• Published 22nd Apr 2012
  • 7,904 Views, 199 Comments

Going to Equestria - TheLogoliner

A teenage boy named Wyatt is suddenly transported to Equestria, a world with ponies, but no humans.

  • ...

Royal Wedding Part 1

Twilight stood their completely still like a statue with a shocked look locked on her face. I couldn't help but say "huh?" at the fact that she had a brother.

Apple Jack walked up to Twilight and said, "Your brother's gettin' married? Congratulations Twilight, that's great news!"

"Yeah, great news. That I just got from a wedding invitation! Not from my brother, but a piece of paper. Thanks a lot Shining Armor! I mean really, he couldn't tell my personally." Twilight said. She used her magic to pick up a sandwich and started talk in a weird voice while moving the sandwich as if it was a person talking. "Hey Twilight, just thought you should know I'm making a really big decision that changes everything. Oh never mind, you'll hear about it when you get the invitation."

We all looked at each other with worry.

"Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, who the hoof is that!" she yelled while steam came out through her nose. I guess that's a swear word in Equestria.

Fluttershy slowly flew up to Twilight with worry. "Uh...Twilight, are you okay?"

"I'm sorry." Twilight said. "It's just that Shining Armor and I have been so close. He's my BBBFF!"

We stood their with a confused face. What the heck is a BBBFF?

She sighed, "Big Brother Best Friend Forever."

"Oh!" we all said together.

"Before I came here to the importance of friendship, Shining Armor was the only pony I accepted as a friend." she continued.

I saw random birds come out of nowhere which flew up to Twilight and landed on her hoof, which she nuzzled with her noes and let it fly away. I back away, know this could be a possible song coming on, and I'm not a huge fan of singing. So I sat back and waited for the song to unfold.

When I was just a filly I found it rather silly
To see how many other ponies I could meet
I had my books to read, didn't know that I would ever need
Other ponies to make my life complete

But there was one colt that I cared for
I knew he would be there for me

My big brother, best friend forever
Like two peas in a pod, we did everything together

He taught me how to fly a kite
(Best friend forever)
We never had a single fight
(We did everything together)
We shared our hopes, we shared our dreams
I miss him more than I realized, it seems

The rest of the gang, except for me because again, not much of a singer.

Your big brother, best friend forever
Like two peas in a pod, you did everything together

Then Twilight continued the song.

And though he's oh so far away
I hoped that he would stay
My big brother best friend

There was a short pause until I started to clap my hands together, because it was a pretty darn good song. They blushed a little, mostly Twilight because the probably forgot I was here. I stood up and took the basket off of the ground, ready to get this stuff to Twilight's house and go to the wedding.

Apple Jack walked up to Twilight, "As one of your PFF's." We all had a blank face again. "Pony Friend Forever."

"Oh." we all said.

"I wanna tell you that I think that your brother sounds like a really good guy." she continued.

"He is pretty special." Twilight agreed. "I mean, they just don't let anypony be captain of the Royal Guard."

Rarity gasped and said, "So let me get this straight. We're helping out with a wedding with not only a princess, but a captain of the Royal Guard!?"

"I guess we are." she shrugged. She started to lose balance again.

"Oh shoot!" I yelled and quickly placed the rolled up blanket under like a pillow just in time. I sighed and shook my head side to side. Everyone started to get excited and dancing around with glee.

"I'll just put the stuff away." I said grabbing the blanket and walked to Twilight's house. Once I got there I sighed. "This is going to be a long day." I said to myself. I walked up to my bag and looked around inside. After many minutes of searching I found a tuxedo that I decided to bring, in case I were to go to a fancy casino.


We were aboard the Ponyville train on our way to Canterlot for the wedding. I had my tux folded neatly, thanks to Rarity and had it in my arms. Rainbow Dash and Apple Jack had their heads out the train window.

"A Sonic Rainboom, at a wedding?" Rainbow began. "Can you say, 'Best wedding ever'!?" Just then Pinkie placed her head out the window and yelled "Best wedding ever!" The voice echoed through the cave we entered.

"So you all get to help with a big fancy wedding, but I'm the one that get's to host the bachelor party." Spike said. "I' just have one question, what's a bachelor party?"

"I think I can help you out on that you Spike." I said smiling. Everypony started to laugh except for Twilight, who was sitting by herself, looking out the window a mopping.

Apple Jack and I noticed this and walked up to her. "Why the long face sugarcube?" Apple Jack asked.

"I'm just thinking about Shining Armor." Twilight answered. "Ever since I moved to Ponyville we've been seeing each other less and less, and now that he's starting a new family with this Princess Mi Amore Can-whats her name. We'll probably never see each other."

"Come on now, you're his sister. He'll always make time for you." Apple Jack pointed out.

"Couldn't seem to make time to tell me he was getting married!" Twilight said quickly as she closed the window shudder.

"You're still going on about that?" I asked.

"Yes! Do you have relatives back where you came from?" Twilight asked. I nodded. "Then wouldn't you get mad that they didn't tell you that they were getting married?"

"Well, I guess." I said scratching the back of my neck.

We're here, we're here!" shouted Pinkie Pie.

I looked out the window to find that we were about to reach Canterlot, but there was this weird purple bubble all around the castle. The train easily went through and continued down the hall way of the train. We all froze until it passed by. I checked myself if I did anything, but nothing changed. I didn't even feel pain when we went through.

Everywhere I looked their were guards, all looking around as if something was about to happen.

"Whoa! What's with all the guards?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"I'm sure they're just taking the necessary precautions." Rarity answered. "Royal weddings do bring out the strangest ponies."

"You're telling me." I gasped looking at all the guards.

"Ahhhhh Choo!" sneezed Pinkie, though her sneeze was confetti. I raised an eyebrow, but Pinkie just walked it off as if it was normal to her.

"Now let's get going. We've got work to do." said Rarity.

"And you got a big brother to go congratulate." Apple Jake said to Twilight as she went out.

"Yeah, congratulate. And then give him a piece of my mind." said Twilight. The guards back away wide eyed as she passed by.

"Oh boy, Rarity. Can you take my tux and hold on to it? I'm going to make sure she doesn't do anything rational ." I said.

"Of course dear." she said. I handed her my tuxedo and ran after Twilight.

"See you guys soon!" I yelled to them. As I ran by the guards, they would stare at me to see if I was trouble, but most of them saw me with the girls. So I was able to go by without problems.

I was out near the Royal Garden when I suddenly saw a pillar of magic shoot up from somewhere close by and hit the giant bubble. It rippled and then was still. Someone must be working hard to keep this king of magic up. I ran to the direction where the beam came from. As I neared the location, I saw two ponies on the bridge. When I squinted, I found out it was Twilight with some other pony. Must be her brother.

I ran to the tower on the side of the bridge and started to climb the stairs. Once I reached the top, they were hugging. I couldn't help but smile. "Hey Twilight. Can I meet your brother?" I asked as I walked out. The white and blue unicorn looked up and yelled "Watch out Twilight!"

He pushed her behind him and charged a beam from it's horn.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" I shouted but it didn't stop him because he shot the beam and it hit me square in the chest. It sent my flying back a few feet and landed on my back, knocking the air out of me.

"Wyatt! Are you okay?" asked Twilight as she ran up to me.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." I said. Which is a bit surprising. That shot should of killed me, but it didn't create a scratch. The spot where he shot me was smoking, but not burning.

"Twilight, you know this thing?" asked Shining Armor.

"Yes, and it's a 'he'. He's my friend." Twilight said.

I threw out my hand, "Nice to meet you, I guess. Twilight has said a lot about you." He looked at my hand and reached out. I wrapped my fingers around it, just like Rainbow and shaken hands/hoofs.

"If anypony is a friend of Twilight, then they're a friend to me." he said. "Sorry about shooting you, but I was just being cautious. A threat has been placed on Canterlot and I have to help protect it."

I heard a cough and turned around to find a tall alicorn with a light pink mane, a purple, pink and white stripped mane and tail. Her wings had a shade of purple at the end of them.

"Hope I'm not interrupting anything important." she said.

"Cadence!" yelled Twilight. She started doing a little dance singing "Sunshine, sunshine. Ladybugs awake. Clap your hoofs together and do a little shake." Okay, that was weird.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Cadence it's me, Twilight!" Twilight said.

"Aha." she said dully and walked past her without saying anything else. I starred at her and she starred at me back. Even though she was a full blown alicorn, she only came up to my chin. Her horn extended beyond me by about an inch.

"What's this?" she asked.

"I'm a 'who' not a 'what'." I said.

"His name is Wyatt. He came here from a place called Earth." Twilight said.

"Okay, what ever." Cadence said and walked up next to Shining Armor.

"I gotta get back to my station." Shining Armor said wrapping his hoof around her. "But Cadence will be checking with all of you to see how things are going. I think I speak for both of us to say, we couldn't be more excited to have you here and Wyatt too. Right dear.?"

"Absolutely." she said with an evil grin. Twilight and I stepped back from that smile. It made me feel like something was wrong.

"Well, we'll let you two get to it." he said as the walked away.

"What's with Cadence?" I asked Twilight.

"I don't know, she always seemed nice when she was my foal sitter." she said.

"Well I'll help you out with the preparations. I've got nothing better to do, and tell me more about Cadence." I said, following her to go check on the others.

"Okay." she said with a bit of a sad tone.


Twilight sat a pillar in the middle of the kitchen, leaning up against it. I was leaning on it while standing next to her. Apple Jack was running around with a chefs hat on her head and holding a frosting dispenser in her mouth. She ran up a latter and finished putting the frosting on a huge cake. Bigger than me!

"Cake, check." said Apple Jack. Twilight check off cake on a note book with her magic, her expression seemed angry.

She ran over to the other side of the room with a chisel in her mouth and formed a heart shaped ice sculpture in a blink of an I. I couldn't help but stare at it with awe. "Ice sculpture, check." she said. Twilight checked it off.

She ran over to the oven and pulled out a plate of what looked like apple muffins. "Best darn bite sized apple fruit you've ever tasted." I rubbed my ears because I could barely hear what she said. She quickly came by and stuffed two samples in Twilight's mouth, then in mine. They tasted amazing!

"Mmm, check." Twilight said with her mouth full. Over at the table, Spike was playing with the Bride and Groom figures that were supposed to go on the cake. Twilight walked over and placed them on the table. Spike blushed and laughed a little.

The door opened and Apple Jack said, "Hi Princess."

"Please, call me Princess Mi Amore Cadenza." she said. Twilight sighed and I just glared at her.

"Hi Princess Mi Amore Cadenza." Apple Jack corrected. "You've come to check on what's on your menu for your big day?"

She put on her best fake smile and said, "I have." Once Apple Jack turn, she put on her bored face, which made me a bit made. Apple Jack held out the plate of samples while 'Princess Mi Amore Cadenza picked it up with her green magic and took a bite out of it.

"Uh, delicious. I love, love, love them. Hehe." she said with her fake smile again. I glared at her even more, so did Twilight.

"Ah shucks, why don't you take a few to go?" Apple Jack asked holding a paper bag filled with the bite sized sweets.

The princess smiled and picked it up with her magic and started to walk away.

"Ah now how you brides can be. So busy you forget to get a little something in your belly." Apple Jack said as she walked back to continue baking. The princess stopped by the trash can and threw away Apple Jack's samples she so kindly gave to her and slammed the doors shut. Twilight and I gasped.

"Did...did you see..." Twilight began to asked Apple Jack, but she wasn't listening. "Did you see that Wyatt?" she asked me.

"I sure did." I answered nodding my head. We both walked to the door to check on the others with angry thought of the princess.


"Oh you should of seen how she acted back there. I don't know when she changed, but she changed!" Twilight said to Rarity while she was making the dresses. "You saw her, didn't you Wyatt?"

"I sure did. She was acting like a complete jerk to Apple Jack." I said sitting on the king sized bed.

"Please, call me Princess Mi Amore Cadenza." Twilight said with an annoying fancy voice, mimicking the princess.

"Did I here someone say my name?" asked a very annoying princess walking in with her bride maids.

Rarity quickly went in front of her and said, "Your highness! Let me just start by saying what a honor it is to play a role in such a momentous occasion." She completely ignored us and what we were saying.

"Aha, is my dress ready?" Princess 'Mi Amore Cadenza' asked. Twilight and I walked up and stood next to each other, waiting to see what harsh thing she will do to Rarity.

"Oh...uh...yes, of course." answered Rarity. They walked up to the dress. "I've been working on it ever since I got the assignment, and I think you'll be pleased with results." She smiled waiting for a great compliment from the princess, but she'll never get one. I looked over the dress.

The lower half was white with three golden yellow waves on it. The front was blue straps that shined with glitter and at the center was a large sapphire. To top it all of was a flower head dress with blue and red flowers. To me, it looked beautiful, but I wanted to see what the princess will say.

"I was hopping for something with more beating and a longer train." is what the princess said. Rarity jotted down some notes, but the dress was already perfect.

"Oh...yes, of course." said Rarity.

"And those should be a different color." said the princess about the bride maid's dresses, which they also looked perfect.

"I think they're lovely." said one of the bride maids.

"Me too." said another.

"I love them." said the last one.

The princess starred at them with disappointment, making them shut there mouths. Twilight and could help but stare is disbelieve. "Make them a different color." she said and walked out with her bride maids.

"Ge, maybe her name should be Princess Damandy Pants." said Twilight. I couldn't help but let out a small snicker from the joke. We both walked out to our next destination.


Pinkie Pie popped out of nowhere and said, "Okay, let me see." to the princess. "We've been over the game." She ran over and threw some dices on a board game and smiled. "The dances." She turned on a record player which played a upbeat song that made Pinkie do the chicken dance. The whole, the princess stood there like she was bored out of her mind.

"I think this reception is going to be perfect! Don't you?" she said with glee.

"Perfect, if we were celebrating a six year old's birthday party." the princess said. Twilight and I stayed hidden behind a pillar as she walked by.

"Thank you!" yelled Pinkie Pie.


Twilight and I were walking next to each other holding our drinks, shocked about how mean Cadence was to our friends. "Bet I can guess what you're all thinking." said Twilight to the group. "Cadence is the absolute worse bride to be ever."

"I agree with Twilight." I said. Everyone quickly turned their heads to us, all confused.

Spike held up the Bride figure for the cake, which I will never look at the same ever again. "Who, me?" he said with a high pitched voice.

"Spike! That goes on the cake." Apple Jack said. He placed it on the table and laughed a little.

"Twilight, Wyatt. Why would you ever are you talking about?" asked Rarity. "Cadence is an absolute jam."

"Rarity, she was so demanding." said. Twilight. I nodded with agreement.

"Well of course she was, why shouldn't expect the very best on her wedding day." said Rarity. I can't believe she's defending that princess.

"Apple Jack, did you know that after she said that she just 'Loved, loved, loved' your orderves, she threw them in the trash!" Twilight pointed out. I nodded with agreement again.

"Aw, she was probably just trying to spare my feelings." Apple Jack said.

"No, she was just being fake, and totally insincere." Twilight said.

"Didn't any of you noticed how she was being mean?" I asked.

"She did raise her voice at one of my birds during rehearsal ." Fluttershy said.

"See, rude!" Twilight yelled.

"But, he really was singing off key." Fluttershy added in a lifted a red bird, which when it tried to sing, it would make my ears feel like their bleeding.

"Pinkie Pie, you've had to have noticed..." Twilight began but was caught off guard by Pinkie and Spike making kissing noises with the figures for the cake. She rolled her eyes and said, "Never mind."

She suddenly jumped up, "Rainbow Dash, you're with me, right?"

Rainbow was stretching out here wings and said, "Sorry Twi, been too busy prepping for my Sonic Rainboom to pay mush attention to the bride's bad attitude."

Twilight and I sighed heavily, why can't these ponies see that Cadence is a total jerk? Rarity walked up to Twilight and said, "The princess is about to get married, I'm sure any negative behavior that she might be displaying is simply the result of nerves." Twilight took Rarity hoof off of her and slammed her hoof down on the table.

"And I'm sure her results of being an awful pony who doesn't deserve to even know Shining Armor, let alone marry him!" Twilight shouted.

"You think maybe your being a tiny bit possessive about your brother?" Apple Jack asked. The group nodded, all except for me and Twilight who know the truth.

"I am not being possessive. And I'm not taking it out on Cadence. You're all just too caught up in your wedding planning to noticed that there shouldn't even be a wedding!" Twilight shouted, slamming her hoof on the table so hard, it spilled all of their drinks. I just placed mine in the table and walked away with Twilight while the other were looking at each other in shock.


At Shining Armor's house, he was getting dressed for the rehearsal of the wedding. He was fixing his badge when we knocked on the door. He opened the door and said, "Hey Twilight, hey Wyatt." He let us in and began to talk to Twilight while I looked around the house.

"Your big brother is looking pretty good, don't you think?" he asked. She looked up at him with a sad face. "Everything okay?" he asked, a bit worried.

"We need to talk. I think you're making a big..." Twilight tried to say but was interrupted by Cadence's cough at the stairs.

"Oh, hi sweety." Shining Armor said. Twilight and I glared at her as she came down the stairs.

"She sure has a way of sneaking up on people." Twilight whispered to me. I nodded.

"Can I speak to you for a moment, dear?" she asked Twilight's brother. He elbowed Twilight a little and said, "Better see what she wants." They walked in to another room and began speaking to each other. I was hard to know what they were saying, so Twilight and I slowly looked inside.

"I thought I made it perfectly clear I didn't want you to wear that." Cadence said. Shining Armor looked down at his suit and badge.

"This was my favorite uncle's." he said,

"And?" Cadence asked.

"And I think I should wear it." he finished.

"Are you disagreeing me?" she asked.

"I guess I am." he said when suddenly he had a face twitch and held his head like he had a headache.

"Oh dear, are getting another one of your headaches?" she asked and her horn began to glow. She shot a green beam at his horn which made his eyes go green and start spinning. Twilight and I watched in horror as this act unfold.

"Feeling better? she asked. He nodded his head with his eyes still green. She must be brainwashing him. That's just pure evil!

"She isn't just unpleasant and rude, she's down right evil!" she whispered to me.

"We've got to warn the others." I whispered back. We started to leave the house when the came out of the room.

"Twilight, Wyatt! Wait!" Shining Armor cried out, but we continued to run.

"Let then go." Cadence said.

"Huh, it seemed Twilight had something to tell me." he said to himself.


"Who goes there!" shouted Luna. Though all she saw was Twilight. "Stay indoors Twilight Spark..." but she stopped when she saw me, though thought that since I was with Twilight, I was no harm, but she still went to tell Celestia.

"Shining Armor is in trouble, you have to help..." Twilight and I said in unison, but no one was listening because everyone else was wearing dresses. "Dresses? What are you..." Twilight began to saw until Fluttershy came up, wearing a dress that fit her perfectly. Her dress had flowers everywhere on it.

"Can you believe it? We're Princess Mi Amore Cadenza's new bride maids." Fluttershy said with joy.

"New bride maids?" Twilight asked.

"What happened to the old the old ones?" I asked.

"She didn't say, but she did say she would love, love, love it if we filled in for them." Apple Jack said, wearing a rodeo flag that the used on bulls as her dress, but with golden silk keeping the three different colors together and wear a flower band on her head.

"Seeing as we've been working so hard and everything." Rarity added in wearing a sparkling dress with diamonds painted on them. Also wearing a flower band on her head.

Twilight and I had a shocked look while Apple Jack said, "And you two had your doubts about her."

"Told you two that she was an absolute jam." Rarity added.

"You're sure this is what I should wear?" asked Rainbow. Her dress was a rainbow with a cloud lining the dress up to her front. "Doesn't seem all that aerodynamic."

"Hmm, I'll see what I can do." Rarity said.

Apple Jack, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy started talking about how excited they were about their dresses and what-not.

Twilight and I walked out of the room. "Looks like we are really on our own." She said to me.

"Don't worry." I said. "We'll think of something." That made her smile a bit but it faded quickly.


The wedding music started playing while Celestia and Shining Armor stood at the front of the church. The group except for Twilight and I were walking down the aisle.

"Perfect girls." said Celestia. "No need to rush." Rainbow Dash and Rarity smiled to each other with excitement. "Then, of course, Cadence will enter." Celestia continued to narrate the rehearsal.

The doors opened to find Cadence behind it. Shining Armor starred in awe as his soon to be wife walked up next to him.

"I'll say a few words, then we will begin with the vows." Celestia said again. "Shining Armor, you'll get the rings from your best mare."

He looked down, expecting Twilight, but I stead there was Spike doing his doll thing again.

"Hey, has anypony seen Twilight?" Shining Armor asked out loud.

Suddenly, the doors opened and Twilight and I walked in. "I'm here! I'm not going to stand next to her, neither should you!"

Shining Armor bit his lip and said to Cadence, "I'm sorry, I don't know why they're acting like this."

"Maybe we should just ignore them." suggested Cadence. Yeah, like that's going to happen.

"You have to listen to us!" she shouted. Fluttershy came up and said, "Oh goodness, are you okay?"

"I'm fine!" she said. Apple Jack came running up and asked, "Are you sure about that?"

I took her hat off and covered her face and said, "Yes, she's sure."

"I've got something to say!" she said as we walked up to the others. "She's evil!" She pointed straight at Cadence and Shining Armor stood in front of her to defend her. Everyone else gasped in horror.

"She's been horrible to my friends." Twilight continued and teleported behind Cadence. "She's obviously done something to her bride maids." she began to back her up into a corner. "And if that's not enough, Wyatt and I saw her cast a spell on my brother that made his eyes go all..." she began to spin her eyes around in circles. We all waited for an answer, but all we got was her crying and yelling, "Why are you two doing this to me!" and ran off crying down the aisle with Twilight following yelling, "Because you're evil!" She teleported at the door while just as Cadence ran out it.

"Evil! And if I don't stop you, you're going to ruin my brother's life!" she finished. Twilight and I felt victory while everyone was shocked and in mid-gasp. She turned around to bump into Shining Armor. He had an serious face expression while looking down at here.

She and I could tell he's pissed off.

"You want to know why my eyes went all..." Shining Armor did the spinning eyes thing again and had a small face twitch. "Because ever since I had to start performing my protection spell, I've been having terrible migraines. Cadence hasn't been casting spells on my, she's been using her magic to heal me! And she decided to replace her bride maids because she found out they only wanted meet Canterlot royalty.

Everyone was shocked while Shining Armor continued to yell at Twilight and I.

"And if she hasn't been on her best behavior with your friends, it's because with me being so busy she's had to make all the decisions for the wedding!"

Twilight tried to say something, but was cut off by her brother.

"She's completely stressed out because it's really important that our big day be perfect! Something that obliviously wasn't important to you two!" He got another face twitch from all the yelling. "Now if you excuse my, I have to got comfort my bride! And you can forget about being my best mare! In fact if I were you two, I wouldn't show up to the wedding at all." He walked out of room to go and find Cadence.

Twilight sat down in the middle of the church. As the ponies walked by Twilight and me, I knelled down next to her to try t make her feel better. Princess Celestia walked up to us and said, "You two have a lot to think about." The doors slammed shut, and we were alone.

"Maybe I was being over protective." Twilight said. She walked over to the stairs and said, "I could've gained a sister, but instead. I just lost a brother." She laid down on the stairs and sang.

He was my Big Brother, Best Friend
And now, we'll never do anything

She was crying and I was on the verge of crying also. Out of nowhere, Cadence walked up to Twilight and pat her on the head. "I'm sorry." Twilight said through tears.

Suddenly Cadence's eyes turned green like Shining Armors and said with an evil tone, "You will be." Green flames came out and formed a circle around her.

"TWILIGHT!" I shouted and jumped forward just in time to fall down the pit with her, listening to the evil laughing of Cadence.