• Published 8th Sep 2014
  • 759 Views, 57 Comments

Her Only Child - Rhonie8k

Bon Bon has everything she ever wanted in life, well almost everything. Her career is exactly where she wanted. She has a nice house and great friends. The only thing missing may be the one thing she can never have.

  • ...

The Missing Ingredient

Bon Bon barely contained her excitement as she stood at the end of a cobblestone walkway. It led to the front entrance of a cozy little house. It wasn’t fancy house, even by ponyville standards, just a small two bedroom house with a large kitchen, but it was everything Bon Bon had ever wanted. She dug through her saddlebag in search for her keys as she made her way to the door. It only took her a moment to extract the key and open the door to her new home.

“I do hope Lyra gets her soon with the moving carriage, I want to have everything inside before sundown.” Bon Bon spoke to the empty house as she stood in the living room awaiting her friends arrival.

A few minutes passed before a carriage pulled up being lead by a pair of stallions,one a unicorn the other a pegasus. Atop the carriage sat a familiar unicorn mare.

“Thank you both so much. I never would have gotten this heavy carriage here without your help.” The mint coated unicorn dismounted the carriage and approached the stallions with a sultry look in her eyes. “I wish I had something to give your for all your trouble.” She chimed as she brushed her tail across the unicorns muzzle.

“Oh no, no mam, your thanks is enough.” The unicorn stallion stuttered as he tried to hide his blush.

“No if I let you do all that for nothing it would be shameful of me.” Lyra turned to face the stallions again. “How about once kiss each.” Before either stallion could reply she kissed each of them once on the cheek before turning and walking towards the small house.

“Lyra, did you really charm those guys into pulling that carriage for you? It was light enough a colt could pull it.”

“Not after I removed the weight reduction charm.” Bon Bon gave her a stern look. “Well how was I going to get two handsome stallions to pull me across Ponyville with a carriage a foal could pull? I’m here with your bedroom suite and on time why do you care how I did it?” The unicorn said with a pout.

“It’s not okay to use other ponies like that Lyra. Somepony might get hurt by your charm someday.” Bon Bon looked at her friend for any sign that she was slightly apologetic. There was none. “At least help me unload the carriage.”

The rest of the day was spent cycling between a couple different scenarios. The mares were either carrying a load in, or Lyra was flirting with a passing stallion whose assistance Bon Bon would then politely decline while glaring at her friend. They finished just as the sun began to set.

“It’s still early Bonnie, why don’t we go out for a drink to celebrate?” Lyra was using a magic mirror to apply a fresh layer of makeup as she spoke.

Bon sighed and shook her head.

“Lyra, no matter how many times you ask I will not go drinking with you. Besides I just want to curl in bed with a good book and read tonight. We’ll go out for a celebratory dinner Friday when everything is moved. I’ll even make my mint chocolate fudge you love so much.”

“You know I can’t say no to that fudge.” Lyra let the magic mirror fade from existence as she finished applying her makeup. “If you're not going with me at least wish me luck.”

“Lyra we have a lot do tomorrow. You promised you would help and I have to have everything out of the apartment in two days! Don’t stay out all night trying to pick up a stallion.” Panic grew in the earth mares voice as she pled with her friend.

“Bonnie if I was just going to pick up a stallion it wouldn’t take more than an hour. Don’t worry about me, just wish me luck. I’ll be at the apartment at ten tomorrow morning, just like I said I would.” Lyra made her way to the front door and opened it, stopping in the doorway for her friends response.

“We’re suppose to start at eight Lyra.”

Lyra’s tail twitched nervously at her friends insistence.

“I’m pretty sure I’d never agree to something as early eight. How about we meet in the middle and call it nine.” The unicorn quickly made her way out the door and closed it before her friend could protest further.

Bon Bon stared at the door angrily for a moment before releasing a sigh, she shook her head a few times before heading to her new bedroom.

Lyra arrived to the apartment at precisely nine the next morning with two cups of coffee. Her earth mare friend had stuck to the original schedule and worked the first hour on her own.

“Sorry I’m late Bon Bon. I tried to be here by eight after all, but first my alarm didn’t go off and then the mare making our coffee stopped in the middle to talk to her stallionfriend.” She handed one of the cups to her her friend.

Bon Bon gave her friend a cold look. Not showing up on time was one thing but such transparent lies were an insult to her intelligence. The unicorn didn’t even notice.

“Lyra, I know you’re lying for a few reasons. First the alarm on your watch is set for a eight-thirty.”Bon Bon took a long sip from the fresh coffee. “Second when you’re late you always forget to brush your mane, which clearly got some attention this morning. Finally I got you these mugs for Hearth’s Warming Eve last year.” The earth mare just shook her head as she finished her coffee.

“Well when I saw the carriage half packed outside I knew you must have started at eight despite telling you to wait until nine. I wouldn’t have tried lying if I didn’t see you like some sort of sister.” Lyra’s ears were flat she knew her lies only hurt her friend.

“I told you we don’t have time to waste. If you're not going be on time tomorrow I’ll have to hire some movers, and they will be getting the fudge I was going to make for you.”

Lyra’s ears perked back up at the mention of fudge.

“Curse you and your fudge Bon Bon, but with a threat like that I might even have to show up early.”


The sink was over filled with about half a dozen mixing bowls and nearly twice as many baking pans. The counter was lined with a strange variety of different ingredients. The table was covered with order boxes, so much so that they had overflowed onto the chairs. In the chaos of it all Bon Bon was hard at work sorting candies into even more boxes. She was just about to place the final candy into a large box of chocolate covered cherries, when the kitchen timer went off.

“Oh fudge, why couldn’t the fudge timer wait just ten more seconds.” The earth mare jumped up from her task, nearly spilling the box’s contents on to the floor in her haste, and ran to the oven. In a blur she removed the fresh order of fudge, leaving it to cool as she returned to finish her previous task.

“Bonnie you can’t keep living like this.” Lyra sat precariously on a stepping stool watching friend dart from task to task across the large kitchen.

“It isn’t that bad Lyra, remember what it was like back at the apartment? The kitchen there was so small I had to package the orders in your old room. I burnt more than a few orders trying to catch a forgotten timer there.” She was now packing a smaller box with peanut brittle.

“That’s true, but Bonnie I think it’s time you get that store you always talked about. You’ve been pulling in more than enough orders to cover it. Besides with a shop of your own you can pull in even more customers. Ponies walking down the street with saddlebags overflowing with bits will see your delicious displays and will stop in only to leave with empty coin purses and boxes of candies.” The unicorn had changed positions on the stool so she was now on her back staring at the ceiling.

“True, if I had a store it would mean more customers, but I don’t even know how to find a place.” Bon Bon let out a heavy sigh. Lyra had gotten her hopes up for a second.

“I heard a place opened up near Sugarcube Corner.”

The earth mare’s expression went from disappointment to puzzled.

“First question where did you hear that?’

“This stallion I’ve seen a couple of times told me about it.”

Bon Bon rolled her eyes at the mention of another generic stallion in Lyra’s life.

“I should have guessed. Second question, is it a good idea to open up a candy shop next to a bakery like Sugarcube Corner that is explicitly known for its sweets.”

“Oh Bonnie, to compare candy to cupcakes is like comparing carrots and potatoes.”

“I believe you mean like apples and oranges?” Bon Bon corrected with a sense of wonder at the thought her friend could be so far off.

“Nah apples are clearly superior to oranges. With carrots and potatoes both are equally delicious, just like cakes and candies.”

Bon Bon just shook her head in bewilderment. Sometimes you just have to let Lyra be Lyra.

“Maybe you’re right. I’ll make the call tomorrow.” There was a hint of nervousness in the earth mare’s words.

“So do you have any extra candy or should I leave for the bar already.”

“Good night Lyra.” Bon Bon pushed her friend a small box of assorted leftover candies and showed her to the door.


Nervous would barely begin to describe the cream colored earth mare as she stood in front of the door holding a sign. On one side the sign simply read closed. On the other the word open was surrounded by various candy pieces. The earth mare composed herself with a deep breath before placing the sign in the door’s window so that those outside would know the new little candy shop was now open for business. No sooner than the mare had made her way back to the counter that the door creaked open and the bell placed above it let out a little ring. Bon Bon turned to look at the door and in doing so tripped over her own footing and hit her head on the side of the counter.

“Oh, did I startle you? I’m very sorry. Here let me help you up.”

An older blue earth mare was quickly at the fallen mares sides with a helping hoof and a warm, motherly smile. Her pink mane was a striking contrast to her coat. Bon Bon recognized her as Mrs. Cake from the near by Sugarcube Corner.

“Thanks, its not your fault I tripped. I’m think I’m just nervous, and I’ve always been clumsy. Thanks for helping me up. You’re Mrs. Cake from Sugarcube Corner, what are you doing here?”

“Since this is a candy shop I suppose I’m here to purchase some candy.” The older mare let out a warm chuckle.

“Oh, of course. I just meant, with you running Sugarcube Corner and it being known for its sweets I just I wasn’t sure.” The younger mare’s face gained a pink tint as she fought her embarrassment.

“Oh deary, are some of those nerves from the thought of competing with Sugarcube Corner?” The warmth in Mrs. Cake’s voice helped wash away the embarrassment the younger mare felt, even if it did little for her nerves.

“Maybe a little. Everypony loves the sweets your shop offers.” Bon Bon tried to to stand still, but was unable to contain her fidgeting.

“You’ll have trouble keeping customers if you don’t get a hold of those nerves. Don’t you fret even an itty bit about competing with Sugarcube Corner. Everypony knows there is a big difference between candy and baked sweets.”

“My friend Lyra tried telling me that too, but it’s hard for me to take anything she says seriously. So what can I get you today, Mrs. Cake?”

“Oh please call me Cup Cake, we’re friends now. I’m actually looking for some chocolate covered cherries. I can’t seem to get enough of the things! I usually order from another shop, but they closed down for a few weeks to relocate or something. I just can’t wait any longer, so when I saw you were finally open I rushed right over to see if you had any.”

“You wouldn’t happen to order from Bon Bon’s Sweet Treats would you?”

“Oh you’ve heard of them?”

Bon Bon giggled, finally over her nervousness.

“Yes actually I have. Welcome to Bon Bon’s Sweet Treats.”

The pair of mares broke out in a giggle fit like a couple of school fillies.

“Well Cup Cake, I just finished a fresh order of chocolate covered cherries this morning how many would you lie?”

“I’m going to need at least a dozen to fend of my built up cravings, and a dozen more to keep me going for a while. So give me two dozen if you got that many that is.”

“Sure thing. I’ll be right back out.” Bon Bon made her way to the back room only to return a few moments later with two small boxes. “At three bits a dozen your total comes to six bits.”

“Oh, but they usually cost five bits a dozen.” The blue earth mare asked a bit puzzled.

“Well Cup Cake, it usually cost me two bits for shipping.” Bon Bon chuckled.

“Silly me. I didn’t think about that. I’m going to save a fortune with you next door then.” Mrs. Cake handed over six bit. Sure that her transaction was finally complete the blue earth mare tore open of the boxes and quickly ate three of candies from inside.

“It really is nice to see the enjoyment on a pony’s face while they eat one of my candies, or should I say three.” Bon Bon gave the older mare a wink to show that she was just teasing.

“The satisfaction of seeing somepony enjoy your hard work is a nice reward isn’t it.” Mrs. cake agreed. “It was nice meeting you Bon Bon, but I should probably get back. I left my husband with the shop and the foals and well a mother worries. See you soon.” The older mare carefully placed her treasured boxes of candies in her saddlebag and departed the shop.

“I guess I know I'll have at least one repeat customer.” Bon Bon said to herself.


Bon Bon flipped off the lights and switched the open sign to closed. It had been a slow day and things were unlikely to pick up. It was a bit of a blessing really, it gave her extra time to run her errands. Lyra was less forgiving about lateness than herself on that sort of thing.

After a quick look her keys she found the one for the store and locked up before turning toward Sugarcube Corner. She put her keys into her saddle bag that was otherwise empty save for a special box of candy.

The familiar chime of a store bell rang as she entered. It was identical to the one above her own door next door. Mrs. Cake appeared from the back with a friendly wave.

“I’m just about finished with your order I’ll be back out in a minute.” The mare spoke with that warm motherly tone Bon Bon had grown fond of.

“No hurry Cup Cake. I told you when I’d be by but I’m little early. I’m just gonna take a seat. Been on my hooves all day but you know how that is.” A similar warmth hung in the younger mares voice but at the same time it was different, it was like comparing the warmth of a nice fire on a chilly afternoon to the warmth of the sun on your face after it had been hiding behind the clouds all afternoon.

The older mare gave her a look of understanding as she retreated back to the kitchen. A pleasant humming came from the back room as the baker pony worked her magic, so to speak.

Bon Bon enjoyed the tune it was one she often hummed herself as she worked on perfecting fresh batches of candies. Disappointment flooded through her when it was interrupted by a heavy thump followed quickly by another and then crying.

“Don’t cry babies Momma is on her way!” Mrs. Cake was little more than a blue and pink streak as she ran out the kitchen and up the stair to the living quarters above the bakery.

Guilt flooded through Bon Bon as she realized the interruption had come from Mrs. Cakes newborns possibly hurting themselves.

A moment passed and Mrs. Cake came back down the stairs wearing an ingenious contraption that allowed her to carry both foals on her back. It was much like a saddle bag but it allowed each child sit comfortably inside and be ferried around together on an adult pony’s back.

“Sorry about that outburst deary. I had put the twins down for their nap and expected them to sleep till my husband got back from a delivery. The little rascals woke up, and it seems Pound threw some of Pumpkin’s toys on the floor. So she started crying which made him start crying. If it had been anypony’s cake but yours I’d have let it wait till Carrot got back to keep an eye them; but nopony got hurt so it doesn't matter.”

“Oh Cup Cake you didn’t have to make an exception just for me! The twins are more important than Lyra’s cake. To be honest I half expect her to gorge herself on my mint chocolates and forget about the cake.” Bon Bon paused as she considered how rude that sounded out loud. “Not that there is anything wrong with your cakes. It’s just she always stuffs her face on my candies first and then she won’t eat anything sweet for a week.”

“It’s okay dear, I wanted to work on your cake cause we’re friends and I’d promised to have it done in time. I would have too if Pinkie Pie hadn’t vanished mysteriously right before she was suppose to make that delivery. That’s neither here nor there though. I just have a few final touches to add to your cake. If I put the twins in their playpen do you think you could just keep an eye on them? They seem to behave themselves better when somepony is watching and you can just holler for me.”

Without waiting for a reply the blue mare pulled a fold up playpen out of a storage closet and popped it into place. She carefully placed each of the twins on the padded mat inside and gave them a kiss on the forehead.

“Mommy just has to finish one more cake and then you two little cuties will have all her attention. Now you two be good for Bon Bon. I’ll be just a minute.” The warmth in her voiced seemed magnified when she spoke to the foals, almost surpassing the warmth of the sun.

Bon Bon watched the foals as they played with their toys and giggled at each other. Just watching them play together something inside of her felt really good, but it was accompanied by a certain sadness. The sadness of knowing she once gave this feeling away. Even though she did it with everypony’s best interest in mind, knowing she gave this happy feeling away left her feeling very bittersweet.

“I can see it in your eyes Bon Bon. Just watching children play it really brings you joy doesn’t it?” Mrs. Cake had appeared at her table with a cake box while she had been distracted. “You’ll make a great mother someday Bon Bon, and with looks like yours it will be the most adorable little thing.”

A fresh wave a guilt flushed through the cream colored mare but she hid it fairly well. The other mare hadn’t even the slight nervous twitch of her tail as her attention was drawn back to the twins. Her foal had been adorable, even with the unmistakable resemblance to a certain stallion who could only be described as repulsive.

“I’ve never really given much thought to being a mother. I’ve never felt comfortable in a relationship with anypony.” Bon Bon neglected to mention a certain repulsive stallion who had brought upon the disillusioning of a romantic relationship. “I do feel a certain warmth inside when I see foals though.”

“That’s the mother inside you just waiting to get out. Even without a special stallion modern medimagic has made it easy to have a foal.”

“Oh I didn’t mean I like mares if thats what you thought.” Bon Bon said with a blush. “Not that there is anything wrong with two mares in love. I even dated a few mares myself, as well as a stallion or two, it’s just romance isn’t for me.”

“I didn’t mean to imply sweetie and it’s not that hard for a single mare to qualify for a magic induced pregnancy, and there is always adoption. I just think you would make a great mom. That and it would be a little nice to have another mom to talk to.”

A wave of nervousness and guilt flooded the young mare. She fought her body’s desire to turn a nice shade of pink as memories flooded through her. She nearly let out a wince. Unsure how long she could contain her emotions Bon Bon decided she needed to make a hasty exit.

“Well Cup Cake I don’t mean to rush off but Lyra is probably waiting for me. I’ll see ya tomorrow.” Bon Bon stammered as she placed the cake carefully in her saddlebag and trotted towards the door.

“The way she caters to that friend of hers I wouldn’t be surprised if they were an item.” Mrs. Cake said to the twins after she heard the familiar chime of the door’s bell. “But don’t you two adorable foals tell her mommy said that.”


Bon Bon let out a heavy sigh. She had just passed Dinky and Derpy as they made their way through Ponyville. Since her little chat with Cup Cake the other day it seemed like everywhere she looked it seemed like there was a filly or colt out with their mom. They all seemed so happy. Normally just seeing a happy pony made her happy, it was part of the reason she loved her own special talent so much. The happiness her treats brought to everypony just made her happy, but this was a different kind of happy one she couldn’t really share in on.

“Maybe I really do want to be a mother after all.” The words so quiet she was unsure if she really spoke them aloud at all.