• Published 31st Oct 2011
  • 10,778 Views, 170 Comments

PinkieShy - PatRoison

PinkieShy or FlutterPie whichever you prefer. Started cute and light, but then it all went wrong.

  • ...

Interview with a Fillyfooler Part 2

“Now Twilight, this must be perfect. This will be their first real date.”

Twilight Sparkle finished placing new curtains on the windows of the shop, “I get that Rarity, but I still don’t understand why you’re being so insistent on having the date here at your boutique.”

The white unicorn turned to her friend and laughed, “I have my reasons, but rest assured that it is for Fluttershy.”

Twilight tilted her head, “Why?”

“You know how timid the little creature can be. Just imagine the amount of stress she’ll be under on a date.” Rarity waved a hoof in front of her face, “No. I will not allow my dear friend to suffer any stress. She will be worried enough on making a good impression on Pinkie.”

Twilight stopped decorating the table, “Ok, now you’re going to have to explain that one to me. They’ve been friends for years. How could there be a first impression?”

Rarity walked to her friend and playfully squeezed Twilight’s face with her hooves, “You are simply adorable sometimes, Twilight Sparkle.” She let the purple unicorn go, “There will be a first impression because this will be the first time either of them will see the other as more than a friend. The first date will tell each other a great deal, and I know that they are both stressing out over every tiny detail.”

“If you say so.”


“But you’re allergic to raspberries.”

“I am?”

Fluttershy nodded as her and Pinkie made their way to Ponyville Library, “I remember the time you made a batch of raspberry tarts; you were sick for a week.”

Pinkie sat down and scratched her head, “That’s right. You stopped by every day to make sure I was feeling better.”

Fluttershy looked down blushing, “Well, I did have other reasons for wanting to visit, and I love taking care of you.”

Pinkie arched an eyebrow, “Really?” She lifted her forelegs to her face and gave two soft fake coughs. “Oh no I think I’m getting sick.” Pinkie fell over and put a hoof over her face, “I need to be taken care of!”

“Oh my!” Fluttershy put her ear to Pinkie’s chest, and Pinkie could not see that Fluttershy was grinning. Lifting her head from Pinkie’s chest, Fluttershy said, “She needs a tracheotomy!”

Pinkie looked up, “What’s that?”

“Oh. It’s where we take a knife and...”

“Ok, enough of that!” Pinkie jumped to her hooves, “Look at that! I’m all better!” She laughed nervously.

Fluttershy hugged Pinkie, “Good.” She looked down, “You know I was only playing, right?”

“Of course I knew.” She hugged the shy pegasus, “It’s so much fun playing with you.”

Fluttershy fought her instinct to struggle free from the hug, “It really is. We really should go to the library. Um, do you know what Rarity has planned for us?”

Pinkie scratched her head, “Well, she did say it was a surprise.”

“Oh ok. If you promised not to tell...”

“That’s just it. She never asked me to keep it a secret, so I think it’s ok to tell you. I think she wants to plan our first date”

Fluttershy blushed, “That sounds wonderful. She probably wants us to have a quiet dinner.”

“Quiet? That sounds kinda boring,” Pinkie scratched her chin, “I know! We can go dancing too!”

Fluttershy’s face lit up, “I love dancing.” She flapped her wings, balanced herself on her hind legs, and began to gracefully dance around Pinkie. She took a leap into the air, used her wings to glide over the pink pony, and gently kissed her on the head before landing.

Pinkie clapped happily, “That was amazing Fluttershy. Where did you learn to dance like that?”

“Oh, I taught myself really. I didn’t think anypony would like it, so I keep it to myself.”

“I like it a lot. Oh boy, we should make a list of all the things we can do together.”

“Ok, but after we visit Twilight. This sounds exciting.”

Both ponies continued to the library to wait for Twilight to return from Carousel Boutique.


“Thanks for the help, RD. Whenever I need something smashed, ya’ll are the first pony I call.” Applejack slid a tray with a sandwich and glass of apple juice over to the blue pegasus.

“Don’t sweat it, AJ. It’s what friends are for.” Both ponies sat down and enjoyed their meal under the shadow of what remained of an old tool shed.

The afternoon was enjoyable for Applejack, but she was still bothered by the new events in her friends’ lives. “Say Rainbow, mind if ah ask you somethin’?”

“What’s up?”

“Ah don’ know how this’ll sound, but what do ya think about Fluttershy and Pinkie?”

“What about them? You mean, how do I feel that they’re together now?”

Applejack took a bite from her sandwich, “Well, yeah. I love both of ‘em. They’re like family, but there’s somethin’ that I can get my head around.”

“I think you need to get your head out of your flank and stop judging our friends.”

“Ah ain’ judgin’. Ah’m just not sure Pinkie’s the best choice fer Fluttershy is all.”

“Oh, and you are?” Rainbow grinned at Applejack, “What happened? Did seeing Fluttershy together with Pinkie stir up some hidden feelings?”

“Hardy har. Jus’ forget it then.” The orange pony slouched as best she could on the bench, “Never thought it would be wrong to be concerned for a friend.”

Rainbow moved closer to Applejack, “AJ listen. There is a simple way to settle this. Do you trust Fluttershy?”

Applejack stared at Rainbow for a moment, “Of course ah trust her.”

“Ok. Now, do you trust Pinkie?”

“Well, yeah, I do.”

“Good. Then trust both of them to take care of each other.” She patted Applejack on the shoulder, “Let me tell you something about Pinkie.” Rainbow Dash grabbed an apple, “Now. Pinkie Pie is a lot like a bomb of happiness that is always exploding...”

“A bomb?”

Rainbow shrugged, “It’s either a bomb or a tornado.”

“Ah guess explosives suit her better. Not sure why though.”

“I know. Anyway, she’s just explosively happy, and she wants to hit everypony possible with shrapnel of joy.” Rainbow and Applejack stared at each other for a moment before bursting out in fits of laughter.

“Are ya’ll picturing her dressed as a commando chuckin’ bombs at ponies too,” Applejack managed to ask while clutching her sides.

“Yeah, and she’s screaming, ‘It’s happy time!’” Rainbow sat back up wiping her tears from her eyes, “Ow. Anyway, the point is that her entire focus in life is to spread happiness. Now that she has a marefriend, she’ll start focusing on Fluttershy. Trust me. She will shower that pony with so much happiness that we’ll be sick of it in no time.”

“Ah guess you’re right. Ah’m just worrying fer nothin’. Now c’mon. This mess ain’ gonna clean itself up.”

Rainbow groaned, “Cleanup isn’t nearly as cool as demolishing.”

“Yeah, but we gotta do it. I tell you what. We get this finished before the sun goes down, I’ll treat you to dinner.”


With that, both ponies began the long task of cleaning up Rainbow’s impressive destructive display. Though the blue pegasus regretted causing so much debris to fly so far away.


Spike’s nap was interrupted by a knock on the door followed by somepony saying something. He trudged his way to the door and smiled when he saw Fluttershy kissing the top of Pinkie’s head.

“Fluttershy, I think you better get used to that. What’s up girls?”

Fluttershy let out a small squeak and looked down, “Oh hello, Spike. I know Twilight isn’t home, but can we wait here until she returns?”

Spike rubbed his eyes, “Of course you can. Come on in.” He led the ponies inside, “Would you two like something to eat?”

Fluttershy smiled, “I’m fine, thank you, but I think Pinkie might be a little hungry.” She smiled at Pinkie and playfully rubbed her side.

Pinkie giggled, “That tickles.” She playfully nudged Fluttershy away and made her way to the kitchen. “Don’t worry about making something for us, Spike. I’ll take care of it.”

The baby dragon stretched and yawned, “Ok Pinkie. I’m going back to sleep. Where’s Twilight anyway?”

Fluttershy walked over to Spike’s bed and finished making it for him, “Oh, she went to Rarity’s shop to set up a surprise for us.” She smiled as Spike’s eyes lit up at the mention of the white unicorn. Fluttershy gave him a hug, “Sweet dreams.”

“Thanks, Fluttershy.” Spike laid down and soon drifted off to sleep.

“Fluttershy. Can you come into the kitchen?”

The yellow pegasus walked to the kitchen and smiled at the sight of Pinkie eating a sandwich, “Maybe I should have made your lunch. You can’t just eat sandwiches all the time.”

“I don’t. Sometimes I eat hay.”



Fluttershy sat down next to Pinkie, “Then I promise to make sure you always have a real dinner.”

“You don’t have to.”

“But I want to. I want to spend time with you.” Fluttershy looked up at the clock, “I wonder what Twilight has in mind for us.”

“Well, I know that she won’t be hooking you up to any machines.”

“Um, what?”

“Oh, nothing,” Pinkie finished her sandwich, “Let’s go back the living room.”

Fluttershy nodded and they returned to the main room. She looked around and sighed, “Twilight must be behind on her studies.”

Pinkie nodded, “Either that or she’s taking Spike’s advice about using the floor as a shelf.”

Fluttershy giggled, “I don’t know how she manages to find anything. She keeps changing the order of the books.”

“I know! I remember last week they were sorted by word count.”

Fluttershy shrugged, “How does she do that?”

“I dunno.” Pinkie began to pick up book off the floor, “Let’s tidy up some. It’ll be a nice surprise for Twilight.”

Fluttershy nodded and the two began to clean up the library.


The boutique was finally finished and ready for the date. Both unicorns looked over their work pleased with the results. Twilight was proud to help and knew that she needed to get back to the library to learn more about the nature of her friends’ new relationship.

“Rarity, can I ask you something?”

“Certainly. What is it?”

“I don’t know how to ask this, but how are you able to, you know, be comfortable with Pinkie and Fluttershy being together?”

Rarity looked to her friend and saw genuine intrigue in the studious pony’s eyes. There was something there that she could not place, but she knew that it was not malice. “What is it about their relationship that bothers you?”

Twilight sat down, “I know I’m being an awful friend, but I just don’t get it. Why would two mares want to be together? I know that it’s not uncommon, but what can they possibly gain from it? I just don’t understand.”

“Is that why you wish to ask Fluttershy about her feelings for Pinkie? Just remember that she is your friend, not some thing to study.”

“I know. I don’t want to scare her or make her feel bad. Believe me. I’m happy for them. I just have questions. They’re among the first friends I’ve ever had, and now they’re dating. This is a big change for all of us.”

Rarity nodded, “You’re right. It will take some adjustment, but I look forward to teasing them to go somewhere more private once in a while.” She giggled softly, “I can picture the two of them confused. They’re so innocent.”

“Right, I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Twilight wanted to ask Rarity to clarify what she meant, but she noticed the time, “I gotta go. Pinkie and Fluttershy are probably waiting at the library.”

“Of course Twilight. Remember to be patient with Fluttershy. Don’t pressure her.”

Twilight nodded, “I promise.” She left the boutique and made her way home. On the way, she spotted Scootaloo riding on her scooter.

“Hey, Scootaloo. Headed to see Sweetie Belle?”

The orange filly stopped, “Yeah, I’m gonna pick her up and head over to the clubhouse.” Scootaloo nervously kicked at the ground before looking back to the purple unicorn, “Twilight, can I ask you something?”

Twilight nodded, “Sure, ask away.”

“Is it true that Fluttershy, well, you know...”

Twilight waved a hoof in the air, “Ok, stop right there. Maybe you should ask her yourself.” She tapped the hoof to her chin, “Then again, it’ll be public knowledge soon enough, so I don’t really see the harm.” She nodded, “Yes, it’s true.”

Scootaloo’s eye lit up, “Really? That’s awesome! Once I get Sweetie Bell I’ll go over to her cottage. Maybe she’ll let me join in.” She kicked off and took off on her scooter, or at least, she tried to.

Twilight used her magic to stop the orange filly, “What? Why would you want to join in? Are you like that too?”

“What do you mean like that?”

“Well, you asked about her and Pinkie.”

Scootaloo took off her helmet, “Pinkie? I thought she did it with Rainbow.”

“No, Fluttershy is dating Pinkie Pie.” Twilight knew that she made a mistake when she saw the stunned look on Scootaloo’s face, “I take it that wasn’t what you wanted to ask?”

It took a moment, but Scootaloo soon found her voice, “Uh, no. I wanted to know if it was true that Fluttershy will sing whenever somepony asked her to help them find a new pet. I was hoping she would let me practice my singing with her, so the CMC could rock out that much better. Fluttershy and Pinkie are, dating? Why?”

“I have no idea. In fact, I’m on my way home to ask Fluttershy about it.” Twilight began to head home when Scootaloo stopped her.

“Wait. You can’t just ask Fluttershy something like that. I mean, is it even any of your business?”

Twilight shifted nervously. She was so interested in unlocking the mystery behind this new relationship that she never stopped to think if she even had a right to. “Well, Fluttershy said it would be ok.”

Scootaloo put a hoof to her face, “Well, duh. Fluttershy can’t say no to a friend. Do you really think she’ll be comfortable talking about something like that?”

Twilight looked at the filly, “I think I understand what you mean, and I promise that I will do my very best to keep Fluttershy comfortable. Besides, Pinkie will be there with her, and she made me promise to be careful.”

That seemed to satisfy Scootaloo, “Ok, but be nice.” She turned to take off, but once again was stopped by Twilight.

“Hey, why are you so concerned about Fluttershy?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, I noticed that almost everypony seems to be protective of Fluttershy.”

Scootaloo shrugged, “I don’t know. She’s just special. Do you want to see her sad?”

Twilight thought about it. True that she did not want any of her friends to be sad, but the idea of Fluttershy being sad seemed wrong to her. “I see what you mean.” She gently ruffled Scootaloo’s mane, “I promise, that I will treat Fluttershy with respect.”

Scootaloo smiled, “Cool. Well, I gotta go. See ya, Twilight!”

Twilight waved goodbye to the filly and continued her way back home, ‘I’ll have to think up some good questions to ask Fluttershy. Maybe I’ll ask Pinkie some as long as she’s there. It couldn’t hurt.’ Excitement quickly began to build inside her, and she went from a quick trot to a full run. It was not long before she was home, tire, but ready to begin the interview.

“Spike, clear a table, and get the recorder.” Twilight could not help but smile at the sight of the sleeping ponies, ‘They really are cute together.’

The baby dragon rubbed his eyes, “Sure thing Twilight.” He began to clear out a table making sure to stack the books neatly on the side. Once that was finished, he went to the basement.

Twilight knew that he would be a while, so she decided to wake up the sleeping ponies. She carefully nudged Pinkie who was currently being used as a pillow by Fluttershy, “Wake up. It’s time for our little interview.”

“Huh? What?” Pinkie rubbed her eyes and smiled at Fluttershy.

“Just a couple more minutes, Angel Bunny,” Fluttershy grumbled as she wrapped her forelegs around Pinkie’s waist giving the pink pony a squeeze.

“Hey, that tickles.”

Fluttershy’s eye shot open, “Pinkie! Oh, I’m sorry.” She quickly jumped off the couch and began to look Pinkie over.

“I’m fine, silly.” Pinkie gave Fluttershy a quick hug, “Now, we have an interview to do, and then we have a date.”

Fluttershy blushed, “Yes. I look forward to that.”

“Great. I see you two cleaned up a little. Thank you. I think Spike will be back with the recorder soon.” Twilight levitated a parchment and a quill from her bag.

Pinkie’s ears twitched nervously, “Recorder? I thought you said that there would be no machines.”

“I promised not to hook Fluttershy up to any machines. You have nothing to worry about Pinkie. All this machine does is record sound waves, so I can study them later. It’s a little experimental, but I’m confident that it’s safe.”

“How confident?”

“Pinkie. If Twilight says that it’s safe, then I trust her.” Fluttershy’s soft smile eased the pink pony’s mind for the moment.

“Okie dokie,” Pinkie said quietly before sitting down next to Fluttershy.

Spike entered the main room from the basement, “Ok Twi, I got it. I’ll get it set up.” He placed a curious device on the table, and carefully inserted a blue crystal.

“Hey Spike, doesn’t that make you hungry?”

“Um, Pinkie. I think that’s a crystal, not a gem.” Fluttershy quickly blushed, “I mean, I could be wrong, but I think it’s a crystal.”

“Yup, it’s a crystal. Twilight made it so it would have the right reso-something.”

“Resonance. Thank you Spike.” Twilight smiled as the baby dragon made his way up the stairs, and she turned to the recorder. With a spark from her horn, she activated it. It hummed slightly, but did nothing else. She turned to Fluttershy, “Ok, now just so we can get a baseline, can you please state your name?”

“Why? Did you forget her name?” Pinkie began to panic, “Did you forget your name? What’s my name?” She frantically waved a hoof in Twilight’s face, “How many hooves do you see?”

“Pinkie, I remember Fluttershy’s name. I only asked her to state so I can have a record of it. It’s so I can sort it easier.”

“Oh, ok. I still don’t trust that machine.” Pinkie sat down and pouted crossing her forelegs, but she immediately smiled when she felt Fluttershy hug her.

“Thank you for looking out for me.” Fluttershy held her embrace of Pinkie and turned to Twilight, “My name is Fluttershy.”

Twilight smiled, “Great. Now, is there anything special about you?”

“Um, no not really.”

Twilight sighed, “Just say that you’re the Element of Kindness.”

“Oh ok. I’m the Element of Kindness.” Fluttershy let go of Pinkie turned completely to Twilight.

“Alright. Now we get to it. How long have you had, uh feelings for Pinkie?”

Fluttershy blushed, “Oh, well, I uh, I’m not sure. I mean, it feels like I’ve loved her forever, but at the same time, it feels brand new. I’m sorry that I can’t be more specific.”

Twilight wrote something down on her parchment, “That’s alright. You’re being honest, and I appreciate that. Can you tell me when you first wanted to tell Pinkie how you felt?”

Fluttershy nodded, “Ok. Well, it was a while ago. Pinkie was helping Rainbow Dash pull off some pranks, and I really wanted to join them.”

Pinkie’s ears perked up, “You want to go pranking with Dashie and me?”

“Well, no not anymore. Not since that accident.”

Twilight tilted her head, “What accident?”

Fluttershy gave her a small smile, “Well, I followed them to a nearby grove where they were painting a bunch of tennis balls different colors and attaching paper to them. They were making pretend parasprites and...”

“Ok I remember the time you’re talking about.” Twilight turned to Pinkie, “I nearly fainted when I saw all of those things. I was worried that we had another infestation.”

Pinkie smiled, “Yeah, but you were laughing with us.”

Twilight nodded smiling, “Yeah, I was. It was pretty funny when I calmed down.” Twilight tapped her chin with a hoof, “I remember something else about that day.” She clapped her hooves together, “That was the day you went missing!”

Pinkie snapped to Fluttershy, “You went missing?”

“Um, well, not so much missing as I was just not ‘here’.”

“What do you mean?”

Twilight stopped writing, “Yeah, I’d really like to know what happened to you. I remember when you came back you were a little shaken.”

Pinkie put a hoof on Fluttershy’s shoulder, “Were you hurt?”

Fluttershy smiled, “No, I was more scared than hurt.”

“Ok, so what happened?”

“I’m not sure where to begin.” Fluttershy looked down and tried to remember. She looked up and smiled, “I guess I’ll start when I died.”


“Let’s take a little breather,” Applejack offered.

“No way,” replied the smug pegasus, “There is no way you’re getting out of getting me dinner.”

Applejack rolled her eyes, “Rainbow, if by some miracle we can’t get the rest of this done by sundown as a result of this here break, then I’ll still treat you to dinner.”

The blue pegasus raised an eyebrow, “Promise?”

Applejack smiled, “Ah promise.”

That was more than enough for Rainbow, “Alright then. I’m gonna take a nap.” She took off for a nearby tree branch, and Applejack followed her.

She shifted nervously but still wanted to talk to Rainbow, so Applejack carefully gave Rainbow’s tree a kick.

The kick was hard enough to jar the pegasus loose, but it was not hard enough to keep her from regaining her bearings. Rainbow looked down, “Hey AJ! What gives?”

“Ah’m sorry, but ah still wanna talk.”

Rainbow groaned, “Is this still about Fluttershy and Pinkie?”

“Ah’m sorry, but ya’ll can’t expect me to just start acting like everything is fine when it isn’t.”

“Just what the hay are you talking about?” Rainbow jumped down and looked Applejack in the eye.

“Now simmer down Rainbow. I meant what ah said. I love Pinkie and Fluttershy. They’re like sisters to me, but I just can’t stand by and let them go through with this.”

Rainbow stared at the orange pony, “Go through with what? They’re in love. There’s nothing wrong with it.”

“You may think it’s ok, but do you really think everypony will?”

“What do you mean? If you plan on hurting them...”

Applejack rubbed her face with a hoof, “I ain’t out to hurt anypony, but I know that there ponies out there that hate ponies like them.”

“Like them? Are you saying their freaks or something?”

Applejack looked away, “I’m sorry Rainbow. I want them to be happy, and if it means being together, that’s great.”

“Then what’s wrong? What do you mean about other ponies?”

“You know them ponies, Lyra and Bon Bon?”

Rainbow Dash nodded.

“Ok, well, they make it their business to stay out of everypony’s way, but still everypony knows who they are.” Applejack placed a hoof on Rainbow’s shoulder, “Can you imagine what that kind of attention will do to a pony like Fluttershy? In spite of what you think, I don’t hate them or any other pony for who they love.”

“But you’d rather have them lonely and safe? How does that make sense?”

Applejack sighed, “Ah know ya think ah’m the worst friend ever, but I just don’ wanna see them hurt.”

Rainbow smiled, “I get it. You’re looking out for them. You sure have a weird way of looking at it.” She looked up, “Tell me the truth, AJ. Is there anything else about their relationship that bothers you?”

Applejack shifted nervously, “Ah’m not keen on them being together.”


“Ah’d rather not say.”

“C’mon AJ. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were jealous of Pinkie.”

Applejack rolled her eyes, “Alright, but keep it to yerself. I always thought that Fluttershy would fall for Big Macintosh.”

Rainbow stared at her friend for a moment before falling over laughing, “That’s rich, Applejack! I never thought you would play matchmaker.”

“Alright, laugh it up. Ah just thought it would be nice for Mac to find a nice pony like Fluttershy.” Applejack smiled, “Let’s get back to work. If’n we can’t get this done by dinnertime, ah’ll finish it in the morning.” She nudged Rainbow, “After all, ah still owe you a dinner.”

The blue pony smiled, “Right, and Applejack?”

Applejack turned to her friend.

“I wouldn’t stress too much. Pinkie will make sure that Fluttershy is safe, and besides, they have you looking out for them.”

Applejack smiled, “Thanks Rainbow. Well, let’s get to it.”


“Ok Fluttershy, you’re going to have to be a little more specific. What do you mean you died?”

Fluttershy shifted slightly, “Well, I guess ‘dead’ isn’t the right word” She kicked the ground softly as she tried to think of the right word, “The best way I can explain it is, one moment I was walking in the forest, and the next moment I was looking at my body.”

Pinkie hugged Fluttershy, “Were you hurt?”

Fluttershy smiled, “I think I was fine. Um, let me start again.” She rested her head on Pinkie’s lap, “Well, earlier that day, you and Rainbow were at the lake. I was there too, but I don’t think you saw me. While I was feeding the ducks, I heard a loud horn followed by a splash. It scared me, and when I looked across the lake, I saw you getting out laughing with Rainbow.”

Pinkie smiled, “I remember that. Dashie used the air horn while I was drinking some water, and I fell in.”

Fluttershy blushed, “Yes, well, I watched you leave the pool, and I remember every detail. The way your coat was darkened by the water and your straight mane and tail. I had to run away because something embarrassing, um ‘popped’ up.” She looked at Pinkie and smiled that the pink pony seemed to be oblivious about what she was referring.

She cleared her throat, “Anyway, I ran away scared that you saw me, and I found myself in the Everfree Forest.”

“Why am I not surprised,” Twilight asked sarcastically not looking up from her parchment. “If it weren’t for Zecora, I’d say nothing good ever came out of that place.”

“So what happened?”

Fluttershy smiled at Pinkie, “Nothing bad happened. After I discovered I was in the forest, I sat down to catch my breath.” She frowned slightly, “I became angry at myself. The fact that I could never tell you how I felt because of how scared I was, hurt. I felt so worthless, so I decided that I should try and get your attention somehow.” She rolled onto her back so she was looking up at Pinkie and continued, “I thought that if I could think up a good enough prank, then you would notice and I could finally tell you how I felt.”

A bizarre hum broke her train of thought and turned to the recorder.

“The crystal is full,” Twilight said, “Just sit tight while I grab another one.”

Pinkie tilted her head, “They don’t last long.”

Twilight shrugged, “It’s a new medium, so it’ll take some time before I can perfect the lattice structure of the crystals. Be right back girls.”

“Okie dokie!” Pinkie smiled as she gently rubbed Fluttershy’s chest with a hoof, “So you were trying to come up with a prank?”

Fluttershy smiled, “I didn’t want to do anything mean, but I felt that I had to do something.”

Pinkie nodded, “I really wanted to tell you too, but I was scared that you wouldn’t like me.” She grinned, “Say, wanna try a little prank now?”

Fluttershy looked into Pinkie’s eyes, “Nothing mean?”

“Of course. It’s all in good fun.”

Fluttershy smiled, “You’re right. You would never do anything mean. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry. You’re too sweet.” Pinkie gave Fluttershy a hug, “Ok so here’s the plan, when Twilight comes back just start talking about what you did the last time you a nap. I’ll play along.”

“Ok, I’ll try.”

Pinkie gave the yellow pegasus a little squeeze, “Yay! I can’t wait.” She heard Twilight walk up the basement stairs, “Ok here we go.”

“Ok, I’m back. I figured that it might be best to just bring the box up here.” The purple unicorn smiled at the sight of her friends together but instantly frowned when she heard the conversation.

“After I woke up in the forest, I walked home. Angel Bunny was waiting for me and he was angry. I forgot to set out his food for the day, and he was really hungry. But after that I knew that I had to tell you...”

Pinkie turned to Twilight, “Hey Twilight! Fluttershy just finished her story, and boy what a doozy. Well, we should get going.” She started to giggle but stopped as Twilight grew angry.

“Fluttershy, how could you? You know I was only going to be gone for a little while. Why couldn’t you wait until I got back?” Twilight threw the box onto the table, sat down, and crossed her forelegs glaring at the pony pair.

“Twilight, I’m sorry. I didn’t finish the story, honest. It was just a little joke. I’m sorry. Please don’t be mad at us.” Fluttershy tried to sit up but stayed laying down confused when the unicorn started laughing.

“I know. I saw Pinkie about to start laughing, so I figured she roped you into playing a little prank on me.” She smiled at Fluttershy, “I couldn’t get angry at you Fluttershy. You wouldn’t be mean; at least not intentionally.”

Fluttershy smiled, “I guess I’m not very good at pranks, but that’s alright.” She nuzzled against Pinkie’s lap, “Are you ready for me to continue?”

The purple unicorn nodded, “Yup, it’s ready to go. Just continue with the story.”

Fluttershy nodded, “I was in the forest trying to think of a prank that I could do so Pinkie could notice me.” She looked up to Pinkie, “If I knew how you felt I probably wouldn’t have worried so much. Still, I thought I needed to do something. I sat there for a long time trying to think of what I could do, but I couldn’t think of anything. I felt so worthless that I started walking to get my mind off it. I didn’t know where I was, but I found some old ruins. I wanted to go back home because I knew that I was deeper inside the forest than I cared for, but I kept hearing something. It sounded like a small creature was hurt, so I slowly looked around to try and find the poor thing.”

Twilight looked up, “Was it a trap?”

“No. Well, at least I don’t think it was. I soon found a baby bunny that had a bad cut on his tiny foot. He saw me and ran deeper into the ruins. I followed him because his foot needed attention. I quickly lost sight of him, and I knew that I was lost inside the ruins.”

Pinkie felt Fluttershy beginning to shake, “You’re safe now, Fluttershy. I’m sorry that I wasn’t there for you.”

The yellow pony smiled, “It’s alright Pinkie. I wasn’t in any real danger at the time. I tried to go back the way I came in, but there were tunnels that I didn’t recognize. It felt as though I walked around in circles, but eventually I found my way out. I remember looking up and seeing the sky. I wanted nothing more than to be free from that place, so I flew up. That was when it happened.”

Twilight looked up from her notes, “When you ‘died’?”

Fluttershy nodded, “I was almost at the canopy when I felt something hit me from the side. I quickly fell back to the ground, but somewhere along the way. I became separated from my body.” She rubbed the side of her head, “I don’t know how to say it, but I felt myself stop falling and I heard my body hit the ground. I also felt nothing. The forest was humid that day, but at that moment, I didn’t feel it anymore. I spun around and saw my body on the floor.”

Pinkie kissed Fluttershy on her head, “I bet you were really scared.”

“I was. I never saw anything like that before, and it scared me. I flew down and I heard a voice.”

“Hold on Fluttershy,” Twilight levitated the crystal and placed a new one into the recorder, “Now, this voice, do you remember what it sounded like?”

Fluttershy nodded, “I can’t say for certain, but I think it was a sad voice. They said that they were lonely, and they just wanted somepony to talk to. That’s why they did what they did. I was leaving and they panicked, so I understood, at least a little.”

Twilight set the quill down, “Fluttershy, do you think you can remember where these ruins are?”

“Why?” Pinkie became nervous and stroked Fluttershy’s mane, “You want to send her back in there?”

Twilight waved her hooves in front of her, “Not by herself. I was thinking that we all could go together, and explore it. Besides, the princess has been asking me if I could map out portions of the Everfree Forest, since most maps at the castle are out of date.” She looked down to Fluttershy, “Only if you’re ok with it. I’m not pressuring you, so don’t worry.”

Fluttershy looked up to Pinkie and smiled, “I know that I’ll be safe with you there. It’s alright.” She turned to Twilight, “I think I can find it on a map, but that will have to wait until tomorrow.”


Fluttershy pointed at the clock on the wall, “Because, um we’re almost late for our date.”

Pinkie looked up, “You’re right! We can’t miss our own date. That would be embarrassing!”

Twilight smiled as she turned off the recorder, “Alright. Well, have fun you two, and we’ll pick this up again tomorrow. Fluttershy?”

“Yes, Twilight?”

“I’m just curious; you were missing a few feathers when you came back that day. Are you sure you weren’t harmed?”

Fluttershy nodded, “I was fine, and I used some feathers to keep track of where I was. I just used feathers that were about to molt anyway.”

Twilight nodded, “Oh ok, I was just wondering. Back tomorrow? Same time?”

Fluttershy nodded, “That sounds fine. Um, can Pinkie come too?”

“I wouldn’t dream of leaving her out.” Twilight smiled at the two, “Now go on. Rarity and me spent a long time setting the boutique up for your special date.”

The two ponies left the library and Pinkie thought they would walk to Rarity’s home, but Fluttershy had other plans.

With a flick of her tail, Fluttershy hit Pinkie’s flank and took off running.

Pinkie laughed and took off after the yellow pony, “I’ll catch you this time!”

“I don’t think so,” Fluttershy replied and kept running.

It was not long before Pinkie leapt to the air and tackled Fluttershy, “Gotcha!” Fluttershy struggled a little and Pinkie gave her a quick kiss on the nose, “Now let’s get going.”

Fluttershy smiled and shook the dust from her coat, “I guess you’re too fast for me.”

Pinkie laughed, “Playing with Dashie helps keep me in shape.”

The pair continued on their way to the boutique, and were stunned at the sight of a very annoyed and very wet Rarity.

“Sweetie Belle, how could you? Twilight and I spent a very long time working on the decorations.”

“I’m sorry, sis. I really am.”

Rarity rubbed her face, “I know you are, but Pinkie and Fluttershy will be here soon and now their date will be ruined. Honestly, what possessed you girls to try and be pirates today, and in my bath? You could have tried at the lake.”

Sweetie Belle just kept her face down, but Rarity still saw the steady stream of tears coming from the filly’s eyes.

She lifted Sweetie Belle’s chin with a hoof, “I’m sorry. I will think of something to make up for their date.” Rarity suddenly smiled, “I got it! There is a new restaurant that opened up and the chef owes me a favor.” She turned around and saw the ponies of the hour standing before her. Embarrassed, she asked, “You heard all of that?”

Pinkie shook her head, “Only most of it, so where is this restaurant at?”

“Oh it’s near the town square. Just tell the greeter that I am cashing in the favor they owe me.”

“Thank you, Rarity.” Fluttershy smiled at her friend, “This really means a lot to us.”

Pinkie nodded, “Yup it sure does. Let’s go Fluttershy!”

The two made their way to the town square where they would run into another pair of friends.


“So where should we grab some grub?”

Rainbow shrugged, “I don’t know. You owe me a dinner. Just don’t get all cheap on me and stick me with a hay smoothie. I want a real dinner.”

Applejack rolled her eyes, “Ya’ll think ah’m made of bits or somethin’?”

“You owe me,” Rainbow replied with a grin.

“Fair enough. Now let’s see what’s open.”

The two entered the town square and saw Pinkie and Fluttershy on the other side. Applejack felt her stomach tighten at the sight of the two ponies and instantly felt guilty for it. “You know what; let’s just head back to the farm. Nothing beats a home cooked meal, right?”

“Yeah, I guess so.” Rainbow Dash was about to turn back to Sweet Apple Acres when she saw her friends. “Hey, there’s Pinkie and Fluttershy.” She flew over to the pair, “Hey you guys. What are you doing here?”

Fluttershy smiled at the blue pony, “Hello Rainbow. Pinkie and I are going to a restaurant.” She nuzzled Pinkie’s side gently, “It’ll be our first real date.”

“That’s awesome. AJ owes me a dinner for helping her clear out an old tool shed.”

“That sounds nice.” Fluttershy walked over to the greeter, “Hello, um, Rarity said that she is cashing in on a favor. If that’s ok.”

The greeter smiled, “Of course, for how many?”

“Two please.”

“That might be a problem. The only table that is free is for four.”

“Idea!” Pinkie squealed and looked over to Applejack, “You owe Rainbow a dinner, so we can all eat together. It’ll be a double date!”

Applejack staggered back, “A double-what now?”

“Hey the thought isn’t exactly exciting for me either,” remarked Rainbow, “But it sounds like fun.”

Applejack sighed, “Fine, but this ain’t a date.”

Rainbow Dash laughed, “You say that now.”

The ponies laughed and went inside the restaurant to enjoy their meals completely unaware that there were eyes on them that were less than favorable.