• Published 22nd Apr 2012
  • 7,904 Views, 199 Comments

Going to Equestria - TheLogoliner

A teenage boy named Wyatt is suddenly transported to Equestria, a world with ponies, but no humans.

  • ...

My Mission

I quickly ran behind the side of a house just as a spotlight shined at the wall, just inches from my head. My breathing stopped as I watched it get closer and closer until a Griffon squawked an order and the the light moved away.

I wiped sweat off of my brows and let out my breath which seamed like an eternity. I turned at the back of the large house and continued to crouch walk with one hand on the handle of my sword, ready for anything.

I came across a road that ran to the palace. I was still far away, but now I know my path more clearly, and luck was on my side because the houses were close together unlike the other houses before.

I ran up to the house and grabbed hold of the top window and grabbed on the ledge to hoist myself up to the roof, where I changed into a sprint and began to jump from house to house like some platform game.

Everything was going smoothy which was a first ever since I arrived here.

"At...this...rate, I'll be...there...in no time." I said to myself between breaths. Soon though I couldn't breathe, so I stopped at a house and laid down so that no one on the ground could see me.

The one's I feared where the Griffons that would be flying over head, keeping an eye in the sky. Though I've never been spotted by one, you can never know when one will shot an arrow at me or snatch me into the air.

After about 15 minutes of laying there with my heart beat slow down to a normal rate to stood back up and continued my house jumping.

Unfortunately the house were slowly getting further and further apart, but i didn't notice it because I was focused on getting to my destination.

Well that was my mistake because at one jump I couldn't make it, but I jumped anyways. I realized that halfway in the air that I wouldn't make it.

Instead I somehow went through an open window of the house. I landed in with a loud thud and a grunt.

I groaned as I stood up holding my head when I heard a small squeak.

I quickly turned around to see a baby Griffon sitting in a crib, a lot like the ones on Earth. Except it was big enough to hold a large dog. For some reason it began to squawk loudly as if it was laughing at my landing.

"Shhh," I quietly whispered to it, but it didn't work. Soon I began to hear loud claws hitting the ground getting louder and louder.

"Shit." I whispered and quickly remembered that there was a baby here, but quickly remembered that it probably doesn't understand what I'm saying.

The talon sounds were getting closer and closer to the door. I door handle began to turn, so I quickly reacted by jumping out the window a grabbing hold of the roof's edge. I held my breath when I heard the door open.

The squawks soon vanished and I thought that the mother Griffon took the baby down stairs, but instead the mother Griffon's head popped her head out the window and looked around.

I hanged there, frozen because my feet were just dangling over her head. I went back in and closed the window, locking it from the inside.

"Thank God she didn't look up." I whispered to myself. With a grunt, I pulled myself up as quietly as I could so that I wouldn't make anymore noise. I quickly sprinted, wanting to get off of this roof as fast as I could.

I jumped and grabbed hold of the top of the wall. Wait, the wall?

I looked up to noticed that I have arrived at the Palace.

I gulped quietly and slowly pulled myself up. I looked at the two different directions to make sure that no guards were nearby. A guard was to the left so I quickly sprinted to the right.

I continued running down different paths, now inside the Palace. It was a lot more nicer on the inside than it was on the outside. Large Griffon Flags were hung on the walls in each hallway. Beautiful vases were placed on pedestals, a large red and gold carpet was rolled out on the floor.

The only down side, was that I was lost. The whole Palace seemed like one giant maze. Dozens of doors that all looked the same were down each corridor.

"Man I hate corridors." I sighed for the dozenth time since each hallway looked exactly the same as the other ones.

Soon my temper started to get the best of me as I started to yell in frustration each time I would come across a similar hallway. Soon enough I just gave up and planned on to walk straight only. This only proven to take me deeper and deeper into this hell of a maze.

"God damn it, how will I find the King in the place!" I shouted to myself.

I looked around as I listened to my voice echo through the Palace. I stopped in the middle of one of the hallways to think of any bright ideas. At first, I thought about leaving a trail of bread crumbs but I didn't have anything that could help me out. I thought my rope would work, but I need it for my arrows.

I finally came up with the most stupid idea that I have ever made. I sighed and walked up to a random door in the hallway and opened it. I stepped inside but was stopped by bumping into a large Griffon Guard. Like I said, stupid idea.

Right when I hit it, it turned and let out a deafening squawk that echoed through the Palace more than my screams of frustration.

"Oh, shit. Things are about to get crowded in here." I said to myself and remembered that a Griffon was in front of me.

It swiped it's talons down at me so quick, I barely was able to roll of of the way. I stood in a defense position Silver Shield taught me with my sword raised. I was ready for another attack from the Griffon, but instead I felt a sudden blunt object hit the back of my head. I fell to the ground unconscious dropping my sword.

Some time later

Everything was black and slowly began to clear up. I could see the walls moving, but I couldn't feel my legs moving. In front of me were two Griffons carrying a spear in one of their talons. I looked at my sides to see another two Griffons holding my chained hands.

I noticed that a Griffon behind me had my sword, but my bow and arrows were still strapped to my back. I tried to think up of an escape plan, but I had a horrible headache from the blow to my head.

I soon noticed that we were coming up to a large red door. That must lead to the King's throne. Why couldn't I find it before?

We stopped in front of the door and stood there for a few seconds until they slowly began to open, creaking very loudly. We walked in, greeted by dozens of Guards standing around. Large windows reaching from the floor to the ceiling had large, dark drapes with weights placed down beside them that held them open.

"What have you brought before me?" bellowed a deep and sinister voice.

"My lord, we found this...creature wondering the Palace halls. We've brought it here to be given punishment." said one of the front Griffon Guards.

So they can talk.

"Show it to me." ordered to voice. The side Griffons unchained my hands and pushed my forward to be presented to their King. When I looked up, I swear my heart skipped many beats.

The Griffon King's feathers were pure black. His wings had gold and red armor with blades at the end of each feather. He wore dark, golden body armor with a glorious ruby in the middle of it. His talons seemed so sharp that they could cut through almost anything. His beak had a menacing point at the end of it, sharper that any blade I've ever seen. His crown was large made out of gold with rubies at the tips. Even that looked like a dangerous weapon.

He wasn't saying anything, so I decided to ask some questions so that I could think of an escape route.

"Where's the Dragon King?"

"He left."

Damn it, I didn't make it in time to over hear the meeting.

"Why are you threatening Celestia and Equestria?"

"Oh, I see. Those peace-loving ponies sent you? They are pathetic."

I ignored the insult and waited for the answer.

"If you must know, that changeling and her gang of members came and gave me the idea. And I must say, I've been waiting to get rid of that pathetic excuse of a kingdom and show them what true power is."

Rage began to boil inside of me. Chrysalis, the Changeling Queen has joined a group looking for war.

"Why do you hate Celestia so much?" I asked to stall time.

"Isn't it obvious, she and her sister have been foolishly ruling all that land when I could be ruling it with an iron talon. I want to get rid of those prancing and friendship loving ponies and make my army more powerful. Though Chrysalis will be the new ruler of Equestria, I'll still have the land to start my take over."

If this keeps up, he'll tell me all of his plans.

"Who is Chrysalis with, and why have you joined up with the Dragons?"

The King began to chuckle in such a way it made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

"You think I'm that stupid boy? I know you're trying to get your information to bring back to your 'sweet, beloved princess' and foil my plans. Well we both know that will never happen." He continued to chuckle some more.

"Well, can try." I said and then time slowed down. I grabbed hold of a arrow, hoping it had an explosive on it which it did, and stabbed it into the ground. Then I jumped back, dodging an arrow and a sword. Suddenly the arrow exploded, sending dust everywhere and confusing all of the guards and the king.

I ran up to my sword that the Griffon dropped and ran up to the closes drape. I grabbed onto a rope and cut the other one, quickly pulling my up too quick for the guards to hit me with spears and arrows. I let go when I reached the top and landed flat on my back.

"How the hell did I do that?" I asked myself. I stood up and decided to rub it it.

"Thanks for the info!" I yelled and did a salute. A spear impaled the wall missing my head by a few inches which was my sign that it's time to go.

"Get him, get him!" the King screeched orders to all of the guards. They all took flight to get to the top and started to chase after me. Originally, they would catch up to me easily, but all the time running on the houses has exercised me so that I could run faster. It also helped that I had a minute head start.

My plan is to run to the edge of the wall to a pond I found when I arrived, but didn't noticed it as soon until now. Though that will be a long run until I get there. I looked out to the horizon and saw that the sun was beginning to rise, giving a bit light which is better than the midnight moonlight.

Soon I began to notice spears and arrows land on the ground me. I quickly picked up speed to dodge the weapons they were throwing at me.

After about 20 minutes of straight on running, I began to lose my breathe more and more. Luckily though, the pond was just ahead. I ran up to the edge but stopped to look down it the pond was up against the wall. It was and looked deep.

I caught my breath a bit and then, again, stabbed an explosive arrow in the ground of the wall. Giving me a few seconds to jump.

The guards were close when I stood at the edge of the wall.

"Now I know how Jack Sparrow feels." I chuckled to myself and dived. Halfway down the arrow exploded, sending out chunks of stone into the air. In the pond, pieces on stone would land in close to me, but not hit me. I crawled up to the surface and stood up to realized what I just did.

I turned to see a large puff of smoke where my arrow used to be. I then quickly began to run through the woods that was by the pond, listening the squawks and roars of pissed of Griffons, trying to find me, fade away as I ran further and further to home.

Hope you like the chapter and sorry for the wait

The next chapter will introduce the new characters you guys posted

Again, sorry for the wait, I made this chapter longer than I mostly do just for you guys

Also tell me if I start to sound like a Gary Stu, I don't want to sound like one