• Published 8th Sep 2014
  • 758 Views, 57 Comments

Her Only Child - Rhonie8k

Bon Bon has everything she ever wanted in life, well almost everything. Her career is exactly where she wanted. She has a nice house and great friends. The only thing missing may be the one thing she can never have.

  • ...

Prologue: Mistakes of the Past

“Are you seriously still here?”

A cream colored earth mare stirred slightly, trying to shield her eyes from the light that suddenly radiated the room.

“My head is killing me.” She groaned to herself.

“That’s all very well and good, but it’s time for you to leave.” The mare didn’t recognize the stallions voice.

Another moment passed and the young mare opened her eyes. The room was unfamiliar, the pounding in her head made it hard to focus.

“I told you last night my marefriend was coming by this morning. I need you to leave before she finds out about this.” The mare looked for the voice and found a unicorn stallion by the door. His coat was a stunning shade of white, it was almost harder to look at than the blinding light just above the bed

“Who are you?” The mare gave the room another look around, her head still throbbing. She was in a bedroom, but not one she recognized. “Where am I?” Her voice cracked with a hint of panic as she tried to make sense of the situation.

“Son of a….” The unicorn trailed off, “How much did you have to drink last night?” His irritation and impatience obviously growing as he began to stamp his foot.

The earth mare closed her eyes, trying to think, “What happened last night.” Her mind was blank, she was getting nothing from last night. She tried thinking back a bit further. “Yesterday was graduation.” Suddenly a vague memory came back, it was her and Lyra’s graduation party. An older friend had offered them alcohol and a place to party.

“All I can remember is a party.” Her eyes darted back and forth around the unfamiliar room, searching for a connection, “Lyra kept giving me new drinks to try. I’d never had more than a beer before.” She closed her eyes again and bit her lip as she tried to remember something else. Everything else remained a darkened blur. “That’s all I can remember.

“Just great.” The stallion rubbed his head. “Well sorry to break it to you, but last night at that party you started flirting with me. You came at me rather desperately really. I guess it must have been all the booze. We came back here to my place and had our own party in my bed. Now you have to get out before my marefriend shows up.”

The mare pulled the blanket covering close as tears filled her eyes. She pleaded silently to Celestia that this was all a dream.

Irritated that she was ignoring her his obvious hints, the gleaming stallion used his magic and violently ripped her covers away simultaneously opening the bedroom door. With a flick of his head he gestured for her to get out.

Finally catching on, she quickly made her way out of the bedroom and followed him to main entrance. She opened the door and started to leave before turning back. “What did you mean by another party in your bed?”

He pushed her through the open door. “Sex.” He responded flatly before slamming the door.

Her last bit of hope crushed, the sullen mare wandered off in the direction she thought might lead to home.

Bon Bon sat alone in her room, tears pouring down her face. This couldn’t be happening, she was too young for this. It must have been a false positive. She just couldn’t be pregnant; she couldn’t even remember what happened. If she couldn't remember it how could it be true.

A sudden knock broke her from her thoughts.

“Bon Bon are you in there? Lyra is here to see you.”

“Just a minute.” She hoped the panic in her voice went unnoticed. “I just need to straighten up.” Bon Bon replied as she frantically searched for a place hide the test.

Before she could do anything her the door magically unlocked and a mint green unicorn mare came barging in.

“Where have heck you been? I haven’t seen you since the party. And what’s all that? HOLY CELESTIA IS THAT A PREGNANCY TEST?” The unicorn shrank away from her friend when she realized the severity of her outburst.

“Keep your voice down my parents will hear you.” Bon Bon replied staring daggers at her friend.

“Sorry, just calm down. You didn’t tell me you had a stallionfriend. Do I know him?” Lyra responded giggling.

“Lyra this isn’t funny. I got really drunk at the party a few weeks ago and woke up in a strange stallion's house. He kicked me out because his marefriend was coming over.” She looked at the test again, hoping in vain that maybe the results had changed. “He said we had sex, but I can’t remember that night at all.” She glared at her friend again. “Except that you kept shoving drinks in my face.”

A cold shiver ran through Lyra’s body. “So, ummm... what did the test say?” Her giggles now replaced with a sense of shame and nervousness.

As if a dam had burst as tears once again poured from the earth mare’s eyes.

Lyra quickly crossed the room and brought her friend into a comforting embrace. “Oh Bonnie please don’t cry, you know I can’t stand seeing you cry. Lyra is right here for you. I promise we will figure this whole thing out.” She stroked her friends back gently as she fought to soothe the sobbing mare.

“I’m scared Lyra I’m not ready to be a mom. I don’t think I can do it myself, and what about my dreams? I can’t go to confectioner school and raise a foal at the same time.” She buried her face in her friends mane as tears continued to stream from her bloodshot eyes.

“Oh Bonnie, the first thing is you got me so you wouldn’t be alone, even if you wanted to. Second there are always other options if you really don’t want to have the baby.” Lyra stroked her friends mane softly.

Bon Bon pushed away and shook her head in disgust. “Lyra don’t ever mention that to me again. Its not the poor foals fault that I made a mistake. I couldn’t take its life away from it before it even began all because I’m afraid.” She gave her friend another sharp look.

The unicorn stepped back, giving her friend some space. “That may have come out the wrong way. I was actually talking about adoption.” She found her friends favorite brush returned to the distraught mare.

“Oh, well yes, that’s an option I suppose.” Bon Bon watched as her friend casually ran the brush through her split colored mane. “Its important that we keep everything a secret though Lyra. Think what everypony would say about me if they found out.”

Lyra Tired not to smile as she brushed her friends mane. Bon Bon’s level of innocence never ceased to surprise her. “Well you could always just leave it on a nice family’s doorstep, I suppose.” Lyra said with a chuckle.

Bon Bon stared out the window of her shared apartment. She hadn’t left it in the last two and half months, that was when she started showing. As she gazed longingly out the window a group of ponies caught her eye. A unicorn couple and their teenage daughter slowly trotted past. Each seemed so happy, even the daughter who was clearly a little embarrassed by her parents’ enthusiasm. What struck Bon Bon about the family most had been the daughters beautiful white coat. A white coat that reminded her of the one that started all her problems.

“AHHHHHHHH!!!” Bon Bon screamed as another contraction passed.

“You’re doing great Bon she’s almost out. Just a few more minutes”

Bon Bon closed her eyes and tried to bear the pain. It would be over soon.

Bon Bon crept quietly through the darkness. Her movement was soft and slow to not wake her sleeping child. It was still warm, even though the sun had set long ago, and for that warm night Bon Bon thanked Celestia. Time seemed distorted to Bon Bon as she slid through the shadows. The journey could have taken mere seconds, or possibly hours. From the moment she laid eyes on her foal she knew what had to be done. She couldn’t give this filly a happy home, but she knew a family that could. That loving unicorn family was perfect for this foal. This way she could have both a mother and a father to love and cherish her. She would even have a big sister, something Bon Bon had always wanted for herself. Knowing she could give her daughter that made everything easier.

Bon Bon stopped and stared at the doorstep taking a deep breath. She carefully placed the bundled baby on the stoop. After a final look at the sleeping bundle she pounded heavily three times on the door. As she turned to run the foal started to cry; the thunderous knocking having jerked her from her peaceful slumber. Bon Bon gave the filly one last look as a light flickered on in the house. She trotted off, leaving only a cloud of dust and a trail of tears.

A loud knocking crept through the house jarring Pearl from her slumber.

“Who could that be at this hour?” She pondered flicking on a light.

Her husband didn’t even stir.

She shook her head. It was best to just let him sleep and investigate the noise for herself.

“A train wreck wouldn’t wake him up.”

She slowly made her way to the front door. As she approached the entryway, the distinct sound of crying caught her attention. A shiver ran down her spine and she sprinted to the door. The door was nearly ripped from its hinges by her force and haste. There on the doorstep was a bundled up foal crying. This foal was much too small to be on its own, clearly not even a day old. She quickly looked around for some sign of the mother, but there was none. This poor foal had been abandoned on her stoop.

Carefully she picked up the bundled foal and tried to soothe the filly to sleep. As she rocked the newborn softly back and forth a note fell from the blanket’s grasp. Hesitating only briefly pearl picked it up with her magic and read it silently to herself.

You don’t know me, and I don’t really know you, but I saw your family and how happy you three were on an outing you took a few weeks ago. I’m not ready for motherhood and this filly deserves more than a poor, single mother. She deserves a full loving family. Please take good care of her and love her like she was your own, that’s all I can ask.

Too Young for a Foal

P.S. I named her Sweetie Belle, but seeing that she's your child now if you would prefer something else that's up to you.