershy hugged her. Both ponies made their way to the Ponyville Library.