• Published 22nd Apr 2012
  • 7,908 Views, 199 Comments

Going to Equestria - TheLogoliner

A teenage boy named Wyatt is suddenly transported to Equestria, a world with ponies, but no humans.

  • ...

First Mission

The six ponies left the train and slowly walked out of the station. I was following close behind them, making sure I was not seen by them. I haven't heard anymore of their conversation except for questions. Some of them relating to me.

I've been keeping a worried looked on my face, and some times a curious one. What ever they were talking about, I now that it involves me. Also that it will be something I will regret. Thankfully though, no one pointed me out to them that I was following them.

They came up to Twilight's place and stepped inside and quickly closed it. Making sure it was locked. I swore under my breath. I looked around the tree house and spotted a few branches that could lead me up to the balcony. The problem was that they were to high for me to jump up to.

I looked to my right and noticed a near by house that were close to the lowest branch.

"Parkour, don't fail me now." I said to myself and quickly ran to the wall. I jumped up, grabbed hold of the window ledge and pulled myself up to grab hold of a piece of wood sticking out of the house. I firmly placed my feet on the top part of the window and did a hard leap. I quickly grabbed hold of the roof and pulled myself up.

I let myself catch my breath and slowly back up until I was on the other side of the house. Then I broke into a sprint, picking up speed every step. Once I came to the edge, I placed my foot down and launched myself forward. I quickly grabbed the branch with one hand and started to ascend up to the balcony.

Upon reaching it, I was grateful that the window was open. I slowly stepped inside, making sure my feet didn't make any noise. I reached the railing of the top floor, and I suddenly stopped. The six ponies were looking outside, probably making sure no one followed them.

They slowly began to turn around which caused me to jump up, grab hold of the wooden scaffolding that were holding up the roof. I placed myself in a sitting position up top. Quietly catching my breath.

"What are we going to do?" Twilight asked for the dozenth time.

"Ah don't know Twi, we weren't prepared for this." Apple Jack said.

"But this is dangerous." Twilight snapped, "Why would the Griffon King threaten Celestia like that. It puts everyone in danger, especially Wyatt.

"I know darling, but we shouldn't tell him yet."Rarity said.

"This ruins my plans for his birth-day party too." Pinkie said.

"How can you be thinking about a party at a time like this!" Rainbow shouted with anger.

"Rainbow, don't take your anger out on Pinkie Pie." Apple Jack said.

"But it's true! We can't do anything to help this problem and your thinking about a party!" Rainbow yelled pointing to Pinkie.

Soon, everyone started to argue. They were all turning against each other except for Fluttershy who was in the corner, hiding her face behind her long, pink mane.

Soon, anger began to boil through my veins. Why are they arguing when the obviously need help.

"ENOUGH!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. Everyone quickly became quiet and turned to see where the voice came from. I quickly dropped down in front of, landing on my hands and knees. I slowly stood up gave them all, except for Fluttershy.

"Why are you arguing at a time like this?" I asked them all. "And why haven't you yet to explain what the hell's going on and why you've decided not to tell me?"

Soon, all of them had guilty looks on their faces. Twilight walked up and said, "We thought it would be dangerous for you."

"Yeah, I've heard. But this obviously involves me, so why are you excluding me from what ever is going on?" I said.

"We were going to tell you, but not right now." Rarity said.

"What's going on?" I asked. "And tell me the truth, I want honest answers."

They all exchanged looks with worry, until Twilight stepped up and explained everything.

"A few hours ago, Princess Celestia got a threat from the King of the Griffons, King Talons. This threat has even gone to the King of the Dragons, King Black Wings. This threat is pointed to Celestia and...you. This threat has placed Equestria at risk and everypony in it. Celestia has ordered the Royal Guard, including my brother, to stay at the ready for a possible war." Twilight finished and waited for my reaction.

I stood their dumbfounded. There is a King for the Dragons and the Griffons?

"I'm going to have a talk to Celestia." I said and began to walk to the door.

"It will take too long." Twilight said.

"Then how else are we going to get to Canterlot?" I asked turning to her.

"Like this." she said and her horn began to glow. Her magic quickly wrapping around us until we were gone in a loud bang.

We all landed in the throne room after Twilight had teleported us to Canterlot. Celestia and Luna quickly turned there heads and had a worried look when they saw me.

"I hear that you've a big problem." I said stepping up.

Both Celestia and Luna sighed at the same time. Celestia nodded her head and said, "Yes."

"Then I'm going to help you with the problem." I said.

"No, it's too dangerous for you to-" Luna began but I put up my hand to stop her.

"There is nothing that you can say or do for me to back out." I said. "I'm going to help you and I'm not taking no for an answer."

Celestia and Luna looked at each other and sighed. "We do have a plan of action." Celestia said. "Though it's very dangerous."

"I don't care." I said.

"Okay, our plan is to have somepony sneak into the Griffon Castle and find out why King Talons want's to wage war on use. He's even formed and alliance with King Black Wings. They're going to have a meeting at the Griffon Castle in a few days. We've sent in a few spy's, but no of them have came back." Celestia explained.

"Then I'll get geared up." I said.

"Go to Silver Shield, he has something to give you." Celestia said.

I nodded and then ran past the mane six, down the hall, and then outside to Silver Charger.

"Ah Wyatt, I've got something for you." he said.

I stopped in front of and him but could help but smile. He has finished the bow, which was the Daedric bow from Skyrim back on Earth.

"Thank you" I said. The bow laid vertical in the strap with the arrows slanted the right while my sword to the left.

"Now let me give you a few modifications I've added. These individual arrow pockets hold dozens and dozens of specialized arrows. The ones here are regular, the ones here are ones with rope on them. These have explosives tied to them and now the most tricky part. These have smaller pockets where the tips are dipped with the most deadliest poisons and others with potions like a sleeping potion."

"Jesus Christ man. You have a sick mind." I said cautiously taking the strapped and attached it to my back.

"Oh, and here." Silver Charger said and gave me tow fingerless gloves except for my right hand glove with the pointer finger and the middle finger with finger protection when I pulled the arrow back.

"Thanks man." I said.

"No problem." he said. I quickly zipped up my jacket, placed the hood on my head and triple knotted my shoe laces.

"Time to go." I said to myself.