• Published 8th Sep 2014
  • 759 Views, 57 Comments

Her Only Child - Rhonie8k

Bon Bon has everything she ever wanted in life, well almost everything. Her career is exactly where she wanted. She has a nice house and great friends. The only thing missing may be the one thing she can never have.

  • ...

Gender Reveal?

"Everything looks good." The pegasus mare said looking at the sonogram. "I see no signs of complications. The baby seems to be developing right on schedule."

"That's wonderful to hear." Bon Bon said cheerfully. She hadn't expected to receive any bad news but she still couldn't help but worry a little. Her grip on Rarity's hoof loosened as she relaxed. She hadn't even realized how tightly she had squeezed her unicorn friend.

"I told you there was nothing to worry about darling." Rarity said giving the earth mares hoof a reassuring squeeze. "I've been very careful not to overwork myself or get too stressed. It's still early and I know I'll have to slow down even more as time goes on but I'd never do anything that might hurt the baby."

"It's not you, you've been an absolute angel." Bon Bon assured. "There are just so many complications that can come about for no reason at all. I just can't get that silly little thought out of my head half the time."

"As long as Rarity keeps doing such a good job there's very little to worry about." The technician pony said. "We'll maintain regular check-ups to monitor growth and look for abnormalities. If something were to come up we would catch it early and be able to work on treating it before it could become something serious."

"You're right. I may not be carrying the baby but getting stressed out isn't good for my health either." Bon Bon concluded.

"Too true. Your health is just as important as anypony else's. If you neglect yourself you won't be ready when the baby comes." The unicorn said sternly.

"Well, now that that's all settled there is only one thing left to do." The pegasus said with a smile.

"Oh?" Bon Bon asked. She was certain they didn't have another test to go through today.

"I just have to ask if you want to know the baby's gender." The technician beamed. Not every mare wanted to know and more recently a lot of ponies had taken to throwing reveal parties so they didn't want to hear it directly from her so she didn't always get to share the exciting news. When she did get to share that moment with somepony it was her favorite part of the job.

"Oh, you can tell that already. I simply have to know darling." The unicorn gushed with excitement.

"You're having a precious litt...." The pegasus began but was interrupted.

"Wait!" Bon Bon interjected with unexpected force. Suddenly all eyes were on her after the abrupt outburst.

"Oh, how silly of me darling. I didn't even stop to think you might want to be surprised." Rarity apologized.

"Yes, this is your decision." The technician agreed, hiding her disappointment.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shout like that." Bon Bon blushed. "It's not so much that I don't want to know, but sometimes when I think about the baby coming I picture an adorable little filly, and other times I see myself with its with the cutest little colt. I'm just not ready to give up on either of those fantasies just yet." She hoped her explanation made sense.

"Oh, that's just so precious." Rarity cooed.

"I must agree. Putting it that way there is a certain charm you wouldn't get back once you know." The pegasus agreed.

"So is it okay to put off the reveal a while longer?" Bon Bon asked.

'It's your special moment you can find out whenever you're ready." The pegasus said as she dug out an envelope and quill. "I'll just write it down and seal it in an envelope for when you're ready."

"No don't do that." Bon Bon said. "If I just have that information lying around I might just give in to curiosity and look right away. I also wouldn't want some pony else finding out and worry about keeping it a secret. You keep the information all to yourself and then you can share in the excitement with us later."

"If you're sure I suppose I can do that." The pegasus said now trying to curb her excitement. She wouldn't get to share the news now but was glad she had that moment to look forward to in a future visit.


"So what's the baby gonna be?" The three fillies that made up the cutie mark crusaders asked in unison as Bon Bon and Rarity entered the library.

"We don't know." Rarity responded caught off guard by the question. Twilight had agreed to watch Sweetie Belle for her for the afternoon and she must have invited her friends over as well. How they came up with asking the question was beyond her.

"But Twilight said you were far enough along that they would tell you." Sweetie Belle squealed.

"Actually," Twilight said appearing from behind a nearby bookshelf. "What I said was the technician would be able to tell whether the baby is a boy or a girl."

"Yeah, so they should know already," Scootaloo remarked.

"That's the way I see it too." Apple Bloom agreed.

"You three are not taking in one important variable," Twilight said matter-of-factly.

"Vara what now?" Apple Bloom asked.

"A variable is a part of an equation that can be changed. Each possible input could lead to different results." Twilight said almost sounding a little frustrated the fillies didn't understand something so basic.

"We still don't get it," Scootaloo said flatly.

"What Twilight is trying to say is that you didn't stop to think Bon Bon might not be ready to know if the baby will be a filly or colt yet." Rarity said taking a seat on a large plush cushion that was surrounded by dozens of scattered books.

"Exactly!" Twilight said. "Another variable that could have led to the same result would have been if the technician forgot to ask. Or if the machine had malfunctioned and the whole appointment had to be rescheduled. There are an endless number of factors that could have led to Bon Bon and Rarity not knowing. And that's why we shouldn't make certain expectations girls." Twilight said with a twitch of her eye nopony seemed to notice.

"Thank you so much for looking after the girls today Twilight." Bon Bon said politely. She got the impression the librarian had got more than she expected from agreeing to babysit Sweetie Belle.

"I'm always happy to help my friends." Twilight smiled.

"Still it was extra nice of you to let Sweetie Belle invite her friends over." Bon Bon said. She noticed Rarity had fallen asleep in what looked to be Twilight's preferred reading spot. "Would you mind if Rarity rested up here for a bit while Sweetie Belle and I walked her friends home?"

"Not at all." Twilight agreed. "I've been meaning to put all those books away. With her asleep like that, I won't be tempted just sit there and start something new instead." The unicorn reasoned out loud.

"Okay then." Bon Bon smiled ushering the fillies towards the door. "Sweetie and I will be back shortly." She called back as the unicorn began levitating and sorting books off the floor.

"This one goes in the study of ancient civilizations section," Twilight said pushing a book to the side. "This one goes in the romance section." She sorted the next book "Tragedy. Tragic romance. Tragic romances in ancient civilizations. Wait where did we move that section again." Twilight asked herself staring at the peculiar tome levitated just in front of her nose. "Spike will know." She reasoned and made her way towards the stairs to ask him.

"Spike keeps track of everything we do in the library. Nothing happens outside of his watch." Twilight said stepping into the upstairs bedroom.

The dragon was also sleeping peacefully. The girls had worn him out with a thousand questions on how to be cutie mark crusader library assistants. Twilight had suggested he take a break and read comics upstairs where he must have fallen asleep.

"Awe." Said softly staring at the adorable sleeping dragon. She grabbed his blanket and tucked him in. "I'll ask him later."

Twilight grabbed a book from her bookcase nightstand and took a seat on her bed. She quickly found the page she had been on the last time she had had the book and began reading.

"Wait a minute did anypony ever tell Spike?" Twilight blurted out to the quiet room.

Author's Note:

A little bit of a meta joke there at the end. I was never really sure how Spike would react to the situation so I kind of just left him out. He may or may not get a scene for it I'm still not sure. Maybe he already knows and it was just a boring exchange not worth putting into words.

Comments ( 6 )

Youre on a roll, eh?

I have a lot of free time and what may be unwarranted worry that if I take a break I'll lose motivation. Haven't been willing to risk it yet.

I hear ya, i feel often the same

I did stop writing for seven years so its not completely unfounded.

Of course, i found scootaloo to be an interesting character.

Did the candy Shop too, although only being mentioned than shown

Mhm. Good Thing i found your Story when you Updated, eh?

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