• Published 22nd Apr 2012
  • 7,904 Views, 199 Comments

Going to Equestria - TheLogoliner

A teenage boy named Wyatt is suddenly transported to Equestria, a world with ponies, but no humans.

  • ...

Meeting some new Friends

The Mane six were gathered around in Twilights library. All of which were dead silent, waiting for Wyatt's return. Everypony in Ponyville were on high alert, noises could be heard outside with everypony running back and forth.

"Are you sure we should of let him go off alone?" Fluttershy asked in worry to break the silence.

"I'm sure he's alright. Ya'll are just getting worked up." Apple Jack said to convince her friends, and herself.

"It's been almost a week since he left." Twilight pointed out. "We have not gotten word of him yet."

Everypony was quiet again, listening to the loud noises coming from outside. Spike wasn't here because he was out helping watch for Wyatt. They all sat for many minutes, which to them seemed liked hours until Spike ran into the library.

The little dragon was having a hard time breathing until he finally said, "We...we...have spotted...Wyatt."

Everypony quickly sat up and galloped out of the house, racing to the front of Ponyville.


I was walking very slowly, well, more like limping but even that didn't explain how I was walking. My bow was at my side, acting as support for my sore legs. Every step sent sharp pains into every inch of my body, but the sight of Ponyville sent relief into me. My adrenaline was the only thing keeping me awake from my agony.

The minutes that passed by were the longest minutes of my life. Every second like minutes, minutes like hours, and hours like eternity. I could barely hold on anymore, but quickly snapped back when I would lightly hit my leg. Enough to keep me awake, but not enough to make me pass out.

Once I came closer to Ponyville, I noticed dozens, maybe even hundreds of ponies gathering around. Many of them ran up to help me return safely and more quickly. Soon I saw the Mane six come out of the crowd to come up to me. I held back my tears, thanking God, or I guess Celestia that I didn't die.

Fluttershy soon gasped at how much blood and cuts were on me and ran to get some medical supplies I hope.

"Guys...I...I need to lie down a little." is all I could say until I feel to the ground from pain and exhaustion.


My eyes began to open, but everything was still a blur. I looked around, not moving my head until my eyes adjust to the bright light of Canterlot Hospital.

"Hey, you're up." said a male pony some where in the room. His voice sounded deep, but not too deep. Almost like a young adult or stallion.

I slowly looked up with my head but quickly regretted it. My neck sent the worst pain all over my body causing me to gasp loudly.

"Whoa, take it easy there buddy. You're still sore from your trip." said the voice again.

I slowly rubbed my neck and turned to see where the voice came from. It was a Guard of the Royal Guard, but looked different. His armor was black and red like my clothes. He was a light blue Pegasus with over sized wings. The edge of his wings were armor plates that ran along the last feather. His body armor covered half of his body and at the center was a blue jewel. His mane was covered by his helmet, but his tail wasn't. It was dark crimson with red lining it. He wore armor boots at his hooves but had no swords on him. His Cutie Mark was a silver swords crossed with a golden sword. His eyes were blue, like mine but brighter.

"Who are you?" I asked with a groggy voice.

"I'm Starshine Kote. I'm here to keep an eye on you until you wake up." he answered casually.

"Isn't that kind of creepy?" I asked.

"Oh, no no, it's more like guarding than watching." he laughed.

"Okay then." I said. "How long have I been out?"

"Two and a half days." he said.

"Two and a half days! Ow." I yelled which brought back some more pain.

"Yeah, everypony came to check on you, but you never woke up. We thought you would stay asleep forever." he chuckled.

"I need to talk to Celestia quickly." I said sitting up but was hit by more waves of pain.

"No you won't, the Doctors said that you need you're rest." he said stepping in front of me.

"Well I need to give information about my mission to Celestia." I quickly said standing up.

He let out a breath, "Fine, but I have to take you there. You won't make it quick enough by yourself."

"That's alright with me." I said. It helped that he was about as tall as me, making it easier to lean over of support.

Out in the hallway, I began to ask him some questions.

"So your name is Starshine Kote."


"Is it okay if I call you Kote?"

"Fine by me."

"By the way, you're armor is different from the Royal Guard. Are you some new branch of forces in the Equestrian Army?"

"Actually no, I'm a leader of a Spec Ops team. We help out the Royal Guard and the Equestrian Army. We're called the Lightning Strikers."

"So I'm guessing you've heard about the possibility of war between Equestria and the Griffons?"

"Yeah, and how you had to infiltrate the Griffon King's Palace. You've got some guts kid."

"Well, right now my guts are hurting like hell right now."

Kote started to chuckle while I gave painful chuckles.

"So, what was it like?"

"Horrible, imagine you're worst nightmare coming to life."

Soon I began to explain about the whole story of me invading the Palace and finally meeting King Talons for the first time. I would shiver just thinking about the sight of the Griffon King. His horrifying image is sheared into my brain. If he is bad, I don't want to know how deadly the Dragon King is.


The doors of the Throne room slowly opened up, revealing a large crowd of ponies with decorations everywhere and a loud "Surprise!"

I rubbed my ears from the sudden raise in volume and was surrounded by every one.

"Did you know about this?" I asked Kote.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't." he said with a smile on his face.

I chuckled lightly, but still flinched from the pain.

"Follow me, there are some ponies that want to meet you." he said, leading me through the party reaching a large table. Upon reaching it, I noticed many ponies here, each very different from each other, yet they all seemed like the closes friends.

"Oh, yeah guys he here." said a very bright blue and blinding white Pegasus. The group turned around and smiled and almost lined up in a line. The first one walked up to me.

He was a grey Pegasus with purple eyes. His mane was like a saw that went down to the back of his neck. The inner part was blue while the outline was green. His tail were the same colors with the blue as the outline this time. On his flank was his Cutie Mark, it was headphones the kinds rappers would wear.

"Hey man, my name's Blaze Arlis, I've heard about how you invaded the Griffon Palace." he said.

"Thanks." I said, "So what do you do?"

"Oh, I'm a rapper."


"Yes, really."

"I didn't know they had rappers in Equestria."

"Well, I'm the first."


"Okay, my turn to introduce myself." came a new voice.

This time a dark grey Unicorn stepped up. His horn was sharp and looked like it could impale some one. His mane was completely black that loosely hanged down. His tail was also pure black that was curly. His eyes where a light lime green and had almost a stern look to them. His Cutie Mark were two swords crossed that had a different symbol on them.

"My name is Rising Knight."

"Nice to meet you."

"I hear you have a cool sword, but I bet they're not as cool as mine."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, I don't have them with me, but I would like to show them to you. Then we can see who's better at welding a sword."

I like this pony, "Okay then, you're on."

"Um, I guess it's my turn." came a quiet voice, almost like Fluttershy but male.

A white Pegasus pony walked up. He looked different from everyone else, like he always had that worried look on his face. Almost like he's about to cry. His mane was red and ended in grey tips. His tail was the same color with grey on the inside and red as an outline. His Cutie Mark was a broken arrow. I also noticed that the top of his ear was gone.

"Uh, hi, my name is Vector."

"It's nice to meet you. Hey, is something wrong?"

"What! N-nothing's wrong. Why would you ask that?"

"Well okay then."

Vector sighed and then stepped back.

"My turn." this voice sounded like Vectors but not as much as worry, but more like being shy.

A tan earth pony stepped up. His mane was bright yellow that look combed out forward. His tail on the other hand was dark red and looked almost like a spiky flame. His Cutie Mark was was lighter, I didn't really understand why.

"My name is Zoom."

"Why is it called that?"

"Oh, um I guess it's because I'm fast."

"Then why is your Cutie Mark a lighter."

"Don't know, I just go with it."

"Okay, it's my turn." came the next ponies voice. There sure is a lot of introductions.

A red Pegasus walked up to me. He wore a hat over his mane, so I don't know what color it is. His wings were red with black at the tips. His tail was red with shades of black here and there. The hat was black with a red diamond design all around it. At his chin was a small red beard. He wore metal goggles over his eyes that looked heavy. He wore sandals on hid two front hooves and a jacket. All over his body were cuts and scars. His Cutie Mark were two music notes.

"Hey, the name's Bill."


"Yeah, you got a problem with that?"

"No no, it's just that that's a name used on Earth. By the way, what's with all the scars?"

"None of your business."

"Okay then, calm down."

"MY TURN!" came a loud voice. I looked to the side and meet the next pony.

It was a bright blue Pegasus. His mane was pure white including his tail. His eyes also didn't have pupils, just a shade a light grey where it would have been. To match his mane and tail were white clothes. They covered his Cutie Mark, co I didn't know what it was. Pretty much, he was just white and blue. Kinda hard to look at without getting a headache.

"The name's Digit friend."

"Why you named that?"

"I don't know, but at least it's better than Bill."

"Hey, I heard that!" Bill shouted.

"By the way, are you blind or something?"

"No, why would say that?"

"Well, your eyes."

"It's just how my eyes are."

"Okay then."

I don't know why, but this pony seems like my younger brother back at home. If that's true, then this will surly be a party.

"Guess I'm last."

An orange Pegasus walked up to me. His mane was the same as Vinyl Scratch colored orange and red. His tail was red that ended in orange tips. His eyes were colored red. I also noticed his legs looked thin and his Cutie Mark was a flame.

"Name's Blaze."

"Kind of suitable because you look like a flame. So, why a flame as a Cutie Mark?"

"Oh, I like to play with fire."

"Isn't that dangerous?"

"Not to me, watch."

Blaze walked over to a candle at the table and swung his hoof through the flame. It stayed on the candle, but in Blaze's hooves was also a flame, just floating in his one hoof. He started to juggle it, made it expand and shrink, and did other tricks like split it into two.

"See." he said and put the flame on an unlit candle.

"That was badass." I said.

"Well, now that you've met everypony it's time to party." Kote said as he lead us to the dance floor, where I only partied with half energy. I'm still sore from the Griffon Kingdom.

Finally done!
Sorry that this took so long, had a hard time getting the right pics.
Congrats to those of you that made it, and sorry for those that didn't.
Also, some of you, I needed to make your pics, so tell me if they're right or wrong.
Lastly, tell me if you want to be shipped with a pony, just to add some love into the story.