• Published 28th Aug 2014
  • 2,802 Views, 92 Comments

InFamous: Second world - Yoni

A conduit is transported to Equestria, the rest is general chaos and mild comedy...

  • ...

Strange meetings

Author's Note:

See typos? Kill them! Kill them with fire!

I was taken swiftly and mercilessly through the streets of Manehattan. The guards led me into some kind of imprisonment facility at the edge of the city. At first sight, it looked like any other prison, back as I was led through its grey halls, I've noticed something that left me baffled and terrified at the same time.

There were other humans in here.

Each cell had either a humanoid pony, or a normal human inside. Every inmate I saw had their hands constrained, just like myself. I don't know why but whatever that bulky device they put on my hands rendered my power useless.

I was taken into a back room, where they tied me into a chair and left me. After a while of staring into nothingness, the door opened and in came a mare.

She was gorgeous, I had to admit. And although my situation I couldn't help but stare. She had a soft pink coat, two shades of blue in her hair and the most attractive, yet dangerous, piercing rosy red eyes. She had a horn protruding her forehead like any other 'unicorns', but in addition to that, she had also a pair of angelic wings. Her clothes were that of a police officer and I couldn't help but have mixed feelings of fear and arousal.

"What's your name!" she said simply, yet it carried an imposing tone to it.

I gulped hard before answering, "D-Devon MacGrath, ma'am."

"Do you know why you're here Mr. MacGrath?"

"I honestly don't…" I answered truthfully. I understood that the guards knew somehow about bio-terrorists, but the hows and whys eluded me still.

The beautiful mare sneered and took a step forward, glaring into me. I could've sworn that she was seriously trying to bore a hole through my head with her stare only. "You're here because what you are, and what you are is an abomination! It's because creatures like you that ponies can't feel safe in the cities! You, and the rest of your kind will stay behind bars even of it kills me!"

"What do you even want from me," I said with all the courage I could muster, which was not a lot. "I did nothing wrong from the moment I set foot in this freaking reality, you're just a cruel-"


She slapped me across the face with enough force to knock me down with the chair.

"Don't you ever say that I'm cruel!" she slammed her leg on the floor. Her eyes were but to slits as she glared at me, but there was another thing in them… sadness perhaps?

Before I could utter anything else that would've worsened my position, the mare spoke up. "You'll stay in this facility until we relocate all of you disgusting atrocities to the Crystal Empire. From there, it's imprisonment for life!"

I gulped hard as I shook in my confines. She terrified me now. She was so unbelievably cruel in such a little amount of time.

She left the room with nothing else to say. Moments later, guards entered the room and took me away. Probably to my cell.

Just as I suspected, I was taken into a cell a short walk from the room. My hands were still bound together and I couldn't for the life of me use my powers.

I was thrown none too gently into the small chamber and heard the definite clang of a metal door being closed.

'That's it," I thought. 'End of the line…'

"Psst, hey…" I heard someone call from across the room "Hey, human…"

I lifted my head and looked over the dark corner of the room. There, sitting near the corner, was a black stallion with metallic grey hair and yellow eyes the shined in the dark. From my perspective, I could see two leathery wings sprouting from his back, as well as two sharp fangs protruding past his lips. His hands were bound just like mine.

"Who… are you?" I asked cautiously. This stallion was different from other ponies. On my way to this place I saw three kinds of these creatures. Winged ones, ones with horns on their foreheads, and the ones that have none. But he had bat wings rather than wings with feathers. He also had fangs and slitted eyes.

"My name is Shade, but that’s not important right now. You’re the human from earlier today right?" he said with a voice that was hard to pinpoint. Even when I knew where the source was, it still felt like his voice bounced around the room, making my really dizzy.

"Earlier today?" I asked. I had no idea what he was talking about.

"I meant the scuffle," Shade clarified. "Normally, conduits get caught before they could show their powers. But you just started firing and exposing yourself in broad daylight," he exclaimed.

"Hey, I was helping! A bunch of idiots named the 'White X' started shooting everywhere and I wasn't going to do nothing!" I rebutted. I didn't care that I got caught, if I had to do it again, I would. It was the right thing to do. Right?

"I see," Shade hummed "In that case, then I guess you're probably confused about your situation."

I looked at him wide eyed and asked, "How do you know about conduits? And how come I saw other humans here?"

Shade nodded solemnly, as if he expected me to ask these exact questions. "Before I answer your question, I must first explain to you the nature of conduits to this world. You see, conduits, besides having extraordinary powers, also possess a few similarities with one another. One example is their ability to regenerate health far more quickly than normal people. They also have more strength, and they are far more durable. But there's another thing they have that applies only to this world. Conduits are almost completely impervious to magic in all forms. Only the most powerful entities can overpower conduits here."

"Magic? Really?" I deadpan.

"Is it that hard to believe? After all you saw?" Shade retaliated.

I had to admit, he had a point. Was it that hard for me to believe in magic? I'm a conduit who just got transported into a parallel reality.

"Okay I guess you're right," I admitted. "But it doesn't answer my questions."

"I'm getting there," Shade said in irritation. He took a calming breath before continuing. "Up until seven years ago, conduits never existed here. But it all changed when the first human conduit arrived. I don't remember his name, only that he was simply called 'The Beast'."

"Wait you don't mean…" my words trailed off.

I knew of 'The Beast'. It was all over the news. He completely destroyed Empire City and decimated everything in its wake until he was finally stopped in New Marais.

"Yes, the same Beast. He was the first conduit to arrive to this world, and he brought death and destruction wherever he went... or at least, that's what they say. That's when he started activating more conduits. You see, ponies apparently, also possessed the 'conduit gene', but it was a recessive gene, nulled by magic. When he was finally stopped by the two princesses, the damage was too great. Dozens of conduits roamed the land, and unfortunately for them, they were considered a threat as well.

"But that was only the tip of the iceberg. Over the course of seven years, more and more human conduits appeared in this world. They were almost immediately captured so they could not cause potential destruction like 'The Beast'. Humans' sightings are rare and hushed by the crown so they will never reach the media. Even now, most ponies are completely oblivious for the existence of humans.

"As for me, I'm an awoken conduit. One of the firsts actually. I was awakened by 'The Beast' himself, he showed me his plans, his believes. He wanted to save this world. He claimed that conduits were the next phase in our evolution, that we're the apex of our civilization, that it was our right to live.

"But after his defeat, the crown began to chase us. I was on the run for months, learning more about my powers and getting better and better at fighting. Unfortunately, the bastards caught me while I was asleep. I spent the rest of my life here."

"That's… awful…" I whispered. Suddenly, this world wasn't as great anymore.

Shade shrugged. "It's not that bad. In here, they teach us to use our powers and teach us how to control it. As for why they're doing it… beats me. All I know is that here I don't have to deal with ponies that think I'm a freak. We're like a family in binds here."

"That's… comforting… In a weird, twisted kind of way," I remarked.

Shade chuckled and closed his eyes, getting comfortable on a bed I did not see before. "Well… as long as you play by the rules there's not much to be afraid here. Just remember, the wardens are afraid of you just as much as you're afraid of them."

"And what about that other mare? She did not seem afraid of me."

"You mean Princess Cara Mia? Yeah, she's a cold-hearted bitch, but don't let her catch you say it. She hates conduits with a burning passion. Surprising considering she's supervising us. As for why she runs this place to contain and train us, I have no clue." Shade responded, getting more comfortable on his bed and resting his head on his hands on a nonchalant manner. As opposed to my reaction.

"She's a princess!"

"Yes indeed. She's the daughter of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Shining Armor. Both are the rulers of the Crystal Empire. I think we'll be relocated to there. That's nice, a little change of scenery." Shade closed his eyes and exhaled.

I on the other hand, was having much more harder time accepting what I just heard. Apparently, not only other humans came to this world, but the crown is also against us. This was too much. So instead of further annoy my cellmate with pointless questions, I decided to settle in my own bed on the other side of the room.

The mattress was hard and uncomfortable, yet as I peered towards the other side of the cell, Shade was already fast asleep. I took a moment to find my happy place before closing my eyes. And just as I was drifting to peaceful slumber, I heard my violin sing one last time.

Next morning I woke up to the sound of clinging metal. I groggily opened my eyes to try and determine the source of the noise. As more of my senses begun to sharpen, I saw Shade who shared my cell was already up and about.

"Oh… finally you wake up I see. Well come on, you don't want to keep the rest of the family waiting, do you?" Shade started walking outside of the cell.

I rubbed my eyes to get the last bits of sleep and followed him quickly. As I did that, I noticed that I wasn't wearing my bulky binds on my hands anymore, but instead, had some type of thin gloves. I tried use my powers but they didn't work, I also tried to remove my gloves but again, it was futile. As I walked with Shade towards an unknown destination, I've noticed the other inmates looked at me with various levels of curiosity.

It was jarring seeing so many conduits, both ponies and humans. I felt my throat close when I detected a few kids here and there.

"They imprison children?" I whispered, mostly to myself.

Shade sighed ahead of me. "Yeah, it's cruel, I know. But at least here they're among others who share their pain. In my opinion, it's better to them here than the outside world, where they look at us like some sorts of monsters." As he finished his sentence, I detected the first bit of anger in Shade's voice. It was kinda offsetting, since he gave me the impression of a laid back go-with-the-flow type of guy, but who am I to judge.

Finally, we reached a big and round opened space where I could see the sky beyond a dome of glowing mist, magic I guessed. A few catwalks hung from the sides of the room with guards walking over them on patrol. Then my eyes caught sight of the courtyard itself. It was big, as you might expect, with many humans and ponies talking and huddling in small groups. It was very similar to a regular prison, but I didn't get that menacing vibe from it. None of the inmates gave me the stink eye or even a glare. They all looked pretty okay, all things considered.

Shade led me towards a small group of people. There was a man slightly older than me, a mare by his side, and a little human girl between them. The man was a mountain of flesh, clearly towering over most of the inmates, and with a dark brown hair, a scraggy brown beard and dark brown eyes, he looked just like some stereotypical woodcutter. The mare looked slightly shorter than me. She had a nice long purple hair, light green coat and deep blue eyes. Her body was lean and quite good to look at. The girl was tiny compared to the two. She had curly blond hair, freckles along her cheeks and nose, and green eyes. For some odd reason, they looked happy.

The man saw us approaching and waved his hand towards us. "Hey Shade, you're late. That's not like you," he said teasingly.

"Good morning Bruce, sorry for being late, I had to wait for my roommate to get up," said Shade as he gave me a mischievous grin.

Bruce raised an eyebrow and looked directly at me. "So you're that Devon fella everyone keeps talking about, heh? Well, it's a pleasure to meet ya'. Name's Bruce but I guess you figured that out already." He then pointed towards the mare by his side. "That Spring Petal, my girlfriend, and this-" he pointed at the girl, who was now hiding behind Spring Petal. "-is Amy. Petal and I raise her together."

I simply stood there, completely overwhelmed. "You mean to tell me that your girlfriend is a pony? And you have a daughter?"

"The correct term is marefriend," Spring Petal interrupted. "And yes, Amy is like a daughter to us. I hope it doesn't bothering you." she gave me an icy glare that left no room for objections.

Bruce started laughing loudly, something that sounded more like an avalanche than an actual laughter. He then threw his hand around me and gave me a good squeeze, nearly chocking me in the process. "Petal relax, the man just got caught yesterday, he probably never seen another human outside these walls, much less in a relationship with a pony. Now that I think about it-" Bruce turned his attention to me "How long have you been here? This world I mean."

"I… umm…" I stutter.

"Come on little man, nobody is gonna beat you up for answering wrong," Bruce teased.

"Yesterday…" I said in a quiet voice.

"Uhh… say what now?" asked Bruce.

"I said yesterday!" I said more loudly than I intended, causing Amy to flinch.

"Well…" Bruce gave me a strong pat on the back, almost sending me falling, and chuckled. "That's a new record. I've never heard of a human who got caught on the very first day for his arrival, quite the shock I'd imagine."

"I'm still having some trouble with what's going on," I admitted while rubbing the back of my head.

"In that case, let me be the first to welcome you to Equestria, Devon," said Spring Petal. All signs of hostility were gone in an instant as she smiled gently.

"There's one question I'd like to ask though," I said, catching the attention of the three adults around me. "How come you know Shade, you said nothing about how you met him." I directed my question to Bruce, though Shade stepped forward and answered instead,

"It's quite simple really. During my time as a runaway I encountered Amy. She was alone and scared so I took her with me. The day we got caught was the day I met Bruce and Petal. Both were conduits as well and they bonded with Amy very fast. If you want to put things in perspective, I'd say that I'm like Amy's uncle," Shade replied.

Wow, I've never expected that there would be families inside a prison. It was different from Curdun Cay alright, the stuff they did to me there... I don't even want to think about it.

"Hey, are you still with us lad?" Brute waved his hand in front of me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"What? Oh… yeah, sorry," I murmured.

"Well, don't be lad," Bruce gave me another powerful pat on the back. I swear his power is probably rock or diamond because he can seriously hurt someone just by hugging them. "Come on, have a sit with us, I'm sure Amy would love to know more about you. After all, you're a celebrity."

The weird family of conduits started walking towards a stone table. Bruce's hand was around my neck which left me in no position to argue.

"Wait, what you mean a celebrity!" I exclaimed.

Bruce chuckled again, which sounded like a distant earthquake. "Don't be modest lad. We all know how you exposed yourself in broad daylight just so you could defend the helpless. Other conduits would've probably used the distraction to slip away."

"I did what I thought was right at the time, there's nothing special about it," I replied.

"Still, chivalry is a rare sight these days." We all sat down on the stone seats before Bruce talked again. "By the way, lad. How are things back on earth? It's been three years since I've last been there."

That question caught me by surprise. The fact that other humans were here as well made me both happy and sad. Happy because I was not alone, but also sad because that's probably means there's no way back home. So thinking about earth in that manner caused me a great deal of distress.

"Uhh… Lad?"

"Oh quiet Bruce. Can't you see he's having a hard time digesting all of this? He's just been here for one day for goodness sake," Spring Petal chided Bruce, smacking the mountain man on the head like he was a puppy.

While the odd couple bickered, I felt a tug on my clothes and looked down. Amy was pulling my sleeve and stopped when she had my attention.

"What's it like out there, Mr.? Is it pretty?" she asked in the most innocent little voice I've ever heard.

I smiled in amusement and knelt down to her eye level. "Yes. Very. I saw very little, I admit, but it was the most extraordinary thing I've ever had the pleasure to witness."

"Don't worry Amy," said Shade. He knelt down to her eye level and ruffled her hair. Amy was laughing. "If everything is going to work out, we will all be free people by tonight."

"Wait, what!" barked Spring Petal. She stopped hitting Bruce in the head and glared at Shade. "I hope you're simply joking right. Remember what happened in your last escape 'attempt'? They cut off our rations almost by half to teach us a lesson. Poor Amy suffered for weeks."

"Petal… honey," Bruce sounded surprisingly gentle as he rounded Spring Petal and grabbed her by the shoulders. "This isn't the place to raise a child and you know it. Shade and I devised a plan to get us outta here."

"But…" Spring Petal started to weep. "I don't won't to lose you. What if they decide to kill you? I will never be able to live with myself."

Shade came to her side and put his own hand on the distraught mare. "Look petal, I know that right now you're simply content to be with Bruce and Amy, but the man is right. This isn't the place to raise her properly. And besides, the guard kept our existence from the records. We can use it to our advantage. Once we escape there's no way they could track us down. You, Bruce and Amy could live on the shore like you always wanted. Isn't that what you want? Freedom?"

"But at what cost?" she whimpered. At this point, I held Amy close to me. I could feel Amy shaking. It was hard on her to see her mother figure cry.

Bruce sighed and let go of Spring Petal, letting Shade comfort her while he turned back to me. "Listen lad, the plan Shade and I worked on was completed months ago, we just needed the last puzzle piece to perfect it, and that's you."

"Me! You must be joking," I exclaimed.

Bruce shook his head and for the first time since I've met the giant, he looked dead serious. "I ain't joking lad. We needed a strong spirited conduit. Half of the conduits here are either too young or too old to fight. The other half barely knows how to control their powers. But you… you're cut from a different cloth than the rest. You have certain… spirit in you. Everyone here knows of your actions yesterday, they start talking about hope, they believe again. Shade and I tried to lift their spirits, but to no avail. You on the other hand did it without knowing any of them, and I know every single one by name. Do you understand now? We need you. Please, I just know we can do it."

I sat there with Amy in my grasp while Bruce was talking. I never thought myself as a leader like Bruce was portraying me to be. I never had high ambitions. Only to sculpt and play music. But now, I needed to be something more, I needed to be something I never chose to be.

I closed my eyes and let Amy go. I could feel her get up and leave while I contemplated my options. I took one shuddering breath and opened my eyes, looking directly into Bruce's own brown eyes.

"Okay, I'm in…"

Bruce sighed in obvious relief and started laughing nervously. "You know, for a moment there I thought you're gonna say no," he admitted.

"Oh believe me, I have no intentions rotting behind bars," I said while flashing a cocky grin, even though on the inside I was nervous as hell.

Bruce laughed again, this time for real. "That's the spirit lad. Now come on. Shade and I need to brief you. It's a simple plan really, all you have to do is…"

Comments ( 26 )

what powers do bruse, shade, petal, and amy have?

You might want to put you Author's Note at the top so that readers know to look out for and report the typos. Some advice.

I really didn't see any typos, I'm looking forward to the next chapter. :moustache: remember stay classy!

She was gorgeous, I had to admit. And although my situation I couldn’t help but stare. She had a soft pink coat, two shades of blue in her hair and the most attractive, yet dangerous, piercing rosy red eyes. She had a horn protruding her forehead like any other 'unicorns', but in addition to that, she had also a pair of angelic wings. Her clothes were that of a police officer and I couldn't help but have mixed feelings of fear and arousal.

Ugh, can't we have someone who's just plain scared when face to face with an angry woman/mare? This is just my opinion, but I hate it when crossovers/HiEs involve frikkin' romance with a random pony. \:facehoof:

"Don't you ever say that I'm cruel!" she hissed. Her eyes held barely uncontrolled anger inside of them, and… something else. Sadness perhaps?

This time, I dared not speak up against her. She terrified me now. She was so unbelievably cruel in such a little amount of time.

As he finished his sentence, I detected the first bit of anger in Shade's voice. It was kinda offsetting, since he gave me the impression of a laid back go-with-the-flow type of guy, but who am I to judge.

Either it was the flow, or their structure, but next time, SHOW, DON'T TELL, and and I don't just mean like the character descriptions you dumped in for the prison gang.

"Yes, the same beast. He was the first conduit to arrive to this world, and he brought death and destruction wherever he went. That's when he started activating more conduits.

Wait, wasn't John activating conduit genes to save as many people from the plague in New Marais and the rest of the world? Why the heck would he kill ponies, who probably wouldn't be too scared of him if he just made himself look like a regular human. He can, you know.

Even now, most ponies are completely oblivious for the existence of humans.

What about the aforementioned Beast? I guess ponies didn't know what a human was at that point, so he doesn't qualify?:trixieshiftleft:

Wow, I've never expected that there would be families inside a prison. Though when I think about it, it's kinda similar to Curdun Cay in that perspective. It wasn't much of a prison but more like a housing facility for conduit to help them adapt to their new powers. Thinking about that made me think if there are more similarities between this world and mine.

Um, according to the memories/flashbacks from Hank, Fetch, and Eugene, Curdun Cay was hell. Human experimentation ("They had this red-headed bitch there, really inta needles n' scalpels..."), abuse (Augustine forced Eugene to create holograms,usually convincing him through pain), and training child soldiers (like Fetch). This place is nothing like Curdun Cay, at least from what I see.

Shade shrugged. "It's not that bad. In here, they teach us to use our powers and teach us how to control it. As for why they're doing it… beats me. All I know is that here I don't have to deal with ponies that think I'm a freak. We're like a family in binds here."

According the newest alicorn princess, conduits are abominations, so hasn't anyone thought that training them goes against that belief?

Now that my main griping's done, time for typos!

Before I could utter anything else that would've worsened my position, the mare spoke up. "You'll stay in this facility until we relocate all of you disgusting atrocities to the crystal empire. From there, it's imprisonment for life!"

Capitalize specific locations

"My name is Shade, but that’s no important right now.


"Okay I guess you're right," I admitted, "But it doesn't answer my questions."

It should be period separating the sentences.

Shade chuckled and closed his eyes, getting comfortable a bad I did not see before.


"You mean princess Cara Mia? Yeah, she's a cold hearted bitch, but don't let her catch you say it. She hates conduits with a burning passion," Shade responded, getting more comfortable on his bad and resting his head on his hands on a nonchalant manner.

Capitalize "princess", add a hyphen between "cold" and "hearted", and boy, do I love to fall asleep on a cold, hard bad at the end of the day!

"Yes indeed. She's the daughter of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Shining Armor. Both are the rulers of the crystal empire.

You capitalized "Princess", but not "crystal empire"?:rainbowhuh:

"Yes, the same beast.

Cap that.

Sorry, that's all I can find for now. It's midnight where I am, and I'm getting tired.:ajsleepy:

You dindn't use hammer to break this.
You used a wrecking ball

I just hope it will be seen as a politically correct wrecking ball.:rainbowdetermined2:

Yes its critisim
He can use it to better his story

That damn daughter of Cadence, and also The Beast.

Heeeeeeey, guess who's back to point out more typos and nitpicking in general???:pinkiecrazy::rainbowwild::twistnerd:
Typos first!

At first sight, it looked like any other prison, back as I was led through its grey halls, I've noticed something that left me baffled and terrified at the same time.
There were other humans in here.

Use a colon instead of a period to state what Devon saw.

"You're here because what you are, and what you are is an abomination!

Tautology much?:twilightangry2:

"Psst, hey…" I heard someone call from across the room "Hey, human…"

You forgot a period to separate the description and his line.

"Wait you don't mean…" my words trailed off.

"my" should be capped, but in my opinion, just remove the whole line after Devon's speech.

You see, ponies apparently, also possessed the 'conduit gene', but it was a recessive gene, nulled by magic.

As I did that, I noticed that I wasn't wearing my bulky binds on my hands anymore, but instead, had some type of thin gloves. I tried use my powers but they didn't work, I also tried to remove my gloves but again, it was futile.

The man was a mountain of flesh, clearly towering over most of the inmates, and with a dark brown hair, a scraggy brown beard and dark brown eyes, he looked just like some stereotypical woodcutter.

"Good morning Bruce, sorry for being late, I had to wait for my roommate to get up,"

But now, I needed to be something more, I needed to be something I never chose to be.

Just general overuse of commas.

I was awakened by 'The Beast' himself, he showed me his plans, his believes.

Weird positioning of the commas (maybe separate them with periods?) and misspelled "beliefs?"

Shade responded, getting more comfortable on his bed and resting his head on his hands on a nonchalant manner. As opposed to my reaction.
"She's a princess!"

That bolded part just stands out. It sounds like something that should be in a separate line or just erased.

As I walked with Shade towards an unknown destination, I've noticed the other inmates looked at me with various levels of curiosity.

This sounds like it should belong in a separate paragraph than the one it's attached to.

"That Spring Petal, my girlfriend, and this-" he pointed at the girl, who was now hiding behind Spring Petal. "-is Amy. Petal and I raise her together."

Not the "Petal" that's wrong, just remove the period when continuing from the beginning of a spoken line.

"How come you know Shade, you said nothing about how you met him."

Use a period instead of a comma.

We all sat down on the stone sits before Bruce talked again. "By the way, lad. How are things back on earth? It's been three years since I've last been there."

"Seats", you mean? and that period after "lad" should be a comma.

"What's it like out there, Mr.? Is it pretty?"

Use "mister". "Mr." makes it look like Amy's going to say his name.

"If everything is going to work out, we will all be free people by tonight."

Read that out loud. Just do it.

"Look petal

Cap that.

Alright, now for the nitpicking and general snarking!!!:flutterrage:

I gulped hard as I shook in my confines. She terrified me now. She was so unbelievably cruel in such a little amount of time.

Man, this guy has terrible self-confidence. All she did was scream and slap him. Jeez.

There, sitting near the corner, was a black stallion with metallic grey hair and yellow eyes the shined in the dark. From my perspective, I could see two leathery wings sprouting from his back, as well as two sharp fangs protruding past his lips. His hands were bound just like mine.

Plot twist: he's not a bat pony-he only looks like that because his conduit gene activated. And he's going to be the one that suggests all the infamous karmic decisions!:derpyderp1:

But there's another thing they have that applies only to this world. Conduits are almost completely impervious to magic in all forms. Only the most powerful entities can overpower conduits here."

How the heck does Shade know that rule only applies to this world? Sounds like he's from another world...PLOT TWIST!!!

"As for me, I'm an awoken conduit. One of the firsts actually. I was awakened by 'The Beast' himself

Wait, so he's one of the first conduits awakened, but he doesn't know about the Beast other than rumors about how he supposedly caused death and destruction? *checks wiki* Oh wait, to awaken conduit genes, he still needs energy from normal people. Wait...so he DID cause death and destruction....
Fuck, now my first comment about the Beast's killings is rendered moot. Damn, I really need to check my sources when I point out stuff.:applecry:

As I did that, I noticed that I wasn't wearing my bulky binds on my hands anymore, but instead, had some type of thin gloves.

If they had these gloves that still restrict conduit powers, why bother with big bulky ones? Also, both cuffs still negate normal pony magic, right? (unicorn magic, pegasus flight, earth pony strength?)

None of the inmates gave me the stink eye or even a glare. They all looked pretty okay, all things considered.

Wasn't it written a couple paragraphs ago that

other inmates looked at me with various levels of curiosity.


You mean to tell me that your girlfriend is a pony?

Dude, you're the one that got turned on by a mare in a police getup.:duck:

They cut off our rations almost by half to teach us a lesson. Poor Amy suffered for weeks."

And no one died from hunger? Or even killed one another for food a la Batman: Arkham City?

Half of the conduits here are either too young or too old to fight. The other half barely knows how to control their powers.

What about you, Shade? You spent months training your powers. Bruce? Come on, both of you sound eager to GTFO, so what do you need Devon for? Distraction? A figure head? And you expect Devon to believe 2 strangers he just met 30 minutes ago that this plan's going to work? At least hear the plan out before agreeing to something! That's how people get scammed! I can't stress this enough-SHOW, DON'T TELL.

If you want, to avoid these lengthy and possibly painful criticism, I'll be your prereader/editor. Just PM me.

4924497 A few interesting ones that I would like to see would be conduits of color, light (different from neon), darkness, plants, gravity, temperature, time, alcohol (yes, alcohol), paper (as said in the audio file), lava/magma (would probably be the most destructive), poison, acid, and biomass. Technically, with biomass, you'd be a Prototype-like being. Since in technicality that's what a 'Prototype' is. A master of biology and a freak of nature, they're pretty much conduits.

But unless Devon here is a universal conduit like Delsin Rowe, he's limited to one power. Delsin probably had this genetic mutation of the gene as a preemptive evolutionary adaptation to the gene's commonality. And as far as I can tell, Delsin had to come into contact with another conduit to gain his or her powers. Now, theoretically speaking, all ponies are conduits as well, would they not be? Earth ponies would be masters of the earth, pegasi of the skies, and unicorns of magic in general. And alicorns, an amplified mix of the three. If Delsin got a hold of Celestia's hand...

... Dear lord that would be stupidly wicked and at the same time, the most cliché idea ever. :rainbowlaugh:

hmm... i have a little question if you don't mind
so there are pony conduits and that's ok and all, but you said that conduits are mostly resistent to magic... does that mean that they are also resistent to their own magic, because pegasi and earth ponies kinda have to use their magic on themself... sooo can conduit pegasi not fly anymore? can unicorn conduits cast spells? ponies are to some extend magical beings, can they even even live without magic? maybe being a conduit as a pony slowly kills you?

4936911 Pony conduits completely lose their access to magic. Unicorns can't use magic, pegesi can't walk on clouds or manipulate the weather (but they can still fly since it's a physical trait rather than magical), and earth ponies are not as strong (but still retain their normal strength which can be a lot since a lot of earth ponies do manual labor). That's the cost of being a conduit. More will be explained as the story progresses

while flight is a physical trait, even with giant angelic wings they wouldn't be able to fly probably not even be able to glide... physics is a harsh mistress... but i don't want to be to nit-picky. it's really nice to see some worldbuilding in this story, i always enjoy that.
it is probably just me but Cadence daughter reminds me of Portal 2... this damn turret song is just so catchy...

4937562 It's kinda hard to stick to physics when I'm writing a freaking fan-fic on a show that supposedly was intended for little girls and on top of that, crossed it with a game who's main character can fly with electricity... Oh and the second character could fly with smoke, neon, video and concrete.

I'd say physics was thrown out of the window the moment I thought of writing this story. :pinkiehappy:

Oh, and before I forget



Sorry for being nitpicky, but Cole's brother is YOUNGER than him. His name was never mentioned, either.:rainbowhuh:

Huh, so he was...

Fair enough, it appears I miss-remembered.

Either way, it was one of the few really missed opportunities of the original series in my opinion. Would have just been really nifty to have seen the difference between the reaction to 'The Electric Man,' versus the one for 'The Demon of city-whose-name-has-slipped-my-mind.'

4937718 you could make him use sand it's what glass is made of so i don't see why he can't use it. could help him get though obstacles and allow him to fly in like a sand storm :pinkiehappy:

4962559 Sand is a different element than glass and I already have a sand conduit in mind (I even hinted who it might be:raritywink:). In order to fly, Devon can turn partially into frit, which is some sort of powder, molten to make glass

4962701 ok can't wait to see him escape the prison and i just had a thought. what a bought one sided glass if he leans against a wall he could go invisible :pinkiegasp:

Weak and a pussy? How frickin typical.

I feel like he should be strait up neutral, gives more options in a story.

Great concept, and I love how you made the daughter of the good guys the bad guy! WUBS 4 ALL!!! Also, this is a amazing story, keep up the good work! :pinkiehappy:

6061276 oh you know... this and that

I wish this wasn't cancelled it's pretty good but oh well

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