• Published 7th Oct 2014
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Sunset Shimmer: Element Bearer - ConningOfficer

A heroine instead of a villain, Sunset Shimmer becomes a leader to her friends at Canterlot High. She begins by helping Sonata Dusk after the Battle of the Bands...

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Chapter Twelve

Every decision you make comes with a price, Adagio. I have made a choice that will ensure the supremacy of my line for centuries! But it comes with a sacrifice. Would you like to know what price I am willing to pay, my ambitious daughter?

Adagio Dazzle’s eyes snapped open. Sunlight filtered through the last vestiges of the morning fog that had enveloped Canterlot after the thunderstorm. Adagio groaned, stretched and blinked. Slowly, the sumptuous duvet and matching black satin sheets on Shrieking Raven’s guest bed came into focus.

“What a vivid dream,” Adagio said to herself, brushing her disheveled orange curls out of her face. She flexed her fingers and shook her hand, trying to rid herself of the pins-and-needles sensation in her fingertips.

The gray morning light trickled through gauzy curtains, illuminating the sizable and well-appointed guest suite. Raven’s guests were treated to a king-sized bed, a complete bathroom, two bureaus, a closet and a small sitting area. The décor was a striking contrast between black and white, including the expensive marble flooring in the bathroom and the room’s artwork. The door leading to the rest of Raven’s apartment was cracked open.

Adagio, aided by the slick sheets, began to slide out of the large bed. She clicked her tongue in her dry mouth and blinked rapidly in an attempt to clear her head. Adagio’s bare feet sank slowly into the thick carpeting, followed by the rest of her.

“What in the Maelstrom’s Eye is wrong with me?” Adagio asked herself. “I feel like how Sonata looks after she has too much to drink. But, I only drank water and…”

She barely remembered the delicious cinnamon taste of Shrieking Raven’s tea. Adagio pulled herself to her feet and frowned in mingled anger and frustration.

I accepted and drank what was handed to me by a creature that is impervious to poisons because it’s already dead. This world and its citizens have made me soft. Aria would never have let me make such a stupid mistake, she thought.

Adagio’s frown deepened to a scowl as she looked at herself in the bathroom mirror. Since being surprised in her own lair, she could never tell whether Shrieking Raven was mocking, using or praising her. Gazing at her reflection, the Siren found herself dressed in a long, white nightgown. The color did not suit her and the style made her appear to be a little girl.

Adagio had obviously slept roughly despite Raven’s alchemy because her long curls were hopelessly snarled. The overall impression was that of an angry orange-haired Medusa instead of an exiled princess. Crossing her arms over her chest, Adagio decided that Raven had decided to mock her. The banshee’s attention to fine detail was too well-developed to make this sort of mistake without intending a deliberate insult.

Adagio, not even your singing could make people do what you tell them until you fix that crazy hair! I’ll help you with the tangles! Adagio could hear Sonata’s voice in her head as she completed her assessment of her unkempt appearance.

The Siren closed and locked the bathroom door. She turned on the shower and let steam fill the bathroom. The cloud above the marble floor mimicked the fog in Adagio’s brain. She disapprovingly tossed the nightgown away and immersed herself in the hot water. As the rivulets ran from head to toe, Adagio began to recall the events of last night. The memories were dim because of the potion that Raven had slipped her, but they would not have come forth at all without the water:

“…You will take your rightful place as Queen of the reborn Aquastrian Empire,” said Raven. “This, my dear, is you,” she said, holding up a black rook. “The king is your Master.”

Adagio’s lips twisted into a cruel smile as the hot water sprayed across her face. She said to herself, “I’ll bet you didn’t think I could remember even this much, Shrieking Raven.” The Siren focused her mind while cleaning her body. She recalled a bit more of the words Raven said over the chessboard:

“You will have to give him tribute in the fashion of other Queens from the past.” Raven placed three pawns on the chessboard. “By consuming three young females, Leviathan will immediately regain much of his former power.”

Adagio began to sing the melody of one of the songs she had composed for the recent Battle of the Bands. Her voice strained and cracked with the lingering aftereffects of the Rainbooms’ magical assault. Despite the dissonance, Adagio instinctively raised her voice to celebrate her minor triumph over Raven’s tea. It was the first triumph of any kind she had enjoyed for nearly a week, so she permitted herself the off-key indulgence.

Adagio shut off the water, dried off and slipped on a terrycloth bathrobe. She retrieved several combs and hairbrushes and began the long chore of removing the tangles from her billowing hair. Still humming discordantly, Adagio’s mind was formulating ways to press her tiny advantage. She continued to comb out the tangles slowly and methodically, the tempo befitting her name.

Adagio commented to her reflection. “Raven underestimates your ability to resist her. She is impatient, despite having all the time in the world. Why would she rush something so important?”

She reached for the hair dryer. As the hot air evaporated the water trapped in her hair, Adagio contemplated Shrieking Raven’s magical abilities.

Adagio frowned and said to her reflection, “Her shriek knocked you to your knees. That has been the only thing that’s truly surprised her so far. What did she say?” She made a mocking impression of Shrieking Raven’s raspy banshee voice. “’Curious. The servants of Leviathan should be immune to my magic.’”

Adagio dressed in one of the outfits she had bought at Rarity’s boutique and paced the carpet of the guest suite for several minutes. Lost in thought, she nearly tripped over the bedroll she had used in the bowels of the aquarium. Her magenta eyes lit up and she rummaged through her belongings. She retrieved a wooden box and a portfolio-sized pad of thick parchment paper. Adagio carefully opened the box and took out several paint brushes and a dozen vials of paint. Her orange eyebrows came together in concentration as she set to work. Memories of her mother flickered through her mind:

Do not show fear, even though Clan Sahuagin is powerful. We can use their pride against them but must not engage them in battle, lest they defeat us. Trick their males into starting a fight with Clan Locathah’s diplomat. War will begin as a result, a war we must encourage. The ensuing battle will leave them both weak and I will then be able to defeat both their armies to keep our people safe.

For the first time in a thousand years, Adagio’s painting formed a mermare instead of a landscape. She started with vicious golden eyes, narrowed with suspicion and calculation:

Daughter, we are doing these lesser beings a favor. We eliminate their choices and the troubles that go with them. It is our duty to protect the Empire and keep it safe for your daughters.

The mermare’s crimson mane and fins were fierce and regal. The silver scales of her muzzle, showing a jaw clenched with determination, seemed to glitter from the paper due to Adagio’s delicate brushwork. The figure was simultaneously beautiful and terrifying, inspiring awe and obedience, but never love:

Would you like to know what price I am willing to pay, my ambitious daughter? I will sacrifice you to the Master and see you transformed into a Siren. You will wage war upon the Sun Princess. And then, once we are victorious in the world above, we will turn on Leviathan and seize his immortality, for I have learned the Master’s True Name. This is my only chance to escape!

“You always spoke to me of duty to the Empire and safety for my future daughters. Why did you choose that time to speak of escape?” asked Adagio, using almost the same words as she did long ago. As she finished the hasty painting of Queen Blinding Dazzle, she added, “It was the only time I ever saw her afraid. Why do I think of her now?”

She balanced the thick piece of paper on an opened bureau drawer to let it dry.

Adagio snapped her fingers as an idea struck her. “Raven? Are you here, Raven?” she called. The silence endured and Adagio smiled.

Adagio unpacked the rest of her bedroll and knapsack, and then took an inventory. She set the items she had stolen from Sunset Shimmer on one of the bureaus. Reaching deep into the bag, her fingers closed around the nondescript compact that tingled with magical energy.

“Your toy needs to show me something useful, Sunset Shimmer,” murmured Adagio hopefully as she focused her concentration upon the magical scrying device. The Canterlot throne room appeared and Adagio intently watched as Princess Luna’s arrival was announced by the castle herald.


“Fierce Vigil, please clear the throne room. Princess Luna and I have a serious matter to discuss in private. Audiences are cancelled for the remainder of the morning.” Princess Celestia's voice stayed pleasant but her eyes, fixed on her sister as she entered, betrayed deep concern.

Princess Luna held herself tall and returned her sister’s gaze with confidence. Despite the cordial wordplay, the sudden shift in tone caused the courtiers present to beat a hasty retreat.

In moments, only the members of the Princesses’ personal guards remained in the throne room. Responding to a subtle gesture from the Sun Princess, the guards departed their post. The ornate double doors clicked shut, leaving only the royal sisters in the cavernous chamber.

Princess Luna gestured with a hoof towards Princess Celestia, who still sat on her throne. “Sister, I see that you’re about to admonish me. Why is that? I had every right to assist and advise Twilight Sparkle, especially since she required aid during the night. Am I truly the source of your consternation?”

Celestia took wing from the elevated dais and landed gently in the center of the throne room. Her lavender eyes were wide with worry and her golden-shod hoof pointed at Luna. “Possibly. Could you please explain to me why you permitted Twilight to send Discord through the portal?”

The Princess of the Night took a deep breath and replied, “Twilight Sparkle should be commended for taking charge of the portal and all Equestrian dealings occurring on the other side. We had a discussion that nearly became an argument whilst I was in Ponyville. Her reactions and decisions since we spoke gave me increased confidence in her judgment, especially with regard to Sunset Shimmer.” Luna finished steadily and waited patiently for Celestia’s reaction.

“Your steadfast support for Twilight has calmed me, but still doesn’t explain why you gave Discord leave to help Sunset Shimmer,” said Celestia. Her brow furrowed and she shook her head. “This has all happened so quickly. She needed more time to prepare herself before being entrusted with these additional responsibilities and more practice making these sorts of decisions. It’s not what I wanted for her, at least not yet.”

Luna took a step towards her sister. She spread her forehooves wide in a sympathetic gesture. “Tia, the Tree of Harmony gave her a castle, which supersedes any authority we have. While I am also disappointed that we were not consulted beforehand, I recommend that you move past that fact. First, we were imprisoned in Tartarus at that critical moment. Second, and linked to our current crisis, I ask you to remember that Twilight’s key to the Tree’s gift, the final key, was given to her by Discord himself.”

“I still believe that Fluttershy remains central to Discord’s reform, Luna. But, I concede that Twilight’s actions during the battle with Tirek have done much to bind the Spirit of Chaos to her and to us,” replied Celestia thoughtfully.

Luna rested her chin on her hoof and then glided to the base of the stained glass window that commemorated Twilight Sparkle and the other Element Bearers’ victory over Discord.

Luna gestured at the scene with a wing. “Discord, by his very nature, will never be truly bound by any of us. Twilight’s trust in him, despite his betrayals, will make him as reliable of an ally as we could ever hope. This is, of course, provided he guides Sunset Shimmer to victory. I agree with Twilight in that Discord is the only one with the skill, knowledge and, oddly enough, the temperament to assist her with her craft.” She smiled sadly at the Sun Princess. “I trust that you’re not considering rash action to help your former student.”

Celestia returned her sister’s sad smile. “Of course I wouldn’t take such a risk, Luna. It’s merely a passing thought. At any rate, I still fear that trusting Discord is too much of a gamble. He is far too unpredictable. Twilight’s naiveté may yet cost us much. What shall we do if he and Sunset Shimmer fail?” inquired Princess Celestia, raising an eyebrow.

Closing the distance between the two, Princess Luna stroked her older sister’s cheek with a hoof. “I protect your dreams, too, Tia. Tell me of your nightmare.”

“Of course you knew.” Celestia’s gaze dropped to the ground in embarassment. “It’s taken me too long to get back into the habit of ruling with you once again.” She met Luna’s placid gaze and said, “A restored Leviathan and a recrowned Aquastrian Queen from the Imperial dynasty would result in the death of thousands, enslave thousands more, and almost certainly end the peace that we have kept for a millennium.”

“Get all of it out into the sunlight, sister,” urged Luna.

“War and a long martial mobilization would ruin Twilight Sparkle. With her abilities, she would become a great general and would selflessly defend others, but in her enthusiasm, she would forget that she is destined to be the Princess of Friendship,” finished Celestia sadly.

The Princess of the Night made an imploring gesture. “If you had seen all of the dreams I have observed within the Castle of Friendship, you would have greater faith in Discord. Trust me now, sister. If Twilight’s plan succeeds, it is the best possible outcome. I am confident that Discord and Sunset Shimmer will prove their loyalty. Twilight will show mastery of events on par with yours and war will be avoided. Just think of the possibilities if Discord’s knowledge combines with Sunset Shimmer’s raw magical ability!” Luna pointed a hoof at the stained-glass diagram of the Elements of Harmony.

“Starswirl would have been happy to see this turn of events and your involvement in them,” added Celestia with a smile that conveyed complex emotions.

“Now that I am myself once more, I think of him often,” said Luna, the regret evident in her voice. “The Tree is changing, sister. It grows again. We must grow and change with it. Leviathan is not to be trifled with, even in his weakened, dormant state. I will speak to you of greater dangers and contingency plans in private once you have lowered the sun.”

Celestia embraced Luna and said, “I agree that these are subjects better discussed in our chambers. Now that we understand one another with regard to Discord, let us continue our business. Have the guards re-enter and show in King Leo’s emissary from Aquastria. Senator Crashing Wave is a patient, cheerful seapony, but the spell enabling him to function outside of water will not last forever.”

Luna’s teal eyes took on a stormy hue and inclined toward the ceiling. “Permit me one indulgence, first, Tia. I sense unfriendly eyes.” Princess Luna spread her wings and flew to a distant corner of the throne room. She stared directly at a tiny mirror affixed to the ceiling.

“Luna, what is it?” asked Celestia from below.

Angrily narrowing her tempestuous eyes at the reflective surface, Luna spoke to the mirror more than to Celestia as she called out, “Nothing of consequence, dear sister. I found something that was once regal and magnificent, even in its darkness. Now it is twisted, broken and without a purpose.”


Adagio Dazzle saw the features of the gray-blue muzzle contort themselves in vengeful anger. The fury from the stormy gaze of the Princess of the Night was palpable. Adagio’s pulse quickened and her stomach swam. She closed Sunset Shimmer’s magical compact with a sharp click.

She thought, Not only did the younger alicorn survive, but she knows!

Adagio’s quick mind, aided by her political acumen, processed the conversation she had overheard between the two Princesses. Soon, her short breaths of terror calmed and her fear began to transform into fury at the awful truth that Celestia’s brief comment had revealed.

A king on my mother’s throne! The throne that is now mine! A male seapony emissary holding a title common to a republic or a democracy! I can’t abide this disaster. Mother, I have failed you and all mermares! Adagio's internal dialogue was despondent.

Adagio removed her elaborate, five-spiked hair ornament in both hands and pressed hidden switches on both sides. The hair clip’s sides extended and the object took on a curve that ran through a half-circle. The spikes remained centered on the circle’s arc. She walked to the guest bathroom and ran the item beneath the faucet’s hot water. Cheap paint ran down the drain. Adagio dried the ornament and placed it upon her head.

The trendy hair ornament had been transformed into an obsidian tiara, adorned by five white-gold spikes. Adagio briefly modeled the royal device, which had endured transformation and centuries of exile with its owner.

Adagio magenta eyes flashed with anger. With a fierce facial expression that was nearly identical to the one she painted on her mother’s portrait, Adagio said to her reflection, “I’ll show that alicorn what’s twisted and broken!” She frowned in frustration and added, “But, she is right about at least one thing being damaged. The crown’s ability to help me speak with the Master hasn’t worked for many years.”

She thought, It is Aquastria’s duty to serve me, but my duty to rule. By doing so, I protect my subjects.

Adagio looked into the living room and saw the chessboard still sitting on the table in the living room. The pieces had been returned to their classic starting position. She walked rapidly around the living room, dining room, and kitchen.

She found a handwritten note on the dining room table that was long on flowery praise, but essentially told the Siren that she had gone to work at the high school, there was untainted food in the refrigerator and that she was to relax without attempting to open any locked doors in the apartment. The intricate wordplay made it politely clear that Adagio was expected to stay in Raven’s home for the day and that disobedience would result in severe consequences. The Siren disdainfully folded the note in half and placed it back on the table.

“But I think that I can make use of this opportunity, contrary to Raven’s wishes,” said Adagio, striding boldly to the chessboard.

“The Empire must be restored and only He Who Swims in Darkness can help me reclaim it. It seems you have limited my options, Raven, but a cornered adversary is often a dangerous and unpredictable enemy. It’s time to apply my mother’s lessons,” Adagio said, rearranging the pieces on the board. “Either I find Aria and Sonata and flee, or I go along with your plan to wake the Master. This plan is obviously a trap, which is why it is the only choice that makes sense.”

Adagio Dazzle picked up a white pawn and danced it forward square by square. “Shrieking Raven, you think of me as just another piece on the board. What you are forgetting about this game is that if you allow a pawn to make it all the way to the eighth square, it will become powerful!” She replaced the white pawn with the white queen.

She continued. “Once I am restored, my subjects will return to their Queen, dramatically improving my position.” Adagio placed a white knight and a white rook next to the queen, deep in the black player’s territory.

She brought three white pawns close to the queen. Adagio tipped each of them over and cruelly said, “It’s too bad that grand games require sacrifice to earn victory.”

Adagio folded her tiara back into a spiked hair-ornament that held back her voluminous curls. She then unearthed the disposable cell phone she had stolen from Sunset Shimmer. Smiling viciously, Adagio formulated her plan.

She thought, Let Shrieking Raven think she holds the upper hand. I’ll go forward with her ritual, but I will betray and destroy her the moment that Leviathan regains his power, because I will then be immune to her magic scream. Like that boastful illusionist with the white hair, I still have plenty of tricks up my sleeve. But one thing is clear; the three girls that Raven mentioned are surely doomed. No matter what happens, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom must die to feed the Master.


During the confusion following Discord’s arrival, Sonata Dusk quietly slipped away from the others and made her way through the empty halls to the Canterlot High School Library. The building had begun to come to life for the day, but few teachers had arrived. Sonata knew this was the only time she’d be able to gather information without interference. Her feet kept moving forward, despite a pitched battle inside her mind:

A cheerful, sunny voice cried, Sonata, you shouldn’t to this! Let them be happy.

But, I need him! Big Macintosh will be a protector to me as Aria was to Adagio and so much more. He will also be my general and my consort, intoned a covetous, cruel voice.

Sonata’s conscience protested. Listen to yourself! You’ll ruin all that you love about him even as he helps you seize the crown. He’s a farmer with a noble heart, not a general.

He deserves better than toiling in the mud for the rest of his life. All of the Apples deserve more and I will give it to them whether they want it or not, countered Sonata’s greed and ambition.

The bright voice despaired. Sunset Shimmer was right. Aria was right. Let Big Macintosh make the choice for himself. He is courageous and certain. Tell him the truth!

Sonata sadly came to a decision as she approached Cheerilee’s desk. She whispered to herself, “I’m afraid he would say ‘no.’ I’m too scared to take that chance.” Sonata began her espionage and her forlorn, guilty expression transformed into a mask of concentration.

The trusting librarian hadn’t even locked her desk. Sonata snatched an envelope from the top drawer. Quickly reading, she found that the unopened mail had Cheerilee’s home address on it. Sonata quickly wrote down the address and replaced the envelope.

The teacher’s desk calendar still showed the previous month. Sonata Dusk noted an unusual number of medical appointments on Cheerilee’s schedule, which culminated in the sick time that she had taken during the Battle of the Bands.

“What is she hiding?” Sonata asked herself as she began to carefully examine the contents of the remaining desk drawers. Her lips twisted in a vicious, triumphant smile as she pulled two medical pamphlets from the bottom drawer of Cheerilee’s desk.

“It looks like you won’t be bouncing any purple-haired babies on your knee any time soon, Big Macintosh,” said Sonata to herself. She sneered at crayon-crafted artwork on the edge of the desk. “Cheerilee, it’s now no wonder why you suddenly like the younger children’s pictures so much! Too bad. So sad.”

Despite the comforting pictures of young couples in love on the covers, the titles of the pamphlets told Sonata Dusk everything that she needed to puzzle out the situation. In her blue-tinted fingers, she held medical booklets with titles such as Improving Ovarian Production and Fertility Solutions.

Sonata put each item back in its proper place. Before departing the library, she placed one of the library’s music history books in the center of the desk and left the teacher a short note.

Ms. Cheerilee,

I wanted to return this book to the library. I read it while I was staying at Sweet Apple Acres last night. Thanks for the recommendation, but it certainly didn’t help me conceive any new musical ideas.

Sonata Dusk

Sonata donned her spiked leather bracelets and exited the library, humming softly to herself.


The school bell rang loudly, interrupting Discord in mid-sentence. Most students streamed for the exits as they jabbered about their brilliant, entertaining, and incomprehensible new instructor. Wiz Kid and Atomic Adam were desperate to continue the lecture and praise the substitute teacher. The classroom’s whiteboards and much of the bulletin board were filled with notes and diagrams that made no sense whatsoever without Discord’s narration.

“Professor Discord, your theories mean that all matter is malleable!” exclaimed Wiz Kid.

Atomic Adam enthusiastically added, “Teleportation and atomic fusion are within our grasp!”

Discord seemed to start each lesson in a classic tweed suit, but concluded each class period in increasingly outlandish clothing. At the close of his fourth class, he was wearing a paisley-patterned radiation suit and had allowed his hair to turn white and wild.

He answered, “Indeed, but don’t forget the universal constants: Eighty-eight miles per hour, the average airspeed of an unladen swallow, and Sunset Shimmer’s foul temper.”

Professor Discord, please let me escort you to your next obligation,” insisted Sunset Shimmer, stepping forward. After nearly four hours of serving as the Spirit of Chaos’ aide at Principal Celestia’s request, the insanity disguised as high level mathematics had caused her pretty face to be creased by a scowl. Sunset’s green-blue eyes betrayed her frustration with Discord.

The radiation suit disappeared, replaced by his original plaid sport coat, paisley shirt and striped pants. He temporarily added a closed collar with a band of white on it as he said, “But these two want to hear me preach the wonders of Chaos! Who am I to deny their heart’s wish?” Wiz Kid and Atomic Adam were on the verge of tears in their desire to continue speaking with Discord.

“Sorry, guys. I’ll make it up to you somehow, but Discord needs to come with me,” declared Sunset Shimmer. She tried to hasten the process by putting on Discord’s backpack and found she could barely lift it.

“Oh, let me help you, my young apprentice,” said Discord, noticing the girl’s struggle. He grabbed the large stick projecting from the backpack but did nothing else.

“I’m going to the band room to talk with the girls. You should go to the teacher’s lounge for lunch,” she said, burdened by the massive pack.

Discord rolled his red eyes and chuckled, “Oh, no. I absolutely refuse to be alone in this warren of tiny rooms and teenage angst. And, I’m certainly not leaving that pack unattended until we get to the forge. Show me where to go, fearless leader!” Sunset groaned and showed Discord the way to the music rooms.

As they navigated the hallways, Discord gleefully greeted students, faculty, lockers, light fixtures and floor tiles. Sunset Shimmer took laborious steps towards the music room, arriving just before her strength and patience ran out.

Sonata, Applejack and Rainbow Dash rushed to Sunset Shimmer’s aid, helped her remove the magical treasures from her back, and set the bundle carefully on the floor. Discord, immersed in examining the contents of the room, absently placed the bough from the Golden Oak Library on top of the pack.

Pinkie Pie bounded into the room and announced, in a fair impression of Aria Blaze’s grumpy voice, “Aria is not going to leave the art rooms until the mold has finished firing!” She smiled, cheering the mood in the room, and brightly added, “When I asked about bathroom breaks, she started throwing stuff at me. It was great!”

Fluttershy approached Discord, who was tapping on a string bass’ wood exterior. She asked kindly, “Do you play a musical instrument, Discord?”

Hearing the shy girl’s voice, the Spirit of Chaos snapped back to the present. He replied, “I’ve been known to play a mean jazz flute!” He reached into his jacket and produced a silver flute. Discord’s clothing transformed into a burgundy suit and his face suddenly sported a ridiculous moustache. He winked at Fluttershy and caused the flute to trill like a forest songbird.

Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Sonata Dusk, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy all stared at Discord as he played. Pinkie Pie’s jaw fell open.

Sonata helped Pinkie Pie close her mouth and muttered to her, “The Pipes of Pan, indeed.”

Pinkie Pie turned to the blue-haired Siren and replied, “What pan? We don’t cook in this room, silly!”

“You need more stage theater in your life, Pinkie Pie,” replied Sonata with a smile.

Sunset Shimmer smoothed her jacket, took a deep breath, then stepped forward and politely asked, “Could I interrupt the show for a moment, Discord?”

“What? You don’t want to rock out?” replied Discord. He placed a hand on Sunset Shimmer’s shoulder, and her outfit morphed into a glittering, clinging jumpsuit. An outlandish black wig fit poorly on top of her head. Discord laughed and the other girls stifled giggles.

“Enough!” snapped Sunset Shimmer. “This is important.”

Discord snapped the fingers of his other hand and the pandemonium ceased. He gave Fluttershy a beaming smile.

Sunset Shimmer asked Pinkie Pie, “Could you please take Sonata with you to buy a snack?”

“Oh, I have something right here,” she replied, reaching into her pink curls. Before she could finish yanking free a concealed treat, Pinkie Pie noticed Sunset Shimmer take Adagio’s note out of her jacket. Pinkie realized what was about to happen and adapted to Sunset’s plan. “I guess I was wrong! Come on, Sonata, we’ll be back in a few minutes.”

As Pinkie Pie led Sonata Dusk away, Sunset Shimmer paced the room and finally laid the note on one of the room’s tables. She turned both pictures face down and motioned for Applejack and Rainbow Dash to approach.

Fluttershy and Discord stood together on the other side of the room. Sensing that his antics would be unwelcome, he thumbed his lapel pin and asked Fluttershy softly, “What’s happening?”

“Sunset Shimmer is giving them an apology and an explanation. She should have done this a long time ago, but the right time never came. So now Adagio Dazzle has forced it upon her and it’s so much tougher than it should have been,” answered Fluttershy, who sadly shook her head.

Discord’s red eyes met Fluttershy’s turquoise gaze. He said, without a hint of sarcasm, “Fluttershy, trust me when I say that I completely understand. So, tell me, how is Angel Bunny?” He smiled kindly as his eyes lightened to a pink hue and his white goatee spread across his face and turned into a short, snowy beard. Discord reached into his jacket and presented Fluttershy with a small plate holding a few tiny cucumber sandwiches.

At the table, Sunset Shimmer showed Rainbow Dash and Applejack the note from Adagio. After Sunset explained how her heart had descended into darkness and how her situation had become desperate, she turned over the two pictures.

Applejack initially thought, How dare she? First selling stuff to the mob, then blackmailing Rarity’s dad? I’m going to give her a piece of my mind!

She was about to deliver a blistering rebuke to Sunset Shimmer when she felt a tickle, like that of a feather, against her cheek. Applejack paused for a moment. She looked at Sunset Shimmer more closely as she sparred verbally with Rainbow Dash.

“Hold on, I can roll with the money part of this. But, playing tonsil hockey with Rarity’s dad and then demanding cash? Wow, that takes some brass! I don’t know whether to be pissed off or proud of you,” said Rainbow Dash. She was looking at Sunset Shimmer sideways with her head tilted and lips pressed together in concentration.

Applejack noticed Sunset Shimmer’s red-rimmed eyes and examined the remnants of tear streaks on her cheeks. She’s completely done crying for the day. Whatever happened with Rarity drained the whole well, thought Applejack, her initial anger melting away.

Sunset Shimmer’s exasperation was growing as she replied to Rainbow Dash, “I’ve been trying to tell you for months that I’m not that person anymore!”

No, we have to stay together, and this can’t be a time where Rainbow tries to score cheap goals on an open net, Applejack resolved.

“But he was like twenty-five years older than you! And, with you dressed like that, it was totally unfair. He didn’t stand a chance!” responded Rainbow Dash, spreading her arms wide in an exaggerated complaint that was more appropriate for the soccer field than the music room.

Applejack jumped in. “Unfair? Forgive me, Rainbow Dash, but that sounds a little silly coming from the conference leader in penalties last year.” Sunset Shimmer immediately gave a sigh of relief.

“I led the conference in goals, too!” She looked from Applejack’s concerned face to Sunset Shimmer’s ashamed one and added, “Okay, I see your point. Look, I like to be the best in everything I do, and I like to win a little too much.”

“A little?” retorted Applejack.

Rainbow Dash frowned and admitted, “Alright, Applejack, I like to win way too much.” She looked at Sunset Shimmer and continued. “But, when I finally learned how to play tough without playing dirty, I had a lot to answer for.”

“I don’t get it. What do you mean, Rainbow Dash?” asked Sunset Shimmer.

“You have to learn to forgive yourself. I injured one of my opponents with a slide tackle during my sophomore year. I cleaned up my act but still blamed myself and felt awful every time I saw that girl. It took me a long time to apologize and talk it out with her, but I almost went crazy before I got it all off my chest and moved forward with being awesome.”

Sunset Shimmer nodded with understanding. “You’re saying I haven’t gotten over the Fall Formal?”

Rainbow Dash shifted her weight from one foot to another and finally said, “Yep. You need to let go of the Fall Formal and everything that happened before we became friends. Learn from it, but stop dwelling on it. The best example I can come up with is that I’ll never ask the band to play ‘Awesome as I Want to Be’ ever again because I feel terrible about how I almost screwed everything up.”

“It wasn’t just you, sugar cube,” said Applejack.

Rainbow Dash ignored the comment and spoke earnestly to Sunset Shimmer. “What I’m trying to spit out is that what you’re doing for Aria and Sonata is awesome and I’m sorry you were forced into this conversation. But, you have to be able to look at yourself in the mirror before you can put an end to that bad chapter in your past and be the person you should be.”

Sunset Shimmer hugged the athletic girl. “Thanks for understanding and thanks for the advice, Rainbow Dash.” Sunset looked at Applejack and added, “You’ve been awfully quiet. Can I answer any of your questions? Frankly, I was really worried about what you’d think.”

“I just need to think about all this for a while, but I believe that I’ll be just fine,” answered Applejack with a smile. “If I learned anything from the Battle of the Bands, I learned that all of us need to stick together no matter what. If you and I need to talk, I’ll make sure to track you down later. After all, you’re going to need a fair bit of time at the farm!”

Pinkie Pie and Sonata burst through the doors and giggled their way to the center of the room.

From her vantage point, Applejack saw the entire music room and everyone in it. She noticed Sunset Shimmer and Rainbow Dash close to her, with smiles of reconciliation on their faces. Sonata and Pinkie Pie joked with one another in the middle of the room. Discord and Fluttershy had their heads close together in conversation near the drum set. Against the far wall, Applejack noticed Rarity’s lonely keytar in its rack. A chill ran down her spine.

“Girls, I have to go. I’ll meet you at the farm. Dashie, pick up my homework for me,” said Applejack suddenly, adjusting her hat and grabbing her book bag.

“Where are you going? Won’t Big Macintosh freak out when we all show up unannounced?” called Sunset Shimmer, holding up a hand. She raised her voice. “Applejack, stop for a second!”

“Don’t worry about Big Mac. I’ll take care of him in a bit, but right now I have to do something in town. Trust me. It’s a gut feeling sort of thing,” answered Applejack calmly and confidently as she jogged into the hallway.

“Well, at least the van’s big enough to hold everyone.” Fluttershy’s soft voice carried through the suddenly silent room.

“How come all of you get to come and go all the time? My parents never let me out of school!” sulked Pinkie Pie, crossing her arms across her chest.

Observing Pinkie’s complaint, Sunset Shimmer walked to the center of the room. Applejack’s sudden departure had interrupted the conversation between Sonata Dusk and Pinkie Pie. Sonata bit her lip and looked at Sunset Shimmer questioningly. Pinkie continued to pout.

An idea flashed through Sunset Shimmer’s head. She decided to take Discord’s advice on staying in groups to heart. Placing a hand on Pinkie Pie’s shoulder, Sunset suggested, “Why don’t you spend the day keeping watch with Aria? Your Pinkie Sense would alert you both to danger, and I need your help with something while I work on the other mold at Applejack’s house.”

“You need my help?” Pinkie asked quizzically, then grabbed Sonata by both hands and danced around the music room. “She needs my help! Woohoo! Other than entertaining Aria - and she loves me, I just know it - what do you need?”

Sunset Shimmer rummaged in Discord’s pack and retrieved two immense books. She handed them to Pinkie Pie and instructed, “I need you to read these and tell me if you learn anything important. Aria may be able to help you understand the history book a little better.”

“Okie dokie lokie!” answered Pinkie Pie enthusiastically.

“One more thing,” cautioned Sunset Shimmer, who raised an index finger. “Twilight wanted these books back undamaged. They’re very old and irreplaceable. Think you’re up to it?”

Pinkie pantomimed locking the books in a safe, then replied, “You can count on me!”

“Thank you,” said Sunset Shimmer.

As Pinkie Pie retreated out of sight with the books, the girls overheard her saying to herself, “Aria and I are going to have so much fun watching clay harden. I have so much to tell her!”

Discord wiped his face and replaced it with an executioner’s mask. “Sunset Shimmer, I didn’t know that torture was in your repertoire. That grumpy Siren is going to be searching for earmuffs or pointy objects in the next fifteen minutes!” he said, chuckling.

Sunset Shimmer ignored him and turned to the blue-haired Siren. “Sonata, how confident are you that you can get in touch with Adagio?”

Sonata smiled and replied, “Very. But, don’t you have some work to do yet before you’re ready for her?”

“You’re right, but you and I haven’t had a chance to talk for a while. Thanks for volunteering to help us out,” said Sunset Shimmer. “Aria, Fluttershy and I saw some of your things at the aquarium, but it looks like you’ve replaced most of them by now.”

Discord had returned himself to his most common appearance. A smirk graced his face as he listened attentively to the conversation between Sonata Dusk and Sunset Shimmer.

“My twin brother made me a keepsake that I want to get back,” said Sonata mysteriously.

Sunset Shimmer’s eyes grew wide. She warned Sonata, “If you go to the aquarium - and I don’t recommend it - don’t go alone! Discord was very insistent about that.”

“Don’t worry, Sunset Shimmer. I have it all planned out. Besides, I want to stay at Sweet Apple Acres tonight!” finished Sonata confidently.

Discord couldn’t restrain himself any longer. He rubbed his hands over Sonata Dusk’s head and a spray of tiny, glitter-coated hearts and apples burst forth, scattering over her. Sonata’s beaming smile transformed into a mask of confusion.

Sunset Shimmer grinned and helped Sonata Dusk get the glittering pieces of plastic out of her long blue hair. “I’m proud of you, Sonata! I’m so glad that you are happy helping the Apples. I heard from Applejack that you are incredibly fast at getting all of the chores done. We might turn you into a farmer yet!”

Fluttershy, Discord, Sonata Dusk, Sunset Shimmer and Rainbow Dash gathered their belongings and started towards their afternoon obligations.

Sonata frowned nervously at Discord while she brushed the glitter off of her clothes. Turning back to Sunset Shimmer, she finished her conversation with enthusiasm. “I don’t think I’m cut out to be a farmer, Sunset. Still, defeating Adagio and spending time with the Apple Family are the top two things on my agenda!”


The tires on the Apple Family’s pickup truck squealed as Applejack tore out of the pizzeria’s parking lot. Takeout boxes on the passenger seat held three gigantic slices of Manehattan-style cheese pizza. Applejack pressed the limits of the venerable truck’s transmission and acceleration as she wove through Canterlot’s midday traffic. Miraculously, she found a parking spot on the street less than a block from the Carousel Boutique.

Applejack gulped and thought, I hope that a peace offering will get her to see reason. I have a bad feeling of what will happen if she doesn’t come around soon. Rarity’s grudges are like concrete, and I can’t let this one set.

As Applejack opened the door, a small silver bell rang. Elegant Ensemble paused while folding clothes. She finished her work with the current garment, brushed a lock of long, platinum-blonde hair from her face and smiled warmly at Applejack.

“Shouldn’t you be in school?” Elegant Ensemble said in a teasing tone. Her smile disappearing, the proprietor’s blue eyes locked with Applejack’s green gaze. “I’m glad one of you came. We all know that Rarity is often the perfect image of composure until something goes wrong. And whatever happened with Sunset Shimmer has put her in a bad way.”

Applejack took off her hat, smoothed her hair and replaced the Stetson in its proper place on the top of her head. “I hope a gift of pizza will start things off right. I brought a piece for you, if you’d like one.”

“Thank you, Applejack. I’ll accept your caloric therapy with my deepest gratitude.” Elegant Ensemble inclined her head towards the hallway and added, “Good luck up there.”

As she set down the box containing Elegant’s slice of pizza on the sales counter, Applejack was forced to move some items that had yet to be properly inventoried. Her eyes locked upon a large brooch with the design of a rainbow connecting two storm clouds.

She picked up the item and asked, “Elegant, do you mind if I take this upstairs to Rarity? It made me think of something important.”

“I don’t mind at all, Applejack. I know you well enough to be certain that shoplifting is not a concern,” she replied.

Stuffing the pin into her pocket and carefully carrying the two slices of pizza, Applejack ascended the staircase and cocked her head at the sounds of daytime television permeating the entire second floor. Her boots made heavy footfalls as she navigated her way to the den. Applejack poked her head around the doorframe and saw Rarity sprawled out on the couch.

The only trace remaining from this morning’s carefully assembled ensemble was the purple suit jacket tossed across the seat of the recliner. Rarity’s head was concealed by a hooded sweatshirt and her legs were curled up under a blanket. Her mascara had run and she hadn’t taken the time to remove any of her makeup. Applejack rolled her eyes when she noticed that the fashionista was busily devouring a pint of ice cream.

“Alright, sugar cube, it’s time to put the ice cream down and sit up,” announced Applejack.

Rarity jumped, nearly dropping the spoon at the unexpected voice. She took one more bite. “Why should I? Evidently, Sunset Shimmer prefers poaching married men and draining bank accounts over apologizing to her friends.”

“You know that’s not true,” replied Applejack, swinging Rarity’s feet to the floor and sitting on the other end of the couch.

Rarity set the half-empty container on the coffee table, placed the back of her hand on her forehead and moaned, “But, with my own father, Applejack! I was falling for Sunset Shimmer and now I can’t face her or the humiliation!”

Applejack shook her head. “Dial down the drama, Rarity. This is me you’re talking to, not Fluttershy or Pinkie Pie. I’m not exactly happy about what she did, either.”

“You’re not? Which part is worse for you? Is it the cloying decay of betrayal or the foul stench of greed?” Rarity sat up.

“Eat some pizza to smother your sorrow. It’s your favorite,” said Applejack, patiently pushing one of the boxes towards the dramatic fashion designer.

“Applejack, that’s so very thoughtful! Thank you!” said Rarity, folding the huge slice in half and taking a bite.

“While your mouth’s full, think about this, Rarity. I’m convinced that Twilight brought us all together for a reason. At first, I thought it was just to defeat Sunset Shimmer, but as she changed, so did the way I thought about all of us – all seven of us.” Applejack paused, set her hat on the table and opened her own slice of pizza.

“What’s that?” said Rarity. She wiped the grease off her face with a napkin.

Applejack said, “There are two things that I came over here to tell you, Rarity. First, something more powerful than the magic of friendship is keeping us together, but it’s still fragile, like an apple sapling. We can still mess things up.”

Rarity scowled. “Oh, I think things are well beyond messed up between me and Sunset Shimmer.”

Applejack turned off the television and scooted close to Rarity. Looking her in the eyes, she said, “Which brings me to the second part. Friends forgive each other. Did you forget that you were the first one of us to lift a hand to help Sunset Shimmer? We knew she did some awful things, but she is now our friend. You need to forgive her so she can forgive herself.”

“But I can’t get the image of Sunset Shimmer and my philandering father out of my head!” Rarity wailed, but Applejack perceived that her impassioned words had cracked the fashionista’s façade.

“Yeah, I understand that. I’m upset for you, because what Sunset did wasn’t right,” said Applejack, “But I have a feeling that we have more important things to worry about.”

Rarity nodded hesitantly and said, “I know. Whatever is happening is dangerous enough for Twilight to send someone in her place. This Leviathan creature sounds horrifying and Adagio’s plans must be truly awful. But, what can we do? Sunset Shimmer is the one that knows all about magic after all.”

Calm and wise, she said, “We can stand together. We’ve done it before and we must do it again.” Applejack dug into her pocket and placed the enameled pin portraying the rainbow in Rarity’s lap. “Rarity, this is from downstairs in the store you’ve made a success through your inspiration and hard work. Look at the pin. If you take away one of the colors, the whole thing doesn’t look right. Do you understand what I’m trying to tell you?”

Rarity furrowed her brow in concentration. She took an enormous bite of pizza as she examined the brooch. Applejack’s green eyes shone with wisdom and determination. Faced with the emerald gaze, Rarity’s theatrics were swept away. She swallowed the pizza, pulled back the sweatshirt’s hood, sat up straight and took a deep breath.

Rarity softly said, “I had these commissioned after we defeated… after the Fall Formal. It’s serendipity that they were delivered now.” The fashion designer rubbed her eyes. “Applejack, darling, as usual, you are correct. You use reality and your folksy wisdom as blunt instruments to force me into seeing matters from a better perspective. I certainly don’t like it, but I did need it. Of course I’ll help. But, can you permit my using the cliché that wounds need time to heal?”

Applejack pointed a finger at her friend. “I know this is tough, but we need you to find the gumption to heal your hurt feelings more quickly. We can’t fuss and fight. Didn’t we learn anything from the Dazzlings? Sunset Shimmer told us that we need to stop Adagio from carrying out her plans with this Leviathan critter. I don’t think that Siren will wait for you to dry your tears and put on your face. If you can speed up the forgiveness train for me, I’ll owe you a favor.”

“You know what favor I’ve asked for, time and again,” replied Rarity. A mischievous smile curled across her face.

Applejack indulged in theatrics of her own, removing her hat and fluttering her eyelashes. “Fine, I’ll walk the runway for you, but only once! Just don’t try to burn me out the way you did poor Fluttershy when you talked her into modeling.”

Rarity was smiling warmly now, using a singsong voice. “It’s time to introduce the summer line, Applejack! You know that means short skirts and swimsuits, right?”

“I told you I’d do it, didn’t I? We have to wait until after all this is over, though. But first thing’s first! You have to make up with Sunset Shimmer!” demanded Applejack.

Rarity wiped her hands on her hooded sweatshirt and gave Applejack a hug. “I can’t bear to face Sunset Shimmer again so soon. I’m still quite angry, though you’ve given me much to ponder. I’m much closer to forgiving her, but I need to think about what you’ve said and get myself back in order.”

“Come on, Rarity, give me something I can use as a peace offering. Sunset is pretty torn up over all this, too. Besides, farmer’s intuition tells me we need to get our act together soon because we may not have that much time left,” said Applejack, holding Rarity by both shoulders.

She smiled at Applejack and replied, “The healing powers of Peanut Butter Swirl ice cream, Manehattan-style pizza and a, shall we say, direct friend are more powerful than I dared hope. As you wish, Applejack. Please tell Sunset Shimmer that I will have the gown she wore on Tuesday night fixed by tomorrow and tell her ‘good luck at the forge’ from me.”

“Thanks, Rarity. I just know that will help,” said Applejack. A noontime ray of sunshine broke through the curtains to illuminate the two young women on the couch as they finished their lunch together.

Author's Note:

Happy New Year to one and all! I hope that 2015 is off to a great start for everyone. It’s hard for me to believe that I started this writing journey with short, one-sitting chapters and have progressed to a much more complicated creative process.

I’d like to express my thanks to IsabellaAmoreSirenix for her continued editing excellence and to SerenaAveline for her sage advice. IsabellaAmoreSirenix has recently published two outstanding one-chapter stories which I suggest reading. I recommended one of them in a blog post. Her writing and storytelling are very different from mine and superior in many respects. I have only one caution - be prepared for stories with the “sad” tag.

Thanks for your steadfast and continuing support of Sunset Shimmer: Element Bearer even as the pace of my writing slows. I am grateful for your taking the time to read over 70,000 words to reach this point. I look forward to your thoughts, comments and encouragement!