• Published 8th Sep 2014
  • 759 Views, 57 Comments

Her Only Child - Rhonie8k

Bon Bon has everything she ever wanted in life, well almost everything. Her career is exactly where she wanted. She has a nice house and great friends. The only thing missing may be the one thing she can never have.

  • ...

Such Wonderful Friends

The small chime of the timer signaled it was time to fill the last batch of chocolates. Bon Bon carefully removed the mold from the freezer and placed it gently on the counter. Years of experience had graced her with speed and precision. She was just topping off the final candy with a strawberry caramel filling when a soft cry rang from the other room.

"Oh, don't cry baby, mommy is on her way." Bon Bon cooed as she hastily tossed her fill-bag to the side and hurried out of the kitchen.

As the earth mare crossed the threshold that separated her kitchen from the rest of her home she could easily make out the crib at the far end of the open space. The crying was coming from there. She walked with hasty but soft hoofsteps not wishing to disturb her precious little bundle anymore than they already were.

Suddenly the crying became more intense. Bon Bon broke into a trot. The situation had become much more urgent. She ran as fast as she could but the crib wasn't growing any closer. In fact, it seemed more distant now. The crying grew louder still. Bon Bon closed her eyes and put every bit of energy into her futile attempt to reach the child. A bell chiming interpreted the crying. Work wasn't important now though she had to find a way to escape whatever cruel force was holding her back so she could soothe her precious babe.


"Miss Bon Bon?" A childish voice broke the silence of the mostly empty candy shop. "Is everything okay?"

"My baby." Bon Bon said in a panic. She looked around she wasn't stuck running in place in the main part of her home, instead, she was standing at the counter in the attached shop face to face with a concerned-looking pegasus filly.

"Oh yeah, Sweetie Belle told me Rarity was doing something special so you could have a baby. That's so cool." The filly said her concern had turned to excitement as the mare behind the counter seemed to return to her normal self.

"Hello Scootaloo." Bon Bon said smiling sweetly, it had just been a silly daydream. Rarity had only undergone the in vitro fertilization process two weeks ago. It was still very early, the baby wouldn't arrive for some time yet. "Sorry if I worried you I must have dozed off for a moment." The mare said sheepishly.

"Yeah, you were just staring at the door with a scared look on your face." The filly said rather plainly. "But you seemed fine once I called out to you. As long as everypony is okay there's nothing to worry about."

"So what can I get you today?" Bon Bon asked assuming the filly had entered the shop with a reason.

"Oh," Scootaloo said her enthusiasm dropping. "I don't have any money today."

Bon Bon felt hot as a wave of shame rushed through her. She had heard the rumors of the filly's family was on the poorer side but she hadn't stopped to consider that before she asked. The cutie mark crusaders had been in for candy before but it was only now that she recalled they always pooled their money and split their purchase evenly. It made sense Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle had devised the tactic to spare Scootaloo the embarrassment of not getting anything.

"That's alright. I'm having a special offer right now where any child can come in and have two free sample pieces. Just pick out the two you think look best." She said warmly gesturing towards the display. She hoped the filly wouldn't pick up the impromptu nature of the offer.

"Oh cool, it's my lucky day," Scootaloo said her eyes going wide as she looked at all the delicious-looking candies. "They all look so good." She said carefully considering her options. "You said two right?"

"Yes the offer is normally for two but if you really can't decide..." She started to offer but was cut off by the filly.

"Nah two is plenty. I just needed to know so I could narrow it down." The filly said a little on the frim side. She didn't want anypony giving her special treatment. "In that case though I think I'll go with my friend's favorites. Apple Bloom really likes the apple pie truffle and Sweetie Belle's favorite is the white chocolate strawberry cream." She said pointing at each.

"Alright, but these candies are for you don't go giving them away. If you see your friends let them know they're welcome to come in and take advantage of the special themselves." Bon Bon said firmly she would happily give away a few extra candies to every filly and colt in Ponyville so Scootaloo could have something nice without feeling bad about it.

"Nah these are for me I just don't have a favorite. I think all your candies are super delicious it was just an easy way to decide." Scootloo said as the earth mare placed her candies in a small decorative bag. "That reminds me the whole reason I came in was to ask if you had seen the other crusaders. We were supposed to meet up near here but I couldn't find them so I decided to ask in the shops if anypony had seen them."

"I'm sorry deary I haven't." Bon Bon replied handing the filly her candies.

"That's okay I'll just go look around again and check Sugarcube Corner if I still don't see them. "Scootaloo said putting away her candies for later. "I'll tell them about the special when I find them so they may want to stop in before we go off crusading," Scootloo said as she made towards the store's exit. "Thanks again Miss Bon Bon."


"But Raaaarity." Sweetie Belle squealed. "Yooou Poooomised."

"I know Sweetie Belle and I'm terribly sorry I don't have them done yet. I've fallen a bit behind on work for the boutique with all the appointments and checkups recently and pretty soon I won't be able to do much at all." Rarity said without looking away from the intricate embroidery she was hoof-stitching. "It's imperative that I have this collection done before I go on pregnancy leave. For this design, I have to do all the stitching by hoof or it just won't look right. I only have a few more to do and then I can work on the outfits for you and your friends to play dress up. I'll surely have them ready for you tomorrow."

"It's not to play dress up!" The filly groaned. "We're going to be cutie mark crusader superheroes. Then we can get our cutie marks in crime-fighting."

"Yes, yes. I'm sure you three will be the cutest little helpers in town but I simply have to finish these first." Rarity said curtly she was finding it hard to focus with the filly causing such a ruckus.

"I'm your sister! You should be helping me with something I need not somepony you barely know!" Sweetie Belle yelled. "I wish Miss Bon Bon asked somepony else to be her surrogate!"

"Sweetie Belle." Rarity gasped. She could hardly believe what she had just heard. "That's an absolutely horrid thing to say." She sat the dress she was working on down and turned to face the filly. "Bon Bon has been nothing but kind to the both of us. It breaks my heart to hear you say something so mean-spirited towards her. And for your information missy, she didn't ask. It was my idea to offer my assistance when learned of her plight."

"It's still all her fault." The filly grumbled.

"That's it. Go to your room. You are grounded." Rarity said firmly.

"I HATE YOU I WISH YOU WEREN'T MY SISTER!" Sweetie Belle screamed and ran out of the boutique before the older unicorn could react.

Rarity stood to go after her but suddenly found herself feeling dizzy and unsteady on her hooves. She wanted to chase after the filly but quickly concluded she was in no state at the moment. Instead, she made her way to the couch for a brief lie down before getting back to work.

"She doesn't understand." Rarity said to the empty room trying to find a comfortable position. "It's best to let it go. She probably just ran off to play with her friends and she'll calm down." She reassured herself. It wasn't good for her or the baby if she let herself become too stressed over a filly throwing a silly temper tantrum.


"Stupid Rarity." Sweetie Belle grumbled to herself as she stomped away from Carousel Boutique.

"Hey, there you are," Scootaloo called dashing towards the unicorn on her scooter. "I've been looking everywhere for you."

"What has Miss Bon Bon ever done for us?" Sweetie Belle hadn't noticed her friend's approach as she bemoaned her situation to herself.

"Did you say, Miss Bon Bon?" The pegasus filly asked coming to a stop. "I was just at her shop looking for you guys. She's having a special giveaway any kid who comes in can pick out two free samples. I already got mine but you should stop by. I don't know if it's just for today or not."

"Huh?" Sweetie Belle asked suddenly snapping out of her foul mood when she noticed her friend was talking to her.

"Miss Bon Bon wanted me to tell you she's giving out samples," Scootaloo repeated. "Have you seen Apple Bloom?"

"Uh no. I thought she'd be with you." Sweetie Belle stammered, she suddenly felt embarrassed. Miss Bon Bon was giving out free samples to all the kids in town and she had just been saying mean things about her and even got mad at Rarity over it.

"Hop on my scooter and let's go find her. We can't have her missing out on free candy." Scootloo said adjusting her position so Sweetie Belle could ride with her.

"Go find Apple Bloom without me I don't deserve free candy." Sweetie Belle said sadly.

"Is something wrong?" Scootaloo asked only now realizing something was off with her friend.

"I got in a fight with Rarity and said mean things to her and about Miss Bon Bon because was too busy to make the costumes for us. I don't deserve free candy and I certainly don't deserve it from Miss Bon Bon." Sweetie Belle said half in tears.

"Oh yeah, we were supposed to try the superhero thing today. I completely forgot." The pegasus said. "Well, it sounds like you feel guilty so you know what that means. Right?"

'It means I can't take Miss Bon Bon's candy." Sweetie Belle stated.

"No, it means you have to apologize," Scootaloo affirmed. "Let's find Apple Bloom, go to Miss Bon Bon's store, and then we'll go talk to Rarity."

"I already said I don't deserve any of Miss Bon Bon's candy." Sweetie Belle said quizically.

"We're not going there for that, well Apple Bloom will be. You said something mean about Miss Bon Bon so you should apologize to her as well." Scootloo said.

"But I didn't say it to her." The unicorn said still not understanding.

"That doesn't matter. If you just apologize to Rarity you'll still feel bad about what you said about Bon Bon, right?" The pegasus asked.

"I think so." Sweetie Belle said unsurely. It wasn't that she didn't think she would still feel bad about what she said it was more that she was worried that the candy mare wouldn't forgive her.

Of course you would. Your just nervous about telling her." The other filly said seemingly reading her mind. "I'm sure Miss Bon Bon will forgive and understand you didn't mean what you said." She added reassuringly.

"Okay then." Sweetie Belle agreed. She was less certain than her friend but if Miss Bon Bon did get mad at her she probably deserved it. "Let's go find Apple Bloom so I can apologize to everypony." She said hopping on the back of the scooter.


"And that's why I'm here to apologize to you." Sweetie Bell concluded recounting her early fight with Rarity to the earth mare behind the candy counter. "So, I'm really sorry."

"Oh Sweetie Belle, it's very nice of you to come and apologize but you really should have gone to Rarity first." Bon Bon smiled at the three fillies in her shop. "She's probably very worried that you ran off like that."

"I know and we're going there right away." Sweetie Belle said as she turned to leave.

"Hold on a moment." Bon Bon stopped the trio before they could leave. "You and Apple Bloom haven't had your samples and since you are already here." She reached into the display case and quickly put together three bundles of candy with three pieces each, apple pie truffles for Apple Bloom, white chocolate strawberry creme for Sweetie Belle, and Rarity's favorite dark chocolate salted caramel hearts. "These are for you two." She handed the fillies their respective bags. "And give this to Rarity when you apologize they are her favorite." She handed the extra bag to Sweetie Belle "And what would you like for your third piece Scootaloo?"

"I thought we're only supposed to get two candies?" Apple Bloom questioned looking in her bag to see three of her favorite candies.

"You two have been such good friends helping Sweetie Belle out and she's being so brave to apologize I thought you all deserved an extra piece." Bon Bon said sweetly.

"In that case, I'll try one of the ones you gave Rarity." Scootaloo chimed. She watched the mare collect another of the cholate hearts and put it in a special individual wrapper.

"There you go Scootaloo. Now you girls run along, but be careful on that scooter." Bon Bon said handing over the chocolate to the excited filly.

"We will Miss Bon Bon," Scootaloo said exchanging the candy for three helmets that were in her bag. "Thanks again."

"Yeah, thanks a bunch." Apple Bloom added strapping on a helmet the pegasus handed her.

"Thanks, and I'm sorry again." Sweetie Belle said adjusting the strap on her helmet. "I'll apologize to Rarity and tell her you said hi." With that, the three fillies were out the door and balancing themselves on the scooter before taking off down the road.

"Sweetie Bell has such wonderful friends." Bon Bon said to herself wiping a tear as she watched the trio disappear down the street through the window.